Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
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VSA: An offline scheduling analyzer for Xen virtual machine monitor
Zhiyuan Shao a,∗ , Ligang He b,∗,1 , Zhiqiang Lu a , Hai Jin a
Services Computing Technology and System Lab, Cluster and Grid Computing Lab, School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, 430074, China
Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Article history:
Received 30 April 2012
Received in revised form
29 August 2012
Accepted 7 December 2012
Available online 22 December 2012
Virtual machine
Scheduling analysis
Nowadays, it is an important trend in the system domain to use the software-based virtualization
technology to build the execution environments (e.g., the Clouds). After introducing the virtualization
layer, there exist two schedulers: One in the hypervisor and the other inside the Guest Operating System
(GOS). To fully understand the virtualized system and identify the possible reasons for performance
problems incurred by the virtualization technology, it is very important for the system administrators and
engineers to know the scheduling behavior of the hypervisor, in addition to understanding the scheduler
inside the GOS. In this paper, we develop a virtualization scheduling analyzer, called VSA, to analyze
the trace data of the Xen virtual machine monitor. With VSA, one can easily obtain the scheduling data
associated with virtual processors (i.e., VCPUs) and physical processors (i.e., PCPUs), and further conduct
the scheduling analysis for a group of interacting VCPUs running in the same domain.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
It is an important trend nowadays to use software-based
virtualization technologies to build the private data centers and
public cloud systems, such as Amazon EC2 [1] and GoGrid [2].
Among these virtualization technologies, the Xen Virtual Machine
Monitor (VMM) [3], which allow users to execute up to hundreds
of virtual machines on a single physical machine with low extra
overhead, is widely adopted for such purposes [4].
With the introduction of the Xen virtualization layer, traditional
operating systems (e.g., Linux) are para-virtualized (i.e., the
machine sensitive and privileged operations are replaced with
hypercalls) to run on top of the Xen hypervisor. The operating
systems in the virtualized environments are called Guest Operating
Systems (GOS). In this new architecture, there exist two schedulers
working together: one works inside the Xen hypervisor and
the other in the GOS. The examples of the former include the
Simple Earliest Deadline First Scheduler (SEDF) [5] and the Credit
Scheduler [6], which schedule the VCPUs to run on top of physical
processors, while the examples of the latter include Completely
Fair Scheduler (i.e., CFS) [7,8] in Linux, which schedules the
application processes to run in the VCPUs. Although there is long
history of research in GOS schedulers and the GOS schedulers have
been relatively mature, the schedulers inside the hypervisor are
still under active research and development. To help understand
the scheduling behaviors inside the hypervisor, Xen provides
a powerful tool, named xentrace, to collect system trace data
(including scheduling-related data), and a related format tool,
xentrace_format, to convert the trace data into a human readable
form. However, it is still very difficult to analyze the scheduling
behavior of each individual VCPU by using the trace data alone.2
In this work, we design and implement VSA,3 an offline scheduling analyzer for the Xen VMM. The system can reconstruct the
scheduling history of each VCPU based on the offline trace data
generated by xentrace and xentrace_format. By using the scheduling
history data of each VCPU, VSA can render detailed analysis data on
VCPUs, including:
• block-to-wake time: the duration between the time when a
VCPU is blocked and the time it is woken up from the blocking
• wake-to-schedule-in time: the duration between the time
when a VCPU is woken up and the time when it is scheduled
to run
• preemption: whether a VCPU is preempted or gives up the PCPU
voluntarily when it is scheduled out by the hypervisor
• migration: the time point at which a VCPU is migrated and the
migration frequency of a VCPU.
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: zyshao@hust.edu.cn (Z. Shao), liganghe@dcs.warwick.ac.uk
(L. He), hjin@hust.edu.cn (H. Jin).
1 Tel.: +44 2476573802.
0167-739X/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 We will explain why it is hard to analyze the data by using the trace data alone
in Section 2.
3 The source code is available at http://code.google.com/p/vsa.
Z. Shao et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
guest operating system (i.e., GOS), such as CFS (i.e., Completely Fair
Scheduler) in Linux. From the perspective of the hypervisor, the
smallest entity for scheduling is VCPUs. Although the scheduling
data of the VCPUs (such as the data gathered in Xentrace) cannot be
used to analyze the scheduling behavior of the GOS directly, these
data can be used to deduce the scheduling behavior of the GOS in
some cases. For example, when an idle VCPU start to run on the
fly, it can be derived that a child process is invoked. Therefore, analyzing the scheduling data of the VCPUs and domains can be used
to diagnose performance problems, no matter they are originated
from the VCPUs observable to the hypervisor or from the processes
(or threads) inside the GOSes.
Fig. 1. The scheduling architecture of Xen VMM.
Moreover, with the rich data about the scheduling history of
VCPUs, VSA can conduct further advanced analysis, including:
• utilization of each PCPU
• domain-based analysis: the scheduling analysis for a group of
interacting VCPUs running in the same guest domain.
This paper presents the key design issues of VSA, and also
a number of case studies using VSA to analyze the scheduling
behaviors of a Xen-based virtualized system. The design strategies
and the case studies explain the merits of VSA and demonstrate
how the analysis data generated by VSA can help understand the
behaviors of Xen-based virtualized systems, and therefore help
further system optimization.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the background knowledge for understanding this paper.
Section 3 discusses the key design issues of VSA. In Section 4, we
present three case studies to demonstrate and explain how the
analysis data generated by VSA can be used to reveal the scheduling
behavior of VCPUs, PCPUs and domains. Section 5 presents related
works. Section 6 concludes the paper and discusses future works
of VSA.
