RASHTRIYA SANSKRIT SANSTHAN (Deemed University) 56-57, Institutional Area, Janak Puri New Delhi - 110 058 Recruitment of Faculty Positions Affix recent passport size photograph APPLICATION FORM PART-A Position Applied for: _____________________________ Subject: _______________________________________ Specialization: __________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Registration No. Name of the Candidate: ___________________________________ Eligible / Not Eligible Date: / / : ___________________________________ Member Member SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Member Chairman Personal Details 1. Name of the Candidate:___________________________________________ (Please do not write Mr./Ms./Sh./Smt./Dr./Prof.) 2. Father's / Husband's Name:__________________________________________________ 3. Mother's Name: __________________________________________________ 4. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)_________________________________________________ 5. Gender: Male Female Transgender (Please tick wherever required) 6. Category: 7. Nationality: General OBC SC ST PWD _________________________________________________ 8. Whether Physically Challenged: _________________________________________ 9. Candidate's Mother Tongue:______________________________________________ 10. Place of Birth: _________________________________________________ (Give place of birth with name of District and State) 1 11. Name of other language(s) [Separate with a comma (,) if entering more than one] (a) Speak _________________________________________________ (b) Read _________________________________________________ (c) Write _________________________________________________ 12. Mobile Number: +91 _________________________________________________ 13. STD Code: _________________________________________________ (Max. 4 Digits, Please don't put 0 before STD Code) 14. Phone Number (Land Line):_____________________________________________ 15. E-mail id: _________________________________________________ 16. Address for Correspondence: ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ City____________________District____________________ State____________________Pin Code__________________ 17. Permanent Address: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ City____________________District____________________ State____________________Pin Code__________________ 18. Details of Educational Qualifications (as on date of advertisement): Exam Name of Year of Division/ Aggregate Subjects Passed Board/University Passing Grade Marks (up to decimal of two digit) Remarks (Distinction, if any) 1. High School/ Sec. or equivalent 2. Higher Secondary/ P.U.C. or equivalent 3. Senior Secondary/ Inter or eq. exam 4. Graduation B.A. / Shastri Exam Passed Title of Degree / Name of Board/Univer sity Year of Passing Diploma 5. P.G. exam or eq. M.A. / Acharya 6. M. Phil 7. Any other Degree(s)/Diplo ma(s) 8. NET Examination (through CSIR/UGC/ICAR or similar test 2 Divisio n/ Grade Aggrega Subjects te Marks Remarks accredited by the UGC like SLET/ SET) * 9. Ph.D. / Vidya-varidhi 10. Any other qualification * Please mention 'Y' in the Remarks column if Ph.D. Degree is in accordance with the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations 2009, otherwise 'N'. Specialization in Graduation: ________________________________________________ Specialization in Post-Graduation:________________________________________________ Note: 1. Where no Division/Grade is mentioned, clarification should be given in the 'Remarks' column. 2. Give relevant additional information like Excellence in Sports or Cultural Activities. 3. Give details of Scholarships and Fellowships or Medals won. 4. Give Title of Ph.D/D.Litt thesis. 19. Did you hold any position of authority? Did you hold any distinction (other than scholarship) in Games & Sports and/or other Social activities in College/University? (Give details in brief) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 20. Whether applying as retired employee: Yes No 21. Present Position: Post with details of organization Date of Appointment in the present post Present Grade Basic Pay Total Emoluments Date of next increment Nature of Job Reasons for leaving the post Nature of Job 22. Appointments held before joining the present post: Name of Post Name and address of employer 23. Total Job experience in years: Appointment Date Leaving Date 23(b). Job experience in years as per requirement of the post 3 Grade 23(c) Whether M.Phil. and/or Ph.D. completed through Regular/Part-time basis (if part-time basis then mention No. of years spent for the same clearly) 24. Give details of any of other work/achievement relevant to the post applied for: _____________________________________________________________ (done after leaving the college) 25. Conditions, for acceptance, if offered the job: ________________________________________________________________ 26. Time needed to join the service, if selected: _________________________________________________________________ 27. Other particulars, if any: _________________________________________________________________ 28. Research Activities: 29. Publications: a. Number of papers published before taking the doctorate degree:________________ (Please give a list of maximum best five papers, with title, names of the authors, name of the journal, publisher, Vol. no., page no., and year): Title Name of the Name of the Publisher Volume Page Year of the Book Author Journal No. No.