Computer Science What can I do with a degree in…..

What can I do with a degree in…..
Computer Science
A Warwick computer science degree will feature theoretical study and practical projects to develop a variety
of technical skills and expertise, including programing languages, hardware and software engineering and
multimedia design, for example. You will also acquire a range of transferable skills such as learning how to
influence and negotiate, report writing, prioritising and working to deadlines as well as a highly analytical
approach to problem solving – a skills set highly valued by graduate recruiters across a range of industries.
Where do Computer Scientists work?
Careers destinations for computer scientists typically include for example, systems analyst, programming,
network engineering, information systems manager, games developer, multi-media programmer, data
scientist and systems developer. It is also worth noting however that up to 70% of graduate recruiters do not
require a specific degree discipline which means that the range of career options is varied.
Why Computer Science at Warwick?
The department was ranked 6th in the UK in the 2016 Complete University Guide
All single honours courses accredited by the British Computer Society
According to ‘High Fliers’ research Warwick is currently the 3rd most targeted higher education
institution in the UK, highlighting the employability of our students
The 2014 Research Excellence Framework rated Warwick 2nd out of 89 UK computing departments
Warwick Computer Science was recently ranked as one of the best departments in the world in the
2014 QS Worldwide University Rankings
Students who have performed well in the first 2 years of their degree have the option of undertaking
a 4th year of study to complete an MEng Computer Science qualification. Of students who chose this
option and graduated in the 2011/12 academic year, 100% were in employment or further study, with
an average starting salary of £32,000
What do Warwick’s Computer Scientists do…?
93% of BSc Computer Scientists were employed in graduate level employment 6 months after graduation in
2013 at a variety of recruiters including for example, BT, Black Pepper Software, Citrix, Freestyle Games,
KPMG, IBM, Intel and Sky. Job roles included…
Software developer
Software Engineer
Games Software Writer
Game developer
Chief Technology Officer
Technical Support Engineer
Mobile Application Developer
IT Consultant
The student perspective…
“Studying at Warwick has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I decided to come here primarily
because of the friendly atmosphere and the individuals I met in the Department of Computer Science. The
academic staff here are knowledgeable, as you might expect, but also very approachable, which is invaluable
when it comes to getting help on challenging problems or advice on your career.Having completed my
undergraduate degree, as well as an industrial placement with IBM UK, I’m now studying for a PhD in Computer
Science. The reason I’ve opted to stay at Warwick is that I genuinely couldn’t think of a more intellectually
stimulating place to study.” Alasdair Thomason BSc Computing Systems, 2010-13
“It’s hard to pick a single reason why I chose to study Computer Science. I suppose I enjoyed studying
Mathematics before university and I’ve always had an interest in technology, particularly video games. The
reason I decided on Warwick is more straightforward - it was the most welcoming and challenging place I
visited.I’ve been at Warwick for five years - four years studying for my MEng and one year working as a
software developer at Lionhead Studios. The Department of Computer Science is one of the friendliest and most
interesting places I know. There is real sense of community between all the staff and students, which means
there’s always someone around to help if you need it. The course is demanding but that’s because it prepares
you for the problems that you’ll face in industry. The skills and lessons I learnt on my course were exactly what
I relied on everyday at Lionhead. Now I’m a Warwick graduate with experience in the video games industry I’m
ready to pursue my dream of working for a game studio in Canada, which is exactly where I’m heading. I
couldn’t have followed that dream without my Warwick degree.”
Sarah Marshall, MEng Computer Science with Intercalated Year, 2008-13)
The employer perspective…
“Goldman Sachs is a leading global financial services firm providing investment banking, securities and
investment management services to a substantial and diversified client base. Technology drives everything we
do and is core to our ability to satisfy the needs of our clients. Within the Technology division our engineering
teams build solutions to complex problems. For example, our Software Engineers sit alongside our business
building solutions such as high volume, web-based trade processing applications. As a Computer Scientist at
Warwick, you will learn many of the skills needed to be successful in a fast-paced global environment. Goldman
Sachs offers you the opportunity to apply your engineering skills in the financial services industry and make a
real impact on the business. Warwick represents an important recruiting pipeline for Goldman Sachs and the
Technology division in particular.”
Liz Walker, Computer and Business Studies Graduate 2011-2014
Find out about career paths and employment destinations of recent graduates from the University of Warwick: