AQUAMONEY: UK CASE STUDY REPORT Ian J. Bateman, Silvia Ferrini and Stephanie Hime CSERGE, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK. 7th November 2008 CSERGE Team Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. 2. Introduction.............................................................................................................. 3 Description of the case study ................................................................................. 10 2.1 Location of the case study area ...................................................................... 10 2.2 Water system characteristics .......................................................................... 12 2.3 Short characterization of water use and water users ...................................... 15 2.4 Main water management and policy issues in the context of the WFD ........ 16 3. Study Design .......................................................................................................... 19 3.1 Questionnaire design...................................................................................... 19 3.2 Sampling procedure and response rate .......................................................... 23 4. Valuation results .................................................................................................... 29 4.1 Respondent characteristics and sample representative ness .......................... 29 4.1.1. Demographic characteristics ...................................................................... 29 4.1.2. Socio-economic characteristics.................................................................. 30 4.1.3. Water use characteristics ........................................................................... 32 4.2 Public perception of water management problems ........................................ 34 4.3 Estimated economic values for water resource management ........................ 35 4.4 Factors explaining economic values for water resource management .......... 38 4.5 Total Economic Value ................................................................................... 40 5. Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 41 6. Best practice recommendations ............................................................................. 42 7. References .............................................................................................................. 43 Appendix: Survey questionnaire .................................................................................... 62 CSERGE Team Page 2 1. INTRODUCTION The European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires all EU member states to achieve “good ecological status” in their water bodies by 2015. This ambitious target is likely to involve major policy changes, aimed at reducing pollution from both diffuse and point sources. These improvements will have effects on both environmental quality and human wellbeing. However, the cost of such changes is expected to be substantial at between £450-630 million per year just in the UK (ENDS, 2008). Since the WFD allows exemptions from implementation of improvements in cases of “disproportionate costs” (RPA, 2004), estimating the benefits arising from water quality improvements assumes crucial policy relevance and has been subject of some researches (Bateman et al. 2006, Hanley et al. 2006, Birol et al. 2006). The changes to the quality of open access waters (such as rivers and lakes), envisaged by the WFD, typically generate public goods benefits. As such, analysts wishing to value such changes are forced to rely upon non-market valuation techniques. These can be broadly subdivided into two groups. Revealed preference methods rely upon assumptions of weak complementarity to infer values from observed behaviour (Champ et al, 2003). Stated preference (SP) methods, such as choice experiments or the contingent valuation method, attempt to directly elicit values by asking a direct valuation questions posed to respondents via survey interviews (Bateman et al., 2002). SP approaches ask the individual to make hypothetical choices that can be formulated to identify total values given by the sum of use and non-use values. Therefore, while both revealed and stated preference methods have a long history of applications, recent years have seen an increase CSERGE Team Page 3 in the use of the latter (Carson, 2007). Given the fact that improvements in open water quality may generate both use values and non-use values, the Aquamoney study adopts a stated preference approach. The UK Aquamoney project aims to value improvement in the water quality using the Contingent Valuation (CV) method (Bateman et al., 2002). This allows estimation of the total values attached to the WFD environmental improvements. However, having in mind some common anomalies reported for the CV studies (Bateman et al. 2004), the study has been designed to take into account: (a) the scope effect and (b) the ordering effect. The sensitivity to scope, documented in the economic literature (Bateman et al. 2004, Bateman et al 2001), implies that respondent values equally goods of different sizes. This result contrasts with the neo-classical assumption of consumer behaviour rationality (transitivity, complete and reflexive). The extent to which these assumptions hold true is important for the interpretation of the results and the accuracy of the elicited willingnessto-pay (WTP) values, and consequently the degree to which the results provide valuable information for policy makers. The questionnaire has been designed to test scope effects in the non-market valuation of water quality improvements, focusing on quantity changes. This test also allows assessing the internal validity of the study. The scope test is being conducted using a split sample experiment in which one or two river stretches is valued from respondent. In designing this test we take into account another well discussed bias: the ordering effect. The ordering effect (also termed procedure invariance effect) may be observed as a consequence of the order in which scenarios appear in the questionnaire. Therefore in the case of one of two stretches we want test if the individual willingness to pay (WTP) CSERGE Team Page 4 changes with the order in which they are presented to the respondents. Ordering effects can be seen as a symptom of context dependent preferences and heuristics being applied to overcome the cognitive burden of answering complex questions. Therefore, if an ordering effect is observed this signifies the use of heuristics in the decision making process suggesting that people may not have existing preference sets for the valued good. Consequently, the forming of preferences may be influenced by the order in which the CV scenarios are presented. The issue of ordering effects in CVs has been discussed in the environmental economics literature (Clark and Friesen, 2006, Powe and Bateman 2003, Carson et al. 1998) and it can undermine the reliability of the valuation studies. Therefore, in the our case study we take account of both order and scope effects to test the internal validity of the results. The benefits of WFD-induced water quality changes will vary across space in a complex manner, depending not just on the distribution and physical response of catchments, rivers and estuaries, but also upon the distribution of present and potential future beneficiaries. Another aim for research is therefore to capture the complex interplay and spatial distribution of the key benefits of differences in river qualities. The spatial element is central in the AquaMoney project since we believe that it is the type, level and geographic characteristics of water improvement that are crucial to assessing the individual willingness to pay. Consequently, throughout the project we have made extensive use of spatially sensitive modelling routines and made routine application of geographical information systems (GIS). The WFD benefits include use values such as improved opportunities for, and qualities of, informal recreation 1 and (perhaps more contentiously) non-use benefits, such as the values individuals may hold 1 Furthermore, where direct contact with water is likely, such as in bathing areas, then some health risk reduction benefits may arise. CSERGE Team Page 5 for improvements in wildlife habitat which are not incorporated within recreation and amenity values. Therefore to test the distance decay effect we explicitly include the geographical location of the improved goods respect to the respondents’ home. As documented in Bateman et al. (2006), we expect that the WTP values are correlated with distance and they approach to zero after a certain distance. This effect is well documented from the first law of geography which states "all things are related, but near things are more related than far things." (Tobler). This law becomes fundamental when we aggregate benefits across individuals. Individual characteristics also vary spatially (for example, those with higher WTP values and/or higher incomes may live closer to a given set of sites, etc.) and a consideration of space is therefore vital to the accurate aggregation of