(s) b. Number of papers published after taking the doctorate degree:__________________ (Please give a list of maximum best five papers, with title, names of the authors, name of the journal, publisher, Vol. no., page no., and year): Title of the Name of the Name of the Publisher Volume Page Year Book Author Journal No. No.(s) c. Number of M. Phil research students you have guided: ________________________ d. Number of Ph. D. research students you have guided: ________________________ e. Number of Books published: ____________________________________________ f. Number of Papers published:_____________________________________________ g. Total number of research publication (s) published in India: ____________________ 4 h. Total number of research publication (s) published Abroad: __________________ 30. Other publications: a. Number of Books published under your name: Give the following details: (i) No. of books published (Specify Text Book / Reference Books / Edited Books) (ii) Other Books, if any, with details (iii) Nature of recognition of publications, if any, with details b. Number of articles published in Newspapers / Magazines under your name: 31. Total length of Service in Years and Months as a teacher in College / University. Teaching Experience: From: __________ To: __________ , Name of College/University: ___________________________________________________ Degree Classes: From: __________ To: __________ , Name of College/University: ___________________________________________________ Note:- Give an explanatory note below to remove ambiguity, if any. 32. Post-doctoral Research before appointment to a post Experience From: __________ To: __________ Name of College/University/Research Institute/Centre/Laboratory: ___________________________________________________________________ 33. If you hold Membership of any Academic/Professional Societies, give details: __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 34. List of 10 Best Publications: Sl. Name of Journal / No. Proceedings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Volume 5 Year Page No(s). 35. Books (Authored / Edited) Sl. Name of the Book No. 1 2 3 4 5 Publisher Year 36. Research Papers Citations (Excluding Self Citation) (i) H-index :_______________________________________ (ii) Google Scholar :_______________________________________ (iii) Scopus :_______________________________________ 37. Appraisal Details: Performance Based Appraisal The 'Appraisal Form' is divided into sections as follows (i) Category III (as per UGC Regulations, 2010) (ii) Research Projects (iii) Research Guidance (iv) Training Courses DECLARATION I hereby declare that: (1) The entries made in this application form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If any part of the information given is found to be false or incorrect, I shall forfeit the claim to the post and will be liable to the disciplinary action. (2) I have not been convicted by a Court of Law for any offence. (3) I have not indulged in any of the acts of misconduct such as participating in Gherao of any educational authority, whether academic or administrative, manhandling or abusing such authority or damaging any building or other property. (4) I shall abide by the ordinance, statutes, rules and regulations that may be made by the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed Univerity). Place: ___________________ Date: _____ / ______/ ______ (Signature of the applicant) Name of the applicant: ___________________________ 6 For applicant in Employment केवल कायरत आवेदक के िलए No objection Certification by Employer िनयोा का अनापि ूमाण पऽ Certified that Shri/Smt/Kumari ......................................................................................... (name) is employed as .............................................................. (designation) in the scale of pay of Rs. ................ p.m. w.e.f. ...................................... at ................................................................................................ (name of the organization) and the facts stated in the above application have been verified and found correct. It is also certified that there is no objection to his/her application and he/she will be relieved in the event of his/her selection. There is no disciplinary/vigilance case pending or contemplated against him/her and he/she has not been awarded any penalty. ूमािणत िकया जाता है िक ौी/ौीमती/कुमारी ......................................................................................... (नाम) इस......................................................... (सं ःथा का नाम) मे ...................................................... (पद का नाम) के पद पर ( ................................................................