Student Pack on Admin changes 2012-13 This is a compendium of new methods introduced this year • Mitigating circumstances Form • Assignment Extension Request Form • Handing-in sheet • Esubmission • Monitoring • Ethics Review Form • Budget Form • Interview Consent Form • MLA • Website Changes • Tutor Weeks Mitigating Circumstances Form Now completed online URL: ces/ Menu: Facilities | Department Intranet | Mitigating Circumstances Form Handbook: stances_form Workflow 1. Form is completed by student online 2. Sent to Nadine & Kate 3. If discussed with Personal Tutor is checked then full submission is copied to Personal Tutor, if not then just a notification that the form has been submitted 4. Kate places info in Mitigating Circumstances File for consideration by boards and progress committees as appropriate Note: This should not be confused with the Assignment Extension Request Form which is used to request extensions on an assignment by assignment basis. Assignment Extension Request Form Completed Online URL: Menu: Facilities | Department Intranet | Assignment Extension Form Handbook: Workflow 1. Form is completed by student online 2. Form is sent to Nadine, Kate and Tim 1 3. Nadine adds AGREED or DISAGREE to submission and forwards to Tim & KATE 4. Tim adds AGREED or DISAGREE to submission and forwards to Nadine and Kate 5. If Kate gets 2 x AGREED then emails Student, Personal Tutor and Module Tutor to inform them of the decision 6. If Kate gets 1 or more DISAGREE then emails Student, Student, Personal Tutor and Module Tutor to inform them of the decision 7. We aim to do this within 1 working day Handing-in sheet Only for use where e-submission is not used. n_form.pdf Workflow 1. Student prints off form and completes and signs, dates it 2. Form attached to 2 copies of the work and handed in to Kate 3. Kate issues receipt (tear-off strip on form) Esubmission URL: on a per-assignment basis, shown on home page of each module by a visual link as below: Handbook: It is hoped to introduce efeedback this year – details of this will be circulated shortly Monitoring The two key changes are that both missed sessions and late or nonsubmission of work are now penalized (awarded Monitoring Points) on a sliding scale rather than one-off violations regardless of their frequency. The revised requirements are below: Autumn Term 1. Attendance at 100% of departmental induction events 2. Attendance at initial meeting with personal tutor 3. Attendance at 90% of each module (or authorised absence). Missed monitoring points are cumulative, as follows: Missed sessions per Monitoring points module per term 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 3 7 3 8 4 9 4 10+ 5 4. Full participation in practice-based classes and rehearsals 5. Submission by the set deadline of 100% of all assessed coursework (unless extension has been granted). Missed monitoring points are cumulative, as follows: Missed deadlines per term Monitoring points 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 5+ 3 Spring Term 6. Attendance at scheduled meeting with personal tutor to discuss autumn term 7. Attendance at 90% of each module (or authorised absence). Missed monitoring points are cumulative, as follows: Missed sessions per Monitoring points module per term 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 3 7 3 8 4 3 9 4 10+ 5 8. Full participation in practice-based classes and rehearsals 9. Submission by the set deadline of 100% of all assessed coursework (unless extension has been granted). Missed monitoring points are cumulative, as follows: Missed deadlines per term Monitoring points 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 5+ 3 10.Attendance at scheduled meeting with personal tutor to discuss spring term Summer Term 11.Attendance at all examinations 12.Submission of module choice form for following year (for 1st and 2nd years only) Summer Vacation None Handbook: Ethics Review Form This is downloadable (Word) as it requires signatures and is therefore not suitable for online deployment. URL (Word) 012.doc URL (PDF) 012.pdf Menu: Facilities | Department Intranet | [link on page to pdf & word doc] Handbook: m 4 Workflow 1. Student completes form and gets signatures from Supervisor, me (as DUGS) and PT 2. Form is given to Kate who stores it for 10 years Budget Form This is to accompany any expense claims made by students for which they get reimbursed. URL: _research_option/ug_research_option_receipts_claim_list.docx Menu: Facilities | Department Intranet | [link on page to word doc] Handbook: Workflow 1. Student fills in form, itemizing expenditure