VITA RICHARD JOHN FOX 250 Sandstone Dr. Athens, Georgia 30605 (706) 354-1489 (Home) (706) 542-3761 (Work) (706) 542-3738 (Fax) E-mail: PERSONAL DATA: Born: February 19, 1942 Married, two children PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 6/83 to Present University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Associate Professor, Marketing Department, Terry College of Business Teach market research and quantitative analysis courses to Master of Marketing Research and Ph.D. candidates. Responsibilities also include teaching undergraduate courses, conducting research, and directing research activities of Ph.D. candidates. 1/82 to 4/83 Nimslo Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia. Manager Market Research and Marketing Information - Responsible for design and analysis of all custom marketing research, analysis of retail sales information, business forecasting and marketing information systems. 11/79 to 12/81 Kenneth Hollander Associates, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. Vice President - Quantitative Research - Managed group of analysts responsible for design, analysis and report of all quantitative research conducted by company. Responsibilities included maintaining client contacts and developing research proposals. Selected clients: Days Inns, Coca-Cola, Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Armour-Dial, M&M Mars, Orkin Pest Control and Dunlop Sporting Goods. 11/79 to 8/80 Senior Project Analysis - Directed quantitative research including product tests, concept evaluations, brand positioning/image studies, attitude/awareness studies and copy tests. 6/69 to 11/79 The Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 11/73 to 11/79 Group Leader - Consumer Research - Six years in consumer research within Procter and Gamble Product Development. Assignments in Bar Soap and Household Cleaning Products, Paper Products, and Toilet Goods Divisions. Managed groups responsible for consumer research conducted for product development guidance. Organizational charter was to assist product development management to recognize new market opportunities, maintain existing brands, and understand consumer perceptions and behavior. Also, managed mathematical/statistical consulting function. 6/69 to 11/73 Management Sciences Senior Analyst - Consultant for broad variety of quantitative issues spanning Manufacturing, Product Development, Buying, Sales, Advertising, Distribution, Engineering and Marketing Research. 6/68 to 6/69 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University. EDUCATION: 1963 B.S. Mathematics, University of Dayton 1965 M.S. Mathematical Statistics, Michigan State University 1968 Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics, Michigan State University Ph.D. DISSERTATION: Contributions to Compound Decision Theory and Empirical Bayes Squared-Error Loss Estimation PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: American Marketing Association The Institute of Management Science American Academy of Advertising 2 PUBLICATIONS: Refereed Journal Articles: Fox, Richard J. “Estimating the Empiric Distribution Function of Certain Parameter Sequences,” Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 1970, Vol. 41-6, 1845-1852. Fox, Richard J. and D. R. Zerbe. “Some Practical System Availability Calculations,” AIIE Transactions, 1974, Vol. 6-3, 228-234. Fox, Richard J. “Solutions to Empirical Bayes Squared Error Loss Estimation Problems,” Annals of Statistics, 1978, Vol. 6-4, 846-853. Fox, Richard J. and W. A. French. “Segmenting the Senior Citizen Market,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 1985, Vol. 2-1, 61-74. Day, Ellen and Richard J. Fox. “Extended Warranties, Service Contracts, and Maintenance Agreements--A Marketing Opportunity?”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 1985, Vol. 2-4, 7786. Huszagh, Sandra, Richard J. Fox, and Ellen Day. “Global Marketing: An Empirical Investigation,” Columbia Journal of World Business, 1986, Vol. XX-4, 31-43. Crask, M. R. and Richard J. Fox. “An Exploration of the Interval Properties of Three Commonly Used Marketing Research Scales: A Magnitude Estimation Approach,” Journal of Marketing Research Society, 1987, 29-3, 317-339. Stephenson, Frederick J. and Richard J. Fox. “Corporate Attitudes Toward Frequent-Flyer Programs,” Transportation Journal, 1987, Vol. 27-1, 10-22. Fox, Richard J. “Perceptual Mapping Using the Basic Structure Matrix Decomposition,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1988, 16-1 (Spring), 47-59. Day, Ellen, Richard J. Fox and Sandra Huszagh. “Segmenting the Global Market for Industrial Goods: Issues and Implications,” International Marketing Review, 1988, Vol. 5-3 (Autumn), 1427. Fox, Richard J., M. R. Crask and J. Kim. “Mail Survey Response Rate: A Meta-Analysis of Selected Techniques for Inducing Response,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 1988, Vol. 52-4 (Winter), 467-491. Fox, Richard J. and Ellen Day. “Enhancing the Appeal of Service Contracts: An Empirical Investigation of Alternative Offerings,” Journal of Retailing, 1988, Vol. 64-3 (Fall), 335-352. Friedmann, Roberto and Richard J. Fox. “On the Internal Organization of Consumers' Cognitive Schemata,” Psychological Reports, 1989, 65, 115-126. 