DoME NEWS July 2011 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION Come 1st August 2011, those of us who have always said we work at ―the Medical School‖ will finally be backed up by fact as DoME and Medical School Administration merge to form the newly-titled UCL Medical School. Jane Dacre explains what UCL‘s School of Life and Medical Sciences restructure means for medical education on page 2. The first DoME conference in June was a huge success and the new seminar series starts on 14th September 2011. Teaching, research and scholarship are the pillars of educational excellence, and these meetings aim to inspire research ideas and disseminate the latest education findings (see ps 3, 4 and 9). And if a stick were needed, Deborah Gill‘s article on p3 gives us the latest on how DoME‘s research will be judged in 2014‘s Research Excellence Framework. Ironically, as UCL Medical School appears, so our medsch email addresses disappear (see p3). The new, much simpler @ucl. addresses mean no Finally, the birth of UCL Medical School more spelling ―med skhe‖ over the phone means the death of DoME news. But put and seven fewer opportunities for typos. away your hankies because a phoenixlike emergence is promised for next Throughout these changes, life goes on term… much as normal in DoME. We congratulate the latest cohort of MBBS graduates, I hope you enjoy the last issue. admire our prize-winning students and staff; and welcome our new team members (ps 4, 7 & 8). DoME news is a termly newsletter from the Division of Medical Education (DoME) that aims to keep Medical School staff updated about developments in the Medical School and the MBBS (undergraduate) curriculum, and to enable sharing of good practice Dr Katherine Woolf Lecturer in Medical Education, DoME UCL Division of Medical Education Director: Professor Jane Dacre ( Deputy Directors: Dr Deborah Gill (; Dr Peter Raven ( Address: 4th floor, Holborn Union Building, Whittington Campus, 2-10 Highgate Hill, London. N19 5LW. DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DoME NEWS DoME becomes School‟ „UCL Medical Following the Education Support, Leadership and Governance Review, it became clear that in the current structures the position of the Medical School was not articulated clearly enough. In the new structures, there will be four Faculties making up the School of Life and Medical Sciences: The Faculty of Brain Sciences, the Faculty of Life Sciences, the Faculty of Medical Sciences, and the Faculty of Population Health Sciences. DoME and Medical Student Administration will be merged and will sit within the Faculty of Medical Sciences as a „Division‟ – called „UCL Medical School‟. It will incorporate the leadership of the MBBS, the Division of Medical Education (DoME), and the scholarship and research activities of DoME (the Academic Centre for Medical Education (ACME)). There will also be an ‗Education Support Directorate‘ that will sit at SLMS level and will have a coordinating function to include: a pan-School educational scholarship programme, sharing of best practice and innovations, staff development and the development of the School‘s CPD programme. The Directorate will report to the Chair of the Education Board, Professor Graham Hart, incoming Dean of the Faculty of Population Health Sciences. The details of how this will operate will be decided by the Education Board. Similarly, the education function in each Faculty will be supported by an Education Hub which will be finalised once the deans are all in post. New Deans The aim is to continue to provide an excellent MBBS programme for our students, and to help us to enhance the Medical School as a leading institution within SLMS. Professor Jane Dacre will direct the new Division and continue to develop an ambitious programme in pursuit of the scholarship and medical education research agenda. Following interviews for the Deanships of the Faculties of Brain Sciences, Medical Sciences and Population Health Sciences, the following appointments have been made: Faculty of Brain Sciences, Professor Alan Thomson; Faculty of Medical Sciences, Professor Patrick Maxwell; Faculty of Population Health Sciences, Professor Graham Hart. Professor Mary Collins will remain as the Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences. Professor Jane Dacre Tel: 020 7472 6861 Email: website: 2 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DoME NEWS Final Year New Curriculum feedback We introduced a new Final Year programme as the first year of the New Curriculum in 2010-11 under the banner "Think like a doctor, act like a doctor” with an emphasis on service oriented and self directed learning. Students, teachers, and administrators have embraced the new Final Year with alacrity. The students rose to the challenge and their feedback has been positive with the Assistantship proving the centrepiece. They were aided particularly by foundation doctors and site administrators, and were well supported by consultant and GP tutors. Staff reported being energised by the change and noted increased student independence and maturity. We have received virtually no complaints about conduct. There are a few further changes to be made and a couple of localised teething problems have been resolved. ever this service may be removed in the future, therefore it is advised that emails are sent to the new live@UCL email addresses. The DoME online contacts list ( is up to date with the new email addresses however please check for error notification emails during this period of transition. 