‘Performing Research using EthnoDrama’: A Rehearsed Reading of ‘Passing On’ IATL Strategic Project: Final Report, September 2011 Professor Gillian Hundt, Claudette Bryanston, Dr Anne-Marie Slowther, Dr Ann Jackson, Dr Judith Purkis, Dr Christine Harrison This award of £10,000 was utilised to produce and perform a rehearsed reading of a play ‘Passing On’ which was commissioned from Mike Kenny with funding from Open Space Learning (£5,000) after developmental research through a CAPITAL Centre fellowship held by Bryanston. The play was developed from transcripts on interviews with health professionals and bereaved relatives which were part of the data set of a completed research study on the experiences of families where a relative died in hospital within 48 hours of admission that was undertaken by some of the applicants on this award (Jackson, Hundt, Purkis) with funding from the Burdett Nursing Trust. The award enabled the play to be developed in the main by Bryanston working with the writer and the actors with input from the academic staff. The play was developed in collaboration with Little Angel Theatre and a life size puppet represented the dying person. The play was performed as a rehearsed reading in June 2011 in two performances at the Arts Centre Studio Theatre. The audience consisted of students from across the university (with a large group of social work and medical students), health and social care professionals and the wider public. The performances were followed by a post show discussion with a multidisciplinary panel of theatre practitioners, social researchers and health and social care professionals. The evaluations were informative and in the main positive in terms of the content and impact. The play has been revised in the light of the evaluation and debriefing with the theatre director and is going to be performed in London as part of the Suspense Festival of Adult Puppetry at the end of October (see flyer) with post show discussions and a pre-show symposium. This will be supported by an Impact Award from the Institute for Advanced Study and other additional funding. In addition, an Incubation Award has been awarded for the development of a programme of research on Performing Research using Ethnodrama. An abstract has been submitted to a meeting in France in May 2012 on Innovations in Pedagogy. Digital resources from the rehearsed reading are being prepared with further support from IATL. Reflections on the process of collaboration have been written for the Open Space Learning website and are included within this report with the material of the evaluations. The budget was fully used and the Financial Report is attached in Appendix 3. This award met the objectives outlined and the work is being taken forward both as a performance in London, as pedagogy using digital resources and as a developing programme of work on Performing Research. Appendix 1 Reflections ( not for distribution) PASSING ON - Performing Research as Ethnodrama Claudette Bryanston Senior Associate Fellow Institute of Health/Theatre Director. Prof Gillian Lewando Hundt , Professor of Social Sciences in Health, CoDirector Institute of Health, School of Health and Social Studies, University of Warwick Background Applied Theatre such as that developed by Boal (1979,200 ), and by the field of Theatre in Education (O’Toole 1977) and reviewed by Prentki and Preston (2009) has a history of stimulating social action. More recently, ethnodrama is a way to perform research on key social issues that engages diverse audiences both cognitively and emotionally ( Akroyd & O’Toole 2010). Within health and social care, this is an effective and innovative way to engage stakeholders in the complexities and dilemmas of difficult contested areas. It is performance that is artistic but also critical social pedagogy (Shor 1992). This is part of an ongoing collaboration between us – an experienced theatre director CB and an applied anthropologist working in the field of health research (GLH). Each project has been developed from multidisciplinary research carried out by research teams of which GLH was a member. Working within the Institute of Health at the University of Warwick has enabled us to utilise the findings from the primary qualitative research to develop applied theatre through ethnodrama. The first drew on understandings of stroke in South African rural villages ( (Stuttaford et al 2006), the second on the dilemmas and understandings of prenatal genetic screening of women and health professionals (Lewando Hundt et al 2011) and PASSING ON funded by OSL and IATL, developed from a study of end of life care (Jackson et al 2011). The research data in this study consisted of semi structured interviews with health professionals and bereaved relatives of people who had died within 48 hours of admission to a hospital (Jackson et al 2011). Performing research enables the dissemination and transfer of knowledge beyond the writing of books and papers as well as providing a rich teaching and learning resource in both live and e learning contexts. The post show panel discussions involving academics, health professionals and theatre practitioners engage with ethical, conceptual and personal issues. A member of the audience said of our last collaboration. It has come out of research but it is a piece of theatre and therefore it has a life of its own.’ The work of David Bradby and David Williams (1988) puts forward the case for the theatre director as author of the performance as an ‘ecriture scenique’ and indeed the transformative work of the theatre director in taking research and developing it into theatre is in line with this approach. The development of Passing On stemmed directly from the work undertaken by CB in 08-09 when she was awarded a CAPITAL Centre Fellowship to explore the potential for creating theatre for learning and social change on issues related to end of life care and death in hospital from this completed study. The Fellowship afforded time to research and develop a new play for performance based learning through drama workshops and collaboration with the Institute of Health and health professionals. This was a multi-disciplinary collaboration in which we explored and worked in a number of different ways but predominantly in the drama studio where we could begin to explore the social meaning given to actions and events enabling us to reflect iteratively and capture contemporary social discourses debates and dilemmas on end of life care and dying in hospital. CB developed collaboration with a playwright Mike Kenny and with Peter Glanville, the Artistic Director of Little Angel Theatre since it was felt that a puppet could represent the dying person more effectively as a theatrical device. The Open Space Learning funded the playwright to deliver a script working closely with CB and the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning funded two rehearsed readings of Passing On each with a post show panel discussion which took