Genetic Diversity and Comparative Development Oded Galor Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 1 / 94 Introduction Comparative Development Oded Galor 00 00 + 00 00 -4 00 40 0 00 00 00 -3 -2 00 30 0 20 0 0 00 50 -1 00 15 0 00 00 10 00 10 0 00 50 0- 50 0 0- 30 30 0 00 01 10 0 0- 0 Income per Capita across the Globe in 2010 Genetic Diversity and Development 2 / 94 Introduction Comparative Development Fundamental Research Questions What is the origin of the vast inequality in income per capita across countries and regions? What is the impact of deep-rooted factors on the observed patterns of comparative development? What fraction of the variation in income per capita across countries could be attributed to the long shadow of history? How can policy mitigate the persistent e¤ect of historical factors on comparative development? Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 3 / 94 Introduction The Main Hypothesis Main Hypothesis The migration of humans out of Africa 70,000-90,000 BP a¤ected The distribution of genetic diversity across the globe Comparative economic development Accounts for 16% of the variation in the income per capita across countries Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 4 / 94 Foundations Main Building Blocks of the Proposed Hypothesis The Serial Founder E¤ect: Lower genetic diversity among indigenous populations at greater migratory distances from East Africa Existence of an optimal level of genetic diversity (for each stage of development) Balances between: The negative e¤ect on the cohesiveness of society The positive e¤ect on innovations Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 5 / 94 Foundations The Serial Founder E¤ect The Serial Founder E¤ect Exodus of modern humans from Africa (70-90K BP) Departing populations carry only a subset of the genetic diversity of their parental colonies =) Lower genetic diversity among indigenous populations at greater migratory distances from East Africa Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 6 / 94 Foundations The Serial Founder E¤ect An Illustration of the Serial Founder E¤ect 3 Alleles Original Population Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 7 / 94 Foundations The Serial Founder E¤ect An Illustration of the Serial Founder E¤ect 3 Alleles 2 Alleles Original Population Founder Population Increasing Migratory Distance Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 8 / 94 Foundations The Serial Founder E¤ect An Illustration of the Serial Founder E¤ect 3 Alleles 2 Alleles 1 Allele (each) Original Population Founder Population Sub-founder Populations Increasing Migratory Distance Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 9 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity Genetic Diversity – Measurement Expected Heterozygosity – Index of Genetic Diversity: The probability that two individuals, selected at random from a given population, are genetically di¤erent from one another (in a certain spectrum of genes) Measuring Expected Heterozygosity: Gene-speci…c index capturing its allelic (“gene variant”) frequencies in the population Average over a gene-speci…c index for large spectrum of genes Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 10 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity The Expected Heterozygosity Index Hλ Locus-speci…c heterozygosity: For a gene λ with kλ alleles, where piλ is the observed frequency of the i-th allele in gene λ : kλ Hλ = 1 ∑ (piλ )2 i =1 H Expected heterozygosity Averaging over m genes: H= Oded Galor 1 m Hλ = 1 m λ∑ =1 1 m kλ λ 2 ∑ ( pi ) m λ∑ =1 i =1 Genetic Diversity and Development 11 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity Data: Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP) Designed to study GD in isolated populations in order to shed light on: The scope of human diversity The journey of humankind from Africa Consists of 53 ethnic groups (52 originally) Isolated geographically Resided in the same location for a prolonged period of time Display insigni…cant genetic admixture Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 12 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity HGDP Ethnic Groups Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 13 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity The Spatial Distribution of the HGDP Ethnic Groups + Marks the location of an HGDP ethnic group. o Marks an approximate critical juncture in the journey of humankind from Africa. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 14 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity Migratory Distance from Africa and Genetic Diversity Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 15 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity Expected Heterozygosity in Microsatellites Expected heterozygosity calculated for the 53 ethnic groups in the HGDP using allelic frequencies for 783 microsatellite loci Advantage of using microsatellites – a class of non-protein-coding regions of the human genome: Selectively neutral Ensures that the observed cross-sectional variation in diversity is not due to di¤erential forces of natural selection Mutationally active Facilitates the construction of “population trees” and thus the genealogical and migratory histories of populations Expected heterozygosity in microsatellites is positively correlated with phenotypic and cultural diversity Permitting an exploration of the e¤ect of GD on economic outcomes Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 16 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity Distance from Africa and Craniometric Diversity Source: Manica et al. (Nature 2007) Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 17 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity Distance from Africa and Linguistic Diversity Source: Atkinson (Science 2011) Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 18 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity Distance from Africa and Dental Diversity Source: Hanihara (American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2008) Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 19 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity Distance from Africa and Height Diversity Source: Galor and Klemp (2014) Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 20 / 94 Foundations Genetic Diversity Distance from Africa and Pelvic Bone Diversity Source: Betti et al. (Human Biology, 2012) Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 21 / 94 Foundations Trade-o¤s: Diversity and Productivity Trade-o¤s: Human Diversity and Productivity Existence of an optimal level of genetic diversity (for each stage of development) Balances between: The negative e¤ect on the cohesiveness of society The positive e¤ect on innovations Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 22 / 94 Foundations Trade-o¤s: Diversity and Productivity The Costs of Diversity Genetic diversity increases the incidence of: Mistrust Civil con‡icts =) Ine¢ ciency in the operation of the economy relative to its PPF Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 23 / 94 Foundations Trade-o¤s: Diversity and Productivity The Bene…ts of Diversity Genetic diversity Increases the likelihood for the existence of traits that are complementary to the adoption of newly technologies Generates complementary in the production process Increases the upper tail of the ability distribution that matters for innovations =) Diversity fosters innovations & expands the production possibilities Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 24 / 94 Foundations Trade-o¤s: Diversity and Productivity Optimal Diversity Positive but diminishing e¤ects of: Genetic diversity on innovations Homogeneity on cohesiveness =) A hump-shaped relationship between diversity and develop- ment =) Optimal level of genetic diversity Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development (for each stage of development) 25 / 94 Foundations Trade-o¤s: Diversity and Productivity The Optimal Level of Genetic Diversity y ( ) 0 Oded Galor * 1 Genetic Diversity and Development 26 / 94 Foundations Trade-o¤s: Diversity and Productivity The Rise in the Optimal Diversity – Faster Technological Progress y(; g ) y(; g H ) y(; g L ) 0 Oded Galor * ( g L ) * ( g H ) 1 Genetic Diversity and Development 27 / 94 Stages of the Analysis Empirical Strategy Cross-country Analysis Pre-colonial era: Observed genetic diversity (21 countries) Projected diversity (145 countries) Contemporary analysis: Projected diversity (145 countries) Across ethnic groups Observed genetic diversity (232 ethnic groups) Projected diversity (1331 ethnic groups) Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 28 / 94 Historical Analysis Comparative Development: 1-1500 CE Comparative Development in the Pre-Colonial Era The e¤ect of GD on productivity in the years 1-1500 CE: Productivity is captured by population density (Malthusian Epoch) Disentangle e¤ects of: Genetic Diversity Geographic Factors: Land productivity, Absolute latitude Time elapsed since the Neolithic Revolution Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 29 / 94 Historical Analysis Comparative Development: 1-1500 CE Determinants of Productivity: Channels Productivity (Population Density) Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 30 / 94 Historical Analysis Comparative Development: 1-1500 CE Determinants of Productivity: Channels Human Genetic Diversity Oded Galor Productivity (Population Density) Genetic Diversity and Development 31 / 94 Historical Analysis Comparative Development: 1-1500 CE Determinants of Productivity: