Sept-Oct 2013 • Update from SMUD Demonstration • Preview of October 15–17 Advisory Meeting in Montreal • EPRI Time-Based Pricing Animation • Excerpt of Ergon Energy “Deep Dive” Webcast EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Update An EPRI Progress Report Sep-Oct 2013 ABOUT THE NEWSLETTER The EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Initiative is a seven-year collaborative research effort focused on design, implementation, and assessment of field demonstrations to address prevalent challenges with integrating distributed energy resources in grid and market operations to create a “Virtual Power Plant.” This newsletter provides periodic updates on projects, relevant industry news, and events. PROJECT UPDATES Smart Grid Demonstration Host-Site Updates Case Study “Takeaways” in Smart Grid Five Year Update The EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Initiative Five Year Update, featuring case study briefs, was released in August 2013. This update highlights results of several host-site projects, as well as lessons learned from “mini-demos” conducted by collaborating utilities. The document focuses on key findings or “takeaways” from each endeavor. Quotes from each case study below provide a glimpse of the content and results achieved: Ameren Illinois Conservation Voltage Reduction “Different CVR capabilities are attainable during summer and fall, and accounting for large episodic changes in feeder loads is a critical aspect of performing the CVRf analysis.” American Electric Power (AEP) Multiple Technology Aggregate Response “Addition of a new grid technology, such as volt-var optimization system or community energy storage, will impact the control strategy (controls or settings) of the existing and/or the new technology.” EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter, Oct 2013 1 FirstEnergy Integrated Control Platform Visualization “The Integrated Control Platform Visualization provides an integrated view of electric distribution system operating conditions to enhance operations, improve maintenance methods, and resolve customer issues more quickly.” Hydro-Québec Anti-islanding Protection of Distributed Generation using Autoground “Hydro-Québec found that autoground can be an attractive solution because of the cost reduction relative to the transfer-trip approach.” Hydro-Québec Testing and Certification of Equipment for a Volt-Var Control Application “Automation remains a challenging piece of the puzzle in smart grid applications. Significant time and energy was consumed in properly integrating the controller with the SCADA system.” Public Service of New Mexico Use of Storage for Simultaneous Voltage Smoothing and Peak Shifting, 2013 Update “At scale—or combined with other storage resources within the system—energy storage is able to use intermittent renewable generation and create a firm, dispatchable resource.” Salt River Project Field Area Network (FAN) Pilot “A wireless broadband network can be integrated with multiple devices and applications across a utility to serve as the unifying infrastructure of a field area network.” Sacramento Municipal Utility District Residential Summer Solutions “Participants who opted for a TOU/CPP rate dropped 70% more load during peak events than did those on direct load control.” Southern Company Effects of Capacitors on Substation Bus Voltage Regulated with a LTC Power Transformer “Historical SCADA data can be used to troubleshoot voltage and var imbalances. In addition, AMI meter health monitors will help identify capacitor bank issues more quickly.” Read briefs on these projects in the publicly available EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Initiative Five-Year Update, product number 3002000778. Full case studies will also be provided to members as individual documents. One case study from the Five Year Update—Hydro-Québec’s test on use of autoground for anti-islanding—is already available (see EPRI report 3002001375 which is free to the public). Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 2 SMUD Smart Grid Demonstration Update The Sacramento Municipal Utility District has added a considerable amount of renewable energy to its resource base over the last decade, increasing from 4% renewable sources in 2003 to nearly 30% today. A recent addition to the mix is biogas production at a “co-digestion” facility located at the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in Elk Grove, California. Anaerobic digestion has long been a part of the wastewater treatment process for Sacramento County, a step in which biogas is produced and collected for later use for generating electricity. The new “leftovers to lights” system co-digests fats, oils, grease (FOG) and other liquid food processing waste (such as off-specification or expired soda pop) with sewage to boost generation of biogas. The simultaneous co-digestion of sewage sludge with grease waste and other types of organic waste materials has been shown to increase biogas production significantly. The FOG project, as SMUD calls it, could provide enough power to serve 1000 to 3000 homes, depending on the amount of waste delivered to the facility. SMUD also cites other benefits of the FOG project, including ridding the wastewater