place on 7.6.2011 at the Warwick Arts Centre. The performed reading was filmed so that therecording can be edited into vignettes to become an e- teaching resource for medical and social work students and health professional development and training accompanied by notes for the facilitator and research findings. The rehearsed reading of this verbatim piece was a narrative through the voices of selected interviewees testimonies performed by 4 Midlands based actors who spent 3 days rehearsing. This choice allowed the puppet to be incorporated into the reading and for small moments of exploration of the use of the puppet to represent the dying person to be shared with an audience. It is not gloomy, some is funny, and some sad but it is told with forensic detail by Joyce the daughter of a dying woman, and her heroic husband Jim with extraordinary insight and such courage, of which they both seem unconscious. The narrative is interspersed with the voices and viewpoints from a number of health professionals covering a wide range of issues, ranging from the frustration of an oncologist who finds he is unable to talk about death with his patients but is trying to offer professional support; to the porter who sees so much but generally whose voice is unheard and is there right to the end when a body is removed from the ward to the mortuary. ‘The only thing that we can do …is that we can treat that patient… the deceased patient with as much respect as we would a living one……the way we move the patient…the way we treat them when we get down to the mortuary. There might not be anybody watching… but it’s in your mind….how you treat that patient. You know I couldn’t live with myself if I was to mistreat a deceased patient in any kind of way when you got them to the mortuary …it would be like slapping a living patient’. (Porter) Collaborations between arts and the academy are complex and time consuming and issues arise which are unexpected, or contested. Some of the issues that arose in this ongoing collaboration are touched on here. Use of puppetry The use of puppetry in the piece was an artistic decision. It was felt that a life size puppet could be manipulated on stage in and out of bed in a way that was not possible with an actor and could be androgenous, representative and symbolic allowing the audience to use their imagination and engage in different ways. The puppet was made by a free lance puppeteer recommended by The Little Angel Theatre with whom CB worked closely in the research and development phase. A mock up version was used during the prelimnary workshops. It was critical to involve the puppeteer from the early stages as the design and structure of the puppet was critical and the movement language of the puppet was agreed and shared. For example CB wanted to feature the hands as the hands become so important being held continuously in the final hours by relatives and giving such comfort to both the dying and the carer at that time. The audience evaluation showed that its mere presence and the manner of its handling evoked considerable reaction. The two quotes below are are examples from members of the audience. ‘Cast did a super job of manipulating puppet. The process of live actors making the inanimate become animate, while it retains a distance and a symbolic quality. Skeletal features, gender vagueness, wobbliness of head, seemed bit smaller than life-sized (excellent decision that), greyness, blobby legs - all these are verv effective elements. I remembered the feeling of moving my mother when she was very ill – the hands were incredible. Ethics and copyright The research had ethics approval from the NHS Research Ethics Committee and this requested consent for use of the material for educational purposes. The playwright having discussed the main themes and issues from the research decided to develop a script using verbatim text from a range of interviews. This was not expected and was a source of concern and we contacted the Chair of the Ethics Committee who felt that the consent originally sought and given covered this. However, in addition, we wrote to every interviewee in the original study, requesting their consent and made adjustments to the text to ensure anonymity. Such theatre has in recent years been used particularly when working with real life situations when the importance of authenticity and legitimacy are the most potent elements. Producing the text and performance as a collaborative iterative process The research team met with CB and the playwright and the Artistic Director from Little Angel Theatre to discuss summarised themes from the research. Discussions included not only the data but participants personal experiences. CB then worked iteratively on the dramaturgy with Mike Kenny and the first read through involved two members of the research team one of whom was a health professional as well as the actors and CB. The final version of the script reflected the feedback from the rehearsed reading from the audience, the advisory group, the research team and panel members. The copyright of the play belongs to the playwright although the University of Warwick has the rights to utilise it for three years. These contractual arrangements, common in the world of theatre and intellectual copyright do not reflect the negotiated complex collaboration between the research participants, the researchers and the theatre practitioners. Audience and Panel Discussions The audience for these rehearsed readings included medical and social work students, and health professionals as well as others interested in the topic and one research participant. The feedback was engaged and useful and the panel discussions engaged with the ambiguity of decision making in end of life care. There was reflection on how the ways in which care is organised and delivered in nursing and residential homes, hospices, at home, in the community, by ambulance teams or in the hospital may be caring on the individual level but occurs within organisational constraints that may not meet families’ preferences or needs. Experiences, choices, policies and their implementation in practice were discussed. There was also engagement with the use of the puppet, the artistic experience for the playwright and actors of delivering a verbatim piece of theatre in terms of giving voice. .This is an ongoing collaboration and funding permitting, the play will be performed at the Suspense Festival in London in November 2011. We are grateful to the Open Space Learning in Real World Contexts and the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning for their support. References Akroyd J, O’Toole J. (2010) Performing Research: Tensions and Tradeoffs of Ethnodrama, Stoke on Trent, Trentham Books Boal. A. (1979 and 2000) Theater of the Oppressed , London, Pluto Press Bradby D. Williams D. (1988) Directors’ Theatre, London Macmillan Jackson, J., Purkis, J., Lewando Hundt, G., Blaxter,L. & Burnham,L. (2010). Views of relatives, carers and staff on end of life care pathways. Emergency Nurse . 