COURSE HANDBOOK 2015/16 Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................... 2 Course aims, fees and curriculum ..................................................................... 3 Staff details and enrolment ................................................................................. 4 Timetable overview........................................................................................... 5-6 Personal Tutors and feedback ......................................................................... 6-7 Reading list ......................................................................................................... 8 Reseach seminars, networking and lockers .................................................... 10 Assesment guidelines ....................................................................................... 11 Student responsibilities .................................................................................... 13 Moodle and Portico ...................................................................................... 13-14 Taught modules ............................................................................................ 15-24 Research project........................................................................................... 25-26 General student information ........................................................................ 27-31 Term Dates ......................................................................................................... 32 The influence of 2-D and 3-D surface structures on cell behaviour. 2-D materials, e.g. cell culture plastic (A) and 3-D microporous tissue scaffolds (B), have very different influences on cell behaviour when compared to 3-D nano-structured environments, such as ECM or nanofibrous scaffolds (C). Jell G, Minelli C and M. Stevens, 2009. Surface structuring biomaterials. Fundamentals of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. U. Meyer, Ed. Springer publishing Ltd. . MSc in Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine Welcome to the MSc in Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine and the Division of Surgery and Interventional Science (part of one of the most prestigious medical schools in Europe). Whilst you will be based at the Royal Free, the Division also includes three other London campuses at Bloomsbury, Whittington, and Stanmore. Within these departments are world class research centres specialising in tissue repair, oncology, biomedical engineering, nanotechnology, laser medicine, and anaesthetics, to name but a few. The overriding aim of this division is to understand the causes of human disease and develop innovative therapies and technology to improve the quality of life of the people around us. Nanotechnology and regenerative medicine are rapidly expanding fields which have potential to revolutionise medicine. This unique MSc aims to equip students with fundamental knowledge in these interdisciplinary subjects, provide an overview of the exciting applications of nanotechnology in regenerative medicine and develop the students transferable research skills (e.g. project planning, organisation, communication skills and critical analyse). An in-depth laboratory based research project is an integral component of the course, whereby the MSc will provide an expert and supportive environment for students to investigate cutting-edge projects and thereby open up opportunities for further research and publications. Based within the Division of Surgery and Interventional Science also ensures that this MSc retains a clinical focus and addresses real medical needs. Indeed you will learn about the route of translation from research ideas into actual products which can benefit patients. Students are strongly encouraged to interact with staff and students within the Division (and UCL) to take advantage of their expertise and build a network of contacts for your future career. This handbook gives a brief overview of the MSc programme for 2015/16. On behalf of all the staff and research students involved with this MSc we warmly welcome you to the Division and hope you have an exciting and rewarding year with us. Regards Dr. Gavin Jell MSc in Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine Programme Director MSc course Code: TMSNANARGM01 2 . Course aims To equip students with fundamental knowledge in the interdisciplinary and rapidly expanding fields of nanotechnology and regenerative medicine. To provide an overview of the exciting clinical applications of nanotechnology in regenerative medicine. To understand the processes involved in the translation of research into commercial products. To develop transferable scientific research skills. To encourage interaction with staff members and the wider scientific community. To enhance the career prospects of students Module Title Credits 1. Nanotechnology in Medicine (SURGGN01) 15 2. Applied Tissue Engineering (SURGGN06) 15 3. Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine (SURGGN05) 15 4. Research Methodologies (ORTHG007) 15 5. Practical Regenerative Medicine & Bio-nanotechnology (SURGGN02) 15 6. Translation of Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine (SURGGN04) * 15 6. Stem Cells in Medicine (SURGGB04) * 15 7. Research Project (SURGGN99) 90 Total Credits 180 Curriculum Structure The course can be completed in one year full time (180 credits) or over a maximum 5 years as part of flexible learning. Modules for 2015/16 are listed below. An MSc will be awarded for satisfactory completion of 180 credits and a PG Certificate awarded for the completion of 60 credits. 3 . Enrolment The enrolment slot for our course is as indicated on your offer letter. However as this before the course start date! students can enrol up to the enrolment deadline of 4pm on Friday 16 October 2015 at the Student Centre, UCL main Quad, Gower Street, Bloomsbury (open Mon-Fri, 10-4pm). The Dean of Students (Academic) has indicated that he is not prepared to approve late or retrospective enrolment or re-enrolment for any reason UCL’s fee schedule, together with additional information about fees, can be found on the UCL website @ A payment of 50% of your tuition fee must be made before or at enrolment to be fully enrolled, alternatively a letter of sponsorship indicating who should be invoiced for your fees is required. Students can pay in two equal instalments, the first before or at enrolment, the second by 1 February 2016. No charge is made for paying in instalments, and no more than two instalments are permitted. Specific enquiries relating to fees should be directed to: Also view the new students website is at: Staff Contacts M.Sc. Programme Director and Module lead Dr. Gavin Jell for SURGN06, SURGGN99, co-SURGGN04 (0207431493) M.Sc. Course Director Dr. Marilena Loizidou (020 7794 0500 x 35575) M.Sc. Course Director Prof. Alexander Seifalian (020 7380 2901) Course Tutor and SURGGN05 Module lead Dr. Wenhui Song (020 7794 0500 ext. 36679) Course Tutor and SURGGN02 Module lead Dr. Brian Cousins Course Tutor and SURGGN01 Module lead Dr. Kate Ricketts SURGGN04 Module lead Dr. Amir Gander ORTHG007 Module lead Dr Catherine Pendegrass Burns, Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Deepak Kalaskar Programme Lead MSc Teaching Administrator Ms Julie Cheek Campus Administrator Mrs Chau Chong Estates and Health & Safety