Chiral anomaly in soft collinear effective theory The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Waalewijn, Wouter J. “Chiral anomaly in soft collinear effective theory.” Physical Review D 79.3 (2009): 036003. (C) 2010 The American Physical Society. As Published Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 22:10:00 EDT 2016 Citable Link Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) Chiral anomaly in soft collinear effective theory Wouter J. Waalewijn Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA (Received 10 September 2008; published 5 February 2009) Anomalies have infrared and ultraviolet ingredients, and are often realized in effective theories in a nontrivial way. We study the chiral anomaly in soft collinear effective theory (SCET), where the anomaly equation has terms contributing at different orders in the power expansion. The chiral anomaly equations in SCET are computed up to next-to-next-to-leading order in the power counting with external collinear and/or ultrasoft gluons. We do this by expanding the QCD anomaly equation, using the tree level (leading order in s ) relations between QCD and SCET fields. The validity of this correspondence between the anomaly equations is confirmed by direct computation of the one-loop diagrams in SCET. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.79.036003 PACS numbers: 11.30.Rd, 12.38.Aw I. INTRODUCTION In calculations with a hierarchy of scales it is often useful to work with an effective field theory, in which ultraviolet degrees of freedom have been integrated out. Examples of this are heavy quark effective theory and soft collinear effective theory (SCET). Or as a more well known example, integrating out a heavy quark. Anomalies [1,2] come from ultraviolet divergences, but they are also an infrared effect in the sense that only massless particles contribute [3,4]. If masses are generated through a Higgs mechanism as in the standard model, fields are massless above the symmetry breaking scale and can contribute to anomalies too. Because of the infrared nature of anomalies one would expect effective field theories to reproduce the anomalies of the full theory in some way, but this is not always a trivial matter. As an illustration we consider the case of integrating out a heavy quark doublet.1 Simply removing it would spoil the anomaly cancellation for the gauge symmetries. D’Hoker and Farhi show in a detailed analysis that the effective action contains additional Wess-Zumino terms and terms involving the Goldstone-Wilczek current that restore the gauge symmetry [5,6]. Another example is the axial anomaly in chiral perturbation theory. By itself chiral perturbation theory would not include reactions such as 0 ! or KK ! þ 0 . They do not show up because of the symmetry M ! M, where M is the matrix of Goldstone bosons, which is not a symmetry of QCD. Again one needs to add Wess-Zumino terms and additional terms that couple to the gauge fields [7,8]. The goal of this paper is to study how the chiral anomaly is realized in SCET. SCET has been introduced to describe the dynamics of energetic light hadrons and provides a systematic way to separate the hard, collinear, and soft scales [9–12]. It captures the long-distance physics in terms of collinear, soft, and ultrasoft (usoft) fields. The short-distance physics is absorbed into Wilson coefficients. So in SCET a quark field gets replaced by these different fields, which can each run around in loops. Currents in SCET often generate "12 divergences at one loop that are removed by renormalization. We will see that such divergences show up in individual SCET anomaly diagrams, but cancel when they are summed. Also in SCET there are vertices with two quark fields and more than one gluon, which lead to nontriangle anomaly diagrams. These graphs turn out to be important. Which SCET fields one needs to consider depends on the physical process one has in mind. We will be looking at SCETI with one collinear direction n . The fields in this theory are collinear quarks n and gluons A n and usoft quarks qus and gluons A . The momenta of the collinear us 2 fields scale like p ¼ ðn p; n p; p Þ Qð ; 1; Þ and c ? 