17(10) 22 -26. Gillian Lewando Hundt, Claudette Bryanston, Pam Lowe, Saul Cross, Jane Sandall, Kevin Spencer (2011) - Inside ‘Inside View’: Reflections on stimulating debate and engagement through a multimedia theatre production on the dilemmas and issues of prenatal screening policy and practice Health Expectations 14;1:1-9 Prentki T. Preston S. (2009) The Applied Theatre Reader, Oxford and New York, Routledge Shor, I. (1992) Empowering Education: Critical Teaching for Social Change Chicago, University of Chicago Press Stuttaford M., Bryanston,C., Lewando Hundt G., Connor M. Thorogood M. Tollman S. (2006)The Use of Applied Theatre in Health Research Dissemination and data validation : A Pilot study from South Africa Health 10:31-45 Appendix 2 Evaulations from the audiences attending the two rehearsed readings I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer student email/word of mouth occasio no nally yes member of public mouth/email regular no ly yes If yes It isn't something I've thought about in depth before. End of life care should be almost 'advertised' as a preparation we all have to go through to help our families as a whole receive the best care It is not something I have really considered so really I found it interesting Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on I liked the interview extracts Those who have passed on are now voiceless and I think this was a fantastic representation no I liked this, it really felt that what was being portrayed was an honest I thought that this worked well to highlight the fact that all these decisions yes Yes I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes and honest portrayal of different viewpoints member of public from one of the actors member of public other one of the actors Words aspect of perform account of individual experiences Artistic choices aspect were being made for and not by the person at end of life absolutely brilliant-very moving regular no ly no Very well done- I was impressed to see that the mutual care was high regular no ly no Have had answer several experiences like this myself and found this production to be a realistic interpretation Very good to Very get truthful, interesting, yet different good points of representation, view. Great to very lifelike, see a piece if made the insightful aspect of theatre making life/death more people to realistic+movi discuss. ng Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes The issues raised yes are very relevant and each and even one of us has had to face lack of care either for ourselves or our elderly relatives very constructive and informati yes very good, id for the creato of this piece t take on board some of the comments+po ible make changesthought the piece would only need I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer student sociology email occasio no nally yes student social work occasio no nally yes student health and emailsocial attendence of studies(S course W) occasio no nally yes email If yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect This play was Authenticated Perhaps brought to the views trivialised the life the expressed; any person-but context of frustrations at really countless the healthcare emphasised books I have system may the read on the have seemed dependency topic for a too political she has on her sociology had the carers. Not module. I material been sure what the have not written effect would really had any specifically have been had experience of for the play. you had a real this myself. old person to act the role Interesting to I thought it I thought the hear multiple was effective use of the perspectivespuppet was patient excellent, very relatives, realistic medical staff. general enjoyed itvery good awareness at think it-it thought she issues at end made the was very lifeof life care- performance lite+portrayed Content or issues Attend discussi on I think people in yes the audience found that they could connect and relate to the process carers had to go through for dying. I thought a little yes unjust that social worker/ social services were shown in the worst light-as usual was there at some yes positives about social work and research?! We Yes tweaking very interesti very useful to hear reasons and ethos behind the pl interesting to hear+ understand th reasons I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes never had close personal or work experience at it so found the different aspects( family, hospital, chaplain, porter etc.) enlightening. student social work other member of public compuls rarely no no ory attendan ce Gillian Hundt occasio yes no nally student other tutor occasio yes yes nally already familiarize with issues in regard to patients/ family Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect more personal, the fraility at however some her wel of the monologues were difficult to follow in context with the play. Content or issues Attend discussi on always get portrayed negatively! Yes behind+ development the play/research perhaps fewer very life-like 'you knows'this distracted my a little excellent inspired yes real life situations aided no yes Seemed to he audience to understand purpose of th plan-so, very helpful I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes choices student student student social work social work from our course other social work lecturer health professional student health professional other medical school tutor rarely no yes occasio no nally yes occasio no nally staff regular yes yes ly intranet occasio no nally email/word of mouth regular no ly no made it more realistic personal accounts Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on understanding of issues no realistic/ showed fragility made it life very like representative of how little voice and control an elderly person has. raised issues very good very powerful interesting different no perspectives ie D, chaplain, family very relevant relevant and no and effective effective impact, good poppet! Good. Perhaps I think the no a bit long- the puppet was order arising very powerful was a Yes I am student dept student How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer other tutor occasio no nally yes tutor never no student social work other student social work email student social work other no rarely no Tony yes rarely yes yes student email occasio no nally yes student word of mouth regular no ly yes If yes the issue for au people individual and emotional. awareness and respect+ family thought process of family Words aspect of perform laboured fantastic!personal emotional. interesting interesting to realise they're people's opinions with regards interesting to to different realise they types of care are peoples expenses experiences Artistic choices aspect very good-life like Content or issues Attend discussi on no I was confused by no what was going onshe was dead, then alive. eye opener, bit yes sorry bit scarymoved well thought yes I understood why and