and attaching receipts, numbering each so that they receipts and the form can be tallied 2. Student signs form and gets supervisors signature 3. Form is handed in to Kate who then arranges for reimbursement 5 Interview Consent Form There are two forms – one for UG one for PG – that are used to indicate consent for a subject to be interviewed in the course of a student’s research. The forms differ slightly and both are available as pdf files that can be downloaded from the department intranet. UG – URL: _research_option/ug_research_option_consent_form_for_interviewees.pdf PG – URL: _interviewees.pdf Menu: Facilities | Department Intranet | [link on page to pdf] Handbook: Workflow 1. Student takes 2 copies of the form to the interview, and gets them completed with the interviewee 2. Student retains one copy and gives other to interviewee 3. Consent form is provided as an appendix to the assignment for which consent was sought. MLA The handbook has been updated to include a link to EndNote Web as a tool to gather, order and produce bibliographies, as follows: EndNote Web EndNote Web is a piece of software which will help you to: Store and organise the references you will collect during your research Automatically format citations, reference lists and bibliographies in your documents Full information on how to setup an account and how to use the service to gather, arrange and export sources can be found on the following library page: Handbook: Penalties for Late Work This has now been amended to exclude Bank Holidays and Weekends, so it 5% for each day other than these. Where possible we are avoiding having Fridays as hand-in dates. Handbook: 6 Feedback times We are now working to the following Handback time is 28 days Website Changes News There is now a News feed on the homepage, RH column. If you wish to add news you can send it to me or Kate Calendar Now bigger. The link is in the footer of every page but I have also added it to the top menu as follows Facilities | Calendar URL: Department Intranet Also in the footer of every page but also added in top menu Facilities | Department Intranet URL: Prizes/Awards Now listed here - Menu: Undergraduate | Student Prizes Am chasing up a plaque for the foyer Course Pages These have been rationalized. They are organized as follows on the menu system Undergraduate | Structures and Modules | Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 | | | Module homepages as per Year 1 as per Year 1 | Schedule | Reading | Generic Practice Criteria | Assessment Criteria & Titles | Assessment Deadlines | Examinations Timetable | Attendance List | Budgets | Ethics/CRB Individual pages are as follows: Schedule: week by week breakdown Reading list: Bibliography for course Generic Practice Guidelines: Only for practical courses – links to generic practice guidelines page 7 Assessment Criteria/Titles: If the module has a mode of assessment with specific requirements these are provided here. Also lists the titles of essays. Assessment Deadlines: Links to master page with deadlines Examinations Timetable: links to page that will list Exams timetable – when published (April?) Attendance List: for staff to keep attendance records Budgets: For 3rd Year Independent Research Option Ethics/CRB: For 3rd Year Independent Research Option Tutor Weeks As the Personal Tutor (PT) system comprises one of the elements of the Monitoring Points system we have considered ways in which we can ensure that students meet with their PT on a termly basis at opportune moments and minimise one party chasing the other to secure a timeslot in what are usually very busy schedules on both sides. We have settled upon Tutorial Weeks set weeks in which students are required to meet their tutors such that Tutors will clear space specifically in that week to meet their tutees and tutees will be aware that there is a set time to meet. This is NOT intended to remove the opportunity for students to arrange a meeting with their personal tutor as needed, nor for PTs to request a meeting with a tutee if required but rather to place tutorial meetings at strategic points in each term to discuss personal development, progress on the course, options and careers. We have settled on the following weeks to be designated Tutorial Weeks: Autumn Term: Week 5 (Monday 29th October - Friday 2nd November) Spring Term: Week 5 (Monday 4th February - Friday 8th February) Summer Term: Week 2 (Monday 29th April - Friday 3rd May) Staff will publish lists of availability for these weeks outside their offices and ALL 2nd & 3RD YEAR TUTEES SHOULD SIGN UP FOR ONE OF THESE SLOTS. 8