benefit values for improvements to amenity waterways (and indeed most spatially confined environmental resources). The spatial analytic capabilities of a GIS provides an ideal medium for harmonising the diverse data necessary to undertaking such an aggregation exercise (Bateman et al, 2000). In particular a GIS readily allows the researcher to specify a valuation function which varies across space according to a variety of factors including: (i) the distribution of rivers, lakes, estuaries, etc., (ii) the change in quality to those resources, with improvements tending to convert former non-users into users in a spatially non-random manner; (iii) the accessibility of complementary and substitute assets; (iv) the distribution and socio-economic/demographic characteristics of the population. The inclusion of such factors allows the analyst to observe any ‘distance decay’ in values as we progressively consider households which are more remote from a given improvement. Furthermore, once such a valuation function is estimated, by applying it CSERGE Team Page 6 within a GIS to data detailing all explanatory variables for all locations we can define the appropriate ‘economic jurisdiction’ (that area within which values are non-zero) for calculating total benefit values (Bateman et al., 2006b). This avoids common aggregation problems associated with artificial ‘political jurisdictions’ typically defined by convenient administrative areas rather than the benefits generated by a scheme 2 . The estimation of spatially sensitive valuation functions also allows us to investigate the potential for ‘benefit transfers’ (Brouwer, 2000; Barton, 2002; Ready et al., 2004). Here value functions, estimated using data such as that described above, are applied to generate values for policy relevant sites which may not of themselves have been part of the valuation survey exercise. In theory, once a robust valuation function has been estimated the researcher need only know the attribute levels and improvement scheme which characterises an unsurveyed site in order to estimate (via the valuation function) the benefit generated by improving that site. However, in practice the track record of benefits transfer work is strewn with failure as the majority of analyses fail recognised tests of transfer validity. Despite the empirical problems of benefit transfer, its potential to obviate the need for conducting individual site surveys each time an environmental improvement is to be assessed makes this an attractive proposition. Transferring well specified functions (if they can be estimated) allows the analyst to obtain a value which is adjusted for the characteristics and environment of the site in question. The key issue therefore is to determine the robustness or otherwise of the valuation function to be transferred. This is typically undertaken by taking a function estimated from one subset of observations and using it to estimate values for an 2 The typical problem here arises when survey sampling is predefined to occur in a set area which is not representative of the economic jurisdiction. In such cases aggregation approaches which do not rely upon valuation functions but instead use survey sample means may (although this is not inevitable) result in substantial bias. For example, if sampling is confined to an area close to a site but the sample mean is applied to a larger aggregation area then total value assessments may be upwardly biased. CSERGE Team Page 7 alternative set of sites for which independent value estimates are already held. The proposed research will investigate such robustness analysis. In so doing we will be guided in part by recent findings which suggest that the transfer of statistical ‘best-fit’ functions may inflate value estimation errors (Brouwer and Bateman, 2005). This is because such functions may include site specific contextual factors which are not relevant to those sites the function is transferred to. Conversely the specification of functions on the basis of those general factors identified in core economic theory (e.g. income levels, usage parameters, etc.) can produce valid transfers which outperform simple mean value approaches in terms of the errors generated. A final advantage offered by our spatially sensitive, GIS-based, methodology is an ability to examine the distributional implications of the water quality improvements offered by the WFD. While valuation studies often note an association between WTP and household income, the implications of this association are rarely explored. Furthermore, given that the distribution of benefits is likely to be both spatially and socially uneven, the potential exists that some groups will fare better than others in capturing the non-market benefits of the Directive. The estimation of a value function which varies across space and socio-economic dimensions allows us to use the GIS to link between census measures of deprivation and corresponding WFD benefit values. It seems likely that many environmental benefits, such as those generated by National Parks, are captured by the richer sections of society. This may be the case with water quality benefits; however the case is less clear cut. Informal waterway recreation is open to all and, unlike National Parks, is much more widespread and accessible. Furthermore, if the WFD is indeed implemented as it stands then it seems likely that the benefits and beneficiaries may be clustered within urban and surrounding areas. However, while this Directive seems potentially redistributive in terms of its benefits, CSERGE Team Page 8 their urban concentration contrasts markedly with the predominantly rural incidence of WFD costs. CSERGE Team Page 9 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE CASE STUDY 2.1 . Location of the case study area The area selected for our case-study is located in and around the city of Bradford in the northern part of the Humber basin in the United Kingdom (Fig. 1). Figure 1 The Humber Basin The Humber basin cover an area of 25000 km2, more than 20% of the land area of England, has a population of over 10 million people. The basin drains 28% of England, mainly via its two principle river catchments, the Ouse and the Trent. The rivers Trent and Ouse, which provide the main freshwater flow into the Humber, drain large industrial and urban areas to the south and west (River Trent), and less densely populated agricultural areas to the north and west (River Ouse). These two drainage basins are almost identical in area. The Humber is an ideal case study area as it captures a full range of emission levels of key pollutants such as phosphates, nitrogen and pesticides. In addition to its overall size CSERGE Team Page 10 and significance, the contrasting characteristics of sub-catchments across the Humber basin provide useful variation for subsequent extrapolation. In this area there are several major urban centres: Nottingham, Leicester and the West Midlands/Birmingham conurbation which are drained by the Trent, the Leeds–Bradford area in West Yorkshire is drained by the Aire/Calder and the Sheffield/Doncaster area in South Yorkshire is drained by the Don. The area selected for the case study is the Ouse catchment with the largest urban area being the Leeds– Bradford conurbation, totalling 1, 200,000 inhabitants. Three main rivers flow in the area: Calder, Wharfe and Aire. They are surrounded by high-grade agricultural land and high population/industry area therefore they present a great variety of water quality levels. The area selected for the study is reported in Fig. 2 and the map correspondents to the one used in the questionnaire. CSERGE Team Page 11 Figure 2 The case study area 2.2 . Water system characteristics The Humber water system has been analysed in Oguchi et al. (2000) with the aim to assess the river water quality across the Humber catchment. The Environment Agency data including water quality data for rivers, sewage and trade effluents were coupled with the Water Information System from the Institute of Hydrology and they verify the chemical quality of the Humber water system. The results show a high variability in water quality for many determinants across the Humber catchment mainly due to sewage discharges and industrial effluents. The study demonstrates the importance of anthropogenic influences on the large-scale regional water quality of the Humber catchment. However, these results do not describe completely the river quality. In fact, river quality encompasses other attributes or properties such as ecological/biological, aesthetic, geological and flow characteristics (Holmes et al., 1999). CSERGE Team Page 12 Current river water quality within England and Wales is assessed annually under Environment Agency general quality assessments (GQAs) through reference to standards concerning recommend levels of dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, ammonia (total/un-ionised), pH, water hardness (CaCO3), dissolved copper, and total zinc (Environment Agency, 2007a). The WFD requires a substantial shift in assessment practice with the focus moving toward outcomes, in the form of ecological status, rather than chemical composition. However, this