found it effective and symbolic also quite (harrowing) It was very touching and no no Yes I am student student dept life sciences How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer email regular no ly sudent email regular yes yes ly student psycholog email y occasio yes yes nally sudent social work rarely yes yes email yes If yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect even better from a real person. I like this very Clever seemed much became odd at first but this it quickly got expresses the used to it opinions. varied made it perspectives confusing at times I would I liked it, it considered it was natural a few times speech and so from the POV accurate- it go the dying made it 'real' person and rather than an the relatives, impression of but not from what goes on. a professional point of view Great slightly awareness of confusing. this was effective Content or issues Attend discussi on I did not felt at all no upset by it, a bit sad at points but never upset, which surprised me with te context. no The puppet no was brilliant, found it really conveyed what was going on. Also it let me think about all people in that position, not just that individual character. really liked the relevant interesting no puppet issues raised Yes I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer student social work email rarely no student social work email occasio yes yes nally student education word of mouth student social work other occasio no nally tutor never yes yes yes no If yes DNR in terms of ambulance response to patients without one. families wishes for where the patient dies Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes Good idea but not too flowering at times very powerful again realistic as realistic and because of as true. facial expression, height and build was a more allowed ir to honest be realistic but approach also distancing allowed, from the topic greater understanding The fact that That's what I trumps vr from It's not just the they have to found good as MT elderly, my mother keep well died of cancer at 62 resuscitating and the issues with the weren't all that doctor different. arrives. good good no yes no no honest and informative I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer health professional email occasio yes yes nally researcher email/word of mouth rarely yes yes If yes provided an opportunity to reflect in a supportive enviroment a good way to present research like immediately Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect I think this an very powerful excellent idea, strong however I presence. hadn't realised this until I read the question. I feel this should be highlighted moreapologies it, have missed some preperformance inf. 360 degrees important, I found this a views from a sometimes very range of confusing, disturbing/ people thought distracting. concerned. because of each actor playing a variety of roles. I would be just happy just with text, Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes I really wanted the yes discussion of comments made by paramedic and mortuary worker. interesting although it wasn't easy to hear any questions/com ments made. Important and interesting. How was me 'cage' selected? I would like maybesome more 'cases'. interesting, hard to hear thought! yes I am student dept health professional student social work How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer word of mouth occasio no nally yes lecture occasio no nally yes If yes Words aspect of perform perhaps a book or booklet. Closer to me original speaker.? How I think it important it is worked well for all concerned to have discussions about what a person wants. general Was a bit awareness of confusing family views where@what and feeling stage of life the mother was. Some of the monologues were difficult to follow. Artistic choices aspect again- I think this worked well Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes yes interesting to hear different people's view about what th have seen. I thought the Why is social work yes puppet was shown in a bad very life like light? and gave a representation well, I don't think you needed the real life speech of the mother. interesting to hear about th regards and th reason for making the p and what is hoped to be archived through the play- maybe not enough time. I am student student dept SHSS How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer poster never no yes student email occasio yes yes nally student email occasio yes yes nally If yes in terms of care from relatives and expectations from professionals and power shifts and some times the help pleases felt by relatives. actually the most impressing thing was the idea of showing the research resulting in this way finding. Children. Letting go - Words aspect of perform Good, more of these mode of shows of research should be acceptable. Amazing. I had read the research abstract before performance and it really made into one picture. Artistic choices aspect Content or issues I know the no research about carers and health professionals but he end of life program should have had more face I think this special care elder adult patients becomes like a puppet and it alto filled the gap of patient's voicewith memory scene ( I find it very realistic) Authenticated Very Good the brought home Attend discussi on Yes yes informative, interacting an emotional It was really yes emerging issue to and … about the laid no will- I wonder how often people writhe or accept it. It really beautifully resumed the play quite interesting as well Home 'end of life' inappropriate. Illuminated th issues of yes I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes Words aspect of perform the performance resuscitation side of it DNR useful student social work member of the public student social work email occasio yes yes nally word of mouth rarely yes no email occasio yes no nally Pressure on families Artistic choices aspect the frailty of old age Content or issues Attend discussi on Thoughtful about end of life needing to not be a taboo issue especially so people understand DNR Good Interesting but A good way of yes I was initiating debate wondering and thinking about whether it death dehumanised ill person I thought parts Fine I wondered what were was the purpose of disrespectful the story.And why and excl a drama sensitivities. presentation. What BUT daughter was it supposed to conversation achieve? was disrespectful of mother and undignified Came across I liked the Valid issues yes very well, puppet, would be interested very realistic thought the insocial work role Yes societal attitu to wors death which is oddl ignored Very useful a informative I did not like went on far to long. Aspects were inappropriate Very interest could have been longer I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer student life sciences, Oxford Brookes word of mouth student SHSS other dept student social work other dept. regular yes no mandato ly ry attendan ce was part of course If