Officer Ms Rebecca Porter Library, Hampstead Campus Issue Desk (Site Librarian – Betsy Anagnostelis) Tel: 020 7794 0500 ext. 33202 Library, Bloomsbury Campus Issue Desk Tel: 020 7679 7792 (Cruciform Building) 4 . MSc Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine An overview of the 2015/16 timetable All lectures will take place on the 9th Floor of the Royal Free Hospital (main Seminar Room) unless otherwise stated. Please note this is provisional and subject to change. Week One Induction (5 October 2015) Time 8.009.00 9.0010.00 10.0011.00 11.0012.00 Mon MSc Induction (10:00-12:00) Tues Biomaterials 12.0013.00 13.0014.00 14.0015.0016.0015.00 16.00 17.00 Library induction Orientation 13:30-15:30 Royal Welcome Party and lunch Free Library Lunch time ORTHG007 ( Research Meth)* lecture# Wed Thurs RF Seminar Burns & Military surgery** Nanotechnology Fri Journal Club RFS Plastic surgery** Tissue Engineering International Quiz Black boxes = welcome events; Red boxes = Divisional/hospital events that you are invited to, Purple boxes** = Modules that you can attend but that are not assessed. # Bloomsbury Open Lunch time lectures *Lectures in Bloomsbury main campus Term 1 (12 October – 18 December 2015) Time 8.009.00 Mon Tues 9.0010.00 10.0011.0011.00 12.00 Personal tutor meetings* Biomaterials 12.0013.00 Research Seminar 13.0014.00 14.0015.00 15.0016.00 16.0017.00 Workshops* /Translation** Lunch time lecture ORTHG007 ( Research Meth) Bloomsbury Campus Wed Thurs RF Seminar Burns & Military surgery** Nanotechnology Stem cells ** Fri Journal Club RFS Plastic surgery** Tissue Engineering MSc Journal Club Orange boxes = Course activities *Personal tutor meetings – these are to be arranged by your tutor but a timetabled slot is available. *Workshops will run for 4 weeks from the 12th October. **The optional modules (Translation of Science/Stem cells) start on Monday 2nd and Thursday 5th November 2015 respectively. ** Purple boxes = Modules that you can attend but that are not assessed. 5 . MSc Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine Overview Timetable – 2015/16 Term 2 (11 January – March 2016) Time 8.009.00 9.0010.00 10.0011.00 11.0012.00 Mon Practical’s (SURGGN02) Tues Biomaterials 12.0013.00 Research Seminar 13.0014.00 14.0015.00 15.0016.00 16.0017.00 Translation Lunch time lecture Practical’s (SURGGN02) Wed Thurs RF Seminar Practical’s Nanotechnology Stem cells Fri Journal Club RFS Practical’s Tissue Engineering MSc Journal Club* Term 3 (March – July 2016) Time 8.009.00 9.0010.00 10:0011:00 Mon 11:0012:00 12:0013:00 Research Seminar 13:0014:00 14:0015:00 15:0016:00 16:0017:00 Tues Wed RESEARCH PROJECT (MARCH – JULY) Thurs Fri Examination Period: End of February – mid March 2016 Research project submission date: End of July 2016 Viva Exam will be conducted: End of August/First week of September 2016 6 . Personal Tutors A Personal Tutor will be allocated to you within the first 4 weeks of the first term start date If you have not been allocated a personal tutor or any issues arise within this time frame you must contact the programme tutor (Gavin) or administrator (Julie). A Personal Tutor is there to: Discuss any academic or personal problems. Someone to get to know and maintain regular contact. Readily accessible within the department. First contact with regard to any complaints or problems. Your tutor will decide whether to refer to another member of Academic staff or what action should be taken. Establish a good relationship with students in order to provide support and encouragement. Tutorial groups Tutorial groups will be held with your personal tutor (once a month for the first term and by arrangement in the next two terms) to discuss academic work and progress. These tutorials can be used to discuss a course topic which the students would like to revisit, they could act as revision learning sessions or indeed any cover any other area the students are interested in (related to Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine). These should be student led discussions using the expertise and knowledge of the tutor. These tutorials are timetabled for Monday afternoons once a month but will be dependent on tutor availability. Student Feedback Student feedback is very important in delivering a course that meets students’ needs. Therefore we strongly encourage feedback (both positive and negative). There are several forums available to give feedback (staff/student committee and questionnaires). However, direct feedback can be given at any time to any of the course tutors, administrator, or your personal tutor. At the end of each module and at the end of the course you will also be asked to complete a feedback questionnaire. Staff / Student Consultative Committee At the start of term students will be asked to select up to 3 student representatives. The selected people will represent the Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine students’ views at the Divisional Staff/Student Consultative Committees (DSSCC) which will meet once every term. The representatives should be a conduit for your suggestions, complaints and general comments. Representatives should provide a verbal report, to their student group, as appropriate. Minutes of the meetings will be uploaded to Moodle for all students to access. The dates for 2015/16 DSSCC meetings are to be arranged. 7 . Suggested Reading Due to the recent expansion of these fields, journal reviews and research papers are excellent ways to explore these emerging fields. However, some books which you may find useful are listed below (all available from the Royal Free Hospital Library) Nanotechnology in Medicine (SURGGN01) 1. Nanotechnology: a gentle introduction to the next big idea - Ratner, Mark A., Ratner, Daniel c2003 2. Nanotechnology - Schmid, Günter c20083. Quantum theory cannot hurt you: a guide to the universe - Chown, Marcus 2007 4. Nanotechnology for dummies - Boysen, Earl, Muir, Nancy 2011 5. Nanomaterials: inorganic and bioinorganic perspectives - Lukehart, Charles M., Scott, Robert A. c2008 6. Intelligent surfaces in biotechnology: scientific and engineering concepts, enabling technologies, and translation to bio-oriented applications - Grandin, H. Michelle, Textor, Marcus c2012 Preview 7. Principles of regenerative medicine - Atala, Anthony 2011 Online Resource Applied tissue engineering (SURGGN06) 1. Principles of tissue engineering - Lanza, R. P., Langer, Robert S., Vacanti, Joseph, NetLibrary, Inc 2007 2. Essentials of stem cell biology - Lanza, R. P. 2009 3. Fundamentals of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine - Meyer, Ulrich 2009 4. Intermittent hypoxia and human diseases - Xi, Lei, Serebrovskaya, Tatiana V. c2012 5. Principles of regenerative medicine - Atala, Anthony 2011 6. Online Resource Applied Biomaterials (SURGGN05) 1. Biomaterials science: an introduction to materials in medicine - Ratner, B. D. c2004/2013 2. New materials and technologies for healthcare - Hench, L. L., Jones, Julian R., Fenn, Michael B. c2012 (electronic resource) 3. Intelligent surfaces in biotechnology: scientific and engineering concepts, enabling technologies, and translation to bio-oriented applications - Grandin, H. Michelle, Textor, Marcus c2012 4. Principles of regenerative medicine - Atala, Anthony 2011 Online Resource Practical Regenerative Medicine & Bio-nanotechnology (SURGGN02) 1. Culture of animal cells: a manual of basic technique and specialized applications Freshney, R. Ian c2010. Translation of Science (SURGGN04) 5 items 1. The art & science of technology transfer - Speser, Phyllis L. c2006 2. Pharmaceutical biotechnology: fundamentals and applications - Crommelin, D. J. A., Sindelar, Robert D., Meibohm, Bernd c2008 3. The Financial Times guide to business start up 2013 - Williams, Sara 2012 8 . 