DSBS Faculty Conference Presentations 2015

DSBS Faculty Conference Presentations
Anderson, Ashanti., Katherine Eskine, and Ed Golob
Music listening, semantic memory, and creativity. Poster presented at the 27th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, New York, NY.
Gin, Willie
Big Data and Racial Order: Informational Richness in the Context of Institutionalized Racism. Western Political Science Conference. Boulder, CO.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Metacognition to enhance student success. Presented at the Northwest Conference on Teaching Introductory Psychology. Seattle, WA.
Kennedy-Haydel, Sheryl
How Women at Bennett College Discussed Race, Politics & Community Building in their Student-Run Campus Newspaper from 1930 – 1939. Presented at the AEJMC
Midwinter Conference in Norman, OK and at the National Association of African-American Studies & Affiliates National Conference in Baton Rouge, LA.
Osterbur, Megan
Where Babies are Made: Determinants of Surrogacy Policy Around the Globe. Presented at MPSA Conference.
Roberts, Shearon
Presentando “Sin Patria”: Una Comparación de reportajes de la Ley 169-14 en los medios de comunicación del CARICOM, Haití y la República Dominicana. Paper
presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Studies Association, New Orleans, LA.
Roberts, Shearon
Mass Media Roles in Haiti’s Post-Earthquake Reconstruction: A Comparison of State-Owned and Mainstream Media. Paper presented at the 2015 Symposium: Public
Diplomacy and Development Communications: Intersections, Overlaps and Challenges, Los Angeles, CA.
Schulte, Lisa
Contemplative practices in the classroom: Effects on objective versus subjective well-being. Poster presented at SETOP conference.
Thompson K, Kwame N. Jackson, Armond Collins, Taylor Smith, and Cohen Jeremy D.
Insular volume reduction in Alzheimer’s disease compared to Mild Cognitive Impairment. Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting.
Eskine, Katherine E., LeMelle, E., Mitchell, A.
The effects of music on the cognitive abilities of dementia patients. Poster presented at the 60th Annual Southeastern Psychological Association.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Results from the 2014 Psychology exam. Presented at the Advanced Placement Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Double-dipping: Using Intro Psych to teach both content and metacognition. Presented at the National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg, FL.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Active learning. Presented at the Quality of Education in Psychology in Columbia Conference. University of the Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y. & Sue Frantz
Taking active learning to the “tech” level: Connecting students, material, and instructors. Presented at the annual meeting of Improving University Teaching.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Kennedy-Haydel, Sheryl
Our Voice, Our Choice: How Black Colleges and Universities Used Student-Run Newspapers to Frame Race, Politics and Community Building. Presented at the College
Media Association. Philadelphia, PA.
Kennedy-Haydel, Sheryl
Be My Friend: A Content Analysis about the Frequency of How Often Men Appeared in Photographs on the Facebook Page of the NEA from June 2010 – June 2013.
Presented at University of Southern Mississippi Graduate Student Symposium. Hattiesburg, MS.
Kennedy-Haydel, Sheryl
Nurturing Mother or Forever the Jezebel: A Content Analysis about the Impact of Regulatory Focus Theory and Framing Theory on Alumni Giving Advertisements.
Presented at the AEJMC Mid-Winter Conference at the University of Oklahoma. Norman, OK.
Louis, Ross
5906 St. Roch: Architecting Absence and Presence. Research-based performance scripted and performed at the Annual Conference of the Southern States
Communication Association. New Orleans, LA.
Ludwikowski, Wyndi M. A., & Armstrong, P. I.
The impact of an ability measure in predicting vocational outcomes. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.
Washington, D.C.
Moss, A., Blodorn, A., O’Brien, L. T., Adams, G., Hammer, E. D., & Garcia, D. M.
Knowledge is power: Educating women about the impact of STEM stereotypes leads to long-term changes in attitudes and beliefs. Presented at the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology. Austin, TX.
Osterbur, Megan and Christina Kiel
A hegemon fighting for equal rights: the dominant role of the COC Nederland in the LGBT transnational advocacy network. Presented at APSA Conference.
Osterbur, Megan
Going to the Chapel: Adoption of Partnership Recognition Laws Across Democratic States. Presented at WPSA Conference.
Roberts, Shearon
Reconstructing Haiti Over the Airwaves: Haitian Radio News After the 2010 Earthquake. Presented at the Global Media and Communication Conference. Austin, TX.
Roberts, Shearon
Latin American dollar diplomacy: Helping Haiti; A counter-hegemonic narrative in Haiti’s media. Presented to the 61st Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Council of
Latin American Studies (SECOLAS), New Orleans, La.
Schulte, Lisa
An Examination of Preexisting Levels of Mindfulness and Flourishing –and- Their Effect on Performance Related Variables. Poster presented at NITOP conference.