3 Fox, Richard J. and Frederick J. Stephenson. “Corporate Strategies to Control Air Travel Costs,” Business, 1990, Vol. 40-3, July-September, 3-9. Stephenson, Frederick J. and Richard J. Fox. “Corporate Strategies for Frequent-Flier Programs,” Transportation Journal, 1992, Vol. 32-1 (Fall), 38-50. Daugherty, Patricia, Richard J. Fox and Frederick J. Stephenson. “Frequency Marketing Programs: A Clarification with Strategic Marketing Implications,” Journal of Promotion Management, 1993, Vol. 2(1), 5-26. Stephenson, Frederick J. and Richard J. Fox. “Criticisms of Frequent-Flier Plans by Large and Small Corporations,” The Logistics and Transportation Review, 1993, 29-3, 241-258. Fischer, Paul, Dean Krugman, James E. Fletcher, Richard J. Fox, and Tina Rojas. “An Evaluation of Health Warnings in Cigarette Advertisements Using Standard Market Research Methods: What Does It Mean to Warn?”, Tobacco Control 1993, 2-4 (Winter), 279-285. Fox, Richard J. and Gary Geissler. “Crisis in Advertising?”, Journal of Advertising, 1994, 23-4, 79-84. Laskey, Henry, Richard J. Fox and Melvin R. Crask. “Investigating the Impact of Executional Style on Television Commercial Effectiveness,” Journal of Advertising Research, 1994, 34-6 (November/December), 9-16. Krugman, Dean M., Richard J. Fox, James Fletcher, Paul Fischer and Tina Roxas. “Do Adolescents Attend to Warnings in Cigarette Advertising - An Eye Tracking Approach?”, Journal of Advertising Research, 1994, 34-6 (November/December), 39-52. Laskey, Henry A., R.J. Fox, and M.R. Crask, “An Exploration Into the Relationship Between Message Strategy and Television Commercial Effectiveness,” Journal of Advertising Research, 1995, vol. 35-2 (March/April), 31-39. Bhat, Subhod and Richard J. Fox. “An Investigation of Jeopardy Effects in Store Choice,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 1996, 3-3, 129-134. Stephenson, Frederick J. and Richard J. Fox. “Driver Retention Solutions: Strategies for For-Hire Truckload (TL) Employee Drivers,” Transportation Journal, 1996, 35-4 (Summer), 12-25. Fox, Richard J., Srinivas Reddy and Bharat Rao. “Modeling Response to Repetitive Promotional Stimuli,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1997, 25-3 (Summer), pp. 242-255. Fox, Richard J., Dean M. Krugman, James E. Fletcher and Paul M. Fisher. “Adolescents’ Attention to Beer and Cigarette Ads and Associated Product Warnings,” Journal of Advertising, 1998, 27-3 (Fall), pp. 57-68. 4 Krugman, Dean M., Richard J. Fox, Paul M. Fischer. “Do Cigarette Warnings Warn? Understanding What It will Take to Develop More Effective Warnings,” Journal of Health Communication, 1999 (4), pp. 95-104. Swaminathan, Vanitha, Richard J. Fox, Srinivas Reddy, “The Impact of Brand Extension Introduction on Choice,” Journal of Marketing, 2001, 65-4 (October), pp. 1-15. Kwak, Hyokjin, Richard J. Fox, George Zinkhan, “What Products Can Be Successfully Promoted and Sold Via the Internet,” Journal of Advertising Research, 2002, 42-1 (Jan/Feb), pp.23-38. Song, JiHee and Richard J. Fox, “A Note of Caution Regarding Applying Basic Latent Class Analysis”, Marketing Bulletin, 2005, Vol. 16-Article 6. Book/Software Reviews: “Multivariate Analysis of Categorical Data: Theory and Applications (#s 2 & 3 of Advanced Quantitative Techniques Series,” John P. Van de Geer, New York: Sage Publications, (1993). Journal of Marketing Research, 32-1 (Feb 1995), 111-112. “BMDP PC Correspondence Analysis and Unbalanced Repeated Measures Models with Structured Covariance Matrices Supplemental Packages,” BMDP PC--Journal of Marketing Research, 1990, 27 (February), 199-121. (coauthored with James Lollar) “Review of Correspondence Analysis PC Software Packages,” Journal of Marketing Research, 1988, 25 (November), 415-417. Proceedings Papers: “Aiding Entrepreneurship: The Identification of Potential Business Opportunities,” Proceedings of the First Biennial Conference of the International Congress of Small Business (10/85 Orlando), 1985. (coauthored with E. Gatewood and B. Brewer) “Assessing the Utility for Trade Promotion Strategies Under Varying Product Market Condition,” Proceedings AMA Marketing Educators Summer Conference, 1985. (coauthored with Vincent Howe) “Retirement's Effect in the Acquisition of Information,” Southern Marketing Association 1994 Proceedings (11/94 New Orleans). (Coauthored with Barbara C. Coleman and Warren French) “Do Adolescents Attend to Cigarette Warnings? An Eye Tracking Approach,” Proceedings of the Marketing and Public Policy Conference 1995 (5/95 Atlanta). (Coauthored with Dean Krugman, James Fletcher, Paul Fischer and Tina Roxas) “The International Expansion of Professional Services: A Case Study of the