1st UCL Nephrology Day The first UCL Nephrology Day will be held on Wednesday 14 September 2011 at UCL Anatomy JZ Young LT. The aim of this one-day meeting is to provide an opportunity for those within the wider UCL community to become more aware of the clinical and basic science research interests and achievements of the UCL Centre for Nephrology Royal Free ( medicine/nephrology), and at the same time to foster greater collaboration with colleagues in the Faculties of Biomedicine and Life Sciences, and also in other UCL Faculties, Institutes and Schools. We feel the success of the revised programme reflects positively on our new graduates and bodes well for further curriculum reform. We also hope our new doctors are better prepared for the tasks that lie ahead. We are working closely with the Foundation School to see how this plays out. We have invited several leading international research scientists with whom we already collaborate, as speakers, and the meeting will also include one of the YaleUCL series of invited lectures to be given by Professor Stefan Somlo (Section of Nephrology and Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Yale University). The Organising Committee is planning a repreDr Anita Berlin, Dr Aroon Lal and the Fi- sentative selection of talks covering various nal Year team aspects of nephrology-related research that we hope will have wide appeal. You can Migration to register (free) and find the full program by clicking the following link medicine/nephrology/events_meetings/ As part of the ongoing Live@UCL migration project the majority of DoME staff email ac- Send abstracts to counts were migrated in June. and Registration forms to before the E m a i l s a d d r e s s e d t o 31July 2011. Contact Dr Xiong Ruan at will continue to or +44(0) be received in the user‘s new account how- 2078302190 with any queries. Tel: 020 7472 6861 Email: website: 3 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION SLMS NEWS 2011 Graduation Ceremonies On Wednesday 29th June two ceremonies were held in the Royal Festival Hall involving the conferment of degrees from the School of Life and Medical Sciences. In the morning ceremony postgraduate degrees were awarded, together with the conferment of honorary degrees on Professor Sir Keith Peters, former Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge and former President of the Academy of Medical Sciences; and Professor Gail Martin of the University of California San Francisco for her work on embryonic stem cells. In the afternoon ceremony, medical degrees and prizes were awarded to over 400 candidates (including Edward Casswell, the winner of the 2010 University of London MBBS Gold Medal). Honorary fellowships were conferred on Dr Jane Collins (Chief Executive of Great Ormond Street Hospital); Prof Mike Simons (University of Yale Medical School, and joint founder of the Yale-UCL Collaborative) and Prof Janet Darbyshire, former Director of the MRC Clinical Trials Unit and UCL Professor. Excellence in Medical Education Award Winners 2010-11 The winners of the fifth annual Excellence in Medical Education Awards attended the UCL Medical School Graduation Ceremony on 29th June to receive their award: Individual Winners Dr Katherine Breckon, General Practitioner and Training Fellow, James Wigg Practice, London. Dr Faye Gishen, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Marie Curie Hospice Hampstead, Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust. Dr Chloe Macaulay, Teaching Fellow & Specialist Registrar, Department of Paediatrics, Whittington Hospital NHS Trust. Dr Sophie Park, GP and Clinical Teaching Fellow, Research Department of Primary Care & Population Health, Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust. Awarded the Saad al-Damluji Award for her exceptional commitment to excellence in Clinical Teaching. Team Winner iBSc Clinical Sciences Team - Awarded the David Jordan Award for excellence in enhancing science in Medical Education. Miss Carolyn Cohen, Undergraduate Teaching Administrator, UCL Medical School, Royal Free Campus. Dr Marsha Morgan, Reader in Medicine and Honorary Consultant Physician, Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust. Getting ready for the REF The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the new system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. It replaces the Research Assessment Exercise and will be completed in 2014. it is different to the RAE in that while it will still judge the quality of research outputs (65% of overall score), it will also be looking at the wider impact of research (20%) and the vitality continued on page 5 Tel: 020 7472 6861 Email: website: 4 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DoME NEWS continued from page 4 of the research environment (15%) http:// Assessment of impact will be based on expert review of ‗case studies‘ submitted by departments or groupings that show social, economic or cultural impact or benefit. As impact can take time to develop momentum the REF considers research from 2008-2013 looking mainly at papers in high quality journals but for impact it is interested in teams and the research can date from as long ago as 2003 – to show significant and enduring impact building up. This is a very different approach to research assessment and so needs some considerable thought to present research work in the best possible light for funding purpose and to showcase our work, and its impact, to the SLMS, UCL and national audiences. Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) In the March 2011 issue of DoME News (pg. 13) Dr Liz Prvulovich announced her successful application for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy status along with a description of the process for application and support available from ACME and the HEA. We are now de- Dr Greg Campbell lighted to announce that Dr Greg Campbell, SSC lead and member of the Phase 1 teaching team, has become the latest recipient of FHEA status. The Higher Education Academy aims to enhance the professional standing of teaching and learning support activity in UK higher education. The achievement of SLMS is co-coordinating their response to Fellow status through the Academy is one the REF which is being led by Prof Mary of the most effective and widely recogCollins in Life Sciences. This process will nised ways of achieving this for individudecide what is put forward and how. The als. first steps in this process are due to be completed this summer. We would like to encourage teaching colIn the last RAE DoME was not well repreleagues from all Phases sented as we were a new department and to apply for Fellow the Faculty did not put forward a return in status to seek recognithe domain of education research (a few tion for your continued faculty were able to submit under the Faccommitment to teachulty‘s health services research domain). ing. For more informaThrough the work of DOME, UCL is growtion about applying visit ing in reputation as an important site of and contact Debimportant medical education reorah Gill, or Jane search and so it is important that our reRichardson search work is well represented in the REF. Dr Deborah Gill Tel: 020 7472 6861 Email: website: 5 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DoME NEWS Student involvement in the curriculum the big changes start to kick in across the curriculum. Student reps have been instrumental in the construction of the new curriculum, and I believe the next group of representatives will be just as key in its implementation. Fellow students are glad that they have been involved and consulted every step of the way, from the regular updates on the process to the talks by Dr. Gill in the final weeks of term, and it is of great reassurance as the course (and indeed medicine) changes around us to know that we are listened to. While the third term has been a little quieter than the previous two, with Phase One students (including myself) gripped by exam fever and everyone else gearing up to revision, RUMS Exec. have continued to work hard. There have been some fantastic RUMS balls to finish the year in style, such as Sports Ball to celebrate RUMS sporting successes over the year and award the first Bender Cup (to the second years, who beat the first years at football and rugby), Finalists Ball to ease the transition from students to doctors (and drum excitement for the newly launched Alumni Association), and finally Summer Ball to top off the year for everyone. These have been roaring successes, and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who came. As I leave Phase One and my position behind to do my iBSc, I do so glad that I have had the opportunity to learn much more about medical education than I would have otherwise. So many thanks to those I have worked with over the year, best wishes for the future to everyone and enjoy the rest of the summer sun. Sam Conway Junior President , RUMS We also waved goodbye to the well-used but much loved Huntley St, and moved into our fantastic new social location in the Lewis Building where we've already held a number of events including the RUMS Reception, for students and staff who have really helped shape RUMS this year. Our Welfare Committee has been helping Phase One students throughout term, with de-stress sessions before exams offering advice and a place to relax, and help seminars after exams for those who needed to talk to other students about their results. By all accounts, these were also popular and create a solid foundation on which next years committee can build. As in the previous two terms, the academic reps were committed, constructive and helpful in the final set of SSCCs for the year, gathering the final bits of student feedback on the present course before Tel: 020 7472 6861 Email: website: 6 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DoME NEWS UCL Medics Debating success very well deserved.‖ On Saturday 12th March a team of students from UCL won the Inaugural National Medics Debating Competition. The event, held at the Royal College of Surgeons in London, was organised by "Say It" and the English Speaking Union (ESU). Dr Brenda Cross, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences Sub-Dean and Faculty Tutor, said: ―I am very proud of the students, their achievement and how well they have represented the Medical School.