Document 12420699

Equality and Diversity Network
Notes of the Meeting held on 23 January 2012
Kate Hughes (Chair)
Darani Anand, Sandra Beaufoy, Lynn Clarke, Lucy Hayton, Maria
Heredia-Fernandez, Rona Freeman, Brenda Jones, Janet Keene,
Emma King, Claire Martin, Abi Minnikin, Rachel Moseley, Julia
Pidgeon, Heather Pilbin, Anna Preston, Carolyn Quinney, Naila
Rabbani, Nasir Rajpoot, Anna Ritchley, Jenny Rooney Kennedy,
Margaret Shewring, Stephanie Smart, Julie Taylor, Stephen Williams
Lorna Bagworth, Alison Bell, Georgina Copeland, Mairi-Ann Cullen,
Jonathan Davies, Julie Doherty, Gloria Harris, Robert Horton,
Christine Jarvis, Brent Kiernan, Andrea Klaus, Clive Letchford,
Deborah Markham, Nathan Morris, Sharon Murray, Andrea Pulford,
Steve Robinson, Ayesha Rahman, Alison Rodger, Jackie Smith,
Christine Willkie-Stibbs, Ravi Thiara, Despina Weber
In Attendance: Sarah Ashworth, Claire O’Leary, Vicky Strudwick, Bob Thomson
Notes of last meeting
That the notes of the meeting of the Equality and Diversity Network held on 17
October 2011 be approved.
Returning Parents Mentoring Scheme and Network Group
A verbal report from Vicky Strudwick, Claire O’Leary and Bob Thomson. A
Returning Parents Network Group has been established to support parents
returning to work from maternity/adoption and paternity leave. The first meeting
of the group is scheduled for 8th February 2012 in the Careers Seminar Room in
University House. A web page for the network group has been created on the
Equality and Diversity web site. Bob Thomson informed staff of the Mentoring
Scheme and emphasised that this is voluntary, and that anyone interested in
becoming a mentor would be expected to attend a one day course on mentoring.
(i) That a paper on the Returning Parents Network Group be presented to
Senior Officers.
(ii) That HR inform Line Managers of the process of managing returning
parents from maternity/adoption/paternity leave.
(iii) That HR consult with the network group in regard to the content of the HR
Checklist which will be sent to managers prior to the return to work of the
(iv) That the Scheme be reviewed at a future meeting of the Equality and
Diversity Network.
National University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day – 22nd February 2012
A verbal report from Sarah Ashworth, Mental Health Coordinator, on the National
University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day scheduled for 22nd February 2012.
This annual event is specifically designed for the needs of Higher Education and
is aimed at staff and students. This year’s event will focus on reducing the
stigma of mental illness and engaging with staff and students to promote mental
health and wellbeing by individuals considering their “five-a-day for mental
health” using the MindApples model.
That further information be communicated via this group and InSite.
Sarah to produce posters for advertising the event.
(ii) That the HR Adviser – Equality and Diversity investigate with the
Learning and Development Centre on what mental health training has
been given in the past and what is planned for the future.
Matters Arising
(a) Athena SWAN Charter
SET departments are being encouraged to submit for an Athena award in
the April 2012 deadline. Warwick Medical School submitted for a Bronze
award last November and should know the outcome later this term. It is
proposed that Psychology will re-submit for Silver and Warwick
Manufacturing Group will submit for Bronze in the April submission round.
It is anticipated that other funding councils may follow the National Institute
of Health Research lead, by requiring institutions to have an Athena award
before being considered for further funding.
(b) Dignity at Work Contact Officers
Two new Dignity at Work contact officers have been appointed, Lucy Hayton
and James Sewell. Both have undertaken some Equality and Diversity
training and a further training session with existing Dignity contact officers is
scheduled for the 8th February. Once this training is complete, Lucy and
James will be added to the list of contacts.
Is it possible to recruit some contact officers from an ethnic minority
Attempts had been made to recruit from the diverse community of the
University, but to date no ethnic minority staff had expressed an interest in
becoming Dignity Contacts.
If anyone of an ethnic background is interested in becoming a contact
officer, they should contact the Equality and Diversity Advisor.
(c) Managing Reasonable Adjustments in Higher Education
Despina Weber, Disability Coordinator, was unable to attend the meeting.
Sandra Beaufoy gave a brief update informing the meeting that she and
Despina have been working closely together on this subject and would be
making a presentation at a Senior Officers meeting to recommend that a
more holistic approach is given to Disability issues and that the resources
available be accessible to both staff and students.
Standing Item – Terms of Reference of the Equality and Diversity Network
The Equality and Diversity Network provides a forum for all members of staff and
Students Union representatives to discuss issues relating to equal opportunities
and diversity.
The training given by Laurence Harvey from Actuate had been well received,
with over 80 people attending the initial training sessions. More training
sessions have now been arranged and 78 people have already reserved places
onto these sessions. There are available spaces on the session to be held on
Friday 17th February, 13.30 – 16.30 hrs, and anyone interested in attending this
session should reserve their place as soon as possible.
Members were also reminded to inform their departments that new staff should
take the e-learning module ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ as part of their induction
HR Adviser – Equality and Diversity to investigate the ‘Bookmark’ facility in the
Diversity in the Workplace module.
Equality Analysis (Equality Impact Assessments)
The University has purchased new Equality Analysis software, which includes an
e-learning module to assist staff to understand the concept of equality analysis.
The package is currently being customised to Warwick’s needs and will be
piloted in several departments before being rolled out to the wider University
later in the Spring Term.
Staff Network Groups
Employee response to the invitation to establish staff network groups has been
poor, despite posters being displayed and a number of messages sent via InSite.
However two groups are currently in the process of being established, the
Returning Parents Group and a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Group
(LGBT). Information on both groups will be available via the Equality and
Diversity web pages.
That Departmental Equality and Diversity representatives continue to publicise
the existence of these groups and encourage staff to participate.
Items for the Equality and Diversity Committee
That the two issues previously taken to the Equality and Diversity Committee
were considered by the Committee:
a) How the University can ensure that equal consideration is given to both staff
and students with disabilities when planning and implementing adjustments in
the work place.
ACTION: This issue is being taken forward by the HR Adviser – Equality and
Diversity and the Disability Co-ordinator.
b) How the time and commitment of individuals in roles supporting Equality and
Diversity in the University can be appropriately recognised.
RESOLVED: It is recognised that staff involved with the Equality and Diversity
Network, with the permission of their immediate line managers, attend the
termly network meetings.
That the Equality and Diversity Committee note that the Equality and Diversity
Network endorses the support for the new initiative for returning parents, and
that the Network will seek input from members of the new group and receive a
report on the impact of the group at a future meeting to inform the Committee of
its progress and effectiveness.
10. Any other business
The HR Adviser – Equality and Diversity requested that members browse the
Equality and Diversity web pages and provide feedback on their content, format
and how easily accessible the information is to find. Feedback will help the
University to comply with the specific duties of the Equality Act to provide easily
accessible monitoring data in the public domain. Feedback should be sent to
Sandra Beaufoy, HR Adviser – Equality and Diversity.
11. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting of the Network will be 2pm on 30 April 2012 in the
Council Chamber.