4. Writing science: how to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded Schimel, Joshua c2012 5. Successful scientific writing: a step-by-step guide for the biological and medical sciences - Matthews, Janice R., Matthews, Robert W. 2007 9 . Research Seminars, Networking and Facebook In addition to the regular lectures students are encouraged to engage with the wider regenerative medicine and nanotechnology community at UCL, London and the UK. Regular seminars will be posted on the sites below and students are encouraged to join these groups. A Facebook web page with friends of the MSc is available – please join and contribute. This will hopefully become a tool for networking and communication.. London Centre for Nanotechnology London Regenerative Medicine Network Access to the Division and lockers Each student will be allocated a Fob key to gain entrance to the Division of Surgery and Interventional Science (9th floor of the Royal Free Hospital) and a locker within the same location. A deposit of £10 will be paid by the students on allocation of the keys. Please look after your keys, if you lose either key you will be charged £10 replacement cost. The deposit will be returned at the end of the year, when you give back your keys. Please contact Chau Chong ( if you lose your keys. Monday research lectures In addition to your lectures, there are weekly research seminars which, in the first term (lunch time 12:00-13:00pm), which you are expected to attend. Talks will be given by past MSc students, PhD students and invited lecturers. These will be very useful opportunities to learn about research in these fields and an excellent networking opportunity (drinks provided). Full details will be available on Moodle 10 . Marking System The marking system has evolved to ensure that marking is fair and just. The system varies according to the work that has to be marked. Course Assessment and Essays It is not possible to mark these in a double blinded fashion, but in-course work will be marked in a single blinded manner by two markers who will be unaware of the mark that the other marker has assigned. These marks will then be averaged. Comments will be written on the work handed back to you. The marks awarded and the comments made will be agreed by both markers. Marking of Exams Your examination scripts will be identified by a unique code number, which UCL will designate to each candidate. These scripts will be marked in a blind fashion by two markers and an average mark calculated. Any large discrepancies between the two separate marks will be discussed and a consensus reached. If a consensus is not reached then this will be referred to the External Examiner. This code will only be broken when all of the marks from the course assessment and the projects are assembled. For this reason examination marks will not be given out prior to the end of the course. Requirement for a Pass To achieve a pass: 1) the overall mark, based on 180 credits, is 50% or greater 2) the mark for the dissertation is 50% or greater, and 3) Only one module marks will be condoned between 40-50% Requirement for a Merit To achieve a pass: 1) the overall mark, based on 180 credits, is 60% or greater 2) the mark for the dissertation is 60% or greater, and 3) there are no marks below 50%, no condoned marks, no re-sits, and all marks are based on first attempts. Requirement for a Distinction 1) the overall mark, based on 180 credits, is 70% or greater 2) the mark for the dissertation is 70% or greater, and 3) there are no marks below 50%, no condoned marks, no re-sits, and all marks are based on first attempts. Any module in which the student scores less than 50% can be retaken the following year. Additional fees may be required for re-taking exams. Final marks will be decided at the Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine MSc Board of Examiners meeting held in September, UCL examinations will then ratify these marks and provide the final results on Portico. Any marks received prior to this are provisional. 11 . Submitting Coursework Written work must be submitted via TurnItIn® within the MSc Moodle site, in addition two paper copies of each essay must also be handed in to the designated person on the given date by 4.00 p.m. or as agreed with the module organisers. You will be given instruction on how to use TurnItIn® - depending upon the assignment - a maximum of 10% copyright is condoned. Late handing in of essays or projects will result in marks being deducted as follows: Penalties for Late Submission of Coursework Where coursework is not submitted by a published deadline, the following penalties will apply: A penalty of 5 percentage marks should be applied to coursework submitted the a) calendar day after the deadline (calendar day 1). A penalty of 15 percentage marks should be applied to coursework submitted on b) calendar day 2 after the deadline through to calendar day 7. A mark of zero should be recorded for coursework submitted on calendar day 8 after the deadline through to the end of the second week of third term. Nevertheless, the c) assessment will be considered to be complete provided the coursework contains material than can be assessed. Coursework submitted after the end of the second week of third term will not be d) marked and the assessment will be incomplete. Coursework submitted after solutions have been released will receive a mark of zero, and may not be formally marked, even when the coursework was submitted within e) seven calendar days of the deadline. Nevertheless, the assessment will be considered to be complete provided the coursework contains material that can be assessed. In the case of dissertations and project reports submitted more than seven calendar f) days after the deadline, the mark will be recorded as zero but the assessment would be considered to be complete. Where there are Extenuating Circumstances that have been recognised by the Faculty 2. Extenuating Circumstances Panel, these penalties will not apply until the agreed extension period has been exceeded. In the case of coursework that is submitted late and is also over length, then the greater 3. of the two penalties shall apply. This includes research projects, dissertations and final reports. Should Tutors fail to return work promptly (within 4 weeks of receiving the essay); you should inform the Staff / Student Committee Representatives so that it may be brought up at the next Committee meeting. Extra marks will be awarded to students who indicate they have read additional information relating to the subject. However, this should be concise and relevant; extraneous material will be ignored. 