PCAPP – The University of Warwick Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)/exemption claim form This form gives you the opportunity to make the Teaching and Learning Unit (TLU), responsible for the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic and Professional Practice (PCAPP) at Warwick, aware of any prior learning or appropriate experience that you have in teaching and learning. It may be that some of your prior learning exempts you from elements of the course. Your claim will be reviewed by the PCAPP Programme Leader and the Pro-ViceChancellor for Education, Professor Christina Hughes, who will make the final decision. Please note that decisions can only be made on the basis of evidence, such as certificates, original award documents or other relevant evidence that you have provided to support your claim.1 If you have any questions about completing this form, please contact the Course Administrator, Sian Bedford at pcapp@warwick.ac.uk or ext. 74012. To complete the relevant parts of this form with regard to your claim, please follow the guidelines below. All applicants must complete and submit PART A of this form together with one of the following: 1. If you have at least 3 years (or full-time equivalent) of relevant teaching experience in HE, please go to PART B. 2. If you have completed a PGA course/programme at another HEI (30 CATS M level), OR you have a Certificate indicating that you are an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, please go to PART B and forward a copy of your certificate together with this form to pcapp@warwick.ac.uk or to LDC – TLU, 1st Floor, North Wing, Senate House, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL. 3. If you have completed the Warwick PGA: IAPP; the Warwick PGA: TLHE; or the Warwick PGA: TEL, please forward a copy of your certificate together with Part A of this form to pcapp@warwick.ac.uk or to LDC – TLU, 1st Floor, North Wing, Senate House, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL. 4. If you wish to apply for full exemption from PCAPP on the basis of possessing an equivalent Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (60 CATS M level) awarded in the last 5 years OR HEA Fellow status (FHEA), please forward a copy of your certificate together with Part A of this form to pcapp@warwick.ac.uk or to LDC – TLU, 1st Floor, North Wing, Senate House, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL. 1 Until such time as the participant has received official confirmation that they are exempt, they will be expected to engage with the programme of activities. 1 PCAPP – The University of Warwick Part A - All applicants must complete and submit PART A Name of participant Position at the University (i.e. Lecturer, Teaching Fellow, Assistant Professor, etc) Department/School Please indicate whether you are seeking APL or exemption: Claiming (please indicate): Evidence included Any other comments APL Exemption1 FOR OFFICE USE: Date received TLU Agreed Y/N PVC or equiv. Agreed Y/N 1 Comments Applications for full exemption from PCAPP can be made on the basis of appropriate and significant prior experience OR possessing an equivalent Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (60 CATS M level) awarded in the last 5 years OR HEA Fellow status (FHEA). 2 PCAPP – The University of Warwick Part B - To be submitted if you have at least 3 years (or full-time equivalent) of relevant teaching experience in HE. Please briefly indicate how your previous experience in Higher Education and your professional activities map to the learning outcomes of the PCAPP programme and to the dimensions of practice of the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). You may also want to attach a CV of your teaching experience. PCAPP Workshop Title Learning Outcomes Alignment with UKPSF Large and Small Group Teaching Consider key principles in designing and delivering large and small group teaching. Areas of Activity A1: Design & plan learning activities A2: Teach &/or support learning A4: Develop effective learning environments Explore practical strategies drawn from the literature. Core Knowledge K2: Appropriate methods for teaching & learning K3: How students learn K5: Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching Module Design Consider key concepts in module design Apply design principles to produce an ‘aligned’ curriculum Be aware of the module approval process Areas of Activity A1: Design & plan learning activities/programmes of study Core Knowledge K1: The subject material K2: Appropriate methods for teaching & learning K3: How student learn K6: Implications of quality assurance & quality enhancement 3 Relevant experience (prior to your current role at Warwick) PCAPP – The University of Warwick Assessment and Feedback Strategies Recognise key factors to consider when designing assessment and use these in your practice. Reflected on the role of assessment within Higher Education. Evaluated a range of strategies and identified those suitable for use within your own context. Examined features of effective feedback. Reviewing and Evaluating Your Teaching Identify the purposes for reviewing and evaluating your teaching Consider a range of evaluation strategies Choose appropriate strategies for use within your own context Consider how you might make use of evidence to inform your teaching practice How Students Learn Consider key theories and perspectives on how students learn Areas of Activity A1: Design & plan learning activities A2: Teach and/or support learning A3: Assess & give feedback to learners A4: Develop effective learning environments & approaches to student support/guidance Core Knowledge K1: The subject material K2: How students learn K6: Implications of quality assurance & quality enhancement Areas of Activity A4: Develop effective learning environments A5: Engage in CPD in subjects and their pedagogy incorporating research, scholarship & evaluation of practice. Core Knowledge K5: Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching K6: Implications of quality assurance & quality enhancement Areas of Activity: A1: Design & plan learning activities/programmes of 4 PCAPP – The University of Warwick Consider the implications for curriculum design, teaching strategies and assessment study A4: Developing effective learning environments A5:Engage in CPD in subjects & their pedagogy Core Knowledge: K1: The subject material K2: Appropriate methods for teaching & learning K3: How student learn a) Having reflected on how your prior experience demonstrates successful achievement of the learning outcomes of the PCAPP programme, please indicate which, if any, of the following PCAPP core workshops you wish to claim exemption from: Large and Small Group Teaching Module Design (this includes information on the module approval process at Warwick) Assessment & Feedback Strategies Reviewing & Evaluating your Teaching How Students Learn b) Your application must also include the following supporting evidence: Professional statement with particular reference to teaching and learning from former Head of Department A sample of feedback from learners you have worked with (if applicable) c) Please indicate other relevant supporting evidence submitted with this form: Copies of certificates/transcripts/attendance records/course outlines for any relevant courses Evidence of taking part in relevant work activities such as: an outline of the range of programmes you have been responsible for delivering e.g. undergraduate modules, postgraduate modules. A sample from session plans and schemes of work 5 PCAPP – The University of Warwick summaries of the different types of teaching you have undertaken e.g. lectures, seminars, practicals, tutorials, field trips, project supervision teaching materials such as examples of handouts, OHTs, typical problem sheets and case studies . details of assessments which you have designed and/or implemented with examples of associated marking schemes, assessment criteria, student marks and feedback issued to students examples of course design and innovation in practice, such as course outlines/syllabuses for which you have been responsible. validation and review documents (where you were responsible for designing and/or revising modules/courses) evaluation reports and summaries (based on student feedback) external examiners’ reports (where comments have been made on your particular module(s)/course(s)) agendas and minutes of committee meetings (where you have played a major role) list of relevant publications Other (please specify) 6