What is a McNair Scholar? The Xavier University Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is a program funded by the United States Department of Education designed to increase the numbers of first-generation, low income and underrepresented students completing doctoral programs. Xavier McNair Scholar Will: Participate in a bi-weekly and/or monthly seminar series offered each semester Attend professional meetings, research symposia, and graduate school visitations, network with alumni who have completed Ph.D. programs Enroll in courses/seminars designed to strengthen miring, test taking and technological skills Meet with program administrators 2-3 times each semester for individual advising & counseling Successfully complete research projects demonstrated by publications of a paper and/or presentation of their research project results Attend Annual Fall Grad Fair hosted by The Office of Graduate Placement & University Summer Programs Receive extensive graduate school preparation Be equipped to successfully enter and complete doctoral programs Have the opportunity to work in mentoring relationships with faculty members To Apply: Complete the freshmen year (30 credit hours minimum); Can maintain a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative grade point average, if accepted; Maintain good academic and disciplinary standing with Xavier University; Qualify as a low income/first generation or underrepresented eligibility; Express a desire to pursue graduate study through the Ph.D. level; Provide a Letter of Recommendation from a faculty member; Provide a CV or Resume that includes a listing of any previous research; Complete a mock interview with the Office of Career Services prior to interviewing; Provide and maintain an updated listing of programs, as well as any funding, federal or non-federal, provided by these programs; and Along with completed application, any student applying under the low income objective, must provide a copy of the income and tax information, Submit a statement of purpose that outline your goals, personal ambitions, future plans, and describing as precisely as possible your academic and research interest and needs. Selection Process: Complete and submit an application; Receive an invite to interview; A committee consisting of the Xavier McNair Program director and assistant director and two faculty liaisons will review completed applications packets and then make selections. Selected students may represent a diversity of majors and may have either junior or senior standing. If there are any questions, please contact The Office of Graduate Placement (504) 520-7633. 1 XAVIER UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA RONALD E. MCNAIR POSTBACCALAUREATED ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM (Please type or print clearly. Answer ALL items.) Part I. STUDENT INFORMATION DATE: ______________ 1. Full Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle 2. Ethnicity: Black (non – Hispanic) Pacific Islander Native American Hispanic White Other ____________________ 3. Date of Birth: ___/___/___ 4. Gender: Male Female 5. SSN: __ __ __-__ __ -__ __ __ __ 6. E-Mail: __________________________________ 7. XU ID: __ __ __-__ __- __ __ __ __ 8. Local Address: ________________________________________________________________________ (Off Campus or Campus Address, City, State, Zip) 9. Permanent Address (if different from above): Check if same as above □ ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Address, City, State, Zip) 10. Local Phone: (504) ________________ Cellular: (______)______________ Permanent Phone: (____)_______________ 11. Date first enrolled at Xavier (ex. Fall 2012): ________________________ 12. Expected Graduation Date (ex. May 2015): _________________________ 13. Current Classification (Circle): Freshman Sophomore 14. Major: ________________________________ Junior Senior 15. Cumulative GPA: _____ 16. Area of Interest for Graduate Study: __________________ 17. Citizenship: U.S. _____ Other (specify): ____________ 18. Do you currently receive a pell-grant? Yes No 19. T-shirt Size: M L XL 2XL 3XL 20. I give permission for the Office of Graduate Placement to access to my transcript for candidacy selection purposes.. Yes _______ No___________ Part II. NEEDS ASSESMENT Please check below those services provided by the Xavier McNair Program which you feel will assist in the pursuit of a Graduate Degrees. Check all that apply. Tutoring (Specify which courses) Prep for GRE (LSAT, GMAT, etc) Choosing Graduate Schools Info about the Graduate School application process Campus visits to Graduate Schools One-on-one assistance with completing the Graduate School Applications How to write a successful Personal Statement Summer Research opportunities Information about Financial Aid for Graduate School Acquiring time-management/study skills Other (Specify) Strategies for success in Graduate School 2 Part III. Eligibility Information Statement of Confidentiality. The information below is required by the U.S. Department of Education under the authority of the Higher Education Act of 1965. It is used solely for the determination of the applicant’s eligibility for the Xavier McNair Program. It will be treated with full confidentiality. All questions must be answered for consideration. First Generation College Student Status Yes No YES NO Did either biological parent/legal guardian graduate from college? (If YES, provide 1. The name of the institution; 2. Degree obtained, and 3. Major/Field of Study) Did you regularly reside with and receive financial support from a single parent who did NOT receive a bachelor (or higher) degree? Did you regularly reside with and receive financial support from a biological parent/legal guardian? Financial Eligibility YES NO Born before Jan, 1, 1984 Are you married? Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? Orphan or Ward of the Court? Grad Professional Student in 20132014 Have dependents other than spouse? Complete the following column below based on whether Xavier’s Office of Financial Aid classifies you as DEPENDENT or INDEPENDENT taxpayer. DEPENDENT You must provide our office with your parent(s)/ guardian’s current year’s tax return or the information requested below along with the signature of the parent(s)/guardian(s) that claimed you as a dependent in the most recent tax year. INDEPENDENT You must provide our Office with the current year’s income tax return or the information requested below along with your signature. In addition, students claiming an independent status MUST proof of independence from the Financial Aid Office. INCOME and FAMILY SIZE Income tax filed for 2015? ( Yes or No) _____ Number of Dependents in 2015___________ Adjusted Gross Income for 2015___________ INCOME and FAMILY SIZE Income tax filed for 2015? ( Yes or No) Number of Dependents in 2015___________ Adjusted Gross Income for 2015___________ ____________________________ __________________________ Print (parent/guardian) Name ____________________________ Signature (Parent/guardian) Relationship to student: (Circle) Parent Guardian Print (Yours) Name __________________________ Signature (Yours) By signing below, you certify that all information on this form is true and complete to the best of you knowledge. If asked you agree to give proof of the information which may include a copy of our U.S. or state income tax forms. If you purposely give false or misleading information, you may be fined $10,000, sent to prison or both. ______________________________________________ _________________ Signature Date 3 PART IV. ACADEMIC SUPPORT PROGRAMS Provide a listing of any additional programs or organizations that provide funding support for your academic pursuit and research experiences. □ I am not a member of any program that provides additional funding for my research or academic pursuit. PROGRAM NAME FUNDING AMOUNT PAYMENT FREQUENCY ******************************FOR OFFICE USE OLY***************************************** 1st Generation Yes or No Pell-Eligible Yes or No Underrepresented Yes or No Grad Yr. ___________________ Original Decision: Accepted Denied Date: _________ Reconsidered, Accepted: (Date)________________ Classification when accepted: __________________ Withdrew or Dismissed McNair: (Date)____________ 4