DEPARTMENT ___________________________________ PEER OBSERVATION RECORD FORM FORM 1 Name of practitioner: Programme Name: Level: (please tick) Masters Undergraduate Short Course Module Name: Module Code: Date of session: Time of session: Venue address: Number of learners on register / number present: / I confirm I have observed this session Name: Signature: Signature of practitioner: Date: Once completed and signed this Record should be submitted for formal department records of peer observation of teaching. For purposes of formative feedback on teaching, Form (2) should be completed and kept as the personal record of the practitioner and observer. Please return this form to: _______________________________________ R:\sites\peer_observation\SamplePOTForms0809doc.doc DEPARTMENT _________________________________________ PEER OBSERVATION OF TEACHING FORMATIVE FEEDBACK FORM FORM 2 This form is to be used when one colleague observes another and the practitioner observed would welcome some feedback on their teaching. This is a separate function to the formal peer observation of teaching, which the department requests for its records. For the formal peer observation, use Form (1). The same teaching session can be observed with both purposes in mind, in which case both this Form (2) and Form (1) may be used. Completion of Form (2) would proceed in stages, with practitioner and observer filling in stages alternately, as indicated (and preferably electronically), and may then be kept as the personal record of the practitioner and observer. 1) Information which could be provided by practitioner before session: Session plan Course outline or scheme of work Observation Form initial sections filled in (below) Other resources Name of practitioner: Course & Programme titles, and level: Date and time of session, venue and address (include telephone number, transport details, room number, meeting arrangements, etc.): Session Topic/Theme: An agreed summary of what was to be observed at the session (specific aspects of the session for the observer to comment upon and why) and additional circumstances to be aware of: R:\sites\peer_observation\SamplePOTForms0809doc.doc To be completed afterwards 2) Immediate reflection on the session by the practitioner (this box applicable only if discussion with observer does not follow on straight after the teaching session): Comments on the session could be made in the following areas: Beginning – introduction, continuity with other sessions and learners’ prior knowledge, clarity of aims and learning outcomes. Structure of session linking learning outcomes and with learning and teaching activities - and ending session – summary, future work, etc. Communications and teaching/learning relationships – use of effective verbal and non-verbal communication, rapport with students, handling of questions, awareness of student learning processes. Learner support – generally, level of success of student participation and level of interest from the point of view of someone participating; and identification of differentiation of learning needs, including equal opportunities issues. Range of teaching and learning methods - promotion of active learning. Use of learning technology and other teaching aids - on the more practical aspects of delivery you might feel it appropriate to comment upon some or all of the following; aids used for the session, i.e. handouts, overheads, chalk, PowerPoint, lab. instructions, etc., and their clarity and effectiveness; comments on the physical environment appropriate too. Clarity of explanation – audibility, pace. Content – evidence of up to date curriculum and resources. 3) Observer’s summary of what happened, with comments (colleagues may choose that the observer withold the written details until after the discussion is recorded in box 4): R:\sites\peer_observation\SamplePOTForms0809doc.doc 4) Record by practitioner of discussion of the observation afterwards between practitioner and observer: 5) Observed teacher’s subsequent reflection and note of proposed action as a result of this observation and discussion: Three things which went well: Three things highlighted for particular development: 6) Observer’s subsequent reflection and note of proposed action as a result of this observation and discussion: ______________________________________ Name of Observer _____________________________________ Signature of Observer ………………..………………. Signature of Practitioner Date of completion of form: ______________________ R:\sites\peer_observation\SamplePOTForms0809doc.doc