2 for usoft fields as p us Q . Here Q is the hard scale, the SCET expansion parameter, and n and n are lightcone basis vectors satisfying n2 ¼ n 2 ¼ 0 and n n ¼ 2. One can, for example, take n ¼ ð1; 0; 0; 1Þ and n ¼ ð1; 0; 0; 1Þ. For a typical process 2 ¼ QCD =Q. We will also need the power counting of the fields, which are listed in Table I. To get a systematic expansion in the power counting, collinear fields have both a label momentum p containing the collinear momentum and a (usoft) coordinate x, n;p ðxÞ. The label momenta are picked out by the label operator P , e.g. P ? n;p ¼ p? n;p . The collinear covariant derivatives are then defined as in Dc ¼ n P þ gn An;q ; in D ¼ in @ þ gn An;q þ gn Aus ; iD us ¼ i@ þ gAus : In the standard model only the top would get integrated out before W and Z do. For simplicity we assume the existence of a heavy electroweak doublet. (1) and the usoft covariant derivative as 1 1550-7998= 2009=79(3)=036003(11) ? iD? ¼ P c ? þ gAn;q ; (2) Note that these covariant derivatives are each homogenous in the power counting. We are now ready to write down the 036003-1 Ó 2009 The American Physical Society WOUTER J. WAALEWIJN PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) TABLE I. Power counting of the various fields and operators in SCET. Collinear Operator Power counting n n An 0 A? n Usoft n An 2 qus 3 leading order Lagrangian for a collinear quark n [10], n ðxÞ in D þ i6Dc ¼ L ð0Þ ? 1 6n c ðxÞ; (3) i6 D ? c in D 2 n where it is understood that the (suppressed) label momenta are summed over and that the label momenta of each term in L are conserved. This paper is organized as follows: We start in Sec. II A by matching the chiral anomaly equation in QCD onto SCET, using the tree level relations between fields. For simplicity we first restrict ourselves to leading order (LO) in the power counting, postponing the matching up to nextto-next-to-leading order (NNLO) to Sec. III A. Whenever we speak of e.g. LO and next-to-leading order (NLO) in this paper, we will always be referring to the order in the power expansion and not to radiative corrections. No contributions are expected beyond one loop due to the Adler and Bardeen theorem [13]. We then verify these SCET anomaly equations by computing the chiral anomaly from one-loop graphs in SCET. This is done at LO in Secs. II B, II C, and II D, NLO in Sec. III B, and NNLO in Sec. IV. At LO only collinear fields play a role and so we expect agreement, since SCET with only collinear fields is just a boosted version of QCD. Things become more interesting at higher orders when diagrams with both collinear and usoft fields show up, but we find that the derived SCET anomaly equations are correct. We end with some concluding remarks in Sec. V and list the full SCET anomaly equations up to NLO. The appendix contains a table of the loop integrals we used. II. THE SCET ANOMALY AT LO A. Matching the QCD anomaly onto SCET In this section we will calculate the chiral anomaly in SCET at LO. We start by expanding the left- and right-hand side of the QCD anomaly equation @ J5 ¼ g2 tr½F F 162 (4) 5 . We use the in the power counting, where J5 ¼ tree level relations between fields, effectively matching QCD onto SCET at tree level. In the next subsections we will explicitly check that the SCET anomaly equation we find holds at one loop. We introduce the following notation for the left- and right-hand side of Eq. (4), Covariant derivatives A us 2 iD? c in Dc 0 J @ J5 ; F in D 2 iD us 2 g2 tr½F F ; (5) 162 and write