Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon MP twitter analysis Slide 0.1 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Summary Question: Do MPs use twitter to engage with young voters and encourage them to vote? Answer: • Some MPs (and panel activists) do – Labour seem more active on this front. • Most stick to key messages (not twitter specific) • Many MPs gave up twitter account for campaign Slide 0.2 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Analysis is based on… • Tweets by MPs and panelists: – – – – – @MichaelSani @Georgia_Gould @WarwickGreens @Ankcorn Tina Freyburg Not on Twitter? • Content analysed using LDA – Estimate topics over large sample of tweets • Sample: March 1 and April 21 (inclusive) – Total of 130,285 tweets Slide 0.3 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Many MPs cease twitter use for campaign! • Lots of MPs ceased to use MP twitter accounts once parliament was dissolved • 456 MPs active in November 2014 • 112 MPs ceased use of old account • Some started new accounts • @SimonHughesMP @SimonHughes • Can’t access old tweets and don’t access new tweets Just for local information sharing? Rather than engagement? Slide 0.4 Michael McMahon Warwick Policy Lab Party Statistics of Tweets party Tweeters TotalTweets Average per MP Labour 164 93313 569 Conservative 133 54522 410 Liberal Democrat 31 19944 643 Panel 4 646 162 SDLP 3 776 259 Sinn Fein 3 1863 621 Scottish National 2 1801 901 Alliance 1 1336 1336 Democratic Unionist 1 111 111 Green Party 1 1123 1123 Independent 1 717 717 Plaid Cymru 1 2161 2161 Respect 1 3186 3186 Slide 0.5 Michael McMahon Warwick Policy Lab Party Main Topics of Tweets party • • • • • Main Topic1 Tweets % Main Topic2 Tweets % Labour Topic 65 4438 5 Topic 31 4095 4 Conservative Topic 65 2590 5 Topic 68 1651 3 Liberal Democrat Topic 33 2761 14 Topic 51 1032 5 Panel Topic 40 200 31 Topic 7 58 9 Both Conservatives and Labour have the same top topic Labour otherwise focus on doorstep politics Conservatives otherwise focus on economy Lib Dems focus on issues of equality and NHS Panel correctly chosen for focus on issues about youth engagement (Party results obviously can be driven by most active tweeting MPs) Slide 0.6 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon How to interpret word clouds • A topic is a probability distribution over words – i.e. which words are used in which proportion in a given topic • Size of word is related to how frequently it is used in a topic • Words have been “stemmed” so may not represent precise English words – Underlying word is usually obvious Slide 0.7 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Conservative and Labour top topic! Slide 0.8 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Conservative 2nd top topic Slide 0.9 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Labour 2nd top topic Slide 0.10 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Lid Dems top topic Slide 0.11 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Lib Dems 2nd top topic Slide 0.12 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Greens Top Topic: Green! Slide 0.13 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Topic 40: Panel Favourite Topic Slide 0.14 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Topic 7: Panel 2nd Favourite Topic Slide 0.15 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Some example Youth tweets T40 T40 T40 T7 T7 Mon Apr 20 2015 RT @crisis_uk: You have till MIDNIGHT to #RegisterToVote. Whatever your housing situation, here's what to do: WebLink 15:18:25 Thu Feb 05 2015 RT @TenEightyUK: What did YouTubers think of @BiteTheBallot's #LeadersLive? (Don't forget to #RegisterToVote!) WebLink 15:25:18 RT @voteforpolicies: Founder @mattchoc is speaking at Fri Apr 17 2015 @SHPcharity #HaveYourSay campaign event today, encouraging 11:38:19 people to #RegisterToVote. young people have something important and powerful to say and Thu Mar 26 2015 we are wasting our opportunity to listen 18:19:30 Big thank you to all the amazing people HANDLEYouthMediaA for Tue Apr 21 2015 making this lovely film about the launch of HASHTAGWasted 15:36:52 WebLink Slide 0.16 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Scatter of Youth Topics (by party) Slide 0.17 Michael McMahon Warwick Policy Lab Top Youth Topic Tweeters (by count) mpscreenname stellacreasy michaelsani IvanLewis_MP JulieHillingMP SadiqKhan ChrisPincher hammersmithandy julianhuppert BarrySheerman georgia_gould GrahamAllenMP grahamemorris GwynneMP MegMunnMP KarlTurnerMP KeeleyMP MikeGapes SarahChampionMP party Labour Panel Labour Labour Labour Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat Labour Panel Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Labour Total Youth Topic Tweets 238 157 123 104 100 99 99 98 91 89 87 87 82 78 77 77 71 64 Youth Topics % of all tweets 8.6 66.0 20.1 39.4 6.7 17.7 9.8 3.0 3.2 38.7 11.3 5.3 3.6 11.0 2.4 5.3 2.4 2.3 Total Tweets 2763 238 611 264 1495 559 1014 3222 2862 230 772 1654 2252 706 3239 1448 2903 2748 Slide 0.18 Warwick Policy Lab Michael McMahon Top Youth Topic Tweeters (by %) mpscreenname michaelsani glendajacksonmp JulieHillingMP georgia_gould YasminQureshiMP IvanLewis_MP MarkPawsey ChrisPincher SimonWrightMP Mark4WyreForest GrahamAllenMP MegMunnMP PriskMark StephenTwigg Linda_Riordan hammersmithandy MadeleineMoon Mark_J_Harper party Panel Labour Labour Panel Labour Labour Conservative Conservative Liberal Democrat Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Labour Labour Labour Labour Conservative Total Youth Youth Topics % Topic Tweets of all tweets 157 66.0 5 50.0 104 39.4 89 38.7 32 20.4 123 20.1 26 17.9 99 17.7 23 16.5 28 13.7 87 11.3 78 11.0 24 10.9 37 10.7 1 10.0 99 9.8 10 9.7 2 9.1 Total Tweets 238 10 264 230 157 611 145 559 139 204 772 706 220 345 10 1014 103 22 Slide 0.19 Michael McMahon Warwick Policy Lab Selection of the big names engagement via twitter? mpscreenname michaelsani georgia_gould siobhanbenita SadiqKhan Ed_Miliband David_Cameron vincecable ankcorn MarkReckless RachelReevesMP nick_clegg CarolineLucas George_Osborne DouglasCarswell edballsmp YvetteCooperMP WilliamJHague party Panel Panel Panel Labour Labour Conservative Liberal Democrat Panel Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat Green Party Conservative Conservative Labour Labour Conservative Topic 40 151 37 11 95 17 6 12 2 9 23 3 24 3 9 2 1 0 Topic 7 6 52 2 5 3 5 5 0 14 8 5 10 6 6 1 1 0 Youth Topics% of total 66.0 38.7 25.0 6.7 6.4 5.0 4.5 4.3 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.2 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.0 Total Tweets 238 230 52 1495 314 222 375 46 648 952 247 1123 408 1164 276 212 57 Slide 0.20