U.S. Legal Profession,” Sandra M. Huszagh, Richard J. Fox, and Fredrick W. Huszagh. Joint Conference on Marketing Intangibles in Business Markets sponsored by The Institute for the Study of 5 Business Markets (Penn State) and The Center for Business and Industrial Marketing (Georgia State U.), January 8-9, 1996 (Atlanta, GA) “Professional Practice Development through Marketing: A Case Study of Legal Service Providers,” Sandra M. Huszagh, Margy Conchar, Fredrick W. Huszagh, and Richard J. Fox. Joint Conference on Marketing Intangibles in Business Markets sponsored by The Institute for the Study of Business Markets (Penn State) and The Center for Business and Industrial Marketing (Georgia State U.), January 8-9, 1996 (Atlanta, GA) “The Relation Between Moral Reasoning and Sales Performance: Parallel Case Studies,” Rickey H. Madden, Richard Fox and Warren French. Proceedings of Southern Marketing Association Conference, 1996 (New Orleans, LA). “The Impact of Brand Extensions on Market Structure and Choice: An Investigation of Some Reciprocal Effects Using Scanner Data,” Vanitha Swaminathan, Richard Fox, and Srinivas Reddy. 1997 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (Berkeley, CA). “The Role of Cigarette Warnings in Advertising: Understanding How They Work, Prospects for the Future,” Dean M. Krugman, Richard J. Fox and Paul M. Fischer. 1999 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference (St. Petersburg, Florida). “The Impact of Brand Extension Introduction on Consumer Choice,” Vanitha Swaminathan, Richard Fox, and Srinivas Reddy. 1999 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (Syracuse U.) “What Products Can Be Successfully Promoted and Sold via the Internet?” (with Hyokjin Kwak and George M. Zinkhan), AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, 2/16-19, 2001, Scottsdale, AZ. **Best Paper in E-Business Track. “The Influence of Direct to Consumers (DTC) Advertising on Consumers’ Recall, Knowledge of Indication and Interaction with Doctors: An Exploratory Study,” Shashank B. Shinde, Richard J. Fox, Edward Slaughter and Matthew Perri III. 2001 American Pharmaceutical Association Conference, 3/16 – 3/20, 2001, San Francisco, CA “A Model of Trial and Repeat Based on Category Purchasing”, Vanitha Swaminathan and Richard J. Fox. 2002 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference (San Diego, CA.) “Predicting Customers’ Future Purchases: An Empirical Comparison of the NBD, the NBRM and the RFM Models,” Jason Q. Zhang and Richard J. Fox, 2004 AMA Summer Educators’ Conference (Boston, MA.) Nonreferred Articles: “Developing a Realistic Measure of Share Loss,” Marketing News, 1985, Vol. 19-19, Sept. 13, p. 27. (coauthored with Bruce Brittain) 6 “Expected Value,” Business Research: Marketing, published by Research Publishing, 1986. “Significance testing is often used--and abused,” Marketing News, August 29, 1988, p. 20. Books: Effective Bank Product Management, (Rolling Meadows, Illinois: Bank Administration Institute (BAI), 1988) - Coauthored with D.L. Colletti, M.R. Crask, D.M. Jackson, J.H. Lindgren and W.J. Wichman. Marketing Research Principles and Applications, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1995) - Coauthored with Melvin R. Crask and Roy Stout. Marketing Research Principles and Applications, Preliminary Second Edition (Wiley Custom Services, (2003) - Coauthored with Melvin R. Crask and Roy Stout. ACADEMIC SERVICE: Papers presented at professional and learned societies: “Modeling the Effect of Repetitive Direct Marketing Efforts on Response Rate,” (with Srinivas Reddy) - Direct Marketing Educators' Conference, Toronto, Fall '93. “The Role of Marketing Research in New Product Development.” Seminar presented to Research and Development Division of Mead Johnson Company (Evansville, Indiana) - October 1992. “Applications of Statistics and Probability in Industry,” University of Georgia Statistics Colloquium, 1988. “Perceptual Mapping Applications of Correspondence Analysis.” New Trends in Marketing Research seminar sponsored by Atlanta Chapter of American Marketing Association, Fall 1984. “System Availability.” Monthly meeting of Cincinnati Chapter of American Statistical Society, 1975. “Estimating the Empiric Distribution of a Parameter Sequence.” Stanford University Statistics Colloquium, 1970. “Compound Decision Theory and Empirical Bayes Squared Error Loss Estimation.” Michigan State University Statistics Colloquium, 1968. Continuing Education: Served as Director of first Advanced School of Marketing Research, co-sponsored by the American Marketing Association and the Terry College of Business Center for Marketing Studies. Responsibilities included developing the one-week program, organizing modules and 7 selecting speakers, developing promotional materials and general administration. The school was held in November ‘98 at the UGA Center for Continuing Education and attracted 25 participants. The program was quite successful for a first