2. Background
This section briefly discusses the background knowledge required to understand this work, including the scheduling architecture in Xen VMM, the split driver model, three schedulers used
in the Xen hypervisor, and how trace data are generated and processed in Xen.
2.1. Scheduling architecture in Xen
Fig. 1 shows the scheduling architecture of Xen VMM. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the traditional servers are installed as the domains by Xen VMM, and a domain can be configured to run on
one or multiple VCPUs. The hypervisor treats the VCPU as the
smallest scheduling entity, and maintains a run_queue of VCPUs
for each PCPU. Under the current architecture of Xen, each PCPU
works independently to choose a VCPU from its run_queue and run
the VCPU according to the scheduling algorithm configured in the
When a guest virtual machine is invoked to run, its configuration (e.g., the number of VCPUs, the size of its virtual memory)
will not change unless the administrator makes explicit changes
by issuing the commands (e.g., ‘‘xm vcpu-set’’). Therefore, when
the child processes or threads are created inside the guest system,
they will reuse the same set of processors (VCPUs from the viewpoint of hypervisor) as their parents. The processes running inside
the guest virtual machine are scheduled by the scheduler of the
2.2. Split driver model
In order to enforce security and isolation among the domains
(i.e., if a domain crashes on the fly, it will not destroy the whole
system), Xen adopts the Split driver model for I/O virtualization.
An Independent Driver Domain (IDD) is created that contains the
native drivers (called the Backend drivers)(domain0 is typically
configured to play this role as shown in Fig. 1). Other domains
(i.e., domainUs) contains the split Frontend drivers, which cannot
access the hardware devices directly. When domainUs want to
perform I/O operations, they call the Frontend drivers and the
Frontend drivers communicate the I/O requests to Backend drivers.
The communications between these two types of drivers are
performed through hypercalls, shared event channels and ring
buffers in Xen.
It is important to understand the principle of the Split driver
mode in order to further understand the scheduling behavior
of Xen. For example, suppose one VCPU of a domainU hosts
an application that performs a ping-pong micro benchmark
communicating with the outside world. The network packet issued
by the application is first sent to the Frontend driver, which will
relay the packet to the Backend driver located in domain0. During
this process, the VCPU of domainU will enter the block status after
sending the packet, since it has nothing to do but wait for the
arrival of the response packet. Meanwhile, the VCPU of domain0
will be woken, since it has to receive the packet from the domainU
and sent it to the outside world. When the response packet from
the outside world arrives, the hypervisor works in the opposite
direction and transfers the response packet from the Backend
driver to the Frontend driver. This is a very simple example,
the situation in real applications is much more complicated.
For example, the application running on the VCPU of domainU
may need to perform both computation and communication, and
therefore, the VCPU of domainU may not enter the block status
after sending a packet. In order to accelerate I/O processing, some
schedulers (e.g., Credit scheduler) specify higher priorities for the
VCPUs that are woken from the block status. We will explain this
in more detail when introducing the schedulers of Xen in the next
2.3. The scheduler of Xen
During the short development history of the Xen hypervisor,
at least three scheduling algorithms [9] have been introduced,
including Borrowed Virtual Time (BVT) [10], Simple Early Deadline
First (SEDF) [5] and Credit [6].
Borrowed Virtual Time (BVT) is a fair-share scheduler based
on the concept of virtual time. It dispatches the runnable
virtual machines (VM) on a smallest-virtual-time-first basis. The
BVT scheduler provides low-latency support for real-time and
interactive applications by allowing latency sensitive clients to
‘‘warp’’ back in virtual time to gain the scheduling priority. The
Z. Shao et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
client effectively ‘‘borrows’’ virtual time from its future CPU
Simple Earliest Deadline First (SEDF) is a real-time scheduling
algorithm. In the SEDF scheduler, each VM Domi specifies its CPU
requirements with a tuple (si , pi , xi ), where the slice si and the
period pi together represent the CPU share that Domi requests:
Domi needs to receive at least si units of time in each period of
length pi . The boolean flag xi indicates whether Domi is eligible to
receive extra CPU time. SEDF distributes the spare PCPU time in a
fair manner after all runnable VMs receive their CPU shares.
The Credit scheduler is currently the default scheduler in Xen.
The scheduler allocates the CPU resources to VCPU according to the
weight of the guest domain that the VCPU belongs to. It uses credits
to track VCPU’s execution time. Each VCPU has its own credits. If
one VCPU has credits greater than 0, it gets UNDER priority. When
it is scheduled to run, its credit is deducted by 100 every time it
receives a scheduler interrupt that occurs periodically once every
10 ms (called a tick). If one VCPU’s credit is less than 0, its priority is
set to OVER. All VCPUs waiting in the run-queue have their credits
topped up once every 30 ms, according to their weights. The higher
weight a domain has, the more credits are topped up for its VCPUs
every time. An important feature of the Credit scheduler is that it
can automatically load-balance the virtual CPUs across PCPUs on
a host with multiple processors. The scheduler on each PCPU can
‘‘steal’’ VCPUs residing in the run-queue of its neighboring PCPUs
once there are no VCPUs in its local run-queue.
In order to accelerate I/O processing and maintain I/O fairness
among the domainUs, the work in [11] introduces the BOOST
priority. The idea essentially works by assigning the VCPU that
is woken from the block status and still has remaining credits
(i.e., in UNDER state before blocking) to BOOST priority (the highest
priority), and preempting the currently running VCPU. In this way,
the I/O requests can be handled in time.
As the BVT scheduling algorithm is no longer supported by the
latest Xen releases, only the SEDF and the Credit schedulers are
investigated in this paper.