Channels Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Migratory Distance from East Africa Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 32 / 94 Historical Analysis Comparative Development: 1-1500 CE Determinants of Productivity: Channels Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Migratory Distance from East Africa Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 33 / 94 Historical Analysis Comparative Development: 1-1500 CE Determinants of Productivity: Channels Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Land Productivity • Percentage of Arable Land • Suitability of Land for Agriculture • Absolute Latitude Migratory Distance from East Africa Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 34 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Actual Diversity Observed Diversity and Development in 1500: Unconditional Relationship Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 35 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Actual Diversity Empirical Model I Testing the hypothesis using observed genetic diversity from the HGDP 21-country sample Empirical speci…cation 0 0 ln Xi + β5t ln ∆i + εit ln Pit = β0t + β1t Gi + β2t Gi2 + β3t ln Ti + β4t P it Gi Ti Xi ∆i εit population density in country i in year t actual genetic diversity of country i years elapsed since the Neolithic Revolution (NR) for country i vector of land productivity controls for country i vector of continental dummies for country i a country-year speci…c error term for country i Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 36 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Actual Diversity Actual Diversity and Comparative Development in 1500 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable: Log Population Density in 1500 Genetic Diversity 413.51*** (97.32) 225.44*** (73.78) 203.82* (97.64) Genetic Diversity Sqr. -302.65*** (73.34) -161.16** (56.16) -145.72* (80.41) 1.21*** (0.37) 1.14 (0.66) 0.73** (0.28) 0.15 (0.18) 0.52*** (0.17) -0.16 (0.13) 0.55* (0.26) -0.13 (0.17) 0.73* (0.38) 0.57* (0.29) 0.59 (0.33) 0.699 (0.015) 0.699 (0.055) No 21 0.89 Yes 21 0.90 Log Years since NR 2.40*** (0.27) Log % of Arable Land Log Absolute Latitude Log Agri. Suitability Optimal Diversity Continent Dummies Observations R-squared 0.683 (0.008) No 21 0.42 No 21 0.54 No 21 0.57 Robust standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 37 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Actual Diversity Migratory Distance from East Africa vs. Genetic Diversity (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable: Log Population Density in 1500 Genetic Diversity 417.003*** (90.909) 300.978*** (76.371) 361.421** (121.429) Genetic Diversity Sqr. -306.218*** (68.308) -241.755*** (61.099) -268.515*** (87.342) Migratory Distance 0.463*** (0.142) -0.003 (0.178) Migratory Distance Sqr. -0.021*** (0.006) -0.010 (0.009) Mobility Index 0.353** (0.127) 0.051 (0.154) Mobility Index Sqr. -0.012*** (0.004) -0.003 (0.006) Observations R-squared P-value Joint Joint Joint 18 0.43 18 0.30 18 0.30 for: Sig. of Diversity and its Sqr. Sig. of Distance and its Sqr. Sig. of Mobility and its Sqr. 18 0.47 18 0.43 0.006 0.320 0.027 0.905 Robust standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 38 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Predicted Diversity Empirical Model II Testing the hypothesis using projected genetic diversity 145-country sample Empirical speci…cation 0 0 ln Xi + β5t ln ∆i + εit ln Pit = β0t + β1t Ĝi + β2t Ĝi2 + β3t ln Ti + β4t P it Ĝ i Ti Xi ∆i εit population density of country i in year t genetic diversity of country i projected by migratory distance years elapsed since the Neolithic Revolution (NR) for country i vector of land productivity controls for country i vector of continental dummies for country i a country-year speci…c error term for country i Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 39 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Predicted Diversity Oded Galor 6 + 76 0, 5 ,7 75 -0 4 ,7 -0 74 0, 3 ,7 -0 0, 1 ,7 -0 73 0, 5 ,7 -0 65 0, 0, 71 ,6 -0 62 0, 0, 57 -0 ,6 2 Projected Genetic Diversity across Countries in the Pre-Colonial Era Genetic Diversity and Development 40 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Predicted Diversity Oded Galor 6 + 76 0, 5 ,7 75 -0 4 ,7 -0 74 0, 3 ,7 -0 0, 1 ,7 -0 73 0, 5 ,7 -0 65 0, 0, 71 ,6 -0 62 0, 0, 57 -0 ,6 2 Genetic Diversity across Countries in the Pre-Colonial Era Genetic Diversity and Development 41 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Predicted Diversity Predicted Diversity and Comparative Development in 1500 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Dependent Variable is Log Population Density in 1500 Predicted Diversity 250.99*** (68.26) 213.54*** (63.50) 203.02*** (61.05) 