attempt, generating about $10,000 in profit, 75% of which will go to the Terry College of Business. Participant evaluations were generally favorable, and discussions are underway to repeat the program in ‘99. Sessions organized and chaired or service as a discussant at professional meetings: Panel Chairman, New Trends in Marketing Research seminar sponsored by Atlanta Chapter of American Marketing Association, Fall 1984. Marketing Research Track Chairman for 1986 Southern Marketing Association annual meeting in Atlanta, GA. Service as editor, member of editorial board, or as referee for a scholarly journal: Reviewer, Papers Submitted to Marketing Science Institute/Journal of Marketing Special Initiative – “Marketing efforts and the Bottom Line”, 2002 Editorial Board, Public Opinion Quarterly, 1989 through 2005 Referee, Psychological Reports Perceptual and Motors Skills, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Referee, AMA 2002 Winter Educators’ Conference Proceedings Referee, Journal of Operational Research, 2001. Referee, Academy of Marketing Science Proceedings, 2001 Referee, Science Communication ‘00. Referee, Journal of Applied Social Psychology ‘00 Reviewer, John A. Howard AMA Dissertation Competition, 1999. Referee, American Academy of Advertising 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997,1998, and 1999 Proceedings. Referee, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999. Referee, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2004. 2005 Referee, Proceedings of the AMA Summer 1991 Marketing Educators' Conference. Associate Editor, Proceedings of Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Region of the Decision Sciences Institute, Winter '87. 8 Referee, Journal of Marketing Research, 1986, 1987, 1988. Referee, Proceedings of 1985 National Decision Sciences Conference. Referee, Sankhya (Indian Statistical Institute Journal), 1980. Referee, Journal of Quality Technology, 1978. Referee, Annals of Statistics, 1976. Referee, Journal of The American Statistical Association, 1968. Service on Ph.D. Advisory/Examining and Reading Committee: Advisory/Examining Committees: Earl Honeycutt John Ford Mary Anne Raymond Robert Kimball Alice Ford Scott Bonifield Jeff Tanner Luther (Trey) Denton Ted Stank David Allbright Brian Davis Inman Burford Jonghoon Kim Henry Laskey Faye McIntyre Rickey Madden Subhod Bhat* Juanita Roxas Tom Ainscough Bharat Rao Gary Geissler Vanitha Swaminathan Moutusi Maity Ji Hee Song Qiyu (Jason) Zhang Myuk Dass Sunil Contractor Dissertation Committees: Vincent Howe James Wenthe Earl Honeycutt John Ford Reza Motomeni Don Hardigree (Insurance) Lydia Schleifer (Accounting) Tom Ainscough Robert Kimball Joseph Bonnici * Henry Laskey Faye McIntyre Alice Ford Barbara Coleman* Rickey Madden Ted Stank Bharat Rao Gary Geissler Vanitha Swaminathan** Chair **Co-Chair 9 TEACHING: Courses Taught: Undergraduate MARK 4000 Marketing Research for Business Decisions (Spring ‘05 – 40 students, Spring ‘99 - 70 students, Summer ‘01 – Valencia, Spain, UGA Study Abroad - 6 students) MARK 465 Marketing Research (50-75 students; taught 10 sections between Summer ‘83 and Fall ‘97) MARK 4800 Marketing Internship (Fall ‘99 - …..; Academic Coordinator) Graduate MARK 9700 Marketing Models (Ph.D. Seminar (Spring ‘00, Fall ‘02, and Summer ‘04) MARK 8220 Applications of Marketing Research I (MMR) MARK 7220 (Fall ‘98, ‘99, ‘00, ‘01, ‘02, ‘03, ’04, ’05, ‘06) MARK 8320 Applications of Marketing Research II (MMR) MARK 7320 (Spring ‘99, ‘00 and ‘01, ‘02, ‘03, ‘04, ’05, ‘06, ‘07) MARK 8240 Applied Models in Marketing Research (MMR/PhD) (Fall ‘98, ‘99) MARK 8250 and 8350 Marketing Research Project I and II (MMR) (‘98-‘99, ‘99-‘00, ‘01-‘02, ‘03-‘04) MSIT 8100 Applied Business Statistics (MBA-2 yr. Core Curriculum ) (Fall ‘00, ‘01 and ‘02) MSIT 8100 Applied Business Statistics (PWC/IBM MBA Program) (Fall ‘00, Spring ‘02, Spring ‘03, Spring ’04, Fall ‘06, Fall ‘07) MSIT 8000 Applies Business Statistics (MBA-1 yr. Program) (Summer ‘02, ‘03) MARK 7100 Introduction to Statistics for Marketing Research (Summer ’05, Summer ‘06) MARK 963 Measuring Marketing Effectiveness (Winter - ‘84, thru Winter ‘91 and Winter ‘96, ‘97, ‘98) 10 MARK 965 Marketing Research Methods (Spring ‘84, ‘85, ‘86, ‘87, ‘88, ‘94, ‘95) MARK 765 Marketing Research for Decisions I (Fall ‘85 thru ‘93 and Fall ‘94, ‘95, ‘96, ‘97) MARK 766 Marketing Research for Decisions II (Winter ‘85 thru ‘95 and Winter ‘96, ‘97, ‘98) MARK 968 Marketing Models (Summer ‘87, Spring ‘89, ‘91 and Fall ‘92, ‘94, ‘96) MARK 764 Marketing Research for Direction (Fall ‘84, ‘85, ‘86) (co-taught with Mel Crask) MARK 899 Directed Studies in Marketing Models (John Wurtz - Management Science Department) (Winter - Spring, ‘85) MARK 899 Basic Statistics for Marketing Research (Fall ‘92) Course Development: MARK 8220 and MARK 8320 - Marketing Research for Decision I and II Developed new 2-course sequence in the use of marketing research to assist marketing decisions for Master