2.4. Processing trace data in Xen
The Xen hypervisor allocates a region of memory (called the
trace buffer) to store the trace data on the fly so as to minimize
the overhead of recording the trace data [12]. When the xentrace
command is invoked in domain0, the content of the trace buffer
is dumped to the hard disk and stored as a binary file (we call it
the raw trace file). After that, the xentrace_format command can
be invoked to generate a human readable trace file (we call it the
text trace file) by filtering the raw file with the events of interest
(e.g., scheduling-related events). Since modern computers often
have multiple processors (i.e., multicore), the trace records are
stored in round-robin over physical processors in both the raw
trace file and the text trace file as shown in Fig. 2.
The problem with the raw trace file and the text trace file is
that the files are huge. For example, on a busy virtualized 2-VCPU
web server with two PCPUs, the size of a 10 s raw trace file will be
about 100 MB, while the size of the text trace file generated using
the default filter will be about 400 MB, containing about 4 million
lines (which we call records). The size of the text trace file with
only scheduling events can be about 200 MB containing 2 million
records. It is very difficult, if not impossible, for human to read
the huge text trace files and analyze the scheduling characteristics
of an interested VCPU. Although one can narrow down the scope
using the tuple of (DomainID, VCPUID) to further filter the records
related to specific VCPUs, the round-robin storage of records in the
text trace file and the VCPU migration mechanism in the Credit
Fig. 2. The round-robin fashion for storing trace data in files.
scheduler will eventually make the filtered results very difficult to
Moreover, facing these huge data sets, it is almost impossible
for one to compare the scheduling behaviors of different VCPUs
running together in the same machine (therefore, recorded in the
same trace file), or of the VCPUs running in different computers
(therefore, generating separate trace files). It is all these challenges
that motivate us to build VSA, which enables us to conduct the
analysis much more effectively on the scheduling trace data.
3. System design
In this section, we first explain in Section 3.1 how VSA uses
the records in the text trace file to compute the time attributes
that can be used to conduct the scheduling analysis, and also the
method provided by VSA to extract interested time durations from
the entire trace period. Then, we discuss the key functionalities
of VSA: conducting the scheduling analysis for individual VCPUs
(Section 3.2) and conducting a group of interacting VCPUs running
in the same domain (Section 3.3).
3.1. Calculating the time attributes and splitting the trace data
The trace files are generated for a certain time period specified
by the system administrator. However, when a record is actually
created, it is only associated with the value of the Time Stamp
Counter (TSC) register,5 which cannot be directly translated to the
time that corresponds to the specified time period. For example,
for a 10 s trace file, the tracing period can be expressed as
[0, 10 s]. The TSC values of the records in the trace file will be in
the range of [Tmin , Tmax ], where Tmin and Tmax denote the minimum
and maximum TSC value respectively that can be found in the trace
file. For a record with the TSC value of t, its time offset from the
beginning of the trace file, denoted as Toffset , can be calculated using
Eq. (1), where the ClockRate denotes the CPU frequency, which can
be regarded as a constant.6
Toffset =
t − Tmin
With the time offset, many important metrics can be computed,
such as the length of each scheduling time slice.
4 We will explain this further in Section 3.2.
5 For the architectures with multiple processors, the TSCs are synchronized by
the Xen hypervisor.
6 In the architectures with Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (i.e., DFVS)
features, the Constant Rate TSC can be used. Therefore, we can still regard the
ClockRate as a constant.
Z. Shao et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
It is often the case that people only want to analyze a particular
duration of the tracing period. For example, after further investigation, the system administrator may find that only the duration of
[2 s, 8 s] is of interest in a 10 s tracing sample. VSA provides the
function to help the administrator to split the text trace file for
further analysis. Assume that a 10 s trace period corresponds to
the TSC range of [Tmin , Tmax ], Tmin
and Tmax
correspond to the time
offset of 2 and 8 s, respectively. The trace file can be further split
so that only the interested duration of [Tmin
, Tmax
] is analyzed. VSA
uses the TSC values to determine the interested durations, since the
TSC values can be easily obtained in the domainUs using the RDTSC
instruction and they are more precise than the wall clock time.
3.2. Scheduling analysis for VCPUs
VCPU is the minimum scheduling entity in a virtualized system.
Therefore, the analysis of VCPU scheduling is the foundation of
revealing the scheduling behaviors of a virtualized system. In VSA,
the number of times that the __enter_scheduling event appears in
the text trace file is used to determine the number of times that
a VCPU is scheduled (called scheduled times). The records of this
event are also used in VSA to acquire the time points at which a
specific VCPU starts and stops occupying a PCPU, and consequently
to construct the time slices during which this VCPU occupies a
PCPU. A time slice as such is called a time slice record in this paper.
Nevertheless, on the computers with multiple processors, although
the trace data are collected in time sequence, there is no guarantee
that the time slices calculated from the text trace file are ordered
in time. For example, in order to improve the throughput of a
virtualized system, the Credit scheduler allows VCPUs to migrate
to idle PCPUs dynamically. Suppose a VCPU is scheduled to run on
PCPU1 for a time slice S1 , and then it migrates to PCPU0 and runs
for another time slice S2 . In this case, although S1 is before S2 , there
is no guarantee that the records for S1 appear before those for S2
in the trace files. This is because the trace files are organized in a
round-robin fashion over PCPUs as shown in Fig. 2 and the records
of PCPU0 for S2 may appear before those of PCPU1 for S1 .
In VSA, therefore, after the time slices are obtained from the
text trace files, the time slice records of the same VCPU will be
reordered in time. The set of the reordered time slice records for
a VCPU constitutes the scheduling history of the VCPU. With the
scheduling history, VSA can perform many further analyses for
that VCPU. Some main analyses are discussed in the rest of this
• Blocking times, wake-up times and the block-to-wake time
A VCPU may enter the block state when it issues an I/O
request, since the requested I/O operation may not be performed
immediately (recall the split drive model introduced in Section 2)
and therefore the VCPU has to wait for the result. The VCPU will be
woken up (by the event channel of Xen) when the result arrives.
