Topological superconductors as nonrelativistic limits of Jackiw-Rossi and Jackiw-Rebbi models The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Nishida, Yusuke, Luiz Santos, and Claudio Chamon. "Topological superconductors as nonrelativistic limits of JackiwRossi and Jackiw-Rebbi models." Physical Review B 82.14 (2010): 144513. © 2010 The American Physical Society As Published Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 20:10:42 EDT 2016 Citable Link Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 144513 共2010兲 Topological superconductors as nonrelativistic limits of Jackiw-Rossi and Jackiw-Rebbi models Yusuke Nishida,1 Luiz Santos,2 and Claudio Chamon3 1Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 2Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA 3Physics Department, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA 共Received 19 July 2010; published 15 October 2010兲 We argue that the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian of px + ipy superconductor in two dimensions can be derived from the relativistic Jackiw-Rossi model by taking the limit of large Zeeman magnetic field and chemical potential. In particular, the existence of a fermion zero mode bound to a vortex in the px + ipy superconductor can be understood as a remnant of that in the Jackiw-Rossi model. In three dimensions, the nonrelativistic limit of the Jackiw-Rebbi model leads to a “p + is” superconductor in which spin-triplet p-wave and spin-singlet s-wave pairings coexist. The resulting Hamiltonian supports a fermion zero mode when the pairing gaps form a hedgehoglike structure. Our findings provide a unified view of fermion zero modes in relativistic 共Dirac-type兲 and nonrelativistic 共Schrödinger-type兲 superconductors. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.144513 PACS number共s兲: 74.90.⫹n, 74.20.Rp, 74.25.Ha, 03.65.Ge I. INTRODUCTION Fermion zero modes bound to topological defects have been discovered by Jackiw and Rebbi in 1976 共Ref. 1兲 and recently received renewed interest in condensed matter physics 共see, for example, Ref. 2兲. Vortices in a certain class of superconductors in two dimensions 共2D兲 support zero-energy Majorana bound states and obey non-Abelian statistics,3 which can be potentially used for topological quantum computation.4 Although vortices in the ordinary nonrelativistic s-wave superconductor do not support Majorana zero modes, the weakly paired phase of the px + ipy superconductor, which is believed to be realized in Sr2RuO4,5 does support Majorana zero modes bound to vortex cores.3,6,7 It is also known from the pioneering work by Jackiw and Rossi that the relativistic s-wave superconductor in 2D 共Jackiw-Rossi model兲 has similar properties.8 Remarkably it has been shown that such a system can be realized on the surface of the three-dimensional 共3D兲 topological insulator in contact with the s-wave superconductor.9 Besides these examples, there is a number of proposals to realize Majorana zero modes using heterostructures of semiconductor and superconductor,10–12 superconductor and ferromagnet,13 and quantum 共anomalous兲 Hall state and superconductor.14 Although the nonrelativistic px + ipy superconductor and the relativistic Jackiw-Rossi model share similar properties, the existence of a fermion zero mode bound to a vortex has been discussed separately in the two systems.8,9,15–19 In this paper 共Sec. II兲, we argue that they are actually linked by showing that the former Hamiltonian can be derived from the latter by taking the limit of large Zeeman magnetic field and chemical potential. In particular, the fermion zero mode bound to a vortex persists under taking this limit. Then in Sec. III, we turn to the relativistic JackiwRebbi model in 3D, which is known to exhibit a fermion zero mode associated with a pointlike topological defect 共hedgehog兲.1,18,20,21 The limit of large mass and chemical potential 共nonrelativistic limit兲 leads to a “p + is” superconductor in which spin-triplet p-wave and spin-singlet s-wave pairings coexist. We show that the resulting nonrelativistic 1098-0121/2010/82共14兲/144513共7兲 Hamiltonian supports a fermion zero mode when the pairing gaps form a hedgehoglike structure. We note that the analysis presented in this paper is largely motivated by the recent paper by Silaev and Volovik:22 The nonrelativistic Hamiltonian of the Balian-Werthamer 共BW兲 state of the superfluid 3He was derived from the relativistic superconductor with the odd parity pairing23 and their topological properties were studied. In this paper, we shall broadly use “relativistic” to indicate Dirac-type Hamiltonians and “nonrelativistic” to indicate Schrödinger-type Hamiltonians. For readers’ convenience, references to the main results are summarized in Table I. II. JACKIW-ROSSI MODEL IN 2D AND ITS NONRELATIVISTIC LIMIT A. Jackiw-Rossi model and fermion zero mode at a vortex We start with the Hamiltonian describing 2D Dirac fermions coupled with an s-wave pairing gap 共Jackiw-Rossi8 or Fu-Kane9 model兲 H= 1 2 冕 dx⌿†H⌿ 共1兲 with ⌿† = 共† , −iT2兲 and TABLE I. References to the equations in which the Hamiltonian, zero-energy solution bound to a defect, and its normalizability condition are shown for the relativistic model and its nonrelativistic descendant both in 2D and 3D. 2D 2D 3D 3D 144513-1 relativistic nonrelativistic relativistic nonrelativistic Hamiltonian Solution Normalizability 共2兲 共13兲 共29兲 共46兲 共6兲 共17兲 共36兲 or 共38兲 共50兲 or 共51兲 共7兲 共19兲 共39兲 共53兲 ©2010 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 144513 共2010兲 NISHIDA, SANTOS, AND CHAMON H= 冉 冊 · p + zh − ⌬ . − · p + zh + ⌬ⴱ This Hamiltonian can be realized on the surface of the 3D topological insulator in contact with the s-wave superconductor.9 h is the Zeeman magnetic field and is the chemical potential. When the pairing gap ⌬ is spatially dependent, p ⬅ 共px , py兲 has to be regarded as derivative operators 共−ix , −iy兲. The energy eigenvalue problem is 冢冣 冢冣 u1 u2 v2 =H v1 u1 u2 v2 1 2 The low-energy spectrum in such a limit can be obtained by eliminating small components u2 and v2.26 Substituting the following two equations from Eq. 共3兲: 共 + h + 兲u2 = p+u1 + ⌬v1 共 − h − 兲v2 = − p−v1 + ⌬ⴱu1 共3兲 . v1 冕 ˆ ⌬ ˆ dli⑀ab⌬ a i b ⬅ Nw , 共4兲 where ⌬ˆ a ⬅ ⌬a / 冑⌬21 + ⌬22 and the line integral is taken at spatial infinity. However, in the presence of h and , the index theorem is no longer valid: h and terms in the Hamiltonian can couple zero modes and they become nonzero energy states so that two states form a pair with opposite energies. Therefore, in general, only one zero mode survives for odd Nw while no zero mode survives for even Nw.2,18,24 If we work in polar coordinates 共r , 兲 with the gap function given by the vortex form ⌬共x,y兲 = 兩⌬共r兲兩ein with 兩⌬共⬁兲兩 ⬎ 0, 冉冊冋 冑 + hJl共冑2 − h2r兲e−共/4兲i 冑 − hJl+1共冑2 − h2r兲e共/4兲i+i 共5兲 册 ⫻e and v1 = −uⴱ1, v2 = uⴱ2 with an integer l ⬅ 共n − 1兲 / 2. We note that the zero-energy solution, Eq. 