their expansions as J ¼ J ð4Þ þ J ð5Þ þ J ð6Þ þ . . . ; F ¼ F ð4Þ þ F ð5Þ þ F ð6Þ þ . . . ; (6) where the order in is indicated in brackets. When calculating the one-loop anomaly diagrams, we will (as usual) restrict ourselves to two outgoing gluons. Gauge invariance then determines anomaly matrix elements for more gluons. Let p, q be the momenta of these two gluons. For simplicity we assume that they have no component in the ? direction, p? ¼ q? ¼ 0. We will also assume that the gluons are ? polarized. The matrix element of J is then given by hggjJ j0i ¼ 12in ðp þ qÞhggjn J5 j0i þ 12in ðp þ qÞhggjn J5 j0i: (7) The tree level relation between the QCD and SCET (collinear) field is [10] 1 6n i6Dc þ . . . ; ¼ n þ |{z} in Dc ? 2 n |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} (8) 2 with the power counting as indicated. This leads to n J5ð2Þ ¼ n 6n 5 n : (9) For n J5 we get an 6n. But 6nn ¼ 0, so the lowest nonvanishing contribution is at Oð4 Þ: y 1 6n 1 6n i6Dc? n 0 6n5 i6Dc? n n J5ð4Þ ¼ in Dc 2 in Dc 2 c 1 1 ¼ n i6D? 6n 5 i6Dc? n : (10) i n D c in D c However, it is important to note that n J5ð4Þ contributes at the same order as the n J5 term in the anomaly equation because of the power counting for collinear momenta, hggjJ ð4Þ j0i ¼ 12in ðp þ qÞhggjn J5ð2Þ j0i þ 12in ðp þ qÞhggjn J5ð4Þ j0i: (11) We will first study these terms separately by imposing n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0 or n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0 in the following subsections. With these additional assumptions we have to 036003-2 CHIRAL ANOMALY IN SOFT COLLINEAR EFFECTIVE THEORY PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) keep gluons off shell, p , q Þ 0, because everything would otherwise trivially vanish. At the end we will drop these additional assumptions, effectively combining the two cases. Now we consider the right-hand side of the anomaly equation. With our assumptions the important terms are Having derived the explicit form of the SCET anomaly equation at LO in D ¼ in @ þ gn An;q þ gn Aus ¼ |ffl{zffl} in @ þ . . . ; we will verify this result by calculating the one-loop diagrams. 2 2 1 ? n ¼ 18i tr½5 6n 6n? ? 2 n : J ð4Þ ¼ F ð4Þ ; (17) (18) 2 in D ¼ in Dc þ Win Dus Wy ¼ |ffl{zffl} n P þ |ffl{zffl} in @ þ . . . ; 2 1 ? ? ? y iD þ WiD? us W ¼ gAn;q þ gAus þ . . . : ? ¼ iDc |ffl{zffl} |ffl{zffl} B. LO with n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0 We start by considering the simplest case, namely n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0 for the momenta of the external gluons. The axial current is then given by 2 hggjJ ð4Þ j0i ¼ 12in ðp þ qÞhggjn J5ð2Þ j0i (12) W is the collinear Wilson line that only contains the n An component of the gluon field W ¼1g 1 n An þ . . . n P (13) and can be dropped because we are only looking at ? -polarized gluons. Writing F F ¼ 4 iD iD iD iD ; g2 (14) the only contribution we need to consider at Oð4 Þ is F ð4Þ ¼ n n g2 4 tr½in @gA? 2 n;p 2 2 2 g 16 ? P gA? n P gA? n;p n;q in @gAn;q n ? ? P gA? n P gA? n;p in @gAn;q þ n n;q in @gAn;p : (15) The corresponding matrix element is given by g2 ðn p n q n q n pÞ 82 AB ? A ðpÞB ðqÞ; hggjF ð4Þ j0i ¼ (16) where A ðpÞ, B ðqÞ are the polarization vectors of the gluons and we assume the generators are normalized as tr½T A T B ¼ 12 AB . The two-dimensional ? is defined as ¼ 12in ðp þ qÞhggjn 6n 5 n j0i; (19) and there are two diagrams that contribute at this order, shown in Fig. 1. As mentioned before, taking the gluons on shell would make everything vanish because of n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0. We therefore keep the gluons off shell, which generally takes care of any IR divergences as well. Because we assume n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0, we still need to be careful when combining denominators as ðl þ pÞ2 and ðl qÞ2 . We will elaborate on this for the bubble diagram. In dimensional regularization with d ¼ 4 2", the triangle diagram is given by Z 1 6n n ðl qÞ AT ¼ in ðp þ qÞð1Þ ‘l tr 6n 5 i 2 2 ðl qÞ2 ? 