The frequency at which a VCPU enters the block state and is woken
up can be used to measure the I/O intensity of the workload
running on the VCPU. The time interval for the VCPU to change
from the block state to the wake-up state can be used to measure
how fast the I/O request is performed.
A VCPU enters the block state when a do_block event occurs,
while a VCPU is woken up when a domain_wake event occurs.
In VSA, each time slice record in the VCPU scheduling history is
annotated with a block or wake-up event. The number of times
that the block event or the wake-up event occurs for a VCPU is
the blocking times or the wake-up times of the VCPU, respectively.
The interval between a block event and the next wake-up event
for a VCPU is defined as the block-to-wake time for the VCPU.
Consequently, the block-to-wake frequency and the average blockto-wake interval are calculated. Using these data, the user can
measure the I/O intensity and average I/O latency of the workload
running on a VCPU.
• Wake-to-schedule-in time
After a VCPU is woken up, it may not be scheduled to run
immediately. There are many reasons for this. One reason is that
the scheduler (e.g., Credit) is designed to be proportionally fair
to all domains (and eventually to their VCPUs), and therefore it
does not allow the VCPUs with I/O intensive workloads to gain
more processing resources by entering the block and the ‘‘wakeup’’ state frequently. For this reason, a wake-up VCPU may not
have a positive credit value and therefore not be given the BOOST
priority to preempt the currently running VCPU. Another reason is
as follows. If a VCPU has other CPU workloads to run after issuing
an I/O request, it will not enter the block state. Therefore, when
such a VCPU is woken up (i.e., the I/O operation is completed and
the result is returned), it is already in the run_queue. In this case,
the VCPU will not been given the BOOST priority and preempt the
currently running VCPU.
However, when the workloads have real-time requirements
(e.g., media playing), the interval between the time point at which
the VCPU is ‘‘woken-up’’ and the time point at which the VCPU
is scheduled to run (we call the interval the wake-to-schedule-in
time) is a very important metric to measure whether the VCPU
is suitable to run such workloads. The interval between a wakeup event and the next corresponding __enter_scheduling event
in the scheduling history of a VCPU (it can be checked whether
the __enter_scheduling event occurs due to scheduling in or
scheduling out a VCPU) is calculated as the wake-to-schedule-in
time for the VCPU. This analysis can help the administrators of Xenbased virtualized systems to diagnose the potential performance
problems for the workloads with real-time requirements.
• Preemption
In Xen-based virtualized systems, multiple domains often run
simultaneously in the same computer. Therefore, the VCPUs of
individual domains inevitably compete for the hardware resources
in the computer. In order to prevent one VCPU from monopolizing
a PCPU and improve I/O responsiveness, the Xen hypervisor allows
a VCPU to preempt the currently running VCPU. For example,
when one VCPU is woken up from the block state and is given the
BOOST priority, it will preempt the currently running VCPU and run
Analyzing VCPU preemption is important because it can be used
to reveal how the workload running a certain VCPU is interrupted.
VSA is able to analyze VCPU preemption. The design of this aspect
is as follows.
A running VCPU may give up the possession of its PCPU
voluntarily (e.g., enter the block state due to I/O). Therefore, when
a running VCPU is scheduled out, the following three rules are
designed in VSA to determine whether the VCPU is preempted. If
the following three rules are true, the VCPU is preempted.
(1) The state of the VCPU is changed from ‘‘running’’ to ‘‘runnable’’;
(2) The state of the VCPU is NOT be changed to ‘‘block’’;
(3) After the VCPU is scheduled out, the PCPU does not schedule in
an idle VCPU.
The third rule is designed as such because the situation needs
to be considered where the running VCPU has used up its credits in
the non-work-conserving mode [9] of the Credit scheduler. In this
case, the VCPU is not allowed to consume more resources, but it is
not preempted.
• Migration
Since the Credit scheduler allows VCPUs to migrate among all
available PCPUs (if not being explicitly confined to the specific PCPUs), one VCPU may run on different PCPUs in the period when
Z. Shao et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
the trace files are generated. Moreover, as modern multicore processors have shared L2 cache, migration between the processors
that do not share the same L2 cache will incur huge performance
penalty (due to, for example, cache warming up and losing the
cached data in previous cache). The analysis on the VCPU migration
can help system architects to evaluate the performance hindrance
of future schedulers (e.g., the forthcoming Credit2), or analyze the
performance problems of the workloads caused by scheduling.
VSA analyses VCPU migrations in the following way. In VSA,
every time slice record in a VCPU’s scheduling history is associated
with a tag number of the PCPU where the VCPU is running on. VSA
browses the scheduling history of a VCPU. If the PCPU tag number
of one time slice is not the same as that of the next time slice,
then the migration happens. Further, VSA is able to calculate other
statistic data about migration, such as the number of migrations,
the migration frequency and etc.
• Utilization
VSA introduces the term, usage rate of a VCPU, to determine
the percentage of a PCPU that is consumed by the VCPU during a
specified period. With the scheduling history of VCPUs, the usage
rate of a VCPU can be computed. Suppose a VCPU, VCPUi , has a
scheduling history of m time slices, which are denoted as Sij , 0 ≤
j ≤ m − 1. The usage rate of VCPUi during an interval T starting
from the time point t0 , denoted as Ui (t0 , T ), can be computed by
Eq. (2).