of Marketing Research (MMR) program. The course was developed from “scratch,” and as yet no text book containing this material exists. The course consists of an integration of material obtained from business experience, marketing literature, and direct solicitation of practitioners and is organized according to the structural framework of the process of bringing new products or services to the market. The course is extremely well-received by MMR students; several MMR graduates have reported on its relevance to their work and importance in their training. MARK 9700 (formerly MKT 968) - Marketing Models Developed Ph.D. seminar in marketing models from “scratch.” Course consists of a review of mathematical/statistical models applied to marketing and involves extensive review of the literature. As such, course material is constantly being revised and updated. MSIT 8100 (pwc) Developed condensed Basic Statistics overview for on-campus portion of pwc course and distance learning modular for off-campus portion. 11 Teaching awards: MMR Teacher of the Year, Academic Year ’02 – ’03. MMR Teacher of the Year, Academic Year ’01 – ’02. Recognized for superior teaching at UGA 1990 Honors Day. Recipient of Procter and Gamble 1988 Teaching Excellence in Marketing Research Award. Citations: Kwak, Hyokjin, Richard J. Fox, George Zinkhan, “What Products Can Be Successfully Promoted and Sold Via the Internet,” Journal of Advertising Research, 2002, 42-1 (Jan/Feb), pp. 23-38. cited in: Geissler, GL, Zinkhan, GM, Watson RT, “The Influence of Home Page Complexity on Consumer Attention, Attitudes, and Purchase Intent,” JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING 35 (2): 69-80 Summer 2006. Kwak H, Jaju A, Larsen T, “Consumer Ethnocentrism Offline and Online: The Mediating Role of Marketing Efforts and Personality Traits in the United States, South Korea, and India,” JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE 34 (3): 367-385 Summer 2006. Waite K, “Task Scenario Effects on Bank Web Site Expectations,” INTERNET RESEARCH 16 97-22 2006. Chiang WYK, Zhang DS, Zhou L, “Predicting and Explaining Patronage Behavior Toward Web and Traditional Stores Using Neural Networks: A Comparative Analysis With Logistic Regression,” DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS 41 (2): 514-531 January 2006. Richard MO, “Modeling the Impact of Internet Atmospherics on Surfer Behavior,” JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH 58 (12): 1632-1642 December 2005. Richard, Marie-Odile; Chandra, Ramdas, “A Model of Consumer Web Navigational Behavior: Conceptual Development and Application,” JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, Aug. 2005, Vol. 58 Issue 8, p. 1019-1029. Elliott, Michael T.; Speck, Paul Sergi, “Factors That Affect Attitude Toward a Retail Web Site,” JOURNAL OF MARKETING THEORY & PRACTICE, Winter 2005, Vo. 13 Issue 1, p. 40-51. 12 Ueltschy, Linda C; Krampf, Robert F.; Yannopoulos, Peter, “A Cross-National Study of Perceived Consumer Risk Towards Online (Internet) Purchasing, MULTINATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW, Fall 2004, Vol. 12 Issue 2, p. 59-82. Kim, Soyoung; Williams, Reginald; Lee, Yulee, “Attitude Toward Online Shopping and Retail Website Quality: A Comparison of US and Korean Consumers, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL CONSUMER MARKETING, 2003, Vol. 16, Issue 1, p. 89-111. Rodgers, S, Harris MA, “Gender and E-commerce: An exploratory study”, JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH, 43(3): 322-329 SEP 2003 Swaminathan, Vanitha, Richard J. Fox, Srinivas Reddy, “The Impact of Brand Extension Introduction on Choice,” Journal of Marketing, 2001, 65-4 (October), pp. 1-15. cited in: Pina JM, Martinez E, De Chernatony L, et al., “The Effect of Service Brand Extensions on Corporate Image – An Empirical Model,” EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING 40 (1-2): 174-197 2006. Volckner F, Sattler H, “Drivers of Brand Extension Success,” JOURNAL OF MARKETING 70 (2): 18-34 April 2006. Martin IM, Stewart DW, Matta S, “Branding Strategies, Marketing Communication, and Perceived Brand Meaning: The Transfer of Purposive, GoalOriented Brand Meaning to Brand Extensions,” JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE 33 (3): 275-294 July 2005. Kumar P, “Brand Counterextensions: The Impact of Brand Extension Success Versus Failure,” JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH 42 (2): 183-194 May 2005. Strebinger A, “Strategic Brand Concept and Brand Architecture Strategy – A Proposed Model,” ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH31: 656-661 2004. Czellar, S, “Consumer attitude toward brand extensions: an integrative model and research propositions”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING, 20 (1): 97-115 MAR 2003 Berthon, P, Holbrook MB, Hulbert JM, “Understanding and managing the brand space”, MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 44(2): 49-54 win 2003 Krugman, Dean M., Richard J. Fox, Paul M. Fischer. “Do Cigarette Warnings Warn? Understanding What it will Take to Develop More Effective warnings,” Journal of Health Communication, 1999 (4), pp. 95-104 13 cited in: Wander N, Malone RE, “Making Big Tobacco Give In: You Lose, They Win,” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 96 (11): 2048-2054 November 2006. Brownson RC, Haire-Joshu D., Luke DA, “Shaping the Context of Health: A Review of Environmental and Policy Approaches in the Prevention of Chronic Diseases,” ANNUAL REVIEW OF PUBLIC HEALTH 27: 341-370 206. Chapman S, Liberman J, “Ensuring Smokers Are Adequately Informed: Reflections on Consumer Rights, Manufacturer Responsibilities, and Policy Implications,” TOBACCO CONTROL 14: II8-II13 Suppl. 2 August 2005. Alexander-Emery S, Cohen LM, Prensky EH, “Linguistic Analysis of College Aged Smokers and Never Smokers,” JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT 27 (1): 11-16 March 2005. Steward WT, Schneider TR, Pizarro J, Salovey P, “Need for cognition moderates responses to framed smoking-cessation messages”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 33 (12): 2439-2464 DEC 2003 Simpson D, Lee S, “Tobacco: public perceptions and the role of the industry”, JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES ASTAATISTICS IN SOCIETY, 166: 233-239 Part 2 2003 Perry BL, Jones H, Tuten M, Svikis DS, “Assessing maternal perceptions of harmful effects of drug use during pregnancy”, JOURNAL OF ADDICTIVE DISEASES, 22 (1): 1-9 2003 Guttman N, Peleg H, “Public preferences for an attribution to government or to medical research versus unattributed messages in cigarette warning labels in Israel”, HEALTH COMMUNICATION, 15 (1): 1-25 2003 Strahan EJ, White K, Fong FT, Fabrigar LR, Zanna MP, Cameron R, “Enhancing the effectiveness of tobacco package warning labels: a social psychological perspective”, TOBACCO CONTROL, 11 (3): 183-190 SEP 2002 Crawford MA, Balch GI, Mermelstein R, “Responses to tobacco control policies among youth”, TOBACCO CONTROL, 11 (1): 14-19 MAR 2002 Schneider TR, Salovey P, Pallonen U, Mundorf N, Smith NF, Steward WT, “Visual and auditory message framing effects on tobacco smoking”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 31 (4): 667-6882 APR 2001 Fox, Richard J., Dean M. Krugman, James E. Fletcher and Paul M. Fisher. “Adolescents’ Attention to Beer and Cigarette Ads and Associated Product Warnings,” Journal of Advertising, 1998, 27-3 (Fall), pp. 57-68 14 cited in: Graesser AC, Lu SL, Olde BA, et al., “Question Asking and Eye Tracking During Cognitive Disequilibrium: Comprehending Illustrated Texts on Devices When the Devices Break Down,” MEMORY & COGNITION 33 (7): 1235-1247 October 2005. Cox AD, Cox D, Zimet G, “Understanding Consumer Responses to Product Risk Information,” JOURNAL OF MARKETING 70 (1): 79-91 January 2006. Werch CC, Moore MJ, DiClemente CC, et al., “A Multihealth Behavior Intervention Integrating Physical Activity and Substance Use Prevention for Adolescents,” PREVENTION SCIENCE 6 (3): 213-226 September 2005. Austin EW, Hust SJT, “Targeting Adolescents? The Content and Frequency of Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Beverage Ads in Magazine and Video Formats – November 1999-April 2000,” JOURNAL OF HEALTH COMMUNICATION 10 (8): 769-785 December 2005. Krugman DM, Quinn WH, Sung YJ, et al., “Understanding the Role of Cigarette Promotion and Youth Smoking in a Changing Marketing Environment,” JOURNAL OF HEALTH COMMUNICATION 10 (3): 261-278 April-May 2005. Garretson, JA, Niedrich RW, “Spokes-Characters-Creating Character Trust and Positive Brand Attitudes,” JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING 33 (2): 25-36 Summer 2004. Pieters R, Wedel M, “Attention Capture and Transfer in Advertising: Brand, Pictorial, and Text-Size Effects,” JOURNAL OF MARKETING 68 (2): 36-50 April 2004. Sumpradit N, Ascione FJ, Baagozzi RP, “A Cross-Media Content Analysis of Motivational Themes in Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising,” CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS 26 91): 135-154 January 2004. Werch C, Moore M. DiClemente CC, Owen DM, Jobli E, Bledsoe R, “A sportbased intervention for preventing alcohol use and promoting physical activity among adolescents”, JOURNAL OF SCHOOL HEALTH, 73 (10): 380-388 DEC 2003. Hughes A. Wilkens T, Wildemuth BM, Marchionini G, “Text or pictures? An eyetracking study of how people view digital video surrogates”, IMAGE AND VIDEO RETRIEVAL, PROCEEDINGS LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2728: 271-280 2003. Guttman N., Peleg H, “Public preferences for an attribution to government or to medical research versus unattributed messages in cigarette warning labels in Israel”, HEALTH COMMUNICATION, 15 (1): 1-25 2003. 15 Kelly KJ, Slater MD, Karan D, “Image advertisements’ influence on adolescents’ perceptions of the desirability of beer and cigarettes”, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY & MARKETING, 21 (2): 295-304 FAL 2002. Moore JN, Raymond MA, Mittelstaedt JD, Tanner JF, “Age and consumer Socialization agent influences on adolescents’ sexual knowledge, attitudes, and behavior: Implications for social marketing initiatives and public policy”, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY & MARKETING, 21 (1): 37-52 SPR 2002. Yang GZ, Dempere-Marco L, Hu XP, Rowe A, “Visual search: psychophysical models and practical applications”, IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING, 20 (4): 273-287 APR 1 2002. Rayner K, Rotello CM, Steward AJ, Keir J, Duffy SA, “Integrating text and pictorial information: Eye movements when looking at print advertisements”, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-APPLIED, 7 (3): 219-226 SEP 2001. Abela AV, “Profit and more: Catholic social teaching and the purpose of the firm”, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 31 (2): 107-116 MAY 2001. Pechmann C, Reibling ET, “Anti-smoking advertising campaigns targeting youth: case studies from USA and Canada”, TOBACCO CONTROL, 9: 18-31 Suppl. 2 2000. Fox, Richard J., Srinivas Reddy and Bharat Rao. “Modeling Response to Repetitive Promotional Stimuli,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1997, 25-3 (Summer), pp. 242-255. cited in: Chaudhuri A, Holbrook MB, “The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance: The role of brand loyalty”, JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 65 (2): 81-93 APR 2001 Bhat, Subhod and Richard J. Fox. “An Investigation of Jeopardy Effects in Store Choice,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 1996, 3-3, 129-134. cited in: Solgaard HS, Smith DE, Schmidt M, “Double jeopardy patterns for political parties”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH, 10 (2): 109-120 SUM 1998 Stephenson, Frederick J. and Richard J. 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O’Bryan, “Empirical Bayes Interval Estimates Involving Uniform Distributions,” Communications in Statistics Part A., Vol. 8, No. 4, 1979, 385-397. Fox, Richard J., “Solutions to Empirical Bayes Squared Error Loss Estimation Problems,” The Annals of Statistics, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1978, 846-853. Oaten, A., “Approximation to Bayes Risk in Compound Decision Problems,” Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 43, No. 4, 1972, 1164-1184. Special Recognition/Awards Grants: Georgia Research Alliance grant co-funded by WhyDataWorks - Application of Quantitative Data Techniques for Field Service Assessment (Grant #: 024812-01) Recipient of 1993 Reynolds-Stout UGA Marketing Department Research Award ($2000). Co-recipient of Marketing Science Institute (MSI) 1992 grant to investigate response to repetitive promotional stimuli. Co-recipient of University of Georgia New Faculty Research Grant in 1984. Center for Marketing Studies Summer Research Grant – ‘02, ‘03, ’04, ‘05. Other: 2002 AMA Donald Lehmann Award for best dissertation-based article appearing in Journal of Marketing or Journal of Marketing Research for a 2-year period: Swaminathan, Vanitha, Richard J. Fox, Srinivas K. Reddy (2001), “The Impact of Brand Extension Introduction on Choice, “Journal of Marketing, 65 (4), 1-15. 47 Co-recipient of best paper (with Hyokjin Kwak and George Zinkhan) of Best Paper in E-Business Track at 2001 Winter AMA Marketing Educators’ Conference. Represented UGA at General Foods Marketing Education Conference, White Plains, N.Y., January 1987. Recipient of one of the Advertising Education Foundation Visiting Professor Internships 1992spent internship at Lintas: USA in New York in Fall ‘92. Recipient of Advertising Age Marketing Forum Fellowship to attend 1991 Creative Workshop/Marketing Management Conference in Chicago. University of Georgia College of Business Terry Fellow in 1991. University of Georgia College of Business Selig Fellow in 1992. University of Georgia College of Business Terry Fellow in 1993. University of Georgia College of Business Selig Fellow in 1995. University of Georgia College of Business Terry Fellow in 1996. University of Georgia College of Business Terry/Selig Fellow in 1997 Selected to participate in ‘92 initial session of Business Studies program taught by UGA CBA faculty at Lyon III in Lyon, France. Research into frequent-flier programs with Fred Stephenson was cited in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine and several large metropolitan dailies. Results were discussed on a Voice of America radio show, and I was interviewed on CBC’s “As It Happens” radio show. University Committees/Administration: TCB Marketing Department Graduate Coordinator ’05, ‘06 . Master of Marketing Research Program Executive Committee ‘02-‘03. Master of Marketing Research Standing Committee – ‘04. Master of Marketing Research Admissions Committee, ‘02, ‘03, ’04, ‘05, ‘06. Tenure Review Committees: 3 in ‘98, 2 in ‘99. University Academic Honesty Committee: ‘96-‘97, ‘97-‘98. Terry College of Business Computer Users Advisory Committee, ‘85 - ‘87 (Secretary), ‘87 - ‘89, ‘95 - ‘02. Marketing Department Semester Conversion Committee, ‘96 - ‘97 48 Search Committee for Director of Center for Marketing Studies, ‘96. Executive Committee of University Council, ‘91- ‘92, ‘92- ‘93. University Council, ‘91- ‘92, ‘92- ‘93. College of Business Ad Hoc Committee to review Center for Marketing Studies, Summer ‘91. College of Business Faculty Concerns Committee (Secretary), ‘89- ‘90. College of Business Educational Policy Committee, ‘89- ‘90. Marketing Department Strategic Plan Committee, ‘88- ‘89. Marketing Department Ad Hoc Committee to Review Grading Practices, ‘85- ‘86. Marketing Department Ad Hoc Committee to Review Undergraduate Curriculum, ‘85- ‘86. SELECTED CONSULTING EXPERIENCE: General Electric Major Appliance Division (Louisville, KY) - Model of consumer brand choice for durable goods as function of satisfaction, experience, word-of-mouth, and advertising. Model used to gain insight into choice process, and to evaluate/project impact of alternative marketing strategies. The Wine Spectrum (Atlanta, GA) - Investigated Taylor California Cellars’ image versus major competitors for use in context of developing advertising strategy; managed various research projects including an evaluation of radio advertising effectiveness, and wine-drinking habits and practices survey. Adolph Coors Company (Denver, CO) - Responsible for analysis of a large survey among Hispanic males pertaining to attitudes toward beer-drinking and brands of beer. Coca Cola USA (Atlanta, GA) - Statistical analysis of paired comparison taste tests of Sprite vs. 7 Up used as evidence in litigation pertaining to advertising claim substantiation. Small Business Development Center (Athens, GA) - Developed models for identifying business opportunities at the county level based on sales information and demographic/economic data. Parker Pen (Janesville, WI) - Developed marketing research plan for introduction of a new writing instrument. Tom’s Foods (Columbus, GA) - Developed system for estimating retail sales for different channels of distribution, and for the various types of accounts within channel, to be used for identifying potential business opportunity areas and developing growth strategies. 49 Pepsico (Purchase, NY) - Responsible for statistical analysis associated with test of Hispanic TV advertisements. Frito-Lay, Inc. (Dallas, TX) - Project to develop model for estimating business potential of new products; development of sensory testing procedures and analyses for estimating discrimination and preference rates; qualification procedures for alternate suppliers. King and Spalding (Atlanta, GA) - Testified as expert witness in federal court regarding issues of statistical inference in the context of the Farley, Inc. acquisition of West Point Pepperell. Frito-Lay, Inc. (Dallas, TX) - Served on Technical Advisory Group examining procedures used in sensory evaluations in Frito-Lay Product Development. M/A/R/C, Inc. (Dallas, TX) - Designed and presented a 2-day seminar on experimental design and analysis of variance for project managers and members of Marketing Science Department. M/A/R/C, Inc. (Dallas, TX) - Investigate potential for sequential data analysis in marketing research studies, and to implement appropriate techniques. American Cancer Society - Analytic consultant on research funded by American Cancer Society to investigate the effectiveness of current and alternative health warnings on cigarette packages (1990). Elrick and Lavidge, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) - Developed model using household purchase information to forecast trial and depth of repeat rates for new packaged goods brands. Model incorporated as part of RealTest new product evaluation system that was a finalist for 1996 MAX Awards sponsored by Atlanta Business Chronicle and the Marketing Department of Georgia State University. Coca Cola USA (Atlanta, GA) - Investigated statistical integrity of A. C. Nielsen Company sales projections for bottler company territories. The Colography Group (Atlanta, GA) - Developed sampling plan for national syndicated Survey of U.S. Expedited Cargo which measures product category volumes and corresponding carrier shares. Office of Attorney General, State of California - Served as consultant to California Attorney General’s office in suit brought against R. J. Reynolds Tobacco regarding alleged violations of tobacco master settlement agreement. Case revolves around distribution of branded cigarettes as part of marketing research efforts. WhyDataWorks, (Athens, GA) – Served as advisor to start-up company on issues of research design, sampling, and questionnaire design for customer satisfaction measurement projects; participated in analyses of resulting data. UPS (Atlanta, GA) – Organized sequence of 3 educational seminars for UPS employees focused on use of SPSS to perform statistical analyses of marketing research data. 50