6 l? 6 l? ? 6n 6n n l i þ igT B n l n ðl qÞ 2 2 l2 ?6 l? 6 l? ? 6n 6n n ðl þ pÞ A i þ igT n ðl þ pÞ n l 2 2 ðl þ pÞ2 þ ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ; (20) R R d where ‘l ¼ d lð2Þd . We will always suppress polarization vectors. To treat 5 in dimensional regularization correctly requires some care, for example, using the ’t Hooft-Veltman scheme. We avoid such complications by never (anti)commuting with 5 in our calculations. Since the external momenta have no ? component, we can immediately replace l? l? ! 1 l2? g ? , where ¼ d 2 ¼ 2 2". We then use FIG. 1. Triangle and bubble diagram contributing to the anomaly at LO, for n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0. 036003-3 WOUTER J. WAALEWIJN ? ? PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) ? ? ¼ ; ? ¼ ? ? ? ? ? ¼ 4g ð 2Þ? ¼ 2"? ; ð4 Þ? ? : (21) This leads to AT ¼ ig2 n ðp þ qÞ AB ? ðI1 þ "I2 þ "I3 ð1 þ 2"ÞI4 Þ þ ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ ¼ g2 n ðp þ qÞn p 82 AB ? ; (22) where I1 ¼ I2 ¼ I3 ¼ I4 ¼ Z Z ‘l n ðl qÞn ðl þ pÞl2? ; n lðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2 ‘l n ðl qÞl2? ; ðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2 Z n ðl þ pÞl2? ‘l ; ðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2 Z n l l2? ‘l : ðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2 ! 0 and " ! 0 matters, and we should first take " ! 0 with Þ 0 to regulate any IR divergences. Proceeding along this way, we still find AB ¼ 0. We now add AT and AB and compare with hggjF ð4Þ j0i as given in (16). They agree. This was expected since at this order only collinear fields are involved, which is just a boosted version of QCD. C. LO with n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0 We move on to the next case: n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0. This time the relevant term of the axial current comes from n J5ð4Þ : c 1 1 hggjJ ð4Þ j0i ¼ in ðp þ qÞhggj n i6D? 2 in D c 1 5 n i6Dc j0i: in Dc ? n (23) We computed these integrals using an appropriate Feynman parametrization. All the necessary integrals can be found in the appendix. The contribution from the bubble diagram (right panel of Fig. 1) is Z 1 6n n ðl qÞ AB ¼ in ðp þ qÞð1Þ ‘l tr 6n 5 i 2 2 ðl qÞ2 A B ? ? T T T B T A ? ? 6n 6n n ðl þ pÞ i þ ig2 2 2 ðl þ pÞ2 n ðl þ p qÞ n l It can be part of a diagram in various different ways; for example, a gluon can now come out of the current. These different ways are pictured in Fig. 2, and the corresponding expressions are n ðl qÞn ðl þ pÞ 1 1 ‘l : n l n ðl þ p qÞ ðl qÞ2 ðl þ pÞ2 By sending l ! l p þ q we see that the two terms are the same (giving a factor of 2, rather than canceling each other). We do not have a second contribution from ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ for this diagram. As mentioned before, we need to be careful in dealing with IR divergences here. Writing ¼ n ðp þ qÞ ! 0, we encounter " when doing this integral. Obviously the order of taking FIG. 2. 6 l? 6 l? 6n 5 ; n ðl þ pÞ n ðl qÞ n ð2Þ n 6 l? gT B ? 6n 5 ; n ðl þ pÞ n ðl qÞ n (26) gT A ? gT B ? 6n 5 : ð4Þ n n ðl þ pÞ n ðl qÞ n (24) ð1Þ n gT A ? 