Ui (t0 , T ) =
(the duration of Sij that falls in [t0 , t0 + T ])
j =0
The usage rate of idle VCPUs can also be calculated using the
above method. In Xen, an idle VCPU is always confined to running
on a PCPU with the same tag number. Therefore, the utilization
of a PCPU can be computed by subtracting the usage rate of its
corresponding idle VCPU from 100%.
in groups and co-schedule [14] the processes (consequently their
VCPUs at the hypervisor layer) on the PCPUs simultaneously.
Indeed, co-scheduling in virtualized systems is becoming a hot
research topic, and a lot of research works [15–17] have been
conducted recently.
In order to conduct the co-scheduling analysis for a parallel
application, VSA introduces a metric called overlap rate. By using
the scheduling histories of multiple VCPUs that belong to the same
domainU, VSA can compute the overlap rate in the domain-based
analysis. To explain how the overlap rate is computed, we first
introduce another term, the overlap history of two VCPUs. Suppose
there are two VCPUs, VCPUi and VCPUj , and there are m and n time
slices in the scheduling history for VCPUi and VCPUj , respectively.
The time slices of VCPUi are denoted as Six , x ∈ [0, m − 1], and
those of VCPUj as Sjy , y ∈ [0, n − 1]. The overlap history of VCPUi
and VCPUj consists of the time slices during which both VCPUs are
scheduled simultaneously. The overlap history of these two VCPUs
can formally be computed by the function OH (i, j) defined in Eq.
(3), where the ∪ operator performs the union of all time slices, and
the ∩ operator computes the common subset of two time slices. For
example, suppose there are two time slices Si0 and Sj0 , the time
slice Si0 starts from time 0 and stops at the 5th second, while time
slice Sj0 starts from the 3rd second and stops at the 7th second. The
common subset of these two time slices is the duration of [3 s, 5 s].
OH (i, j) = ∪m
x=0 Six ∩ ∪y=0 Siy
For a domainU with N VCPUs, the overlap history of all these
VCPUs can be computed by Eq. (4).
OHall = OH (· · · OH (OH (0, 1), 2), . . . , N − 1).
N −1
Suppose that there are M time slices in the computed overlap
history of all VCPUs associated with one domainU, denoted as
, m ∈ [0, M − 1]. The overlap rate of the domainU during
the execution of a parallel application can be computed by Eq. (5).
3.3. Domain-based analysis
M −1
The previous subsection discussed the scheduling analysis
for individual VCPUs. This subsection presents how to conduct
domain-based analysis, i.e., analyze the scheduling behaviors of a
group of interacting VCPUs running in the same domain.
As today’s servers are always equipped with multiple processing units (i.e., multicore processor or even multiple processors), a
virtual machine is typically configured with multiple VCPUs to fully
exploit the processing potentials of the hardware. This is especially
true for the workloads that need parallel processing. Such workloads will spawn multiple running processes in the domainUs after invocation. When the VCPUs of these processes are scheduled
to run on different PCPUs simultaneously, the execution of such
workloads can always be accelerated.
However, due to the competition with other domainUs, the
execution of parallel applications may be greatly disturbed, which
may result in huge performance degradation and resource waste.
Our previous work [13] reveals that the reasons for this are as
follows. The spawned processes of the parallel application need
to communicate with each other (using, for example, OpenMP or
MPI). The communication cannot proceed if one of the involved
processes (e.g., the message sender) is offline since its container
(i.e., the VCPU) is scheduled out. In the virtualized systems based
on Xen and its default Credit scheduler, even when the message
sender is offline, the receiving processes may keep waiting until
their VCPUs have consumed the whole time slice in vain and are
scheduled out. This behavior wastes a large amount of processing
resources. In order to prevent such performance degradation and
resource waste, it is a promising method to organize the VCPUs
Ov erlapRate =
i =0
(duration of SOH
Application execution time
In Section 4.3, we will show how the overlap rate calculated
above is co-related with the extent to which a parallel application
running inside domainUs is co-scheduled.
Besides the co-scheduling analysis, VSA also provides the blockto-wake, wake-to-scheduled-in and preemption analysis in the
domain-based analysis. They are achieved by summing up the
figures associated with each VCPU in the domain.
4. Case studies of using VSA to conduct analyses
In this section, we present three case studies to demonstrate
how VSA can be used to analyze the behavior of the schedulers
in the Xen hypervisor, and to analyze different scheduling
characteristics for different types of applications. In the first case
study, by using the VSA data, we compare the behaviors of the SEDF
and the Credit scheduler when they handle the identical parallel
applications. In the second case study, we use VSA to compare the
scheduling characteristics of different types of application, i.e., the
parallel application and the network service application, running
on the same Xen-based virtualized system. In the third case
study, we conduct the domain-based analysis on the granularity
of domains that host parallel applications. We show that the
domain-based analysis can demonstrate the relationship between
the overlap rate and the execution time of the application, and thus
quantitatively reveal the co-scheduling effect in Xen VMM.
Z. Shao et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
In all these three case studies, the experiments were conducted
on a four-core physical host. The host has two-way Intel Xeon 5110
processor (Woodcrest), each of which has two 1.6 GHz processing
cores with the 4 MB shared L2 cache. It is configured with 4 GB
DDR2 memory, 160 GB SATA hard disk drive, and one NetXtreme
II BCM5708 Gigabit Ethernet interface. Xen 4.0.1 is adopted as the
hypervisor. Both the domain0 and domainUs in the experiments
are para-virtualized VMs, and install the CentOS x86_64 of version
6.2 with kernel version Each of the domains is configured
with 4 VCPUs, 1 GB virtual memory and 4 GB virtual hard disk drive
in the tests.