12 . Should Tutors fail to return work promptly (within 4 weeks of receiving the essay); you should inform the Staff / Student Committee Representatives so that it may be brought up at the next Committee meeting. Extra marks will be awarded to students who indicate they have read additional information relating to the subject. However, this should be concise and relevant; extraneous material will be ignored. Timekeeping, Responsibilities and Dress You should advise the Course Administrator, Course Tutor or the Module Organiser if you are unable to attend a mandatory lecture. Their email addresses are listed on the Course Organisation page. A minimum of 75% attendance is required for all compulsory modules. Attendance below this amount (without prior consent from the course director) will result in a possible annulment of your student visa (for overseas students) and you may be prevented from sitting examinations. If you are unable to attend a lecture please contact Julie Cheek. Please attend all lectures on time. This is very important as staff are very busy, particularly those who are clinicians who work to a very tight schedule and may not be able to delay or postpone their lectures. Attendance sheets will only be available in the first 10 minutes of a lecture and lateness will be counted as not attending a lecture (see above). When not attending lectures (and once MSc projects have been allocated) you should be working on your projects. If you are unable to come to work you should contact your project supervisor. Project supervisors will report to the course tutors regarding student attendance. Appropriate laboratory dress: For laboratory work legs or feet must be covered i.e. no open-toed shoes or sandals should be worn. Laboratory coats will be provided. For cell culture it is important to have good personal hygiene. Moodle Moodle is UCL’s Electronic Learning Environment, and is used to access course material on line. The web portal is: You will need your UCL email address and password. The MSc in Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine Moodle site will contain all the information about the course (including a full course hand-book), lectures, coursework deadlines, upcoming course events and changes to the time-table. Moodle will also be used to send you emails about course updates. Coursework will also be submitted using Moodle (TurnItin®). Students are also encouraged to use forums for self-directed learning. Please make sure you regularly check the course Moodle site for timetable changes and news as it is an important channel for information. 13 . Portico: The UCL Student Information Service PORTICO is the UCL Student Information System. Access to PORTICO is available via the web portal You will need to logon using your UCL user-id and password, which are issued to you once you have enrolled. The password is the same for accessing UCL restricted web pages, UCL email and the Windows Terminal Service (WTS). If you do not know them, you should contact the IS Helpdesk as soon as possible ( or tel. 020 7679 5000. Further IT guidance is available at: In PORTICO you can: edit your own personal data e.g. update your home and term addresses, contact numbers and other elements of your personal details; view data about courses/modules; view your results online As a student you can take ownership of your own personal data by logging on to PORTICO. Portico Helpdesk (Mon-Fri 10-4pm) can be contacted via or tel. 020 7679 0637. See ‘Documentation Links’ in on the Portico Home Page for instructions on module registration or contact Julie for guidance. Complaints Procedures If you have a complaint to make about your experience at UCL, you should make every effort to try to resolve the matter informally. You should first make your complaint known to your Personal Tutor or with another member of staff whom you feel able to consult. In cases where informal discussion fails to resolve the matter, you may wish to consider making use of UCL's Centralised Complaints Procedure which is available on the following link: The centralised complaints procedure does not apply in areas where a separate student Grievance Procedure is already operating. The UCL Union also operates a separate complaints procedure. Please see: 14 . SURGGN01: Nanotechnology Small, useful and very strange! This module provides an introduction to nanotechnology, and how the shift from classical to nanoscale science brings with it huge potential for medical applications. Targeted drug delivery Imaging and diagnosis Tissue scaffold design As we visit the quantum universe, we will see how nanoscale objects can be tuned for highly specific, highly sensitive disease targeting. Students will see how such small scale technology offers huge leaps in diagnostics and therapeutics, enabling us to break the boundary from macroscale anatomy to nanoscale biologics. Anatomical imaging is transformed to functional imaging; treatment becomes targeted. Students will receive a background in clinical imaging modalities (MRI, x-ray CT) and cancer therapies (radiotherapy), and the current and future role of nanotechnology in these fields. Module Lead: Dr Kate Ricketts Venue: Lectures will take place in the Jerry Kirk Seminar Room, within the Division of Surgery and Interventional science on the 9th floor of the Royal Free every Thursday (13:00-15:00). Credits: 15 credits, mandatory module Methods of assessment: Coursework (20%) and unseen 2-hour written exam: (80%). This consists of 3 questions (choice of 6). Exam date: To be confirmed Overview Timetable: SURGGN01: Every Thursday at 13:00-15:00 15 . SURGGN02: Tissue culture and Bionanotechnology Techniques. A practical introduction to experimental techniques required in tissue regeneration and biomaterial-cell interactions. This module will familiarise students with the laboratory setting and develop good laboratory research practices, experimental planning techniques and the ARTICLE analysis IN of PRESS experimental results. This SEM image of a bone resorbing cell module will consist of lectures, workshops (osteoclast - pink) on bioactive glass. and practical’s E. Gentleman, Biomaterials (2010) Module Lead: Dr Brian Cousins. 4 week module to run from 11 January 2016. Venue: In laboratories and seminar rooms on the 9th floor of the Royal Free. Credits: 15 credits, mandatory module Course aim: To provide students with practical research skills in nanotechnology and regenerative medicine, in addition to transferable skills in experiment planning and analysis. Methods of assessment 1. Laboratory assessment (50%): a. Lab skills (25%): Practical mark based on laboratory (cell culture) skills. A detailed marking sheet (proforma) has been designed for above. b. Written report (25%) – A report on the cellular behaviour on nanocomposite scaffolds. The report will be double marked, according to an agreed checklist. 