6 l? 6n 5 ; ð3Þ n n ðl þ pÞ n ðl qÞ n ¼ ig2 n ðp þ qÞ AB ? Z (25) First of all we get a triangle [Fig. 3(a)] and bubble diagram [Fig. 3(b)] coming from (1) A~A þ A~B ¼ ig2 n ðp þ qÞ AB ? ðð1 þ 2"ÞI~1 "I~2 "I~3 I~4 ð1 þ 2"ÞI~5 Þ þ ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ; where n J5ð4Þ can be inserted into diagrams in various ways. 036003-4 (27) CHIRAL ANOMALY IN SOFT COLLINEAR EFFECTIVE THEORY PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) FIG. 3. Diagrams contributing to the anomaly at LO for n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0. I~ 1 ¼ I~2 ¼ I~3 ¼ I~4 ¼ I~5 ¼ Z Z Z Z Z ‘l ‘l ‘l hggjJ ð4Þ j0i ¼ A~A þ A~B þ A~C1 þ A~C2 þ A~D l4? ; n lðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2 ¼ l4? n ðl þ pÞðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ ; 2 l4? ; n ðl qÞðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2 (28) l2? : n lðl qÞ2 ðl þ pÞ2 We also have diagrams [Fig. 3(c1) with (2) and Fig. 3(c2) with (3)] where one gluon comes out of the current A~C1 þ A~C2 ¼ 2ig2 n ðp þ qÞ I~ 6 ¼ I~7 ¼ Z n l ‘l ; n ðl qÞn ðl þ pÞl2 ðl þ pÞ2 n p ¼ 0; (29) ‘l n ðl qÞl ðl þ pÞ2 hggjJ ð4Þ j0i ¼ Finally there is also a diagram [Fig. 3(d)] where both gluons come out of the current, which involves (4). This turns out to be zero, A~D ¼ 0. We simplify the remaining integrals using AB ? ¼ hggjF ð4Þ j0i: Thus the SCET anomaly equation at LO J ð4Þ ¼ F ð4Þ , which we derived by expanding, is correct at one loop. In the previous sections the bubble diagrams in Figs. 3(c1) and 3(c2) contributed, but the bubble diagram with the two gluon vertex in Figs. 1 and 3(b) turned out to be zero. However, in this general case with on-shell momenta we do get a genuine contribution from them. III. THE SCET ANOMALY AT NLO (31) where l2? ¼ l~2? if g ¼ diagðþ Þ. For example, Z l2? n ðl þ pÞl2? I~2 ¼ ‘l n ðl þ pÞðl qÞ2 l2 ðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2 (32) ¼ I~2A þ I~2B : (34) (35) l2? ¼ l2 n l n l ¼ ðl qÞ2 n ðl qÞn ðl qÞ Doing the math, we find g2 n p n q 82 (30) : ¼ ðl þ pÞ2 n ðl þ pÞn ðl þ pÞ; n q ¼ 0: After repeating the above analysis and performing the Feynman integrals we find l2? l2? 2 (33) Finally we now drop the additional assumptions [e.g. n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0] and study the general case. These assumptions allowed us to look at one term of hggjJ ð4Þ j0i in (11) at the time, so we basically have to add the anomalies of Secs. II B and II C. The only other place these assumptions were used is in simplifying the Feynman integrals. We can now take the gluons on shell, and we will assume ðI~6 þ "I~7 Þ with Z : Again this agrees with hggjF ð4Þ j0i, as expected because the calculation so far only involved collinear fields. AB ? þ ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ; AB ? D. LO general case n l l4? ‘l ; n ðl qÞn ðl þ pÞðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2 ‘l g2 n ðp þ qÞn p 82 A. Matching the QCD anomaly onto SCET at higher orders We will now move on to calculating the chiral anomaly in SCET beyond LO in the power counting, by taking into account the higher order terms in Eq. (6). Again we start by matching the QCD anomaly equation onto SCET at tree level. The derivation is similar to that in Sec. II A, but this time we need the tree level relation between the QCD and 036003-5 WOUTER J. WAALEWIJN PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) SCET fields to higher order in . Using the result from [14] we have 1 6n ¼ n þ Wqus þ i6Dc? n |{z} |ffl{zffl} in Dc 2 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} 3 volving the leading current and insertion(s) of subleading Lagrangians. To be specific, the SCET anomaly equation at NLO and NNLO reads T fJ ð4Þ iLð1Þ g þ J ð5Þ ¼ TfF ð4Þ iLð1Þ g þ F ð5Þ ; (45) 2 1 6n y i6Dus W n þ . . . : þW ? n P 2 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} (36) ¼ TfF ð4Þ12iLð1Þ iLð1Þ g þ TfF ð4Þ iLð2Þ g þ TfF ð5Þ iLð1Þ g 3 þ F ð6Þ ; We find n J5ð2Þ ¼ n 6n 5 n ; (37) n J5ð3Þ ¼ 0; (38) n J5ð4Þ ¼ n 6n 5 Wqus þ H:c:; (39) and 1 c n J5ð4Þ ¼ n i6D? c n J5ð5Þ ¼ 2n i6D? in Dc TfJ ð4Þ12iLð1Þ iLð1Þ g þ TfJ ð4Þ iLð2Þ g þ TfJ ð5Þ iLð1Þ g þ J ð6Þ 6n 5 1 i6Dc ; in Dc ? n (40) 1 in Dc 1 6n y i6Dus W 5 Wqus þ W þ H:c: n n P ? 