Hearing and balance ... Hearing and balance Objectives:

Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
Hearing and balance
Objectives: after you finish this lecture you should know:
■ Describe the components and functions of the external, middle, and inner
■ Describe the way that sound waves are converted into impulses generated in
hair cells in the cochlea.
■ Explain the roles of the tympanic membrane & the auditory ossicles
(malleus, incus, and stapes) in sound transmission.
■ Explain how auditory impulses travel from the cochlear hair cells to the
auditory cortex .
■ Explain how pitch & loudness are coded in the auditory pathways.
■ Describe the various forms of deafness and the tests used to distinguish
between them.
■ Explain how the receptors in the semicircular canals detect rotational
acceleration and how the receptors in the saccule and utricle detect linear
■ List the major sensory inputs that provide the information that is synthesized
in the brain into the sense of position in space.
Our ears not only let us detect sounds, but they also help us maintain balance.
Receptors for two sensory modalities (hearing and equilibrium) are housed in
the ear. The external ear, the middle ear, and the cochlea of the inner ear are
concerned with hearing. The semicircular canals, the utricle, and the saccule
of the inner ear are concerned with equilibrium. Both hearing and equilibrium
rely on a very specialized type of receptor called a hair cell.
Structure and function of the external & middle ear (figure 1 and 2)
The external ear funnels sound waves to the external auditory meatus. In some
animals, the ears can be moved like radar antennas to seek out sound. From
the external auditory meatus, sound waves pass inward to the tympanic
membrane (eardrum).
The middle ear is an air-filled cavity in the temporal bone that opens via the
eustachian (auditory) tube into the nasopharynx and through the nasopharynx
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
to the exterior. The tube is usually closed, but during swallowing, chewing, and
yawning it opens, keeping the air pressure on the two sides of the eardrum
The three auditory ossicles, the malleus, incus, and stapes, are located in the
middle ear. The manubrium (handle of the malleus) is attached to the
tympanic membrane. Its short process is attached to the incus, which in turn
articulates with the head of the stapes. The stapes foot plate is attached to the
wall of the oval window (part of the inner ear).
Two small skeletal muscles, the tensor tympani and the stapedius, are also
located in the middle ear. Contraction of the former pulls the manubrium of
the malleus medially and decreases the vibrations of the tympanic membrane;
contraction of the latter pulls the foot plate of the stapes out of the oval
window. The functions of the ossicles and the muscles are considered in more
detail below.
Figure 1: ossicles of the middle ear (A=stapes, B=incus & C=malleus)
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
Figure 2: anatomy of the ear
Inner ear (figure 3)
The inner ear (labyrinth) is made up of two parts, one within the other. The
bony labyrinth is a series of channels in the temporal bone and is filled with a
fluid called perilymph, which has a relatively low concentration of K+, similar
to that of plasma. Inside these bony channels, surrounded by the perilymph, is
the membranous labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth more or less
duplicates the shape of the bony channels and is filled with a K+-rich fluid
called endolymph.
The labyrinth has three components: the cochlea (containing receptors for
hearing), semicircular canals (containing receptors that respond to head
rotation), and the otolith organs –saccule and utricle- (containing receptors
that respond to gravity and head tilt).
The cochlea is a coiled tube that, in humans, is 35 mm long and makes two and
three quarter turns. At the base of the cochlea, the oval window is present and
is closed by the footplate of the stapes. Also another opening of the cochlea
called round window closed by secondary tympanic membrane.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
Figure 3: inner ear
The organ of Corti (figure 4) on the basilar membrane extends from the apex
to the base of the cochlea and thus has a spiral shape. This structure contains
the highly specialized auditory receptors (hair cells).
There are 23500 hair cells in each human cochlea. Covering the rows of hair
cells is a thin, viscous, but elastic tectorial membrane in which the tips of the
hairs cells are embedded. The processes of the hair cells are bathed in
endolymph, whereas their bases are bathed in perilymph.
Figure 4: cochlea and organ of corti
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
The cell bodies of the sensory neurons (figure 5) that arborize around the bases
of the hair cells are located in the spiral ganglion within the bony core around
which the cochlea is wound. The axons of these neurons form the auditory
(cochlear) division of the eighth cranial nerve.