4.1. Comparing the SEDF and the credit schedulers
In this case study, we use ep.A.4 from the NPB suite of version
3.3 [18] as the parallel application. ep.A.4 invokes four processes
that generate a predefined number of random values. It is
‘‘embarrassingly’’ parallel computing in that few communications
are required during the computation. One domainU with 4VCPUs
is employed to host ep.A.4. The hypervisor is configured with the
SEDF and the Credit scheduler, respectively, and the scheduling
parameters are the default ones for both the domain0 and
domainU, i.e., (20, 15, 1) for domain0 and (100, 0, 1) for domainU
in the SEDF scheduler, and w eight = 256 and cap = 0 for both
domain0 and domainU in the Credit scheduler.
Using the method presented in Section 3.2, VSA can construct
the scheduling histories of the 4 VCPUs of the domainU during
the execution of the benchmark program. The scheduling histories
of these 4 VCPUs under the SEDF and the Credit scheduler are
shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), respectively. These figures should
be understood in the following way. The marks 0–3 in Y -axis
represent the tag number of the PCPUs which the VCPUs are
scheduled to run on. The mark labeled SCHED_OUT in Y -axis
represents that the VCPU is scheduled out and does not occupy any
PCPU. A figure plots the location of a particular VCPU (i.e., one of the
4 PCPUs or none of the PCPUs) at any time point as the execution
of the application progresses.
It can be observed from this figure that the SEDF and the
Credit scheduler have very different scheduling behaviors. First,
as shown in Fig. 3(a), a VCPU always resides in the same PCPU
throughout the execution of the application. This suggests that the
VCPUs do not migrate between PCPUs under the SEDF scheduler.
However, it can be seen from Fig. 3(b) that the VCPUs of the
domainU migrate among the PCPUs frequently under the Credit
scheduler. Second, under the SEDF scheduler, a VCPU oscillates
very frequently between a PCPU and sched_out throughout the
execution of the program. This suggests that the SEDF scheduler
interrupts the execution of the application very frequently. Under
the Credit scheduler, however, a VCPU may occupy a PCPU for a
long time. For example, VCPU0 stays in PCPU2 for nearly 4 s from
0 to 4 s and then stays in PCPU1 for nearly 4 s from 5.8 to 10 s.
Generally, it can be seen from these figures that the SEDF scheduler
interrupts the execution of an application more frequently than
the Credit scheduler does. For the CPU-intensive applications such
as EP, few interruptions mean higher utilization of the physical
4.2. Comparison of scheduling data between parallel applications and
service applications
In this case study, in addition to the parallel application of ep.A.4
used in previous case study, we use another type of application,
service application, running inside the same 4-VCPU domainU. The
service application is the web server using the Apache server of
version 2.2.3. We aim to compare the scheduling characteristics
of these two applications. It takes about 14 s to run ep.A.4 on the
virtualized system. In order to make the comparison fair, we set the
experiment environment as follows so that the service application
also takes about 14 s: (1) the ab Apache benchmark resides in an
isolated client machine that connects to the server via network,
and (2) the ab benchmark completes 70,000 connections (HTTP
requests) with a concurrency of 10. During this experiment, the
Xen hypervisor is configured to use the Credit scheduler, and the
domainU is configured with the default scheduling parameter of
w eight = 256 and cap = 0.
In the experiments, the trace data of the virtualized web
server are collected during the benchmark testing, and VSA is
used to compute the following statistic data on VCPU scheduling
(including Domain0): scheduled times, average length of the time
slices in the scheduling history, the number of migrations, wakeup times and blocking times. And then the data for the service
application are compared with those collected for ep.A.4 in the
previous case study. The comparison is shown in Table 1.
It can be observed from Table 1 that the length of the time
slices for the VCPUs running parallel applications are much longer
than those running the server application (see the ‘‘Avg. time
slice length’’ column in Table 1). For example, in Domain 1
(i.e., the DomainU that hosts the parallel application or the service
application), the average time slice length of VCPU0 is 5.04 and
0.17 ms for the parallel application and the service application,
respectively. This can be explained as follows. When the web
service provides services, a large number of network I/O requests
need to be handled. This results in a large number of blocking
and wake-up events for the VCPUs (see the ‘‘wake-up times’’ and
‘‘blocking times’’ columns of Table 1), due to the split driver model
discussed in Section 2.2. Moreover, when a VCPU is woken up, it
will always preempt the currently running VCPU. Therefore the
average time slice lengths for the service application are much
shorter than those for the parallel application.
Another effect of the large number of blocking and wake-up
events on scheduling behaviors is that it causes very frequent
migrations of the VCPUs in both DomainU and Domain0 (see the
‘‘migration times’’ column of Table 1). This can be explained as
follows. The large number of blocking events suggests that the
VCPUs are more likely to enter the block status. The aggressive
migration police employed by the Credit scheduler mandates the
PCPUs to ‘‘steal’’ VCPUs from its neighboring PCPUs immediately
after the currently running VCPU enters the block state (although
it will come back soon) and its run_queue is empty. Although this
high migration frequency will inevitably result in performance
overhead, to the best of our knowledge, there are still no
research work in the literature that systematically analyses the
negative impact on the performance of the service applications
on the virtualized platforms based on Xen. We believe that the
quantitative analysis data provided by VSA is able to help the
researchers work towards this direction.
4.3. Co-scheduling analysis
To evaluate the effectiveness of VSA in conducting the coscheduling analysis, in addition to ep.A.4 used in the previous two
case studies, we used two other parallel computing benchmark
programs from the NPB suite of version 3.3: is.A.4 (integer
sorting, which relies on all-to-all communications to exchange
intermediate results) and bt.A.4 (block tridiagonal, which solves
three sets of uncoupled systems of equations in the X, Y and
Z dimensions in order). The three benchmarks represent three
typical types of parallel applications: (1) the communication
intensive applications with little computation, i.e., IS, (2) the
CPU intensive applications with little communication, i.e., EP, and
(3) the applications that lie in the middle, i.e., BT.
