Document 12464070

April 2, 2012
Volume 1, No. 3
On the web at:
Welcome to PR-eViews, our new source of internal news for the PRC community. This newsletter will
be distributed on a bi-weekly basis to share news, information, upcoming events, and other items with
PRC staff, faculty and research teams. Please send news or announcements to
New Grants
NIH News
Society for Prevention
Grant Opportunities
New Publications
TIES Spring 2012
Proseminar Series
Congratulations to Tish Jennings on receiving
new U.S. Department of Education/IES
funding for her CARE project (and having a
new website!), and to Sarah Chilenski, who
has been notified that she will receive funding
from the Annie E. Casey Foundation for the
Evidence2Success project.
• NSF-NIH Interagency Initiative: Core Techniques and Technologies for
Advancing Big Data Science (BIGDATA) (incl. NIDA) (NOT-GM-12-109)
• Senior Scientist Research Award (K05) (PA-12-048)
• Health Services and Economic Research on the Prevention and Treatment of
Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Abuse (R01) (PA-12-127)—also R03 and R21
Travel grants to attend 2012 SPR Annual Meeting; due April 9.
2012 SPR Minority Annual Meeting Travel Award Program; due April 6.
Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Child Care Research Scholars
grants for dissertation research on child care policy issues. Grant announcement.
‖ ACF, Head Start Graduate Student research grants. Grant announcement. ‖
OJJDP FY 2012 National Juvenile Court Data Archive—collect and maintain the
nation’s primary source of detailed information on delinquency and status
offense cases processed in juvenile courts. ‖ OJJDP FY 2012 Field-Initiated
Research and Evaluation Program—research and evaluation initiatives to
develop effective school programs, policies, and strategies to foster positive youth
development and reduce the risk of victimization and delinquency. ‖
“A Real Education,” Greenberg interview, Shambhala Sun [PDF]
Finlay, Ram, Maggs, & Caldwell, Leisure activities, the social weekend, and
alcohol use: Evidence from a daily study of first-year college students. Journal of
Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (March 2012)
The Training Interdisciplinary Educational Scientists (TIES) program’s spring
proseminar series on evidence-based classroom management training, socialemotional interventions that bridge the research-practice gap, and the
development of psycho-social competence among young Black and Latino boys.
Send news about awards, new and forthcoming publications and reports, presentations, grants,
and other information of interest to the PRC community to:
•Prevention Research Center•College of Health and Human Development•
The Pennsylvania State University•S109 Henderson Building•University Park, PA 16802•