poses practical and methodological problems. The UK, has long time series data concerning the chemical composition of open waters although, assessments of macro-invertebrates and aesthetic river features have been a part of river water quality assessment in the UK since 1988. To date there are few if any systematic assessments of ecological status in its entirety, where ecological status includes all features of the river environment e.g. aquatic plants, macro-invertebrates, bank-side vegetation and algae. Indeed even the meaning of ‘ecological status’ is the subject of a pan-European debate to be concluded late in 2008. However, as an initial focus UKTAG has sought to determine the biological elements associated with high ecological quality in terms of macro-invertebrates and their links to measured levels of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and Ammonia (UKTAG, 2008). Given the impossibility of generating a measure of ‘good ecological quality’ prior to its final definition, data collected as part of the GQAs of river water in the UK has been used to assess the water quality system in the survey area. Consistently with the quality levels used in the description of the new water quality ladder (cfr. Section 3.1), we define four quality levels: Blue as pristine rivers, Green as a good quality, Yellow as fair quality and Red for poor quality. Then joining these quality levels with the EA data CSERGE Team Page 13 we describe the current water system quality as it is in Figure 3. The BOD measure and Ammonia level reported in Fig. 3 show good river quality level almost in all the study area. Some variations in term of water quality can be found in the urban area around the two main cities: Bradford and Leeds. These cities are highly populated and an improvement in water quality can be a desirable policy for residents but less relevant for residents whose live far from these areas. Therefore using this description of quality and a good spatial distribution of sample the survey will determine the aggregate benefit value of the WFD. (a) (b) Figure 3 The mean generic water quality level from (a) - biological oxygen demand (BOD) measures and (b) – Ammonia concentrations taken at Environmental Agency sampling points from 1986-1997, on three rivers; the Wharfe, Aire and Calder in the Humber region. We point out that at the time that the our quality level was being developed within the CSERGE team, UKTAG were defining their own standards with regard to the high, good, moderate and poor ecological status of river water in the UK. Therefore nowadays we can compare our quality level with the UKTAG quality level finding that they are consistently similar (Hime and Bateman 2008). CSERGE Team Page 14 2.3 . Short characterization of water use and water users The waterways in the Humber are manly used for agricultural activities, industries activities and domestic water. The agricultural land is generally arable and horticultural land, growing mainly cereal crops, oilseed rape, and root crops, and grazing land. The industry sector was traditional represented by the production of textiles, iron and steel while nowadays the chemical and petrochemical industries are flourishing as is the power industry. A considerable activity in the Humber catchment is the commercial fisheries which takes place in the upper reaches of the estuary, and in some of the rivers leading to it (Gray, 1995). On the other hand, considering the type of users of the waterways is a fundamental task to understand the ability of individuals to value water quality improvement. In fact, the benefits provided by rivers may provide examples of both well-formed and poorly-formed preference. For example, high-intensity, recreational users of waterways, such as anglers, seem likely to have well formed preferences for river resources and have robust values for the any changes in river quality. Following Plott (1996), it is the high degree of consumption (use) experience which has led such anglers to ‘discover’ robust, theoretically consistent, economic preferences. Following this logic it seems likely that the absence of such experience is likely to mean that preferences for the non-use benefits of rivers are less well formed and therefore derived values are more liable to exhibit anomalies relative to standard theoretical expectations. Using data from previous unpublished studies and official statistics we characterized the main uses of the area (Fig. 4). CSERGE Team Page 15 Figure 4 The distribution of users in the case study area The mainly uses of the area are for walking and fishing. 2.4 . Main water management and policy issues in the context of the WFD The Water Framework Directive (WFD) (European Parliament, 2000) represents a fundamental change in the management of water quality in Europe. The Directive imposes outcome based targets, requiring a shift away from standards framed in terms of the chemical composition of water in favour of an approach which assesses the ecological quality of water bodies. These standards will be water body specific and hence require differentiated action to improve all European waters to “good ecological status” by 2015. Although the definition of such status depends upon reference conditions, it is generally agreed that implementation of the WFD will require substantial reductions in pollutant inputs to rivers both from point and diffuse sources (Environment Agency, 2004). However, there is uncertainty with the definition of the water quality level that satisfy the “good ecological status”. This represents an issue in determining the WFD benefits. CSERGE Team Page 16 A number of approaches have been used to convey information regarding water quality. Perhaps the most well known of these is the Resources For the Future (RFF) water quality ladder (Vaughan, 1986; Mitchell and Carson, 1989; Carson and Mitchell, 1993). This is a use-based measure, describing open water quality in an ascending scale from having no uses, to being suitable for boating, fishing and then swimming. Variants of this approach have been used in a number of stated preference studies right up to the present day (Desvousges et al., 1987; Bateman et al., 2006a). While providing excellent service through the years, the categories used in the RFF are somewhat limited regarding the extent to which they convey the ecological changes (and associated use and, importantly, non-use benefits) implicit in movement up or down the ladder. Furthermore, the ladder focuses upon use categories which do not readily relate to national data on water quality (which to date typically tend to focus upon water chemistry measures)3. This limits the transferability of results and the RFF water quality ladder have been thrown into sharper relief by the introduction of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD; European Parliament, 2000). Therefore in section 3.1 we are introducing new water quality ladder useful to represent the WFD improvements. The EU WFD Directive requires the catchment based management of water, entailing a substantial expansion in the spatial scale of water management. Therefore, the UK has replied to the EU request creating 11 river basin liaison panels in England and Wales. By the end of 2008 each river basin will have draft management plans with associated programmes of measures. These measures will be aimed at reducing the pressures sectors 3 As part of the implementation process for the Water Framework Directive, work is ongoing to agree an EU-wide measure of ecological status. This should be available toward the end of 2008. The water quality ladder described in the here should be readily adaptable to such a measure. CSERGE Team Page 17 exert upon the water environment. The measures are decided upon by the stakeholders in these liaison panel meetings, with public consultation upon the reports it produces. The Humber river basin liaison panel has been created including a range of interested partners who represent the activities within the river basin with different impacts on the water environment. The sectors involved are: agriculture diffuse pollution fisheries industry spatial planning catchment abstraction management strategies The management plans of the Humber has not been published yet. . CSERGE Team Page 18 3. STUDY DESIGN 3.1 . Questionnaire design In designing the questionnaire we took into account the useful line of research provided by work in the psychological sciences (Lipkus and Hollands, 1999; Hibbard et al., 2002; Hibbard and Peters, 2003). We avoided using numeric and textual approaches to represent river quality improvements and we preferred the presentation of information in visual form. This representation choice aimed to increase the individual understanding and eliciting values for land use change. Therefore, as part of the questionnaire design process, a water quality index has been constructed to enable each respondent to visualise the overall ecological qualities of each particular site (Hime and Bateman 2008). Given the importance to use visual information we used a computerized questionnaire that has been tailored for our case study. The advantage of computerised presentation