वेतमान मे िदनां क .....................................से कायरत है तथा इस आवेदन पऽ मे िदये गए सभी त+य की जां च कर ली गई है और वे स0य पाए गए है । यह भी ूमािणत िकया जाता है िक इनके इस आवेदन पर कोई आपि नही है तथा इनकी िनयुि होने पर इ2ह3 कायभार से मु कर िदया जाएगा । इनक3 िव45 कोई अनुशासना0मक / सतकता का मामला yafcr अथवा अपेि7त नहींहै तथा इ2ह3 दि8डत नही िकया गया है । ............................................................................. Dated: ......../........./............ Head of the Department/Institution (with Seal) िदनां क िवभाग-सं ःथा का अ:य7 (मोहर सिहत) 7 PART-B Revised Academic Performance Indiactors (APIs) in Recruitment and CAS Promotions vide Appendix-III Table-I of UGC Regulations, 2013 vide F.No. F.1-2/2009 (EC/PS) V(i) Vol-II dated 13th June, 2013. Use additional sheets wherever necessary. Name of the applicant: .......................................................................................... Subject: ................................................. Category-I : TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION RELATED ACTIVITIES (Note: Applicants must submit documentary evidence in support of each of the claim) Category Category 1 1 A (i) 1 A (ii) 1 A (iii) Nature of activity TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION RELATED ACTIVITIES Classroom teaching (including lectures, seminar) Classroom teaching (including lectures, seminar) in excess of UGC norms Classroom teaching (including lectures, seminar) preparation time 1B Tutorials and Practical's 1C Outside Classroom interaction with students Sub-Total : 1 2 Research Supervision (including Master's Thesis) Sub-Total : 2 Unit of assessment Notes As per allocation Hours per academic year Hours per academic year As per allocation Same as actual teaching hours as per attendance register Actual as per attendance register Max 0.5 of hours in I-A Hours per academic year Hours per academic year Hours per academic year Score = hours / 10 (max. score = 100) Max. 1 hour per student per working week Score = hours / 10 (max. score = 30) Hours per academic year 1 API Score claimed by the Applicant API Score verified by screening committee (for official use) Annexure Number 3A Question paper setting, Moderation and related work Invigilation/supervision and related examination duties Evaluation/assessment of answer scripts and assignments related to internal assessment, external and re-evaluation Sub-Total : 3 3B 3C Category 4A 4B 4C Nature of activity Teaching innovation including preparation of innovative course, use of innovative methodologies for teaching including bi-lingual/ multilingual teaching. Preparation of new teachinglearning material including translation bridge material, study pack or similar additional resource for students. Use of anonymous students' feedback on the quality of classroom teaching and students' interaction. Actual hours Hours per academic year Actual hours Hours per academic year Max. 20 minutes per full script Hours per academic year Score = hours / 10 (max. score = 20) Unit of assessment Notes Evidence to be provided. Scores to be finalized by the Screening Committee. Outstanding=10 Very Good = 7 Good = 5 Average =3 Modest =1 Evidence to be provided. Scores to be finalized by the Screening Committee. Outstanding=10 Very Good = 7 Good = 5 Average =3 Modest =1 Performa and summary feedback to be attached. 2 points per course. (Max. 10 points) API Score claimed by the Applicant API Score verified by screening committee (for official use) Annexure Number Minimum score required for promotion: 150 out of a total of 250 from category I and II, at least 100 (from Maximum of 180) from category I and 20 (from Maximum of 70) from category II. 2 Category-II : CO-CURRICULAR, EXTENSION AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES (Note: Applicants must submit documentary evidence in support of each of the claim) Category Nature of activity Notes Unit of assessment Evidence to be provided. Scores to be finalized by the Screening Committee. Outstanding=10 Very Good = 7 Good = 5 Average =3 Modest =1 Evidence to be provided. Scores to be finalized by the Screening Committee. Evidence to be provided. Scores to be finalized by the Screening Committee. Outstanding=10 Very Good = 7 Good = 5 Average =3 Modest =1 Outstanding=10 Very Good = 7 Good = 5 Average =3 Modest =1 Category CO-CURRICULAR, 2 EXTENSION AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES 5A 5B Discipline related Co-curricular activities (e.g. field work, study visit, student seminar, events, career counselling etc.) Other Co-curricular activities (Cultural, Sports, NSS, NCC etc.) 5c Extension and dissemination activities (public lectures, talks, seminars, popular writings not