共6兲, is normalizable as long as 共7兲 is satisfied and there is a topological phase transition at 2 + 兩⌬兩2 = h2 关see also Eq. 共24兲 below兴. B. Derivation of px + ipy superconductor and fermion zero mode We now derive a clear connection between the JackiwRossi model and the nonrelativistic px + ipy superconductor. Suppose we are interested in the low-energy spectrum of Hamiltonian 共2兲 in the limit where both h ⬎ 0 and ⬎ 0 are equally large 共 − h + 兲u1 = p2u1 + p−⌬v1 − ⌬p−v1 + 兩⌬兩2u1 + +h+ −h− 共 + h − 兲v1 = p2v1 − p+⌬ⴱu1 ⌬ⴱ p+u1 + 兩⌬兩2v1 + . 共10兲 −h− +h+ 冉冊 u1 v1 = 冢 p2 − nr 2m 1 兵p−,⌬nr其 2 2 1 p ⴱ + nr 兵p+,⌬nr 其 − 2 2m 冣 冉冊 u1 v1 , 共11兲 where we defined the nonrelativistic mass, chemical potential, and pairing gap as m ⬅ h, nr ⬅ 冑2 + 兩⌬兩2 − h, ⌬nr ⬅ ⌬ . h 共12兲 The resulting Hamiltonian Hnr = il−兰rdr⬘兩⌬共r⬘兲兩 共6兲 2 + 兩⌬共⬁兲兩2 ⬎ h2 共9兲 Here we introduced p⫾ ⬅ px ⫾ ipy. In the limit under consideration, Eq. 共8兲, we can neglect compared to h + and approximate 冑2 + 兩⌬兩2 by h. The remaining components u1 and v1 obey the new energy eigenvalue problem it is easy to find the explicit zero-energy solution for odd Nw = n 共Ref. 25兲 u1 = u2 共8兲 into the remaining two equations, we obtain When h and are both zero, the number of fermion zero modes 共 = 0兲 bound to a vortex formed by ⌬共x , y兲 ⬅ ⌬1 + i⌬2 is determined by the winding number of the two scalar fields8,15,18 Index H = ,兩冑2 + 兩⌬兩2 − h兩 Ⰶ h ⬃ . 共2兲 冢 p2 − nr 2m 1 兵p−,⌬nr其 2 1 p2 ⴱ + nr 其 − 兵p+,⌬nr 2 2m 冣 共13兲 describes the nonrelativistic px + ipy superconductor. We note that when h ⬍ 0, one obtains the Hamiltonian of the px − ipy superconductor where p+ and p− are exchanged in Eq. 共13兲. The first nontrivial check of this correspondence is the comparison of spectrum in a uniform space where ⌬ is constant. The relativistic Hamiltonian 共2兲 has the energy eigenvalues 2 = p2 + h2 + 2 + 兩⌬兩2 ⫾ 2冑p22 + h2共2 + 兩⌬兩2兲. 共14兲 Its low-energy branch 共lower sign兲 at small p is correctly reproduced by the energy eigenvalue of the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian 共13兲 2 = nr 冉 p2 − nr 2m 冊 2 + p2兩⌬nr兩2 共15兲 under the assumptions in Eq. 共8兲. Because the above “nonrelativistic limit” does not rely on the spatial independence of ⌬, the fermion zero mode found 144513-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 144513 共2010兲 TOPOLOGICAL SUPERCONDUCTORS AS… TABLE II. Properties under the time-reversal operator T. -matrices act on the particle-hole space and ⴰ 共 ⫻ 兲 indicates even 共odd兲 under T. Replacement of 0 by 3 exchanges the roles of ⌬1 and ⌬2. T TT / T h ⌬1 ⌬2 −1 +1 ⫻ ⫻ ⴰ ⫻ ⴰ ⴰ ⫻ ⴰ 2 丢 0 1 丢 1 in Eq. 共6兲 persists into the px + ipy superconductor, Eq. 共13兲. In order to demonstrate it, we consider the simplified vortex configuration with a constant 兩⌬nr兩 ⬎ 0 ⌬nr共x,y兲 = ein兩⌬nr兩. 共16兲 When n is odd, we can find the explicit zero-energy solution 共 = 0兲 to Eq. 共11兲 共Ref. 17兲 u1 = Jl关冑2mnr − 共m兩⌬nr兩兲2r兴e−共/4兲i+il−m兩⌬nr兩r 共17兲 and v1 = −uⴱ1. One can see that this zero-energy solution is the direct consequence of that in Eq. 共6兲 because Eqs. 共8兲 and 共12兲 lead to 冉 2 − h2 = 共 + h兲共 − h兲 ⬇ 2m nr − 冊 m兩⌬nr兩2 . 