2 (41) Expanding the other side of the QCD anomaly equation gives g2 ðn p n q n q n pÞ 82 AB ? A ðpÞB ðqÞ; R where TfJ ð4Þ iLð1Þ g ¼ d4 xTJ ð4Þ ð0ÞiLð1Þ ðxÞ, etc. Lð1Þ and Lð2Þ refer to all terms in the quark and gluon action of the respective order. Let us consider the right-hand side of these equations. Calculating the anomaly at one loop corresponds to tree level diagrams for F ðiÞ . The only nontrivial diagrams come from insertions on external gluon lines. If one would include insertions on external gluon lines, one would get contributions on both sides of these equations, which are equal because these insertions are not part of the loop. We will not consider such diagrams, and so the right-hand side of (45) and (46) reduces to F ð5Þ and F ð6Þ . We list the subleading Lagrangians we need below [14– 20]: 1 6n W y i6D? þ ðn i6D? c c WÞ n P 2 n 1 y 6n i6D? W ; (47) n P us 2 n ? Lð1Þ ¼ ðn WÞi6Dus 1 6n y i6D? ðW n Þ þ ðn i6D? us c WÞ n P 2 1 6n in Dus ðW y i6D? (48) c n Þ; 2 2 ðn P Þ ? Lð2Þ ¼ ðn WÞi6Dus hggjF ð4Þ j0i ¼ hggjF ð5Þ j0i ¼ g2 n p n q 82 AB ? (42) A ðpÞB ðqÞ; (43) g2 hggjF ð6Þ j0i ¼ 2 ðn p n qr n q n pr Þ 8 AB ? A ðpÞB ðqÞ; (46) Lð1Þ q ¼ n 1 igB 6 ? c Wqus þ H:c:; in Dc (49) Dc ; i6D? where igB 6 ? c ¼ ½in c . B. NLO with n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0 (44) where the subscript in pr denotes residual momentum, 2 p r . We already checked at LO that the SCET anomaly equation found this way is correct, J ð4Þ ¼ F ð4Þ . In the remainder of this paper we will do the NLO and NNLO calculations. When we go beyond LO, we obviously get contributions to the anomaly from higher order currents such as n J5ð5Þ . However, there are also contributions from diagrams in- At NLO things become more interesting, because both collinear and ultrasoft fields are involved. To get the right power counting one of the outgoing gluons must be collinear and the other usoft. The only additional assumption that makes sense here is n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0; because n p 1 2 n q. The axial current gives rise to 036003-6 (50) CHIRAL ANOMALY IN SOFT COLLINEAR EFFECTIVE THEORY FIG. 4. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) Diagrams from n J5ð4Þ contributing to the NLO anomaly. The usoft gluon vertex is Lð1Þ . 1 hggjTfJ ð4Þ iLð1Þ g þ J ð5Þ j0i ¼ in ðp þ qÞhggjðTfn J5ð4Þ iLð1Þ g þ n J5ð5Þ Þj0i 2 c 1 1 1 6n 5 i6Dc? n iLð1Þ ¼ in ðp þ qÞhggj T n i6D? 2 in Dc in Dc c 1 1 6n y i6Dus W þ 2n i6D? 5 Wqus þ W þ H:c: j0i: n n P ? 2 in Dc Said in words, we get contributions from diagrams with n J5ð4Þ , one Lð1Þ vertex and Lð0Þ vertices, and diagrams with n J5ð5Þ and only Lð0Þ vertices. There is no term in Lð0Þ for a ? -polarized usoft gluon, so the usoft gluon has to come out of the Lð1Þ vertex or the n J5ð5Þ current. This leads to the diagrams in Figs. 4 and 5. Obviously we do not have ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ terms in this case, since one gluon is collinear and one usoft. As it turns out, we already computed all the necessary integrals in the LO n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0 calculation. Here we have the additional simplification that we can generally drop n q for the usoft momentum q, because n q n p; n l. The various diagrams lead to contributions NLO 2 ANLO p A1 þ AA2 ¼ 2ig n AB ? NLO 2 p ANLO B1 þ AB2 ¼ 2ig n AB ? NLO 2 ANLO p C1 þ AC2 ¼ 2ig n AB ? ð1 þ "ÞðI~1 I~2 Þ; (52) ð1 þ "ÞI~2A ; (53) ðI~6 þ "I~7 Þ; (54) NLO ANLO D1 þ AD2 ¼ 0; (55) where I~2A was defined in (32). Adding the pieces we get (51) NLO NLO hggjTfJ ð4Þ iLð1Þ g þ J ð5Þ j0i ¼ ANLO A1 þ AA2 þ AB1 NLO NLO þ ANLO B2 þ AC1 þ AC2 NLO þ ANLO D1 þ AD2 g2 n p n q 82 ¼ hggjF ð5Þ j0i: ¼ AB ? (56) So the SCET anomaly equation is correct at NLO too. IV. THE SCET ANOMALY AT NNLO We will pursue our calculation to one higher order in . At this order the loop momentum can have either collinear or ultrasoft scaling. Let us start by observing that there is a freedom in what you call label and residual momentum. Consequently