DoME NEWS July 2009 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION Welcome to DoME News, the termly newsletter from the Division of Medical Education (DoME) that aims to keep Medical School staff updated about developments in the Medical School and the MBBS (undergraduate) curriculum, and to enable sharing of good practice between medical educators. Excellence in Medical Education Award winners dent Clinical Presidents. These students give up enormous amounts of their time and energy to looking after the student experience on our courses. If you see either of them in meetings be sure to make them welcome. Four new doctors! This has been a busy term for staff and students alike as we have struggled through Finals. Presentation Day was a gloriously fitting end to the undergraduate experience at UCL for many of our students. We hope the hot weather continues for our new doctors to enjoy their month of relaxation and recuperation before the world of work beckons. As ever, it was a delight to be able to present the Excellence in Medical Education awards to some of our excellent teachers. It was particularly nice to see both Phase 1 teachers and very junior teachers receiving the praise they deserve. Further information on the Excellence in Medical Education Awards is available on the Medical School website: quality/emea/winners0809 As the academic year draws to a close there are plenty of updates in Curriculum News regarding projects started last year and those due to start next year. We also have a report from our outgoing and incoming Stu- Congratulations! We are very happy to announce that two members of DoME staff have achieved academic promotion in relation to their contribution to teaching and support of learning: • Dr David Bender has been promoted to Professor. • Dr Alison Sturrock has been promoted to Senior Lecturer Professor Ed Byrne and others at Presentation Day UCL Division of Medical Education Director: Professor Jane Dacre ( Deputy Directors: Dr Deborah Gill (; Dr Peter Raven ( Address: 4th floor, Holborn Union Building, Whittington Campus, 2-10 Highgate Hill, London. N19 5LW. DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM NEWS CURRICULUM NEWS Improving the Student Experience training environments and their use in medical education, particularly in UK undergraduate medical education, is growing. Once qualified, maintaining a portfolio is an important part of professional life and so over the last few years some elements of a portfolio have been developed, mainly in Phase 1 and Year 3. With the support of Curriculum Committee, Medical School Administration, DoME and Information Systems we will be developing an ePortfolio over the next few years that should ensure that students have access to a high quality, user-friendly and educationally robust portfolio that helps them to record their achievement, reflect on their learning and prepare them for professional practice. Following the recent MBBS review recommendations in relation to improving the student experience, a £10K UCL Futures grant has been awarded to DoME. The aims of the grant are threefold: to improve the experience of disabled medical students by implementing a peer support network; to improve the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and make it more userfriendly, and to develop a high quality online forum for final year students to discuss and learn about the ethical and legal issues they experience in the ‘preparation for practice’ attachments. Watch this space and the VLE for some of the early outcomes of these projects. Assessment methodology A number of staff working in DoME are involved in developing postgraduate assessments with the General Medical Council (GMC), the Professional and Linguistics Assessment Board (PLAB) and the medical Royal Colleges. They have built up considerable expertise in assessment methodology and the development of high quality written questions, and this experience is now being applied to undergraduate assessment. Within the last year, a number of DoME staff have facilitated five cross-specialty undergraduate question writing workshops across Phases 1, 2 and 3, for clinicians and scientists of all grades interested in and involved with medical education. These workshops train UCL staff in best practice and make use of group discussion and peer review to generate questions of high standard for use in medical school assessments. The feedback has been positive from the staff involved and more workshops are planned for 2009/10, to which interested people are always invited. Please contact Alison Sturrock, Sub Dean for Assessment (, if you are interested in becoming more involved in assessment. Developing an e-Portfolio for the MBBS Programme The reforms of undergraduate medical education following the publication of ‘Tomorrow’s Doctors’ by the General Medical Council in 1993 led to an increased emphasis on the student as a selfdirected, active adult learner. Portfolio-based learning is now used in many educational and Tel: 020 7288 5964 Fax: 020 7288 