Turner, Brian.L. & Prowell, J.
Black male experiences in higher ed: Identity, relationships, and experiences. Presented at the 46th Annual International Convention of the Association of Black
Psychologists. Indianapolis, IN.
Bellone Hite, Amy
Re-Constructing New Orleans: Latino and African American Employment Before and After Hurricane Katrina. Presented at the Urban Affairs Association annual
meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Blodorn, A., O’Brien, L. T., Adams, G., & Hammer, Elliott D.
An intersectional approach to understanding White and Black outcomes in STEM: The role of implicit stereotypes. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology. New Orleans, LA.
Eskine, Katherine E.
That sounds attractive: The sexual selection of music. North Eastern Evolutionary Psychology Society
Eskine, Katherine E., Gloston, G. F., & Hunter, T.
Making emotive music: The association of emotional intelligence and musical production via sexual selection. Poster presented at the 25th Association for
Psychological Science Annual Convention. Washington, D.C.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
I think (about thinking), therefore I am: Fostering metacognition in Introductory Psychology. Keynote address at the Utah-Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools
Fall Institute. Salt Lake City, UT.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y. & Whitlock, K.
What’s new in AP Psychology? Presented at the Utah-Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools Fall Institute. Salt Lake City: UT.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Results from the 2013 Psychology exam. Presented at the Advanced Placement Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y. & Bart P. Everson
Using contemplative pedagogy to cultivate a reflective classroom. Keynote address presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology: Teaching Preconference. New Orleans, LA.
Hammer, Elliott D.
Beating the lag: What we have learned since your textbook was published. Co-keynote presentation at the Utah Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools. Salt
Lake City, UT.
Kennedy-Haydel, Sheryl
Our Voice, Our Choice: How Black Colleges and Universities Used Student-Run Newspapers to Frame Race, Politics and Community Building. Presented at the 32nd
Annual American Journalism Historians Association Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Kennedy-Haydel, Sheryl & Sean Martin
Reclaiming the Fourth Estate: An Analysis of HBO’s The Newsroom and its Depiction of Modern Day Cable News Show. Presented at the Popular Culture Association in
the South and the American Culture Association in the South Conference. Savannah, GA.
Kennedy-Haydel, Sheryl
The Role of the Black Press in Serving Free People of Color in New Orleans. Presented at the 32nd Annual American Journalism Historians Association Convention. New
Orleans, LA.
Osterbur, Megan
Pink Currency: How National Level Anti-Discrimination Policies Impact State Economies. Presented at WPSA Conference.
Schulte, Lisa
Utilizing Blind Review in an Advanced Research Course: Student Perception Versus Grades. Poster presented at SETOP conference.
Connor, M., Turner, Brian L., Harris, K. Connor, B. African American athletes: Engage for our future. Presented at the 45th Annual International Convention of the
Association of Black Psychologists. New Orleans, LA.
Turner, Brian
Prosocial Behaviors in Black Male Athletes: Restoring and maintaining excellence on and off the field. Presented at the University of West Florida Men of Color
Retreat. Pensacola, FL.
Turner, Brian. & Cao-Nguyen, V.
Am I my sister/brother's keeper? What to expect from peers in higher education. Presented at the University of West Florida Men of Color Retreat. Pensacola, FL.
Turner, Brian & Richardson, K.
From hood to good: To sag or swag! Presented at the University of West Florida Men of Color Retreat. Pensacola, FL.
Bellone Hite, Amy
African American-Hispanic Labor Market Competition in Post-Katrina New Orleans: A Segmented Labor Market in the Making?. Presented at the 75th annual meeting
of the Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans, LA.
Blodorn, A., O’Brien, L. T., Garcia, D. M., Hammer, E. D., & Adams, G.
Cultural variation in gendered constructions of STEM: Implications for women’s participation and enjoyment. Poster presented at the National Science Foundation
Joint Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
Callahan, M. N., Ludwikowski, Wyndi. M. A., & Armstrong, P. I.
Comparative utility of two structural representations of interests. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.
Gendrin, Dominique. M., &, Kimberly J. Chandler
Your College Is Not Like Mine: Interethnic Encounters Between African American and Vietnamese American Students in the HBCU Context. Presented at the National
Association of African American Studies. Baton Rouge, LA.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Meta-studying: Teaching metacognitive strategies to enhance student success. Diane Halpern Invited Lecture presented at the annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y. & Whitlock, K. H.
Results from the 2012 Psychology exam. Presented at the Advanced Placement Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
Hammer, Elliott. D.
Popular Journalism Assignments to Apply Material to Current Events. Presentation at the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Atlanta, GA.