Figure 5: hair cells within the cochlea covered by tectorial membrane
On each side of the head, the semicircular canals are perpendicular to each
other, so that they are oriented in the three planes of space. A receptor
structure, the crista ampullaris, is located in the expanded end (ampulla) of
each of the membranous canals. Each crista consists of hair cells and
supporting (sustentacular) cells surmounted by a gelatinous partition (cupula)
that closes off the ampulla.
The processes of the hair cells are embedded in the cupula, and the bases of
the hair cells are in close contact with the afferent fibers of the vestibular
division of the eighth cranial nerve.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
Figure 6: semicircular canals and the cupula
A pair of otolith organs, the saccule and utricle (figure 7), are located near the
center of the membranous labyrinth. The sensory epithelium of these organs is
called the macula. The maculae are vertically oriented in the saccule and
horizontally located in the utricle when the head is upright. The maculae
contain supporting cells and hair cells, surrounded by an otolithic membrane in
which are embedded crystals of calcium carbonate, the otoliths. The otoliths,
which are also called otoconia or ear dust, range from 3 to 19 μm in length in
humans. The processes of the hair cells are embedded in the otolithic
membrane. The nerve fibers from the hair cells join those from the cristae in
the vestibular division of the eighth cranial nerve.
Figure 7: otolith organs
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
Sensory receptors in the ear: hair cells (figure 8)
The specialized sensory receptors in the ear consist of six patches of hair cells
in the membranous labyrinth. These are examples of mechanoreceptors. The
hair cells in the organ of Corti signal hearing; the hair cells in the utricle signal
horizontal acceleration; the hair cells in the saccule signal vertical acceleration;
and a patch in each of the three semi-circular canals signal rotational
These hair cells have a common structure. Each is embedded in an epithelium
made up of supporting cells, with the basal end in close contact with afferent
neurons of vestibulocochlear nerve. Projecting from the apical end are 30–150
rod-shaped processes, or hairs (stereocilia and Kinocilia). They have cores
composed of parallel filaments of actin. Actin is coated with various isoforms of
When the stereocilia is pushed by movement of endolymph produced by
sound waves, it open ion channels allowing the entry of K+ and Ca+ to the
membrane of hair cells which in turn produce an neurotransmitter (probably
glutamate) causing depolarization of hair cells and then the sensory neurons in
the vestibulocochlear nerve.
Figure 8: hair cells with the stereocilia
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
Sound transmission in the middle ear
The ear converts sound waves in the external environment into action
potentials in the auditory nerves.
In response to the pressure changes produced by sound waves on its external
surface, the tympanic membrane moves in and out. The membrane therefore
functions as a resonator that reproduces the vibrations of the sound source. It
stops vibrating almost immediately when the sound wave stops.
The motions of the tympanic membrane are imparted to the manubrium of the
malleus. The malleus transmits its vibrations to the incus. The incus moves in
such a way that the vibrations are transmitted to the head of the stapes.
Movements of the head of the stapes swing its foot plate to and fro like a door
hinged at the posterior edge of the oval window. The auditory ossicles thus
function as a lever system that converts the resonant vibrations of the
tympanic membrane into movements of the stapes against the perilymphfilled the cochlea.
Contraction of the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles of the middle ear
cause the manubrium of the malleus to be pulled inward and the footplate of
the stapes to be pulled outward. This decreases sound transmission. Loud
sounds initiate a reflex contraction of these muscles called the tympanic
reflex. Its function is protective, preventing strong sound waves from causing
excessive stimulation of the auditory receptors.
Transmission of sound waves in the inner ear
When the foot of the stapes moves inward against the oval window, the round
window must bulge outward to equalize pressure in the inner ear, because the
cochlea is bounded on all sides by bony walls. The initial effect of a sound wave
entering at the oval window is to cause the basilar membrane at the base of
the cochlea to bend in the direction of the round window which in turn
initiates a fluid wave that "travels" along the basilar membrane. This initiates
movement of the hair cells and initiate action potential in the hair cells that is
transmitted to the sensory neurons of the cochlear nerve.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
Action potentials in Auditory nerve fibers
The frequency of the action potentials in single auditory nerve fiber is
proportional to the loudness of the sound stimuli. At low sound intensities,
each axon discharges to sounds of only one frequency, and this frequency
varies from axon to axon depending on the part of the cochlea from which the
fiber originates. At higher sound intensities, the individual axons discharge to a
wider spectrum of sound frequencies, particularly to frequencies lower than
that at which threshold simulation occurs.
