Influence of VLSMs in drag reduction by streamwise travelling wave of spanwise wall velocity Qiang Yang and Yongmann M. Chung School of Engineering and Centre for Scientific Computing University of Warwick September 3, 2015 Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 1 / 13 Introduction Drag reduction by streamwise travelling wave Drag reduction can be achieved by applying panwise wall velocity in the form w = A sin(kx x − ωt); First explored by Quadrio et al. [2009], extensively studied by Hurst et al. [2014] with particular emphasise on the Reynolds number effect; Drag reduction maps at three Reynolds numbers: Reτ = 200, 400, and 800. Drag reduction region (blue); drag increase region (yellow). Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 2 / 13 Introduction Reynolds number effect Effect 1: at fixed control parameters, the drag reduction rate deteriorates at higher Reynolds number (Touber and Leschziner [2012]). Effect 2: the optimal control parameter (frequency, ω or wavenumber, κx ) moves to a higher value at higher Reynolds number. 500 200 60 100 T+ 50 1000 λ+ 500 40 DR DR 40 20 Reτ=200 Reτ=400 Reτ=800 Reτ=1600 0 -20 5000 2000 60 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 20 Reτ=200 Reτ=400 Reτ=800 Reτ=1600 0 0.2 ω+ -20 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 κ+x Drag reduction rate for oscillation cases (κx = 0.0, left) and stationary wave cases (ω = 0.0, right). Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 3 / 13 Introduction Graphic view of inner and outer structures ↑ Near wall vertical structures (small scales) ↑ Outer VLSMs (large/super scales) ↓ Footprints of VLSMs at y+ = 5 (no control/ oscillation/ stationary wave/ travelling wave) Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 4 / 13 Introduction Characteristic eddy Near wall small streaks outer region super streaks, simultantaneously captured using the characteristic eddy defined by Moin and Moser [1989]. 80 0.6 60 y y+ 0.8 0.4 0.2 0-1 40 20 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) -100 -50 0 50 100 z+ z DR control September 3, 2015 5 / 13 Introduction Role of VLSMs Mathis et al. [2011] u+ (y+ ) = + + + u∗ (y+ ) {1 + β u+ OL (yO , θL )} + αuOL (yO , θL ) | {z } | {z } | {z } universal f ield amplitudemodulation linearsuperposition Superimposition: VLSMs directly contribute to the near wall fluctuation though their footprints. Modulations: VLSMs modify the amplitude, frequency and phase of the near wall small scale structures. 2p Two point amplitude modulation CAM = uL (y1 )EL (uS )(y2 ) at Reτ = 200, 400, 800 and 1600 Bernardini and Pirozzoli [2011]. Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 6 / 13 Result: superimposition Streamwise wall shear stress, τw Spectra filter size: λx ≥ 3h, λz ≥ 0.5h. FIK (Fukagata and Kasagi [2002], Deck et al. [2014]): Z 1 τw (kx , kz ) = 0 (1 − y)Φuv dy Main contribution to τw at λx = h, λz = 0.5h; near wall structures have much stronger footprints. kx kz Φτw0 τw0 Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) kx kz Φτw τw DR control September 3, 2015 7 / 13 Result: superimposition Decomposed τw0 All scales Small scales Large scales cu (kx , kz , y) = −Imhû∗ ∂t ûi/ kx h|û|2 i (del Álamo and Jiménez [2009]) uc + 10 5 τw, present τw, Jeon et. al. 1999 0 Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control -1 10 0 λx 10 1 10 September 3, 2015 8 / 13 Result: superimposition Correlation between τw0 VS τw Small scales are easier to be damped; Damping large scales is crucial for laminarization. 0.5 All LS SS τw’/τw,0 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 τw/τw,0 Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 9 / 13 Result: modulation Conditioned DR maps under positive and negative VLSMs 1 overall neg pos 0.8 pdf 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -2 -1 0 1 2 τw/σ Pdf of VLSMs, CDF = 30% (Agostini and Leschziner [2014]) Wall shear stress (ω + = 0.0, κx+ = 0.004) Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 10 / 13 Result: modulation Conditioned DR maps under positive and negative VLSMs DR |P = τw,0|P − τw|P τw,0|P × 100; DR |N = τw,0|N − τw|N τw,0|N × 100 Drag increase region is narrower under positive VLSMs region; Maximum DR is larger under positive VLSMs region. All regions (DR) Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) Positive region (DR |P ) DR control Negative region (DR |N ) September 3, 2015 11 / 13 Result: modulation Conditioned spectra under positive and negative VLSMs Small scales under positive VLSMs region are more intense, shorter and convect c↑ faster. ω ↑= uc kx = 2πu (Ganapathisubramani et al. [2012]). λ↓ x ↓ streamwise spectra ↑ Conditional windows x ,ω) |ω=ωc = 0)↓ kx − ω spectra (uc (kx ) = −ωc /kx , ∂ Φ(k ∂ω ×10-6 0.4 SS|pos+SS|neg SS SS|pos SS|neg 0.3 kxΦττ λ+x =640 0.2 0.1 0 λ+x =760 -1 0 10 10 10 1 λx Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 12 / 13 Conclusions Conclusions VLSMs can be affected by streamwise travelling wave of wall motion, but the control is less effective than the control to the small scales. VLSMs modulate the small scales underneath it, leading the small scales to be short in length and faster in convection velocity within positive VLSMs; the opposite in negative VLSMs. At higher Reynolds number, the near wall control needs to target at the positive VLSMs footprint region. Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 13 / 13 Conclusions FFT filter size λx ≥ 3h, λz ≥ 0.5h. 8 u+2 u+2 L u+2 S 4 +2 +2 u , uL , uS +2 6 2 0 0 10 10 1 2 10 y+ FFT Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) HHT DR control September 3, 2015 13 / 13 Conclusions Characteristic eddy Characteristic eddy (Moin and Moser [1989]) ubi (kx , y, kz ) = 1 4π 2 Z Z ui (x, y, z)e−(ikx rx +kz rz ) drx drz Φi j (kx , kz ) = hubi (kx , y0 , kz )ubj ∗ (kx , y, kz )i Z ∗ d (n) (k , y, k )dy0 = λ (n) (k , k )φ (n) (k , y, k ) Φi j φd x z x z x z Z E= hui ui idy = ∑ λ (n) n ZZ (u, v, w) = ! d (1) ∑ ∑ φ (kx , y, kz ) e−(ikx rx +kz rz ) dkx dkz kx kz Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 13 / 13 Conclusions Conditioned λ2 under positive and negative VLSMs 0.3 overall pos neg 0.2 τw,S’/τw 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t/T All regions Positive region Negative region Q. Yang & Y. M. Chung (Warwick) DR control September 3, 2015 13 / 13