2 共18兲 Thus we have established that the existence of a fermion zero mode bound to a vortex in the px + ipy superconductor, Eq. 共13兲, is a remnant of that in the Jackiw-Rossi model, Eq. 共2兲. In particular, the condition for the normalizability of the zero-energy solution, Eq. 共7兲, is translated into nr ⬎ 0 共19兲 which coincides with the well-known topological phase transition in the px + ipy superconductor existing at nr = 0 共Refs. 3, 17, and 27兲 关see also Eq. 共25兲 below兴. Our finding also clarifies why a vortex with winding number Nw in the px + ipy superconductor cannot support 兩Nw兩 zero modes in contrast to in the Jackiw-Rossi model with h = = 0.16,17 In order to derive the px + ipy superconductor as a nonrelativistic limit of the Jackiw-Rossi model, one needs to introduce h and which split an even number of zero modes into positive- and negative-energy states. Therefore, only one zero mode survives for odd Nw in the px + ipy superconductor. C. Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry class (Refs. 28 and 29) and topological invariant Finally, we note the Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry class of the Hamiltonians that we have investigated in this section. Hamiltonian 共2兲 with spatially dependent ⌬1,2 ⫽ 0 has the charge conjugation symmetry C−1HC = − Hⴱ with C = 冉 0 − i2 i2 0 冊 . −1H = − H with = 冊 3 0 , 0 − 3 共21兲 is present only if h = = 0 and essential for the index theorem, Eq. 共4兲. Therefore, the relativistic Hamiltonian 共2兲 with h , ⫽ 0 and thus the resulting nonrelativistic Hamiltonian 共13兲 belong to the symmetry class D. According to Refs. 30 and 31, the class D Hamiltonians defined in compact 2D momentum spaces can be classified by an integer-valued topological invariant, which is the first Chern number32–34 C1 ⬅ 冊 共22兲 兺 具a,p兩 pi 兩a,p典. ⬍0 共23兲 −i 2 冕 冉 dp a y ax − px p y with ai共p兲 ⬅ a We shall use Eqs. 共22兲 and 共23兲 as a definition of the topological invariant C1 even for relativistic 共Dirac-type兲 Hamiltonians while C1 in this case can be a half integer. However, for superconductors, C1 is always an integer because of the Nambu-Gor’kov doubling. We find that the topological invariant for the relativistic Hamiltonian 共2兲 is given by C1 = 再 冎 for 2 + 兩⌬兩2 ⬎ h2 0 − sgn共h兲 for 2 + 兩⌬兩2 ⬍ h2 共24兲 while the topological invariant for the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian 共13兲 is given by C1 = 再 冎 1 for nr ⬎ 0 0 for nr ⬍ 0. 共25兲 Therefore, in general, the topological invariant of the momentum space Hamiltonian is not preserved by the nonrelativistic limit.35 Nevertheless, both values of C1 computed for the relativistic and nonrelativistic Hamiltonians are consistent with recent conjectures relating the topological invariant of a momentum space Hamiltonian to the number of fermion zero modes bound to a vortex.2,36 For class D superconductors defined in compact momentum spaces 共as is the case for nonrelativistic Hamiltonians兲, Teo and Kane in Ref. 2 conjecture that the number of fermion zero modes is = C1Nw mod 2. 