2. Written exam (50%) – This will be a two hour exam. The exam will consist of one one-hour multiple choice questions and two half-hour questions on concepts and problem solving. . Exam date: To be confirmed 16 . SURGGN02 Outline Details to be confirmed but will start on 11/1/2016 for 4 weeks and sessions held every Monday 9:00-12:00, Tuesday 14:00-18:00, Thursday 9:00-12:00 and Friday 09:00-12:00. (This is subject to change but a final timetable will be confirmed during term 1) Lectures L1 Histology and tissue structure L2 Basic Cell culture + cell culture practical L3 Cell analytical techniques L4 Gene expression L5 Basic immunology L6 Immunological Techniques L7 RNA interference L8 Optical Microscopy/Electron Microscopy L9 Review Practical’s P1 Laboratory orientations & basic cell culture P2 Passaging cells - trypan blue counting and freezing down P3 Gene expression P4 Cell analytical techniques 1 - Seed polymers (10,00cells/cm2) P5 Cell analytical techniques 2 - MTT & total DNA P6 Material Characterisation P7 Gold nanoparticle synthesis and characterisation Workshops will run concurrently with practical’s (half of group in each) W1 Basic lab skills - pipetting, measuring & solution workshop W2 RT-PCR quantitative analysis (computer lab?) W3 Experimental planning W4 MTT and DNA result analysis W5 Calculating nanoparticle number W6 Revision 17 . SURGGN06: Applied Tissue engineering The course introduces students to the use of tissue engineering as a strategy to replace or restore a level of function to diseased or damaged tissue. Students will learn about how direct cell behaviour e.g. stem cell differentiation, though material design. World leading scientists and surgeons will provide lectures on engineering specific tissues and discuss future strategies in scaffold design. Jell G et. al (2010). Raman spectroscopy a tool for tissue engineering. P. Matousek Ed. Springer publishing Ltd. Module Lead: Dr Gavin Jell Venue: The lectures will take place in the Jerry Kirk Seminar Room, within the Division of Surgery and Interventional science on the 9 th floor of the Royal Free at 14:00- 16:00 every Friday. Credits: 15 credits, mandatory module Course aims: To introduce students to the emerging technologies in the field of tissue engineering, including; differing tissue engineering strategies, tissue scaffold design Methods of assessment: Coursework 20% (write a scientific review article). Unseen 2hour written exam: (80%). This consists of 3 one-hour long questions (choice of 6). Exam Date: To be confirmed Overview Timetable: SURGGN06– Tissue Engineering every Friday at 2pm Applied Tissue Engineering 1-3pm Fridays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Introduction - what is tissue engineering? GJ How tissue regenerate: mimicking nature VM/GJ Angiogenesis and hypoxia in Tissue Engineering GJ Cell sources for tissue engineering GJ Fundamental Controlling scaffold degradation rate and growth factor delivery GJ principles Deans prize (date to be confirmed) Decellularised v Synthestic scaffolds for TE G/P Cell response to mechanical stress/electrical stimuli NE Student review presentations Nerve tissue engineering JP Tissue engineering for modelling disease ? TM Applied tissue Cardiovascular tissue engineering (grafts and stents) AdM engineering Muscoskeletal Tissue Engineering 1: Bone GJ Muscoskeletal Tissue Engineering 2: Cartilage SR? Skin tissue engineering (VM/RBt) Review and summary 18 . SURGGN05: Biomaterials in Tissue Regeneration An introduction to material properties, biomaterial design, biomaterial manufacture and characterisation for regenerative medicine. This module will provide students with a basic understanding of biomaterial properties, an understanding of material-cell interfaces and various approaches to modify materials to promote desirable cell responses (including nanoscale bio-functionalisation and surface structuring) Jell G et. al (2009). Surface structuring biomaterials. U. Meyer, Ed. Springer publishing Ltd. Venue: The lectures will take place in the Jerry Kirk Seminar Room, within the Division of Surgery and Interventional science on the 9th floor of the Royal Free at 10:00 - 12:00 every Tuesday. Module Lead: Dr Wenhui Song Credits: 15 credits, mandatory module Course aims: To develop students understanding of material properties, material characterisation, the biological-material interface and how surface structuring can change biological interactions. Methods of assessment: Coursework (20%) and unseen 2-hour written exam: (80%). This consists of 3 questions (choice of 6). Exam Date: To be confirmed Time table: SURGGN05. Every Tuesday at 10:00-12:00 1 What are biomaterials? WS 2 Material Chemistry – what are materials? GJ Introduction: Materials in Medicine Material surface properties? GJ 3 4 Structure and physical properties of material - WS 5 Polymers (natural and artificial) - WS Materials used in 6 Composites and nanocomposites – WS regenerative 7 Bioceramics and glasses - GJ medicine 8 Metals (alloys stents – orthopaedic – dental) WS 9 Host response to biomaterials 1 (0-30min) - GJ Cell : biomaterial interactions 10 Host response to biomaterials 2 (30min-30 years) Coursework seminar: A case study of a biomaterial 11 Coursework seminar (WS/GJ/BC/DK) Christmas break 15th December 2014 - 9th January 2015 Biomaterials fabrication from top-down to bottom up -WS 12 Processing 13 14 Characterisation 15 Review and summary Physical (mechanical, thermal & topography) – WS Biochemical (Raman, FTIR, MRI) – GJ Micro-/nano scale topography (optical, SEM, TEM, AFM, SIMS, XPS) Characterisation –DK Lab workshop - WS/DK/BC/GJ/AdM 19 . ORTHG007: Research Methodologies A shared module teaching the basic transferable research skills required for a successful research scientist. Topics include scientific writing “critical thinking”, research planning, statistics and presentation skills. Students should develop a basic understanding of frequentist statistics and improve their presentation/communication of research ideas and data. Venue: Whittington Hospital (Archway), Undergraduate Centre, Level 3, Highgate Wing, unless stated otherwise in the timetable. Tuesday afternoons, 2-5pm, October-December. Please refer to the ORTHG007 Moodle site as it will supersede information in this handbook. Module Lead: Dr Catherine Pendegrass Credits: 15 credits, mandatory module Course aims: To present and give basic training of transferable research skills to students, such as critical analysis and presentation skills. To give an overview and basic training of statistical processes; this will enable students to incorporate statistics into their individual research projects. Methods of assessment: Course work is an integral part of the module. Although coursework will not be allocated marks that count towards the official course assessment, students are expected to attempt and complete work on time as part of their learning experience, both for soft skills and statistics. The module is designed in such a way that learning acquired from the didactic or interactive teaching is consolidated by further exercises. Therefore students are expected to complete the coursework. Exam: The module is assessed by a multiple choice exam and practical SPSS statistics questions which lasts for 2 hours. Provisional Date: 15 December 2015. The exact date will be confirmed by the module coordinators. NB: This module will provide invaluable skills for the rest of the course – including the research project. 20 . ORTHG007 Lecture Timetable Tues. 6th Oct 2015 Tues. 13th Oct 2015 Time 2.002.15 2.154.00 Speaker Prof Mudera / Dr Catherine Pendegrass Prof. Robert Brown Title Topic Welcome and An Introduction to Research Methodologies. 4.005.00 Dr Gavin Jell Managing Bibliographic information [P1]. 2.005.00 Dr Gavin Jell and Course Administrator coordinating Managing Bibliographic information [P2]. EndNote workshop (hands on tutorial on reference manager). Hypothesis Research Integrity. and Generating a hypothesis: Ideas, originality, technology vs. science, scientific methods, controls, testing, falsification, and validation. The use of scientific databases Explain next week workshop/homework. Group 1 – Royal Free Library – Telsa Room Group 2 – Database Room, Cruciform Library Group 3 – Stanmore Library Tues. 20th Oct 2015 2.003.00 Dr Gavin Jell 3.005.00 2.003.00 Prof. Allan Hackshaw th 3.004.00 Prof Robert Brown 4.005.00 Dr Rifat Hamoudi Intro to Stats and SPSS “Why are We Here?" 2.003.00 Prof. David Abraham Get Rich Quick? Research Enterprise. 