PLEASE NOTE this is a sample reading list for the 2015-16 academic year – precise seminar content may change from year to year. Week 1 The Existential-Phenomenological Turn in Continental European Philosophy Some Relevant Literature: Camus, Albert, The Myth of Sisyphus (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975, orig. publ . 1942) Cooper, David, Existentialism (Oxford: Blackwell, 1990), ch. 2. Nietzsche, Friedrich, Twilight of the Idols (Penguin: Harmondsworth ), esp. sect. IV ‘How the “Real World” Finally Became a Myth’. Poellner, Peter, ‘Phenomenology and Science in Nietzsche’, in A Companion to Nietzsche, ed. K. J. Ansell-Pearson (Oxford: Blackwell, 2005). On Husserls phenomenology (as background to Sartre’s): Luft, Sebastian, ‘Introduction’ and ‘Husserl’s Method of Reduction’, in S. Luft and S. Overgaard (eds) The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology (Routledge, 2012). More advanced: Poellner, Peter, ‘Consciousness in the World: Husserlian Phenomenology and Externalism’, in B. Leiter and M. Rosen (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Continental Philosophy (Oxford: OUP, 2007). Week 2 (we may make a start on these topics at the end of the week 1 lecture) Some Fundamental Sartrean Theses: In-Itself and For-Itself. Pre-Reflective Consciousness and ‘Nothingness’. Primary Text: BN, Introduction; Part 1, ch. 1, sections 1 and 5; BN, Part 2, ch. 1, sections 1, 2; ‘The Transcendence of the Ego’, esp. section 1. Seminar Reading: BN, Introduction, pp. 6 - 12. Some Secondary Literature: Catalano, Joseph, A Commentary on Jean-Paul Sartre’s ‘Being and Nothingness’ (Chicago: Chicago UP, 1980), Introduction and pt. 1, ch. 1. Gardner, Sebastian, Sartre’s ‘Being and Nothingness’ (London: Continuum, 2009), chapt. 3(A), pp. 38-79 (interprets Sartre’s position as a novel ontology). Hatzimoysis, Anthony, ‘A Sartrean Critique of Introspection’, in Jonathan Webber (ed.) Reading Sartre (Routledge, 2011). McCulloch, Gregory, Using Sartre (London: Routledge, 1994), pp. 33-44. Morris, Katherine, Sartre (Oxford: Blackwell, 2008), ch. 3. Sprigge, Timothy, Theories of Existence (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984), ch. 7, pp. 128-53. Poellner, Peter, ‘Nonconceptual Content, Experience and the Self’, Journal of Consciousness Studies vol. 10, no. 2 (2003), esp. pp. 45-56. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ‘Phenomenological Approaches to Self-Consciousness’, Williford, Kenneth ‘Pre-reflective Self-consciousness and the Autobiographical Ego’, in Jonathan Webber (ed.) Reading Sartre (Routledge, 2011) Zahavi, Dan, Self-Awareness and Alterity (Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1999), pp. 127-142. Week 3 Radical Freedom and Action Primary Text: BN, Part 1, ch. 1, section 5; BN, Part 4, ch. 1, esp. section 1; Seminar Reading: BN, pp. 503-506. Secondary Literature: Compton, John ‘Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Human Freedom’, in Jon Stewart (ed.) The Debate between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty (Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1998) [Henceforth referred to as DSM]. Cooper, David, Existentialism, ch. 9. Eshleman, Matthew ‘What is it Like to be Free?’ in Jonathan Webber (ed.) Reading Sartre (Routledge, 2011). Gardner, Sebastian, Sartre’s ‘Being and Nothingness’, chapt. 3(D), pp. 148-172. Jones, Gary ‘Sartre, Consciousness and Responsibility’ Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (1980). Morris, Katherine, Sartre, ch. 8. Poellner, Peter, ‘Early Sartre on Freedom and Ethics’, European Journal of Philosophy (forthcoming). A copy can be downloaded from the module webpage, course materials. Stewart, Jon ‘Merleau-Ponty’s Criticisms of Sartre’s Theory of Freedom’, in DSM. Taylor, Charles, ‘Responsibility for Self’ in Gary Watson (ed.) Free Will (Oxford: OUP, 1982). Webber, Jonathan, The Existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre (New York: Routledge, 2009), chapts. 4 & 5. Week 4 Value, Desire, and the Fundamental Project Primary Text: BN, Part 1, ch 1, section 5, pp. 59 –69. BN, Part 2, ch. 1, section 3. BN, Part 4, ch. 1, section 1, pp. 483-89. Seminar Reading: BN, pp. 483-89. Secondary Literature: Baldwin, Thomas ‘Sartre, Kant and the Original Choice of Self’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 80 (1979-80). Catalano, J., A Commentary on Jean-Paul Sartre’s ‘Being and Nothingness’, pt. 4. Cooper, David, Existentialism, pp. 90-92, 139-145, and ch. 10. Gardner, Sebastian, Sartre’s ‘Being and Nothingness’, pp. 101-104 (value and lack); 161-167, 177-179 (original choice/fundamental project). Webber, Jonathan, The Existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre, chapts. 