The major determinant of the pitch perceived when a sound wave strikes the
ear is the place in the organ of Corti that is maximally stimulated.
Central auditory pathways
Sensory nerve fibers arise from hair cells pass to the spiral ganglia present in
the temporal bone surrounding the ear. Nerve fibers from the spiral ganglion
enter the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei located in the upper part of the
medulla. At this point, all the fibers synapse, and second-order neurons pass
mainly to the opposite side of the brain stem to terminate in the superior
olivary nucleus. A few second-order fibers also pass to the superior olivary
nucleus on the same side.
From the superior olivary nucleus, the auditory pathway passes upward
through the lateral lemniscus. Some of the fibers terminate in the nucleus of
the lateral lemniscus, but many bypass this nucleus and travel on to the
inferior colliculus, where all or almost all the auditory fibers synapse. From
there, the pathway passes to the medial geniculate nucleus, where all the
fibers do synapse. Finally, the pathway proceeds by way of the auditory
radiation to the auditory cortex, located mainly in the superior gyrus of the
temporal lobe.
Several important points should be noted. First, signals from one ear are
transmitted on both sides of the brain, with multiple points of crossing over
between the two sides.
Second, a high degree of spatial orientation is maintained in the fiber tracts
from the cochlea all the way to the cortex.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
The cochlear nuclei represent the 1st integrative and processing station of the
auditory system.
The function of olivary nucleus concerned with detecting the direction from
which the sound is coming, presumably by simply comparing the difference in
intensities of the sound reaching the two ears and sending an appropriate
signal to the auditory cortex to estimate the direction.
Inferior colliculus has an integrative function with other parts of auditory
system and also help in localization and binaural hearing.
The medial geniculate body is part of the thalamus and represent a relay
center between inferior colliculus and auditory cortex.
Figure 9: central hearing pathway
Function of the Cerebral Cortex in Hearing
The auditory cortex lies principally on the supratemporal plane of the superior
temporal gyrus but also extends onto the lateral side of the temporal lobe,
over much of the insular cortex.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
Two separate subdivisions are present: the primary auditory cortex and the
auditory association cortex (also called the secondary auditory cortex). The
primary auditory cortex is directly excited by projections from the medial
geniculate body, whereas the auditory association areas are excited
secondarily by impulses from the primary auditory cortex, as well as by some
projections from thalamic association areas adjacent to the medial geniculate
An interesting observation is that although the auditory areas look very much
the same on the two sides of the brain, there is marked hemispheric
specialization. For example, Wernicke’s area is concerned with the processing
of auditory signals related to speech. During language processing, this area is
much more active on the left side than on the right side. Wernicke’s area on
the right side is more concerned with melody, pitch, and sound intensity.
The auditory pathways are also very plastic, and, like the visual and
somatosensory pathways, they are modified by experience. Musicians provide
a good example of cortical plasticity. In these individuals, the size of the
auditory areas activated by musical tones is increased.
Sound localization
Determination of the direction from which a sound emanates in the horizontal
plane depends on detecting the difference in time between the arrival of the
stimulus in the two ears and the consequent difference in phase of the sound
waves on the two sides; it also depends on the fact that the sound is louder on
the side closest to the source.
Deafness (hearing loss)
Deafness can be divided into two major categories: conductive (or conduction)
and sensorineural hearing loss. Conductive deafness refers to impaired sound
transmission in the external or middle ear and impacts all sound frequencies.
Among the causes of conduction deafness are plugging of the external auditory
canals with wax (cerumen) or foreign bodies and otitis media (inflammation of
the middle ear) causing fluid accumulation, perforation of the eardrum and
osteosclerosis in which bone is resorbed and replaced with sclerotic bone that
grows over the oval window.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
Sensorineural deafness is most commonly the result of loss of cochlear hair
cells but can also be due to problems with the eighth cranial nerve or within
central auditory pathways. It often impairs the ability to hear certain pitches
while others are unaffected. Aminoglycoside antibiotics such as streptomycin
and gentamicin obstruct the mechanosensitive channels in the stereocilia of
hair cells (especially outer hair cells) and can cause the cells to degenerate,
producing sensorineural hearing loss and abnormal vestibular function.
Damage to the hair cells by prolonged exposure to noise is also associated with
hearing loss. Other causes include tumors of the eighth cranial nerve and
cerebellopontine angle and vascular damage in the medulla.