is that river maps are tailored to respondents’ locations, in some extent, each respondent received as much information as possible to asses the water quality improvements. The questionnaire was divided in three main sections: Introduction Valuation task Socio-demographic data. A simplified version of the computerized questionnaire is reported in the Appendix. CSERGE Team Page 19 In the first part of the questionnaire, we collect information regarding the respondent’s home, recreation activities over the last 12 months and recreation activities on the river sites on the study are map (Fig. 2). This section was fundamental to introduce the generic measure of water quality level. To define our measure of water quality we have taken into account the following considerations. We introduce a scale depicting changes in the level of that overall quality. In constructing that scale we extend the well tested ‘water quality ladder’ approach of Vaughan (1986) and Carson and Mitchell (1993). This depicts different levels of water quality in terms of the characteristics of that level. The original work in this area focussed upon use-based characteristics such as a rivers suitability for boating, fishing, swimming, etc. Given the need to capture non-use as well as use value (and the complexity of natural environment factors which may determine non-use value) we have rejected the conventional water ladder and we designed our own version. Here a graphic artist has been hired to create images depicting four different levels of water quality, ranging from high to low. The process of defining these levels is as follows: Ecological data informs the choice of river profile (bank and bed form, breadth, etc) Ecological research also determines the flora and fauna which characterise each quality level. The definition of each level is chosen to span the breadth of quality levels charactering rivers and be linked to existing information concerning the quality of rivers. It is vital that levels can be related to well defined, numeric or categorical measures of river quality so that resulting values can be meaningfully interpreted and related to changes induced by the WFD. The definition of differences between levels must be such that they reflect the likely effects which implementation of the WFD may have on open water quality. CSERGE Team Page 20 Direct use of the river by humans (e.g. fishing, walking, boating) is not depicted in these images as it is felt that respondents may react in diverse ways to such usage and that this might distract from focus upon those factors under policy control. Furthermore, it is felt that respondents can readily visualise use of rivers. Each of the water quality levels has been assigned a distinctive colour. This colour has been used to indicate the levels of the water quality attribute in a river when depicted on maps presented to survey respondents (see Appendix). Taking these facets together, our water quality ladder both conveys levels of quality to survey respondents and is defined such that responses and values can be directly related to those changes in water quality which are likely to arise from implementation of the WFD. Therefore, these water quality ladders provide us with levels for our generic water quality attribute. In essence this provides the basis for answering question concerning the value of improving water quality. The second section of the questionnaire introduces the valuation exercises. Alternatively the respondent could receive first a contingent valuation (CV) task or a choice experiment. For sack of brevity we focus here only on the CV exercise with payment card. Firstly, we showed respondents a status quo map with the current water quality level and then respondent entered in the CV exercise. This exercise has been design to take into account anomalies generate by ordering and scope effects. The order test controls for the procedural invariance of answers, as to say answers should be independent from the sequence of questions. The scope effect verify CSERGE Team Page 21 that the WTP is equal or higher for a larger quantity of a good than for a small quantity. Therefore we define two different quantities of river improvement: A1= Small quantity improvement – one river stretch A2= Large quantity improvement – one river stretches A2 is defined so that it contains all of A1 plus an additional river stretch to ensure that, in quantity (and quality) terms, A2 > A1. In order to test for ordering effect, we ask some respondents to value improvement A1 and then A2 while other respondents value A2 and then A1. By varying the order of presentation and denoting the 1st and 2nd question by subscripts, we obtain four different versions of CV questions as reported in Table 1. Table 1 The CV questions Order of question Size of the good Small Large 1st 2nd The computer system automatically randomized the versions of questionnaire of Tab. 1 displaying the correct sequence for each respondent. Therefore each respondent received two different sequences of questions with variation in river quantity. Respondents should value the water quality improvement identifying the maximum willingness to pay (WTP) to achieve it. To help them to define the WTP value we used CSERGE Team Page 22 a list of money values (see payment card on Appendix). After the first valuation exercise, we showed the appropriate follow up questions to verify the reason of their answers. The aim of these questions were to identify protesters and true zero bid and further to separate the first valuation exercise to the second. The last section of the questionnaire was dedicated to the collection of the socioeconomic information such as age, income, etc. The computerized system automatically validated the data entries minimizing the number of mistakes and missing data. The questionnaire was administered face to face with the support of a laptop. Interviewers have been carefully trained to use the system and to follow the survey guidelines defined for our case study. 3.2 . Sampling procedure and response rate One of the novel approach of the UK Aquamoney project was to explicitly consider the treatment of the natural resources location. To date the issue of location has virtually been ignored within stated preference studies 4 . Yet a large body of research (notably travel cost studies) shows that location is a highly important driver of values for natural resource change. This shows that the value of improvements to the on-site attributes of a water body may decline with increasing distance to that site from a survey respondents’ home location. In short, there is evidence to support the common-sense presumption that individuals care more about improvements to local, as opposed to distant, resources. Failure to account for such a proximity effect may result in the value of improvements being incorrectly estimated. In contrast, capturing the nature and form 4 Exceptions to this are reviewed in Bateman et al., (2006) which also presents a case study illustrating the major impact which location can have upon natural resource benefit values. CSERGE Team Page 23 of such effects may assist in decision making if authorities wish to target improvements so as to maximise the utility they generate. The sampling procedure is therefore a crucial decision for many studies given that the sampling biases can produce misleading conclusions (Champ et al. 2003, Bateman et al. 2002, Edwards and Anderson 1987). Therefore, in our study to fully capture the distance-decay effect and to minimize the sampling biases we follow a well targeted sampling strategy, called efficient sampling approach. The sampling strategy has been designed to maximize the statistical information of the model to be estimated. In the following we briefly describe our approach. We assume that the individual preference function for the water improvement is governed by the following function: y i = f (θ , X i ) (1) where yi represents the individual WTP to the site characteristics (X) and θ is a vector of unknown parameters. The site characteristics can be represented by the quantity or quality level of the site improved and its distance to the respondents’ home. Specifying eq. 1 in the simplest way we can rewrite yi as: f (θ , X i ) = I jα j + β d j + ε i (2) where the error terms are iid N(0,σ2), I is a dummy variable which describes the characteristics of the selected site, dj is the individual distance to the improved site j and θ=(α,β) is the vector of unknown parameters. CSERGE Team Page 24 The aim of the CV studies is in general to recover the parameter of the model in order to identify the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Determination of the optimal sampling strategy is a key initial task within any CV study. Following standard sampling theory we might choose the random sample or the stratified sample. The first strategy randomly selects a sample of respondents to be interviewed. The second divides the target population according to the distance and then randomly samples inside each stratum. Alternatively, we can design an efficient sample taking into account that the selection of respondents directly influence the