Z. Shao et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
(a) SEDF scheduler.
(b) Credit scheduler.
Fig. 3. Comparison of the scheduling history of 4 VCPUs under SEDF and credit schedulers.
In the experiments in this case study, the Credit scheduler
is used and all guest VMs have default scheduling parameters
(w eight = 256 and cap = 0). We set up four experiment scenarios:
(1) The host runs only one domainU; all VCPUs are free to migrate;
the benchmark programs run inside the domainU; (2) This scenario
is the same as Scenario 1, except that the following measure
is taken to prohibit VCPU migrations: the VCPUs of domainU
and domain0 are confined to running on the PCPUs with the
corresponding tag number (i.e., VCPUi , i ∈ [0, 3] of domainU (and
domain0) is confined to PCPUi , i ∈ [0, 3]); (3) The host runs two
domainUs; two identical copies of each of the three benchmarks
(is.A.4, bt.A.4 and ep.A.4) run simultaneously (invoked at almost
the same time) in these two domainUs; (4) This scenario is the
same as Scenario 3, except that the VCPUs of these two domainUs
and domain0 are confined to running on the PCPUs with the
corresponding tag numbers.
The fourth scenario is deployed to imitate the balance scheduling
that is proposed in [17] for co-scheduling the KVM virtual
machines. In this case study, we want to evaluate the effectiveness
of balance scheduling on the Xen platform.
In these four experiment scenarios, the execution times of the
benchmark programs are recorded and averaged (for Scenario 3
and 4), and the trace records are generated to help VSA conduct
the co-scheduling analysis. Table 2 presents the execution times
of the benchmark programs and the corresponding overlap rate
computed by VSA.
Z. Shao et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
Table 1
Comparison of the statistics data of VCPU scheduling between ep.A.4 and web server.
Scheduled times
2 350
16 347
1 202
2 844
3 464
4 154
4 425
Avg. time slice length (ms)
2 361
16 737
1 203
2 361
16 736
1 203
httpd ab
104 603
57 769
70 312
1 442
28 278
26 877
26 540
28 790
108 580
58 273
70 916
1 438
25 455
12 943
23 374
24 721
108 414
58 231
70 826
1 438
25 451
12 937
23 371
24 718
Table 2
Execution time of the benchmark programs and the corresponding overlap rate.
One domainU
Two domainUs
Avg. run time
Overlap rate
Avg. run time
Overlap rate
Avg. run time
Overlap rate
Migration times
Wake-up times
Blocking times
By these three case studies in this section, we demonstrate that
the data generated by VSA can be used to analyze the scheduling
behaviors of the schedulers in the Xen hypervisor and determine
the scheduling characteristics of different types of applications.
The co-scheduling analysis at the granularity of a domain gives an
insight into the relationship between the performance and the coscheduling degree of parallel applications, and also quantitatively
indicates potential improvement room for future development of
co-scheduling algorithms on the Xen VMM.
5. Related works
From Table 2, it can be observed that for all three benchmark
programs, the execution times and the overlap rates under Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 are similar. Moreover, in Scenario 3, we
found that the execution time of the communication intensive
benchmark program, i.e., is.A.4 is increased by about 3 times, compared with the one domain scenario (Actually, the execution times
can increase by up to 6 times in real usages. But the tracing process employed in this experiment caused scheduling to occur more
frequently, and consequently reduced the increase fold). We also
found that the overlap rate dropped substantially (from about 80%
to only 2%). This result suggests that in Scenario 3, there are few
opportunities for the four processes of is.A.4 to run simultaneously
and therefore to reduce the communication penalty. This result
also reveals the reason for the significant slowdown of the program
executions. For the benchmark programs that need little communications during executions, i.e., ep.A.4, the execution time is just
about doubled. It appears that the substantial decrease in the overlap rate for EP (from about 96% to about 6%) does not has the same
level of impact as that for IS on performance. This is because the
processes of ep.A.4 need little communications during the execution and therefore the performance will not be affected if they are
not co-scheduled.
In Scenario 4, we found that the balance scheduling (by preventing VCPU migrations) does help increase the opportunity of
co-scheduling (higher overlap rate than that in Scenario 3). Consequently, the benchmark programs that need communications
(i.e., is.A.4 and bt.A.4) have shorter execution times. However,
the analysis data provided by VSA also reveals that the balance
scheduling is not optimal for the Xen VMM, although it works fine
for KVM according to [17]. When the number of domainUs (consequently the amount of the competing workloads) doubles, the
ideal execution time of an application should also double theoretically. Therefore, the optimal overlap rate in this scenario should
be close to 50% according to Eq. (5). As shown in the analysis data
generated by VSA, the overlap rate is only 6%–7% under the balance
scheduling, which suggests a huge improvement room for future
co-scheduling algorithms.
Xentop and XenMon are two widely used tools to analyze the
performance of Xen VMM.
• Xentop: Xentop is the built-in performance monitor tool of Xen.
It provides the real time data for the usage rate of system
resources (such as memory, virtual network interfaces, virtual
block devices, and so on), the domains and their constituent
VCPUs. However, as a general tool, the information provided
by Xentop on VCPU scheduling is not sufficient (only the usage
rates are provided). Therefore, it is very difficult to use the data
to conduct advanced analysis on the scheduling behaviors of
VCPUs and domains.
