XAVIER UNIVERSITY of LOUISIANA June 15, 2010 Assessment Summit Output Document v.1 Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 56 Perimeter Center East, #103 Atlanta, Georgia 30346 770.454.1440 www.leadstrat.com Overview Xavier University of Louisiana held a one-day assessment summit on June 15, 2010. Cynthia Waisner from Leadership Strategies served as facilitator and documenter for the session. Retreat Purpose and Objectives: The purpose of the retreat was to establish a strategic framework for assessment at Xavier. Objectives of the retreat included the following: 1. Reach consensus on the purpose, or mission, of assessment at Xavier; 2. Agree on a shared vision and long-term goals derived from that vision; 3. Identify critical success factors and barriers for each of the long-term goals; 4. Develop a list of possible strategies, or projects, for moving toward the vision, achieving critical success factors, and/or reducing or eliminating identified barriers; 5. Reach agreement on priority strategies from the list of possible strategies; and 6. Identify next steps, milestones, and accountabilities associated with the priority strategies. Retreat Agenda 1. Opening Exercise: Hopes and Concerns 2. Where We’re Going – The Big Picture Mission Vision Goals 4. Strategy Prioritization 5. Action Plans (High Level) 6. Session Close 3. How We’ll Get There Critical Success Factors Barriers Strategies Leadership Strategies Page 2 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 Documentation Contents This document presents the results of the session as recorded by the facilitator. Comments appearing in italic represent additions made by the documenter for clarity. The document includes the following sections: I. Opening Exercise ................................................................................4 II. Vision ..................................................................................................4 III. Goals ...................................................................................................5 IV. Mission Statement...............................................................................6 V. CSFs and Barriers ...............................................................................7 VI. Strategies and Priority Strategies ......................................................10 VII. Action Plan........................................................................................14 VIII. Next Steps .........................................................................................15 Leadership Strategies Page 3 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 I. Opening Exercise Participants were asked to identify their greatest hopes and concerns for the day. Each of the four table groups was then asked to agree upon and report back their top hope and top concern. Hopes Concerns That we create a culture of assessment that is useful, integrated, and coordinates all types of assessment across the University That our assessment process is not going to be integrated and useful across the University That we are able to breach the silos, connect the various assessments and connect everything to the institution That we do not achieve an Institution-wide focus That we develop a realistic, integrated, usable, and transparent system across all levels That we develop something that doesn’t meet the criteria listed to the left of this concern That we develop a comprehensive framework for assessment, moving from the general to the more specific and that we all have a better feeling and sense of purpose regarding assessment at the University That we not fully take into account Xavier’s learning culture – can what we agree on here truly be transplanted across the University? II. Vision A visioning exercise was used followed by breakout sessions in small groups to identify common themes. These themes were used to develop the mission, vision, and goals. VISION: The vision provides a picture of a preferred future state. Proposed Vision Statement Assessment: Driving Growth and Change The following slogans were on post-it pages on the Green Team’s table. They are included here for possible use as the effort goes forward: • Assess to be your best! • Data are your friend! • Bloom and grow! Leadership Strategies Page 4 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 III. Goals Goals identify broad aims toward which the organization will work over a long (approximately 10-year) span of time: BUY-IN Maximize buy-in for assessment with all stakeholders throughout their affiliation with the University CULTURE OF ASSESSMENT Promote a more accepting culture of assessment RESOURCES You may want to omit the qualifying words “more accepting” in your final version Provide levels of resources needed to effectively carry out assessment Green Team edited to read: Provide resources needed to carry out assessment effectively EFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT MODEL Promote an assessment model that is effective, systematic, integrated, collaborative, and used for growth and positive change. This model will include: • Ensuring that data collection is accurate, timely, and consistent across the University; • Ensuring regular evaluation of the assessment process and its usefulness to the University; • Ensuring usefulness and use of the assessment systems; • Maximizing availability of comparable data sets for analysis; • Ensuring transparency of assessment needs, data, and results, as well as the responsibility for these needs, data, and results; • Maintaining mission-oriented focus; This was originally stated as “learning-centered focus”; and • Maintaining coordinated (centralized?) data. Leadership Strategies Page 5 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 IV. Mission Statement A mission defines the overall purpose of an organization. The mission statement should describe what the organization does, for whom it does it, and the benefit. Proposed Mission Statement • To systematically collect, analyze, and use relevant data from all levels – i.e., individual, departmental, and University – in order to continuously and effectively fulfill the