Martino, Nancy
Pre-Professional Training: Spanish Speaking Children with Communication Disorders. Paper presented at the U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education
Conference. Washington, D. C.
Schulte, Lisa
Supplemental Instruction, Conscientiousness, and Academic Motivation as Predictors of Performance. Poster presentation at SETOP conference.
Stevens, C. L. & Elizabeth Y. Hammer
Retention through student engagement. Presented at the annual Academic Chairpersons Conference. Orlando, FL.
Turner, Brian L., Henderson, R., & Dodson, M.L
At the top of the game: Providing relevant support for African American male athletes. Presented at the University of Akron Black Male Summit. Akron, OH.
Whitlock, K. H. & Elizabeth Y. Hammer
Active learning activities for introductory psychology. Presented at the Advanced Placement Annual Conference. Orlando, FL.
Gilbert, P. N., Villalobos, G., Simon, S., Phillips, N., Adams, G., Garcia, D., Hammer, Elliott D., & O’Brien, L.
From Where Does Underrepresentation STEM? Sexism’s Effect on Women’s STEM Outcomes. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science.
Washington, DC.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Cultivating a reflective classroom: Incorporating contemplative pedagogy in psychology. Harry Kirke Wolfe Invited Lecture presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y. & Eugenia Valentine
Enhancing strategic reading skills via psychology courses: Assignments and strategies. Presented at the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology.
Kennesaw, GA.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y., Jason Todd & Paul Schafer
Reading scholars: Integrating active reading into content-specific courses. Presented at the College Reading and Learning Association. San Diego, CA.
Louis, Ross
Food as Social Justice? Complicating Service-Learning through Ethnography. Presented at the Annual Conference of the National Communication Association.
New Orleans, LA.
Louis, Ross & Lisa Flanagan
Carnival Lives: Representing Performance through Prezi. Presented at the Annual Conference of the National Communication Association. New Orleans, LA.
Martino, Nancy
Syntactic development of AAE Primary School Children’s Story Retelling: Postmodified noun phrases and relative clauses. Presented at the American Speech-LanguageHearing Association. San Diego, CA.
Mishann, J., Eskine, Katherine E., Rabin, L.A.
Convergence Across a Performance-Based Executive Function Measure and Behavioral Rating Scale of Real-World Executive Functions in a College Sample. Poster presented at
the 39th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting. Boston, MA
O’Brien, L., Villalobos, G., Adams, G., Garcia, D., Gilbert, P. N., Hammer, Elliott D., & Phillips, N.
Academic Consequences of a Suggestion of Sexism for Women’s Performance and Science Identity. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology. San Antonio, TX.
Osterbur, Megan.
Regulating the Commodification of Reproduction: An Examination of the Implications of Surrogacy Policies. Presented at MPSA Conference.
Schulte, Lisa
Providing Power Point Slides to Students: An Advantage? Poster presentation at SETOP conference.
Turner, Brian
A brothers love: Factors that impact African American males and the expression of love. Presented at the University of Akron Black Male Summit, Akron, OH.
Faircloth, Christopher
The ‘Mind’ in Pragmatism and Medical Sociology. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism.
Gin, Willie
The Diversity Effect: Public Policy in the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Presented at US Studies Centre Research Seminar Series. Sydney, Australia.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
More effective teaching for more effective learning. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Apheresis. New Orleans, LA.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y., & Marguerite Giguette, M.
Faculty communities of teaching scholars (FaCTS): Faculty Development and engagement in high-impact practices. Presented at the Association of American Colleges
and Universities. Philadelphia, PA.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y., & Bart P. Everson
Investigating our blind spot: Learning from non-Participating faculty. Presented at the Professional and Organizational Developers Network. St. Louis, MO.
Hembree, Glenda, & Elizabeth Y. Hammer
Engaging students in strategic reading of academic content. Presented at the annual National BCU Faculty Development Symposium. New Orleans, LA.
Irons, J. G., & Elizabeth Y. Hammer
A tale of two teachers: What we learned while teaching in Saudi Arabia. Presented at the Northeastern Conference for the Teaching of Psychology. Burlington, VT.
Nida, S., Hammer, Elizabeth Y., Brewer, C., Briihl D, & Zlokovich, M.
Undergraduate education in psychology: The NCUEP Blueprint for the future. Presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA.
Nutter-Upham, Katherine E., Rabin, L., Fogel, J.
Depressive symptoms and not sleep quality are a key factor in procrastination among college students. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association, Brooklyn, NY
Richardson, Leslie S. & Elizabeth Y. Hammer
Beyond the usual workshops: The role of social activities in faculty development centers. Presented at the international conference for Improving University Teaching.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Roberts, Shearon
We are all Haitians: Framing Haitian solidarity and its ‘missing-in-action’ government in U.S. media coverage of the 2010 earthquake. Presented at the 2010 Tulane
University Latin American Graduate Organization Graduate Student Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Chandler, Kimberly
Barack Obama: Performing Black Masculinity in ‘Post Racial’ America. Presented at the National Communication Association. Chicago, IL.