4 & 8. Week 5 Bad Faith and the Flight from Anguish Primary Text: BN, Part 1, ch. 2. Seminar Reading: BN, pp. 70 -73; pp. 78-79. Secondary Literature: Cooper, David, Existentialism, pp. 116-33. Gardner, Sebastian, Sartre’s ‘Being and Nothingness’, pp. 172-177 Gordon, Jeffrey, ‘Bad Faith: A Dilemma’, Philosophy, vol. 60 (1985), pp. 258-262. Hymers, Michael, ‘Bad Faith’, Philosophy, vol. 64 (1989), pp. 397-402. McCulloch, Gregory, Using Sartre, ch. 4. Poellner, Peter ‘Self-Deception, Consciousness and Value’ Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 11, no. 10-11 (2004), pp. 44-65. Stevenson, Leslie, ‘Sartre on Bad Faith’, Philosophy, vol. 58 (1983), pp. 253-258. Webber, Jonathan, The Existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre, chapts. 6 & 7. Webber, Jonathan, ‘Motivated Aversion: Non-thetic Awareness in Bad Faith’, Sartre Studies International vol 8, no. 1 (2002). Also available at: Week 6 Independent Study Week Week 7 The Structure of Emotions Primary Text: Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions (London: Routledge, 2002) Seminar Reading: Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions, pp. 39-44. Secondary Literature: Dilman, I., ‘An Examination of Sartre’s Theory of the Emotions’, Ratio 5 (1963), pp. 190-212. Drummond, John, ‘”Cognitive Impenetrability” and the Complex Intentionality of Emotions’, Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 11, no. 10-11 (2004), pp 109-126. McCulloch, Gregory, Using Sartre, ch. 2 Lyons, William, Emotion (Cambridge: CUP, 1980), ch. 3 and 4. Poellner, Peter, ‘Affect, Value and Objectivity’, in B. Leiter and N. Sinhababu (eds) Nietzsche and Morality (Oxford University Press, 2007), esp. pp. 235-248. Solomon, Robert, Not Passion’s Slave: Emotions and Choice (Oxford: OUP, 2003). Solomon, Robert, ‘Sartre on Emotions’ in P. A. Schilpp (ed.) The Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre (La Salle: Open Court, 1981). Week 8 Encountering Others: Intersubjectivity in Husserl, Heidegger, and Sartre Primary Text: BN, Part 3, ch. 1, sections 3 and 4. Seminar Reading: BN, pp. 282-87. Secondary Literature: Aquila, R., ‘Sartre’s Other and the Field of Consciousness’ European Journal of Philosophy 6 (1998), pp. 253-76. Dreyfus, Hubert, Being-in-the-World (Cambridge/MA: MIT Press, 1991), ch. 8 (on Heidegger’s position). Gardner, Sebastian, Sartre’s ‘Being and Nothingness’, chapt. 3(C), pp. 126-148. Morris, Katherine, Sartre, ch. 7. Natanson, Maurice, ‘The Problem of Others in Being and Nothingness’ in P. A. Schilpp (ed.) The Philosophy of Jean-Paul-Sartre. Lapointe, F. ‘The Existence of Alter Egos: Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau- Ponty’ in DSM. Smith, A.D. Husserl and the Cartesian Meditations, (London:Routledge, 2003, ch. 5 (on Husserl’s position). Theunissen, Michael, The Other (Cambridge MA: MIT Press), ch. 6. (on Sartre’s theory) Verstraeten, P. ‘Hegel and Sartre’, in C. Howells (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Sartre (Cambridge University Press, 1992) Webber, Jonathan, The Existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre, chapt. 9. Zahavi, Dan, Husserl and Transcendental Intersubjectivity (Athens: Ohio University Press), pp. 137-49 (on Sartre’s view). Week 9 Concrete Relations to Others: Love, Hatred, Sexuality Primary Text: BN, Part 3, ch. 3, esp. sections 1 and 2. Seminar reading: BN, pp. 384 – 392. Secondary Literature: Jones, D. T., ‘Useless Passions? Sartre on Love’, in J. Giles (ed) French Existentialism: Consciousness, Ethics, and Relations to Others (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999). Also available at: Mazis, Glen, ‘Touch and Vision: Rethinking with Merleau-Ponty Sartre on the Caress’, in DSM. Morris, Katherine, Sartre, ch. 7. Oaklander, N., ‘Sartre on Sex’, in Alan Soble (ed.) The Philosophy of Sex (Oxford: Rowman&Littlefield, 1980). Wyatt, J., ‘The Impossible Object of Love in Sartre’s BN..’, Sartre Studies International, vol 12 (2006), pp. 1-16. Week 10 Sartre’s Ethics Primary Text: Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism and Humanism (London: Methuen, 1977). (A lecture delivered in 1946). Jean-Paul Sartre, Notebooks for an Ethics (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1992), pp. 471-554 (The section entitled ‘Conversion’). Seminar reading: Existentialism and Humanism, pp. 47-56. Secondary Literature: Gardner, Sebastian, Sartre’s ‘Being and Nothingness’, pp. 190-199. Poellner, Peter, ‘Early Sartre on Freedom and Ethics’, European Journal of Philosophy (forthcoming). A copy can be downloaded from the module webpage, course materials. Simont, Juliette, ‘Sartrean Ethics’ in C. Howells (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Sartre (Cambridge: CUP, 1992). Thomas, Alan ‘Alienation, Objectification, and the Primacy of Virtue’ in Jonathan Webber (ed) Reading Sartre (Routledge, 2011). Webber, Jonathan, The Existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre, chapts. 10 & 11.