Putnam County C Community it Profile 33rd in order of county creation December 10, 1807 Prepared for Putnam County Cooperative Extension by the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development The University of Georgia • Athens, GA Total Population Putnam County 24,855 , 23,023 20,495 18 812 18,812 2020 OPB Proj. 2015 OPB Proj. 2009 Estimate 2000 14,137 1990 10,295 1980 8,394 7,798 7,731 1970 1960 1950 8,514 8 367 8,367 1940 1930 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Primary data sources: U.S. Census Bureau, decennial censuses & estimate; GA Office of Planning & Budget projections. Population Composition by Age Putnam County 100% 6.4 15.1 65 + 45-64 45 64 20-44 5-19 <5 33.5 8.2 14.1 33.5 8.5 8.2 17.4 20.0 29.2 11.4 12.4 20.9 22.4 14 1 14.1 28.0 32.9 29 7 29.7 28.8 21 7 21.7 19.5 16.5 11.6 12.7 12.0 9.6 6.9 6.8 6.1 6.8 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2009 est. 2009 Estimated Median Age Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau -3.4 34 33.0 26 9 26.9 0% +4.1 +1.7 36.8 32 3 32.3 31.6 18 2 18.2 29.3 33.9 33.4 Change in proportion 2000-2009 Putnam Co. = 43.4 yrs. -3.0 30 +0.7 GA = 34.9 yrs. 2009 County Population Comparisons Total Total Rank Density per sq.mi. land area % Chg. 2000-09 Rank of % Chg. PUTNAM 20,495 88 59.5 8.9 78 BALDWIN 46,337 43 179.3 3.7 104 GREENE 15 743 15,743 104 40 5 40.5 93 9.3 76 HANCOCK 9,219 133 19.5 -8.5 155 JASPER 13,953 109 37.7 22.1 32 JONES 27 740 27,740 64 70 5 70.5 17 3 17.3 42 MORGAN 18,761 , 91 53.7 21.4 34 County Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau (3/09) Population Change: 1930-2009 40 Perc centage Ch hange 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 1930-40 1930 40 1940-50 1940 50 1950-60 1950 60 U.S. Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau 1960-70 1960 70 1970-80 1970 80 Georgia 1980-90 1980 90 1990-00 1990 00 2000-09 2000 09 Putnam Co. Components of Population Change Natural Increase & Net Migration* g 2000-2009 Numerical Change* g 2000-2009 # Natural Increase (Bi th D th ) (Births-Deaths) 2000-2009 # Net Migration g 2008-09 1-yr Natural Increase Rate 2008-09 1 yr Net Migration Rate PUTNAM 1,683 686 1,087 3.2 -1.9 BALDWIN 1 633 1,633 1 435 1,435 455 36 3.6 -17.0 17 0 GREENE 1,337 255 1,169 0.2 -1.7 HANCOCK -855 72 -884 -0.4 -32.3 639 1,131 677 4,305 684,445 1,936 3,082 2,696 , 5,340 849,133 4.7 1.5 4.7 4.8 7.8 1.6 0.6 4.0 1.0 5.5 Area JASPER 2,527 JONES 4,101 MORGAN 3,304 , Avg. County 10,330 GEORGIA 1,642,430 Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau (3/10) * Numerical change includes “residual” not represented in either NI or NM. Population Change: 2000-2009 LOSS 0 – 9.1% 9 1 – 20.1% 9.1 20 1% 20.1 – 40.0% 40.0 – 77.4% Avg. GA County = 12.0% GA = 20.1% US = 9.1% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau (3/10) Selected Vital Statistics 2007 Rates 13.4 Total births per 1,000 pop 15.8 55.4 U Unwed d per 100 ttotal t l births bi th 43.8 Teen pregnancy per 1,000 g 10-19 females age 36.5 35 3 35.3 9.9 Deaths per 1,000 pop 7.1 Induced terminations per 1,000 females age 15-44 Low birth weight per 100 births 13.1 14.9 9.1 9.1 12.4 Infant deaths per 1,000 births Putnam Co. Georgia 8.4 10-yr. rates 1998-2007 2007 Putnam Co. Natality Data 2007 Putnam Co. Mortality Data 271 total births, 150 unwed births 200 total deaths 47 induced terminations 3 infant deaths 41 teen pregnancies 22 low birth weight babies Primary data source: GA Dept. Public Health, OASIS Highest Level of Educational Attainment: 2000 5.8 Grad or Prof Degree 8.3 86 8.6 Bachelor's degree 16.0 4.4 5.2 Associate degree 16.1 Some college, no degree 20.4 40 5 40.5 HS Grad 28.7 16.6 9th-12th no diploma Putnam Co. Co Georgia 13 8 13.8 7.9 7.6 < 9th grade 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Percent of Persons Age 25+ Putnam Co. Not completing HS = 24.5% With a bachelor’s + degree = 