Vestibular system
The vestibular system can be divided into the vestibular apparatus and central
vestibular nuclei. The vestibular apparatus within the inner ear detects head
motion and position and transduces this information to a neural signal.
The vestibular nuclei present in the brain stem and are primarily concerned
with maintaining the position of the head in space. The tracts that descend
from these nuclei mediate head-on-neck and head-on-body adjustments.
Central pathway
The cell bodies of the 19,000 neurons supplying the semicircular canals and
otolith organs on each side are located in the vestibular ganglion from which
vestibular nerve arise. Each vestibular nerve terminates in the ipsilateral
vestibular nucleus and in the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum.
The vestibular nuclei also project to the thalamus and from there to two parts
of the primary somatosensory cortex. The ascending connections to cranial
nerve nuclei are largely concerned with eye movements.
Responses to rotational acceleration
Rotational acceleration in the plane of a given semicircular canal stimulates its
crista. The endolymph, because of its inertia, is displaced in a direction
opposite to the direction of rotation. The fluid pushes on the cupula,
deforming it. This bends the processes of the hair cells.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
When rotation is stopped, deceleration produces displacement of the
endolymph in the direction of the rotation, and the cupula is deformed in a
direction opposite to that during acceleration.
Responses to linear acceleration
The utriclar macula responds to horizontal acceleration, and the saccular
macula responds to vertical acceleration. The otoliths in the surrounding
membrane are denser than the endolymph, and acceleration in any direction
causes them to be displaced in the opposite direction, distorting the hair cell
processes and generating activity in the nerve fibers. The maculae also
discharge tonically in the absence of head movement, because of the pull of
gravity on the otoliths.
is the sensation of rotation in the absence of actual rotation and is a prominent
symptom when one labyrinth is inflamed.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
is the most common vestibular disorder characterized by episodes of vertigo
that occur with particular changes in body position (eg, turning over in bed,
bending over). One possible cause is that otoconia from the utricle separate
from the otolith membrane and become lodged in the canal or cupula of the
semicircular canal. This causes abnormal deflections when the head changes
position relative to gravity.
Lecture summary
■ The external ear funnels sound waves to the external auditory meatus and
tympanic membrane. From there, sound waves pass through three auditory
ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes) in the middle ear. The inner ear contains
the cochlea and organ of Corti.
■ The hair cells in the organ of Corti signal hearing. The stereocilia provide a
mechanism for generating changes in membrane potential proportional to the
direction and distance the hair moves. Sound is the sensation produced when
longitudinal vibrations of air molecules strike the tympanic membrane.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
■ The pressure changes produced by sound waves cause the tympanic
membrane to move in and out; thus it functions as a resonator to reproduce
the vibrations of the sound source. The auditory ossicles serve as a lever
system to convert the vibrations of the tympanic membrane into movements
of the stapes against the perilymph-filled scala vestibuli of the cochlea.
■ The activity within the auditory pathway passes from the eighth cranial
nerve afferent fibers to the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei to the inferior
colliculi to the thalamic medial geniculate body and then to the auditory
■ Loudness is correlated with the amplitude of a sound wave & pitch with the
frequency of action potential generated.
■ Conductive deafness is due to impaired sound transmission in the external or
middle ear and impacts all sound frequencies. Sensorineural deafness is usually
due to loss of cochlear hair cells but can result from damage to the eighth
cranial nerve or central auditory pathway. Conduction and sensorineural
deafness can be differentiated by simple tests with a tuning fork.
■ Rotational acceleration stimulates the crista in the semicircular canals,
displacing the endolymph in a direction opposite to the direction of rotation,
deforming the cupula and bending the hair cell. The utricle responds to
horizontal acceleration and the saccule to vertical acceleration. Acceleration in
any direction displaces the otoliths, distorting the hair cell processes and
generating neural activity.
■ Spatial orientation is dependent on input from vestibular receptors, visual
cues, proprioceptors in joint capsules, and cutaneous touch and pressure
Multiple choice questions
For all questions, select the single best answer unless otherwise directed.
1. A 45-year-old woman visited her physician after experiencing sudden onset
of vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss in her left ear, nausea, and vomiting. This
was the second episode in the past few months. She was referred to an
otolaryngologist to rule out Ménière’s disease. Which of the following
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
statements correctly describe the functions of the external, middle, or inner
A. Sound waves are funnelled through the external ear to the external auditory
meatus and then they pass inward to the tympanic membrane.