‖ A podcast about the event can be found here: The team from UCL consisted of three n=12407 medical students currently completing Intercalated BScs: Krishna Sivakumaran Orwell Prize longlist for Dr Petra (Psychology), Rahul Bahl (International Boynton Health), and Adil N Ahmad (International Health). Dr Petra Boynton‘s blog,, which tackles 16 teams from around the country took sex/relationships/health topics, was part in the debating competition; the longlisted for an Orwell Prize, a prestigious prize for political writing. Dr Boynton is a lecturer in ACME, her research has covered topics within the area of sexual health. The Orwell Prize was established in its present form by the late Professor Sir Bernard Crick in 1994, ‗to encourage writing in good English – while giving equal value to style and content, politics or public policy, whether political, ecol-r: Krishna Sivakumaran, Rahul Bahl nomic, social or cultural – of a kind aimed and Adil N. Ahmad at or accessible to the reading public, not teams came from Manchester, Liverpool, to specialist or academic audiences‘. Wales, Nottingham, York and London. Each team consisted of three members F u r t h e r information: http:// who are either current medical students junior doctors. Blog%20Prize/year-2011 Commenting on the teams success Pro- Congratulations Petra! fessor Jane Dacre, Director of the MBBS programme and the Division of Medical Education, said: ―I would like to congratulate Krishna, Rahul and Adil, this is a fantastic achievement. The award acknowledges the effort made by the team, and those that supported their learning, it is Tel: 020 7472 6861 Email: website: 7 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DoME NEWS New Staff Dr Rosemary Belcher I joined Kaz and Gil (New Staff Issue 9) as a Clinical Teaching Fellow at DoME in May. I trained at Newcastle University and my first involvement in medical education was with a group from Newcastle, teaching ethics and communication skills at a summer camp for healthcare students in the Caucasus. I am now a medical registrar, specialising in Care of the Dr Rosemary Belcher Elderly. I have been involved with teaching medical students on the wards for some time, and spent the last year working as an education fellow in a district general hospital, particularly supporting the new final year curriculum. I am excited to be working at DoME on projects such as introducing an electronic portfolio for the clinical years and simulation, and will also be working with the Quality Assurance Unit. I continue to work two and a half days a week in hospital which keeps my feet firmly on the ground! ‗tweets‘ follow @ACMEatUCL or visit the website directly: ACMEatUCL Academic Promotion We are very happy to announce that Dr Jean McEwan, Medical School Sub-Dean and Consultant Cardiologist, has been promoted to Professor. Congratulations Professor McEwan! Prof. Jean McEwan Charity For many years some of the DoME ladies have taken part in the Cancer Research Race for Life 10k, and this year is no different. On Saturday 23rd July 2011 Deborah Lucas -Georgiou, Jayne Kavanagh, Tara-Lynn Poole, Marcia Rigby from DoME and Heather Mitchell and Ceylan Beydilli from Div. of Surgery took to the paths of Finsbury Park to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Please show your continued support for Team DoME and the worthwhile work of Cancer Research UK by sponsoring the ladies for their race. http:// -georgiou1005 Outside of work, I enjoy anything that in- Baby news! volves being active outdoors, especially cyWe are pleased to announce the birth of cling, hiking and kayaking. baby Aiden, son of Dr Petra Boynton, ACME ACME Twitter Account Lecturer and her partner The Academic Centre for Medical Education Will, and brother to Adam. (ACME) has joined the micro-blogging social Aiden was born in the early hours of 6th July. network website Twitter. The account will be updated with ACME Baby Aiden news and events. To receive ACME‘s Congratulations! Tel: 020 7472 6861 Email: website: 8 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DoME NEWS ence. Plenary slides are available on the DoME Events webpage— dome/domeevents. DoME Medical Education Conference The first DoME Medical Education conference took place on Tuesday 28th June at the Education Centre, 250 Euston Road. The conference addressed the impact of Tomorrow‘s Doctors (2009) on the UCL MBBS curriculum as well as developments in assessment and medical education. The conference was followed by a drinks reception in the Paul O‘Gorman café with a plenary on the future of professional development from Edward Briffa, Director of BMJ Learning. DoME would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to the confer- The next DoME event is the Medical Education Seminar Series. Katherine Woolf is presenting the first seminar (see flyer below and DoME Events webpage). The other seminars in the series are: + Jean McEwan: ―Leading innovation in healthcare and education‖ on 6th December 2011 + Gareth Frith: “e portfolios” 19th of April 2012 We hope to see you at the Seminar Series and the 2nd DoME Medical Education Conference next year. Tel: 020 7472 6861 Email: website: 9 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DoME NEWS Tel: 020 7472 6861 Email: website: 10