• XenMon [19]: XenMon provides QoS monitoring and performance profiling mechanisms on the Xen VMM. However, with
regards to scheduling, XenMon focuses on monitoring the PCPUs and providing the real time data to show how the PCPUs
are used by which domains. Although its data can be used further to show the usage rate, woken-up and blocking periods at
the domain granularity, more detailed analysis on the VCPUs,
such as block-to-wake, wake-to-schedule-in, and other analysis provided by VSA are not available in XenMon. Since there are
no data about the VCPU scheduling history, it is also impossible
for XenMon to conduct the co-scheduling analysis.
VSA adds to the two popular performance monitoring tools
discussed above and provides a complementary performance
analysis tool for the Xen VMM. VSA is able to help the system
administrators or developers to identify the performance problems
on scheduling in virtualized systems using Xen and investigate the
potential room for performance improvements.
Some existing research works have been conducted to analyze
and evaluate the scheduling algorithms of Xen hypervisor [9], and
to predict the workload characteristics by instrumenting Xentrace
and analyzing the output [20]. There are also some works carried
out to improve the scheduling framework of Xen hypervisor
[11,21], and to co-schedule the virtual machines [15–17,13].
Z. Shao et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
In these existing work, the work presented in [20] adopted a
similar approach as in this paper to investigating the workload
characteristics. In [20], the running behaviors of the workloads
(i.e., whether the workload is CPU intensive or I/O intensive) in a
VCPU are determined by instrumenting Xentrace and analyzing the
trace data of the VCPU scheduling. Also, the scheduling behavior
of the interested VCPUs can be further predicted. However, there
are non-trivial differences between the work in [20] and our
work. The purpose of VSA is to provide a generic tool that can
be used to generate the data in a wide range of aspects of VCPU
scheduling. Actually, the work in [20] can be regarded as one
particular application of VSA (corresponding to the case studies
presented in Section 4.2). Compared to the work in [20], VSA is able
to generate much more comprehensive analyses on the scheduling
behaviors of VCPUs and domains, and thus help researchers and
engineers understand the scheduling behavior of the hypervisor
more comprehensively.
6. Conclusions and future work
An offline scheduling analyzer for the Xen VMM, called VSA, is
developed in this paper. By using the trace data, the system can
reconstruct the scheduling history of each VCPU, and conduct advanced analyses, such as the block-to-wakeup, wake-to-schedulein, preemption analysis and so on. This paper discusses the design
and functionalities of VSA, and also presents three case studies. The
design strategies and the case studies explain the merits of VSA
and demonstrate how the analysis data generated by VSA can help
understand the behaviors of Xen-based virtualized systems, and
therefore help further system optimizations.
The future work for VSA is two-fold. First, the co-scheduling
analysis of VSA to date considers only the intra-domain communications in domain-based analysis. It cannot analyze the cases yet
where the inter-domain communications are involved, which requires auditing the scheduling of VCPUs of domain0 (since they are
scheduled to relay the network messages for the domainUs), and
requires considering more dimensions in addition to the overlap
rate. We will further develop VSA to address these issues. Second,
we plan to develop the visualization interface for VSA so that the
analysis data generated by VSA can be automatically plotted.
This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation
of China under grant No. 60903022, 612320081, Research Fund for
the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China under grant No.
20100142120027, and the Leverhulme Trust in UK (grant number
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Zhiyuan Shao received Ph.D. in computer science and
engineering from Huazhong University of Science and
Technology (HUST), China, in 2005. He is now an Associate
Professor in school of Computer Science and Engineering
at HUST. He has served as a reviewer for many conferences
and journal papers. His research interests are in the
areas of operating systems, virtualization technology
for computing system and computer networks. He is a
member of the IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society.
Ligang He is an Associate Professor in the Department
of Computer Science at the University of Warwick.
He studied for a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the
University of Warwick, UK, from 2002 to 2005, and then
worked as a post-doctor in the University of Cambridge,
UK. In 2006, he joined the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Warwick as an Assistant
Professor. His research interests focus on parallel and
distributed processing, Cluster, Grid and Cloud computing.
He has published more than 40 papers in international
conferences and journals, such as IEEE Transactions on
Parallel and Distributed Systems, IPDPS, CCGrid, MASCOTS. He has been a member
of the program committee for many international conferences, and has been the
reviewer for a number of international journals, including IEEE Transactions on
Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, etc. He is a
member of the IEEE.
Zhiqiang Lu is a Master’s student in school of Computer
Science and Engineering at Huazhong University of
Science and Technology. His research area is Cloud
computing and virtualization.
Z. Shao et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (2013) 2067–2076
Hai Jin is a professor of computer science and engineering
at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology
(HUST) in China. He is now Dean of the School of Computer
Science and Technology at HUST. Jin received his Ph.D. in
computer engineering from HUST in 1994. In 1996, he was
awarded a German Academic Exchange Service fellowship
to visit the Technical University of Chemnitz in Germany.
Jin worked at the University of Hong Kong between 1998
and 2000, and as a visiting scholar at the University
of Southern California between 1999 and 2000. He was
awarded Excellent Youth Award from the National Science
Foundation of China in 2001. Jin is the chief scientist of ChinaGrid, the largest grid
computing project in China. Jin is a senior member of the IEEE and a member
of the ACM. Jin is the member of Grid Forum Steering Group (GFSG). He has coauthored 15 books and published over 400 research papers. His research interests
include computer architecture, virtualization technology, cluster computing and
grid computing, peer-to-peer computing, network storage, and network security.
Jin is the steering committee chair of International Conference on Grid and
Pervasive Computing (GPC), Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC),
International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST),
and Annual ChinaGrid Conference. Jin is a member of the steering committee of the
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid),
the IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC), and the
International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC), International
Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC), International Conference
on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC).