An Expressionfor the Effectof Aspect,Slope,and Habitat Type on Tree Growth Note by A. R. Stage Abstract. An expressionfor describingthe effect of aspectand slope on tree growth is illustrated by the relation of western white pine site index to aspect,slope,and habitat type. Forest Sci. 22: 457-460. Additional key words. Site, Pinus monticola, western white pine. STUDIES of the effect of environmental factors on the growthof treesgenerallyassumethat the effect of aspectcan be coded as a cosine function with the minimum shifted to the southwestquadrant and the maximum to the northeastquadrant. This assumption,first proposedby Gaiser (1951) with respectto siteindex,hasbeenfoundto be an acceptable (a-O) where B is the amplitude, a is the azimuth measured clockwise from north, and 0 is the phase shift that generally has been assumed to be 45 ø (Trimble and Weitzman 1956). Supposenow that insteadof assuming the optimum aspecta priori we wish to estimate the phase shift angle from the data at hand. This can be accomplished quite readily by introducingboth the cosine of a and the sine of a as two independentvariablesin the multiple regressionfor predictingthe response to aspect (e.g., equation (1) in Figure 1). The regressioncoefficients estimated by least squares for these two independent variables can then be used to determine the phase shift (0) and the amplitude (B) from the relations given in Figure 1. The expressionsfor 0 in degreesdepend on the signs of b• and b2 and approximation in numerous later site index studies. However, for other measuresof tree the arc tan of the absolute value of the ratio: growth such as periodic diameterincrement, among the "formulae for reference" in appendices to many mathematical texts, but their applicationto growthanalysesapparently is not widely recognized. The simple variables, sine and cosine of azimuth, would suffice in the regressionif all datawere obtainedfrom plotshavingabout the same slope. However, plots on level ground supply no information on the effect of aspecton tree growth. Furthermore, it is reasonableto assumethat the effect of aspect will increaseon an adverseaspectup to the the optimumaspectcan be quite different. Indeed,in regression models,the aspectvariable may have differenteffectsdependingon the choice of other factors to be included in the model. Beers and others (1966) have shown how the phase of the cosinefunction can be shifted to place the optimum at an arbitrary aspect. Searching techniques to locate the optimum for a given set of data as used by Hartung and Lloyd (1969) can be quite inefficient and dependfor their success on a goodinitial guessof the location. Finally, the useof higherorder sineor cosinefunctions to represent asymmetrieswas introduced by Carmean (1967). The purposeof thisnote is to showhow the foregoingdevelopmentscan be combinedinto a single technique whereby the a priori assumption of a maximum in the northeast quadrant (45 ø azimuth) and a minimum in the southwestquadrantcan be replacedby an empirically determined location of the optimumwithout repeatedcalculationsof the regressionfit. In addition, it is argued that expressionsfor the effect of aspect should always be consideredas terms involving an interaction with slope. The simple symmetrmal cosine curve assumption can also be modified to accommodatemore asymmetrical forms of the responseto aspect. The effect of aspectproposedby Beersand others is stated mathematically as B cosine [b2/b•l. Theseequations arecommonly found angle of slope that is perpendicularto the sun's rays. For greater slopes, the slight advantageof a decreasein incoming radiation is likely to be offset by decreasingsoil depth. For these reasons, I recommend that the variables to represent the combined effect of slope and aspectbe defined as the tangent of slope(slopepercent) times the sine and cosine, respectively,of the azimuth. In this way, plots on flat ground will have a zero value for thesetwo variables,but plots on steepground will have high weightsfor the sine and cosine of aspect. In addition, the tangent of slope Principal Mensurationist, USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station,Ogden,Utah 84401, stationedin Moscow, Idaho, at the Forestry SciencesLaboratory, maintained in cooperation with the University of Idaho. ManuscriptreceivedApril 15, 1976. volume 22, number 4, 1976 / 457 shouldalsobe includedasa separateindependent variableto overcomethe symmetryof the sine and cosinefunctions. Otherwise,the steeperslopeson favorable aspectswould be predictedto be more favorable than the flatter Substitutingthese regressioncoefficients in the expressions givenin Figure 1, we find that the data indicate a phase shift of arc tan (0.08423/0.08070) = 46 ø. The amplitude of the cosine function with the phase shift •s slopes.The additivevariablefor slopepercent ¾0.08070"+ permits the model to describe adverse or quently,the simplifiedpredictionequationis. negligibleslopeeffectson the more favorable aspectsand increasinglysevereconditionswith •ncreasingslopes on the more unfavorable Exampleof the applicationof thistechnique •s taken from the study of the effect of environmentalfactorson the siteindex (S.I.) of westernwhite pine (PinusmonticolaDougl.). The regressionof site index on the factors of aspect,slope, and habitat type (Daubenmire and Daubenmire 1968) was calculatedto be: 0.08070s cos(a) + 0.08423s sin(a) - 0.12634s + hab where ln(S.l.) = logarithmof siteindexfor westernwhite pine a = azimuth from north s = slopepercent+ 100: tan (slopeangle) 4.16974 for Abies grandis/ Pachistimahabitattype hab : 4.15770 for Tsuga/Pachistima habitat type 4.41374 for Thuja/Pachistima habitat type. Conse- ln(S.l.) • 0.11665s cos(a-46 ø) - 0.12634s + hab. (slope angle) is -0.12634. It is oppositein sign and of almost the same magnitude as the amplitudeof cos (a-O) in the northeastquadrant. However, on the southwest facing slopes,the slopeeffect accentuates the adverse aspecteffect. Figure 2 illustratesthe solution of the final regressionequationfor two habitat types. The plotting of the A bies grandis/ Pachistimahabitat type is omitted because•t would nearly coincidewith the Tsuga/Pachistima habitat type. In somecases,the symmetricalcosinefunction may not truly represent the effect of aspect on tree growth. For example, the function representedby the abovecoefficients for site index of western white pine is illus- trated by the solidline in Figure 3. Suppose now that insteadof this relationshipan asymmetrical form, defined by the points representedby the filled circles,representsthe true relationship.That is, the northeastand northwest aspects are equally favorable, and the Relations for calculatingamplitude (B) and phase shift (0) to expressthe effect of aspect and slope on growth: If: a = azimuth in degreesfrom north s: slope in percent + 100 then: G = beq- Bs cos(a-O) q- b• G = be+ b•scos(a) + ba sin(a) + b•s (1) where: G: 0.11665. Note that the regression coefficient for tan aspects. ln(S.l.): 0.08423": (2) where: B = ¾ b•'•+ b•• growth response and 0 is given by: be: constantterm or sum of other predictor effects in the regression b2•• positive negative positivearctan Ib2/bxl xs0 ø- arctan negative -arctan Ib2/bxl xs0 ø+arctan FIGURE1. Equationsfor calculatingamplitude(B) and phaseshiit (o) to expressthe effect of aspecton growth. 458 / Forest Science location most adversesitesare on southwestexposures. Such a relationshipcan be describedby using additional sine and cosine terms for integer multiples of the azimuth. That is, their arguments would be two, three, or perhaps four t•mesthe azimuth. Such an approachwill be familiar to those who have used of the extreme sites coincides sur- prisinglywell with the commonlypostulated 45ø! However, for basal area growth of individual trees of the same specieson the same habitattypes,the phaseshift was calculated to be 201ø, indicating an optimum on the southwesternaspectswithin the specified habitat type. In fact, similar analysesfor Fourier analysisin engineering.Such an analysiswas westernlarch, Douglas-fir, grand fir, western redcedar, lodgepole pine, Engelmann spruce, •ntroducedto forest mensurationistsby Ander- son in 1937. When suchanalysiswas applied to eight equally spaced data points from F•gure 3, an expressionof the following form and subalpinefir all showedsoutherlyaspects to be superiorfor basalarea growth. Only western hemlock, with an indicated optimum was derived: on the northeastaspects,coincidedwith the In(S.L) ----0.0951s cos(a) + 0.0675s sin(a) - 0.0142s cos(2a) q- 0.0126s sin(2a) - 0.1263s + hab. a prioriexpectation (personalcommunication, Robert A. Monserudand William R. Wykoff). With the analysistechniquedescribedin this note,theseunexpected effectswere uncovered usingregularmultipleregression calculations Predictionsusing this equation are shown by the dashedline in Figure 3. which are widely available. In the western white pine example, the SITE 84.00 - 80.75 77.50 74.25 SLOPEPERCENT 67.75 ß 64.50 - Tsuga/pachistima 61.25 .• •,oo I 0.00 I I I I I I I 45.00 90.00 135.00 180.00 225.00 270.00 315.00 360,00 DEGREES FIGURE 2. Trendsof westernwhitepinesiteindexwithslopeandaspectfor twohabitattypesin northern ldaho, volume 22, number 4, 1976 SITE 64.00, - /// E2.oo ''k 5•.00 . //'/ •k III/ // 60.00 59.00 - 58.00 57.00 55.00 0.00 I I I I I I I 45.00 90.00 135.00 180.00 225.00 270.00 315.00 360.00 DEGREES FIGURE3. Comparison of symmetrical effect of aspect(solid line) with asymmetricaleffect (dashedline) obtained by adding sine and cosineof twice the azimuth as additional regressionvariables. Literature Cited ANDERSON,ROBERTT. 1937. 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