Cohen Jeremy D., Watson C, Bellugi U, Reiss AL.
Differences of neural functioning in females with Fragile X syndrome and Williams syndrome using fMRI. The Organization for Human Brain Mapping Abstracts.
Cohen Jeremy D., Manguno-Mire G, Vaterling JJ, Sautter F, Corey DM, Lemen L, Foundas AL.
Insular volume reduction in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives Abstracts.
Faircloth, Christopher
Lay knowledge of Type 2 Diabetes among Lower SES African Americans in New Orleans. Poster presented at the 3rd Xavier University of Louisiana Center for Minority
Health and Health Disparities Annual Health Disparities Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Faircloth, Christopher and Dana Rosenfeld
Embodied Health Practices and Home Constraints: Adherence to Medical Directives. Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.
Gin, Willie
Rethinking Diversity and Social Democracy: Catholics in Australia, the United States, and Canada. Midwest Political Science Conference.
Hammer, Elliott. D., & Wilson, J. H.
How do Professors’ Behaviors Impact Student Motivation and Learning? Presentation at the Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology. Claremont, CA.
Isaac, K. M., Brock, C. M., & Hammer, Elliott D.
Retention of Knowledge and Confidence Level of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Learned in a Pharmacy Skills Lab Assessment Course. Poster presented at the
American College of Clinical Pharmacy Spring Research Forum. Orlando, FL.
Litman, L., Katherine Nutter-Upham & L. Rabin
Individual Differences in Episodic Memory Consolidation: The Role of IQ, Anxiety and Distributed Learning. Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting Chicago, IL.
Martino, Nancy
Descriptions of African American Childrens’ Narrative Abilities. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, New Orleans, LA.
Martino, Nancy, & Burmeister, L.
An Instructional Strategy for Improving First Graders’ Writing. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, New Orleans, LA.
Schulte, Lisa
An Examination of Active Learning and ExamPerformance.Poster presentation at NITOP conference.
Turner. Brian L. & Rideau, K.R.
Black male identity: Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Presented at the University of West Florida Men of Color Retreat. Pensacola, FL.
Turner, Brian L.
A new look at conflict: Psychological nature and function of Conflict. Presented at the University of West Florida Fifth Annual Conflict Resolution Management
Forum. Pensacola, FL.
Allison, Wyndi, Armstrong, P. I., & Rounds, J.
Development of Brief Alternate Forms RIASEC Scales. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Boston, MA.
Allison, Wyndi, Schechinger, H., & Armstrong, P. I.
Gender differences and methodological effects in interest measures. Poster presented at the International Counseling Psychology Conference. Chicago, IL.
Chandler, Kimberly
How to Become a ‘BlackMan’: African American Masculinities and the Performance of Gender. Presented at the National Communication Association. San Diego, CA.
Cohen Jeremy D., Bellugi U, Karchemskiy A, Haas B, Reiss AL.
Insular Volume Reduction in Williams Syndrome Using Real-Space Morphometry. The Organization for Human Brain Mapping Abstracts.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y., Forsyth, D. R., Messner, B.A., Baker, S.C., & Daniel, D.B.
New frontiers in teaching with technology. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Boston, MA.
Hammer, Elliott. D., Brakke, K., & Onisegun, A.
Teaching Techniques to Enhance Undergraduate Research among Minority Students. Presented at the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology.
Atlanta, GA.
Keeley, J., Howard, C., & Elizabeth Hammer
My first year of teaching: Teaching tips I wish someone had told me. Presented at the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Kennesaw, GA.
Martino, Nancy
First Graders Writing Instruction. American Speech Language Hearing Association Schools Conference. Orlando, FL.
Miller, A. and Shearon Roberts
Race in National versus Local News Coverage of Hurricane Katrina: A Study of Sources, Victims, and Negative Video. Presented at the Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication Conference. Chicago, IL.
Mokos, J., & Katherine Nutter-Upham
Using GPS and mapping to teach STEM skills while empowering at risk youth to effect change within their community: a case study of a high school community
research project in Brooklyn, New York. Poster presented at the Ecological Society of America.
Nutter-Upham, Katherine E., Hainline, L., Persons, S., Tomkiewicz, M., Meyer, M., & Wayne, P.
Brooklyn City-As-Lab: An urban GK-12 Initiative. Poster presented at the NSF GK-12 Conference. Washington, D.C.
Nutter-Upham, Katherine E., Rabin, L.A., Nutter-Upham, A., & Saykin, A.J
Novel computer tasks for use with older adults. Poster presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society. Waikoloa, HI.