14.4% Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau Selected Public School Statistics School Year 2008-09 Teachers w/adv degrees 59.5 56 5 56.5 C ll College prep certif tif 23.0 HOPE Eligible 68.0 75.7 38.0 75.0 78 9 78.9 Class '09 09 Grad Rate 4.3 Gifted 9.3 14.8 10.6 Special Ed Econ Disadvantaged 71.5 53.9 3.4 3.8 Retained in grade 9.0 9 0 8.7 Absent >15 days 3.9 3.8 HS Dropout rate 0 10 20 Georgia Primary data source: Governor’s Office of Student Achievement 30 40 50 60 Putnam Co. 70 80 Percentage Putnam Co. K12 enrollment = 2,654 HS dropouts = 31 General Fund Expenditures per FTE = $7,540 Per Capita Income: 2003-2008 $45,000 $40,000 $35 000 $35,000 $30,000 $25 000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 2003 2004 2005 Putnam Co. Co 2008 PCI Putnam Co. = $34,248 Primary data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (4/10) 2006 2007 Georgia Georgia g = $34,849 US = $40,166 2008 US Per Capita Income: 2003-2008 Percentage Change 8 Pe ercentage e 6 4 2 0 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Putnam Co. Primary data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (4/10) 2006-07 Georgia 2007-08 US Per Capita Income: 2008 PCI Rank of PCI % PCI of GA Total % Change in PCI 2003-2008 PUTNAM $34,248 17 98.3 30.4 BALDWIN $27 445 $27,445 85 78 8 78.8 14 7 14.7 GREENE $34,520 16 99.1 36.2 HANCOCK $20,342 156 58.4 24.5 JASPER $27 998 $27,998 77 80 3 80.3 21 3 21.3 JONES $31,876 30 91.5 28.8 MORGAN $34,086 18 97.8 19.8 GA Avg Avg. Co. Co $28 543 $28,543 -- 81 9 81.9 20 1 20.1 County Primary data source: U. S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (4/10) Median Household Income 2009 Model-Based Estimates $50,221 US $47,469 GEORGIA GA Avg. Co. $38,972 $41,604 PUTNAM $37,029 BALDWIN $38 613 $38,613 GREENE $25,102 HANCOCK $44 958 $44,958 JASPER $49,618 JONES $44,296 $ , O G MORGAN $0 $10,000 $20,000 Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau (12/10) $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 Persons Living Below the Poverty Level 2009 Model-Based Estimates 5.5 – 15.5% 15.5 – 19.9% 19.9 – 23.0% 23.0 – 26.5% 26.5 – 40.8% Weighted average poverty threshold for a family household of 4 persons in 2009 = $21,954 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau (12/10) Georgia 1,585,116 Persons 16 6% 16.6% ------------US = 14.3% Transfer Receipts: 2008 Putnam Co Co. Total = $148 $148,108,000 108 000 39.9 Retirement/Disab 33.3 26.5 Medicare 23.1 10.8 Pub Med Assist 15.5 1.6 2.2 0.4 0.4 2.0 2.7 Supp Sec Inc Family Assist Food Stamps Putnam Co. G Georgia i Putnam Co. $7,242 per capita transfer receipts 6.2 6.8 Other Inc Maint 3.3 3 3 2.6 2.3 3.4 Unemp Veteran Benefit 21.6% of total personal income 12.8% change in total 2007-08 7.0 All Other 10.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Percentage Primary data source: Bureau of Economic Analysis (4/10) 30 35 40 45 Persons Living Below Poverty Level 2009 Model-Based Model Based Estimates # of Persons % of all Persons Rank of % PUTNAM 3,433 16.9 41 BALDWIN 8 045 8,045 21 2 21.2 84 GREENE 3,079 19.9 66 HANCOCK 2,473 31.6 152 JASPER 2 134 2,134 15 5 15.5 32 JONES 3,602 13.3 24 MORGAN 2,863 15.5 31 GA Avg Avg. Co. Co 9 969 9,969 21 0 21.0 -- County y Primary data source: U. S. Census Bureau (12/10) Unemployment p y Rates Rate perr 100 in La abor Forc 12 Putnam Co. Georgia U. S. 10 8 6 4 2 0 2000 2001 2009 Rates 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Putnam Co. = 10.5 GA = 9.6 A g GA County Avg. Co nt = 10.5 10 5 Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor 2008 2009 US = 9.3 Establishments, Employment & Wages: 2009 Averages Avg. g # Establishments Avg. g Monthly y Employment Avg. g Wage g Weekly 127 1,353 $575 Ag, forestry, fishing 14 174 $ $506 Construction 80 401 $633 Manufacturing 33 779 $561 337 3,403 $535 Wholesale trade 13 82 $754 Retail trade 79 1,315 $365 Transp/Warehousing 11 221 $467 Finance/Insurance 21 176 $722 Professional/Sci/Tech 35 88 $593 Admin/Suppt/WasteMgmt/Remediation 18 56 $462 Health care/Soc Svcs 32 310 $526 Accommodations/Food Svc 40 536 $201 TOTAL GOVERNMENT 35 1 813 1,813 $578 TOTAL ALL INDUSTRIES 513 6,576 $555 Putnam COUNTY TOTAL GOODS PRODUCING TOTAL SERVICE PROVIDING Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor (8/10) Employment Comparisons by Industry Group: 2009 P t Putnam C Co. A Avg. GA C County t G Georgia i 20.6 Goods Producing 22.1 14.6 51.7 Service Providing 50.2 67 4 67.4 27.6 Government 27.3 17 9 17.9 Primary data source: GA Dept. of Labor (8/10) Components of 2009 Property Tax Gross Digest Putnam County Mobile Home 0 3% 0.3% Heavy q p Equipment 0.01% Timber * 0.1% Motor Vehicle 3.8% Residential 69.4% Public Utility y 7.6% Industrial 2.4% Commercial 7.7% Ag-PreferentialEnviron-Conserv 8.7% Primary data source: GA Dept. of Revenue 40% Assessment Value of Property Gross Digest = $1,781,271,534 Homestead & Property Exemptions = $246,123,679 N t M&O Di Net Digestt = $1 $1,535,147,855 535 147 855 Value of exempt property = $52,283,841 * Timber taxed at 100% based on previous year sales Millage Rates, Taxes Levied, & Sales Tax Rate County ’09 County’09 School wide Millage* Millage* ’08 T Taxes Levied* ($000) Sales Tax Rate as of LOST Type* 10/10 as of 10/10 PUTNAM 15.90 10.25 $21,688 3 LSE BALDWIN 24 96 24.96 16 07 16.07 $30 011 $30,011 3 LSE GREENE 15.85 10.00 $28,063 3 LSE HANCOCK 39.64 13.19 $12,697 3 LSE JASPER 28.14 15.33 $$12,820 , 3 LSE JONES 31.37 17.79 $23,904 3 LSE MORGAN 20 89 20.89 12 46 12.46 $22 356 $22,356 3 LSE *Countywide Includes .250 state millage. School includes bonds, if any. Taxes levied, but not necessarily collected. Sales Tax: 4% State not included; L=Local Option, S=Special Purpose, E=Educational Primary data source: GA Dept. of Revenue Farm Gate Value by Commodity Group: 2009 Putnam Co Co. Total Value = $82 $82,224,281 224 281 Poultry-Egg 52.1% Oth Other 7.4% Ornamental H ti lt Horticulture 0.8% Veges-Fruits-Nuts 0 6% 0.6% Row-Forage Row Forage crops 5.3% Forestry 6 3% 6.3% Livestock 27.4% Primary data source: Center for Agribusiness & Economic Development, UGA (5/10) Retail Sales Analysis: 2008 Putnam Co Co. Total Retail Sales = $384 $384,290,000 290 000 1.33 Total Retail Sales Health-Personal Health Personal Care 1.14 Bldg Mat-garden equip-supplies 1.02 Gas stations 2.29 0.78 Motor Vehicle-parts Furniture-Home Furn-Appliance 0.87 0 39 0.39 Cl thi & Accessories Clothing A i General Merchandise 0.17 Food Services-Drinking g Places 0.46 Food-Beverage Stores 1.17 0 1 2 3 Pull Factor A “pull factor” of 1.0 means that the county’s sales are what would be expected based upon the number of residents and their relative wealth. Primary data sources: “Demographics USA, County Edition, 2008;” pull factor calculations by Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development. Commuting to Work: 2000 Percentage g of: Residents working in county 55.6 Residents working out of county 44.4 Workers coming into county 31.2 Residents driving to l workk alone 73.5 Residents carpooling Residents working at home 20.8 1.8 Putnam County Mean travel time to work = 26.5 min. Ratio of IN to OUT = 0.57 Resident workers 16+ = 8,055 Residents working in county = 4,479 Residents working out of county = 3,576 Total working in county = 6,513 Workers commuting into county = 2,034 Primary data source: U.S. Census Bureau This study was developed to assist community y leadership p with their future planning and decision making. Special p Area Report p # 11-01 January 2011 P Prepared d for f Putnam P t County C t C Cooperative ti E Extension t i by Susan R. Boatright Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia • Athens, Athens GA Georgia Cooperative Extension 706-542-0760 • 706-542-8938 To learn more about your county, click on Georgia Statistics System System” at our website: “Georgia www.caed.uga.edu