covered under III) Sub-Total : 5 6A Administrative responsibility (including Dean, Principal, Chairperson, Convenor, Teacherin-charge or similar duties that require regular office hours for its discharge) Participation in Board of Studies, Academic and Administrative Committees Sub-Total : 6 6B Actual hours spent Actual hours spent Score = hours / 10 (max. score = 30) 3 API Score claimed by the Applicant API Score verified by screening committee (for official use) Annexure Number 7 Overall contribution to the collective/corporate life of the institution. (including 5, 6 and any other contribution) GRAND TOTAL (1 to 7) Outstanding=10 Very Good = 7 Good = 5 Average =3 Modest =1 (OUT OF 250) Minimum score required for promotion: 150 out of a total of 250 from category I and II, at least 100 (from Maximum of 180) from category I and 20 (from Maximum of 70) from category II. Category-III: RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTION (Note: Applicants must submit documentary evidence in support of each of the claim) Sl. No. III A APIs Research Papers Published in Faculties of Languages/ Arts/Humanities/Library/ Social Sciences/Management/ Physical Education Max. Points for University and College Teacher Position Referred Journals* 15 per publication Non-referred but recognized and reputable Journals and periodicals having ISBN/ISSN numbers Conference proceedings as full papers etc. (Abstracts not to be included) Referred Journal/Periodical with ISBN/ISSN number III A (i) Members of Journal Editorial Boards/ TextBook Committees Referred Journal/Periodical without ISBN/ISSN number Non-Referred Journal/Periodical with ISBN/ISSN number 10 per publication 10 per publication Chief Editor = 30 Associate/ Assistant Editor=20 Member, Editorial Board =15 (Scores per Journal) Chief Editor = 30 Associate/ Assistant Editor=20 Member, Editorial Board =15 (Scores per Journal) Chief Editor = 30 Associate/ Assistant Editor=20 Member, 4 API Score claimed by the Applicant API Score verified by screening committee (for official use) Annexure Number III A (ii) III B Review Researh Publications (Books, Chapters in Books other than referred Journal Articles) Member of Text-Book Committee at Central/State levels Referred Journal/Periodical with ISBN/ISSN number Referred Journal/Periodical without ISBN/ISSN number Non-Referred Journal/Periodical with ISBN/ISSN number Text or Reference Books Published by International Publishers with an established peer view system Subject Books by national level publishers, State and Central Govt. Publications with ISBN/ISSN no.'s Subject Books by Other local publisher with ISBN/ISSN no.'s Chapters contributed to edited knowledge based volumes published by International publishers Chapters in knowledge based volumes in Indian/National level publishers with ISBN/ISSN no.'s and with numbers of national and international directories Editorial Board =15 (Scores per Journal) 10 per Committee 10 per Article Reviewed 05 per Article Reviewed 03 per Article Reviewed 50 per sole author, 10 per chapter in an edited book 25 per sole author, 05 per chapter in an edited book 15 per sole author, 03 per chapter in an edited book 10 points per chapter 05 points per chapter III (C). RESEARCH PROJECTS Sl. No. III C (i) APIs Sponsored Projects carried out/ongoing Faculties of Languages/ Arts/Humanities/Library/ Social Sciences/Management/ Physical Education Max. Points for University and College Teacher Position Major Projects Amount mobilized with grant above Rs.5.00 lakhs Major Projects Amount mobilized with grant minimum of Rs.3.00 lakhs up to Rs.5.00 lakhs 20 points per each project 15 points per each project 5 API Score claimed by the Applicant API Score verified by screening committee (for official use) Annexure Number III C (ii) III C (iii) III C (iv) III C (v) Consultancy Projects carried out/ongoing Completed Projects: Quality Evaluation Projects Outcome/ Outputs Post-Doctoral Fellowship/ Associateship (UGC, ICSSR, ICPR, IIAS etc.,) Minor Projects Amount mobilized with grant above Rs.25,000 up to Rs.3.00 lakhs Amount mobilized with minimum of Rs.2.00 lakhs Completed Project Report (Accepted by Funding Agency) Major Policy Document of Government Bodies at Central and State Level Directly awarded RA/SRA/PDF/SRF by National Level Selection Committee 10 points per each project 10 points per every Rs.10.00 lakhs and Rs.2.00 lakhs respectively 20 points per each major project and 10 points per each minor project 30 per each National level output or patent, 50 per each International level 20 each III (D). RESEARCH GUIDANCE Sl. No. APIs III D (i) M. Phil III D (ii) Ph. D. Faculties of Languages/ Arts/Humanities/Library/ Social Sciences/Management/ Physical Education Max. Points for University and College Teacher Position Degree award only 3 points per each Candidate 10 points per each Candidate 7 points per each Candidate Degree award Thesis submitted API Score claimed by the Applicant API Score verified by screening committee (for official use) III (E). TRAINING COURSES AND CONFERENCE / SEMINAR WORKSHOP PAPERS Faculties of Languages/ Max. API Score API Score Sl. APIs Arts/Humanities/Library/ Points for claimed verified by No. Social Sciences/Management/ Physical Education 6 University and College Teacher Position by the Applicant screening committee (for official use) Annexure Number Annexure Number III E Refresher Courses, (i) Methodology Workshops, III E (ii) Training, Teaching-Learning Evaluation Technology Programmes, Faculty Development Programmes (Max.: 30 Points) Paper in Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops etc.