2011 SARs Consultation: Analysing ethnicity and identity variables David Owen, University of Warwick

2011 SARs Consultation:
Analysing ethnicity and identity
David Owen, University of Warwick
Topics covered in presentation
The identity and ethnicity variables
classifications and UK-wide consistency
Comments on the variables
What can be done with 2011 SARs that was not
previously possible
Issues in using these variables – what might not be
Is comparison with 1991 and 2001 possible?
Variables considered here
The ethnicity question in each nation
Ethnicity variables
In England and Wales the ETHNICITY
variable will contain the full detail (18
categories) for the Census question in all 6
proposed outputs
In Scotland, this variable will contain 21
categories in all outputs except the End User
LA file (9 categories)
In Northern Ireland, this variable will contain
14 categories in all outputs except the End
User LA file (9 categories)
Comparability between countries
The ethnic group and identity questions have important
inconsistencies between UK countries.
Ethnic group question quite different in Northern Ireland from other
The White-Other and Asian-Other categories not used in Northern
In Scotland, “Polish” is a category of white and the Mixed category is
treated differently to England and Wales.
Need to recode national questions into simpler variables to create
consistent ethnic categories for cross-UK analysis.
Some analysis not possible at UK scale – e.g. identifying long-term
residents by ethnic group – because length of stay not asked in
Citizenship not collected in Scotland
National identity categories slightly different by country.
Comments on questions
A common request in the comments on the Census
questions was increased detail in classifications
Identification of a greater diversity of origins. Though
this can be done by recoding detailed question in
CAMS, it would be desirable to precode some
categories so they can be accessible in authorised
user and EUL files.
Intention of length of stay question not asked in
Scotland. Population base therefore inconsistent
between Scotland and rest of UK.
Ethnicity and identity are combined in 7 variables:
While useful, these also are limiting in terms of
disaggregations of nationality and involve
simplification of ethnicity.
Some of the comments noted that combining these
variables is problematical. Could identify small
Some comments have also requested small
disaggregations of country groups in these and
similar variables – e.g. breakdowns of Middle East.
These are desirable but would yield small counts.
Household ethnicity variables
MEIGHUK11 – multiple ethnicity, 5 categories in
each file
MULTETH – multiple ethnicity, 5 categories in each
PRTETHEW – partner ethnic group, 18 categories
(EW) in each file
ETHHUK11 – Household reference person ethnic
group,18 categories in all files (E&W?)
Would be useful to have variable in all countries
Combining ETHHUK11 and PRTETHEW would
produced small counts – presumably variable will be
less detailed in EUL files.
Census national identity questions
Ethnicity and identity variables
ETHNATID(1) — Ethnic national identity
ETHNATID(S) — Ethnic national identity (Scotland only)
ETHNATID2 — Ethnic national identity
ETHNATID3 — Ethnic national identity (Labels to be decided later)
ETHNATID4 — Ethnic national identity (Labels to be decided later)
ETHNATIDE1 — English ethnic identity (Labels to be decided later)
ETHNATIDW1 — Welsh ethnic identity(Labels to be decided later)
NATID1 — English identity
NATID2 — Welsh identity
NATID3 — Scottish identity
NATID4 — Northern Irish identity
NATID5 — British
NATID6 — Others identity
NATID7 — Cornish identity
NATID8 — Irish identity
Comments on identity
Questions very similar in each country, except for the order of UK
countries. In Northern Ireland “Irish” is also asked.
Identification of other identities possible from recoding of “write-in”
Since all options can be ticked, it is possible to identify multiple national
identities (e.g. within UK; UK and other country). However, it is not
possible to identify the hierarchy within the answers provided.
There are 8 variables derived from this question (NATID1 to NATID8).
Some will be geographically limited and involve small numbers (e.g.
Cornish identity).
The “ETHNATID” variables involve judgement of what is of interest
could be created by users. Are they necessary or does restriction on
variable detail in SARs and EUL necessitate this?
The Citizenship question
England & Wales
22 What passports do
you hold?
United Kingdom
Other, write in
No citizenship question
in Scotland
Northern Ireland
Question is the same
as for England & Wales
except for the use of
the word “Ireland”
Coding of citizenship
The proposed coding scheme for the
CITIZENSHIP variable is:
1 United Kingdom
 2 United Kingdom and Irish
 3 United Kingdom and Other
 4 Irish
 5 Irish and other
 6 Other
 7 none
This level of detail is proposed for all five SAR files.
Comments on Citizenship variable
Citizenship is an important variable for monitoring the impact of migration
because with freedom of movement in an expanded EU, an increasing number
of migrants will maintain their citizenship. Having more than one passport might
be a useful indicator of people with a ‘transnational’ lifestyle. Conversely, the
‘none’ category may be a useful indicator of social exclusion for adults.
Unfortunately UK-wide analysis will not be possible, because this question was
not included in the Census forms for Scotland.
The “Other” category could be recoded in a similar way to the Nationality
classification in order to permit a wider range of sole and dual citizenship
categories to be identified – e.g. EU15, A8/A2, New/Old Commonwealth, rest of
Clearly, this more detailed classification would need to be simplified for the EU
regional and local files in order to protect confidentiality.
There is also a question whether the numbers in the “Irish and other” category in
CITIZENSHIP may also be too small in the regional and local End User Files
and a single “multiple passports” category might be necessary.
New analyses possible using SARs
The Census added questions on national identity, citizenship
(passports) and intended duration of migration.
These variables provide the potential to examine questions of
integration and a range of socio-economic and cultural or ethnic
Length of stay and citizenship would enable analysis of highly mobile
migrants and their characteristics; e.g. EU migrants ‘circulating’
between EU countries.
National identity and citizenship might also be an indicator of possible
return migration for some migrant groups.
Combining with country of birth might enable migration of refugees
gaining citizenship elsewhere in EU to be identified.
Ideally, a detailed breakdown of countries of citizenship/identity would
be required, limiting sophisticated analysis to the CAMS. Care would
still be required with small populations.
Gypsy/Roma/Traveller is a new category but is a small population and
low coverage may mean that only aggregate analysis is possible.
Comparability with previous SARs
The ethnic group question changed in each Census,
but the largest ethnic categories remain broadly the
The white category is more disaggregated over time.
The “Irish” category not asked in the same way in
The treatment of “Other” and “Mixed” categories
varies between Censuses and these will be least
Change in population base between 2001 and 2011
also complicates comparison over time, with
difference between England & Wales and Scotland.
Concluding wish list
More flexibility to get better detail on some
dimensions by losing some questions
UK-wide comparability
Ability to construct more geographically
detailed ‘country’ variables
Link to small-area characteristics