D/O International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M. 1988/G:l Report of Activities OEMERSAL FISH COMMITTEE by Vaughn C. Anthony 1987 BELGIUM (R. Oe Clerck) Recording of densities and growth rates of the 1986 and 1987 year-classes of sole, plaice, dab, flounder, cod and whiting was carried out. Two cruises were also undertaken for the international demersal young fish survey. The groundfish survey continued in order to es ti mate the stock size of adult flatfishes in the Southern North Sea by means of a beamtrawl fishery in August. This was part of an international survey. The market sampling was continued covering cod-North Sea, whlting-North Sea, haddock-North Sea, plaice and sole-North-Sea-English Channel-Celtic Sea and Irish Sea (see table). - 2 - Yl'"r : 1987 Sp"ci". {8e1 t iua ) SHlllllo:ln Ar .._ No ot •••plf'1III Hllrkl't Research 10 10 12 12 Sol .. IV 9 VII t, B 1 1 4 VII " f' ~5O 140 1 1 "0 70 210 210 10 210 4 10 10 12 12 VII t, c VII ,. ,• 2 9 7 1 4 4 Cod IV "hitlng IV 2'0 )50 140 1)0 140 HO 654 140 1 568 76' ')0 , 100 120 '08 40 120 120 '0 '64 .40 100 100 120 100 100 100 7 4 2 .85 206 70 160 185 150 70 11 5 4 7 6'8 194 ')0 2'0 ')0 115 100 " 55 ) l' , Raddock IV 4,. • .. 60. 150 140 566 4 •• 7' 2" 1 1 VII d. '" 421 , IV 210 210 210 210 1 2 Pldc. 1}9 820 6'5 105 , z96 ~ Ag"d 210 210 281 210 945 922 , , VII d. No or ."lIIpl .... M~l'I.f1;ur..d 200 1)4 90 CANADA (R. WeIls) Canada had no fisheries and no research activity in the ICES area in 1987. Activities in the Northwest At1antic in 1987 have been reported to NAFO. •• ,