Nutter-Upham, Katherine E., Rabin, L., Sher, L., & Maduramente, A.
Explaining academic procrastination: The role of executive functioning. Poster presented at the International Congress of Psychology. Berlin, Germany.
Rabin, L. A., Nutter-Upham, Katherine E.,, Paré, N., Wishart, H. A., & Saykin, A. J.
Self-rated and actual prospective memory ability in older adults with cognitive complaints. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International
Neuropsychological Society, Waikoloa, HI.
Schulte, Lisa
The Effect of In-Class Presentations on Student Performance. Poster presentation at SETOP conference.
Turner, Brian & Coleman, E.
Current issues for African American male athletes. Presented at The University of Akron Black Male Summit. Akron, OH.
Martin, J.K., Robinson, G.R. & Turner, Brian.
Culturally relevant conflict resolution for African American males. Presented at the University of Akron Black Male Summit. Akron, OH.
Chandler, Kimberly.
Superwoman Was A Black Girl!: Exploring the Communication of Identity through the Strong Black Woman Myth. Presented at the National Communication
Association, Chicago, IL, International Public Memory and Ethnicity Conference, Portland, OR, and the National Association of African American Studies &
Affiliates Conference, Baton Rouge, LA.
Faircloth, Christopher
The Pre-Cyborg Body: Assistive Devices and the Body in the Chronic Illness Experience. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic
Hammer, Elizabeth Y. & Elliott D. Hammer
Incorporating Disaster Research into the Psychology Class to Teach Resilience. Presented at the American Psychological Association annual meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Hammer, Elliott D. & Elizabeth Y. Hammer
Not As Depressing As It Sounds: Disasters as a Theme in Social Psychology. Presented at the Teaching Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Memphis, TN.
Hammer, Elliott D. & Elizabeth Y. Hammer
Teaching resilience. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y., Lavooy, M. J., & Newlin, M. H.
Preparing for graduate school I: Preparation strategies. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA.
Martino, Nancy
Organization and Study Skills. Baton Rouge Community College Adult Learning Conference. Baton Rouge, LA.
Martino, Nancy, Burmeister, L. & Manning, K.
Measuring First Graders Narrative Learning Using Pictures and Writing Templates. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association. Boston, MA.
Mire, G., & Nancy Martino
Dyslexia Awareness. Louisiana Association for Public and Community Adult Education. Baton Rouge, LA.
Roberts, Shearon
Gulf Coast Journalists and Hurricane Katrina: Mounting Challenges to the Work Routine. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication conference. Washington, D.C.
Schulte, Lisa
Comparison of an Online Versus Traditional Research Course. Poster Presentation at NITOP conference
Burmeister, L., Manning, K., & Nancy Martino
Assisting First Graders’ Writing Ability. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Convention. Miami, FL.
Cohen Jeremy D., Mock JR, Rouse J, Lemen L, Foundas AL.
Insula Cortex: MRI Morphometry in Humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts.
Giguette, Marguerite S., Lopez, Antonio M., & Lisa Schulte
Perceived Social Support: Ethnic and Gender Difference in the Computing Disciplines. Paper presented at FIE conference.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y. & Elliott D. Hammer
Social psychology to the rescue! Incorporating disasters as a theme in social psychology. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society. New
York, NY.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y., Elliott D. Hammer, & Overstreet, S.
Psychology departments respond to disasters. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA.
Hammer, Elliott. D.
Keeping Them Wanting More: Maintaining Morale Following Disasters. Presented at annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA.
Lopez, Antonio M., Giguette, Marguerite S., & Lisa Schulte
Large Dataset Offers View of Math and Computer Self-Efficacy Among Computer Science Undergraduates. Paper presented at the ACM-SIGCSE conference.
Louis, Ross
Witnessing as Recovery and Pedagogy: Service-Learning through the I-10 Witness Project. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Louisiana Communication
Association. Lake Charles, LA.
Louis, Ross
A Political Poetics for Post-Katrina New Orleans. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Southern States Communication Association. Dallas, TX.
Louis, Ross
Concluding Session on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Understanding Research and Practice in Risk and Crisis Communication – Where Do We Go from Here? Presented
at the Annual Conference of the Southern States Communication Association. Dallas, TX.
Martino, Nancy, & Joe Melcher
Recruitment of Minorities into the Profession. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Convention. Miami, FL.
Miller, A. & Shearon Roberts
New Orleans in Pictures: Determining and Interpreting the Iconic Images of Hurricane Katrina. Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication conference. San Francisco, CA.
Osterbur, Megan
My Two Moms: Parental & Adoption Rights for Homosexuals in Industrialized Nations. Presented at MPSA Conference.