mission and the overall goals of the University Groups were asked to identify possible edits to the above. They suggested: • Include “identify goals” • Fix the split infinitive and shorten it • Add concept of “improvement” • Move reason for assessment (“fulfilling the mission”) to the beginning of the statement The other three draft mission statements are included below. Specific language and concepts contained in them may be useful in crafting the final version of the mission statement: • • • To set goals and evaluate performance to ensure outcomes are met in order to drive growth and change to the benefit of the overall University community. The purpose of assessment at Xavier is to support the mission of the University by: • Developing and implementing a plan for continuous cyclical improvement; • Documenting implementation results; and • Using the documentation to improve the plan The purpose of assessment at Xavier is to: • Support the mission of student learning; • Identify critical areas for decision-making; and • Support decision-making, growth, and improvement through the systematic collection, organization, and analysis of information. Leadership Strategies Page 6 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 V. CSFs and Barriers The participants next identified Critical Success Factors and Barriers for each goal. First, groups identified CSFs – those things which must go right, or the conditions that must be created – for the goals and objectives to succeed. Participants next identified Barriers - those conditions which might hinder success in achieving the objectives. GOAL: BUY-IN CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS BARRIERS Identifying the stakeholders and their unique roles and responsibilities Misunderstanding of assessment Lack of knowledge about assessment Accountability Resistance to change Having a truly effective model and resources to follow that model Available time Marketing plan Perception and/or reality that effort is top-down Value obvious to stakeholders Simple and easy to use Leadership Strategies Page 7 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 GOAL: CULTURE OF ASSESSMENT CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS BARRIERS Stakeholders understand assessment Individual beliefs and mindset that past assessment results have not been used for growth and change Stakeholders have shared value for and language of assessment Belief that assessment is only needed/used for administrative purposes (e.g., SACS) Stakeholders see the value of assessment Results are not communicated consistently to stakeholders Strong, consistent reinforcement of best policies Lack of necessary resources Competing cultures and values Maintenance of the status quo GOAL: RESOURCES CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS BARRIERS All areas have the means for successful assessments Poor planning Competing institutional priorities Assessment at “any cost” There was considerable discussion around this point, with the end result being clarification that this meant that assessment does not get shunted aside by competing priorities, but remains a high priority and area of focus “no matter what,” i.e., “at any cost” Budget process is not aligned with assessment Quality and quantity of staff Identification and evaluation of required resources Leadership Strategies Page 8 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 GOAL: EFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT MODEL CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS BARRIERS The model is useful at all levels Temptation/tendency to do what is easy vs. what is meaningful Data are good and of a quality that is responsive to users and stakeholders Standard data templates are used where appropriate Fear of exposing weakness Territorial attitude towards data Responsible, trained personnel are assigned to each assessment There is stakeholder knowledge regarding the data that are already available Leadership Strategies Page 9 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 VI. Strategies and Priority Strategies Participants were next asked to brainstorm possible strategies for each of the goal areas, as well as to assign each “potential strategy” generated earlier in the day to one of the goal areas. Participants were asked to generate strategies that: directly affected achievement of the goal; strengthened, leveraged, or put into place a CSF; and/or weakened, removed or lessened the impact of a barrier. Once strategies were generated and reviewed, participants were asked to “vote,” using dots, to establish priority strategies. Each participant was given four dots per goal area to assign as he or she wished. Results for each goal area, in decreasing order of priority, are provided below. GOAL: BUY-IN STRATEGY TOTAL POINTS AWARDED Develop an incentive program that highlights successful assessment efforts combined with Conduct a festival of assessment to report successes and issues 18 Develop a campus-wide marketing plan for assessment 17 Identify the stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities 16 Conduct focus groups to solicit input and integrate their input into the model At the bottom of this post-it, someone added the comment “Top down” 10 Develop a professional development plan for stakeholders 9 Identify resistant stakeholders and work with them combined with Invite them to the festival and team them with assessment ambassadors 5 In the discussion, the point was made that even though this was not a top votegetter, it should be incorporated early into the plans and actions for assessment. Resistant stakeholders may have a lot of influence, and failing to address this early on could make the initiative more difficult or even sideline it altogether Compulsory entrance and exit evaluations for students and employees 1 Regularly survey stakeholders and develop a strategy to determine the effectiveness of the model 1 Hold (monthly?) seminars: define outcomes, measurement, focus groups? 