yes Words aspect of perform occasio no nally yes Made me think of the available options and the difficult choices for patients and carers never yes There is not Good much suitable care. Its better for people to die at home It made the play lack a bit of drama to the emotion; though realistic, despite the no Fantastic Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on facial more expression was very good Very clever Emotive and real yes Good yes It was the best bit, though made it problematic when switching to actor to voice Why was there no service care/work professionals dialogue in the show as well as medical yes Yes Good insight into the research and why it was carried out. Essential to completing th theatre experience an interpreting i Was good to hear feedback but some of t questions seemed unfocussed I am student dept student student student social work How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer email occasio yes yes nally email never other universit rarely y lecturer yes no yes If yes Words aspect of perform harrowing story it was hard to connect fully with the situation and play In terms of I think it was quality of brilliant and care of older thought people who through are so frail and dying Good Lack of control family members have during a relatives final Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes person and end of life scene It was It was quite long excellent and well presented I think an acual person would hav ebeen more hard hitting. Coughing was poor Very realistic It was good, well designed and a crucial idea No yes Very good an informative yes Interesting While informative yes the perspective of the play was very one sided towards the family members. I would The organise of the play w rude and didn seem to be op to audience questions as I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes stages of life student social work other universit occasio yes no y lesson nally student social work email rarely yes no email occasio yes yes nally student Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on like to have seen more about the pressure and stress professionals can potentially face on a daily basis Good realism Very good They brought back yes idea,symbolisi memories of my ng the way own work with many older older people and people feel at my involvement this stage of when they were at their life the end of their life (however this was undermined by having a scene when the actress played her mum) yes A clearer It should have Human will be understanding been better of the summarised hospital There was no yes emotions Minimise the word 'you know' Yes interpretation the play if it didn't correla with their vision of the play Informative a good to know changes have been implemented because of research wou have been go to have more time People more able to ask questions I am student student dept social work How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer email rarely yes yes student email rarely yes yes researcher word of mouth occasio yes no nally If yes procedure It helped to make the issues regarding end of life care much clearer We need to continue supporting those nearing the end in a supportive, positive respectful way Potentially good in juxtaposing health prof. views and carer ones and starting to show how painful care Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues It should have A human It was not been would have emotional summarised in made it for me the actors own words Attend discussi on Yes yes ok Very creative It’s a difficult time no for the family, it seems there is still not much support and clarity as to where the patient should be wfw was fine BUT it was so very repetitive. I'd rather have seen some DIFFERENT carers' experiences Very realistic but what was the live dying person scene about - seemed to be a missed opportunity Some who was yes who issues - took me ages to figure out that he chaplain was the chaplain V important t reflect on the variety of reactions-the CONTEXT & research findings mad lot sense of it handout I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes routines can be. Good on the resus dilemma student email rarely yes yes member of public word of mouth occasio yes yes nally email occasio yes yes nally student SHSS Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Attend discussi on contrasted. It was for me much too long The issues Good The puppet surrounding was a good feelings and representation concerns of relatives and those dying A difficult Good, realistic Not sure. The subject but the 'you puppet's face know' was a very grim bit too much. Somewhat quoting! Brought comments Content or issues Excellent very I though the insightful actual puppet Yes perhaps for a audience on this? As well the emotions health warning.Also how to handl diversity of responses poi Makes a good understanding of end of life no A very necessary exploration of the issues. It is clear that some attraction should be paid to the comfort of the patient. We are too keen on prolonging life no I am student student dept social work How hear about perform email How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer regular no ly yes If yes Words aspect of perform and experiences of those involved to life - more than just on paper Different Excellent professional naturalistic, and family real viewpoints. What can be difficult practicalities, respite, wards, difficulty in getting nursing appointments, medication, carer's views vs person's views, communicati on Artistic choices aspect was brilliant but thought was unnecessary for the play distracted from issues Excellent, well executed, good interaction, felt real Content or issues Attend discussi on yes Yes Useful to find out more abo different aspects of pla including research it wa based on and use of drama disseminate findings I am student student dept social work How hear about perform How hear about perform other email rarely no yes regular no ly yes student other researcher email occasio yes yes nally email rarely yes yes student student SHSS other course Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer part of course never no no If yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes Interventions ok Would prefer a A bit too long yes and hospital humanbeing support Make it more Best choice More input on why yes authentic certain services were helpful and others were not The need to How many Excellent No attempt to yes get people to 'you knows' in puppeteer introduce better talk about it the original? ways Informative What issues Very explicit professionals, good to family and support facts others have to face I thought this was very good, as it gives us an insight to carers Good Fair yes The puppet was a good representation. I found it slightly scary, maybe the face no Impossible to hear contributors from the back I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes Words aspect of perform perspectives member of public word of mouth occasio yes yes nally