Pare, N., Saykin, A. J., Rabin, L. A., Flashman, L. A., Nutter-Upham, Katherine E., et al.
Differential sensitivity and specificity of memory measures for classification of MCI. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological
Society. Boston, MA.
Schulte, Lisa
Counseling Psychology Meets the Computing Disciplines: An NSF-Funded Study. Symposium presentation at APA conference.
Schulte, Lisa
The Effects of Ethnicity and Gender Role on Selection of the Undergraduate Major. Poster presentation at the APS conference.
Chandler, Kimberly
Superwoman Was A Black Girl!: The Communication of Identity and the Strong Black Woman Myth. Presented at the 5th Biennial International Feminism(s) and
Rhetoric(s) Conference. Houghton, MI.
Christopher, D., Hammer, Elizabeth Y., & Johnson, D.
Demonstrations and activities for teaching social psychology. Presented at the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Kennesaw, GA.
Faircloth, Christopher
Extending the Body: Assistive Devices and Caregivers among Stroke Survivors. Presented at the Qualitative Research in Health, Illness, and Disability Conference.
Faircloth, Christopher
The Pre-Cyborg Body: The Meaning of Assistive Devices for Stroke Survivors. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.
Faircloth, Christopher and Jeanne Hayes
Negotiating and Managing Intimacy when the Gendered Self is Threatened: Living and Loving with Alzheimer’s. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Sociological Association.
Faust, J. K., Faust, D., Mandal, R. Hammer, Elizabeth Y., & Velasquez, J.
Service learning: Developing and maintaining the thread. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Applying social psychological theories to classroom techniques. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Austin, TX.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y., & Lewis, L.
A win-win situation: Using service learning to increase critical thinking. Presented at the Engaging Minds: Best Practices in Teaching Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum
Conference. Kennesaw, GA.
Hammer, Elliott D.
What I’ve learned: Lessons from a career as a minority in the classroom. Invited keynote address at the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology.
Atlanta, GA.
Hammer, Elliott. D.
Mixing it up: Creative assignments and activities for social psychology. Presented at the Teaching Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Louis, Ross
Performing English, Performing Pedagogy: Revising the ESL Classroom as a Critical Performative Site. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Southern States
Communication Association. Baton Rouge, LA.
Osterbur, Megan
Homosexuality and African Americans: Looking Inside the Black Political Church. Presented at MPSA Conference.
Santulli, R.B., Saykin, A.J., Rabin, L.A., Wishart, H.A., Flashman, L.A., Pare, N., Nutter-Upham, Katherine E., & Pixley, H.S.
Differential sensitivity of cognitive complaints associated with amnestic MCI: Analysis of Patient and Informant Reports. Poster presented at the International
Conference on Prevention of Dementia. Washington, DC.
Schulte, Lisa
African American Women in the Post Secondary Education Computing Disciplines: A Culture within Many Cultures. Crossing Cultures, Changes Lives Conference.
Oxford, England
Schulte, Lisa
Traversing the Computing Sciences: A Psychologist's Perspective. NSF Joint Annual Awardees Conference. Washington, D.C.
Simons, K., & Elliott D. Hammer
Perceptions of Intergroup Racism and Stress. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association.
Bellone Hite, Amy
Privatization on the Rocks: Contrasting Post-Privatization Trajectories in Venezuela’s Metals Industries. Presented at the 25th meeting of the Latin American Studies
Association. Las Vegas, NV.
Bellone Hite, Amy & Jocelyn Viterna
Gendering Class in Latin America: How Women Effect and Experience Change in the Class Structure. Presented at the 99th Annual meeting of the American
Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Bordelon, D, & Nancy Martino
Preparing Special Education Professionals: Using E-Portfolios with Undergraduate Special Education. Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual
Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Chandler, Kimberly
Kwame Kilpatrick: The Making of a “Hip-Hop Mayor.” Presented at the DFI-KCP Joint Fellows Conference. Lincolnshire, IL.
Faircloth, Christopher, Maude Rittman, Craig Boylstein, and Marieke van Puymbroeck
Bodily Changes and Sense of Self Post-Stroke. Presented joint meeting of American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and American Society of Neurorehabilitation.
Faircloth, Christopher and Dana Rosenfeld
A Body at Rest Remains at Rest: Movement and Morality in Arthritis Narratives. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Sociological Association.
Giordano, P. J., & Elizabeth Y. Hammer
The classroom crucible: Strategies for working with difficult topics and problematic students. Presented at the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of
Psychology. Kennesaw, GA.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Bringing social reality into the classroom: Integrating service learning and social psychology. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Austin, TX.
Hammer, Elliott D.
Two Sides of In-Group Bias: The Black Sheep Effect in Minority Groups. Presentation at the Race, Gender, and Class conference. New Orleans, LA.