共20兲 The properties of each term under the time-reversal operator T 共T−1HT = Hⴱ at h = = ⌬1,2 = 0兲 are summarized in Table II. In particular, the so-called chiral symmetry, 冉 共26兲 This formula gives = 1 for nr ⬎ 0 and = 0 for nr ⬍ 0 for an odd winding number Nw. On the other hand, Santos et al. in Ref. 36 do not constrain Hamiltonians to be defined in compact momentum spaces, allowing for relativistic 共Dirac- 144513-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 144513 共2010兲 NISHIDA, SANTOS, AND CHAMON type兲 Hamiltonians, and conjecture that the number of fermion zero modes is = 共C1 + N f 兲Nw mod 2, 共27兲 where N f is the number of Dirac flavors 关N f = 1 for the Jackiw-Rossi model, Eq. 共2兲, and N f = 0 for the px + ipy superconductor, Eq. 共13兲兴. For an odd winding number Nw, their formula gives = 1 for 2 + 兩⌬兩2 ⬎ h2 and nr ⬎ 0 and = 0 for 2 + 兩⌬兩2 ⬍ h2 and nr ⬍ 0. Therefore, the conjectured counting of fermion zero modes in terms of the momentum space topological invariant works both in the relativistic and nonrelativistic Hamiltonians, even though the value of C1 is not preserved by the nonrelativistic limit. III. JACKIW-REBBI MODEL IN 3D AND ITS NONRELATIVISTIC LIMIT A. Jackiw-Rebbi model and fermion zero mode at a hedgehog In this section, we extend the above developed analysis to three dimensions. For this purpose, we consider the following Hamiltonian describing 3D Dirac fermions coupled with three real scalar fields 共⌬ ⬅ ⌬1 + i⌬2 and ⌬3兲: 1 H= 2 冕 is determined by the winding number of the three scalar fields1,18,20 dx⌿†H⌿ 共28兲 Index H = = 冉 冊 ␣ · p +  m − − i ␥ 5 ⌬ 3 ⌬ . ⴱ − ␣ · p +  m + + i ␥ 5 ⌬ 3 ⌬ 共29兲 This Hamiltonian with zero mass m and zero chemical potential , after an appropriate unitary transformation and renamings 共 ↔ i␥5 , ⌬1 → 1 , ⌬2 → −2 , ⌬3 → −3兲, was studied initially by Jackiw and Rebbi1 and recently by Teo and Kane21 in the context of ordinary and topological insulators coexisting with superconductivity. When the scalar fields ⌬1,2,3 are spatially dependent, p ⬅ 共px , py , pz兲 has to be regarded as derivative operators 共−ix , −iy , −iz兲. The energy eigenvalue problem is 冢冣 冢冣 u1 u2 v2 u1 u2 =H v2 ⌬共x,y兲 = 兩⌬共r兲兩ein with 兩⌬共⬁兲兩 ⬎ 0 共34兲 ⌬3共z → ⫾ ⬁兲 → ⫾ 兩⌬3兩, 共35兲 冉冊 u1 u2 ␣= 冉 冊 0 , = and hence i ␥ 5 = 冉 冊 1 0 0 −1 冉 0 − i1 i1 0 ␥5 = , 冊 冉 冊 0 1 1 0 共31兲 = 冤 冑 + mJl共冑2 − m2r兲e−共/4兲i 0 0 冑 − mJl+1共冑2 − m2r兲e共/4兲i+i ⫻ eil−兰 dr⬘兩⌬共r⬘兲兩−兰 dz⬘⌬3共z⬘兲 r z 共32兲 共36兲 ⌬3共z → ⫾ ⬁兲 → ⫿ 兩⌬3兩 共37兲 with the same ⌬共x , y兲 in Eq. 共34兲, we have Nw = −n and the zero-energy solution in Eq. 共36兲 is replaced by 冉冊 u1 = u2 冤 0 冑 + mJl+1共冑2 − m2r兲e共/4兲i+i 冑 − mJl共冑2 − m2r兲e−共/4兲i 0 ⫻ eil−兰 dr⬘兩⌬共r⬘兲兩+兰 dz⬘⌬3共z⬘兲 . r z 冥 共38兲 We note that the zero-energy solution, Eq. 共36兲 or 共38兲, is normalizable as long as 2 + 兩⌬共⬁兲兩2 ⬎ m2 . 冥 and v1 = i2u1, v2 = i2u2 with an integer l ⬅ 共n − 1兲 / 2. On the other hand, when where u1,2 and v1,2 are two-component fields. Here we employ the standard representation of Dirac matrices 0 共33兲 it is easy to find the explicit zero-energy solution for odd Nw = n 共Ref. 38兲 v1 v1 dSi⑀ijk⑀abc⌬ˆ a j⌬ˆ bk⌬ˆ c ⬅ Nw , and 共30兲 , 冕 where ⌬ˆ a ⬅ ⌬a / 冑⌬21 + ⌬22 + ⌬23 and the surface integral is taken at spatial infinity. However, in the presence of m and , the index theorem is no longer valid: m and terms in the Hamiltonian can couple zero modes and they become nonzero energy states so that two states form a pair with opposite energies. Therefore, in general, only one zero mode survives for odd Nw while no zero mode survives for even Nw.2,18,37 Here, instead of the symmetric hedgehog 共⌬i ⬀ x̂i兲, we assume the hedgehoglike configuration in which ⌬1,2 depend only on 共x , y兲 and form a vortex and ⌬3 depends only on z and