Outcome 1: 2016-19 Unit Assessment Plan

2016-19 Unit Assessment Plan
Unit Name
Assessment Coordinator
Unit Leader
Outcome 1:
☐ Learning Outcome - Highlights the knowledge, skills and/or abilities that students will demonstrate in
this academic program.
☐ Operational Outcome – Highlights a service provided by your office to students, faculty, staff or
member s of the community.
Outcome Description – What is your desired outcome?
Assessment Method – What measurements will
you use to determine if you are meeting your
Criterion – What does success look like? (X%
attained goal, average score of X out of Y, X%
complete by deadline, etc)
Relationship to Strategic Plan
(See attachment and indicate any goals that may be related to this outcome)
Outcome 2:
☐ Learning Outcome - Highlights the knowledge, skills and/or abilities that students will demonstrate in
this academic program.
☐ Operational Outcome – Highlights a service provided by your office to students, faculty, staff or
member s of the community.
Outcome Description – What is your desired outcome?
Assessment Method – What measurements will
you use to determine if you are meeting your
Criterion – What does success look like? (X%
attained goal, average score of X out of Y, X%
complete by deadline, etc)
2016-19 Unit Assessment Plan
Relationship to Strategic Plan
(See attachment and indicate any goals that may be related to this outcome)
Outcome 3:
☐ Learning Outcome - Highlights the knowledge, skills and/or abilities that students will demonstrate in
this academic program.
☐ Operational Outcome – Highlights a service provided by your office to students, faculty, staff or
member s of the community.
Outcome Description – What is your desired outcome?
Assessment Method – What measurements will
you use to determine if you are meeting your
Criterion – What does success look like? (X%
attained goal, average score of X out of Y, X%
complete by deadline, etc)
Relationship to Strategic Plan
(See attachment and indicate any goals that may be related to this outcome)
Outcome 4:
☐ Learning Outcome - Highlights the knowledge, skills and/or abilities that students will demonstrate in
this academic program.
☐ Operational Outcome – Highlights a service provided by your office to students, faculty, staff or
member s of the community.
Outcome Description – What is your desired outcome?
Assessment Method – What measurements will
you use to determine if you are meeting your
Criterion – What does success look like? (X%
attained goal, average score of X out of Y, X%
complete by deadline, etc)
2016-19 Unit Assessment Plan
Relationship to Strategic Plan
(See attachment and indicate any goals that may be related to this outcome)