Hammer, Elliott D.
Attributions to prejudice: Who, when, and to what effect? Presentation at Tulane University’s ASIOP brown bag series. New Orleans, LA.
Haynes, T. F., & Elliott D. Hammer
The Effects of the Media on the Self-Esteem of African American College Students. Poster presented at the ABRCMS.
Martino, Nancy
Peoples’ Attitudes Towards Speech Disorders. American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention. Philadelphia, PA.
Martino, Nancy
Successful Intervention Strategies for School-Age Language Learning Disabilities. Invited speaker for National Black Association for Speech, Language and Hearing,
New Orleans Affiliate’s Annual Seminar. New Orleans, LA.
Nutter-Upham, Katherine E., Flashman, L.A., Rabin, L.A., et al.
Awareness of cognitive impairment in MCI and controls with cognitive complaints: Dimension variability and relationship to neuropsychological deficits and brain
volume. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
Rabin, L.A., Saykin, A.J., Wishart, H.A., Flashman, L.A., Wang, P.J., Nutter-Upham, Katherine E., et al.
Telephone-based screening for MCI and cognitive complaints: Preliminary validation by comprehensive assessment. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of
the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
Randolph, J., Saykin, A., Wishart, A., Rabin, L., Flashman, L., Nutter-Upham, K. E., et al.
Executive function in MCI: Relationship between subjective reports on the METEX and cognitive performance. Poster presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the
International Neuropsychological Society Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
Schulte, Lisa
How to Quantify a Course Portfolio. Poster presentation at NITOP conference.
Schulte, Lisa
Can a Single-Credit Psychology Laboratory Course Promote Understanding of Essential Research Concepts and Student Research Efficacy? Poster presentation at
NITOP conference.
Anderson, L. P., Christian, C., & Turner, Brian L.
The tragedy of Michael Jackson: A case for racial self-hatred. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Society for Psychology and Philosophy. New Orleans,
Bellone Hite, Amy
Selling Neoliberalism to the Wary: Opposition and Resignation to Privatizing Venezuela’s State-Owned Industries. Presented at the Annual meeting of the American
Sociological Association. Atlanta, GA.
Bellone Hite, Amy
Globalization Restrained: Thwarted Privatizations of the Venezuelan Guayana Region’s Basic Industries. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Latin American
Studies Association. Dallas, TX.
Bellone Hite, Amy
Regional Development and Growth Pole Strategies in Latin America: Surveying the Damage and Examining the Success of Ciudad Guayana. Presented at the Southeastern
Council on Latin American Studies 50th Annual Meeting. Chapel Hill, NC.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
What’s social about teaching?. Keynote address at the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Kennesaw, GA.
Martino, Nancy & Bordelon, D.
Collaboration Across Disciplines: Speech Pathology and Education. Conference session at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention. Seattle, WA.
Turner, Brian L.
Locus of control, alcohol and drug use, and sexual behaviors. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Mississippi Psychological Association. Biloxi, MS.
Faircloth, Christopher and Amir Marvasti
Discursive Resource Advantage or Structural Disadvantage: Conceptualizing Power in Interactionist Social Problems Theory. Presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for the Study of Social Problems.
Faircloth, Christopher
The Field Researcher as Lightning Rod: The Emergence of Data in an Ethnography of Senior Public Housing. Presented at the Annual meeting of the American
Sociological Association.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Everything you ever really wanted to know about teaching human sexuality but were afraid to ask. Invited address at the Teaching Institute at the Annual meeting of the
American Psychological Society. New Orleans, LA.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y., Janet B. Ruscher, & Elliott D. Hammer
Ego depletion and social support in dating relationships. Poster presented at the 3rd meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Savannah, GA.
Martino, Nancy, & Bordelon, D.
Enhancing Teacher Preparation: Partnerships at work. Conference session at the Ninth National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium. Nashville, TN.
Ruscher, Janet B., Santuzzi, A. M., & Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Cognitive interdependence and shared impression formation. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Savannah, GA.
Schulte, Lisa
African American Females in the Computing Sciences: An Exploration. Poster presented at the Annual Psychological Society meeting.
Bordelon, D., & Nancy Martino
Building a Partnership: A Collaborative Effort Between Speech Pathology and Special Education. Conference session at the Council of Exceptional Children - Teacher
Education Division Conference. Tampa, FL.
Faircloth, Christopher and Lara Foley
The Technocratic Birth Model as Discursive Resource: Legitimation in the Work Narratives of Midwives. Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual
Hammer, Elliott D., Husaini, B. A., Sherkat, D. E., & Anderson, D. R.
Cognitive predictors of health from racism-related stress in African Americans. Poster presented at the 2nd meeting of the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology. San Antonio, TX.