forms a kink. They have the same winding number but the latter has the advantage that an analytic solution can be found even with m , ⫽ 0. If we work in cylindrical coordinates 共r , , z兲 with the gap functions given by the forms with ⌿† = 共† , −iT␣2兲 and H 1 8 共39兲 is satisfied. B. Derivation of p + is superconductor and fermion zero mode When m and are both zero, the number of fermion zero modes 共 = 0兲 bound to a hedgehog formed by ⌬1,2,3共x , y , z兲 We now study the nonrelativistic limit of the above Jackiw-Rebbi model. Suppose we are interested in the low- 144513-4 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 144513 共2010兲 TOPOLOGICAL SUPERCONDUCTORS AS… energy spectrum of Hamiltonian 共29兲 in the limit where both m ⬎ 0 and ⬎ 0 are equally large ,兩冑2 + 兩⌬兩2 − m兩 Ⰶ m ⬃ . 共40兲 The low-energy spectrum in such a limit can be obtained by eliminating small components u2 and v2.26 Substituting the following two equations from Eq. 共30兲: 共 + m + 兲u2 = 共 · p − i⌬3兲u1 + ⌬v1 共 − m − 兲v2 = − 共 · p + i⌬3兲v1 + ⌬ⴱu1 共41兲 complex but its phase is locked to the phase of ⌬t 关see Eq. 共45兲兴 and thus there are three independent degrees of freedom. The last term in the diagonal elements resembles the Zeeman coupling · B with “magnetic field” Bi = −i⌬3 / 共2m兲 generated by the gradient of ⌬3 = ⌬s / ⌬t. We note that the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian 共46兲 in the absence of ⌬s is the BW state of the superfluid 3He and studied in Ref. 22. The first nontrivial check of this correspondence is the comparison of spectrum in a uniform space where ⌬ and ⌬3 are constant. The relativistic Hamiltonian 共29兲 has the energy eigenvalues 2 = p2 + m2 + 2 + 兩⌬兩2 + ⌬23 into the remaining two equations, we obtain 关p2 + ⌬23 − · 共 ⌬3兲兴u1 + 共 · p + i⌬3兲⌬v1 +m+ 共 − m + 兲u1 = − ⌬共 · p + i⌬3兲v1 + 兩⌬兩2u1 + −m− 关p + 2 共 + m − 兲v1 = ⌬23 + · 共 ⌬3兲兴v1 − 共 · p − i⌬3兲⌬ u1 −m− 共42兲 Here the derivative operator in · 共⌬3兲 acts only on ⌬3. In the limit under consideration, Eq. 共40兲, we can neglect compared to m + and approximate 冑2 + 兩⌬兩2 by m. The remaining components u1 and v1 obey the new energy eigenvalue problem 冉冊 u1 v1 = 冤 · 共 ⌬ 3兲 p2 − nr − 2m 2m ⫻ 1 兵 · p,⌬ⴱt 其 − i⌬sⴱ 2 冉冊 u1 v1 1 兵 · p,⌬t其 + i⌬s 2 · 共 ⌬ 3兲 p + nr − 2m 2m 2 − 冥 2 = nr ⌬23 2m ⌬ ⌬ 3⌬ and ⌬s ⬅ . m m Hnr = 冤 1 兵 · p,⌬t其 + i⌬s 2 1 兵 · p,⌬ⴱt 其 − i⌬sⴱ 2 · 共 ⌬ 3兲 p2 − + nr − 2m 2m 2 + p2兩⌬t兩2 + 兩⌬s兩2 共48兲 When n is odd, we can find the explicit zero-energy solution 共 = 0兲 to Eq. 共43兲 u1 = 冦 冋冑 Jl 2mnr − 共m兩⌬t兩兲2 + 0 冏 冏 册冧 ⌬s ⌬t 2 r ⫻e−共/4兲i+il−m兩⌬t兩r−兩⌬s/⌬t兩兩z兩 共44兲 共45兲 The resulting Hamiltonian · 共 ⌬ 3兲 p2 − nr − 2m 2m 冊 共49兲 冥 u1 = 冦 冋冑 Jl+1 0 2 r ⫻e共/4兲i+i共l+1兲−m兩⌬t兩r−兩⌬s/⌬t兩兩z兩 共51兲 corresponding to the lower sign in Eq. 共49兲, and v1 = i2uⴱ1. One can see that this zero-energy solution is the direct consequence of that in Eq. 共36兲 or 共38兲 because Eqs. 共40兲, 共44兲, and 共45兲 lead to 冋 describes the p + is superconductor in which spin-triplet p-wave and spin-singlet s-wave pairings coexist. ⌬s can be 冏 冏 册冧 ⌬s 2mnr − 共m兩⌬t兩兲 + ⌬t 2 2 − m2 ⬇ 2m nr − 共46兲 共50兲 corresponding to the upper sign in Eq. 共49兲, or and the spin-triplet p-wave and spin-singlet s-wave pairing gaps as ⌬t ⬅ p2 − nr 2m ⌬t共x,y兲 = ein兩⌬t兩 and ⌬s共x,y,z兲 = ⫾ ein sgn共z兲兩⌬s兩. where we defined the nonrelativistic chemical potential as nr ⬅ 冑2 + 兩⌬兩2 − m − 冉 under the assumptions in Eq. 