reliability of the results, as to say the efficiency of the estimates defined by the covariance matrix of the model specified. Therefore given the covariance matrix of a generic CV model, defined as: ⎛ ∂ log l ( y; d , θ ) ∂ log l ( y; d ,θ ) ' ⎞ Ωθ ( d ) = E ⎜ ⎟ ∂θ ∂θ ⎝ ⎠ we can define a criteria of efficiency as discussed in Federov (1972). The best known measure of efficiency is the D-error index which defines the distribution of sample, i.e. the combination of (dj), for which the determinant of the Fisher information matrix is the maximum. Assuming a linear specification for the CV model and given a specific sample size, we can demonstrate that the D-error index suggests to select only two sampling zones: the nearest location and the farthest location. We acknowledge that this sampling strategy relies on a strong assumption regarding the specification of the CV model to estimate the survey data, because rarely the researcher knows perfectly the model that he is going to specify with CSERGE Team Page 25 the data that he should still collect. Therefore to overcome this limitation, we test many different sampling strategies performing a Monte Carlo simulation where we compared the sampling efficiency according to the D-error index. The best sampling distribution, in term of estimation efficiency has been saved and used as the Aquamoney sampling strategy. Technically, we identified about 30 possible “sampling sites” (each one corresponding to a part of a town, a small village, etc.) within the sampling area, each of them with enough population to allow one day or more of interviews. The sampling sites (SS) have been identified in order to be scattered across the entire sampling area, and therefore to maximize the spatial variation, and are represented in Figure 5. The optimal number of observations from each SS will be derived using a Monte Carlo simulation based on some prior parameters values. We have randomly simulated different sampling strategies among the SS and seen which one gave the best parameters estimates in terms of the determinant of the covariance matrix (the D-error index). Fig. 5 and Tab. 2 report the sampling allocation of the 1,000 respondents of the survey. CSERGE Team Page 26 Table 2 The sample distribution Site No. Site name Respondent No. 1 Skipton 80 2 Addingham 80 3 Ilkley 4 Harrogate 5 Knaresborough 0 6 Earby 0 7 Keighley 80 8 Baildon 60 9 Yeadon 0 10 Bramhope 40 11 Collingham 80 12 Trawden 0 13 Haworth 0 14 Shipley 60 15 Pudsey 40 16 Leeds (Manston) 60 17 Hebden Bridge 20 18 Halifax 20 19 Brighouse 20 20 Dewsbury 60 21 Wakefield 40 22 Rochdale 0 23 Marsden 60 24 Huddersfield 60 25 Clayton West & Skelmanthorpe 26 Royston 0 60 0 80 CSERGE Team Page 27 Figure 5: Survey area showing sample sites (orange background gives site numbers from Table 2) and corresponding respondent numbers (yellow background) The data collection took place from the 18th August 2008 until the 20th September 2008. Interviewers approached respondents knowing on the door of the selected streets and the respondents could be interviewed in their home or in some city public places. The face-to-face approach gave us a good response rate but precise information of it will be available as soon as the interviewers’ note, recorded outside the computerised system, will be analyzed. CSERGE Team Page 28 4. VALUATION RESULTS 4.1 . Respondent characteristics & sample representative ness In total the data collected for the Aquamoney project are 1,000 but only 439 have been collected using the payment card format. Therefore we are focusing our analysis only on this sub sample. Interview durations ranged from 15 to 59 minutes with 24 minutes the mean interview time and 6 the standard deviation. 4.1.1. Demographic characteristics Of the 439 respondents interviewed 239 (54%) were female and 200 (46%) were male. The mean age of respondents was 50.1 with a standard deviation (SD) of 18.7. The age distribution is reported in table 3 and we can see that, except the class between 25 and 30 years old, all the other categories are well represented in the sample. Table 3 The age distribution Age Categories % 18-24 10% 25-30 8% 31-40 19% 41-50 15% 51-60 16% 61-70 16% Over 70 17% CSERGE Team Page 29 The household composition is reported in Table 4 and the most represent category is given by family with two members. Table 4 The household composition Household members % 1 16% 2 38% 3 17% 4 18% 5 6% More than 5 5% 4.1.2. Socio-economic characteristics The high proportion of retired respondents (31%) is coherent with the technique used to recruit respondents. In fact, the door-to-door technique increases the chance to recruit people with spend the majority of their time at home, such as retired. However, to balance the proportion of retired the survey took place including some weekends to ensure inclusion of working people. The second well represented category is the employed fulltime (24%), follow by the employed part-time (13%) and the self-employed (9%). Around 8% of respondents were responsible to look after the home/children and 5% were students. The description of the job distribution is reported in Tab. 5. CSERGE Team Page 30 Table 5 The job distribution Employment status % Self employed 9% Employed full-time (30+ hrs) 24% Employed part-time (<30 hrs) 13% Student 5% Unemployed - seeking employment 4% Unemployed – other 1% Look after the home / children 8% Retired 31% Unable to work due to sickness or disability 3% Other 3% Household gross income distribution is reported in Tab. 6 and the most represented category is between £12,000 and £18,000. Considering the mean value per each category 5 rescaled by the annual taxes, we get that the average household net income is around £19.500 with a standard deviation of £11,000. The minimum level of income in the sample is £4,500 and the maximum is £50,000. 5 For the income last category we assume a maximum value of £78000 gross annual income. CSERGE Team Page 31 Table 6 The gross household annual income distribution Category % < £6000 8% £6001 - £12,000 11% £12,001 - £18,000 14% £18.001 - £24,000 12% £24,001 - £30,000 4% £30,001 - £36,000 6% £36,001 - £42,000 7% £42,001 - £48,000 4% £48,001 - £54,000 2% £54,001 - £60,000 3% £60,001 - £66,000 1% £66,001 - £72,000 0.5% > £72,001 3% Don't know 7% Refused 18% 4.1.3. Water use characteristics Analysing the recreation behaviour to water bodies, we report in Tab.7 river sites visits distribution and in Tab. 8 lake sites visits distribution. The majority of respondents made from 1 to 5 visits to a river or lake site in the last 12 months. The proportion of non-users is higher for lakes than rivers. CSERGE Team Page 32 Table 7 The river sites visits distribution over the last 12 months River frequency % 0 27% 1-5 34% 5-10 7% 11-30 18% 31-50 2% 51-100 5% more than 100 7% Table 8 The river sites visits distribution Lakes frequency % 0 37% 1-5 45% 5-10 7% 11-30 8% 31-50 0% 51-100 3% more than 100 1% Comparing the water bodies visits with the total recreation occasions in one year of time we obtain that for the majority of times respondents selected a non water bodies visit. However, the proportion of water bodies visits over the total number of recreation visits is 0.45 with a standard deviation of 0.33. CSERGE Team Page 33 Most respondents stated that they visited the water bodies for walking/rambling. However, dog walking, picnicking, feeding birds, cycling and motorised water sports are also mentioned. In particular, 28% of respondents own a canoe, surfboard etc. and 5% of respondents have got a fishing license 4.2 Public perception of water management problems The survey was designed to avoid any specific reference to the WFD in order to avoid protest. Therefore the perception of water management can be obtained analysing some side questions included in the questionnaire. Firstly, the current water quality level depicted in the local map (screen shot 7 in the Appendix) has been compared with the perceive quality by each respondent. Fig. 6 reports the proportion of answers for the following question: “which is your reaction to the information concerning the current quality of rivers in the area shown on the map?”. The majority of respondents agreed with the quality represented where the water quality of one of three rivers is very good, one if fair and one is good. 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Much better Little better Same Little worse Much worse Figure 6 Answers proportion for the question “which is your reaction to the information concerning the current quality of rivers in the area shown on the map?” CSERGE Team Page 34 Subsequently, talking about the improvement envisaged in the CV task, we asked respondents “how likely do you think it is that the improvements in water quality described would actually happen?”. Fig. 7 shows that the majority of respondents believe in the water quality improvement, although a significant proportion of respondents consider the improvement unlike. 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Very likely Somewhat likely Neutral Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don’t know Figure 7 Answers proportion for the question “how likely do you think it is that the improvements in water quality described would actually happen?” Finally, as a measure of consideration of the water management problems, we report the proportion of protesters in the CV task that is roughly 3%. 