3.004.00 Dr Rifat Hamoudi 4.005.00 2.003.00 3.004.00 4.005.00 Dr Rifat Hamoudi Precision of Estimates and Hypothesis Testing. The Paired t-test. Review of descriptive SPSS Exercise. statistics. Crossing the Great Divide into Clinic: Lessons from Regenerative Medicine. The independent t-test Statistics Lecture and one-way ANOVA. Paired t-test and SPSS SPSS Exercise Exam component demonstration. Tues. 27 Oct 2015 Tues 3rd Nov 2015 Tues. 10th Nov 2015 Norman Williams (NW) & Chris Brew-Graves (CBG) Prof Martin Birchall Dr Rifat Hamoudi Dr Rifat Hamoudi Managing bibliographic information AND –Critical analysis of research papers. Sources of information / use of search engines. What makes a paper important? Plagiarism/when to use citations - Use of citation managers. Why publish? the peer-review process. What makes a good/bad paper? Critique of study design & controls. An Introduction to Epidemiology. “Changing Surgical Practice Through Scientific Research” NW - Why and How. CBG - Assessing Impact. Writing a Scientific Paper: Scary or Simples ? Examples of developing new surgical procedures from [laboratory] research. How it happens and what its impact can be. Getting published: structure of scientific writing: reports, dissertations, papers, reviews, grants, public dissemination. Data & Descriptive Statistics. Getting Data into SPSS. Tech Transfer, Patents & intellectual property, licences/royalties entrepreneurship? Collaborating with industry, consultancy, confidentiality. Statistics Lecture. 21 . Tues. 17th Nov 2015 Tues. 24th Nov 2015 2.003.00 Prof. Alan Cottenden “Mind the Gap!” (it's more than the language and the food). 3.004.00 4.005.00 Dr Rifat Hamoudi 2.003.00 Dr Anne Vanhoestenberghe (AV) & Dr Henry Lancashire (HL) Dr Rifat Hamoudi Correlation and linear regression. Categorical Data: The Chi squared test, odds ratios, relative risk, logistic regression. Career Sat Nav. 3.004.00 Tues. 1st Dec 2015 4.005.00 2.003.00 Tues. 8th Dec 2015 3.005.00 2.003.00 Dr Rifat Hamoudi Dr Rifat Hamoudi Dr Melanie Coathup Dr Rifat Hamoudi Dr Catherine Pendegrass Sample Size and Common Issues in Data Analysis. Problem Solving The Three Animal Development R’s and Model Working between contrasting research cultures (eg. Biomedicine and Eng. & Physical Sciences): Interdisciplinarity, Science-Tribes, Specialities, Networking. Statistics Lecture Statistics Lecture Navigating you way through the academic system (AV) The Fellowship Application Process (HL) Statistics Lecture. SPSS Exercise. How do we choose our animal models for in vivo research. The 3 R’s – what are they and why are they important. Student Stats Q&A Giving a presentation skills scientific and viva Coping with nerves : design, Presentation different audiences. Slide skills, 3.004.00 4.005.00 22 . SURGGN04: Translation of Nanotechnology An introduction into the translation of nanotechnology and regenerative medicine – from “bench to bedside”. Students will learn about: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Routes of translation. The importance of IP GMP- & conformity of assessment. Avenues of investment Demonstrate awareness of investment avenues for commercialisation. 6. Ethical issues approval for clinical trials. 7. The economics in the translation of an idea into a commercially available product. Cellular uptake of functionalised nanoparticles (image by Dr. G. Jell) Location: Jerry Kirk Seminar Room - Division of Surgery and Interventional science on the 9th floor of the Royal Free. Module Lead: Dr Amir Gander Credits: 15 credits, optional module Brief description: The aim is to provide students with the knowledge and tools to take novel nanotechnology and regenerative medicine based products through to commercialisation and clinical translation. Methods of assessment: The course will be assessed 100% by coursework. Students will prepare a grant, judge these grants, prepare a business plan for the translation of a regenerative medicine technology and then present this proposal to a panel of judges (Dragon’s Den style). The proposal must show innovation, commercialization potential and a viable route to market. Provisional time table: SURGGN04 – Translation of nanotechnology Title Introduction - What is translational research/Routes to market Company creation and health economics Innovation and enterprise (making ideas happen) Funding Science - Government, Charities and private Intellectual Property Regulation of Regenerative Medicine Grant writing and costing Dragons Den 23 . SURGGB04: Stem cells in regenerative medicine Stem cells hold the promise to impact human health. Their innate ability to self-renew and unique developmental capacity enables generation of unlimited numbers of multiple types of differentiated progeny. These features could be exploited to develop cellular therapies for the repair or replacement of diseased and damaged tissues in the clinic. This module will give students a broad introduction to stem cell biology, progressing to cover in more detail many of the distinct types of stem cell studied in current stem cell research and their potential for use in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Figure: Schematic showing developmental potential of pluripotent stem cells. Light micrograph of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in culture on a feeder layer of mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Immunofluorescence micrograph depicting iPS-derived hepatocytes stained for alpha-fetoprotein (FITC) and actin (PE). Module organiser: Dr Ashleigh S. Boyd Location: Jerry Kirk Seminar Room, Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, 9 th Floor, Royal Free Hospital Brief description: The syllabus will include a number of topics which will be important for the application of stem cells in surgery including: basic stem cell biology, sources of stem cells, methods to generate or isolate populations of stem cells, current regulations and ethical considerations for the use of human stem cells and applications of stem cell based therapies in the clinic. Module aims: This module will act as a primer on stem cell biology and the potential therapeutic application of stem cells in surgery. Students will learn about ongoing research and applications currently available for patient care. The module will also address important ethical and regulatory concerns for the use of stem cells and potential scientific barriers to the use of stem cells in the clinic. Upon completing this module students will have an understanding of the basics of stem cell biology and the essential requirements for stem cell based therapies, pre and post operatively and in surgery; knowledge of which may be utilized going forward to the research project stage of the MSc. Module assessment: The module will be assessed by an exam (MCQ and SEQs) lasting 2 hours (worth 100%). Exam Date: To be confirmed 24 . SURGGN99: Research Project This module accounts for 50% of the final MSc mark and provides hands-on research experience within a skilled and supportive environment. Students will complete a regenerative or nanotechnology themed research project and will be encouraged to publish their results in peer reviewed journals (if appropriate). Details of earlier MSc research projects can be found online. 