SCET should be invariant under (for example) the following reparametrization: n pc ! n pc þ n k; n pr ! n pr n k; (57) where pc is the (collinear) label momentum, pr the (usoft) residual momentum, and k some constant usoft momentum. This ties together F ð4Þ and F ð6Þ , basically predicting the latter. It is easy to check that (42) + (44) satisfies this. We will also calculate the loop diagrams, to verify the SCET anomaly equation at this order. Since both gluons are collinear this time, either n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0 or n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0 can be imposed. We will restrict ourselves to the FIG. 5. Diagrams coming from n J5ð5Þ contributing to the NLO anomaly. 036003-7 WOUTER J. WAALEWIJN PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) former. As can be seen from the expression for F ð6Þ in (44), we need to keep the residual momentum components of the external momenta to get a nonvanishing expression. Our assumptions are n ðpc þ qc Þ ¼ 0; n ðpr þ qr Þ ¼ 0: (59) ¼ 12in ðp þ qÞhggjðTfn J5ð2Þ 12iLð1Þ iLð1Þ g þ Tfn J5ð2Þ iLð2Þ g þ Tfn J5ð3Þ iLð1Þ g þ n J5ð4Þ Þj0i ¼ 1in ðp þ qÞhggjðTfn 6n 5 n 1iLð1Þ iLð1Þ g þ Tfn 6n 5 n iLð2Þ g þ 0 þ ðn 6n 5 Wqus þ H:c:ÞÞj0i: (60) p ¼ pc þ pr ¼ ð0; n pc ; p? c ¼ 0Þ þ ðn pr ; n pr ; p? r ¼ 0Þ (58) The axial current gives hggjTfJ ð4Þ12iLð1Þ iLð1Þ g þ TfJ ð4Þ iLð2Þ g þ TfJ ð5Þ iLð1Þ g þ J ð6Þ j0i 2 2 We cannot make a diagram using n J5ð4Þ and only Lð0Þ vertices, since the n J5ð4Þ current has a collinear and a usoft quark coming out of it. Therefore the only contributions come from n J5ð2Þ . There is a bit of a technical issue with loop integrals that we need to discuss here. At LO and NLO we had collinear loops R we combined label and residual momenta P R for which ‘l ! ‘l. This was possible because these diar lc grams only involved n lc , l? c , and n lr . Now we can get diagrams that also depend on other components of the residual loop momenta e.g. l? r . This requires us to do R ‘l? r ð. . .Þ separately, which yields zero for a collinear loop since all factors of l? r are in the numerator. This is not the case when the loop momentum is usoft, because then l? r appears in the denominator as well. Diagrams with collinear loops R still have nonzero contributions, P may P R for example, ‘lr n ðlr þ pr Þð. . .Þ ¼ n pr lc ‘lr ð. . .Þ. lc ? Because we take the external p? r ¼ qr ¼ 0, many diagrams vanish immediately. First of all we get the same diagrams as at LO, but with an extra Lð2Þ insertion [Figs. 6(a1), 6(a2), 6(a3), 6(b1), and 6(b2)]: ANNLO þ ANNLO þ ANNLO þ ANNLO þ ANNLO A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 ¼ 2ig2 n ðp þ qÞn pr AB ? ðI^1 þ 2"I^2 ð1 þ 2"ÞI^4 I^5 Þ þ ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ; (61) where I^ 1 ¼ I^2 ¼ I^4 ¼ I^5 ¼ Z Z Z Z ‘l ‘l n ðl þ pÞl4? ; n lðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ4 l4? ; ðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ4 n l l4? ‘l ; n ðl þ pÞðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ4 ‘l n ðl þ pÞl2? : n lðl qÞ2 ðl þ pÞ4 FIG. 6. Diagrams contributing to the anomaly at NNLO for n ðp þ qÞ ¼ 0. 036003-8 (62) CHIRAL ANOMALY IN SOFT COLLINEAR EFFECTIVE THEORY We also get a triangle [Figs. 6(c1) and 6(c2)] where one of the vertices is Lð2Þ and a bubble diagram [Fig. 6(d)]with an Lð2Þ vertex: ANNLO þ ANNLO þ ANNLO D C1 C2 ¼ 2ig2 n ðp þ qÞn pr PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) In a naive calculation where you forget to treat l as a residual momentum that is multipole expanded in the collinear propagators, you would misleadingly find a nonzero result for this diagram. Rewriting the loop integrals using (31) and AB ? ð"I^8 ð1 þ 2"ÞI^9 þ ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ þ I^10 Þ; d þ pÞ nðl 1 ¼ ; dðn pÞ ðl þ pÞ2 ðl þ pÞ4 (63) with I^ 8 ¼ I^9 ¼ Z Z ‘l ðl l2? 