Martino, Nancy, & Bordelon, D.
Collaboration at the Undergraduate Level: Speech Pathology and Special Education. Poster presented at the American Speech Language Hearing Association
Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Martino, Nancy, & Joe Melcher
Assessment of an Undergraduate Speech Pathology Program. American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention. New Orleans, LA.
Schulte, Lisa
Similarities and Differences in homophobia among African Americans versus Caucasians. Race, Class & Gender Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Bellone Hite, Amy
Citizenship as Part of the Development Project: A Case Study of Ciudad Guayana, a Planned City in Transition. Presented at the 22nd meeting of the Latin American
Studies Association. Miami, FL.
Faircloth, Christopher
The Troubles with Celebrity: Community Construction in Senior Public Housing. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Gerontological Society.
Faircloth, Christopher
Ethnographic Fieldwork, Troubles Talk, and the Enhancement of Community in Shady Grove. Presented at the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism.
Hammer, Elliott D., Husaini, B. A., Sherkat, D. E., Williams, D. R., Anderson, D. R., & Jeffries, R. G.
Racism, stress, and cognition: Predictors of health in African Americans. Poster presented at the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Health Services
Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Martino, Nancy
A Preliminary Investigation of Reading Abilities of College Freshmen. Poster presented at the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Annual
Convention, Washington, D.C.
Martino, Nancy
Why Can't This Child Understand? Adjusting Language Through Three continuums: Semantic, Syntactic, and Situational. Invited Speaker for the National Black
Association for Speech, Language and Hearing New Orleans Affiliate Seminar. New Orleans, LA.
Schulte, Lisa
Teaching a Psychology Laboratory Course with Little to No Resources. Poster presented at the Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology.
Martino, Nancy
Helping Students Read Text Above Their Independent Reading Level. Poster presented at the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention.
San Francisco, CA.
Martino, Nancy
From Theory to Practice: A Connectionist Model of Reading Intervention. Presented at the College Reading and Learning Association Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Schulte, Lisa
Incorporation Use of the World Wide Web in College Courses. Presentation at the Sixth National HBCU Faculty Development Symposium.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Then and now: Recent research in stereotyping and achievement. Presented at the Mid-American Conference for Teachers of Psychology. Evansville, IN.
Schulte, Lisa
Homophobia Among African American Males/Females versus Caucasian Males/Females. Symposium at the Annual Convention of the Louisiana Psychological
Schulte, Lisa
Homophobia as a Function of Racial Identification. Poster presented at the 49th Annual Convention of the Louisiana Psychological Association.
Hammer, Elizabeth Y.
Dennis Rodman teaches social psychology: Using advertisements as a teaching tool. Presented at the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology.
Kennesaw, GA.
Hammer, Elliott D.
Low-prejudiced perceivers need cognitive capacity to moderate initial stereotypic dispositional attributions. Poster presented at the Eighth American Psychological
Society Annual Convention. Washington, DC.
Martino, Nancy
Alternative Ways of Teaching for Accommodating Learning Styles of Students from Diverse Populations. Presented at the National Center on Postsecondary Teaching,
Learning and Assessment What Works II Conference. Pennsylvania State University.
Schulte, Lisa
How to Create a Computerized Tutorial Using HyperCard 2.2. Poster Presentation at the Eighteenth Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology.
Bellone, Amy
The Cocaine Commodity Chain and Development Paths in Peru and Bolivia. Presented at the Political Economy of the World-System XIX Annual Conference. Coral
Gables, FL.
Martino, Nancy
The Undergraduate Classroom: Alternative Ways of Teaching. Presented at the Louisiana Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Conference. Baton Rouge, LA.
Martino, Nancy
Management of the Older Language Disordered Student Through Reading and Writing. Workshop presented at the New Orleans Public Schools Special Education
Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Schulte, Lisa
A Theoretical Approach to Homophobia. Paper Presentation at the Louisiana Academy of Sciences.
Hammer, Elliott D., & Janet B. Ruscher
Conversing dyads generate external causal explanations for target-unexpected outcomes. Poster presented at the Sixth American Psychological Society Annual
Convention. Washington, DC.
Martino, Nancy
Assessment and Treatment of Language Disorders Through Language Sampling. Workshop presented at the New Orleans Public Schools Special Education
Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Langley, T., O'Neal, E. C., Topalli, V., Craig, K. M., Yost, E. A., & Hammer, Elliott D.
Toward a model of selective exposure. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, DC.
Yost, Elizabeth A., Langley, T., O'Neal, E. C., Frankel, P. I., & Chavez, L.
Affect, attributions, and satisfaction in dating relationships among college students. Presented at the International Conference on Personal Relationships. Orono, ME.