2014/2015 projects will be available in November. Comparrison of bone nodules formed from stems cells and primary cells. E. Gentleman, Jell G et. al (2009). Nat. Materials 8 , 763-70 Project Allocation A booklet containing a summary of all the available projects will be given to you in November. Students are expected to decide which projects interest them and contact the relevant supervisors. A Project research day will occur (provisionally scheduled for the 10th November 2014) where supervisors will present a summary of their projects and be available for informal questions regarding the project. Students are expected to have decided and started on their project before the end of the 1st term. Projects will be hosted throughout UCL During the research project module students will be expected to work full-time under the guidance of their supervisor, organising, running and advancing their practical project either working individually and / or liaising within a team. Project Oral Presentations Students will be asked to present their projects in the 2nd term to check progress, ensure clear project aims are set and deliverables have been decided upon. In addition, students will be expected to present their final results and conclusions to their peers and other research staff within the department at the end of the year as part of their project Viva. Project Thesis Students will be required to write-up their research work as a thesis. This thesis is worth 80% of the project mark. The guidelines for the write up must be strictly adhered to and will be posted on Moodle. 25 . Viva’s All students will be given a viva which will consist of a 10 minute presentation based on your followed by a “thesis defence” this will be worth 20% of your final project mark. Viva’s will take place on the 1st week in September – please make sure you are available. Marking It is impossible to mark projects in a double blinded fashion. All projects will be marked by two examiners. Marking will be done independently and the average mark calculated after marks from the two Internal Examiners have been obtained. If the marks vary by more than 10% the examiners will agree on the final mark. Any discrepancies between these marks will be referred to the External Examiner. The projects will be marked using a standardized mark allocation sheets which can be found on Moodle. Project Submission Projects must be submitted using the TurnItIn®UK service at before 4.00 pm on the 29 July 2016. In addition, two bound hard copies (blue cotton binding) and one electronic copy must be submitted before 4.00 pm on the 29 July 2016. Your supervisor may also request a copy. Students should write up their projects individually. Supervisors may read over the work prior to handing in to give some feedback on content. However the thesis should be a true reflection of the student’s own work and thoughts. Project Extensions A project extension may be allowed in extenuating circumstances. You must submit a completed “Permission to Extend a Research Project Deadline” form (found on UCL website or see Julie). Extensions will only be given in special circumstances and require both the agreement of your supervisor and the course tutor (Gavin). Extenuating Circumstances All submissions regarding extenuating circumstances relating to coursework, projects or examinations must be submitted to Julie Cheek. Cases must be supported by documentary evidence such as a medical certificate, doctor’s letter or other relevant evidence.1 Submission must be made either at the time of or as soon as possible after the incidence of the circumstances concerned, and, in any case, no later than seven days after the date of the assessment or examination affected. In very exceptional circumstances, a case can be made by the Board of Examiners to the Chair or Deputy Chair of the UCL Board of Examiners to take into consideration medical and/or extenuating circumstances submitted after this deadline. If you are not coping with your workload or have a personal problem that is affecting your work please see your personal tutor at the earliest opportunity. The form can be accessed and downloaded from Moodle or ask Julie. 26 . UCL Student Administration and Information Enrolment for new students Enrolment for fresher’s will take on the main UCL Gower Street site in the Cloisters. Only first year students will be required to enrol in person. Maps of the Bloomsbury campus and the surrounding area are available at Guides will be available within the Quad during the enrolment period to help with directions. The final deadline for enrolment for the 2015/16 year is 4pm on 16 October 2015. We recommend you arrange your formal enrolment at your earliest opportunity. Full details about enrolment will be sent to all new students in early September. New students from overseas who attend the Orientation Programme for International Students will have the opportunity to enrol there. Dyslexia Assessment and Support Centre The UCL Dyslexia Assessment and Support Centre provides a free diagnostic assessment service for UCL students. Current assessment reports are required when applying for the DSA (Disabled Students' Allowance) and for special examination arrangements. Specialist tutorial support for students with dyslexia is also available. If you require special examination arrangements you need to contact Disability Services without delay to arrange a formal assessment: Access to Learning Fund and Student Hardship Fund Details of the Access to Learning Fund and the UCL Student Hardship Fund is available to help students who have made realistic provisions to fund their studies and have experienced unforeseen financial hardship. Awards are made towards maintenance costs only in the region of £1,000 in exceptional circumstances a larger award may be made. Applicants may be students in any Faculty and in any year of their programme of study. UCL Scholarships For details of all other scholarships please see the online Student Handbook pages: Data Protection Policy Please refer to UCL Estates and Facilities: Data Protection on the following link: 0110215 Intellectual Property Rights Please refer to the online Student Handbook pages on Intellectual Property Rights on the following link: 27 . Policy on Plagiarism You should note that UCL has now signed up to use a sophisticated detection system “TurnItIn®” to scan work for evidence of plagiarism, and the Department intends to use this for assessed coursework. This system gives access to billions of sources worldwide, including websites and journals, as well as work previously submitted to the Department, UCL and other universities UCL is subject to the University of London's General Regulations for Internal Students and the policy detailed below has been drawn up in accordance with those Regulations. Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of another person's thoughts or words or artefacts or software as though they were a student's own. Any quotation from the published or unpublished works of other persons must, therefore, be clearly identified as such by being placed inside quotation marks, and students should identify their sources as accurately and fully as possible. A series of short quotations from several different sources, if not clearly identified as such, constitutes Plagiarism just as much as does a single unacknowledged long quotation from a single source. Equally, if a student summarises another person's ideas, judgments, figures, diagrams or software, a reference to that person in the text must be made and the work referred to must be included in the bibliography. Recourse to the services of "ghost-writing" agencies (for example in the preparation of essays or reports) or of outside word-processing agencies which offer "correction/improvement of English" is strictly forbidden, and students who make use of the services of such agencies render themselves liable for an academic penalty. Some departments give specific advice about non-originality, plagiarism and the use of materials by others, and students must make themselves aware of such departmental guidelines and abide by them. For some assessments it is also illicit to reproduce material which a student has used in other work/assessment for the course or programme concerned. Students should make themselves aware of their department's rules on this "self-plagiarism". If in doubt, students should consult their Personal Tutor or another appropriate Tutor. Failure to observe any of the provisions of this policy or of approved departmental guidelines constitutes an examination offence under the UCL Regulations. Examination offences will normally be treated as cheating or irregularities under the regulations for proceedings in respect in respect of Examination Irregularities. Under these Regulations students found to have committed an offence may be excluded from all further examinations of the University and/or UCL. See also information. for further 28 . UCL Union UCLU Rights and Advice Office Offer confidential advice on Immigration Rights; Grants; Loans; Financial Advice; Housing; Council Tax; Legal Advice Sessions & much more. Contact: Tel: 020-7679-2998 UCLU is based at: 15 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AY. Student Welfare We understand that undertaking a Master’s degree, living in London, finances and worrying about your future can cause considerable stress. If you have any problems that are affecting your wellbeing please discuss these with your personal tutor and/or contact the UCL student councillors – Welfare and support for International Students Drop in advice centre for all students Nightline Out of office hours try phoning Nightline, the confidential listening and support service for students, by students. Contact: 0207 6310101 Opening hours: 6.00pm-8.00am during term-time 29 . Royal Free Campus Information Sharing a modern building with the Royal Free Hospital, the Royal Free campus is situated in attractive Hampstead, close to the heart of London. Most of the academic units based at the Royal Free campus were previously part of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine which, in August 1998, merged with UCL. The Royal Free Campus is now one of UCL Medical School’s main teaching and research sites. The University Department of Surgery is on the 9th Floor of the Royal Free Hospital. Directions to UCL Royal Free Campus Underground/Tube: Northern line Coming from the south, take an Edgware branch train and get off at Belsize Park tube station. Turn right out of the station up Haverstock Hill until you come to a pub named The George; turn right after the pub down a small road called Rowland Hill Street; this road bends to the right to the entrance to the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine. From the tube station to the entrance will take approximately 5 minutes to walk. Overground/British Rail Hampstead Heath, British Rail station is very close to the hospital and serves stations to Richmond and Clapham Junction to the west and Stratford to the east. Bus 24 Victoria Warren Street Station, Mornington Crescent Station, Camden Town Station, Malden Road, South End Green (for Royal Free). 46 Kensal Rise Queens Park Station, Warwick Avenue Station, Maida Vale, St John's Wood Station, Swiss Cottage Station, Hampstead Station, South End Green (for Royal Free), Kentish Town, King's Cross Station. 168 South End Green Pond Street (for Royal Free), Belsize Park Station, Haverstock Hill, Chalk Farm Station, Camden Town Station, Eversholt Street, Euston Station. 268 Finchley Road Swiss Cottage, Belsize Park, Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead Station, Whitestone Pond, Golders Green. C11 Archway Station Parliament Hill Fields, Gospel Oak, South End Green, Pond Street (for Royal Free), Belsize Park Station, Swiss Cottage Station, Finchley Road Station, West Hampstead, Cricklewood Station, North Cricklewood, Brent Cross. By Car There are a limited amount of car parking spaces in a two story car park entered from Pond Street or some marked spaces in Rowland Hill Street. They are pay and display. 30 . Services 1. Accidents/ Safety: Everyone is expected to act with due care and consideration for the safety of themselves and others within the department. If you see anything that you consider hazardous then please notify Steph Bogan or Chau Chong (general admin office) immediately. The Safety Policy is displayed on the Notice board. All accidents or injuries incurred on the premises must be reported to Steph Bogan or Chau Chong. An accident form must be completed. 2. Emergency Contacts: SECURITY 33335. 3. First Aid: The department’s trained first aider: Steph Bogan or Chau Chong (general admin office). There is a First Aid kit sited on the wall of the corridors next door to the General Admin Office (Room 9/333). 4. Internet: The Division of Surgery and Interventional Science website is You will need your UCL user name and password to access UCL password protected sites. 5. Notice Boards: Several notice boards are erected in the Department. Please look at these regularly as notices of seminars; courses, College announcements, etc are also displayed on these boards 6. Out-of-Hours Access: No student is allowed to work on “experimental laboratory bench-work” outside normal working hours (Monday to Friday 9.00 – 18.00) unless DIRECTLY SUPERVISED. For other activities such as library, writing up and computer work, a designated person must be in the vicinity. Authorisation must be sought prior to working out-of-hours (i.e. evenings and weekends). 7. Photocopier: Photocopying can be done in the library where a photocopying card can be purchased. 8. Security: Please note that our insurance policy does not cover personal possessions of staff and students, and in the unfortunate event anything is stolen or damaged, we are not responsible for replacement as a department. This covers the main queries you are likely to have, however please do not hesitate to ask your course Tutor about anything else that is of concern to you. 31 . College Terms: Academic Year 2015– 2016 First Term Monday 28 September 2015 - Friday 18 December 2015 Second Term Monday 11 January 2016 - Wednesday 23 March 2016 Third Term Monday 25 April 2016 - Friday 10 June 2016 College Closures Christmas CLOSE - Wednesday 23 December 2015 at 5.30 p.m RE-OPEN - Monday 4 January 2016 Easter CLOSE - Wednesday 23 March 2016 at 5.30 p.m. RE-OPEN - Wednesday 30 March 2016 Bank Holidays CLOSED - Monday 2 May 2016 CLOSED - Monday 30 May 2016 CLOSED - Monday 29 August 2016 PhD students Benyamin, Tina and Leila (who graduated from the MSc in 2010 and have now completed or are submitting their PhD within the Division of Surgery\) 32