** III E Invited lectures or (iv) presentations for Conference / Symposia (a) Not less than two week duration 20 Points each (b) One week duration 10 Points each Participation and Presentation of Researh Papers (Oral/Poster) in a) International Conference 10 Points each b) National Conference c) Regional / State level Conference d) Local University / College level a) International level b) National level a) International level III E Chairing Sessions at Conference / Symposia etc., (v) b) National level c) Regional/local level III F Officer-Bearer/Advisor of Professional Bodies a) International level b) National level c) Regional/local level III G (i) Awards/Honours/Recognitions while in University Service by Govt. institutions or reputed Organizations (to be scrutinized by a Committee constituted by the University) Place: Date: / a) International level b) National level c) Regional/local level 7.5 Points each 05 Points each 03 Points each 10 Points each 05 Points each 10 Points each 05 Points each 03 Points each 15 Points each 50 Points each 08 Points each 30 Points each 20 Points each 10 Points each / Signature of the Applicant Name: Designation: Countersigned by the forwarding authority of the Institution with Seal * Wherever relevant to any specific discipline, the API score for paper in referred journal would be augmented as follows: (i) indexed journal - by 5 points (ii) papers with impact factor between 1 and 2 - by 10 points (iii) papers with impact factor between 2 and 5 - by 15 points (iv) papers with impact factor between 5 and 10 - by 25 points ** If a paper presented in Conference/Seminar is published in the form of Proceedings, the points would accrue for the publication (III(a)) and not under presentation (III E (ii)) Note: The API Score details should be in accordance with the UGC Regulations, 2013 circulated vide FNo. F.1-2/2009(EC/PS) V(i) Vol-II dated 13th June, 2013. 7 RASHTRIYA SANSKRIT SANSTHAN (Deemed University) 56-57, Institutional Area, Janak Puri New Delhi - 110 058 (For Office use only) Application No.:.................. SUMMARY SHEET 1. Personal Information Post Applied for : Area of Specialization : Name of the Applicant : Category : (SC/ST/OBC/General/PWD) Address : Phone : Subject : Date of Birth : Age (in Years) Mobile : E-mail 2. Educational Qualifications (Graduation onwards): Name of the University / Year of Percentage Division/Class/GPA Degree/Exam Institution / Passing Board Particulars of NET or Equivalent Exam : 3. Number of Publications: Referred Journals Books Published Accepted Book Chapters Conference Proceedings (Full papers only) 4. Teaching Experience (Full-time experience only): Total Period Level Years Months i. Undergraduate ii. Postgraduate 5. Research Experience Total No. Project of Years Completed Projects in Progress 8 Patents, if any Subjects API SCORE SHEET AT A GLANCE Category Sub Head 1 A (i) 1 A (ii) 1 A (iii) 1B 1C Sub Total - 1 I Score 2 Sub Total - 2 3A 3B 3C Sub Total - 3 4A 4B 4C Sub Total - 4 Category II Sub Head 5A 5B 5C Sub Total - 5 6A 6B Sub Total - 6 7 Sub Total - 7 GRAND TOTAL ( 1 to 7) out of 250 III A III B III C (i) III C (ii) III C (iii) III C (iv) III D (i) III D (II) III E (i) III E (ii) III E (iv) III E (v) III F III G (i) Score 30 % 25 % 20 % 10 % 15 % TOTAL Place: Date: / Signature of the Applicant / 9 RASHTRIYA SANSKRIT SANSTHAN (Deemed University) 56-57, Institutional Area, Janak Puri New Delhi - 110 058 (For Office use only) Application No.:.................. SUMMARY SHEET for TOTAL ASSESSMENT PERIOD 1. Personal Information Post Applied for : Area of Specialization : Name of the Applicant : Category : (SC/ST/OBC/General/PWD) Address : Phone : Subject : Date of Birth : Age (in Years) Mobile : E-mail 2. Educational Qualifications (Graduation onwards): Name of the University / Year of Percentage Division/Class/GPA Degree/Exam Institution / Passing Board Subjects Particulars of NET or Equivalent Exam : 3. Number of Publications: Referred Journals Books Published Accepted Book Chapters Conference Proceedings (Full papers only) 4. Teaching Experience (Full-time experience only): Total Period Level Years Months i. Undergraduate ii. Postgraduate 5. Research Experience Total No. Project of Years Completed Projects in Progress Patents, if any 6. API Score Place: Date: Category - I Category - II Category - III / / Signature of the Applicant 10