3322 The recommendations in Tomorrow’s Doctors 2009 with their emphasis on the preparation for practice year have encouraged us to start the development at what might seem an unusual place to start: the final year. However, with the students geographically placed all over the country (and abroad), the need for students to ensure they have reached the required competencies and the focus of the year on preparation for practice, this is in fact a rather sensible place to start! We know that to make our portfolio work it needs to be genuinely useful for the student. It must allow students to provide evidence of achievements and competencies and encourage reflection on practice. It should also focus on collecting, in a structured way, evidence that will assist the student in writing application forms and CVs in the future. As keeping a portfolio is now a part of all doctors’ lives, it should dovetail with existing and future professional and postgraduate portfolios and be experienced by the learner as an integral part of the curriculum. We also know that we need to keep Faculty informed about developments and involve them in a meaningful way that is not too cumbersome or burdensome with regard time. During the Preparation for Practice week at the end of July, students entering the final year will be introduced to the portfolio and so we have a fair bit of work over the next two months working both on content and the interface. X continued on page 3 Email: website: 2 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM NEWS DoME NEWS X continued from page 2 quire interested teachers volunteering to supervise chat rooms and give feedback, to read and provide feedback to small groups of students for some cases, and to provide ideas and guidance around Case of the Month. The e-Portfolio will be run through the combination of two programmes: Moodle, that all students and most Faculty are familiar with, and Mahara, which allows students to collate, present and reflect on the work that they do. We would be delighted to hear from any teacher who wants to be involved, and to receive your feedback, good and bad, throughout the pilot year. In this first pilot year the portfolio will contain some self assessment checklists for students to work with individually that are linked to the GMC recommended competencies for graduating students. It will also provide areas for reflection that can be personal or shared with other students or Faculty. It will allow some submissions of work and some grade forms to be completed and stored securely in the student’s portfolio. Mahara allows students to nominate individuals or groups to ‘share’ their work, thus allowing tutors and supervisors to complete forms and mark work and to allow administrators to ensure all required course work is completed. Deborah Gill, Academic lead for Portfolio; Will Coppola, Sub-dean for e-learning, Steve Rowett, IS lead for SLMS. UCL Parent and Family Day UCL hosted its annual Parent and Family Day on 14 March 2009, organised for relatives of UCL undergraduate students. The day comprised a series of activities, all held at UCL’s central campus in Gower Street. Highlights of the event included tours of UCL’s museum collections and lectures by current PhD students. Main addresses were given in the Bloomsbury Theatre by UCL’s President and Provost, Professor Malcolm Grant and current parent, UCL Council member and alumnus Professor Chris Thompson (UCL Psychology 1974, MBBS 1977, MD 1987). Perhaps the most innovative item in the portfolio and replacing and augmenting the PDS workbook is Case of the Month, a multimedia interactive resource based around a real case that highlights important learning areas on the journey to starting practice. These cases will raise issues ranging form communicating with patients in very difficult circumstances to safe prescribing. Students will engage with the learning tasks highlighted by the case and will submit work via their portfolios. Some work will require Faculty to read and give feedback on students contribution, others will utilise a student-to-student sharing and feedback mechanism with chat rooms and discussion fora. We will ensure that Faculty are warned about Case of the Month in advance of it going live and invited to view contents; we don’t want teachers to be scratching their heads and wondering why 350 students all want them to show them how to fill in a death certificate in the same week! We will also suggest some learning activities that can be planned around the case that will help bring the case to life and make the experience feel fully integrated into the year 5 programme. There were over a thousand visitors — over 100 families of medical students attended during the course of the day, and Division of Medical Education staff manned an exhibit showcasing the work of the Faculty regarding education. The exhibit attracted a lot of attention from medical students and their families, from families that have a child interested in studying medicine at UCL, and even those associated with