system of problem wastes such as grease, which is notorious for clogging pipes and pumps. The project also helps local businesses, which now have a local disposal option which eliminates the pollution and costs of trucking their wastes to a distant location. Construction of this co-digestion facility was completed in 2012, and is currently in commissioning phase. Cost of the project was approximately $3.5 million, with $1.5 million supplied by the U.S. Department of Energy. Matching funds are being supplied by SMUD, the California Energy Commission and the Sacramento County Regional County Sanitation District. Highlights of June 2013 Smart Grid Demonstration Advisory Meeting Commonwealth Edison hosted the June 19-20, 2013 Smart Grid Demonstration Advisory meeting in Chicago, Illinois. The meeting was held in conjunction with the Smart Distribution and Power Quality Conference, June 17-19. The meeting started off with optional sessions at the Smart Grid Distribution and Power Quality Conference, which featured several smart grid demonstration-related projects and related topics. Hydro-Québec’s Chad Abbey presented results of tests using autoground for anti-islanding for distribution systems (see EPRI report 3002001375, which is free to the public), Brian Schell of AEP described work on determining the interactive effects of using multiple smart grid technologies (see case study brief in the Smart Grid Demonstration Five Year Update, 3002000778), and Carol Barducci reported on the status of a five-year project to upgrade and expand Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 3 Commonwealth Edison’s distribution automation (DA) system. Barducci reported that the utility is replacing about 700 existing devices a year and expanding its distributed automation system with about another 700 new devices annually. Commonwealth Edison is working with a legacy Utilinet 900 MHz system and deploying a Spring Networks radio frequency (RF) network. “Big Data” lessons were also presented at the Smart Distribution and Power Quality Conference. For example, Gerald Gray, PhD, who is the EPRI project manager for the Ergon Energy Smart Grid Demonstration and specializes in enterprise architecture and integration for the Information and Communications group, addressed “IT and OT Convergence.” Gray noted that utilities typically have siloed information technology and operations technology departments. This can create inefficiencies as smart sensors and other equipment produce more and more data that is collected and processed by utilities. Gray said that utilities take one of three paths: Re-org, Re-engage, or Re-align. He recommended that whether a utility completely reorganizes staff, realigns employees based on certain skill sets or endeavors—or simply increases communication—paying attention to the concept of enterprise architecture can help make a difference. Enterprise architecture is the detailed blueprint for the structure of an enterprise, including all business processes, IT infrastructure and related technology. It describes process integration and standardization and how internal and external systems relate. During the Smart Grid Advisory Meeting several utility managers updated demonstration project results. These are a selected few: Tim Croushore and Mark Josef presented details on FirstEnergy’s Integrated Control Platform Visualization project. The system provides an integrated view of data and information from various distribution assets to assist operations. Data from four devices is displayed via the system: direct load control devices, distribution line sensors, substation meters, and ice storage for permanent peak load shifting. The following figure is a JCP&L Service Territory map with substation hyperlinks as well as a geographic view showing device location. Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 4 For more information, see the FirstEnergy ICP Visualization case study brief in the Smart Grid Demonstration Initiative Five Year Update, product ID 3002000778. Jeff Molander of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District reported on use of smart grid data to help detect power theft. SMUD is integrating and analyzing data to identify potential customer theft, and has developed algorithms to assess information from a number of sources, including customer records, meter records, service orders, meter values, and more. The system’s major functions are generation of leads, investigation tracking, reporting, and maintenance of an investigation database. The project cost was $1.3 million and is expected to significantly reduce the utility’s loss of 1% of revenue from power theft. Ed Kamiab of Southern California Edison provided a project report on the nine sub-projects that comprise the Irvine Smart Grid Demonstration Project (ISGD). SCE is completing installation and testing as part of ISGD’s Energy Smart Customer Solutions Measurement and Verification (M&V) activities. For example, electrical work has been completed on demonstration homes that include photovoltaic solar panels, energy storage units, appliances, and energy monitoring devices. (Since the June meeting, the customer equipment has begin transmitting data, which is being tested and validated.) A