Pathology Neoplasia




Abnormal mass of tissue the growth of which is exceed and uncoordinated that of normal tissue and it persists even after cessation of the external stimuli .

Neoplasia is divided into benign and malignant tumours .

Differences between Benign and malignant tumours :

Feature Benign

Histological feature Similar to tissue of origin

Nuclei is normal

Cells uniform in size and shape

Mode of growth

Rate of growth

Remain localized

Slower malignant

Many differ from tissue of origin

Nuclear pleomorphism

Cellular pleomorphism

Infilteration and metastasis


Clinical effects Local pressure effects

Hormonal secretion

Cure by local excition

Local pressure and destructive effects , inappropriate Hormonal secretion ,non-metastatic metabolic and neurological complications ,not cure by local excition

The examples of benign tumours are :


It’s a benign tumour of adipose tissue of connective tissue origin , its arise anywhere in the body most commonly in the back , shoulder and proximal parts of limbs , usually affect women over fourty years old.

Clinically it presents as a single painless mass and can be painful , in this condition called angiolipoma

Macroscopically : it either single or multiple , soft ,mobile , ill defined or well defined yellow colour as seen in picture(1) .

Microscopically : it consists of mature fat cells ,the cells uniform in size and shape ( large polygonal cell , peripheral nucleus , empty cytoplasm )

,the tumor surrounded by fibrous capsule . as seen in picture(2)

Leiomyoma (Fibroids) of uterus

It’s a benign tumour of smooth muscle cell arise in the myomaterium of the uterus, there is :

1Genetic predisposition (there is 40% of cases have chromosomal abnormalities , more in black female than white )

2Estrogen dependant tumour that increase in size during pregnancy and in women taking oral contraceptive pills and regress post menopausal.

Clinically: It affect women at the reproductive age group presents as either asymptomatic (small size) or large mass to cause a different symptoms like prolong heavy menstrual bleeding , back pain, pelvic discomfort .

Complications : Vaginal Bleeding, Abortion , Infertility.

Macroscopically : it either single or multiple , firm, gray-white colour, small - large mass full the pelvis or abdominal cavity ,the whorl pattern of smooth muscle bundles is characteristic , the tumour can be intramural , submucosal ,subserosal . as seen in picture(3)

Microscopically :

1Interlacing bundle of smooth muscles fibers arranged in the whorl pattern contain densely packed smooth muscle cells.

2We may see the degenerative changes include fibrosis , patchy necrosis ,hyaline changes ,calcification, thrombosis and hemorrhage. as seen in picture(4)