共40兲. Because the above nonrelativistic limit does not rely on the spatial independence of ⌬ and ⌬3, the fermion zero mode found in Eq. 共36兲 or 共38兲 persists into the p + is superconductor, Eq. 共46兲. In order to demonstrate it, we consider the simplified hedgehoglike configuration resulting from Eqs. 共34兲, 共35兲, and 共37兲 with constant 兩⌬t兩 ⬎ 0 and 兩⌬s兩 ⬎ 0: 共43兲 , 共47兲 Its low-energy branch 共lower sign兲 at small p and ⌬3 is correctly reproduced by the energy eigenvalue of the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian 共46兲 ⴱ ⌬ⴱ共 · p − i⌬3兲u1 + 兩⌬兩2v1 + . +m+ ⫾ 2冑p22 + m2共2 + 兩⌬兩2兲 + 2⌬23 . 冉 冊册 m兩⌬t兩2 1 ⌬s + 2 2m ⌬t 2 . 共52兲 Thus we have established that the existence of a fermion zero mode bound to the hedgehoglike structure, Eq. 共49兲, formed by ⌬t and ⌬s / ⌬t in the p + is superconductor, Eq. 共46兲, is a remnant of that in the Jackiw-Rebbi model, Eq. 144513-5 PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 144513 共2010兲 NISHIDA, SANTOS, AND CHAMON TABLE III. Properties under the time-reversal operator T. -matrices act on the particle-hole space and ⴰ 共 ⫻ 兲 indicates even 共odd兲 under T. Replacement of 0 by 3 exchanges the roles of ⌬1 and ⌬2. T TT / T m ⌬3 ⌬1 ⌬2 −1 −1 +1 −1 ⴰ ⴰ ⫻ ⫻ ⫻ ⴰ ⫻ ⴰ ⴰ ⫻ ⴰ ⫻ ⴰ ⴰ ⴰ ⴰ ⫻ ⫻ ⴰ ⴰ ␣2 丢 0 ␥ 5␣ 2 丢 0 ␣2 丢 1 ␥5␣2 丢 1 共29兲. In particular, the condition for the normalizability of the zero-energy solution, Eq. 共39兲, is translated into nr + 冉 冊 1 ⌬s 2m ⌬t 2 ⬎ 0. 共53兲 C. Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry class (Refs. 28 and 29) Finally, we note the Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry class of the Hamiltonians that we have investigated in this section. Hamiltonian 共29兲 with spatially dependent ⌬1,2,3 ⫽ 0 has the charge conjugation symmetry C−1HC = − Hⴱ with C = 冉 0 − i␣2 i␣2 0 冊 . 共54兲 The properties of each term under the time-reversal operator T 共T−1HT = Hⴱ at m = = ⌬1,2,3 = 0兲 are summarized in Table III. In particular, the so-called chiral symmetry, −1H = − H with = 冉 冊  0 , 0 − 共55兲 is present only if m = = 0 and essential for the index theorem, Eq. 共33兲. Therefore, the relativistic Hamiltonian 共29兲 with m , ⫽ 0 and thus the resulting nonrelativistic Hamiltonian 共46兲 belong to the symmetry class D. There is no topological classification of class D Hamiltonians in 3D momentum spaces.30,31 IV. SUMMARY We have studied the nonrelativistic limit of the JackiwRossi model in 2D and the Jackiw-Rebbi model in 3D, both R. Jackiw and C. Rebbi, Phys. Rev. D 13, 3398 共1976兲. C. Y. Teo and C. L. Kane, Phys. Rev. B 82, 115120 共2010兲. 3 N. Read and D. Green, Phys. Rev. B 61, 10267 共2000兲. 4 A. Yu. Kitaev, Ann. Phys. 303, 2 共2003兲. 5 A. P. Mackenzie and Y. Maeno, Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 657 共2003兲. 6 G. E. Volovik, JETP Lett. 70, 609 共1999兲. 7 D. A. Ivanov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 268 共2001兲. 8 R. Jackiw and P. Rossi, Nucl. Phys. B 190, 681 共1981兲. 9 L. Fu and C. L. Kane, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 096407 共2008兲. 10 J. D. Sau, R. M. Lutchyn, S. Tewari, and S. Das Sarma, Phys. 1 2 J. of which are known to exhibit fermion zero modes associated with pointlike topological defects 共vortex and hedgehog兲. We showed that the nonrelativistic limit of the 2D Jackiw-Rossi model leads to the px + ipy superconductor. 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