DVD recording of the training session “Smart Inverters and Their Role in the Smart Grid,” EPRI product ID 3002001873, can be ordered by members. This training session includes details on photovoltaic system inverter deployment, inverter integration, and smart grid demonstrations. The following video clip shows an excerpt of presentations on each of these topics. Members can find the presentations from the meeting in the Smart Grid Demonstration cockpit on Log into the Member Center→View All Program Cockpits→ D_SG Smart Grid Demonstration cockpit→ Meetings & Webcasts (left column) →Scroll Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 5 down to All Past Meetings & Webcasts→19-June-2013 Smart Grid Demonstration Advisory Meeting. Utility Smart Grid Website and EPRI Animation The Hawaii Electric Company website and a new EPRI animation on time-based pricing are featured in this issue. Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) Learn about the status of smart grid development in Hawaii at the HECO Smart Grid webpage. There is also a link to a webpage on the Maui Smart Grid Demonstration Project, With Maui as the site of the March 18-20, 2014 Smart Grid Advisory Meeting, advisors may want to check the webpage in advance of the meeting for the Maui Smart Grid Newsletter on project status, and to view an overview video. EPRI Animation Aimed at Customers An animation entitled “Time-Based Electricity Pricing for Customers” has been produced by EPRI to help customers understand how time-based electricity pricing can help reduce the need for building additional power generation. The 3:18 minute animation follows. It can also be viewed on You Tube at KEY EPRI SMART GRID DATES Smart Grid Demonstration Advisory Meeting – Montreal, October 15-17, 2013 Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 6 Hydro-Québec is hosting the next EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Advisory Meeting, October 15-17, 2013 in Montreal, Québec, Canada Where: The advisory meeting will be held in the heart of the city at the Hyatt Regency Montreal, 1255 JeanneMince, Montreal, Québec, Canada, H5B 1E5, tel. 514982-1234. Members can make online hotel reservations by clicking here. Passport: Remember that if you are traveling to Montreal from outside of Canada a passport is required. Advisor Invitation: Attendance at the advisory meeting is restricted to representatives of Smart Grid Demonstration member utilities. Agenda: Results and lessons learned will continue to be the focus of the advisory meeting. Details of demonstration case studies will be covered, as well as findings of 2013 strategic topic research on “Integration of Distributed Energy Resources into Utility Architecture and Systems”, “Operating the Grid with High Penetration of DER on the Distribution System,” and “Measurement & Verification (M&V) for Conservation Voltage Reduction/Volt-Var Optimization (CVR/VVO).” As we approach 2014, the final year of the Smart Grid Demonstration, an important part of the meeting program will be roundtable sessions during which advisors will help determine the highest priority topics and strategies for technology transfer during the coming months. Cost-Benefit Analysis Training: This optional half-day training will be conducted the morning of October 15. The session will go beyond an explanation of cost-benefit analysis methodology and cover several application examples from the Smart Grid Demonstration. This includes a look at the sources of benefits and how they may be estimated from project impacts. Trainer Jeff Roark, EPRI Senior Project Manager, will also review examples of cost-benefit analyses that can be developed for various individual technologies. Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 7 Agenda for Smart Grid Advisory Meeting and Training, October 15-17, 2013 Tuesday, October 15 COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS TRAINING (Optional) 8:00 – 10:00 am Presented by Jeff Roark, EPRI Wednesday, October 16 Session 3 Thursday, October 17 HYDRO-QUÉBEC PRESENTATIONS AND TOURS Strategic Topic : Integration of Distributed Energy Resources into Utility Architecture and Systems, John Simmins, EPRI The facilities visited will include: 10:30 am - 12:00 to noon 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm 1:00 – 3:15 pm COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS TRAINING Continued Session 4 TOURS Continued Strategic Topic : Measurement & Verification (M&V) for CVR/VVO, Jeff Roark, EPRI LUNCH (Registration opens at 11:15am for those not attending training session) LUNCH SMART GRID ADVISORY MEETING, Session 1 Session 5 Welcome from Hydro-Québec Smart Grid Demonstration Overview and Updates, Matt Wakefield & Gale Horst, EPRI Telecommunications Laboratory Distribution Line Test Area Battery Laboratory WRAP-UP &SHUTTLE TO AIRPORT (11:30 am) Case Study Showcase, presented by utility representatives and EPRI staff: In-depth presentations on selected smart grid case studies 2013 Case Studies “Keys-’NNuggets,” Karen George, EPRI Strategic Topic : Operating the Grid with High Penetration of DER on Distribution System, Jared Green, EPRI 3:45 – 5:15 pm Session 2 Session 6 Highlights of Deliverables & Technology Transfer, Gale Horst, EPRI Group Roundtable, All: Group Roundtable: Compiling Results through 2014, All 5:45 – 8:45 pm EPRI-Sponsored Outing and Dinner for Advisors 2014 Strategy Holes and Uncharted Territory Priorities and Final Steps in 2014 Dinner on your own Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 8 Schedule of Upcoming Smart Grid Demonstration Advisory Meetings 2013 October 15-17 Meeting hosted by Hydro-Québec in Montreal, Canada 2014 March 18-20, 2014 Meeting hosted by Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) on Maui 2014 June To be determined 2014 October Tentatively scheduled to be hosted by EPRI in Charlotte, North Carolina June and October 2014 dates and locations are not yet finalized. Contact Robin Pitts at with any questions regarding the advisory meetings. Smart Grid Demonstration Host-Site “Deep Dive” Webcasts Deep Dive meetings are typically held for Smart Grid Demonstration members on a Thursday at 11am (Eastern) for 1 ½ to 3 hours. 2013 Deep Dive Schedule January 17, Consolidated Edison Completed February 21, Kansas City Power & Light - Completed March 21, Ergon Energy Completed April 18, Hydro-Québec Completed May 16, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) – Completed July 18, Southern Company Completed August 15, American Electric Power (AEP) - Completed October 24, Southern California Edison November 11, Duke Energy December 12, FirstEnergy Members who missed any of the webcasts can access copies of presentation slides and recordings by logging on to and selecting All Program Cockpits, then “D_SG Smart Grid Demonstration.” Make sure to select the “Meetings & Webcasts” link on the left side of the page and scroll to “Past Meetings & Webcasts” to find recordings. Excerpts from Australia’s Ergon Energy deep dive webcast from earlier this year follow. Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 9 RESOURCES Schedule an On-Site Forum on Demonstration Results EPRI is offering an on-site technology transfer forum to Smart Grid Demonstration host utilities. The forum covers information produced by the Initiative to date. The program includes research results, lessons learned, and data from tests, simulations, and technology deployments. The forum features the design, implementation and assessment of field demonstrations that address challenges of integrating distributed energy resources into a modernized grid. Photo courtesy of Steve Briggs Conducted by EPRI technical staff and managers, this “road show” covers results by topic area. Each participating utility can select several topics of focus so that information can be presented that is of particular interest to utility personnel based on their background, job role, or project involvement. The first road show was presented at FirstEnergy in Dayton, Ohio with video streaming of the Forum to employees in other locations (see photo). If you have questions about the Smart Grid road show please contact Gale Horst at List of Smart Grid Demonstration Deliverables by Topic and Type Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 10 To increase the convenience of finding reports on topics of interest, EPRI has prepared an online List of Smart Grid Demonstration Deliverables by Topic and Type. This guide has direct links to reports, use cases, online videos and other material and is organized by subject as well as type (free-to-public reports, DVDs, use cases, etc.) A copy of this list is also posted on, under Newsletters. Deliverables since the Last Newsletter Product ID Name Published 3002001873 Smart Inverters and Their Role in the Smart Grid - Training Session #9 August 2013 3002000778 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Initiative 5Year Update (public) August 2013 3002000282 Quantifying the Impacts of Time-Based Rates, Enabling Technology, and Other Treatments in Consumer Behavior Studies: Protocols and Guidelines July 2013 3002001379 A Case Study on Testing and Certification of Equipment for a Volt-VAR Control Application at Hydro-Québec June 2013 3002001375 Using Autoground: Hydro-Québec Smart Grid Demonstration A Case Study on Anti-islanding Protection of Distributed Generation (public) May 2013 1025758 3002001096 Ergon Energy Smart Grid Host Site 2012 Progress Report: For the Period Ending December 2012 Utility Grade Communications - Smart Grid Training Session #8 May 2013 May 2013 Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 11 A continuous thank you to the 24 member utilities of EPRI’s Smart Grid Demonstration Initiative American Electric Power | Ameren | Central Hudson Gas & Electric | CenterPoint Energy | Consolidated Edison | Duke Energy | Electricité de France | Entergy | Ergon | ESB Networks | Exelon (ComEd & PECO) | HECO | Hydro-Québec | FirstEnergy | KCP&L | PNM Resources | Sacramento Municipal Utility District | Southern California Edison | Southern Company | Southwest Power Pool | Salt River Project| Tokyo Electric | Tennessee Valley Authority | Wisconsin Public Service Corporation Together...Shaping the Future of Electricity® EPRI | 942 CORRIDOR PARK BLVD. | KNOXVILLE, TN 37932 | WWW.EPRI.COM © Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. 2001-2013 All rights reserved Sep-Oct 2013 EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Newsletter page 12