What can I do with a degree in….. Chemistry A range of options… Chemistry graduates are highly prized by employers from a range of fields for their ability to analyse and interpret data, manage practical projects, solve complex problems and communicate information While many of our chemistry graduates go on to roles in the chemical industries, many others find jobs in teaching, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, banking, professional services and other sectors Our chemistry alumni include senior academics, senior research scientists, the Vice Chancellor of a UK university, the Head of Strategy at a European Advertising Agency and more. So you do not narrow your career options by choosing this degree if it is what you really want to study A significant portion of our graduates continue on to pursue MScs and PhDs – we have 2 doctoral training centres closely aligned to the department. Many of our students take part in the Undergraduate Research Support Scheme which gives them an opportunity early on to explore a research career Our chemistry degrees offer opportunities to work and/or study in the UK or abroad for 6 or 12 months. Many students opt to visit partner universities, for example at MONASH University in Melbourne, Australia or secure other opportunities with firms in the UK or abroad Recent destinations… How we prepare you for a successful career… All Warwick chemistry courses are Royal Society of Chemistry accredited, a guarantee that you have the right breadth and depth of knowledge to become a professional chemist The department uses both cutting edge research activities and extensive links with the chemical and pharmaceutical industries to keep courses content fresh and up-to-date The central careers department organises a range of events, workshops and one to one support, much of which is tailored to the needs of chemistry students – for instance we welcome back chemistry alumni from different fields to talk about their experience E-Mentoring – You can sign up to get mentoring support from alumni from chemistry or other departments through the alumni e-mentoring scheme. This gives you access to years of experience and industry knowledge in different fields There are over 220 clubs and societies to get involved with on campus – giving you the edge that employers look for on CVs and job applications. You may wish to join ChemSoc, other societies, volunteer or set up your own society on campus Student feedback… "Studying chemistry at Warwick has enabled me to not only develop my knowledge and understanding of the subject, but has also given the opportunity to improve a number of other essential skills which will help me be successful in future, such as presentation, teamwork and leadership skills. What I love about the department is that no matter who you are there will always be people who will be more than happy to help you – academics, PhD students and undergraduates alike, it really is a fantastic community of people. We have a dedicated careers consultant just for Chemistry students, who runs a variety of workshops, meetings and careers events to help all of us decide what direction we would like our careers to take, but in the end the sky really is the limit! I will be graduating in June this year, confident that I have been prepared for whatever life decides to throw at me!" Sophie Thompson, MChem 2015 Given that 92% of all Warwick Graduates end up in either employment or further study, and that 70% of graduate recruiters do not require graduates to have a specific degree, perhaps the most important question to ask is not “What degree will get me a good graduate job?” but “How can I make the most of my time at Warwick so that I can get the job I want?” While it is important to consider what people with this degree do and what we offer, consider what subject you will enjoy studying as a very important factor. Further Information: Warwick Student Careers & Skills - http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/scs/career/ Career Options with Chemistry - http://www.prospects.ac.uk/options_chemistry.htm Royal Society of Chemistry Careers - http://www.rsc.org/careers/career-options/ Find out about career paths and employment destinations of recent graduates from the University of Warwick: go.warwick.ac.uk/whatdowarwickgradsdo