WARWICK VOLUNTEERS Photography and Video Policy Warwick Volunteers needs from time to time to take photographs or videos (images) of volunteering activities. Images may be used for purposes which put the image in the public domain. Our policy is to obtain permission for all images, prior to that image being taken as we are often unable to identify individuals in the shot to obtain permission at a later date. The methods used to obtain consent and the way we store images is set out in this policy. 1. The use we might make of images includes (but is not limited to): a. Use in publications promoting the work of Warwick Volunteers and the University of Warwick b. Use in promotional films for display at conferences and other events c. Use by newspapers and other public media covering the work of Warwick Volunteers and the University of Warwick d. Use on the Warwick Volunteers website and associated websites. You should be aware that this means that your image will be available worldwide, including in countries where there is no data protection legislation e. Use through Warwick Volunteers social media channels, and those of the University of Warwick f. Use in student’s volunteering record portfolios g. To illustrate reports to stakeholders and funders 2. Obtaining permission: It is the responsibility of the photographer to check before taking the photograph/video that everyone in the shot(s) is happy for their image to be used. Members of Warwick Volunteers: a. On signing up for membership of Warwick Volunteers, staff/students will be informed via the sign up form that their image may be used by Warwick Volunteers. b. Volunteers have the option to opt out of their photo/video being taken by telling the photographer and moving out of the shot. 1 Children/Young Adults (under age 18) and vulnerable adults1: c. Before taking an image which includes children, young adults (under age 18) or vulnerable adults, the photographer must obtain written permission from the person responsible in the organisation where the volunteering is taking place (e.g. school teacher, community centre manager). The consent form is on page 3 of this policy. d. Before taking the image, the photographer should also check verbally with the children/young adult/vulnerable adult that they are happy for their photograph to be taken and respect their wishes. e. The policy includes images where the subject’s face cannot be seen or is obscured. f. The signed copy of the consent form must be provided to Warwick Volunteers staff along with the image(s) to which it relates. g. Image consent can be changed or withdrawn at any time by notifying Warwick Volunteers staff. Members of the public (over aged 18 and not a vulnerable adult): h. The photographer must obtain their permission verbally before taking the photo/video. If they do not wish to be photographed, do not include them in the shot. 3. Storage of images: a. There is no time limit on how long Warwick Volunteers stores an image. b. Images will be stored electronically in the Warwick Volunteers Image Library and will be used for as long as they illustrate the work of Warwick Volunteers and/or current volunteering projects. c. The content of the images library held by Warwick Volunteers will be reviewed on an annual basis. Images which are no longer current or relevant may be archived or deleted. d. Images which required written permission prior to being taken will be stored electronically together with an electronic copy of the consent form. The file names used will be structured so that they clearly identify the date and content of the image (project and venue) and a reference code which will be used to identify the relevant consent form for each image. e. Images will be permanently deleted from electronic storage if the school or community partner withdraws consent by notifying a member of staff in Warwick Volunteers. f. Warwick Volunteers may identify the volunteer by name in the photograph/video if appropriate but will not use the name of the child/children/young person/vulnerable adult in any text accompanying the image. Policy date: September 2015 Review due: September 2016 1 A vulnerable adult is someone over the age of 18 who receives a health, personal or social care service from a professional. Personal services would include, for example help with financial matters, feeding, washing or dressing. Following amendments to the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, adults are no longer deemed vulnerable because of their personal attributes, characteristics or abilities. 2 WARWICK VOLUNTEERS Photography and Video Consent Form Occasionally, Warwick Volunteers may wish to take photographs of children or vulnerable adults to record or illustrate our volunteering activities. To comply with the Data Protection Act 1988, we need your permission before we can photograph or make recordings of children/vulnerable adults for whom you are responsible. Name of School/Organisation………………………………………………………….…………….. Name of volunteering activity……………………………………………………………………….. Date photographs/video taken…………………………………………….…………………………. Please delete as appropriate: I give permission for Warwick Volunteers to take a photograph/video of the child/children/vulnerable adult(s) taking part a Warwick Volunteers activity Yes/No I give permission for the photograph to be used: o In printed media Yes/No o On a webpage owned by the University of Warwick Yes/No o On social media Yes/No Signed: …………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………. Name (capitals)………………………………………………………..Position:………..……………………………… For Warwick Volunteers Office Use Consent File Ref: (yyyy.mm.dd/activity name/organisation name) 3 Volunteers should send the completed consent form (if required) to Warwick Volunteers office along with the photograph(s) to which it relates. A copy of the consent form will be stored electronically on Warwick Volunteers shared drive, in the Image Library folder along with the image. 4