completely different Faculties and programmes; perhaps drawn to our interesting display. Lots of parents had the chance to learn about the course and some of the braver visitors got to take blood from one of our plastic simulation models or identify the nasty bacteria on their apparently clean hands (not so popular around lunchtime!). It was a wonderful opportunity for parents and family of UCL students to mingle with senior academics in an informal setting and to have the opportunity to experience the educational, social and cultural atmosphere of UCL: and most importantly for parents; to hear how well we looked after their children! This will be a pilot year and its success will depend on some hard work by us, some extreme tolerance by administrators and feedback from users, both students and tutors. It will also reTel: 020 7288 5964 Fax: 020 7288 3322 Email: website: 3 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM NEWS Vertical Spine in Cancer Medicine Management of cancer patients has changed significantly over recent years following the introduction of multidisciplinary teams. To reflect this and ensure provision of state-of-the-art teaching in cancer medicine the teaching has been reviewed and is currently undergoing a major overhaul with the introduction of a Vertical Cancer Medicine Spine. As a first step towards this year 3 students have just completed a pilot on the cancer medicine portfolio project. The project, based loosely on a similar initiative lead by Professor Tim Maugham in Cardiff, has been designed to provide an understanding of the management of cancer patients in addition to exposure to the patients’ experience of their cancer journey and practice in forming and ending relationships with patients. Students were asked at the beginning of the year to find a cancer patient, who was willing to share their experience and follow them to their appointments and investigations for a period of a few months. Students were encouraged to make home visits where possible. During the course of the year students met with their oncology tutors to discuss their patients’ case histories and give presentations on topics related to cancer. At the end of the year an essay on the case history with a personal reflection and a section on an area of special interest were submitted to the tutor. Despite some considerable early reticence on behalf of the students the majority showed a high degree of engagement with their patients as demonstrated by the high standard of the essays which included additional research about cancer and reflection on the patient experience. For example on choosing an area of interest to study one student noted: “During my wider reading one aspect of X’s case caught my attention. This was her diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer following a sigmoid carcinoma. Statistically speaking lung metastases are the most common lung tumour. Furthermore the second most common site that colorectal carcinoma metastasizes to are the lungs……” Another, on visiting his patient who was terminally ill at home, reflected: “19th April – I arrived at 10am at Hayes and Harlington station in the morning and looked at my watch. It struck me how 10am for me is a time to get something done, to drag my thoroughly unwilling body out of bed, whereas each 10am to her is Tel: 020 7288 5964 Fax: 020 7288 3322 potentially the last 10am she will ever experience. The first question I want to ask her is whether the days seem faster or slower than they used to or if there are any other strange feelings about the passage of time. I arrive at the door.” This development was not without teething problems especially in relation to students’ fears about addressing the topic of cancer, delays in patient recruitment and tutorial group size. To address this the Module Implementation Group has taken feedback from students and tutors on board: To ensure students are prepared for their meeting with cancer patients an additional lecture has now been introduced into the preclinical part of the Cancer Medicine Vertical Spine (Phase 1 Cancer Biology Module). Additional core teaching on cancer-related aspects such as management of side effects of cancer treatment will be provided as part of the Use of Medicines Course in the coming year. To facilitate initial patient contact students will be invited to attend oncology clinics at the start of 2009/10 rather than finding cancer patients on their respective firms. Whilst the cancer medicine portfolio project forms a core component of cancer medicine exposure to the management of cancer patients by cancer specialists will be provided by additional attendance of oncology clinics during the clinical course. Formal evaluation through the on-line system is underway but some students have already provided positive feedback: “This project has renewed my interest in the pathology of cancer, the genetics behind cancers as well as the psycho-social issues involved. Thank you once again.” “I have thoroughly enjoyed this section of the year, and I feel that it was a very worthwhile cause, allowing me to learn much about the patient alongside supplementing my medical knowledge and communication skills. I thoroughly enjoyed all our tutorials, and am very appreciative of all the work you have put into it. I am continuing to meet up with my patient and keep a record of our meetings to supplement my portfolio as we discussed.” The Module Implementation Group would like to take this opportunity to thank the administrators, Sabine Morris, Chloe Marshall, Rose Clarke and Katharine Locke who worked so hard to make this project possible. Email: website: 4 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION CURRICULUM NEWS Student Involvement in the Curriculum Amanda Smith—Clinical President Elect It isn’t until you first meet one of the people that has written a textbook that you own that you really begin to realise the environment you are studying in is one of the most prolific and academically stimulating campuses in the world. It was while being sat on by my friends trying to Amanda Smith: convince me that I Clinical President 2009-10 would never be accepted as cool again if I asked Dr Bender or Prof Graham Scambler to sign their books, that I realised that I should probably get used to being a tiny part of something much bigger at UCLMS. Yet not once have lecturers, doctors or any of the others involved in our education ever implied we should feel small. From day one, being surrounded by academics and clinicians that are leaders in their fields, we have been made to feel we should aspire to reach the forefront of our chosen fields like they have done, despite the constraints of future training programmes and NHS ‘reconfigurations’! Whether it’s the environment of UCL, the motivation of SIFT allocations or the success of TIPS courses, UCL is producing some of the top medical graduates in the country because of the constant drive for excellent education standards. Although every 9 weeks there is a trickle of negative feedback, the feedback is partly down to the high expectations UCL Medical Students have come to look forward to after years of a world class education. So don’t be too heart-broken when a 3 out of 5 slips through, we rate each other just as harshly! (Ahh the joy of PAT . . . . ) It wasn’t until this year I realised how much us medical students have infiltrated every boardroom of the medical school, and how much work goes into every aspect of the curriculum, resources and student welfare. The network is far reaching and running on the enthusiasm of dedicated staff, although working out where some of the staff fit in sleep is beyond me! I’m thoroughly Tel: 020 7288 5964 Fax: 020 7288 3322 looking forward to being involved next year, although realise the challenge of following a number of extremely proactive, productive and successful Clinical Presidents, the bar has been set pretty high! I hope to represent the students‘ best interests as best I can as the Medical School faces some tough challenges over the next year, and look forward to working with the staff. Dan Swerdlow—outgoing Clinical President The prospect of spending a year sitting in meetings of the highest-level committees in the Medical School is a daunting one. The fact that students' contribution to these meetings is not only welcomed but also encouraged makes up for a great deal of the initial trepidation. This year has given me the opportunity to present students' concerns to leading members of the School Faculty, discuss them in some considerable depth and, in the majority of cases, to find a solution that works for both the School and for the students. Issues have ranged from implementation of blood-borne virus testing to module planning, from welfare support to facilities provision. The willingness of the School to take students' views into consideration has been refreshing and encouraging and makes for a constructive and effective dialogue. There have, of course, been disagreements, but we have worked through them and found solutions. To see and be part of the impact of student input into the complex Medical School machine has been exciting and stimulating. I think we convey to students all too infrequently the extent to which members of their cohort are involved in the School's internal workings and the ability they have to make their views known. Perhaps, if we did, the School-student relationship might be even more effective than it currently is. Spending this year as a student representative has required a very steep learning curve for me, but I have enjoyed it immensely, and I am especially grateful for the continued support and encouragement of the School for effective student representation. Email: website: 5 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION ACME NEWS I attended the conference as a delegate, but also worked with Deborah Gill, Jane Richardson, Lorraine Noble and other DoME staff to organise the ACME stand at the event. Our stall was strewn with shiny sweets, which did well to attract passing research staff to our stand, but perhaps did fewer favours for the UK’s obesity epidemic. ACME stand at the UCL Research Staff Conference 2009 On 22nd June this year, the UCL Research Staff Conference brought together approximately 300 research staff and students from UCL and beyond. The conference aims, as I interpreted them, were to inspire researchers to address important research questions, provide training on specific research issues, and allow researchers to network in order to encourage collaborative, interdisciplinary research projects. Once at our stand, many delegates complete the ACME prize questionnaire, which was designed to inform them about ACME and DoME. It was surprising how many people did not realise that you might find an educationalist in a medical education research department and appeared to think ACME is populated entirely by statisticians. The conference consisted of a mix of plenary and parallel sessions. One of the big draws was Baroness Professor Susan Greenfield who talked about what she perceived to be the big questions of 21st century research: how the use of personal computers (“screen culture”) is affecting our health, our learning, our brains, and our humanity. She also discussed some of the barriers we need to overcome to conduct high impact important research. It was interesting to hear one of the most prominent female scientists talk about the ongoing problem of sexism, as well as how to use the media to convey your research findings effectively. Other delegates gave us their email addresses in order to collaborate on our educational research projects, which we summarised using a slideshow of our recent publications. Many delegates came to enquire about studying medicine as graduates, and were particularly interested in the fees they would have to pay. We questioned them closely about their reasons for wanting to become doctors, and pointed them in the direction of the UCL Careers stand opposite. Susan Greenfield emphasised, as did many other speakers, the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing large and important research questions. Interdisciplinary research is something we in DoME are wellversed in: the 4th floor at the Whittington Campus alone houses, clinicians, educationalist, sociologists and psychologists. The day ended with an evening drinks and canapés event, where we were serenaded by the UCL Orchestra as we sipped chilled white wine certainly one of the most pleasant ways I’ve gained research training credits this year. The ACME questionnaire prize winner was Ms Viktoria Tchetchelnitski, from the Neural Development Unit, UCL Institute of Child Health. The plenary sessions were followed by morning and afternoon parallel seminars. I attended one on the practicalities of applying for grant funding at UCL and another on leading a successful research team. I’m hoping to implement the skills I learned in both these sessions in the very near future. At lunchtime (sushi and cake for me), delegates were encouraged to peruse the stands set up by various departments within UCL to advertise their wares. Katherine Woolf Research Associate, ACME, DoME Tel: 020 7288 5964 Fax: 020 7288 3322 Email: website: 6 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION CHARITY NEWS “My doctor recently told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already.” MILTON BERLE Running the London Marathon Being the sort of person who enjoys a challenge, I set myself the task last year of completing my first marathon. However, as the new year dawned, I realised quite what a challenge that was actually going to be! I have always been a bit of a fair weather runner and never really understood people who wanted to put themselves through gruelling distances on a regular basis come rain or shine. That all changed in January this year, when I realised that I was going to have to train at least 4 times a week despite the cold, dark mornings and dismal, wet evenings. Fortunately, I took on the challenge with a friend, a North London surgeon. Having someone else to head out into the cold with made all the difference. Between us, since the New Year, we have clocked up over 350 training miles and run from Camden to all corners of London, including Greenwich, Richmond, Alexandra Palace and Wembley. Training does take over your life, with planning runs, watching what you eat, staying well hydrated and fundraising. We often joked that we wouldn’t know what to talk about when it was all done. The London Marathon is the biggest fund raising event in the world and we decided we wanted to raise money for Shelter, the homeless charity. As part of our golden bond place, we were set a minimum target of £1600 each. So along with 15 mile runs at the weekend, we put our efforts into fundraising, holding a series of car boot sales. We were also generously supported by a number of people, including many in DoME, who donated through our Just Giving page. I am pleased to say we made our target and were able to run on the day in our red Shelter vests. Tel: 020 7288 5964 Fax: 020 7288 3322 Running the