4.3 . Estimated management economic values for water resource The individual willingness to pay for water quality improvement has been calculated taking into account the analysed CV anomalies. Therefore in Tab. 9 we report the mean and median WTP in different cases. In the first rows, we report the WTP values for the CSERGE Team Page 35 small and large river improvement. We obtain that the WTP for the small good is smaller than the value for the large good. However, considering the order and scope effect together we get different valuations driven by anomalies. Table 9 WTP (€ PPP) descriptive statistics per country € (PPP) ( Average WTP- Small WTP (A1) 20 (29) 10 Median WTP-Small Average WTP- Large WTP (A2) 26 (37) 12 Median WTP- Large Average WTP- Question 1-Small WTP ( ) 23 (33) 10 Median WTP- Question 1-Small Average WTP- Question 2-Small WTP ( ) 16 (25) 10 Median WTP- Question 2-Small Average WTP- Question 1-Large WTP ( ) 12 Median WTP- Question 1-Large Average WTP- Question 2-Large WTP ( 25 (32) ) Median WTP2- Question 2-Large 27 (41) 12 Notes: WTP values recalculated based on Purchasing Power Parity indicators (World Bank, 2007). Protest bids are excluded in the estimation of WTP statistics. The results presented in table 9 suggest the influence of scope and order effect on the WTP values. We expect respondents to give a higher or equal value to the large than/as to the small improvement. Considering the behaviour of respondents respect to order and scope effects we report in table 10 the proportion of sample respect to the relationship between small water improvement in the first question ( ), large water improvement in the first question ( ), small water improvement in the second question ( ) and large water improvement in the second question ( ). The most interesting insight from this table is that the majority of the sample gives an equal WTP response for the small and large improvement. These respondents are either not sensitive to the CSERGE Team Page 36 scope of the change, or they perceive the two water bodies changing in the large improvement scenario as perfect substitutes. Table 10 Response behaviour in valuing water quality improvement with order and scope effects UK WTP ( ) < WTP ( ) 14% WTP ( ) > WTP ( ) 21% = WTP ( ) 37% = WTP ( ) =0 25% WTP ( WTP ( Finally, we compare WTP values addressing ordering and scope effects simultaneously. More specifically, we compare the Bottom Up (1st small, 2nd large) with the Top Down (1st large, 2nd small) approach. We reject the hypothesis that these approaches result in the same size of scope effect. In the BU approach differences are smaller than in the top down approach. Figure 8 graphically displays the two approaches. In the BU approach, respondents increase their WTP little, compared to the decrease in WTP in the TD approach. These results are coherent with the findings in Bateman et al. (2004). 30 BU 25 20 TD 15 10 5 0 Small Large Figure 8 Sensitivity to scope of bottom up and top down approach CSERGE Team Page 37 4.4 Factors explaining economic values for water resource management To analyze the CV data and the impact of socio-economic factors and the scope and order effect we specify a multivariate regression analysis. Excluding the protesters and modelling the possibility to have a zero-bid, we specify a Tobit model. Since each respondent gave two WTP answers, we model the data with a panel structure estimating a random effects Tobit panel data model. The WTP function is defined as: WTPijt = f ( ΔQijt , Dijt , Dikt , Dict , O, Yi ) + ε ijt + αi where WTPijt is individual i’s willingness-to-pay for a water quality change in water body j in time period t, ΔQijt is the quantity change of the improvement, Dijt is the distance from the respondent’s residence to water body j, Dikt is the distance from the respondent to the substitute water body, Dict is the distance from the respondent to the nearest site on the coast, O is a vector of dummies which take into account the scope and order effects and Yi is a vector of socio-economic and demographic characteristics of individual i. Finally αi and εijt are the two error terms, the former is a time invariant individual effect error and the other is a time-varying error term. The unobserved effect αi is assumed to be uncorrelated with each explanatory variable, formally written as: Cov(X,ai)= 0 for each time period t and variable 1…k When the unobserved effects (αi) are large, the random effects estimates will be similar to the fixed effects model. When the unobserved effects are small, relative to the variance of εijt, the random effects estimates will be closer to a pooled model. The results of the model are presented in table 10. CSERGE Team Page 38 Table 11 Results of the Random effects Tobit panel data model Variables Explanation Coefficient Constant Respondent characteristics Income Net household income in ppp € per year Gender Gender of respondent (1 if female) Age Age of respondent in years Distance to Distance to the site that changes in site quality Distance to Distance to the nearest water substitute substitute Distance to Distance to the nearest coast site coast Scope and order effects Large1 = 1 if respondent values the large improvement in the first WTP question Small2 = 1 if the respondent values the small improvement in the second WTP question Large2 = 1 if the respondent values the large improvement in the second WTP question Std. pErr value 5.28 1.21 6.40 10.07 0.001 0.00001 1.97 1.24 -0.076 0.034 1.59 -2.25 -0.274 0.184 0.071 0.151 -3.82 1.22 0.122 0.060 2.03 6.251 1.548 4.04 -3.83 1.536 -2.50 6.643 1.359 4.89 Sigma α Sigma ε rho 6 34.70 10.87 0.91 0.762 0.372 0.007 45.57 29.19 LogLikelihood Wald chi2(9): -2361 236 157 observations censored; 457 uncensored The total model and almost all parameters are significant. The signs of the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents are conform to theoretical expectations. Income has a positive effect on the WTP. The WTP decreases with age and gender is not significant. We find a significant distance-decay effect. The further away a respondent lives from the site, the lower the WTP. The closer to a substitute site (river site or coast) the respondent lives, the less he is willing to pay for the site under valuation. Although, the distance to river site substitute is not significant. 6 Rho= var_ α /(var_ α +var_ ε) CSERGE Team Page 39 The sigmas represent the variances of the two error terms α and ε .Their relationship is described by the variable rho. If this variable is zero, the panel-level variance component is irrelevant, and the estimator is not different from the pooled estimator. The results show that in this case, the panel data structure of the WTP answers has to be taken into account. The dummies for order and size are highly significant confirming the CV biases as in Bateman et al. (2004). The dummy Large1 is significant, which implies that the first WTP value stated by respondents is sensitive to the size of the improvement. When the small improvement is presented in the second question (Small2), WTP for the small improvement decreases significantly compared to the baseline. When the large improvement is valued secondly, respondents are willing to pay significantly more than for the small improvement in the first question. 4.5 . Total Economic Value The estimate of the total economic value relies on the aggregation of individual WTP. This procedure is relatively straightforward is some conditions are satisfied (Bateman et al. 2002). Some of these conditions rely on sample selection and population and point out the importance to take into account the response rate and the sample distribution. Therefore to proceed with a correct aggregation procedure we should wait for the response rate per sampling area. CSERGE Team Page 40 5. CONCLUSIONS This project is highly interdisciplinary and policy orientated but also addresses current frontier issues in the literature on non-market benefits analysis, and its spatial aspects. The valuation results point out the impact of scope and order effects on the WTP values underlying the distance-decay effect. Subsequent analysis will compare these findings with those obtained from common design studies carried out by Aquamoney partners in other EU countries. CSERGE Team Page 41 6. BEST PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS The study of water quality improvements suggests different aspect to be taken into account to produce reliable benefits value. Firstly, we verify that the valuation of improvements differs from users and non users and including vaguely the location of improvement we end up with overvalued benefits. Therefore, a clear spatial definition of the good is fundamental in order to capture the distance decay effect. This effect suggests to carefully define the population of interest and the sampling strategy. A simply, random selection of the sample can produce under representation of spatial distribution of respondents and bias the estimate. Therefore, further research can be useful to understand the best sampling strategy for spatially distributed goods. The second aspect to be consider in valuing water improvement is objective of valuation results. The finding of scope and order effects suggests that more effort needs to me made to encourage respondents to attend to the quantitative information. CSERGE Team Page 42 7. REFERENCES Barton, D. (2002) The transferability of benefit transfer: contingent valuation of water quality improvements in Costa Rica, Ecological Economics, 42(1-2): 147-164 Bateman, I.J., Langford, I.H. and Nishikawa, N. and Lake, I. 