2 qÞ l2 ðl þ pÞ2 ; n l l2? ‘l ; n ðl þ pÞðl qÞ2 l2 ðl þ pÞ2 Z d 1 nðl þ pÞ ¼ ; 2 dðn pÞ ðl þ pÞ ðl þ pÞ4 (64) we get ðn ðl þ pÞÞ2 : (65) n lðl qÞ2 ðl þ pÞ2 Finally there is also a mixed collinear-usoft diagram [Fig. 6 (e)] with a usoft loop momentum: Z n q ¼ ig2 n ðp þ qÞ AB ? ‘l ANNLO E n q n ðl qÞ n p nl þ ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ ¼ 0: 2 l n p n ðl þ pÞ I^ 10 ¼ (67) ‘l (66) I^ 1 ¼ I^2 þ I^5 I^8 n p d I^ ; dðn pÞ 8 (68) I^ 4 ¼ I^2 I^8 þ I^9 n p d I^ : dðn pÞ 8 (69) This reduces the calculation to 1 þ ANNLO þ . . . þ ANNLO þ ANNLO hggjT J ð4Þ iLð1Þ iLð1Þ þ TfJ ð4Þ iLð2Þ g þ TfJ ð5Þ iLð1Þ g þ J ð6Þ j0i ¼ ANNLO D E A1 A2 2 d d 1 I^8 þ ð1 þ 2"Þn p I^8 I^10 þ ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ: ¼ 2ig2 n ðp þ qÞn pr AB ? "I^8 n p dðn pÞ dðn pÞ 2 (70) Working out I^10 , one finds zero. The remainder is fairly easy to evaluate if you take ðp; ; AÞ $ ðq; ; BÞ before performing the integral over Feynman parameters. We find aly equations up to NLO read2 J 1 ð1Þ ð1Þ ð4Þ iL iL hggjT J þ TfJ ð4Þ iLð2Þ g þ TfJ ð5Þ iLð1Þ g 2 þ J ð6Þ j0i ¼ 2 ð4Þ ¼ F ð4Þ ; T fJ ð4Þ iLð1Þ g þ J ð5Þ ¼ TfF ð4Þ iLð1Þ g þ F ð5Þ ; (72) (73) where g n ðp þ qÞn pr 82 AB ? ¼ hggjF ð6Þ j0i: (71) Once again we see by direct computation that the SCET anomaly equation is correct. V. CONCLUSIONS We derived the chiral anomaly equations in SCET up to NNLO by matching the QCD anomaly equation onto SCET, using the tree level relations between fields in QCD and SCET. Gathering all the expressions, the anom- 1 J ð4Þ ¼ n @½n 6n 5 n 2 c 1 1 1 c þ n @ n i6D? 6n 5 i6D 2 in Dc ? n in Dc 1 c 6n þ @? i6 D þ H:c: ; (74) n ? 5 in Dc ? 2 n 2 We only studied some terms of the NNLO anomaly equations and would need the higher order terms in (36) to write down the full expression at NNLO. 036003-9 WOUTER J. WAALEWIJN PHYSICAL REVIEW D 79, 036003 (2009) c 1 1 J ð5Þ ¼ n @ 2n i6D? 2 in Dc 1 6n y us i6D W n 5 Wqus þ W n P ? 2 1 6n y i6Dus W þ @? n n ? 5 Wqus þ W n P ? 2 þ H:c:; (75) 1 ? ? tr½in D in Dc iD? c iDc 162 permutations; (76) 1 ? ? y tr½in D in Dc iD? c ðWiDus W Þ 82 permutations: (77) F ð4Þ ¼ F ð5Þ ¼ y Win Dus W Þ in (36) and expanding. If our result extends to higher orders, then certain matrix elements of the currents will have to cancel each other beyond 8 . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Iain Stewart for many good discussions and helpful suggestions regarding this work. This work is supported by the DOE Office of Nuclear Physics under Grant No. DE-FG02-94ER40818. APPENDIX: USEFUL INTEGRALS Here the sum over permutations means the sum of all different orderings of the operators multiplied by the sign of the permutation. Note that F ð4Þ has an additional factor of 12 compared to F ð5Þ , which comes from the redundant 3 ð1Þ interchange of the iD? can be c . The relevant terms of L found at the end of Sec. III A. By explicitly calculating one-loop graphs we verified these equations. Although we have not checked every possible term in the operator relations, our work suggests their correctness. At LO the anomaly only involves collinear fields, and SCET with only collinear fields is just a boosted version of QCD, so we expected agreement. It was not a priori clear how the anomaly equations would work out beyond that order. Of course there are still higher orders to consider, which might be worth pursuing if one has in mind applying the anomaly in some specific process. F contains terms up to order 8 , whereas J has terms of arbitrary high order. This can be seen from replacing 1=ðin Dc Þ ! 1=ðin Dc þ 3 In our derivation of F ð4Þ in (16) we did not have this factor 12 , because we were distinguishing the outgoing gluons. [1] S. L. Adler, Phys. Rev. 177, 2426 (1969). [2] J. S. Bell and R. Jackiw, Nuovo Cimento A 60, 47 (1969). [3] Y. 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