Xavier University of Louisiana December 2013 Mission Review Committee Report! ! MISSION STATEMENT Xavier University of Louisiana, founded by Saint Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, is Catholic and historically Black. The ultimate purpose of the University is to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society by preparing its students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society. This preparation takes place in a diverse learning and teaching environment that incorporates all relevant educational means, including research and community service. Committee Members: Dr. Teresa Birdwistell (Chemistry), Mr. Joseph Byrd (Vice-President Student Services), Dr. Dominique Gendrin (Communications), Dr. Michael Homan (Theology), Mr. William Jeffrion (Associate VicePresident Auxiliary and Support Services), Sr. Monica Loughlin (Assistant to the President for Catholic Identity and Mission Integration), Dr. Keturah Robinson (Pharmacy), Dr. Lisa Schulte (Psychology), Ms. Kaylon White (Student Representative) Support Staff: Dr. Ronald Durnford (Vice-President Planning and Institutional Research), Dr. Treva Lee (Director for Institutional Compliance and Planning Initiatives), Mr. Van Allen Gale (Senior Institutional Research Analyst), Mr. Jacques Detiege (Assessment Specialist) 1 Mission Review Committee Report, p. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHARGE page 3 SURVEY page 3 Results page 5 Analysis of Numerical Responses page 8 Analysis of Text Responses page 11 FOCUS GROUPS’ SUMMARIES page 11 KEY AREA REVIEWS Service page 13 Service Learning Community Service page 13 Global Education Initiatives page 13 Financial Aid page 15 Student Demographics page 17 Retention Rates page 18 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS page 19 APPENDICIES One Former Mission Statements page 20 Two: STUDENT Text Responses on Mission Survey page 22 Three: ALUMNI Text Responses on Mission Survey page 30 Four: FACULTY Text Responses on Mission Survey page 47 Five: STAFF Text Responses on Mission Survey page 53 Six: Minutes from STUDENT Focus Group page 56 Seven: Minutes from ALUMNI Focus Group page 60 Eight: Minutes from FACULTY Focus Group page 63 Nine: Minutes from STAFF Focus Group page 68 Mission Review Committee Report, p. 3 CHARGE The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) is Xavier University of Louisiana’s accrediting body. SACS core requirement 2.4 requires that, The institution has a clearly defined, comprehensive, and published mission statement that is specific to the institution and appropriate for higher education. The mission addresses teaching and learning, and, where applicable, research and public service. In core requirement 2.5, SACS mandates that, The institution engages in ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide research based planning and evaluation processes that (1) incorporate a systematic review of institutional mission, goals, and outcomes; (2) result in continuing improvement in institutional quality; and (3) demonstrate the institution is effectively accomplishing its mission. SACS comprehensive standard 3.1 states, The mission statement is current and comprehensive, accurately guides the institution’s operations, is periodically reviewed and updated, is approved by the governing board, and is communicated to the institution’s constituencies. In addition to SACS accreditation, Xavier’s strategic planning process mandates that the university periodically review its mission as a part of developing a strategic plan. This academic year, Xavier will develop the 2014-2019 strategic plan, and this report is part of Xavier’s planning process. SURVEY The committee began by thoroughly examining the 2008 report entitled “Strategic Planning Committee Working Group One: The Mission,” as well as the 2010 report from the Catholic Mission and Ministry Task Force. We then created the following online survey that was emailed to students, alumni, faculty and staff on September 25th, 2013. Those who did not complete the survey were sent a reminder on October 1st. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 4 Mission Review Committee Report, p. 5 SURVEY RESULTS Mission Review Committee Report, p. 6 Mission Review Committee Report, p. 7 Mission Review Committee Report, p. 8 SURVEY ANALYSIS An ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) comparing responses to the 7-Point (1 = Strongly Agree, and 7 = Strongly Disagree) Likert item1 “Xavier promotes a just and humane society” found a significant difference [F (4, 706) = 13.02, p. < .001]. Post-hoc t-tests indicated that this difference focused on alumni versus all other groups (i.e., faculty, staff, and students). Alumni agreed with the statement to a greater extent than all other groups. The difference in scores was statistically significant (all p. < .05) for all post-hoc comparison between alumni and all other groups. There were no statistically significant differences in responses among faculty, staff, or students. This suggests that although the mean faculty, staff, and student responses to this item differed –these differences should be interpreted as due to measurement error and/or chance. In contrast, the difference in means between alumni and all other groups is not likely to be due to measurement error and/or chance. Means for each group are presented in Table 1. 1 Some notes regarding the ANOVA analyses: 1) Responses to items were skewed, increasing the likelihood of a Type I error. Thus, significant findings, especially those with a p-value of .05, should be interpreted with caution. 2) The standard deviations among faculty, compared to all other groups, were smaller. Thus, comparisons (e.g., posthoc comparisons) involving faculty should be interpreted with caution. The committee is aware of the disagreement among researchers as to whether responses to Likert-items should be treated as interval or ordinal-level data. The committee has chosen to utilize interval-level techniques for analysis and believes, that for the purposes of this report, analytic integrity is not compromised and that results reported accurately reflect the nature of the data collected. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 9 Table 1: Means for ANOVA as a function of group Alumni Faculty Staff Student N2 384 93 85 148 Mean 1.33 1.99 1.68 1.78 Std. Deviation .808 1.323 .805 1.068 “Who is responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University?” A repeated measures ANOVA examining perceived responsibility for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University indicated a significant difference (p. < .001). Faculty were viewed as most responsible, then staff and students (who were viewed as equally responsible with the same mean ratings). Alumni were viewed as least responsible. Post-hoc tests indicated significant differences (p. < .001) for all comparisons (e.g., alumni vs. faculty, alumni vs. students) – except – for the comparison of staff and students. Means are presented in Table 2. Table 2: Means for all subjects - who is responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University Mean Std. Deviation N3 Alumni 1.98 1.141 621 Students 1.66 .936 621 Faculty 1.24 .547 621 Staff 1.66 .958 621 When analyzing data among alumni only, this significant difference persisted (p. < .001). All post-hoc comparisons were statistically significant (p. < .01). Faculty, staff, students, and alumni, respectively, were viewed as responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University. Means are presented in Table 3. 2 For Table 1, N equals the total sample size for each group/comparison. 3 For Tables 2-6, N equals subset sample for each group/comparison. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 10 Table 3: Means among Alumni - who is responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University Mean Std. Deviation N Alumni 1.85 1.046 331 Students 1.71 .979 331 Faculty 1.20 .493 331 Staff 1.57 .876 331 When analyzing data among faculty only, this significant difference persisted (p. < .01). All posthoc comparisons were statistically significant (p. < .05). Faculty, students, staff and finally alumni, respectively, were viewed as responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University. Means are presented in Table 4. Table 4: Means among Faculty - who is responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University Mean Std. Deviation N Alumni 2.58 1.267 85 Students 1.74 .915 85 Faculty 1.21 .465 85 Staff 2.07 1.044 85 When analyzing data among staff only, the significant difference persisted (p. < .001). Most post-hoc comparisons were statistically significant (p. < .05). Faculty, staff, students, and finally alumni, respectively, were viewed as responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University. NOTE: The post-hoc comparison examining staff versus students was not significant. This suggests that staff view staff and students as equally responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University. Means are presented in Table 5. Table 5: Means among Staff - who is responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University Mean Std. Deviation N Alumni 2.11 1.202 71 Students 1.73 .894 71 Faculty 1.18 .487 71 Staff 1.58 .856 71 When analyzing data among students only, this significant difference persisted (p. < .05). Most post-hoc comparisons were statistically significant (p. < .05), except for the comparison of faculty vs. student responsibility. Faculty, students, staff, and finally alumni (in that order) were viewed as responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University. The lack of Mission Review Committee Report, p. 11 significant difference (in post-hoc comparisons) between faculty and students indicates that students view faculty and students as equally responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University. Means are presented in Table 6. Table 6: Means among Students - who is responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University Mean Std. Deviation N Alumni 1.88 1.142 133 Students 1.45 .839 133 Faculty 1.38 .714 133 Staff 1.68 1.084 133 Overall, the data suggest that faculty are perceived as most responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University, while alumni are perceived as least responsible. This trend occurred across group. In two analyses (one including all respondents and the other including staff only) staff and students were viewed as equally responsible. Finally, faculty and students appear to have similar perceptions in that they seem to view faculty and students as most responsible for achieving the ultimate purpose of Xavier University. ANALYSIS OF TEXT RESPONSES FROM SURVEY The text and paragraph responses to the survey are listed in appendices 2-5 at the end of this report. They have been edited for spelling and content to preserve anonymity. These text responses indicate several things. Most of the responses were positive indicating that there is a consensus that Xavier is fulfilling its stated mission. The dominant negative feature was the concept that Xavier might “talk the talk” when it comes to promoting a just and humane society, but there are times when we could do a better job modeling this. The most common example raised was the means by which Xavier laid off staff during the past academic year. Other people stated that we partner with organizations, such as Sodexo and a janitorial service (The Burks Company), that do not treat their employees well. Still others mentioned that Xavier could do a better job with making LGBT students feel welcome. FOCUS GROUPS Following the survey, the committee decided to form four focus groups, one for students, one for faculty, one for staff, and one for alumni. All faculty, students and staff were invited by email. The alumni focus group was formed during registration for Homecoming weekend. All of the focus groups were asked the following six questions: 1. What does it mean that Xavier is Catholic and historically Black? 2. Is Xavier's ultimate purpose to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society, and if so, who is responsible? What are some examples of how Xavier promotes a just and humane society? Mission Review Committee Report, p. 12 3. How well does Xavier prepare students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society? What are some examples of how Xavier prepares students to assume roles of leadership and service? 4. Does Xavier's mission statement accurately guide Xavier's day to day operations and long term vision? 5. During your time at Xavier, what has helped you to move from knowing the mission statement to understanding it and actively participating in its fulfillment? 6. What does Xavier stand for publicly? The responses, edited at times to preserve anonymity, are in the minutes of these meetings recorded in appendices 6-9. The focus groups seem to indicate that there is a good understanding of what it means that Xavier is historically Black. This relates to the designation from The Higher Education Act of 1965. Some participants noted that the faculty at Xavier has a higher percentage of Caucasians than other HBCUs. Others referenced a few HBCUs where African-American students are racial minorities on campus. Most participants seemed to agree that racial diversity amongst Xavier students has increased and that we should not limit recruiting to any one racial group. There is a wide range of understanding pertaining to the Catholic nature of Xavier. Some understand this to mean there should be rigidity in rules, and censorship of language and behavior. Some pointed out that in many ways Xavier is more socially conservative than some right-wing Catholic organizations. In all four focus groups there was a sentiment that we at Xavier should model the society that we want to create. Many participants felt that we should be better neighbors to the Gert Town community. Others felt we should try to find ways to promote a just and humane society off of our campus. From the staff focus group it was clear that Xavier could do a better job of informing new staff about the mission of the university. Faculty hear about the mission statement when they are hired, and they are asked about it during their third year review and tenure meetings with the Rank and Tenure Committee. Students said that they learned about the mission in their Freshman Seminar courses. Some lamented that they finally bought in to it at the end of their first year, and they were sad they didn’t hear about it again in other courses. ADDITIONAL KEY AREAS REVIEWED BY THE COMMITTEE While all aspects of the University relate to the Mission, the committee chose several additional key areas for review to gain additional insights into accomplishment of the stated mission. These include Service (both Service Learning and Community Service), Global Education Initiatives, Financial Aid, Student Demographics, and Retention. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 13 SERVICE Service Learning One means by which Xavier is able to directly implement its mission within the New Orleans community is through service learning. According to the Center for Student Leadership and Service, student engagement in service learning has been consistent between the spring of 2009 and the spring of 2013. The years 2008-2010 show a higher level of service learning engagement because the service learning program was better funded and offered faculty stipends for implementing service learning in their courses. In addition, in 2008, the Center for Student Leadership and Service partnered with the Center for the Advancement of Teaching to establish a Service Learning Faculty-in-Residence position. The faculty liaison is primarily responsible for recruitment and technical assistance with the service learning teaching strategy and pedagogy while the Center for Student Leadership and Service staff primarily handles site security and logistics for students. Additionally, the city of New Orleans was still in a post-Katrina rebuilding mode with an extensive degree of community need. Of the total number of students who participated in 2008-2013, 71 percent engaged in service learning through the Freshman Seminar experience. All Xavier Freshmen participate in an 8-hour service learning project as part of their Freshman Seminar course during the spring semester. The remaining 29 percent of Xavier students who participated in service learning did a service learning project though regular course work, and typically they would spend more than 20 hours on the project. Concurrent with the heavy service learning student engagement between 2008 and 2010, 14 courses were associated with service learning, while the 2009-2013 period shows an average of eight courses per year. Community Service In addition to service learning, Xavier students are involved in community service. From 20082010, the number of student organizations involved in community service was 70. After 2010, the number of active organizations decreased and currently, there are 60 active organizations. This decrease is likely associated with the post-Katrina decrease in the overall number of students at Xavier. It is estimated that 25-35% of the students participate in service as members of various organizations at Xavier. GLOBAL EDUCATION INITIATIVES Several factors at Xavier play a role in preparing students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society. First, there is the Center for Intercultural and International Programs (CIIP), which helps Xavier students to study abroad. Between the Fall 2008 and the Fall 2013, the number of Xavier students involved in study abroad programs has increased significantly. Fall 2013 Summer 2013 # of Xavier Students Studying Abroad 3 43 Mission Review Committee Report, p. 14 Spring 2013 Fall 2012 Summer 2012 Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Summer 2011 Spring 2011 Fall 2010 Summer 2010 Spring 2010 Summer 2009 Spring 2009 Fall 2008 3 2 15 7 5 29 4 3 12 3 2 7 1 Moreover, the global educational aspects increase when students from other countries study at Xavier. There are currently 29 international students at Xavier. There are 18 international degree seeking students on campus, and two additional international students have graduated and are completing the Optional Practical Training (OPT). All of these students are in the United States on the F-1 Student Visa. Additionally, there are nine international students visiting Xavier for only a semester or one year. These students are sponsored by the J-1 Student Visa. Additionally, the newly established Confucius Institute and our partnership with Hebei University increase student exposure to a global society. For example, during the summer of 2013, a group of 9 students, who all studied Chinese at Xavier, attended the Xavier Confucius Institute 2013 China Summer Camp. Due to budgetary constraints, however, the number of foreign languages offered at Xavier has recently declined. We no longer offer courses in Japanese, Arabic, German, and Latin. Thus currently Xavier offers modern language courses in only French, Spanish, and Mandarin. While the Theology department began offering courses in biblical Hebrew and Greek in the Fall 2012 semester, as these are “dead” languages like Latin, they arguably do not impact our students’ exposure to a global society as much as modern spoken languages would. Fortunately, Xavier Languages Department has been successful in sending Xavier graduates to participate in English as a second language teaching programs sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Education (5 students, 2004-present), the French Ministry of Education assistanat program (13 students, 1996-present), and the Japan Exchange Teaching Program (5 students, 2002-present). Various departments have offered courses in which Xavier students conduct and/or present research in other countries, many of them with funding from the Center for Undergraduate Research. Some examples include: • Engineering/Physics credit for students working on a telemedicine project in Angola. • Education credit for students for presenting a paper about post-Katrina education in Oxford England. • Speech Pathology credit for students traveling to Nicaragua and Honduras where they visit schools, health clinics, and orphanages to perform speech and hearing screenings, Mission Review Committee Report, p. 15 • • • and give recommendations to parents and teachers about how to work with children with communication and learning disorders. Theology and History credit for students participating in archaeological excavations in Jordan and Israel. Theology credit for students completing study tours of Greece, Turkey and Italy. History credit for student research in the Dominican Republic. Twenty-two French & Spanish majors and thirty-eight French and Spanish minors have studied abroad during the past five years. An additional seven students (non-majors or minors) received credit for studying in Spanish-speaking and French-speaking countries. Finally, a Xavier Political Science student studied Arabic while working on an International Relations project in Morocco. FINANCIAL AID Many of our students at Xavier qualify for financial aid, though this number has slightly declined. The percentage of Freshmen with need-based financial aid has decreased from a high of 68.6% in 2011 to 55.9% this current year. Cohort FR-­‐08 FR-­‐09 FR-­‐10 FR-­‐11 FR-­‐12 FR-­‐13 Total Cohort FR-­‐08 FR-­‐09 FR-­‐10 FR-­‐11 FR-­‐12 FR-­‐13 Total Cohort FR-­‐08 FR-­‐09 New Freshmen Cohorts with Pell Grants # Entered Pell Yr-­‐1 779 475 765 488 779 514 786 539 661 395 675 377 4445 2788 % -­‐ Pell 61.0% 63.8% 66.0% 68.6% 59.8% 55.9% 62.7% Pre-­‐Med and Pre-­‐Pharm Majors New Freshmen Cohorts with Pell Grants # Entered Pell Yr-­‐1 590 366 567 363 546 353 566 391 459 282 493 264 3221 2019 ajors All Other M % -­‐ Pell 62.0% 64.0% 64.7% 69.1% 61.4% 53.5% 62.7% New Freshmen Cohorts with Pell Grants # Entered Pell Yr-­‐1 189 109 198 125 % -­‐ Pell 57.7% 63.1% Mission Review Committee Report, p. 16 FR-­‐10 FR-­‐11 FR-­‐12 FR-­‐13 Total 234 220 202 182 1225 161 148 113 113 769 68.8% 67.3% 55.9% 62.1% 62.8% A little more than 60% of Xavier students receive Pell grants, regardless of major. Xavier focuses on educating financially disadvantaged students more than most schools. For the 20112012 academic year, 63% of Xavier students were determined to have need-based financial aid in the form of Pell grants. Of the peer competitors that this committee examined, only Dillard University had a higher percentage (78%). The next highest after Xavier was 51% at Morehouse College. Five years ago, the amount of federal grant aid received by Xavier students was less than the average of our peer competitors. However, in 2011-2012, the amount was slightly higher at Xavier. Institution Percent of undergraduate students receiving federal, state, local, institutional or other sources of grant aid (SFA1112) Xavier University of Louisiana 66% Average amount of federal, state, local, institutional or other sources of grant aid dollars received by undergraduate students (SFA1112) $6,140 Percent of undergraduate students receiving Pell grants (SFA1112) Percent of undergraduate students receiving Federal student loans (SFA1112) Average amount of Federal student loan aid received by undergraduate students (SFA1112) 63% 76% $8,169 Dillard University 95% $9,909 78% 89% $10,261 Hampton University 63% $8,562 40% 70% $8,267 Howard University 70% $14,539 45% 68% $7,413 Loyola UniversityNew Orleans 91% $26,212 29% 56% $10,296 Morehouse College 85% $17,426 51% 75% $7,926 Southeastern Louisiana University 64% $5,515 37% 44% $6,083 Spelman College 80% $12,283 50% 74% $7,728 Spring Hill College 97% $19,443 37% 69% $7,430 University of New Orleans 54% $6,054 32% 34% $6,677 NCES IPEDS Peer Analysis Tool Mission Review Committee Report, p. 17 In the 2008 Mission Review Committee report, the committee concluded: Thus our niche at Xavier has changed, as once we sought to promote social justice by educating African American students who could not be educated elsewhere, and now we promote social justice by educating more economically disadvantaged students. This does not make good financial sense, as a better business model would be to recruit students with more resources. Yet, educating students without resources fits in well with Xavier's historic Mission. The same conclusion can be made with the current report. Xavier continues to fulfill its mission by educating students who might not be financially able to receive a college education elsewhere. DEMOGRAPHICS OF XAVIER STUDENTS During the past five years, the percentages of the ethnic/racial makeup of Xavier students have largely remained the same. Race Cat AmIndian Asian Black HA-­‐Pac Unknown White Total Black % FR-­‐08 10 70 648 2 37 12 779 FR-­‐09 1 64 665 0 22 13 765 83% 87% FR-­‐10 7 61 687 1 9 14 779 FR-­‐11 9 76 664 1 16 20 786 88% 84% FR-­‐12 9 75 553 0 9 15 661 84% FR-­‐ 09 FR-­‐10 154 121 136 120 290 241 139 129 429 370 336 410 765 780 FR-­‐ 11 142 140 282 119 401 385 786 FR-­‐13 17 64 559 0 8 27 675 83% FR-­‐ 12 112 130 242 101 343 318 661 FR-­‐ 13 113 109 222 122 344 331 675 In State In State In State Total Not In State Total Grand Total Local Local Local Total Not Local New Orleans New Orleans not New Orleans FR-­‐08 186 141 327 99 426 353 779 Percent NO Percent Local -­‐ Not NO 24% 20% 16% 18% 17% 17% 18% 18% 15% 18% 20% 16% Mission Review Committee Report, p. 18 Percent Local Percent LA, Not Local Percent LA Percent Out State 42% 13% 55% 45% 38% 18% 56% 44% 31% 17% 47% 53% 36% 15% 51% 49% 37% 15% 52% 48% 33% 18% 51% 49% On average, 36 percent of the Xavier students are “local,” coming from the greater New Orleans region, while 16 percent are from Louisiana but are not local. In addition, 48 percent of the students enrolled at Xavier are from out of state while 52 percent come from the state of Louisiana. RETENTION RATES Retention rates for freshmen in degree/certificate granting programs. Institution Xavier University of Louisiana Dillard University Hampton University Howard University Loyola University-New Orleans Morehouse College Southeastern Louisiana University Spelman College Spring Hill College University of New Orleans Full-time retention rate 2011 69% 64% 67% 83% 77% 87% 69% 89% 89% 67% Full-time Retention Rate after one year Cohort After one year 2008 68.9% (Fall 2009) 2009 66.1% (Fall 2010) 2010 68.5% (Fall 2011) 2011 64.9% (Fall 2012) 2012 71.6% (Fall 2013) Xavier has made retention a major goal in its strategic planning over the last several years. Activities have included personnel reorganization and physical restructuring of the Student Academic Success Office and Tutoring Centers as well as ongoing strengthening of the two semester Freshman Seminar sequence and Orientation procedures. Although we have been unable to increase our enrollment through recruitment, we are seeing improvement each year in retention. Student data from our survey and focus groups support our assumption that emphasis on the Mission Statement in Freshman Seminar and united efforts of the Offices of Student Academic Success, Student Services, Freshman Seminar and Mission Integration in collaboratively addressing the First Year Experience are positively impacting first-year retention. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 19 CONCLUSIONS and RECOMMENDATIONS This committee DOES NOT recommend any changes to the wording of Xavier’s mission statement. It is clear that all of the members of the Xavier community believe strongly in the mission. The committee believes that overall Xavier is fulfilling its lofty mission and should continue to find ways to improve upon this. Since the 2008 report, one success story is that students at Xavier better know the university’s mission and they also better believe that we implement it. In 2008, nearly 40% of the students answered “no” or “don’t know” when asked "Do you think that Xavier University promotes a more just and humane society?" In the 2013 survey, more than 90% of the students agree that Xavier promotes a just and humane society. From the focus groups, it is clear that students are learning about the mission in their Freshman Seminar courses. This committee recommends that faculty should try to directly implement the mission statement into other course material. Xavier University of Louisiana needs to find ways to convey to the public that we stand for social justice and values. Currently the public face of Xavier is often our premed program and the leadership of Dr. Francis. The university should try to increase a sense of mission responsibility for Xavier alumni. We should find ways to educate staff about Xavier’s unique history and mission. To enhance a global education, Xavier should continue to support and expand organizations such as the Center for Undergraduate Research and Center for Intercultural and International Programs to provide funding for research projects abroad. Xavier should find ways to fund additional foreign language courses. Xavier should continue to find ways to reflect on what it means to be Catholic and historically Black by exploring aspects such as our history, the importance of family, high values, and solidarity. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 20 APPENDIX ONE Appendix One: Former Mission Statements (aka Aims, Objectives) 1916-1917 You may ask, "For what does Xavier University stand? How does it compare with other institutions of learning in its power to fit for life?" The object of "Xavier" shall be to give to its students a refined and Christian education. An idea of the extent and thoroughness of the Course of Study may be formed after reading the pages that follow. Practical and thorough courses of instruction are given in the various branches of science and art. Since virtue, however, is the chief end of education, the formation of character is of greater importance than the mere acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, every effort is made by the Sisters to implant in the hearts of those entrusted to their care such principles as will guide them through life and lead them to the highest standard of true Christian manhood and of true Christian womanhood. The Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament ever strive for the realization of Reverend John Lancaster Spalding's definition of education, namely, "the soul's response to God's appeal to make itself like unto Him--self-active, knowing, wise, strong, loving and fair." 1925 The object of the College is to offer young men and women of the Colored race an opportunity of receiving a thorough liberal education; an education which will develop all the faculties of soul and body and find expression in clear thinking and right acting. To this end the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament aim to supply an atmosphere favorable to the development of a sense of responsibility and upbuilding of character. For this purpose also the College offers courses carefully drawn up covering all the standard requirements for Academic degrees--a scholarly corps of instructors, ample library facilities, well-equipped science laboratories, spacious halls and well-ventilated classrooms, modern in every detail. 1926-1927 The aim of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in conducting Xavier College is to offer to young men and women of the colored race an opportunity of receiving a thorough, liberal education; an education which will develop all the faculties of soul and body and find expression in clear thinking and right acting. A trained mind and a critical judgment, although essential to happiness and success, are of little avail unless controlled by a strong will and directed by a keen moral sense. Hence the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament aim to supply an atmosphere favorable to the development of a sense of responsibility and the upbuilding of character. Consequently, in the form of discipline and the method of teaching, they lay due emphasis on moral and religious agencies, ever striving for the realization of the Most Reverend John Lancaster Spalding's definition of education, namely, "The soul's response to God's appeal to make itself like unto him--self-active, knowing, wise, strong, loving and fair." 1961-1962 The objective of Xavier is to seek truth, to recognize truth when it finds it, to broaden the confines of existing truth, to preserve it and to apply it to the forming of Christian intelligence, and to the needs of private and public life. In striving to attain this objective the University aims to produce men and women with developed minds, extended and elevated by the ultimate and unerring view of faith, with a will reinforced in its sense of duty toward neighbor and country by the strength of charity. By its educational policy the University aims to impart a true education, one unswervingly focused upon the end of man, a God-centered education. The University understands this education not as a passive process wherein the student is molded to the will of another, but rather a process in which a student acquires clear-cut and enduring patterns of thought and action; in a word, the intellectual and moral virtues. The University seeks to promote the highest personal development of the student and the most effective use of his talents in the various fields of learning, Mission Review Committee Report, p. 21 research, and vocational endeavors, thereby aiding him to serve his particular community and to provide his own personal economic security. The curriculum provides for a liberal education which prepares the student for advanced study in graduate and professional schools, for teacher certification on secondary and elementary levels, for special fields of art, music, business, medical technology and pharmacy. To this end the University imparts, carefully cultivates and promotes learning, and encourages and furthers study, research and self-development in the College of Arts and Sciences, in the College of Pharmacy, and in the Graduate School. 1970-1971 Xavier, a Catholic university serving a predominantly Black student body, commits itself to the following goals: To provide the environment most conducive to the development of the human person, so that each student may realize his own fullest potential as an individual; To provide such academic support as is necessary for each student to achieve maximum success in the realization of his own educational goals; To provide such opportunities of general, special and professional education as will make it possible for each student to develop sensitivity to beauty in all its forms, responsibility for the attainment of a more humane and just society, and the abilities and skills needed to make his contribution to that society; To accept fully its responsibility as a university existing within a larger society, recognizing the priority of claims from or relating to the Black community. 1982-1984 It is as a Catholic University serving a predominantly Black student body that Xavier has its reason for being. In reaffirming its Black heritage and its Catholic character, the University is guided by its mission to provide each student with a liberal and professional educational experience in a pluralistic environment for the ultimate purpose of helping to create a more just and humane society. 1990-1992 Xavier is a Catholic University serving a predominantly Black student body. In reaffirming its Black heritage and its Catholic character, the University is guided by its mission to provide each student with a liberal and professional education. To insure the excellence of its programs, all relevant means, including teaching, research, and community service are utilized in a pluralistic environment for the ultimate purpose of helping to create a more just and humane society. 1994-1996 Xavier is an historically Black University with a unique Catholic character. In reaffirming its African American heritage and its Catholic tradition, the University is guided by its mission to provide each student with a liberal and professional education. To insure the excellence of its programs, all relevant means, including teaching, research, and community service are utilized in a pluralistic environment for the ultimate purpose of helping to create a more just and humane society. 1998-2008 Xavier University of Louisiana is Catholic and historically Black. The ultimate purpose of the University is the promotion of a more just and humane society. To this end, Xavier prepares its students to assume roles of leadership and service in society. This preparation takes place in a pluralistic teaching and learning environment that incorporates all relevant educational means, including research and community service. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 22 APPENDIX TWO Text and Paragraph Responses by Question Mission Survey 2013 (Student Comments) Question: Please explain your answer to the question above. (First) For the most part, nothing is said about societal equality and treatment. When it is though, a positive light is shed. Xavier provides many different opportunities for students, staff, and faculty to get involved with community service which is very important in the process of creating a more just and humane society. I completely agree with this statement because Xavier makes a point to get their students involved with the community. Xavier is committed to providing educators who prepare students to make a difference in society while at Xavier and once they graduate. Every activity that I know at XULA is geared toward the betterment of society. I believe as Xavierites we are living up to our mission on paper because we all want to justice and peace foreveryone. Once we leave Xavier, I believe that we live up to this more than current students because we are constantly tearing each other down to lift ourselves up. Although, in the world that we live in, we must knock one down to bring ourselves up. Xavier promotes fairness for all people and encourages students, faculty, and staff to treat each other with respect. Tuition is entirely too high for those who want to come to school. Xavier is a very open school but sometimes the judgments of the faculty, staff and even students can be harsh. Xavier promotes a more just and humane society every single time the doors are open to this campus. They are very resourceful, they are protective of not only the students who attend Xavier, but also the faculty and staff, the community that surrounds, and makes sure that it does its part to uphold the mission by making sure students are given every available opportunity to succeed and achieve. Everyone is treated fairly. Because we are safe Xavier tries to instill in their students ethics and morals that would help them become more aware of the needs in the world and effective in obtaining those needs in a good way. I used to believe that Xavier promoted a just and humane society, however, I am now believe that it promotes vileness, selfishness, and a dog eat dog mentality. Xavier University has helped me become a more independent and community minded person. I feel that Xavier needs to be more involved in the community immediately surrounding them. I think Xavier promotes a just and humane society by making sure the students are their top priority. By doing so, Xavier implements rules that adhere to many people's morals and values. Xavier makes sure that the students and staff respect themselves and those around them. Every single class I am in reminds its students the purpose and goal we are trying to reach when we are working on material. Every professor has made it clear since day one. Social Justice is often a theme in the courses at Xavier. The university, and many of the on campus organizations, are very service-oriented. The tradition of Xavier holds true, but student morale is beginning to lapse due to a lack of modern campus necessities. I feel as if the LGBTQ community at Xavier is not encouraged to be open and proud about their identity on campus. Xavier promotes a just and humane society by increasing the diversity since my freshman year as well as its students commitment to service in underrepresented populations and communities in the surrounding areas. In addition, the necessary resources and tools given to students allow us to have the same opportunities as other students across the nation. Says it in mission statement. Community service is stressed and there is tons of information on how jobs in certain Mission Review Committee Report, p. 23 fields help others. I believe that through its service organizations, varied ways to serve society, and certain compulsory club service requirements Xavier does what's in its power to promote justice. The only other step would be to hold every degree seeking student to have required service hours as a part of their tracking I do believe that Xavier provides its students with every opportunity to succeed. Every student is treated with respect and dignity. I have no doubt that Xavier has been able to fulfill the purpose of its founder. For me, it has been a great learning experience. Xavier promotes equality in every sense of the word The foundation that Xavier holds to its students to community is amazing. Xavier wants you to succeed and you are a face with a name rather than a number in the classroom. Xavier wants you to succeed and to have a sense of morality to when we graduate we can make our society more just and humane. Everything is not perfect. Improvement is always an option. Sometimes I feel that the actions of the students do not reflect our founder's dream and the University tends to promote material success more than teaching that our main concern as skilled professionals should be to help others. Xavier is based on Mother Katharine Drexel's philosophy, which promotes a just and humane society for all, not just students, but all people. Dress code I believe this is true.The school promotes service learning and helping the communityXavier University of Louisiana tries to include everyone in all aspects of this university. Everyone matters N/A Xavier University is keeping with the mission of promoting a just and humane society through the programs that they support and the education that they are currently providing. By participating in various community service events and outreach programs such as the No AIDS Walk, Operation Diabetes and health fairs. Events like these are allowing the community to see that Xavier has and continues to care about the health issues that plague our community. We are vowing to continue to be major supporters in the fight against these and numerous other health concerns. These programs are just a few examples of how Xavier promotes a just and humane society that the community can see. Within the walls of Xavier the student body is taught everyday about the disparities that exist within the communities we serve. Particularly, as a Pharmacy Student I am able to see Xavier’s mission statement being engrained into myself and my peers every day. Many of the patients we are privileged to work with are from under privileged areas of the city and the surrounding communities. The care that they receive from the Xavier College of Pharmacy Faculty is a necessity to improve their health status, maintain a descent quality of life, and promote better health practices in general. These services are not just offered to patients but their families too. Many times healthcare services that are needed most in impoverished communities are not being utilized because patients do not have the financial means to access them. That it why Xavier’s presence within the community is so important because it allows those individuals who may be financially less fortunate to obtain superb medical care that they normally would not have access to which is absolutely unacceptable. As students we are given the opportunity to work with the faculty and staff as we go out onto rotations. Giving students an opportunity to see first hand that socio-economic and racial differences are still present in today’s society that impact lives tremendously and must still be addressed. Regardless of where we decide to practice after graduation the lessons we are learning now will undeniably stickwith us, and make us more conscious of the importance of eliminating these inequalities within our communities. Through my experience at Xavier working with the community I have been forever changed. I now understand the importance of working to create a just society despite the opposition that I may be met with along the way. And I vow to be a beacon of light in my community as a pharmacist, a Xavier Alumnus, and a woman striving to make the world I live in a better place today so that those who proceed me will have a blue print to follow so that they may eradicate the injustices of tomorrow. I believe that my feelings are a reflection of what Xavier sets out to teach all of their students and I feel that they are doing a magnificent job in achieving that mission. Xavier is a great friendly place. Xavier wants everybody to be equal Mission Review Committee Report, p. 24 I have only been here a month. I haven't really gotten a good idea of how much Xavier impacts society yet. Xavier students do a lot of volunteer work, however the benefits of it are not obvious in the surrounding neighborhoods. They're straight forward with us about stuff and its always fair when fully explained. Xavier provides its students with the things that are most important. The focus is on the things that actually matter and will be beneficial to our futures. By doing this, it enhances its students and from there we become great community leaders and other positive things. The actual promoters, focus more on keeping their reputation alive rather than helping the cause Because we learn in respect and always to be treated fairly in Xavier. Xavier promotes a just society because everyone is equally considered in the admission process. For me personally, Xavier promotes a humane society because the school awarded me with an academic scholarship. This scholarship has drastically changed my life path to a more fulfilling direction. I like Xavier’s Community service. They are a very active school with their students.They are fair and just like a big family. XAVIER FACILITATES ACTIVITIES AND TEACHES CLASSES THAT PROMOTE SOCIAL JUSTICE UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN DIVERSE PEOPLES. THE UNDERSTANDING GAINED FROM THESE COURSES MAKES FOR CITIZENS WHO ARE MORE JUST AND HUMANE. orderly behavior is often promoted and disorder is addressed. It teaches men and women of all ages to look at society in a positive way Xavier does everything to make this place a fair and better experience for us all. Through the teaching methods and everyday living around campus, it is instilled in most Xavier students that creating a more just and humane society is the final goal. However, open-mindedness also creates a more just and humane society. In order for the students to want to promote this mission, it is imperative that the administration adhere to it as well. Recently, there have been a few problems with who the University will let on campus as far as performers, speakers, etc. The reasoning was that because we are a "Catholic" institution, we must have certain rules. That is understandable, but when the university discriminates against artists such as Sissy Nobby (NOLA Bounce artist) simply because of their feminine characteristics they are showing the students that it is NOT a just or humane society. They are acting against their own mission. Xavier offers everyone the same opportunities to better themselves and offers numerous resources. Xavier also encourages all students and faculty to help better everyone in our community. I can see were you say it promotes a just society due to the different ways that students have rights to take charge here. But I don't see any actions that Xavier may take to promote a humane society... Xavier does a great job of promoting the mission of "a more just and humane society". However, I think that the university can become more creative and seek new methods to reach this goal that we continue to surpass. great environment/educational structure. Nothing is perfect but I do believe Xavier tries hard to promote a just and humane society. I moderately agree to the statement above because I do believe Xavier promotes a just and humane society, yet there is room for improvements. The university is fair and just when working with students from all diverse populations. They treat everyone as equals. Xavier University constantly has different programs to raise and improve your social awareness. As a black male, these programs empower you to change yourself for the better and inspires you to promote positive change. When deciding upon a college, I knew Xavier is where I wanted to be because its community illustrates their values. Xavier promotes a just and humane society..Xavier is fair to all students as a whole. We all feel welcomed by our Mission Review Committee Report, p. 25 campus and administrators. Xavier university is very hypocritical in all their views and beliefs. Xavier provides opportunities for students to use their skills to help many people around New Orleans. I strongly agree because Xavier do whatever they can to make sure everyone is on the same page. Xavier University offers excellent courses for any student’s desired career. I believe that Xavier promotes a just and humane society because, of that actions the schools community takes towards giving back to the community. The community and atmosphere here tend to be somewhat judgmental and conservative, not very "just" to me. Xavier does not MAKE one a better individual; it merely helps mold the individual into a better member of society. Xavier has many opportunities for community service, and in both the Education and English departments (the departments that I'm affiliated with) we constantly apply our coursework to society and our role in improving it. Xavier does not do enough to help the surrounding Gert Town community. There is a large disconnect between organizations and community outreach. As a new Xavierite, I have noticed Xavier provides opportunities without regard to social status and the system at Xavier is truly just and unbiased. Xavier University definitely is doing a great job in reaching its mission. I believe that as a University the students are being adequately prepared in every way possible to go out and do good in the world. Not only in the career they are striving to reach but in every aspect of life. Doesn't take into account what the students want I'm still new and have not seen how Xavier impacts the community completely. It shows in the compassion of the faculty and administration Xavier's tuition is too high for most students and the academic scholarships they give are little to no money. This creates divisions between students based upon their financial status, Xavier sets rules and policies in accordance with this and the majority of the faculty and staff I've interacted with promote these things as well as try to instill it into us Xavier prides itself on community service and helping others. Many activities on campus show this. I feel safe, not only when I’m walking around campus, but when I am in the classroom. I am not afraid to ask questions. Xavier promotes a just and humane society because it shows how society really is and keep our minds engaged and student success. Xavier University goes through great lengths in order to hold true to its mission. Through community service, activities and events held through the offices or organizations, Xavier provides multiple avenues in order for students to contribute to the just and humane society Xavier educates all people so that they have the opportunity to live fulfilling lives. I have only noticed a few events which promote a better society Xavier University offers great opportunities to all regardless of sex, ethnicity, or religious beliefs. As students, we are all entitled to our beliefs and rights. Xavier promotes a just an humane society yet it is not always enforced for students to strive to achieve this goal. all the M.A.X programs, that provide aid to those younger or less fortunate, really show the belief that everybody should be allowed the same opportunities. Xavier has great professors that you really can talk to and visit during office hours. Everyone answers your questions and responds to emails. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 26 Xavier promotes unity and welcomes diversity. I slightly agree with the way the University approaches the mission statement: community service projects. It is however, rare that I ever hear the mission statement. In fact, it is my first time hearing the statement since I enrolled as a freshman in 2008. Maybe the mission statement and Katharine Drexel could be promoted at this year's convocation. The society really isn't just even though the students are provided with the syllabus. On paper, everything is organized but in reality it isn't. As a result, students are not really getting what they are paying for. It seems to be that Xavier promotes a just and humane society The school insures that we do the right things and everything is fair is equal, it is not just that the professors and staff instill this in us if the students themselves are not living up to it either. The environment at Xavier is friendly and comfortable, which allows students and faculties to interact with one another. Everyone encourages each other to do better. In what part of the curriculum is there any talk about how our given fields help promote a just and humane society. Question: Please explain your answer to the question above. (Second) It takes teamwork to make the dream work. Everyone Everyone who is on or has attended Xavier's campus should embody this ideal into their profession. The students and alumni are equipped to execute the mission of the university by the faculty and administration I believe that it is the job of the entire Xavier community to achieve the purpose. Although students are the focus everyone is able to serve and everyone strives to get to the next level. Because everyone currently or previous involved with Xavier should uphold this statement. The statement does not specify who, so everyone should take a place in it. everyone must be involved It all start with the teachers, there are a few things students learn on their own but professors nurture us to become successful, give us the tools to do so Each of these options are representations of Xavier and therefore should responsible for contributing to the purpose. Belongs to all Everybody plays a role in everything. As a group of individuals we are all responsible. We teach one other how promote a more just and humane society. Alumni, Faculty, and Staff all prepare students to assume leadership roles. By preparing students to possibly assume leadership roles of leadership and service in a global society it is the responsibility of all of the above to achieve this. The Faculty is responsible for teaching us and the staff is responsible for showing us with their actions and we, as students are responsible for passing it along once we become alumni. Everyone who is affiliated or has been affiliated with Xavier. Ultimately, everyone is needed to contribute to a just and humane society because we have a responsibility to lend a helping hand to the next generation to come. We should want to leave even more opportunities for them and teach them to value and care for human beings. The staff and faculty represent the role we are to at least try to follow. In other words, the staff and faculty are like mentors. Alumni counts too because they have gone through the process and should lead by example to others after Mission Review Committee Report, p. 27 them. The students make the campus, and it’s up to us to assume roles of leadership instead of waiting for someone else to. The students come to Xavier to learn how to exhibit the said qualities, therefore, it is the responsibility of the school as a whole to learn and teach what is right. Everyone is responsible in the act of achieving the purpose of Xavier. The faculty because they are supposed to show students what to do. Staff because they have to set an example for the students. The alumni because they are the products of the school. All of these, really. It is everyone’s job to make sure that Xavier's mission in being carried out. We are all responsible for achieving the purpose if we are consciously attending the University for whatever reason. In order for this to be an effective mission, everyone currently and past members of the Xavier community should live up to this mission. Everyone has to contribute to achieving the purpose of Xavier University. Alumni, students, faculty, and staff work like links of a chain in promoting Xavier's mission, and if one link of the chain is broken (not achieving the purpose of Xavier University), then the whole chain is affected and Xavier is not fully achieving its purpose. Students are responsible. Xavier is a huge family and in a family one member is more important than so alumni, students, faculty and staff are all important for achieving the purpose of Xavier University. I believe that all of the above persons are responsible for fulfilling the schools purpose by contributing "to the promotion of a more just and humane society by preparing its students to assume roles of leadership and service." I feel like Xavier is a village that is raising, encouraging, and motivating students to strive for excellence in every form and fashion. Everyone is concerned about teaching the students to do what is right. It says “students” in the mission statement Past, present, and future students have to want and attempt to be a just and humane leader, and the faculty and staff have to aid the students in becoming these leaders. The effort is collaborative. If there is no one to help guide the students, then how exactly will they know what is just and humane. Some of these things aren't as obvious as one would think. While I think the faculty has some responsibility it is everyone’s job to assume the roles of leadership. It is a combined effort. they say "...preparing its students..." We are all apart of Xavier, which means we all must contribute to promoting this more just and humane society. The faculty are responsible for being role models and instructing the students on how promote a just and humane society. Students are responsible for taking the roles of leadership that the faculty are teaching us. The faculty are responsible for teaching it to us and it’s up to the students to adhere to it The mission becomes real during and after the college experience. We should all work together to promote this society, and should be encouraged from the faculty downwards. However if that is not the case, then we as the students should step up and take the role that others fail to take. I believe everyone, including the students is responsible for promoting the mission and teachers, faculty, staff, and alumni can lend their instruction and advice, but it's up to the students themselves to decide whether or not to contribute, and they usually have the most power in influencing their peers to do the same. I think it's up to everyone to promote this goal in their own ways. Everyone of Xavier's students both past and present. Everyone of Xavier' stakeholders, so to speak. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 28 Everyone is involved in the rearing of the students. It takes a village. I believe we are all the students because we learn from each other and are positive through the process of making our society better. Everyone in affiliation with Xavier plays a role in achieving its purpose. We are all should be involved in preparing our students to be leaders, role models with the ability to work andfunction in a global society because with the internet everyone is connected around the world. As a result of the advanced and current technology, students should be prepared before they graduate to work in one country but service another country via their home or office laptop. I believe these people are very important in encouraging to be leader. Students sometimes need to be taught how to lead.Everyone contributes, this is YOUR school. I think we all play a part in achieving this purpose. It is a domino effect that first starts with the faculty and staff. The students are the best material of Xavier University. Everybody wants to prepare students to become leaders Everyone at Xavier is making us into what we are to become, but just as other people have an influence on us, we have the choice to receive the message sent out. All of the adults (faculty, staff, and alumni) should lead students by example and assume roles of leadership as well. Students should take notice and do their part to provide services to the community as well. They run and pay for the school...they should make sure the students see it the way they want them to see it. The teachers are here to help and motivate us to achieve the purpose of the University. Because students are the ones who build to the future. The factors listed above are what make up Xavier. Xavier needs all of its components to carry whatever mission. Everyone should take part in the mission. Every group has a hand in teaching students to assume roles of leadership and service in Everyone who is part if Xavier's school is part of Xavier's future and present success. We have to all work together. a global society. IT IS THE JOB OF THE XAVIER FACULTY AND STAFF TO TEACH STUDENTS HOW TO BE LEADERS AND GIVE THEM THE TOOLS TO DO SO. AFTER THAT, IT'S THE RESPONSIBILITY OF STUDENTS AND ALUMNI TO TAKE THEIR ABILITIES AS LEADERS INTO THE WORLD AND LEAD BOLDLY. Xavierites are all responsible whether its students former students or faculty. Everyone involved with Xavier should work to achieve XU's mission The students and faculty are responsible for achieving this purpose. The faculty and staff provide the students and alumni with the resources need for them to make the world a more just and humane society. The faculty and staff also show the students how to be leaders on and off campus. Everyone who walks on to Xavier's campus is responsible for what Xavier gives out. It is the responsibility of everyone to promote the mission and to do their part, on whatever level, have to continue to promote in their individual lives. everybody plays a part I believe it’s up to the students to achieve the above statement because the student body is what makes us Xavier. All of the above, because XULA has a family atmosphere and while preparing students for leadership roles here and globally, the faculty and staff as well as the students must all by into this philosophy. I think everyone plays a role in achieving the purpose of Xavier University. The faculty and staff has a duty to make and teach the curriculum that will make students successful. The students have the role of using the knowledge providedto us and applying it in the real world. Alumni have the responsibility of actually living out the last part of the mission while mentoring current Xavierites and promoting the University so that it will continue to be successful. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 29 faculty should try to help students more instead of being bitter and inconsiderate.. a lot of teachers enjoy giving students terrible grades. All of us who are a part of Xavier's community are responsible for promoting a just and humane society. Everyone plays a role that contributes to a more just and humane society. Everyone who has either works, attended, or currently attends is responsible for the student. We should all take care of each other to make sure that everyone is successful in their collegiate career at Xavier. The university is more than just students and professors. It is everyone's responsibility. Everyone here at Xavier University or anyone affiliated with Xavier should all help each other achieve the purpose of Xavier University Xavier gives the opportunities it is the students responsibility to take advantage of it. It takes a village If Xavier's mission statement is the production of better members of society, as a college, those better members must be students. Xavier gives numerous opportunities for leadership in many ways, so it is up to Xavierites to get involved. Faculty and staff must promote leadership as well as incorporate the importance leadership and service in their teaching. Alumni have had the education, and they now have more opportunities to achieve the mission. It is the duty of everyone to do their part and help Xavier reach the goal and achieving the purpose. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 30 APPENDIX THREE Text and Paragraph Responses by Question Mission Survey 2013 (Alumni Comments) Question: Please explain your answer to the question above. (First) Xavier is the foundation of my belief in a just humane way to treat others and the world we live in. Xavier is a level ground for diverse views and ideas. Through the volunteer activities led by students and institutional partnerships, Xavier promotes awareness, fairness, and equal opportunity. Xavier University receives individuals that want to make a better life for themselves as well as their community, therefore its graduates exude what is expected of them to be fair and just humans in this world. I believe Xavier is dedicated to social justice. St. Katharine Drexel founded Xavier as a means of helping to promote a just and humane society and through the years Xavier has continued this mission. Xavier promotes leadership and provide students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to take on any challenge whether those challenges are in community development, Corporate America, or even daily human interaction. The school supports diversity and individualism. the university promotes good core values My name is (gives name) and I am a 1983 Graduate of Xavier University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in in Business Administration. It has been thirty some odd years since I walked across the stage at the 83' graduation. It only seems like it was yesterday. The statement that I agreed whole heartedly to can be interpreted in several different ways, which means it takes on several different meanings. The statement as it relates to me personally meant that we all know are at some point heard of all the good things that Xavier does in the community, that's a given. To me "just and humane" from 1978 thru 1983 meant that I appreciated everything that Xavier allowed me to be. I knew that it would be virtually impossible for a kid from East St. Louis to afford a great institution such as Xavier but somehow every semester I registered without a penny in my pocket. Humane you say! The entire Xavier experience to this day was humbling. Xavier taught me so much about the haves and have nots but allowed me to study there without pigeon holing me as such. I owe my life to Xavier. Promoting a just and humane society to you might not mean what it has meant to me. I know for a fact that the compassion that was bestowed upon me was heaven sent, for without that compassion I would not be (names prestigious position). Thank you Xavier. I slightly disagree because Xavier promotes middle class Black respectability more so than they do a just and humane society. As a student of Xavier there was no real critique of the structures in society or the participants that contribute to those who suffer unjustly under it. There was no promotion of speaking on behalf of the marginalized or those who have suffered injustices. Whereas the institution tries very hard to be fair and caring sometimes the people that are in charge do not uphold the belief As I have reflected over my times at Xavier I was taught and treated the above characteristics. I feel that this has become part of the students, alumni, and all affiliated with the schools characters. Everyone is treated fairly and with dignity and respect. I loved my time at Xavier and I have made lifelong friendship. It has historically emphasized the training and education of persons at risk, underserved populations, the need for all to be successful and an advocate of fairness and equity in education, and public policy. Xavier epitomizes the concern for humanity and instills that concern in students, faculty and staff. numerous opportunity are made available for each student to choose a means and medium in which she/he can participate in community life on the campus of the wider metropolitan area. Through the years XU has exhibited its commitment to the well-being of all people regardless of race, color creed or national origin. Its leadership works to promote not only a holistic approach to education among its students but also it reaches out to and works toward the growth, security and "wellness" of the community that surrounds it. The Mission Review Committee Report, p. 31 university holds its students, faculty and staff to high expectations and standards and provides the support necessary to achieve objectives and goals. The mission of St. Katharine, XU's foundress to educate people for roles of leadership, is carried on in the visionary leadership that continues to affirm St. Katharine's dream and vision. Our founder St. Katharine Drexel, founded the school on this principal, I believe today the school continues to strive to make this true, by providing opportunities to diverse students and sending into the communities. Always read positive articles on Xavier's accomplishments Years ago Xavier was more connected to working in the community and neighborhoods around Xavier through its Xavier Triangle Community Development Corporation which it seemed to have dissolved. Leveraging the social service and research capacity that exists at Xavier to help with community issues would be of great value to the city of New Orleans and its economically-challenged neighborhoods including those around Xavier in my opinion. Xavier welcomes everybody. As a former student at XU, (c/o 2013) we hear faculty and staff SAY the phrase. But there have been very few instances where I see action on our community or 'society.' I want to see more a Xavier that is ALWAYS tied into the communities. Not just on special occasions. I believe that Xavier promotes justice because of the commitment to God and to the community. Mother Katharine founded Xavier precisely to provide Blacks and Indians with opportunities to achieve the fruits of a just and humane society. Once the unjust laws of Jim Crow were defeated, XU was able to extend those opportunities to others. When I was a student at Xavier, we were always encouraged to be good Christians and ethical individuals. I still see that at Xavier Xavier University helps to provide excellent Xavierite that helps to make the world a better place. I believe that Xavier's promotion of a just and humane society is a result or by-product of the educational process/activities that the University is involved. I am not able to quickly, immediately think of the major activities of the University and how they directly impacts this statement. XU empowers students to be better contributors to society. Xavier strives to promote justice and integrity for all individuals Ensure that Xavier's education efforts include and reflect the values of all regardless of race, religion and social status. by allowing me to be at a place where I was valued as a student, rather than 'a minority', I have a deeper appreciation for what it means to be accepted and I want others to feel the same way Katharine Drexel started the school to give children of color a chance to be educated and make a difference in the world. I would say that reaching out to people of color is promoting equality, and the education part would to promoting a humane society.Xavier educators and staff believe education is the great equalizer that prepares all for a better life. We stress community service and also awareness of the root causes of injustice and inhumane actions on the part of individuals and societies. Xavier gives each and every student the same opportunity to be able to learn what it takes to serve their community. Also, this allows a majority of their students to have the courage to continue to serve their prospective communities even after leaving Xavier. I also believe Xavier opens many students' eyes to the pressing issues that we, as AfricanAmericans, may face in our society while giving us the ability to be able to fight for this issues. Providing a world-class education to students who might not otherwise get one is an excellent means to this end. XAVIER HAS A STRONG EMPHASIS ON THE INDIVUALS MORAL AND CHARACTER AND NOT JUST EDUCATION. THESE VALUES ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT IN PROMOTING A HUMANE AND MORAL SOCIETY Xavier has always been in the forefront of helping to make the world a better place for all. Xavier cares deeply for the students and preparing them to become great and just members of society. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 32 Although it has been years, and I am not there, I can only answer according to what I read about XU. Whatever they are doing gets noticed and recognized. Very Principled Institution I'm not familiar with Xavier's policy towards humanity. I would assume that the University has a policy regarding a just and humane society; but I don't know what that policy is. a huge majority of the student population who attends XU are of good social standing, already. The few issues that may have popped up during my 4 years there were handled with ease between appropriate students and faculty. Xavier is a school that promotes values and fair treatment Xavier promotes this on a daily basis. They effectively train a society of leaders that go out to effect change everywhere. Xavier is by far the best institution that practice what it preaches. Xavier helped me form my own moral compass. Xavier values the uniqueness of every student. Xavier is where I was not only a student. I was scholar. As a former graduate from the School of Social Work/Sociology, XU left a strong imprint on not only the GertTown and its surrounding communities but throughout the City of New Orleans and the nation. As a temple of disciples, the social consciousness of Xavier and the awareness of their fulfilling a mission the institution has produced many noble and humble individuals who seek to make the world a better place, be givers and not simply consumers and maintain a social consciousness in all of our endeavors. I attended Xavier from 1974-1978 and my philosophy teacher (name edited) taught on this extensively. Xavier has actually done the exact opposite of their Mission Statement with handling their student's concern and being there to help the student when the student runs into academic problems. Students and their academic mishaps should be viewed and judged objectively and not subjectively. XU's religious focus emphases a just and humane society. The overall focus of our university is providing a well-rounded curriculum to challenge and equip students to assist with meeting the diverse needs of society. It is imperative especially now that Xavier continue to instill the importance of civic responsibility, social justice and Christian values. It is equally as important to prepare students to be contributing productive citizens as it is to prepare students to enter into the workplace. While a student at Xavier I was encouraged to respect others and rely on the highest morals and ethics to serve my fellow man. Xavier University administrators need to commit more to student access for education by providing more academic scholarships for students. Very diverse college. It focuses on the holistic aspects of its students. Xavier University has always given students the opportunity to develop personally and professionally by promoting excellence in every area of life, especially character and the pursuit of excellence. Xavier changed my life and my two daughters by helping us to be educated, positive, audacious leaders in our personal and professional lives. Dr. Norman Francis and the staff assisted in my development. Xavier's education program was superior. I have not met many teachers like Xavier teachers. I taught for 37 years and have begun a tutoring business after retirement to help children become educated by learning and practicing the purpose and meaning of education. I also use Xavier's focus and motivation to inspire students to be informed, educated citizens with character and responsibility to the local and global communities. I attended Xavier Preparatory High School and attended Xavier for my Bachelor and Master Degrees. I returned to XUP to work for four years after I retired as Director of Activities and as an educator. Everywhere I have been, I have been asked about my educational background. When I say that I attended XUP and XU, the response is, "You can tell." That is a glorifying tribute to Xavier University, Blessed Sacrament Sisters and Dr. Norman Francis and Staff. I and hundreds of graduates are witnesses and reflections of the greatness, heart, and spirit of my alma mater, Xavier University. FAIRNESS AND CONCERN FOR OTHERS HAS ALWAYS BEEN EMPHASIZED BY XAVIER COMMUNITY Mission Review Committee Report, p. 33 We could do a better job of reaching out to all of society. XULA puts an emphasis on service and community activism. Students are treated fairly and the facilities were always well-maintained while I attended for my Undergraduate studies. Xavier strives to level the playing field so everyone has the opportunity to have a quality life. XAVIER promotes this belief and mission through its structures and curriculum. Xavier provides the opportunity for individuals to live in a society with guidance from spiritual leaders who are characterized by compassion and sympathy for others which is one of the founding principles of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. Xavier promotes the dignity and respect for mankind. Xavier’s' graduates are encouraged throughout their stay to show compassion for those that are not as fortunate. Xavier staff and administration personnel lead by example as they work with the students on a daily basis. They show a willingness to understand the student's circumstance and attempt to work with him/her to the satisfaction of both the school and the student's needs. I graduated from Xavier in 1968. Although we were taught to give back to our people via community service, as far as I know Xavier was not involved in the civil rights movement which was heavily supported by a broad crosssection of this country's socially conscious citizens. In fact, African American history or literature were not part of the University's curriculum until my senior year. I know this because I was an English Literature major. The music department did stage performances of the opera, Carmen Jones, numerous times throughout the department’s history. It also educated numerous Igbo students during the Nigeria-Biafra civil war. I am unaware of how Xavier currently promotes a just and humane society. I believe as a Christian organization it is imperative that this be a priority for continuation of civilized the relationship of all people. It is fair and treats students well. lack of support for strong academic and cultural support of ethnic heritage Xavier always puts out positive and informative information about the University. My experiences at Xavier have stayed with me since my matriculation over ten years ago, they foster an environment that makes you love learning with your fellow Xavierites As a (edited) and former alumnus, I believe that today’s XU students are encouraged to be of service and to make a difference in the world for justice. I say this based on reports and information XU shares through its newsletters. By focusing on the education of minorities it seeks to level the playing field in equality of education. Great school Xavier as a Catholic University promotes the Value of Christ XU is undoubtedly big on community service and giving back whether it's through M.A.X. or yearly events such as MLK day of service. The impetus of Xavier's teaching, community programs, and social involvement has always fostered equality and fair treatment for all humankind. XU has consistently aided the U.S. community by offering an education, moral and social compass to the students and teaches the students to become productive and professional individuals. Simply put, by its diversity in the faculty, students and its caring for all. During my time as a student and since in visiting the campus for various, I have experienced nothing other than quality to all those served. the diverse campus adds to the atmosphere of a just, fair and humane society. Xavier promotes higher education and social justice--both lead to a just and humane society Xavier extends itself to all parts of the world. We have alumnus and students who are from different parts of the Mission Review Committee Report, p. 34 globe working for the greater good of the world. While matriculating through Xavier I experienced firsthand the genuine concern and compassion from financial aid office (name) as well as from instructors (5 names edited). Inconsistently Beyond the academic, the need for graduates to be productive members of society, what is Xavier trying to achieve. I felt that view when I was a student at Xavier. I have never come across in any Xavier literature, references to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Queer (LGBTQ) issues. Of course, this may reflect the institution's religious affiliation. However, I find it difficult to ignore LGBTQ issues in a university that is as modern as Xavier and located in an urban area like New Orleans that has a large, robust LGBTQ community. Is there an LGBTQ student or faculty group at the university? Are there LGBTQ issues in the curriculum? Certainly, as I have written, I have never seen references to LGBTQ presence at Xavier in any of its literature. Xavier is all about educating black young men and women. Education is one way of equalizing our youth with their white peers. That education includes a strong sense of community and what one can do to contribute and improve society. It seems that Xavier has strayed somewhat in the their mission to education Blacks and American Indians to educating more races etc. I am a little concerned. Unless things have changed, there should be more incorporation of service learning projects within the academic majors to introduce and show students how they can be of service to the community and society at large despite their major or field of study. XU does promote a humane society. Some of the rules on the freshmen dormitories are too strict considering that students are more likely to rebel and break the rules. XU has almost seemed to exemplify the promotion of people and tools that create and improve societal conventions. XU has put into place a multi-faceted foundation to produce well rounded graduates who can compete and demonstrate to the world that superior leadership skill and compassion for mankind. XU built upon a strongly Christian foundation and upholds moral standards through the promotion of community outreach Anyone who graduates from Xavier will go out into the world prepared to deal with all people There many examples of Xavier promoting a just and humane society. They are great about emphasizing community service and engaging students to get involved in the community. The core curriculum requiring a nice amount of social and humane sciences (i.e. philosophy, theology, sociology, etc.) I would really like to highlight the Division of Business and the Sales for Social Impact (SSI) course. (4 sentences edited out) Everyone is made to feel a part of the XU "family" I believe Xavier prepares students to do more than just be aware of the injustices in society, but to be a part of the solution. To a certain degree the university does promote a learning atmosphere of justice. At the same time, it doesn't promote that philosophy to the full capacity that we could. We are like 80% there, just 20% more! Xavier taught me to share my service and talents with those who are less fortunate. Xavier taught me that right is right and fair is fair. Always try to do the right thing. That is being just and humane.While a student at XUL, aspects of a humane society were put forth in the classes in which I participated. You give so much and ask so littleIt creates an environment that is fair and conducive to learning I moderately agree with the above statement because I do believe that, while I was a student, XU did an excellent job of promoting "a just and humane society." However, I did feel there were times that XU fell short in promoting the same for students, faculty, and staff. If this were to change, I would then strongly agree with the statement. The university's main goal is to promote humanity and enable its students to proceed successfully in life with religious and educational fortitude to sustain them in their endeavors. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 35 There is always room for improvement but being a recent graduate I think that the university is deeply rooted in the community and the city as a whole. I understand that community service is a big part but I still don't see how the university is promoting the ' more just' part of its mission. socially conscious university; diversity in studentsXavier has always promoted a just and humane society and continues to grow. It is what it is! I strongly agree, insofar as professors encourage students to critically reflect on society and their roles within society. There are still a couple of professors that do this ([2 names] come to mind). I strongly disagree, however, insofar as Xavier encourages its students to maintain the status quo of an unjust society by becoming successful within it. I saw the intensification of the latter while teaching at Xavier. A history of excellence. A strong mission instilled in me while a student at Xavier, and a basic catholic tenet. Everything we do is centered around helping others. Accept people of all backgrounds as faculty or student. I do not know enough about the present Xavier University. I think the University does that now. I am not sure that was always true Xavier is open to all students and its selection of students is from all ethic and economically diverse backgrounds. Xavier through it programs of academics and outreach extends benefits to its community and the general society atlarge. Xavier atmosphere models a just and humane society. Not so sure if it prepares the students for the world around them that is not so just and humane. Data are missing to verify the statement. Has a Christian institution Xavier has always encourage morality and lending a helping hand to those who are less fortunate no matter their race, religion , etc. Xavier is Slowly creating a culture of students that seek to be self-serving money chasers. ---Xavier cultivates a caliber of human being that is empathetic to the community.The environment on campus was so close knit Xavier has a history of being in the forefront of leadership when it comes to equity. The environment has been open to all students regards to their demographic characteristics. I believe that XU represents integrity and fairness and installs these characteristics in its students through academic instructions, social initiatives, leadership programs, and that XU sets an expectation that its students and faculty should always work together or interact in this manner always no matter the circumstances. The foundress of Xavier in her ideals was set forth to address the needs of those portions of society which had been subjected to less than humane treatment in the U.S. (Blacks and Native Americans). This has remained the vision throughout its existence. It was when I was a student, I witnessed it when I was a staff member in the late 80's; and I see it continued through actions today. I strongly agree that Xavier promotes a just and humane society. I am a member of the BAC and get a chance to interface with Students, Faculty and Staff periodically and I believe the current environment is still like it was when I was a student. I felt that I was educated in a nurturing and caring environment and always treated fairly. This statement is true and I have never seen anything to the contrary. Though Xavier does hold the students to a high standard in regards to our mission, I feel that we lack events to promote our mission during the normal class hours. I feel that we can strengthen our approach to mission integration by engaging students more through lunch time programing which would also reinforce the student's ambition to work towards their goals in a service profession. Helps Strengthen the values in its students and its community to promote this type of society Xavier prepares students to strive in any and all environments. Xavier continues to be a vibrant and diverse educational experience for all ethnic groups. As an alumnus of Xavier University of Louisiana, I have always felt safe while attending Xavier. The standards that the Xavier adheres to exemplifies and promotes a just and humane society for all. Xavier has continued to promote the idea of using education to promote a more just and humane society. Some of Mission Review Committee Report, p. 36 the most helpful classes at Xavier are the ones in conjunction with local schools and organizations that allow students to use their knowledge while helping others. That attitude definitely carries over after graduation. I and many of my fellow alum have dedicated their work to social justice and activism due to their experiences at Xavier. The university, with the exception doesn't promote justice nor humanity. The overall drive of the university seems to be the cultivation of success, primarily in terms of finance. Or at least that's what it seems like to students. I'm not aware exactly of all that Xavier does to promote a just and humane society. Statement is consistent with my expectations of a Catholic University. The all-inclusive core curriculum and the way the teachers incorporate the mission into their lesson plans really emphasis this. Xavier believes in educating one's entire being. Xavier considers each person or student individually and treats people in a fair manner. promotes diversity in its student and faculty, And serves the community around the campus. Xavier encourages and promotes community involvement and incorporates that promotion into all of its learning environments. Service Saturdays, and giving students the opportunity and platform to voice their opinions and concerns are just a few of the many ways we are able to help the world and community to be more just and humane. I know many alumni from XU who exemplify the mission of Xavier Xavier has always given students, staff, alumni and persons of interests a chance to advance on an emotional, spiritual and well-being level. The above idea/ideal is inherent in Xavier's very existence. Graduates of the University go on to careers that contribute to the overall wellbeing of society. Our Catholic way of life teaches this. I strongly agree that Xavier promotes a just and humane society because Xavier instilled those principles in me during my matriculation. Xavier takes a major role in involvement with community issues, to reach out to resolve injustices, and encourages its students to do the same. I feel as a faculty member and alumni that Xavier does a good job at promoting an humane and just society because we teach our students to value the society and community in which they live. We express to them how important it is to give back and we teach them to have compassion for others. I agree strongly, I fully appreciated the opportunity to earn my Masters Degree and continue moving forward. Without Xavier's Evening Masters Program, it would not have happened. Thank you, Xavier University for all your efforts for students and community. As a student I've always felt that Xavier was more than an institution of higher learning, that it was community centered and that its mission went beyond the walls of its classrooms. My experiences as a student at Xavier and reading about the advances the university is making all the time in not only education but in the community as well, demonstrates its commitment to a just and humane society. There were always clubs/groups, rallies, exhibits, charities, and so forth, that as a student, the university had that I was able to participate in. They were for socializing, artistic expression, education, networking, and anything in between, but ultimately it helped in the promotion of a just and humane society. Xavier focuses on social justice for the least of these. The curriculum engaged students to be aware of their communities and communities that occupied by the underserved. The university is intentional in carrying out the vision of Mother Katharine Drexel. I'm not sure what Xavier is doing in this area. Xavier treats its students, faculty and staff equally without consideration of race, gender, sexual preference, religion or disability. This sets the example for them to treat everyone they encounter the same way and expect comparable treatment in return. accepts all cultures equally Mission Review Committee Report, p. 37 Based on the projects that students are presented with to participate in. From my experience with the charisma of the Blessed Sacrament sisters and the legacy of the university speaks to its commitment to producing a just and humane society. The fact the university was founded and exists till this day underscores that part of its mission and commitment to it. Overall Xavier promotes a just and humane society. After Hurricane Katrina the focus has shifted slightly More can and should be done by students/staff/faculty in this area Diversity in academics, student population, community outreach leadership The university should maintain an interest concern for the needs of its current students, the New Orleans area business and neighborhood communities, and its prospective students. Xavier has always been about giving the best of themselves in education to those served by them so that their students and whole Xavier's family would receive everything possible to reach their goal and become the best, not only for the individual alone but for the community, society, the world. Specifically as the focus of the school focused on community service and donating of one's talents and time to those less fortunate I think this would be an adequate statement. Xavier's foundation is based on the faith of Sr. K. Drexel. Her legacy has continued throughout the years with XU leadership. Xavier promotes a just and humane society by providing a welcoming and positive learning environment. Everyone on campus is treated with respect and dignity without regard to sex, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or economic status. Xavier instills within us the first day that we are part and responsible for our community. They move us to do better and help others. As a young physician in training, it is with both pride and sadness that I confess that my heart for service was more deeply formed at Xavier than in medical school or residency. From the love of the community, to the way my teachers truly CARED about me, Xavier as both an institution and its members has a tangible legacy of being agents of godly justice. This is the very motivation for Xavier's existence. Xavier has always promoted equal rights, social justice, and concern for all people. By requiring students to engage in a liberal arts curriculum that acknowledges the Creator academically and socially. XU does a good job in this area - but always more we can do about social justice issues.Xavier continues the charisma of SKD which promotes unity in diversityThe outreach programs and community involvement supports this statement. The Xavier community is very fair and welcoming to everyone.Xavier always exemplifies its Christian beliefs in all gatherings. We are taught to respect all people regardless of race, sex, economic state, etc. From a religious and social point of view Xavier offers a complete over-all education. This school helped me to develop into the person I am today. Xavier develops Christian leaders to work for stated ideals Although Xavier contributes and supports a just and humane society I'm not sure the effort extends to the level of "promotes." There appears to be a degree of passivity or hesitancy to address controversial issues or positions. I think it does. Through providing educational and community service opportunities for its students, faculty and staff. I am fully aware of the relationship between students, alumni, and staff and recognize the inclusion and constant interaction with some board members. Accessibility of the university to the community is constantly evolving. I am not sure that I was aware that "just and humane society" language was part of the mission statement. I believe that XU have to strongly emphasize justice issues in a bold manner; especially issues surrounding our Catholic social teachings of the Church. BS, MS. MD..period ! Mission Review Committee Report, p. 38 Xavier works to instill both a sense of pride and responsibility to its students and the community at large. are encouraged to go out in the community to make a difference as students and graduates. Students are admitted regardless of race, economic status, or sexual orientation. Xavier has always been a compassionate university, helping those who need it the most. Students Xavier has been on the forefront in the community and growing the community in which it resides. Humane starts at home and that is what Xavier is doing. The University has always been exemplary in it implementation of its policy relative to being just and humane Somewhere along the line the student got lost. Faculty think Xavier is here for their research and benefit. Xavier educates but doesn't promote its own in the class room. Diversity has always been a priority at XU. People from all socio-economic levels, faiths, ethnic and cultural groups make up the faculty and students. There has always been a Christian ethic of outreach to the greater community on all levels. In my years at XU in the early '70's, I learned about the inequality, injustices, and how we as citizens can change these through being an activist. Xavier has always been open to all races/nationalities while promoting civil rights for all and produced leaders who work for peace and justice. Who doesn't?? That's a random statement. Every university should. Xavier focuses on the total student; faculty, staff and other stakeholders, provide tools needed to prepare, inspire and empower students in a diverse environment to successfully compete and serve locally and globally. Always takes into consideration the needs of others. Self-evident practices Christian Beliefs Question: Please explain your answer to the question above. (Second) The students, faculty, staff and alumni all have a responsibility for helping the university achieve its purpose. every part is needed to make the whole It takes a community...a village. "It Takes a Village". Alumni, Students, Faculty, Staff and other stakeholders form a partnership in preparing students and are equally responsible for achieving the purpose of Xavier University. We are all responsible in some way. To be successful all segments of the university must work together. It's everyone's job. The Christian/Catholic base of all teaching is central to this purpose. Classroom, extra-curricular and social activities prepare students for leadership, independent thinking and competence in social justice on a global basis If faculty, staff and administrators don't promote a positive experience for the students and their families is Xavier succeeding? The faculty promotes leadership and service via the teaching process and student/faculty relationships, the staff promotes by association and example, and the alumni representing the end product of the educational opportunities and leadership offered at Xavier and also the alumni are represented all over the country nationally and globally in careers of medicine, pharmacy, journalism, business, esteem political arena and unlimited areas of service to our society. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 39 I believe it is the responsibility of every member of the Xavier community to achieve and uphold the purpose of Xavier University. As an Alumnus my behavior, attitude and professionalism is a reflection of where I come from. My name will forever be associated with Xavier University and the way I carry myself is a statement to the world that Xavier University produces excellence. My ability to be a leader is something that was ingrained in me as a small child but cultured by the members of the Xavier University Faculty and Staff. The actions of the Faculty and Staff are just as important as the Alumni because they are the people who should help mold the students so that they may confidently enter into leadership positions as competent, efficient, fair, open-minded, and intelligent people. Last but not least the Student body is responsible for upholding and achieving the purpose of Xavier because what we do as student’s today and Alumni tomorrow has the ability to impact the world’s perception of Xavier University for years to come. We are all responsible for fulfilling the purpose of the University. While we are students, we should embrace the lessons and engage in behavior that is reflective of the purpose. Faculty and Staff must be role models of the purpose. Alumni must be ambassadors for the University and shining lights to the global community about the purpose. If the faculty and staff do their job correctly, students and ultimately alumni activity and efforts will demonstrate the purpose in all their interactions. The Alumni, Faculty and Staff are the source of achieving the goals of our university. We all can contribute to a just society. This coincides with my first answer. The proof is in the numbers of people Xavier has contributed to the world at large from the local level to cabinet members of multiple Presidents of the United States, as well as international artists in several mediums. I believe that Mission Statement of XU must be promoted and achieved by all who associate themselves with our University. The statement seems to imply that Xavier is preparing the student body to be just and humane by preparing the students to assume roles of leadership and service. Because of my involvement with the university I know firsthand the everyone that I have come in contact with Alumni, Students, Faculty, and Staff us achieving that purpose. We are all responsible for the success of the university as a whole This is a shared responsibility. Faculty and staff provide a vision and guidance on how to achieve this purpose; alumni provide resources and perspectives on how to effect this purpose; and, students accept accountability to leverage the support of alumni, staff and faculty and prepare themselves to assume leadership and service roles. All stakeholders must work together to achieve stated goals. Contributions from all will continue the success of the school. Each sector of the university has an obligation to present itself in a positive manner. Our mission means that this is what we should be doing on a day to day basis. It takes all of us; teamwork and making the hard decisions to lead in a rapidly changing world The alumni should serve as mentors to students to help promote and prepare students for leadership roles. The students are responsible for seeking roles of leadership and representing the morals of Xavier. They play an important role. Everyone is responsible for upholding the purpose of the University. we all each other’s keeper to some degree. It is a partnership of all involved. Alumni can also serve in a supporting role. A total buy-in is necessary to make it work The faculty and staff we also need a box to check for administration - we are all in this together - because of the structure of leadership at XU most responsibility would begin with the administration. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 40 All of the above are "Xavierites" and therefore given the lifelong privilege and duty to help XU students. It is a corporate effort - all of the above players contribute to the achievement. we all have a role in promoting a society that is just and accepting of all people The groups above are parts of the family necessary to carry out the purpose of the University. Students will mirror their teachers, each person who wears the Xavier name with pride is responsible Everyone is responsible. Each person fuels the other and we all work to create a strong pillar that drives us to help and build our community All Alumni, Students, Faculty and Staff are responsible to carry on the mission of Xavier. It is a cycle: Faculty instill in students a sense of justice and service, and they in turn exhibit it as students and later as alumni. Staff should display these qualities as well to remain on staff and support the goals of XU. Each individual because of what has been given and/ or received is responsible for reaching the ultimate purpose. "To those who have received much is expected." We are our brothers and sisters keepers. Universities are judged highly by the personal and financial contributions of its alumni. Students should maintain a demeanor and focus wherever they go that represents Xavier well. Faculty must be aware of different learning styles and the latest information and technology in their fields. I remember the interest and caring attitudes displayed by the dining hall manager, residence hall staff (even though I would only visit the dorm as a city student), Chaplain, and custodial staff when I was at Xavier. Show/demonstrate by example Xavier is responsible for delivering the educational knowledge and values but staff, students and alumni are responsibility for making it a reality. All persons connected with the University are the responsibility to continue the vision and mission of Xavier.further the responsibility of the current staff and faculty to make certain that the communication exist with students and alumni. This will foster a sense of connectedness among all. Though cliché it does take a village and the entire village. The institution presents opportunities for students to be involved in a variety of causes and experiences that will open their eyes to the conditions of others. Since the students have daily contact with the faculty and staff, it becomes their responsibility to lead by example as well as teach the importance of leadership and service. All alumni should lead by example within the communities. It takes effort from all. Its takes a complete unit (faculty, staff, students and alumni) to prepare students. Everyone in the school or affiliated with XU is responsible for achieving the purpose. The faculty and staff have an obligation to foster this concept in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Fostering this concept in the classroom helps to create a humane society which allows the student and future alumni to live out the mission of the institution. We all have a responsible, alumni, students, faculty, and staff, for achieving the purpose of Xavier. All academic community members are responsible for contributing to the institution’s mission, especially alumni by what they do after graduation. Everyone is responsible. In order to achieve the end result of sending out a prepared student its everyone's responsibility within the organization (XU) to in the preparation. Faculty must educate the students properly, but it is up to the student and alumni to take what is taught to them and apply it as leaders. Xavier's commitment to its mission statement is well known. This responsibility is thereby accepted by application for admittance as a student or for employment. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 41 We all are responsible for achieving the purpose of Xavier. In this instance a trickle down method will be and has been successful. Faculty and staff create a foundation for the students and Alumni to follow. As HBCU graduates we should be and sometimes are held to a higher degree of scrutiny, we should do our absolute best to meet and surpass those expectations, especially now in a time where the relevance of our universities are being called into question. That is what I learned while attending XUAll of the above are essential contributors to society and to the development and promotion of all of Xavier It is the combined responsibility of all persons associated with the University to aid in promoting a "more just and humane society." We are all a family and help promote the university achieving its best It is the work of everyone who has ever gone or had connections with Xavier that are responsible for its mission. With the help and guidance of the university's faculty and staff we, the alumni of Xavier, are responsible for carrying out the mission, actively putting our finger prints on the world through service and applying what we've learned to our real-life environments. Alumni in providing examples of achievement in their lives. Faculty in preparing the students with the skills to achieve their goals,Staff in making sure that the tools needed to prepare the student are available. Students in setting their goal and focusing on a well-rounded path to achieving that goal. Everyone involved in Xavier should follow the mission and principles of the university. It is everyone's responsibility to achieve the goal thru education at XU and also as alumni in our everyday living and as students we are nurtured by staff and faculty Faculty and staff assist the students to maximize their potential in becoming leaders in any society then sharing that knowledge with others as an alumni. We all are responsible to make contributions to further help others past, present and future. The above referenced quote encompasses the entire body of Xavier University as a whole. As students, alumnus, faculty, and staff, we are required to uphold the purpose of the University and ensures that the mission of Xavier is fulfilled. Everyone plays a role in these efforts Faculty and staff are responsible for developing and delivering programs in support of the mission. Students are responsible for focusing on key elements of the mission as they progress through their coursework. Alumni represent the university and carry the mission forward. The entire Xavier family should strive to be leaders in their community, while adhering to the high ideals instilled in us during our time at Xavier. Everyone connected to Xavier has to be invested in fulfilling this purpose. Everyone has an important role in accomplishing the mission. Staff and faculty instill into students...who graduate, become alumni, and contribute to society it takes the entire village. Faculty and Staff help prepare the students for roles of leadership and service. Students must take ownership of the responsibility. Alumni can help keep the purpose going by giving back. We are all responsible. The wording can be taking as faculty and staff promote a more just and humane society while the students are worded as the outcome in which the community will see. Faculty most significantly directly impact the students to this end, other key staff as well, and alumni can also help to achieve this through participation in certain programs that bring students and alumni together. Students also play a role in this by leading themselves and being a leader to other student body and within their community. I believe the tone is set by Dr. Francis and the Board, but the alumni, students, faculty and staff are all responsible for helping to achieve the purpose of the university. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 42 All are responsible. The ideal is promoted by faculty and staff, but instilled in the students and subsequently alumni. If you are a part of XU whether as a present participant or former--you should always exemplify what XU holds dear and I am hoping that is the case more often than not. Collectively the stakeholders are each of the groups listed above. Plus this should extend to the students Xavier would like to recruit. In order for students to be prepared to assume roles of leadership and service they first need to be equipped with those tools. Needless to say, it then becomes the students' responsibility. The one time Xavier never has to worry about is everyone who leaves excels well above what they have set forth By connecting coursework to real life experiences---The Faculty, Staff and students constitute "the University" and fulfilling the purpose of the University requires a joint effort by all. The Alumni serve as an extension of the University and represents a reflection of what the University is trying to accomplish. We all have a part in developing leaders who will serve in all capacities without any limitations. The statement is systematic and ought to include all major contributors. As alumni, we are to take what we learned in our Xavier experience out in the world and be an example of this statement. Thereby, our actions making it a true statement. The students, faculty, and alumni are all responsible for achieving the purpose of Xavier. The Alumni showcase to the world all the tools and lessons developed at Xavier It takes a concerted effort of all stakeholders of the university to recruit, retain, graduate and prepare our students for their global role in leadership and service to mankind. Everyone associated with XU.Everyone touched/educated by Xavier University Xavier instills students a strong sense of duty To say that all are responsible is difficult and perhaps too idealistic. But, as the function of a university is to guide students and introduce them to a particular critical consciousness, the initiative has to come from the professors,who are in a leadership role and have direct contact with students (and hence alumni) and staff. When faculty fail to teach students to critically reflect on the injustices of the contemporary society, and to encourage such thought across disciplines, the ultimate purpose of the university, as described in the above mission statement, fails. We all have to play our part. Everyone is responsible. we all must work togethertrained by faculty and staff as students, service continues as alumni The reason why I chose all of them is because we all reflect the university as a whole. If someone asks me where I went to school and I tell them, they know that I went to a good school but what they don't know is what we are truly about other than academics. Any of the above affiliations with our institution qualifies one as a Xavierite. In order to follow through with the mission, we must be of one accord, leaving everyone in some shape, form, or fashion responsible for contributing and achieving this goal. The alumni are wonderful examples of this quote. Their examples are inspirations to others who want to follow in their stead. However, the faculty and staff are the on campus guides to following down and continuing that path. I believe that, in the context of the quote, it is solely up to the students to achieve the mission. Moreover, the faculty & staff play a very important role in preparing students to successfully influence society. Everyone should be involved in helping Xavier to achieve its purpose "the University" is membered through each and all persons above. It is the co-operation and interaction of these varied groups that make Xavier what is today. It is up to everyone to be a part of the above statement coming to life. A professor, counselor, cafeteria worker, can only do so much. It is partly up to the student & alumni to accept & want the change! I believe it is everyone's responsibility. We can accomplish more united than divided. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 43 Everyone must contribute; though the students are guidedby others, they must contribute themselves to the community It takes collective engagement of alumni, faculty, students and staff to fulfill this statement. Alumni are trailblazers of opportunity for other Xavier students to follow their lead. Faculty are the gatekeepers to knowledge, which gives the students a conceptual framework to apply their learnings and grow through experiences. The staff are there to support students in the everyday logistics of being part of the university community. The students are there to take charge of their future by engaging with alumni, faculty, and staff in order to develop into leaders or servants in this global society. It takes a village to make a university successful. All those affiliated with the university should be dedicated to upholding the mission and vision of XU All are stakeholders in assuring Xavier fulfills its purpose It take a village to raise a child and it take a community to provide fair and just society. All involved must contribute spiritually and socially to a growing and quality society. there are multiple opportunities to participate in service projects. If it is the purpose of the University to "promote" a more just and humane society, the faculty and staff members are the people should instill these qualities into the students. All have a responsibility in the Education and promoting contributing to societyStudents get the majority of their education from the people who teach them. For the most part, that's faculty. I can't place checks by any of these because the quote raises the question, yet doesn't answer the question, "Who is the university?" We've all got a role to play. The faculty and staff are the contributors or citizens exemplifying a just and humane society Alumni are the recipients, who then become members of a more just and humane society. It takes all of us - alumni, students, faculty and staff to achieve the greatness Xavier has for all of these years Tis was Mother Katharine's purpose in establishing the universityAll affiliated with Xavier have a responsibility to promote her mission.the response is self-explanatory!!! all those associated with the university holds this responsibility. The role of the faculty is shape the images that the students observe and also frame the context of society. The students have the responsibility of understanding concepts presented and forming opinions based on a sound, rational, and Christian understanding. The staff is charged with supporting the mission of the University, and activities of the faculty, and students. The staff is further charged maintaining a character demonstrating the principles of Xavier University. The Alumni is the product that the world sees and recognizes as Xavier. The Alumni must at all times deport themselves in a manner that exemplifies all the characteristics of fairness, and charity. The Alumni must further demonstrate the highest standards in their academic, social, athletic, family and other intellectual pursuits. Everyone. The student must take responsibility. The alumni must give back. The faculty must do their best to educate. The staff must work with everyone in a positive way to make sure the students are having a positive experience. One big family I believe all those who have attended / graduated, who presently attend / who teach / who contribute as staff all share in some manner of promoting the mission as described, which in turn will allow the mission to be achieved. We learn and are influenced by the example of others. Everyone must contributeThis must be a comprehensive effortEveryone is responsible for making Xavier what it is. The job belongs to everyone including students themselves. Teamwork!!! Our society at large has become more global with the technological advances we have made.realize this and become more globally tuned to the needs/desires of the globe. As a University you have to ensure that the students are Mission Review Committee Report, p. 44 prepared to work, live, and play in a global environment. It’s not just about the United States, we share the world with other nationalities and cultures so we have to learn to respect and share their ideas, concerns, and religions. Xavier, during my years as a student (1964-68), was more focused on community service rather than community leadership. I strongly believe that those graduates who became leaders in the struggle for a more just and humane society did so because of experiences and influences impacting them post-graduation. The world belongs to all of us. Therefore we are all responsible for what occurs in and on it. Every entity above should contribute. Leadership and service roles come in many forms. One can be the leader of their Sunday school class or a leader on the job. Within these roles comes a responsibility for us to provide our services in peace and unity just as our Father would. Everyone has a role in this. The students play a role in become leaders and doing service in the community. The faculty and staff have the responsibility of instilling service and leadership in its students. The alumni have the responsibility of sharing their experiences in service and leadership by giving back to Xavier. Places the highest emphasis on those who are doing the preparing of students for said missionAll segments play a role in the success of our kindred purpose. IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO ACHIEVE GOAL. All components reflect XU's mission by participation and practice. If one component fails, the unit is fractured. Xavier wants the above mentioned to treat others with respect and dignity while we continue to strive for success. We are all connected to continually promote the best of Xavier. More so than before the role of the university in particular our HBCUs must play a role in developing the full individual. The Faculty and Staff are the primary contacts that should reinforce the goals and objectives of the university as a whole - not only their specific job function or subject matter expertise. They are the arms that reach out to students to set expectations and to reinforce the university's goals. They must be committed to fulfilling the mission of the university as established by Mother Katharine; not their own agendas. The students must do their part by understanding that entrance to Xavier is a contact sport- they must engage in their studies but must also understand the expectation to emerge as a well-rounded individual who represents themselves and Xavier well as they move forward. The Alumni are important to set examples, to engage in issues affecting the university and the community, to provide support to the university (volunteer, financial, goal setting, mentoring etc.) to ensure the university is equipped to achieve its goals. We know all things work together for the good to them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose. Actually, all of these working in tandem would be my answer. All of these serve as role models. Staff must include leadership and administrators for all answers. I feel like in order to accomplish the mission statement it takes all parties to truly do so. Should it be "by modeling and preparing"? Modeling puts an onus on faculty and staff to practice what they preach. The alumnus should support the school at 100%. We should get full details about donation, endowment and see progress that improve University. what are the future goes off this university You learn from the teachers. All apply as we are a system of change. We students, who become alumni, must now pour into the world, by sharing all the great teachings and experiences we gained at Xavier. It is everyone's job. It is the staff's job to teach the lessons, it is the staff's job to promote and model those lessons in their dealings with the students, it is the students' job to take responsibility and do their due diligence by applying the lessons to their lives, and it is the Alumni's job to uphold the banner and model what they have been trained to do as well. All play a role in achieving this goal. I feel college is definitely a time for a person to come into their own and as a result of that, full accountability falls on the student to know this mission and live up to it. The statement says that the University's purpose is to prepare the students for a global society. The students have Mission Review Committee Report, p. 45 been given the tools to make a contribution toward a just and humane society. We are all responsible for accomplishing such a goal Administrators, Faculty and Staff. Students and alumni do so by example of their work in a global society. They are charged with empowering the students and molding them. The students (who eventually become alumni) learn how to be leaders within their community from the faculty and staff. It takes everyone associated with Xavier to help the University achieve this goal.EVERYONE MUST BE A PARTICIPANT.I believe that its all of our jobs to create a more just and humane society in a society that seems all but All hands on deck. Honestly, as a community, I believe Alumni, Students, Faculty and Staff are responsible for achieving the purpose of Xavier by setting proper examples for students under them to follow. I believe without the family like environment Xavier has honed, the students would not have half of the drive and perseverance to fulfill Xavier's purpose. This is too great a task for any one part of the university and it needs to fostered by all of us, at every level. It takes a village and Xavier provides the village for educating its students. I graduated in May 2012. Students are responsible b/c they are the current face of the university. Faculty and staff are responsible by their attitudes are reflected upon the students, b/c undergrads are a very impressionable group. Alumni are responsible -when current students see alumni doing big and great things, they want to keep that tradition going. To complement higher education, XU will ensure that students are also educated in real world experience and supplied with the necessary tools to apply XU education in a manner to exceed and excel in their respective fields of study regardless of where their profession is practiced. we should all work together to achieve the mission Everyone but the student. The student is learning how, everyone else should be modeling the behavior for them to replicate. The statement by preparing its students results in the responsibility for student preparation is under the purview of the faculty and staff. To a lesser degree alumni have a role in providing opportunities for XU students to be exposed to leadership and service through our contacts/networks. The Alumni , because they are the product of the university that is sent out into the world to make it better. Xavier is a family. All family members have a responsibility to implement the family priorities. Students may not be aware of what leadership is and they come to the University to be taught. Each is responsibility to some degree, though in different ways to pass on self-worth, spiritual identity and the means necessary for lay leadership. Self-exclamatory.students spread the good news The faculty sets the tone and levels of expectation that each student should strive to achieve. It is assumed that the faculty will be sensitive to the unique talents and needs of the individual student as they challenge her/him to become a mature committed individual. I believe with the help from all above this can be achieved The faculty and staff prepare the students who will eventually become alumni assume roles of leadership and service. The facility, staff and alumni teach and lead by example to help prepare the students to assume the roles or leadership and service. With the help of everyone the university can and will achieve the goal It is the responsibility for students and alumni to live up to this role but it is also the responsibility of faculty and staff to prepare students to tack this gregarious mission. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 46 Xavier undergrad is the preparer with all of its teachings and doings. The Xavier experience allows you to be humble and to go out in the global market and excel never forgetting that the reason you are in that leadership position is to give back. Everyone should play a role in promoting leadership in the community. All persons affiliated with the University play a role. Faculty and staff work to maintain the standard of the University and instill that standard in its students. Students are taught and encouraged to exercise the standard during their experience as students and ultimately prepared to take their experience into the real world as a wellrounded member of society. Xavier University has been known as a family of achievers and as in all families all members are responsible for what each becomes. All must contribute to the success of our university. Each has important roles. Xavier is a place that trains or provides people with the knowledge to create a more just and humane society. Everyone is responsible for creating a better environment. All of these groups - alumni, students, faculty and staff - play an integral role in the operations, reputation, teaching, and learning at Xavier. Thus, the responsibility is shared. The University must provide the tools for students to be prepared to contribute. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 47 APPENDIX FOUR Text and Paragraph Responses by Question Mission Survey 2013 (Faculty Comments) Question: Please explain your answer to the question above. (First) Xavier is moving away from its mission by raising admission standards and ignoring economically marginalized students. Its treatment of staff is also not characteristic of its mission. The current core curriculum is necessary to support this crucial part of the mission. sometimes it is Xavier generally does a great job promoting a just and humane society, and I think we can improve our efforts for gender queer and trans students. While I think Xavier aims to promote a just and humane society, I believe there is a lot more that could be done institutionally to realize these goals. We provide students with a liberal education that prepares them to engage in the world in a humane, thoughtful way. Our students - Xavier graduates - are the primary agents by which we strive to make the world a better place. The way that employees have been treated lately is far from just and humane. I used to believe that we all lived the mission, but it seems to me that it's only words from the administration. Students are swamped with work. It's not humane. Fairness and inclusion are practiced on campus. By teaching students how to care for the sick and bring justice to the world via their study choices and career goals, I believe the mission is being met. There seems to be an increased focus on expanding the administration with less resources being given to students. Additionally, partnering with unjust companies such as Sodexo and not having a day care center hamper the impact of the mission statement. I understand the limitations of social action, but I think sometimes we may be overly discreet as an institution about weighing in on important issues, locally and nationally. I am sure there are good reasons for this, but it sometimes feels as though we do not as a unified organization promote or resist or engage as much as we might. We could be a louder voice and a more disturbing presence (for good). Only by producing graduates who try to promote a just and humane society does XU itself promote a just and humane society. The mission of Xavier University of Louisiana is to promote graduates who service other. Graduate are encourage to make a difference upon completions. I think we do so more than most schools, but not to the degree that our mission says we should. This is not a belief instilled in the heart of every student as it should be. The amount of service our students are engaged in is an example of why I strongly agree. Also, I know of a number of cases where people reached out to assist those in need - even among our students. The concept of social justice and acceptance of all humanity is routinely taught in my courses. This is indeed the goal we set for our students. However, in light of the way the painful staff cuts of 2012-2013 were carried out, we failed to set an example worthy of our students and of St. Katharine Drexel. A provost who encourages "coddling" of students and an overall administration focused on passing students is not creating a "just" society - we're just telling students they are equipped with a degree that has little value if we aren't actually training them for what they will experience after Xavier. (I still agree because I think most faculty disagree, at least in practice, with the apparent administration sentiments.) Promoting a just and humane society requires that one behaves in a just and humane manner. In my opinion, Xavier doesn't always do that. It could be a matter of how a student is treated by a staff member (for example, how a student is treated by the financial aid office), or how a faculty member is treated by an administrative office (for example, how faculty are treated by the VPAA's office). Either way, there is a definite lack of civility here that Mission Review Committee Report, p. 48 needs to be addressed. A Xavier education provides students not only with a solid education but also a set of core competencies and skills such as critical and creative thinking, analytical mindset, and problem solving skills. The latter skills will empower students to academic success and ultimately attain leadership roles in the academia and workforce. I don't think all faculty are committed to this. Persons should not be hired if they don't understand what this means and follow it. As a faculty member, I find the concept of the Just and Humane society is always near the forefront of university discussions and planning I hear the talk but I don't see the walk throughout campus. Too many people caught up in their own work (overworked), too little logistical support (or sometimes incompetent support) and too many simply administrators counting beans. The intent is there; the results sometimes fall short. In my limited interactions with the university thus far, I have been impressed by the emphasis on social responsibility and accountability with compassion. As I learn more about the university, I continue to find out about more programs that are focused on promoting a just and humane society for all. Xavier's liberal arts curriculum and strong teaching help students develop critical thinking essential to the development of conscientious individuals. The mentoring between students and faculty, the on-campus speakers and events all model caring community engagement. As an HBCU, it addresses the underrepresentation of minorities in health professions. Focuses on health disparities and opportunity for the underserved contributes to the betterment of society in general. With regard to the Science disciplines, there is a need to incorporate VALUES and not simply methodology in the role of science in our society. Xavier graduates a lot of students who go on to professional schools or get jobs. Some of them may have acquired a social consciousness while at Xavier, some may have not. To my knowledge there is no way of assessing this. So, although we may say this is our mission, and it sounds great, there is no way of actually measuring to what extent we do this. When I ask students why they want to be doctors, the answer I get at least as often as not is "I want to make a lot of money."There also seems to be very little discussion (at least I have never heard one) about what exactly does it mean, i.e., "a more just and humane society." My vision of what this means may be different from another's. "promotes" is an action verb and Xavier's actions have been counter to my understanding of just and humane. Neither of those broad ideas were in evidence in the December 2012 mass personnel changes. This is particularly troubling because this was the first time since 2005 that Xavier (as a unit) was tested to behave as a just and humane society. During easy times and in individual classrooms, it is easy to be just and humane. When times are difficult I expect more from the Xavier academy. In promoting a just and humane society, Xavier seeks to empower its students, staff, faculty and administrators to believe, behave, and promote collaboration, cooperation, and both personal and shared accountability amongst all who count themselves as a member of the Xavier community and beyond. Xavier does promote just and humane treatment overall to students. There are certain groups of students on campus I believe the university has overlooked. Thus, humanity and justice may not fully be extended to them. It has to remain as the MISSION of the university because without it we will not be led to do all that we can do to reach this goal. The mission permeates all that we do. Also, most of the graduates I have met are responsible, involved citizens. I believe that for most Xavierites the mission becomes part of who they are. We do not promote responsible living i.e. recycling. We should care about our environment. On balance, we do some to make the world a more humane, just place to live in; but, we need to be more mindful that we (XU) must model the behavior we want our students to adopt. If we want our students to go out and make the world a better place to live in, XU must be the kind of place we have in mind. A place where employees aren't Mission Review Committee Report, p. 49 squeezed and pressured to do more & more & more. A place where loyal, dedicated, and conscientious persons aren't laid off with same-day notice. A place where everyone who has a stake in the institution, faculty, staff, students, and alumni, have a voice even to the highest level in the form of representation on the Board of Trustees. If we want our students to defend the prerogatives of the disenfranchised, we must make sure that the institution brings everyone to the table and, especially, that disparate viewpoints are heard, even when these conflict with the received wisdom. Further, if we want a more humane world, we have to avoid making so much hoopla about the larger culture's (incl. the current administration's) promotion of rankings based on ROI metrics, as if the success of XU is tied to how much money our graduates make rather than how much good they do. There are some social issues that XU can do more to help improve conditions for others. Recent dynamics impacting decisions seem to be driven by trends that are not compatible with our mission. It accurately portrays how the university operates. I feel that Xavier tries to instill a sense of justice in our students and to make students aware of systems that support injustice. I find that faculty do point out times when we see policies or procedures on campus that go against what we see as a just and humane society. One example is the way staff cuts were handled in some cases last fall. Theissue is not who or why there were cuts, but the lack of sensitivity with which some were handled. Xavier continues to strive for outreach programs to surrounding communities We stress this area very strongly in our Division of Education and Counseling. It is also a part of our conceptual framework. Issues of diversity and service are apparently discussed in classes and realized in actions. I am not sure that Xavier does or does not accomplish this mission. I don't know if or how the mission is valued or actuated by most administrators and faculty. I truly don't know. Guided by truth and moral responsibility to society Coursework, service learning experiences and community service, all reflect available means to educate our students to promote a more just and humane society. I believe the educational goals of the university serves the mission. The curriculum, activities on campus, and events coordinated by faculty are all geared toward this. don't see much beyond our addressing inequalities in opportunities available to African Americans Xavier does a lot of good work, but it could be more inclusive of LGBT students. In STEM field, Xavier is now recruiting new faculties with strong research background to promote student leadership. Student leaders will ultimately make this world more just and humane. The University is open to students and faculty of all ethnic backgrounds and nationalities. This models the Beloved Kingdom for members of the campus community, especially those who live in environments where this openness is not found. The culture of the university breads, excellence, leadership, sacrifice, faith, and a sense of moral justice in just about everything. It's the mission I wonder how 'just and humane' it is to employ a janitorial company that offers no sick time to their employees. That doesn't seem quite right. I also have some concerns about the connection with China and their Confucius Institute with China's poor human rights history including Tibet and Taiwan. I do in my classes. We have a very high level of service dedicated to the school and the community. Even most of the student associations commit to one or two service projects every semester. Xavier admits students that otherwise would not be admitted somewhere and make excellent and competitive graduates. As a result of Xavier mission, we have produced the most African American pharmacy graduate. We have also helped put more African American in medical schools Our graduates are well prepared to assume leadership roles and make service a priority in their lives. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 50 Question: Please explain your answer to the question above. (Second) Besides academic enrichment, Xavier faculties are playing strong role in building student leadership by engaging them in research and service. This is the responsibility of all concerned. Every member of the Xavier community should be conscious of our importance in helping students realize what is involved in carrying out roles of leadership and service. In particular, we should MODEL the behavior that students will need to emulate as they prepare for these roles. Everyone has a role in ensuring student preparation for leadership roles; students and faculty, and some staff (CAC, SASO, Volunteer Office) have direct responsibility, while other staff functions (Financial Aid, Registrar) and alumni serve vital support roles. It is everyone's responsibility. Incorporate the message in classes and one on one student interactions. Alumni visit interactions with students. Everyone is responsible for guiding and preparing these students for the next level. It will take the collaboration of both the internal and external stakeholders to achieve this Alumni, students, faculty and staff should all be committed to the university's mission. It is the responsibility of the alumni, faculty and staff to ensure that our students graduate with a commitment to the mission. Why is administration not included here? This is everyone's responsibility. All individuals who are affiliated with Xavier (past and present) must work together to achieve this purpose. Alumni can provide opportunities for current students to assume roles of leadership and service. Faculty and staff can assist in making these connections and provide on-campus opportunities. I think the all faculty, students and staff should contribute to creating a just and humane society as part of the mission; however, once graduated, I think that it is an individual decision. All are part of the XU community, but our graduates are the most important agents of the mission. Everyone at Xavier is responsible to assure that our students have opportunity for leadership roles and to assist in developing student leaders. Alumni should give back to society. Students should learn what they need to learn. Faculty should prepare students as best as they can. Staff provides activities for students to experience leadership and service. It takes a village... Without the input of everyone, the mission may not be fully realized. Alumni help by passing on the 'dream'; students help by learning, understanding and embracing the mission; faculty help by modeling the leadership we share with students and promoting an understanding of what it means to care for the sick and seek justice for the disenfranchised through their daily life and career development. Staff can help (and need to be made aware of how they can) to facilitate an understanding of the mission by being humane and just in their dealings with students. We are in this together. Whatever our background or primary professional interests, we ought to be in this together in a substantial way. Staff exist to facilitate the work of the faculty with the students. Everyone who is associated with community. Everyone associated with Xavier is responsible. If this is our mission then ever person associated with Xavier should ask how their actions, their work, and their lives man the world a more just and humane place. I am told that in the very early days (in the 30's and 40's) the faculty and staff were reminded of that purpose. I know of many faculty and staff who work to achieve this purpose and include students in their efforts. Everyone has a part to play towards achieving this purpose. The formation of our students must involve the entire XU community, and challenges students to a high degree of personal responsibility for themselves as well. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 51 We all contribute to the implementation of this goal. We model this ideal to our students when we teach personal responsibility. Personal accountability leads to holding those around us accountable as well. Ultimately students are responsible for their own outcomes - if they become leaders or not, it is on them. My position is to give them an opportunity and training, not to somehow force them to take advantage of it. Ultimately, the responsibility for students assuming roles of leadership and service is their own. As faculty and staff, the best we can do is to lead by example. Faculty, students, and alumni This raises a good point. Often students are treated rudely by staff. The university needs to do a MUCH better job of training staff to treat all students with respect. They also need to be held accountable for doing so. Everyone bears at least some responsibility in this goal. It takes a village, although faculty are told constantly that it is our responsibility (and, thus our fault) if we do not do enough to achieve all of XU's aims and ambitions. Everyone plays a role in training the graduates, academically, socially, and spiritually. I believe that a goal like this involves the entire community effort to develop a culture that can make a concerted attempt to achieve these goals. Students, faculty, and administrators are responsible. The students for embracing this goals and the faculty and administrators for providing opportunities for students to practice these roles. Students should be the authors of their own destiny, whereas faculty should lead by example. Additionally faculty should provide the means by which this development should occur. Each of the members of these groups must ACT in ways that are just and humane in every moment of one's life. Obviously this is a statement that includes everyone. I don't understand the question because "achieving the purpose" seems definitive and I see the Mission as an worthwhile process to an unattainable goal. I believe Xavier’s mission is to have a shared commitment in achieving the purpose of Xavier University. Students and graduates are responsible because they should live out what they have been taught by faculty and what has been reinforced by staff Students have more interaction with faculty. Faculty should be a better role model. The institution's mission is, certainly in theory, what we're all trying to accomplish and work towards. Seems obvious. It is an encompassing task and all should be involved. We all contribute to the success of our students so that they can become humane and inspiring leaders within society. All members of our community are responsible for the realization of this mission. It is not meant to be just on the shoulders of a single entity or person. I believe that it is the responsibility of the Administration to define the mission, to hire for mission, and to maintain an environment where mission is valued. The faculty is responsible for providing and monitoring the courses and course content that enhance mission goals. Along with this, it is my opinion that faculty in their role as primary contacts with students, must advise, nurture and form students to the goals presented in the mission statement. It is only when we have shaped the thinking and values of our students so that they embrace and value the leadership roles that are mentioned in the mission statement, and they go out from Xavier into society determined to make a difference that we can say that OUR mission is accomplished. Alumni and students are not responsible for our mission until we indoctrinate them in ways that they themselves make our stated mission apart of their own life missions. As a cohesive unit, all stakeholders are responsible for promoting our mission Mission Review Committee Report, p. 52 Faculty are responsible for providing students with all available means to address social justice issues and serve local and global communities. The staff is responsible for providing students with their skills and information to assist the process. This statement refers to the attitudes if everyone. clearly applies to all. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 53 APPENDIX FIVE Text and Paragraph Responses by Question Mission Survey 2013 (Staff Comments) Question: Please explain your answer to the question above. (First) Emphasis on service to the community and efforts toward equity. Great disparities in salaries and career paths. Not everyone is treated equal. Xavier has always promoted giving back, helping others, and providing options for students, faculty and staff to be involved, however I don't think students especially push themselves to be involved spiritually. While I believe the Xavier name still stands for social justice, I fear that time has diluted the University's overall commitment to preparing students who operate in the belief that they are required to use their talents and skills to further social justice in their neighborhoods and all over the world. Sometimes our efforts to ensure a just and humane society overlook injustice and inhumanities here. Think we aspire to promote a just and humane society; not clear to what degree we actually do; so my response is surmise. I have seen the effort Xavier puts into engaging with its community and preparing its students to make the world a better place, and I am not aware of any action intentionally taken by the university that has worked against creating a just or humane society. The community at Xavier instills values and provides a platform to exercise those values both in and out the class room. The faculty, staff and student coexist in an atmosphere that is nurturing with a spiritual foundation. I am always impressed how the students and alumni recognize the blessings and success they have now are not only through a quality education, such as Xavier, but through the giving to others. Not keeping it to yourself, but to share with as many who are willing to receive. God Bless Xavier. I think we could be doing a lot more to promote a more just and humane society. I don't know what it means to promote a just and humane society. Seems buzz-wordy. Students are not considered equal partners in their learning process I worry this is more rhetoric than action. I believe Xavier must be more visible in our communities, on boards, city groups, etc... Xavier provides opportunities to engage and impact society... not sure how much is required of students and faculty in regards to serving the community outside of Xavier. too many situations where it is not what you know but who you know. I first hand witness Xavier way of preparing its student to assume leadership and service in society by ways of giving back and teaching them to excel . a. institution offers community service opportunities. b. it's integrated in a number of organization level missions I understand this to be the university mission statement. However, I moderately agree that the statement is "lived and practiced" among the Xavier community I think we do well, but room for improvement. I would like to believe this is true, and I feel that it might be true, but I would need to see more concrete evidence to agree more strongly. Xavier instills in students, faculty, and staff that we must live out the mission that St. Katharine Drexel gave us of promoting a just and humane society. We are to be leaders in our communities and promote these ideals. I see a great deal of promotion of external justice with the students. What Xavier lacks is trust and justice towards its own faculty and staff. I agree they’re always some willing to give assistant.Very nice working environment.for individuals/graduates to Mission Review Committee Report, p. 54 use their knowledge and skills acquired from the University to serve the people. It's promoted in theory. I am not sure its promoted in practice. In all that we do, we promote justice and fairness to those around us. As an employee and alumnus Xavier prepares it students to be leaders and compete in a global society. Xavier offers many opportunities in and out of the class to promote our mission to the students No more and no less than any other school. Xavier excels at preparing its students for comfortable middle-class existences working in a health field -- which could be considered its own form of social justice, given some students' backgrounds -- but that singular focus comes at the cost of social engagement, critical thinking, and any field of study without a vocational application. Illustrious grads who have done much in the New Orleans community and the community at large. Question: Please explain your answer to the question above. (Second) It is the charge of all of us. It is the staff's responsibility to ensure the smooth operation of a learning environment in which faculty can engage with and develop student intellects, but none of this happens without inquisitive students. We're a community here and just as one says that it takes an entire village to raise a child, it takes the entire Xavier community to prepare each student to meet this challenge. Everyone who is affiliated with Xavier is knows the meaning of the quote and has accepted the responsibility of making sure it is carried out. We must be inclusive within Xavier's community. All associated with Xavier should make this our mission. Since we all represent Xavier in some way, it takes a village. through the student experience here at Xavier. It takes a village. the Faculty is directly involved with the student body. We are all responsible for ensuring this goal is achieve The Xavier community as a whole is responsible for achieving this purpose. Such a lofty mission requires a broad effort. It can't be accomplished by one group alone. Unless we all contribute "to the promotion of a more just and humane society" in whatever way we can, I don't believe it is possible. We are part of a global society. What one does hurts or helps someone else. The University is defined as that alumni, students, faculty and staff. Therefore all are responsible. for the student to be able to assume roles of leadership and serviceWe all play a part in the success of XU Students come in as a blank slate most times. It is up to alumni to provide avenues to these roles and serve as an active network. It is also a duty of the faculty and staff to interact with students beyond the classroom to make sure they gain skills and opportunities to be leaders and of service to others by extending their network to more students. Everyone is responsible. But we need higher visibility in the community at large. We all need to work together to accomplish our missionIt takes a whole village to raise a childFaculty and staff prepare the students, students assume the leadership roles. Everyone is equally responsible for achieving the mission. We are one big family here at Xavier. As a family and team, we work together to get things done. As in "Sister Act" - If you wanna be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, you better wakeup and pay attention"!!! If it takes a village to raise a small one, why on earth, wouldn't it be the same to protect the village. EVERYONE's hand must get dirty sometime we all may have to sweat a few times, if it means we assure our village is protected and supported. The entire Xavier Community is responsible for upholding the mission of the University. Each playing a unique role in developing, cultivating and spreading the mission. While of course the alumni and staff should work to create an environment that is conducive to and supportive of this goal, ultimately the responsibility for this task falls primarily to the faculty (who are the ones providing most of Mission Review Committee Report, p. 55 this preparation) and the students themselves (who must be willing and able to become prepared). the faculty principally, the staff secondarily provide teaching and guidance for the students to incorporate the mission; to some degree the students, as well as faculty and staff, promote the mission from the campus and then beyond; the ultimate proof of the mission's achievement is the graduates (alumni) carrying out the mission in their career and lives If we truly believe in that mission it is incumbent upon all of us to work toward its fulfillment. I am wondering why administration is not included in your categories of groups. Have they no responsibility? All of the above populations should be vested in the accomplishment of the mission. We ALL contribute to the ultimate purpose of the institution. Faculty and staff are the keepers of the mission. They, in their service to the University, pass it on to the students who eventually become alumni. Therefore, it is each group's responsibility to live the mission through their thoughts and actions. All parties tied to Xavier is responsible for seeing that Xavier's purpose is fulfilled, whether it's an in-kind donation, volunteering, mentoring, or being a part of the Xavier community in some way, everyone should achieve the purpose. All should be involved in the learning process. Everyone can assist in this effort - if not directly working with students, by example in what is done in university settings. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 56 APPENDIX SIX Student Focus Group Mission Review Committee Xavier University of Louisiana Thursday, November 7, 2013 3-3:50 PM in Old Board Room Moderator: Treva Lee Members from Mission Review Committee Present: Michael Homan, Dominique Gendrin. Staff Support: Allen Gale, Treva Lee Students were invited on October 29th to participate in this focus group. Through the help of Richard Tucker, faculty were emailed the following invitation: Dear Xavier Students, Xavier's Mission Review Committee would like to invite you to a focus group discussion about our university's mission on Thursday November 7th 3-3:50 PM in the Old Board Room in the Administration Annex. The following members of the Mission Review Committee will be there: Drs. Gendrin, Homan, and Lee. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Homan (mhoman@xula.edu, X7630). Thank you, The Mission Review Committee Dr. Teresa Birdwhistell Vice-President Joseph Byrd Dr. Dominique Gendrin Dr. Michael Homan (facilitator) Mr. William Jeffrion Sr. Monica Loughlin Dr. Keturah Robinson Dr. Lisa Schulte Ms. Kaylon White (SGA representative) Dr. Treva Lee, staff support Mr. Allen Gale, staff support STUDENT FOCUS GROUP MINUTES There were 12 student members present. 11 were Juniors and Seniors, only one was a Sophomore. There were no Freshmen there. 1. What does it mean that Xavier is Catholic and historically Black? More conservative than non-­‐Catholic institutions. ___ This conservative idea has a huge influence on the curriculum. We have to take a year of Theology and a semester of AfAm. Xavier’s curriculum is very strict, and I don’t agree with it. ___ Mission Review Committee Report, p. 57 This school is so unique. I’m not Catholic, but the school tries to implement its values. For example, at Spring Fest last year, Xavier at the last minute cancelled an artist that students wanted to see because the administration felt the artist didn’t uphold Xavier’s standards. It took a long time to say that we students could not get this artist. AfAm is interesting to me. Xavier is distinct among AfAm schools. I think of other AfAm schools and Xavier’s name seems to hold more weight than the others. ___ Conservative and there is a contradiction. There is a struggle between Catholic values and what the students want. 2. Is Xavier's ultimate purpose to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society, and if so, who is responsible? What are some examples of how Xavier promotes a just and humane society? We are responsible as the student body. Xavier has opportunities to volunteer. We have organizations that go out and promote a better society. ___ It’s up to everybody. Administration, faculty, staff, all of have to work with all of us together. Students have a degree of power but need input of higher qualified and more powerful people. ___ Q: Do you all agree that the ULTIMATE PURPOSE is to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society? ___ It’s hard. It’s a university that wants to make money, it has to have a good reputation, get people to come here. But they do give back to society. The Humanities, the Liberal Arts School all this helps with the mission. 3. How well does Xavier prepare students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society? What are some examples of how Xavier prepares students to assume roles of leadership and service? Xavier has a course called “XU Leads” for student leadership. It’s up to you if you want to take it. I don’t know if it does a great job. Student leadership on campus is very big. In that course, once a week students learn ways to have events on campus, we divide in to groups and at the end of seven weeks we present on a potential project that we’d bring to campus. ___ Note: Three students here had participated in XU Leads. ___ There are opportunities to do it. It’s hard not to assume leadership positions at campus over time. If you are engaged, there will be times where you’ll have to lead a club or an honors society. 4. Does Xavier's mission statement accurately guide Xavier's day to day operations and long term vision? I think they do. ___ I know with XU Leads they do. Xavier is the only college I know that has a course like this just focused on leadership. ___ This should be implemented, and we should give more back to our Gert Town neighborhood. Sometimes I walk down side streets and see many people who could use our help. ___ I agree with that. We don’t do things for this neighborhood. There’s no relationship with these people. ___ I noticed that we do give back and love Service Learning and SL in Freshman Seminar but there are problems. I was talking to many students about this. We are creating a charity rather than acting with solidarity with the community. We go 5 hours to a community center and that’s it. It’s not continuous. This is especially true with Mission Review Committee Report, p. 58 children. We get involved in their lives, make a connection, and then disappear. We sometimes try to save people but we know so little about them. It’s like we are a savior without knowing anything about them. It says they need saving and we are the saviors who don’t know them. It’s not just and humane because it says we are better than you, you need saving from us. 5. During your time at Xavier, what has helped you to move from knowing the mission statement to understanding it and actively participating in its fulfillment? Freshman Seminar class helped me. I did not know the mission when I came. I learned about the mission, the history behind it, it helped me know my place at Xavier. It showed me what Xavier wanted from me. It helped me understand my purpose here. ___ Besides Freshman Seminar there is not much emphasis on mission. It’s not really implemented at all. It gets you in with the first year, you pass FRSM and then it’s over. Students would take it more seriously if it showed up after Freshman Seminar. ___ I learned about it in Freshman Seminar, and now I don’t remember it. It never comes up after Freshman Seminar. ___ Some Freshman Seminar instructors focus on mission more than others. Some had students memorize it. ___ I’m from here and commuted my first year but now I live on campus. I barely know what the mission statement is and I feel disconnected from school. My FRSM instructor didn’t emphasize it. ___ I came a semester late so I had my first FRSM course in the Spring. I learned study skills stuff but not the mission statement. ___ Q: Are students perhaps indirectly exposed to the mission by their interactions with faculty, staff, and other students? ___ It depends on the teacher you take, the situation you are in. Maybe you hang around people interested in community service. I’m taking philosophy right now and I think about health care. I want to be more than a doctor. I want to help people. Some people here just want to be a professional for selfish reasons. Hopefully with community service they will learn to give back. There is the opportunity here but not all students understand. ___ We get different perspectives from courses. Humanities courses have more of it. General Chemistry won’t say go outside and teach, or go lead. We do research there. The Liberal part gets the mission. With science it’s more learning. ___ I agree. It depends on what the student is involved in. SGA has leadership skills they can provide. The average student doesn’t have access. We learn to go to society and volunteer but many don’t. ___ Only certain people get to go on these leadership retreats. They are only by invitation. ___ The same people do the same thing every year. Student body has different opportunities but it’s exclusive. It leaves students out. It should be open to all. ___ It’s hard to get these things implemented. Often students ask for these sort of things but don’t show up. This happened with Town Hall meetings. This was designed to be an open forum but only six people showed up, and then last year it was better with 43. But not all students have a voice. There is not a Freshman voice for example. 6. What does Xavier stand for publicly? Mission Review Committee Report, p. 59 Xavier rides and dies on pre-­‐med. There are signs on freeways. They’re outdated now that we’re not first. ___ It’s looked on as the only thing on campus. We have many more great things. It’s not fair to other departments. ___ It shows that the school thinks the others are inadequate. ___ I didn’t even know they had other majors when I came here. ___ Promotion of science. ___ Black doctors. ___ I can’t say “Black.” There are a lot of Asians and some Caucasians. The campus is getting more diverse. ___ Xavier publically has a good name. When I go home to Tennessee, people hear that it’s a good school. We are here so we see the faults more closely. I never hear anything bad about Xavier except here. ___ We should promote non-­‐science success stories, not just (names famous alumni) and others. Xavier has great programs in Psychology, Speech Pathology, Lawyers, and Music. ___ Yes, my sister is a music major. ___ We have a Pharmacy School but all we hear is Pre-­‐med. Q: Anything else you’d like to add about mission? I would like to say that we as students are not always considered in decisions. For example, it seemed contrary to the mission that we only got to invite 5 people to graduation. Students were protesting but weren’t able to get any change. I was glad to see students fighting for change. I would like to see student opinions getting more attention. They could at least make the effort to hear students. ___ Having experience working with the administration I know we have much that happened but much that wasn’t communicated to the student body. There was a protest for more tickets. Protests do not always work. Students did protest and we had a meeting with the administration. At this meeting there were student voices and SGA. The administration explained that the purpose of the new convocation center was to have graduation back here on campus. Before students complained when graduation moved off campus. It turned out many seats were empty at graduation. There is work for a compromise where if students don’t pick up tickets a week before graduation then these tickets go back to students who want them. ___ Students said they would like to read the committee’s final report. We said we’d try to put in on blackboard for students as well. END Minutes respectfully submitted by Michael Homan. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 60 APPENDIX SEVEN Alumni Focus Group Mission Review Committee Xavier University of Louisiana Friday, November 22, 2013 11:50-­‐12:30 PM in Student Center Moderator: Treva Lee Members from Mission Review Committee Present: Michael Homan. Staff Support: Treva Lee Alumni were invited in person to participate in this focus group when they registered for homecoming weekend. ALUMNI FOCUS GROUP MINUTES There were 7 alumni present. 1. What does it mean that Xavier is Catholic and historically Black? It means tradition. I was raised Catholic. There is a lot of Catholic tradition here, and also there is history with the HBCU status. ___ I was also raised Catholic. The Catholic identity was not the first thing that attracted me but it added value. It was a plus that I could continue with my religion. Being that it was an HBCU: I came from a totally different world up north. I wanted to experience what life was like down south. Xavier was more supportive. It was nice to have people like us with the same goals that I had. ___ I’m not Catholic, but went to Catholic elementary and high schools. I was used to a certain amount of discipline and the way things are done in Catholic education. I see parts of that with my experience here— respect for students, and people who want the best for you. 2. Is Xavier's ultimate purpose to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society, and if so, who is responsible? What are some examples of how Xavier promotes a just and humane society? We are all examples. Xavier produced us. It’s a sense of pride, everyone knows what Xavier can do. What the alumni are doing around the world, that’s us. ___ Xavier gives us the tools to make that happen. They provide the foundation. They have given us opportunities to go to the next step. Xavier was the first step. My education here gave me the opportunity to have a voice in other arenas. ___ I think that because of the preparation we got here, when we went out to society, it puts us in places as African Americans that were not as well represented before: in hospitals, courtrooms, laboratories. We’re smart, capable, and ready to be recognized. That’ the “just” part of the mission. ___ 3. How well does Xavier prepare students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society? What are some examples of how Xavier prepares students to assume roles of leadership and Mission Review Committee Report, p. 61 service? Very well. ___ There are lots of opportunities as a student to get involved. The support you get is important. One reason I went to an HBCU was because the support is great. Other places expect minorities won’t do well. Here there are high expectations. ___ I agree. 4. Does Xavier's mission statement accurately guide Xavier's day to day operations and long term vision? I can’t speak to that. ___ I don’t know. We are products of the long term vision. As I walk around and see students it is similar to when I went to school here. Except for technology and resources, but to stay up to date, those things are necessary. Xavier has certainly grown immensely. ___ It’s more diverse now. ___ Yes, it is more diverse. ___ It’s reflective of what is taking place at other campuses. It’s more common now to see diverse campuses. 5. During your time at Xavier, what has helped you to move from knowing the mission statement to understanding it and actively participating in its fulfillment? I can’t say that the mission statement was something that I thought about. ___ I didn’t know the words but I experienced it. My experience at Xavier and beyond makes perfect sense and fits. ___ I agree ______ 6. What does Xavier stand for publicly? Achievement. Excellence. ___ Those were my thoughts also. ___ Endurance. ___ Discipline (much laughter). ___ “Don’t walk on the grass!” ___ “Don’t miss curfew” ___ Yeah, or you’ll have to find a way to sleep outside. ___ Or knock on windows, “Let me in” ___ Mission Review Committee Report, p. 62 The education that I received here was priceless. ___ I came here five years ago for the reunion. I was happy to see that tuition has remained reasonable. Across the country education costs have inflated dramatically, but not here at Xavier. It cost $6900 when I went here. ___ Today it costs $20,000 for a 2-­‐year-­‐old to attend Montessori. Xavier prepared me to go to medical school. I completed med school almost for free because of scholarships that I earned. If I went to any other undergraduate school I would not have been as prepared to compete on that level. It prepared me for the rest of my life. END Minutes respectfully submitted by Michael Homan. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 63 APPENDIX EIGHT Faculty Focus Group Mission Review Committee Xavier University of Louisiana Thursday, November 7, 2013 12:15-­‐1:05 PM in Old Board Room Moderator: Treva Lee Members from Mission Review Committee Present: Teresa Birdwhistell, Michael Homan, Dominique Gendrin, Lisa Schulte, Staff Support: Allen Gale, Treva Lee Faculty were invited on October 29th to participate in this focus group. Through the help of Richard Tucker, faculty were emailed the following invitation: Dear Faculty, Xavier's Mission Review Committee would like to invite you to a focus group discussion about our university's mission on Thursday November 7th 12:15-­‐1:05 PM in the Old Board Room in the Administration Annex. The following members of the Mission Review Committee will be there: Drs. Gendrin, Homan, Lee, and Schulte. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Homan (mhoman@xula.edu, X7630). Thank you, The Mission Review Committee Dr. Teresa Birdwhistell Vice-­‐President Joseph Byrd Dr. Dominique Gendrin Dr. Michael Homan (facilitator) Mr. William Jeffrion Sr. Monica Loughlin Dr. Keturah Robinson Dr. Lisa Schulte Ms. Kaylon White (SGA representative) Dr. Treva Lee, staff support Mr. Allen Gale, staff support FACULTY FOCUS GROUP MINUTES There were 15 faculty members present from a wide variety of disciplines and a wide variety of experience at Xavier. Note that there were faculty from the library and all divisions with the notable exceptions of Pharmacy and Education. Question 1. What does it mean that Xavier is Catholic and historically Black? “Historically Black” speaks for itself. Xavier was founded as a Black institution back when Whites and Blacks could not attend the same schools. “Catholic” also speaks for itself. Xavier was founded on Catholic values. We don’t try to force Catholicism on our students but Catholic values permeate the school. ___ “Historically Black” is technically defined. It’s very specific. “Catholic” again has an answer, it includes all -­‐-­‐ Mission Review Committee Report, p. 64 from the symbols in the classroom to practices and people. The question maybe we are asking is “What is gained in the combination?” Maybe we want to address the combination. Perspective, focus and attention to outreach to all, inclusiveness and oneness. ___ Identity to “Historically Black” and “Catholic” has an internal identity and an external relationship. The internal means that all of us are invested, and then how this impacts external investors. Externally, how does social political climate currently in the U.S. and at HBCUs, what is the outcome of these relationships. There needs to be many relationships to meet the mission. So we need to intend to make it clear to students so that the external part is clear to the world outside of Xavier. ___ Xavier is the only institution that is both Black and Catholic. ___ Question from member: Historically Black – What is the definition? Does it have to do with currently Black population or is it historic? ___ It has to do with a congressional act in the 1960’s. ___ African Americans in the South couldn’t go to the same schools as whites. ___ Some HBCUs have a majority of students who aren’t African Americans. ___ Question: Do other HBCUs have religious affiliations? ___ Some do, many private ones do. Question 2. Is Xavier's ultimate purpose to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society, and if so, who is responsible? What are some examples of how Xavier promotes a just and humane society? Every Saturday morning we can see several buses coming to pick our students up to take them to do service projects helping the less fortunate in our society. Also, we give admission opportunities to poor students, many of whom come from poor schools, often in inner-­‐city environments. Sometimes later these students are ready to succeed in graduate/professional schools throughout the country. Students are treated on our campus very well and this models our mission. It takes effort to help people. Faculty here try to help students more than at other schools. ___ I have Service Learning for courses where they not only do Service, but they reflect through paper writing assignments. These papers help students increase sensitivity to injustice. It helps to have reflection after doing the service. ___ If students want to be recognized for being members of a student organization, members must participate in a minimum of 3 Service projects per semester. ___ Students are leaving Xavier with these ideas about social justice and they’ll never lose it. ___ Also peer mentoring when seniors and juniors help their underclassmates and also at tutoring centers. ___ Question: So who is responsible? ___ Many answer: We all are. ___ How do we model the society we want our students to be part of? We must model the just and humane world that we want our students to make. When I walk in to class I model for my students the way I want them to behave in a very conscious effort. This is the background principle. ___ Mission Review Committee Report, p. 65 I would add that the liberal education component is essential. There are many opportunities to serve at different levels. It’s education infused with values and skills. It provides a model of intellectual foundation and it’s a means to the advancement of our mission. ___ The core curriculum contributes to an essential part of the mission. It’s how we carry out the mission. This core helps us understand what is justice? What is humane? We see the value of other people’s choices. ___ The core is an essential aspect of this. All else that we do builds off of the core. Education is an essential part of social justice. Service and all else is built off of the core curriculum. ___ I explain to my students what “liberal” means. If a recipe says season liberally it means much seasoning and placed all over. It takes motivation to sell all of these courses to students. ___ There is a fiscal danger of becoming more focused on a technical school where the core is reduced and students just take courses for their intended field. Question 3. How well does Xavier prepare students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society? What are some examples of how Xavier prepares students to assume roles of leadership and service? The president of Xavier prepared at Xavier. (Names and describes two famous Xavier graduates). I know if a student is struggling with a bill I can find money to help them. There are lots of graduates who are very active in helping others. ___ I take this differently. If we mean “global” literally, I’m not sure how effective we are. Our core doesn’t specify anything on taking global courses. So in mission we look globally but not in action. I see the Confucius Center and stuff but it’s dissimilar. ___ I don’t agree that global is absent from the core. ___ The last 10 years institutionally we have encouraged more students access to outside countries. ___ Yes, it has been recent. There are still problems financially. We have the ideal but not the means. There is no serious institutional support for this. Now though the student body is more diverse. We have Muslim and Hindu students. As they interact all of the students learn more about “global.” There was an international focus last Friday at an event that was well attended. We are doing more but the resources are not there yet. We should ask alumni on campus for their input, and ask how did Xavier and your years there impact you. ___ Committee said we’ll be doing that at homecoming. ___ Freshman Seminar has an influence on our mission, on the leadership component, on service, where all of our students their first year are doing a service learning project. This has a profound first year impact on students. ___ I am a New Orleans native. I have railed against elitism my entire life. In my youth, Xavier seemed to be a very strong university. When I think about Xavier I know its leaders from the 80’s and even before. Now I struggle, what is leadership? I see Xavier in transition. Are there practical and technical things being done to create leaders? Are we trying to position students to be leaders? Have we transpired this generational divide? Have we identified what needs to occur for these new students? Maybe we are stuck at the same level as in the 1980’s. And then not just locally, but globally, are we meeting this new demand? ___ Leadership retreats used to be great. We would get student leaders, and work with them on leadership skills. They in turn would influence their peers and it spreads. Student services works well with student leaders. ___ How do we do with our mission? We produce leaders with big impacts. Clearly we give our students values. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 66 We want to avoid being apologists and ask precisely this question: How could we do better? Not looking back, but looking forward. How might we fail to model our mission? Take an honest look. For example, are our Human Resource polices a model for the society we want? ___ I want to echo that comment about Freshman Seminar. Freshman seminar is trying to carry out Xavier’s mission, and this new Freshman Seminar Fellows would allow us institutionally to be more effective potentially in a most meaningful way to teach our mission. Students write and discuss and think about the mission. ___ Students need to be competitive in the job market in order to be leaders. ___ Leadership means many things, there are many ways to be a leader. You don’t need to be a university president. A just family member who goes to college and has a career, he/she can be a leader. If a compassionate worker on a job points out a wrong, he/she could be a leader. We do this, create leaders. ___ A just and humane society, one where people speak truth to power – We have to model this to our students. ___ Question 4. Does Xavier's mission statement accurately guide Xavier's day to day operations and long term vision? Sometimes yes sometimes no. ___ Preregistration is taking place now. This work with their advisor helps get them in the classes they need, it helps improve their study skills, while meeting with students you are carrying out the mission. You model caring about others. ___ Lately, we often perceive the decision making process at Xavier from an authoritarian autocratic model without discussion or impact of people impacted by the decisions. We used to talk more. This recent restructuring has an element of that. ___ I worry about us as we cut corners and take shortcuts based on fiscal issues and enrollment issues. This effects many things, and many things have happened. I worry about short cuts and not seeing how this impacts the mission and our ability to do the mission. ___ Xavier has been perceived to be a speed boat, we can change direction quickly. Most institutions of higher learning are more like super tankers, where nobody knows the direction has changed or is changing until the pilot plots the new direction. What are better ways to communicate? When I look at the strategic plan I don’t see anything about our fiscal crisis. We need to have communication about how we are doing, and be informed to understand where Xavier is going. Question 5. During your time at Xavier, what has helped you to move from knowing the mission statement to understanding it and actively participating in its fulfillment? Being surrounded by colleagues who participate in the mission. Xavier has more faculty involved in the mission than any other school I’ve seen. Having engaged colleagues makes it so easy to get on board. ___ Historically people have been dedicated to the mission. There was a nucleus of people committed to the mission. Growth has been nice but we now have people not familiar with the mission. Also we used to have ideas come from the faculty and they went up the administration chain. That’s what happened with the increase in the sciences here. As Dr. Francis says, hire good people and get out of the way and let these good people do their jobs. ___ There are opportunities for faculty workshops. Dialogue between faculty from various departments. This helps us understand our challenges and allows us to see other’s dedication to the mission. We need time to Mission Review Committee Report, p. 67 step back and communicate. ___ I’ve been here 10-­‐15 years (note: member said specific number). The mission attracted me. Getting to know my students has heightened this. Here I can help make a difference with students. ___ Committee work helped me understand the mission and how faculty participate in the mission. Also teaching, especially teaching Freshman Seminar. Question 6. What does Xavier stand for publicly? As an African American man, Xavier stands to be a place where students of color or not can attend and move from a position of not being attractive to a position of power and servitude, this all goes back to the mission. Faith, leadership, all things you need to succeed in today’s society. I graduated from two HBCUs so I understand the HBCU part of the mission, but the Catholic part of the overall structure, because of this students who come here will be made whole. ___ I know from experience at other HBCUs that Xavier publically is known for having a large percentage of white faculty, not a lot of Black faculty. Also the sciences, STEM. That is a big part of our public face. ___ Clearly pharmacy and pre-­‐med. ___ Also known as a place where students work academically and not socially. There are good and bad parts of this. It hurts recruitment. Friends of students went elsewhere to schools with more social opportunities. Xavier sells its brand as STEM and even at orientation there are speeches about how Xavier does not stand for partying. ___ What we do takes work. Some students know pre-­‐med and pharmacy but don’t know that we’re Catholic. That’s part of our brand that should be recognized outside of Xavier. END Minutes respectfully submitted by Michael Homan. Mission Review Committee Report, p. 68 APPENDIX NINE Staff Focus Group Mission Review Committee Xavier University of Louisiana Thursday, November 14, 2013 12:15-­‐1:15 PM in Old Board Room Moderator: Michael Homan Members from Mission Review Committee Present: Michael Homan, Dominique Gendrin, Joseph Byrd. Staff Support: Allen Gale, Treva Lee Staff members were invited on October 29th to participate in this focus group. Through the help of Richard Tucker, staff were emailed the following invitation: Dear Xavier Staff, Xavier's Mission Review Committee would like to invite you to a focus group discussion about our university's mission on Thursday November 14th 12:15-­‐1:05 PM in the Old Board Room in the Administration Annex. The following members of the Mission Review Committee will be there: Drs. Gendrin and Homan. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Homan (mhoman@xula.edu, X7630). Thank you, The Mission Review Committee Dr. Teresa Birdwhistell Vice-­‐President Joseph Byrd Dr. Dominique Gendrin Dr. Michael Homan (facilitator) Mr. William Jeffrion Sr. Monica Loughlin Dr. Keturah Robinson Dr. Lisa Schulte Ms. Kaylon White (SGA representative) Dr. Treva Lee, staff support Mr. Allen Gale, staff support STAFF FOCUS GROUP MINUTES There were eight staff members present. 1. What does it mean that Xavier is Catholic and historically Black? At the onset of this institution it was a safe place, a place of empowerment, for Blacks and the region is rooted in the Catholic faith. ___ The Catholic part has the intonation of sometimes supporting the larger Catholic institution, but ideally Catholic meaning helping the downtrodden. Historically Black is a place where it used to be that students couldn’t get into a majority white institution. HBCUs offered the opportunity of education to those who didn’t Mission Review Committee Report, p. 69 have it elsewhere. ___ Underlying everything Xavier does and should be doing is at the foundation of Catholic social justice theory. More than just being Catholic, Xavier was created from a Catholic social justice perspective. Not just religiosity of Catholic but the philosophy of Catholic social justice to serve Blacks who had few options for higher education. Does not exclude any other groups or diminish any other group. ___ Both deep identities with profound implications. Not easily understood. We don’t do a great job educating staff about what this means. It was 12 years before I understood about what the HBCU part of the university means. Similarly, I didn’t know about the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and Katharine Drexel until after I read a book about her in a book club. We should do a better job educating staff about this. ___ Historically Black colleges were founded for minority students so they could have education and opportunity. Historically Black schools were founded by religious organizations. These institutions were geared to train our students. This was a time with the separate but equal laws. ___ One challenge Xavier has is that it can’t be all things to all people. Historically Black and Catholic as soon as the Jim Crow laws were lifted, white people came to school. At first it was the white nuns who had to go to school at night as it was still unacceptable to teach a mixed class. Historically Black but Catholic—some things they do aren’t Catholic. That’s who we are, not changing. I went to a Southern Baptist school. There were no deviations. Sr. Monica reminds us who we are. West Virginia State is a HBCU but today it is not predominantly Black. ___ We have to remember that Xavier is not just Catholic, but it is a conservative Catholic institution. Some Catholic institutions of higher learning have things we forbid here. We have culture specific things here. It’s a very conservative institution. ___ But that’s how our organization lives. That’s its niche. Black Catholic Institution, that has its own mechanism. We should feed the uniqueness of it. Traditional and conservative, it’s who we are. Our students don’t feel the same way about the HBCU experience. 2. Is Xavier's ultimate purpose to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society, and if so, who is responsible? What are some examples of how Xavier promotes a just and humane society? Ultimate purpose? I’m not sure. It’s one of Xavier’s purposes. It does so through the education of students. Xavier has to instill in students a sense of responsibility and competence to do something about it. The curriculum, the administration, people in the classroom, all of us. It’s knowledge that is institutional in students. ___ I agree. But to add to it, everyone is responsible. Even student when assuming leadership roles. Staff and faculty should mold students so they care and have concern for others. It’s so when they leave Xavier they can be civic minded citizens. ___ Just and humane has to do with order and discipline. Sometimes we correct students and say that as adults they shouldn’t behave that way. Parents say young men and women should do what they want. Then the next day they say that the students are only 18 and 19 years old and are not old enough to decide. ___ Discipline, order and respect. ___ I’m a graduate of Xavier and now staff. When I was a student I got in trouble for walking on the grass and was made to walk back and use the sidewalk. I understand now why she did it. It was out of respect for the institution. When I hear a student on an elevator use bad words I tell them about it. ___ When students are out of order, we need to tell students. When they have book bags sometimes we check Mission Review Committee Report, p. 70 them, and there aren’t books in there. Students say we harass them but let me tell you sometimes they ask “where was campus police?” ___ Just and humane has its purpose when connected to the social justice Catholic framework. We’re in the business of credentialing. The Federal Government won’t let us survive if we quit credentialing students. Needs to be relationship between the business of moving students to be credentialed and during the process teaching them values to act in a just and humane manner. ___ There used to be a sense of pride. I don’t see it today. Used to be that they would not do some things in front of certain persons. I tell students I’m not their peer, and they should watch their mouths. It’s about pride and knowing where you’re at. ___ Pride, structure. At HBCUs we get a raw diamond. They have the foundation but we mold them like a potter so they can be what they are supposed to be. I say we check them, we mold them. When they see you they should respect you. It’s more than looking like us, it’s how we train them so they can apply to professional programs at Notre Dame and other great schools. ___ Working toward ultimate I would say. They might not see it until 5-­‐10 years down the road. Might not happen until they leave Xavier and accomplish their purpose. 3. How well does Xavier prepare students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society? What are some examples of how Xavier prepares students to assume roles of leadership and service? I notice that in Arts and Humanities there is a large number of clubs where students are responsible. Faculty are there just to keep time and hold the reigns but the students are the ones who run these meetings and clubs. They recruit students in to their preferred majors and minors. I’ve noticed you’re teaching students to be independent thinkers. Students grab the reigns and become bold. People should be mindful of the fact that students change, but the people are the same and are neglectful of some of the students who need the greatest push. ___ I’m mindful that faculty and some staff have not lowered expectations but the type of student has changed. They expect from us not the same thing. It’s not the same roles for the same people. The same people are always involved, and so students feel less valued and don’t know how to get in to these leadership roles. They need a bigger push for the non-­‐leaders. The type of fun they want and what they want to learn has changed. ___ Leadership – Leadership is a multiple thing – It is self-­‐advocacy. There is an assumption that it is a specific thing. Drew Brees can run a football team. He can’t run this university. They take military and business leaders and drop them in an Orleans parish school and they are not effective. A Chemist would be inept to lead a pottery class. Xavier offers opportunities in a broad range of areas to help students become leaders. The self-­‐destruction of the Greek system, this means we are losing places where students could develop leadership skills. With the budget cuts there has been talk of reducing athletics, this would further decrease opportunities for leadership. We need to engage the students and get more organizations. ___ We have emerging leaders and advanced leaders development programs. Some students want the position, but not the responsibility. During the summers we ask students who seem to have the potential to be good leaders to get involved. As far as global—getting to travel abroad, that is an excellent opportunity. It can be life changing. The Center for International and Intercultural Programs (CIIP) does this. Keep in mind with sororities and fraternities, they take people who are leaders and make them better leaders. Students lead the student leadership programs. It starts the time they arrive, we take what they have and add to it. It gives them roots and wings. ___ Leadership is about responsibility and not position. Some great leaders don’t have titles. ___ Mission Review Committee Report, p. 71 Globally—we have alumni in professions. Internships allow students to practice a profession before they choose a field. Alumni in fields with jobs that allow internships—that would be a good thing. ___ This passage of the mission gets my attention and I’m concerned because our broader society is conflicted regarding ideas about leadership. It seems to be confused with big salaries or job titles. By teaching, at times, there is a path to wealth, so that contributes to the mission. Leadership involves many people who do this from different positions. On campus we have a shared understanding of leadership. It is not a position of authority. It is a moral responsibility to stick our necks out for what is right. 4. Does Xavier's mission statement accurately guide Xavier's day to day operations and long term vision? I hope so. I know at my office we work with faculty and have discussions about this. I know the faculty I work with are engaged with the mission. It’s on their minds. Perhaps faculty who don’t participate in events with my office might have a different plan. ___ Not well enough. The position of prestige and leadership is confusing. There is an emphasis on positions of prestige. Instead leadership in small ways can be manifest. A leader can correct a neighbor for littering for example. Our day to day message emphasizes too much that a goal should be (names offices of two prestigious alumni). We should also push for simplicity for everyday life for the faculty and the local community. ___ When you look at Xavier’s brand, where we talk about medical school, we don’t hear about the mission directly. Take for example BYU. One hears about their missionary work and that they are Mormon. Their mission informs us on the outside of their campus. We want our kids to get into medical school but the ultimate purpose is not in this. It might come out in the (name of alumn) story. 5. During your time at Xavier, what has helped you to move from knowing the mission statement to understanding it and actively participating in its fulfillment? I advocated that the word “Service” be in our mission statement. I knew nothing about it when I came here. Through work I learned about it. We touch our students so that they become Xavier missionaries and not just graduates. Xavier graduates go out and do the mission, some bring kids back and ask us to do the same thing for their kids that we did to them. All of that. When graduates bring their kids back, it is testimony to what we do. Also when faculty and administrators at other institutions send their kids here when they could attend another school for free, that is also testimony. ___ It is a luxury for me to watch a young lady graduate this year. We expect to see a large number of students graduate. I was watching this one young lady who took 11 years to graduate. I sat with her. She had tears in her eyes, she was exhausted. She realized at the end she was missing a PE class. She had to beg for entry in to that class. At one point I noticed her in her car sobbing. Somehow her last semester she was taking 20 hours. Her father had a stroke, she had a full time job, she was 31. I said you are a Xavierite. Take another semester. She said she owed it to her university to finish her degree. At convocation I looked at her. So many of our students now have circumstances that pummel them. The in crowd is materialistic. We have to push the students, be part of their lives. ___ Soon (name of alumn) will be here visiting campus. When he was a student here he struggled. We walked him through it. If he were at any other institution they would have cast him away. ___ I didn’t learn about the mission when I came here. It wasn’t in orientation. I learned about sexual harassment but not the mission. There was neither the Catholic part or the HBCU. I would have liked to have learned more about it earlier. Just over 10 years in, through book clubs, I learned more about HBCUs and Katharine Drexel. 6. What does Xavier stand for publicly? Mission Review Committee Report, p. 72 Culturally it is in us. We are nurturers. That’s our legacy. We nurture our kids. I have the feel of HBCU in my spirit. Separate but equal is stuck in my mind. We see kids who say they can’t make it. It brings the nurturing part out. That’s the part we need to keep in mind. Let’s put this in when we hire people, tell them about the mission. ___ There’s the marketing and there’s the reality. They are not always the same. Marketing is excellence. We tell the world that we are excellent. But sometimes the reality is that we just get by and we’ll try to fix things later. ___ My impression is that others have the impression that we are an excellent school. The Historically Black part of it is more prominent than the Catholic part. There is an idea that the school is a good one amongst Black schools, similar to how people say that Obama is articulate. When I mention that Xavier is Catholic, people didn’t know that. ___ Yes, the Catholic identity is less prominent. ___ Publically in the South, Xavier has recognition. But outside of the South when you say Xavier most people think Ohio. It is perceived to be a good Black school. Within the African American community, in the city, they think we are elitist. They think you have decent money to go here, unlike (names two local schools). When I go to conferences in New York they think Xavier equals Ohio. ___ It depends on the area that you are in. When I go to science conferences, they all know Xavier. They say we have good students. It depends on the market. END Minutes respectfully submitted by Michael Homan.