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The questionnaire is anonymous and all answers you give will be treated in confidence. The interview will take approximately 20 minutes. [Click the WQSystem shortcut on the desktop, this will take you to the WQ system’s starting page. ] SECTION 1 : INTERVIEW & INTERVIEWEE DETAILS 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 INTERVIEWER ID: LOCATION OF INTERVIEW: DATE: collected automatically START TIME: collected automatically HOME POSTCODE (if no postcode enter XXX XXX) TOWN (you must enter a town) ROAD NAME (only if post code is not supplied) CSERGE Team Page 47 Screen shot 1:Initial Screen 1.8 Can you tell me how long you have lived either at this [YEARS] [MONTHS] address or an address in the surrounding mile or so? 1.9 If less than 1 years can you tell me your previous address [TOWN] {COUNTY] (AT LEAST THIS) The main focus of this survey is outdoor recreation. We want to get a balanced picture and are just as interested in talking to people who don’t like outdoor recreation as those that do. Looking at the following categories [IN 1ST DROP DOWN ON SCREEN 2], which best describes how often, over the past 12 months, you have been on trips to any type of outdoor recreation site, including the countryside, parks, forests, rivers, lakes, the seaside, etc. [RECORD RESPONSE] on the total outdoor trips drop down menu on screen 2. That would imply that you made about to outdoor recreation sites in total over the past year. [RECORD RESPONSE] in total outdoor trips text box on screen 2 B3. Looking again at these categories [IN 2nd DROP DOWN ON SCREEN 2], which best describes how often, over the past 12 months; you have been on trips to rivers or riverside sites. [RECORD RESPONSE] on the total river trips drop down menu on screen 2 CSERGE Team Page 48 That would imply that you made about [READ LABEL FROM SCREEN], to rivers in total over the past year. [RECORD RESPONSE] in the text box with the label Total River Trips on screen 2. Looking again at these categories [IN 2nd DROP DOWN ON SCREEN 2], which best describes how often, over the past 12 months; you have been on trips to canals or canal side sites. [RECORD RESPONSE] on the total river trips drop down menu on screen 2 That would imply that you made about [READ LABEL FROM SCREEN], to rivers in total over the past year. [RECORD RESPONSE] in the text box with the label Total canal Trips on screen 2. Looking again at these categories [IN 3rd DROP DOWN ON SCREEN 2], which best describes how often, over the past 12 months; you have been on trips to lakes or lakeside sites. [RECORD RESPONSE] on the total lake trips drop down menu on screen 2 That would imply that you made about [READ LABEL FROM SCREEN], to lakes in total over the past year. Looking at the following categories [IN 4th DROP DOWN ON SCREEN 2], which best describes how often, over the past 12 months, you have been on trips to any other type of outdoor recreation site, including the countryside, parks, forests, the seaside, etc. [RECORD RESPONSE] on the total other outdoor trips drop down menu on screen 2. That would imply that you made about [READ LABEL FROM SCREEN] to outdoor recreation sites in total over the past year. You said that you took about [Number from screen 2 –River TRIPS text box] trips to rivers each year. How many were to sites on this map? CSERGE Team Page 49 Screen shot 2: Previous Address and trip information In this survey we will be talking about possible changes to the quality of river water. These changes would not affect any other aspect of water services such as drinking water quality. The only things affected by changes in river water quality are the plants and animals that live there and the types and quality of recreation that visitors can enjoy. In these next questions we are going to use these pictures [SHOW WATER QUALITY LADDER] to indicate different river quality. As you can see the pictures are arranged from higher to lower water quality. CSERGE Team Page 50 CSERGE Team Page 51 [INDICATE THE HIGHEST QUALITY PICTURE - BLUE] This picture marked with the blue circle, shows the highest river quality. Please take a moment to consider this. [PAUSE FOR 10 SECONDS] The symbols here (indicate all symbols) show that a river of this quality is suitable for game fish [POINT TO ] such as salmon and trout, which are sensitive to pollution; coarse fish such as carp and chub [POINT TO 2ND SYMBOL], which are less sensitive to pollution. It is also suitable for swimming [POINT TO ], boating [ ], bird watching and enjoying nature. The picture also shows the plant life in and around the river you would expect to see and shows quite clear water. In the second picture marked with a green circle [INDICATE THE 2ND PICTURE GREEN] you can see that there has been a change with the pollution sensitive fish rarely found; different plants in and around the river and water of slightly different clarity. However, there are still coarse fish, the opportunity for swimming boating, bird watching and enjoying nature [POINT TO SYMBOLS]. In the third picture marked with a yellow circle [INDICATE THE 3RD PICTURE YELLOW], once again there are very rarely pollution sensitive fish species and the number of coarse fish also becomes lower [POINT TO SYMBOLS]. In addition to this you can no longer swim in the water; the water plants have started to be replaced with algae and the water is of lower clarity. However, you can still go boating and see birds. This final picture shows the river water of the lowest quality and is marked red [INDICATE THE 4TH PICTURE - RED]. Here there are virtually no fish, no opportunities for swimming or boating and the number of common birds has also decreased [POINT TO SYMBOLS]. In addition to this the plants both in and out of the water have changed and the water is of lower clarity [INDICATE THE 4TH PICTURE - RED]. GIVE THE WATER LADDER TO THE RESPONDENT We will be using these pictures throughout the interview so please take your time to familiarise yourself with them, [PAUSE], then continue. These next questions concern the quality of rivers in your area. Please take a look at the following map of the area. Can you point to where your home is? – All respondents must identify their home – even if they do not visit rivers! CSERGE Team Page 52 Screen shot 3: Marking home This is the home square B4a). Can you point to the site (on a river) that you visited most often? Screen shot 4: Site one show the site visited in the past 12 months CSERGE Team Page 53 B4b). Looking at the water quality ladder which colour best describes the quality of the site. B4c). How often did you visit this site in the last 12 months? B4d). What was the purpose of most of your visits [SHOWCARD 1]? SHOWCARD1 A Water sports B Dog walking C Angling D Rambling E Running F Cycling G Climbing H Feeding birds I Picnic J Motorised recreation K Wildlife watching L Other Screen shot 5: Details of site visits B5). We are going to mark all of the sites that you visited in this area in the last 12 months, in exactly the same way as before. Did you visit any other sites in this area over the last 12 months? IF YES LOOP questions B4 - UP TO A MAXIMUM OF TEN SITES CSERGE Team Page 54 IF NO GO TO the NEXT SECTION CONTINGENT VALUATION I now want to ask a different type of question. Please look at this map you live here [POINT TO MAP]. [SHOW MAP OF CURRENT SITUATION AREA – on screen] We have used the colours from the pictures to show the current quality of rivers in this area. [This is based on information from the Environment Agency, which is the official body that monitors river quality in the UK]. As you can see, at present the river closest to you [INDICATE RIVER CLOSEST TO RESPONDENTS TOWN], the [GIVE NAME] which is [STATE COLOUR OF THAT RIVER]. That means that on average its quality is like this [POINT TO PICTURE CORRESPONDING TO COLOUR]. This is the river [INDICATE AND GIVE NAME OF THE RIVER 2ND CLOSEST TO RESPONDENTS TOWN] which is [STATE COLOUR OF THAT RIVER] and on average its quality is like this [POINT TO PICTURE CORRESPONDING TO COLOUR]. Finally, at present the River [INDICATE AND GIVE NAME OF THE RIVER 3RD CLOSEST TO RESPONDENTS TOWN] is coloured [STATE COLOUR OF THAT RIVER]. That means that, on average, its quality is like this [POINT TO PICTURE CORRESPONDING TO COLOUR]. E1. Looking at the categories on screen, which phrase best, describes your reaction to the information concerning the general current quality of rivers in the area[SHOWCARD 2]? SHOWCARD 2 1 Much better than expected 2 A little