B. The cochlea of the inner ear contains receptors for hearing, semicircular
canals contain receptors that respond to head tilt, and the otolith organs
contain receptors that respond to rotation.
C. Contraction of the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles of the middle ear
cause the manubrium of the malleus to be pulled outward and the footplate of
the stapes to be pulled inward.
D. Sound waves are transformed by the eardrum and auditory ossicles into
movements of the foot plate of the malleus.
E. The semicircular canals, the utricle, and the saccule of the middle ear are
concerned with equilibrium.
2. A 45-year-old male with testicular cancer underwent chemotherapy
treatment with cisplatin. He reported several adverse side effects including
changes in taste, numbness and tingling in his fingertips, and reduced sound
clarity. When the damage to the outer hair cells is greater than the damage to
the inner hair cells,
A. perception of vertical acceleration is disrupted.
B. K+ concentration in endolymph is decreased.
C. K+ concentration in perilymph is decreased.
D. there is severe hearing loss.
E. affected hair cells fail to shorten when exposed to sound.
3. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The motor protein for inner hair cells is prestin.
B. The auditory ossicles function as a lever system to convert the resonant
vibrations of the tympanic membrane into movements of the stapes against
the endolymph-filled scala tympani.
C. The loudness of a sound is directly correlated with the amplitude of a sound
wave, and pitch is inversely correlated with the frequency of the sound wave.
D. Conduction of sound waves to the fluid of the inner ear via the tympanic
membrane and the auditory ossicles is called bone conduction.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
E. High-pitched sounds generate waves that reach maximum height near the
base of the cochlea; low-pitched sounds generate waves that peak near the
4. A 40-year-old male, employed as a road construction worker for nearly 20
years, went to his physician to report that he recently began to notice difficulty
hearing during normal conversations. A Weber test showed that sound from a
vibrating tuning fork was localized to the right ear. A Schwabach test showed
that bone conduction was below normal. A Rinne test showed that both air
and bone conduction were abnormal, but air conduction lasted longer than
bone conduction. The diagnosis was:
A. sensorial deafness in both ears.
B. conduction deafness in the right ear.
C. sensorial deafness in the right ear.
D. conduction deafness in the left ear.
E. sensorineural deafness in the left ear.
5. What would the diagnosis be if a patient had the following test results?
Weber test showed that sound from a vibrating tuning fork was louder than
normal; Schwabach test showed that bone conduction was better than normal;
and Rinne test showed that air conduction did not outlast bone conduction.
A. Sensorial deafness in both ears.
B. Conduction deafness in both ears.
C. Normal hearing.
D. Both sensorial and conduction deafness.
E. A possible tumor on the eighth cranial nerve.
6. The auditory pathway
A. and vestibular pathway contains a synapse in the cerebellum.
B. and vestibular pathway project to the same regions of the cerebral cortex.
C. is comprised of afferent fibers of the eighth cranial nerve, the dorsal and
ventral cochlear nuclei, the superior colliculi, the lateral geniculate body, and
the auditory cortex.
D. is comprised of afferent fibers of the eighth cranial nerve, the dorsal and
ventral cochlear nuclei, the inferior colliculi, the medial geniculate body, and
the auditory cortex.
E. is not subject to plasticity like the visual pathways.
Hearing and balance
Lect. Dr. Zahid M. Kadhim
7. A healthy male medical student volunteered to undergo evaluation of the
function of his vestibular system for a class demonstration. The direction of his
nystagmus is expected to be vertical when he is rotated
A. after warm water is put in one of his ears.
B. with his head tipped backward.
C. after cold water is put in both of his ears.
D. with his head tipped sideways.
E. with his head tipped forward.
8. In the utricle, tip links in hair cells are involved in
A. formation of perilymph.
B. depolarization of the stria vascularis.
C. movements of the basement membrane.
D. perception of sound.
E. regulation of distortion-activated ion channels.
9. Postrotatory nystagmus is caused by continued movement of
A. aqueous humor over the ciliary body in the eye.
B. cerebrospinal fluid over the parts of the brain stem that contain the
vestibular nuclei.
C. endolymph in the semicircular canals, with consequent bending of the
cupula and stimulation of hair cells.
D. endolymph toward the helicotrema.
E. perilymph over hair cells that have their processes embedded in the tectorial
1- Ganong review of medical physiology 2012
2- Guyton textbook of medical physiology 2013
3- Multiple internet websites for figures.