1 Communicate the work of this group and the barriers we have identified to implementation and acknowledge problems in past systems 0 Leadership Strategies Page 10 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 GOAL: CULTURE OF ASSESSMENT STRATEGY TOTAL POINTS AWARDED Assessment training and education 22 Develop incentive system for assessment 15 Some participants felt that this should be combined with the strategy listed first, for a combined total of 37. This strategy also appeared in the “buy-in” category – when the totals from the two categories are combined, there are 33 points for this strategy. If you combine it with “assessment training and education,” the total jumps to 55. Add an assessment link at main Xavier web page 12 Develop a system for dissemination of results to all stakeholders annually 10 Promote scholarship of assessment to faculty 9 Develop video of success stories 5 Publish vision and mission of assessment on a document that includes the goals of assessment 4 Recognition for assessment – need both sticks and carrots 1 Create a video that describes the new assessment system 0 Food, entertainment, daily activities 0 Leadership Strategies Page 11 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 GOAL: RESOURCES STRATEGY TOTAL POINTS AWARDED All-Star Assessment Team combined with Identify personnel combined with Identify who does what with institutional assessment 25 Identify needs: personnel, equipment, know-how, and training combined with Identify all institutional resources that support assessment 23 Align budgetary allocations with plan 12 Appoint a separate QEP evaluator as stated in the QEP budget 9 Engage University Planning Council to elevate assessment as a University priority 5 Adhere to the strategic plan combined with plan, plan, plan! 5 Integrate grant-funded assessment into general assessment plan 3 Attempt to identify new, external resources, especially for initial costs of developing/launching new system 1 Leadership Strategies Page 12 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 GOAL: EFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT MODEL STRATEGY TOTAL POINTS AWARDED Look at best practices and identify which components could work at Xavier combined with Evaluate current model – what is useful (strengths and weaknesses) 30 Develop official, central hub of information –who is responsible combined with For each of the University’s priorities, common or compatible departments across campus develop objectives, benchmarks, and a timeline. They meet regularly to discuss SWOT. A note connecting the two strategies read “All Star Assessment Team.” See notes in Action Plan regarding two visions for this assessment team 12 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) 11 Invest in technology that will streamline processes 10 Develop uniform data sets with consistent variable names, based on institutional data 8 University defines what assessment means 6 Develop organizational plan 4 1) Identify characteristics of overall assessment that all can agree on; 2) identify systems that need to be integrated; 3) make recommendations concerning next steps, actions, timelines; 4) identify resources needed to carry out the plan 1 Develop a plan for coordinating efforts across the campus (who is responsible, who is accountable?) 0 Have each unit or department input their data on a timely basis 0 Leadership Strategies Page 13 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 VII. Action Plan After identifying the priorities, the group determined that the first step needed to be creation and charging of the “All-Star Assessment Team.” There were two separate visions of who would be part of this group and what its primary task would be. Some saw the group as having a high degree of assessment subject matter expertise and doing the early analysis regarding who is currently doing what, what resources are available and needed, etc. The group would then make recommendations and open up the discussion to a broader, more inclusive group, eventually reporting findings and making recommendations to the Planning Council. Others saw the group as a more representative and inclusive body of those involved in assessment, meeting regularly to share issues and expertise, concerns, etc. After some discussion, the group decided that the former model should be the focus for this first group, with the understanding that the development of the more inclusive working committee will come at a later date. This group will be a committee of SMEs in assessment. It will be led by Dr. Brookover, who will identify and invite other members. It was noted that it will be important to have representation from the nonacademic side of the University. Recommendations are being developed regarding this appointment. The committee will function, in a sense, as a body of internal consultants. Its working process may include the following steps and stages: 1) map and evaluate the current system; 2) identify best practices; 3) identify strengths and weaknesses of the current system; 4) develop a preliminary set of recommendations; 5) seek input regarding these initial recommendation; and 6) report to the Planning Council. The specific steps and working process will be defined by the committee. Next steps and responsibilities, including those for ensuring high-level support, are included in the next section. Leadership Strategies Page 14 The Facilitation Company Assessment Summit 6/16/2010 VIII. Next Steps The following action items and responsibilities were identified during the course of the retreat. Action Assigned to Due Date 1. Complete documentation from the retreat C. Waisner 6/18/10 2. Wordsmith draft mission, vision, and goal statements and circulate for comments R. Durnford 6/22/10 3. Develop “one-pager” that outlines mission, vision, goals? (Possible follow-up item) R. Durnford As determined by Committee 4. Identify membership for “All-Star” committee C. Brookover 6/22/10 5. Hold first meeting of “All-Star” committee. Purpose: To develop charge and working plan C. Brookover 7/1/10 L. Blanchard and/or N. Francis 9/1/10 6. Prepare announcement to University community reporting on outcome of this meeting, establishment of “All-Star” committee, and indicating high-level support and commitment to this initiative Leadership Strategies Page 15 The Facilitation Company