race itself is, strangely, one of the most enjoyable things I have ever done. We were lucky enough to have a glorious day, although the hot weather did cause quite a few casualties. The atmosphere at the start in Greenwich Park is electric. It seems like the whole of London comes out to cheer you along and the street entertainment is fantastic, with bands, bell ringers, mobile DJs and street dancers, never mind the fancy dress runners. At about 16 miles it became really hard and I struggled psychologically and had to walk for a couple of miles. However, it’s impossible to feel too down when complete strangers are cheering you on by name and shouting encouragement. By about 19 miles I found my energy again and ran all the way to the end, finishing in 5 hours and 23 minutes – a slow race but a memorable one. I would thoroughly recommend running the London Marathon. The training is hard but being part of an event like that and raising so much money for a good cause can’t be beaten. If I can do it, anyone can! Luci Etheridge Clinical Academic Teaching Fellow, ACME ‘Race for Life’ Luci isn’t the only member of DoME staff raising money for charity this summer, however… Heather Mitchell, Joanne Turner, Marcia Rigby and Deborah Lucas-Georgiou will all be doing there bit by taking part in the Cancer Research ‘Race for Life’ this month. Good luck! Email: website: 7 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DOME NEWS The assessment for this SSC is a reflective document. Students often write very insightful reflections of their experiences as a learner at Medical School and their initial experiences of teaching. This submission was particularly creative and says some very important and insightful things about teaching. Teaching and Learning SSC—a reflective poem DoME runs a number of SSCs in the domain of teaching and learning. This includes a Year 1 SSC introducing students to fundamentals of teaching and a better understanding of learning. When I chose this SSC I knew that I might find The teacher’s teacher, Deidre, To be mannered mild and kind. But as long as I remember, That I know a lesson plan, I’ll warmly call to mind my friends: MMUCKO, RUMBA, SRAN. At first I found where it was held, Through word of mouth alone, And I turned up to UCH CSC all alone. While the main objectives session, Was missed because of sleep, The learning from the session notes, I shall forever keep: When others in the SSC, Then started to turn up, I recognised just one of them, While on free food I supped. Before I’d read them, when I tried To write objectives down, I realised I’d included, Every unwanted noun; So with anticipation, We entered the classroom, While myself and others still Continued to consume. “Know” and “understand”, “Appreciate” and “learn” – Upon my presentation slide, Each one had had their turn. I was impressed immediately, By Deidre’s charm and rule; One felt at ease yet knew that he’d, Be punished if a fool. In the future when I have, To teach some kind of session, I’ll stress the topic’s usefulness, For the students’ progression. We learned of different learning styles, Rather ironically, And it seemed that most of us Would learn things similarly. And when I’ve covered something, I’ll ask questions which revolve Around knowledge and application, And those to problem-solve. Activist, reflector, Was this how I learnt? I agreed, while some, indeed, Claimed they simply weren’t. I found myself applying, Evaluation in general life, Approach a topic in a way, That will provoke least strife. The brief glimpses of theory, Went in but were forgot, But I still have my hand-outs to, Remind me of the plot. For instance when rehearsing For “Battle of the Bands”, If ideas were contrary, We’d meet each others’ demands. The lesson plan made sense, As to what was when and why, But on remembering mnemonics, I feel I can’t rely. This SSC enabled me, To appreciate a summary; Cementing what you’ve learnt, Not thinking about being free. X continued on page 9 Tel: 020 7288 5964 Fax: 020 7288 3322 Email: website: 8 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DOME NEWS TPDU NEWS TIPS course update X continued from page 8 Demand for TIPS courses remains extremely high. At the time of writing, all upcoming TIPS courses were full. Further dates will be announced online at the earliest possible opportunity. The microteach was fun to do And just as fun to watch. I saw the passion in our eyes, We cranked it up a notch. Please see the TIPS webpages for further information: I sympathise with teachers And lecturers alike, Who truly make an effort To teach my year of tykes. Postgraduate developments The process of fully modularising all Postgraduate Taught courses across FBS is nearing completion, and the provision of Taught Masters courses is increasing. A meeting of Programme Directors and module leads is due to take place in September 2009 to explore the options for module sharing across the Faculty. This will ultimately enable students to tailor their learning according to their particular needs, and may