better than expected 3 About the same as expected 4 A little worse than expected 5 Much worse than expected CSERGE Team Page 55 Screen shot 6: Current water quality levels [THERE ARE TWO VERSIONS OF THIS QUESTIONNAIRE – THEY DIFFER IN THE ORDERING OF PRESENTATION OF QUESTION A AND B] I now want to show you a second map [POINT TO “ALTERNATIVE” MAP]. This shows an alternative situation, where river water treatment works are undertaken to improve the stretch of river shown here [INDICATE CHANGED STRETCH]. Comparing the two maps you can see that in this stretch the river water quality has improved from YELLOW to BLUE. [INDICATE WATER QUALITY LADDER] We can see that’s a move from here [INDICATE INITIAL QUALITY] to here [INDICATE FINAL QUALITY]. All other parts of all the rivers stay as they currently are. Before asking you whether your household would want this alternative situation or not, please consider the following: • Any money you spend on improving river water quality obviously would not be available for spending on any other purchases. • Please think about the location of the improvement, how close it is to your home, and whether you would benefit from it. DICTOMOUS CHOICE E2. So which would you prefer [INDICATE] the current situation where your water bill stays the same and there is no change in river water CSERGE Team Page 56 quality or [INDICATE] the alternative situation where your water bill increase by [LABEL] and river water quality improves as shown. CSERGE Team Page 57 A Screen shot 7: This example shows one stretch in the alternative with a bid level PAYMENT CARD PAYMENT CARD – A TEXT BOX APEARS ON THE SCREEN UNDER THE ALTERNATE MAP To help you work out how much, if anything, this scheme is worth to your household please consider this card. [SHOW PAYMENT CARD] E2. For each amount please ask yourself whether or not your household would be prepared to pay this amount each year to get the improvement shown. Then tell me the amount which is the most your household would be prepared to pay on top of your normal water bill in order to get this improvement. E3. Looking at this list, please tell me the two most important reasons for your answer, press NEXT [SHOW PAYMENT CARD] -----00000----- SHOWCARD: PAYMENT CARD -----00000----- CSERGE Team Page 58 Place a tick next to the amount which is the most your household would be prepared to pay each year for this water quality improvement. €0 €30 €65 €100 €135 €190 €350 €700 €1050 €3 €35 €70 €105 €140 €200 €400 €750 €1100 €5 €40 €75 €110 €145 €225 €450 €800 €1150 €10 €45 €80 €115 €150 €250 €500 €850 €1200 €15 €50 €85 €120 €160 €275 €550 €900 > €1200, namely €… €20 €55 €90 €125 €170 €300 €600 €950 Other: € ….. €25 €60 €95 €130 €180 €325 €650 €1000 Don’t know -----00000----- END OF SHOWCARD: PAYMENT CARD -----00000----- CSERGE Team Page 59 Screen shot 7: Payment card example Looking at this list, please tell me the two most important reasons for your answer [FOLLOWING IS FOR PEOPLE WHO CHOSE >€0 the correct page is automatically loaded] Screen shot 8: Reasons for selection [FOLLOWING IS FOR PEOPLE WHO CHOSE €0] CSERGE Team Page 60 [Tick one in each column] – see screen below and press NEXT Screen shot 9: reasons for selection Now I would like you to consider a second alternative. Again this concerns an improvement from [INDICATE] YELLOW to BLUE quality but now for this stretch of the river. SECOND QUESTION FROM A OR B DICOTOMOUS CHOICE E4. If the alternative situation required an increase of [INSERT BID LEVEL FROM SCREEN] in your annual water bill to give the increase in water quality shown, then would you prefer that or the current situation where there is no change in your annual water bill but water quality stays at its current level? SKIP PAYMENT CARD PAYMENT CARD To help you work out how much, if anything, this scheme is worth to your household please consider this card. [SHOW PAYMENT CARD – see above] E4. As before for each amount please ask yourself whether or not your household would be prepared to pay this amount each year to get the improvement shown. Then tell me the amount which is the most your household would be prepared to pay on top of your normal water bill in order to get this improvement. CSERGE Team Page 61 Screen shot 7a: Payment card example GO TO CE IF NOT COMPLETED OTHERWISE GO TO SOCIOECONOMIC SECTION CHOICE EXPERIMENT Plans are being considered for improving the quality of some rivers across the UK including some in your area. Improvements in river water quality would require investments which would increase water bills. The official water watchdog, OFWAT, wants to know whether individuals feel it is worthwhile improving water quality as the necessary investments would cost money. This cost would have to be paid for by higher water bills. All water users would have to pay, including industry and farmers but also households because they also contribute to water pollution. The extra amount would have to be paid every year. This survey is your opportunity to express your views about these plans. I am going to show you maps of the local area in which in which we use the same colours as before to indicate river water quality. [SHOW WATER QUALITY LADDER AND INDICATE COLOURS]. We use red [INDICATE] to indicate the lowest quality rivers, then yellow [INDICATE], green [INDICATE] and finally blue [INDICATE] to show increasing levels of river quality. [SHOW FIRST CE DUAL MAP] CSERGE Team Page 62 Screen shot 10: example choice question The next few questions all show two maps showing different water qualities along with their associated increases in annual water bills. For each question choose the situation you prefer GO TO CV IF NOT COMPLETED OTHERWISE GO TO SOCIOECONOMIC SECTION CONTROL QUESTIONS CONTROL QUESTIONS G1 Overall, how easy or difficult did you find it to answer the questions involving changes in water quality and water bills (SELECT FROM DROP DOWN ON SCREEN)? Very easy Fairly easy Neither easy nor difficult Fairly difficult Very difficult Don’t know G2 1 2 3 4 5 6 How likely do you feel it is that the river quality improvements discussed would be provided as described?(SELECT FROM DROP DOWN ON SCREEN) CSERGE Team Page 63 Very likely Somewhat likely Neutral Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 G3 READ STATEMENTS OFF SCREEN – I am going to read out a list of statements. Please tell me, the extent you agree or disagree with each. SELECT RADION BUTTONS ON SCREEN G4 READ STATEMENTS OFF SCREEN – How important was each of the following issues in determining your answers to the questions where you chose between two maps? Please tell me, the extent to which they were important when making decisions. SELECT RADION BUTTONS ON SCREEN [READ FROM SCREEN – AS THE ORDER WILL CHANGE] Screen shot 11: control questions 8. SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTIONS To finish off, I just have a few more questions about you and your household. These will only be used for statistical purposes to see if we have interviewed a fair range of people and please remember that all of these answers are completely confidential. CSERGE Team Page 64 I1. [RECORD RESPONDENT’S GENDER] I2 What is your age? ……years I3 How many people are in your household …………persons including yourself? I4 How many people younger than 18 are in …………persons your household? I5. Which of these statements [SHOWCARD 3] best describes your current employment status? SHOWCARD 3 Self-employed Employed full-time (30+ hrs) Employed part-time (up to 30 hrs) Student Unemployed – seeking work Unemployed – other Looking after the home/children full-time Retired Unable to work due to sickness or disability Other I6. Looking at this card and tell me which, if any, of these organisations you or any others in your household are members of. I8. Do you own a boat or canoe, surfboard, motorboat, yacht, etc? SELECT FROM DROP DOWN ON SCREEN I9. Do you hold a fishing licence? SELECT FROM DROP DOWN ON SCREEN IF YES I9a. How much does your annual license cost? RECORD IN TEXTBOX ON SCREEN I10. Do you belong to an angling club ? IF YES I10a. Can you give me the name(s) of the angling/fishing club(s) you belong to? I10b. What is your annual membership fee? I10c. Are non-members able to fish on your club waters? IF NO Press “next” CSERGE Team Page 65 I16. Looking at the categories on screen could you tell me which best approximates your total household income before tax (select one on screen), [IF NECESSARY, REASSURE RESPONDENT THAT ALL INFORMATION IS COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL AND THIS IS THE BEST INDICATOR OF WHETHER WE HAVE INTERVIEWED A REPRESENTATIVE RANGE OF PEOPLE] Screen shot 12: socioeconomic questions CLOSING That was the last of my questions. This survey will continue for several weeks. At the end of that time there is a possibility that my supervisor might have some follow up questions about which he would like to call you. Could you please give me a telephone number where you can be contacted and your first name. This will be kept strictly confidential and will not be given to anyone else. That's the end of the interview! Thank you very much for your time and help, it is very much appreciated! CSERGE Team Page 66