student Drama and other Theatre Education colloqui regular no um ly student Drama and other Theatre Education worksho never p yes yes yes The difficulties in trying to match peoples' needs Varied views from people who involve in the porters, patients' relatives, doctors, carers Very true situation sometimes Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on of the puppet could be a little softer These were Very engaging It highlighted a lot no very of poor informative management within and added hospitals and the much useful guilt between information to desire and reality the main storyline Its authentic Extremely I've never come no and voracious powerful and across such experience. It express the concerns and this was really 'fading life' in play helped me to moved when a very subtle raise them the carer way described his 'own' experience of taking care of parents who were poorly ill Very good Quite no powerful, but not too much Yes I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes conflicted with ethical issues student email regular yes yes ly researcher/he alth prof/member word of mouth regular yes yes ly It made me really think about the Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on movement The use of I really liked no those words that part were because it was extremely a medium of helpful to enhancing our audiences in understanding. order to I prefer the use develop a of puppet deep rather than an understanding actor because and make the whole connections approach with their own seems less lives (some scaring words reminded me of true stories I've heard/experien ces) Good choice - Brilliant The play was too not always long by about clear who was 1/3rd. The voice of Yes I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer of public If yes Words aspect of perform unsuitability of the acute hospital setting for dying member of public word of mouth occasio yes yes nally member of public email/poster/ word of mouth rarely yes yes who, and also might have ben strengthened by having more than one 'carer' voice. It took me I think this back to my worked. I own didn't realise experience of this was the a number of case and it relatives gave it dying in a authenticity. gentle way The attention and will to the details stimulate very much some accords with reflection. my experience. Practical and I really liked emotional it. I thought difficulties of that it Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes the patient was missing and ways to include this need to be considered. I though this was moving and effective. Reminded me I felt for my grandmother who I saw infrequently. I guess also a metaphor for negative aspects of care. Movements of puppet were very effective. The puppet I don't think I've was amazing really ever given and provoked much thought to yes Very insightf Very interest to hear what I am student student dept How hear about perform Economics email How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer occasio no nally yes If yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect remaining at therefore memories of home. Sadly stayed true to the frame and all too the real demeanour of common perspectives a relative of situation of the mine who where access interviewee died. I acually to help is and also added had empathy difficult more some humour. for the puppet! through what you learn rather than what you are told (experience) ie. access to District Nurse, Incontinence Nurse A breadth of Made it more Sometimes it issues realistic but was distracting including didn't suspect and the actors relationships, they were looked responsibilitie quotations. somewhat s, the law, distracted with treatment(s)/c multitasking, Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes where is the best place to die. What that entails or how I will be faced with such decisions in the future therefore very thought provoking. other people took from the performance. Sometimes the yes script was somewhat confusing as to whether the old person was dead or not. Interesting an further insightful of t audience's background a play origin. I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Attend discussi on Yes are, the hospital environment and problems. member of public word of mouth regular no ly yes member of public word of mouth occasio no nally yes but overall it was quite effectively and a different way to act scene. The Good up to a Like the work inadequacy of point. Gave it of the puppet. present a very real Face was very arrangements. feel. But could thick and Need for have been moving. much more developed into though and a more back up coherent story. systems. Subplots were not really developed. The fact end Profound and Very realistic of life care authentic. It as I thought perspectives enabled the she was a real differ yet play to flow. person! somehow overlap. Content or issues Important to yes emphasise the DNR form Q of self funding - ability to pay (or not) crucial. Liked the screens also use of curtain. Useful I have known yes people who have had cancer not just old people and died and my grandad who was in a home who had to be moved to hospital. I thought the play realistically Although I di not ask a question I found the questions and answers give informative. I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes portrayed these issues regarding end of life care. student Economics other friend occasio no nally yes student English from occasio no partner nally (social worker) yes other health professional word of mouth regular yes no ly member of public poster, word of mouth regular yes no ly It helped to Symbolises give a how old personal people can be understanding. treated. Mainly re my Very good, Very effective, own situation but wasn't sure wasn't sure when the time until the end how this comes. whether it was would be until one case. the performance. Very real. Excellent. I think it would have been better with more editing. Excellent. yes From my own yes experience I was clearly very lucky. My wife was well cared for in hospital. Said in discussion. yes Very interesting! Some aspects yes would have been improved eg. use of hoist? Differentiation between NSH care and social care A good discussion with commen on both the theatrical and issues concerning Good, would have had mor I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer health professional (ex)/member of public poster (at Arts Centre) occasio yes yes nally researcher/he alth professional email/word of mouth occasio no nally yes If yes Recently cared for my mother in her home before her death. I knew she wanted to be in her home and am glad we did not have the experience as shown in this performance. Dilemmas re 'best place' to die.Tensions between personal Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes should be clarified, eg. NSH provide incontinence pads and hoisting (getting to toilet) is social…..of death at home. Complimented Given a truer It is a yes - gave other representation misconception