help reduce duplication of teaching provision across the Faculty. And am angered by those teachers, Who arrogantly still teach In a manner lacking passion, Yet who seem they want to preach. But considering the other side, It upsets me now to think, Of teachers who prepare all night, Barely sleeping a wink, And whose energy and time, Can so harshly be shot down With a feedback form filled in, By some child of no renown. New postgraduate courses in DoME Still, I’d like to think that, There’s no need to be forlorn, Since now, nine improved students, And future teachers have been born. Joshua Elliot MBBS Yr1 Tel: 020 7288 5964 Fax: 020 7288 3322 DoME is pleased to announce that it will be offering additional Masters level modules from 2009. DoME currently runs a successful MSc Medical Education programme in conjunction with the Royal College of Physicians. Drawing on other educational expertise within the Division, DoME will be offering modules in teaching ethics and law, the practical aspects of assessment, educational supervision, and teaching and learning in medical education. The new modules will be open to both medically- and non-medically-qualified applicants. Other developments in the pipeline also include the provision of an education psychometrics pathway, and the development of a full Masters in Education pathway open to clinicians and scientists involved and / or interested in medical education. Email: website: 9 DIVISION of MEDICAL EDUCATION DOME NEWS Women and Medicine—the future Paediatrics teaching at the Whittington The results of a research project entitled “Women and Medicine—the future” were published on the 3rd of May by the Royal College of Physicians of London. The research steering group was chaired by Professor Jane Dacre from DoME, and was performed by Dr Mary Ann Elston from Royal Holloway. It featured in several national newspapers and has provoked an interesting debate. The research is a collation of the available data on women in medicine, with additional material from facilitated seminars. It is a snapshot of a moving picture which has shown that we are in the midst of a demographic revolution in the medical profession. The results show that women are reaching consultant status in increasing numbers – and predicts they will become the majority of doctors by 2013 for GPs and 2017 for all doctors. We are going to blast our own trumpets! In the recently collected data from the PMETB (Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board) we received the highest accolade. Trainees in Paediatrics from all over London Dr Caroline Fertleman rate the Trust in which they work and this information was collected early in 2009 and distributed in June. At the Whittington we scored ‘outstanding’ in the overall impression category. We were the only North London Trust to do so. To score at this level trainees must rate the institution above the 95th percentile. Similarly we backed the only two successful academic trainees for paediatric fellowships at the Royal Society of Medicine (Sarah Eisen and Sara Dr Sarah Eisen Hamilton). Women show a relative preference for part time working, and prefer specialties where the work is more planable and less technology oriented. This presents a challenge for the workforce planners, who will need to take these preferences into account to preserve the delivery of high quality care for the future. As lead for paediatric postgraduate and undergraduate education at the Whittington, I believe that the quality of postgraduate training is mirrored in the undergraduate setting. Year on year we get excellent feedback from undergraduates who do their paediatric rotation at the Whittington This is because we have worked hard to become a ‘learning team’ ensuring that we pay attention to Dr Sara Hamilton the learning environment, the needs of our learners and the inclusion of learners in the team. At the moment, women are also less likely to be found in the very senior leadership positions such as Clinical Academics at professorial level, Medical Directors of Trusts, or College Presidents. Some of this is due to the fact that women make up only 20% of those consultants over the age of 55, who normally get these positions. There is also a concern that women are less able to contribute to extra duties which are often out of hours, or involve travel overseas. These conflict with family responsibilities, as society still expects women to be the main carers of children and the elderly. At UCL, we are half way through a pilot which is part of the Gender Equality Scheme. We have set up a mentoring scheme and have trained a cadre of mentors from the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences. So far the response has been overwhelmingly positive…….we are waiting to see if it makes a difference. Dr Caroline Fertleman Education Lead at Whittington Hospital The report which has a long and a short version is available to download for free from the Royal College of Physicians website: e=277 Tel: 020 7288 5964 Fax: 020 7288 3322 Email: website: 10