that aspects. of frailty - how hospices are only withdrawn for cancer patients people may at the end of their become lives. Hospices are advantage to for anybody who 'highlight has a life limiting moving' illness to use at the patient. end of life. dying. Evocative and Extremely meaningful.Th powerful.I was e performance surprised how came across as life like the authentic,I puppet was Really interesting to hear more information about the I was curious to see yes how this topic would work as a theatre piece. Highly engaging Very useful hearing other peoples' opinions and experiences. I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer member of public word of mouth regular yes yes ly member of public word of mouth occasio yes yes nally If yes assumptions & desires & 'practical concerns', how little voice patients can have (through use of puppet) It 'dramatically' reminded me how awful hospitals ca be particularly for a dying person and also problems of having to resuscitate. Need to talk to my children about my end of life Words aspect of perform don't think it matters that it was a mix of cases. Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on and she and though reminded me provoking. of older people I have worked with myself. research process and t decisions tha were made in creating the theatre piece. Understand Very good why found the indeed. repetition difficult. Needed editing. yes Made it vivid. Brought out complexities of issues. yes Very good. It Spread the word. enabled me to concentrate on the carers points of view, Yes Dangers of generalisation from this 'one case stuck, stimulating b I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes preferences and DNR. member of public other Universi occasio yes yes ty nally intranet health professional poster/word of mouth occasio no nally no health professional word of mouth regular no ly yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on without losing awareness fo the person. Re-awakened Seemed to Seemed to Issue of yes some issues lack 'word for serve the resuscitation not and concerns. word' content purpose. exposed (enough). that might have been collected from 'professionals', ie. Doctors/nurse s and other associated staff. I thought it I though it was The point about yes was helpful. very effective. resuscitation was very appropriate there is a prevailing myth that resuscitation gives a change of prolonging life. A bit more Effective but Very effective. Nursing and GPs yes insight into occasionally are not always as some family slightly portrayed. If this Yes tiring. Interesting. I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on perspectives disjointed. every 'case' is an opportunity to learn. member of public student word of mouth Sociology email/poster occasio no nally yes regular no ly yes play is developed as show to the public it may reinforce stereotypes. This is a concern, resuscitation important to show as is important. The need for Yes a very Brilliant! Really great yes respect; need good Puppet content and range for change; idea.However, developed a of perspectives. At contradictions I was not persona which the end I remained between always sure at times baffled about feelings/need about a objectified the solutions. s of family stereotype patient but not carers and casting always - made different representation sense. professionals. of very different circumstances. To some It's I think it was When people are yes extent, you understandabl ok but maybe close to the end of can e but an their lives they understand sometimes actor/actress need is love, better the you get tired cojld help to a patience and warm Yes Excellent.The play set up th discussion,bu it is in the discussion th the play came to life providing the best learning experiences. Not very interesting. I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer If yes different kinds of involvement in this process, how many different actors play a role here. member of public email regular no ly yes researcher word of regular no yes Words aspect of perform with a lot of roles and information.T he performance tends to be plain and images did not work well, they were not well integrated. Thought Some provoking, disjointed brough some aspects, emotional possible context of related to issues. different 'stories', sometimes not sure perspective the actor was speaking from. Too many to I could hear Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on Yes better understanding of this situation.Her role was very passive while it should be more active. environment. I find horrible the mobilisation of elder care. Very effective. Wondered about more than one narrative running alongside one another (different puppets). Great material to yes use for scenarios for training - DVD. Lots of issues covered. Interesting issues to hear around health perspective. Brilliant, The story of the Valuable. yes I am researcher student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer mouth ly word of mouth occasio no nally If yes list. yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect real people, moving. repetitive, thoughtful, inconsistent with a clear voice. Content or issues Attend discussi on 'assessment' and cope home did not come over really clearly - maybe it was not clear from the interview either. 1.Experiences Innovative, Found this Respect in end of yes of carer novel and very life. Appreciation feelings/impa 'real'. powerful.Real/ of carers quality of ct. 2.What Wonderful true to life. life/support/psychol happens after method The way the ogical support. Did death-where dissemination. puppet 'died' the actual you are Powerful was incredibly discussion/intervie home/tin/frid insight from emotional w at the end of life ge. 3.also different allowed me to actually help those importance of perspectives. reflect on my interviewed. health 'True'expressi own professional - on. Didn't feel experiences. quite often like the Resonates to missed in research had the physicality research. been 'creamed' of my ie. felt whole grandparents.R and complete. eally powerful.Even more than a Yes Could go on tomorrow, ne week. Thought providing would like to involved in further discussions. I have plenty to say on this topic.Family/ ends reaction 'what are you going to that for'. This rela to our lack of inability/pref nce not to discuss death I am student student dept Statistics member of public student How hear about perform word of mouth other English email How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer occasio no nally yes invited rarely yes yes as intervie wee regular no ly yes If yes did now know of all the difficulties. Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect real person/actor. Makes it quite Interesting real, but a bit because person repetitive at could not times. speak for themselves often case in real life. Added Good. Also realism, from more lifelike normal in aspect than comments of an actor. public being used. Made me more aware of other peoples' end of life problems as well as my experiences. Filled me in Very good, on the though specific perhaps with debates of slightly more home vs judicious hospital care editing or and the types interspersing of pressure on to break it up carers. (cf. of out Stunning, really captured the fragility of the life. Content or issues Attend discussi on no no Very sad, very no difficult. But important, glad it's being told. The attention to physical details was particularly important Yes I am student student dept English How hear about perform word of mouth student/healt WMS(post email h grad p/t) professional How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer occasio no nally no occasio yes yes nally If yes Words aspect of perform joints verbatim shows). No-only It made the because I am performance already aware very realistic of the issues. and made it easier for me to emotionally engage with the story. Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on Impressive. I think it was very no The fragility informative, and educational and vulnerability realistic. of the character was enhanced and very well represented by the puppet that needed the hands of the puppeteer. Brought A little Excellent. Excellent no home some of distracting but Showed how performance. the issues very well sometimes we Highlighted areas faced. performed. don't listen to that we as that person and professionals often they often take for granted. have no voice in what is going on around them. Yes I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer student/healt Education email h professional occasio yes yes nally student/healt h professional occasio yes no nally word of mouth If yes Possibility some views from carer at home. (I have 30+ years experience in acute and chronic care setting.) Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues Attend discussi on Very well Very effective. done. Gave credence to what was said. Emotive subject for no those that have experienced it. Brilliant Performance sensitively covered. Brilliant, very Excellent perceptive. representation of how people are treated and perceived, especially the muteness, people talking at the without regarding a reply. Very good no interpretation of peoples perceptions, emotions, guilt, justification of actions, their feelings and interpretations of the persons dying feelings without actually asking or taking perception of how that person feels. Yes I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer member of public word of mouth regular yes yes ly researcher email regular yes yes ly student WMS word of mouth occasio yes no nally student student WMS WMS email word of mouth never no no occasio yes no nally student WMS email occasio no nally yes Attend discussi on Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Differences It was between distracting to 'fighting have actors illness' and reading accepting end scripts. of life. Mirrored Very good many realistic. observations I have come across in my own research. No - as I have Some experienced good/some end of life bad. care. I thought it worked very well. At times I wasn't no clear about which point in the process their play was in. Excellent. Mirrored the research in a thought provoking fashion. Raised issues that should be discussed. If yes Looked fail in need of care. So more realistic than many actors could be. Good. Good. Surprisingly more easily related to than a real actress. Patients' right Very accurate Surprising at to die with and portraying when the Content or issues no One sided, didn't really provide a medical view/angle. no no no Yes I am student student dept WMS How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer email/poster/ word of mouth rarely no yes member of public word of mouth occasio yes yes nally member of public word of mouth regular yes ly If yes dignity and respect and ensure that they had the highest quality of life nearing the end of their life. The whole process - hot it affects family. Views of all concerned. Words aspect of perform patient's emotions opinion and wishes. Artistic choices aspect Attend discussi on puppet got on stage, but found that using the puppet was fascinating at portraying death. Good- real I liked it. and powerful. Not everyone would think it was portrayed but good generally. Think it was too long and repetitive for purposes of a theatre piece. Content or issues Brilliant! no Did not necessarily no agree with the sentiment of preferring to die at home. this worked Very important no very well issues for all of us, very moving not sure about the and more than focuson one an actor would experience when have been. there are so many different experiences. Yes I am student student dept SHSS How hear about perform other How hear about perform other SHSS Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer rarely no yes member of public word of mouth researcher other friend occasio no nally yes other Arts Centre regular no ly yes student English regular yes yes ly If yes Words aspect of perform In every Authentic and respect. valuable. Multiple perspectives. Artistic choices aspect Authentic and valuable, symbolic, increased insight. Sharpened The transition A good aspect. awareness of from one story It emphasises specific to another was helplessness hospital not always and voiceless. procedure. quite clear. Moving Authenticity specific important. without being a personal story. Feeling, Very good. Very good and system, support the suffering of theme of the patients an play. the need of support for carers. The The fact it At first it felt occasionally wasn't learnt difficult to ugliness of made it feel a accept as it death. tad chunky. made the ain But its subject feel Content or issues Authentic, emotional, not sentimental. Challenging ethically. These issues must be addressed! Attend discussi on no no no Yes Had other commitments I am student dept How hear about perform How hear about perform other Carer Enhanced Theatrego or understand er been ing carer member of public word of mouth occasio no nally researcher/he alth professional student Theatre and Performan ce Studies word of mouth rarely yes yes member of public word of mouth regular yes yes ly poster regular no ly student English and Theatre Studies word of mouth/other Box Office regular no ly yes yes yes If yes Words aspect of perform Artistic choices aspect Content or issues language was subjugated and beautifully silenced, but it simple. worked I think. Views from I liked it - felt Absolutely professionals. real. wonderful, brilliant idea. Staff I think it was Was right. knowledge the right way and action. to do so. It is a taboo Enhanced Represented a Very thought subject, very not putting person at that provoking. rarely words into stage of life addressed. character. generallygood. NHS Good, Absolutely professional authentic but a incredible and nurses. little 'wordy'. powerful metaphor. Made it very Thought the believable. puppet was great. Attend discussi on no no no no no Yes