195.42*** (56.09) 199.73** (80.51) Predicted Diversity Sqr. -177.40*** (50.22) -152.11*** (46.65) -141.98*** (44.83) -137.98*** (40.84) -146.17*** (56.26) 1.16*** (0.15) 1.24*** (0.24) Log Years since NR 1.29*** (0.18) 1.05*** (0.19) Log % of Arable Land 0.52*** (0.12) 0.40*** (0.09) 0.39*** (0.10) Log Absolute Latitude -0.17* (0.09) -0.34*** (0.09) -0.42*** (0.12) Log Agri. Suitability 0.19 (0.12) 0.31*** (0.10) 0.26*** (0.10) 0.702 (0.025) 0.715 (0.110) 0.708 (0.051) 0.683 (0.110) No 145 0.38 No 145 0.50 No 145 0.67 Yes 145 0.69 Optimal Diversity Continent Dummies Observations R-squared 0.707 (0.021) No 145 0.22 No 145 0.26 Bootstrap standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 42 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Predicted Diversity Predicted Diversity and Comparative Development in 1500 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 43 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Predicted Diversity Interpretations – Diversity and Comparative Development in 1500 Optimal GD in 1500 = 0.6832 GD in Japan = 0.6835 Increasing GD of the most homogeneous population in South America by: 0.11 =) 6-fold increase in population density in 1500 0.01 =) 44% increase in population density in 1500 Decreasing GD of the most heterogeneous population in East Africa by: 0.09 =) 3-fold increase in population density in 1500 0.01 =) 18% increase in population density in 1500 0.01 change from the optimal level of GD =) 1.4% decrease in population density in 1500 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 44 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Predicted Diversity Predicted Diversity and Comparative Development in Earlier Periods (1) (2) (3) (4) Dependent Variable: Log Population Density 1000 CE 1000 CE 1 CE 1 CE Predicted Diversity 154.91** (62.39) 201.24** (95.58) 134.77** (63.45) 231.69** (115.83) Predicted Diversity Sqr. -109.81** (45.70) -145.89** (66.79) -96.25** (46.49) -166.86** (81.13) Log Years since NR 1.37*** (0.15) 1.60*** (0.27) 1.66*** (0.21) 2.13*** (0.44) Log % of Arable Land 0.37*** (0.10) 0.37*** (0.12) 0.31*** (0.12) 0.35*** (0.13) Log Absolute Latitude -0.38*** (0.10) -0.37*** (0.14) -0.12 (0.12) -0.12 (0.13) Log Agri. Suitability 0.21** (0.10) 0.19* (0.11) 0.24* (0.12) 0.21* (0.12) Optimal Diversity 0.705 (0.108) 0.690 (0.293) 0.705 (0.188) 0.694 (0.194) No 140 0.61 Yes 140 0.62 No 126 0.59 Yes 126 0.61 Continent Dummies Observations R-squared Bootstrap standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 45 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Predicted Diversity Predicted Diversity and Comparative Development in 1000 CE Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 46 / 94 Historical Analysis Analysis using Predicted Diversity Predicted Diversity and Comparative Development in 1 CE Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 47 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis The Role of Omitted Variables Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Land Productivity • Percentage of Arable Land • Suitability of Land for Agriculture • Absolute Latitude Migratory Distance from East Africa Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 48 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis The Role of Omitted Variables Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Land Productivity • Percentage of Arable Land • Suitability of Land for Agriculture • Absolute Latitude Migratory Distance from East Africa Omitted Variables Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 49 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis The Role of Omitted Variables Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Land Productivity • Percentage of Arable Land • Suitability of Land for Agriculture • Absolute Latitude Migratory Distance from East Africa Omitted Variables Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 50 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis The Role of Omitted Variables – Alternative Distances Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Migratory Distance from East Africa Land Productivity • Percentage of Arable Land • Suitability of Land for Agriculture • Absolute Latitude Alternative Distances • Aerial Distance from Africa • Distance from Placebo Origins • Distance from Technological Frontier Omitted Variables Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 51 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis Robustness: Distances from Placebo Origins (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable: Log Population Density in 1500 Distance calculated from: Migratory Distance Addis Ababa Addis Ababa 0.138** (0.061) Migratory Distance Sqr. -0.008*** (0.002) Aerial Distance London Tokyo Mexico City -0.040 (0.063) 0.052 (0.145) -0.063 (0.099) -0.002 (0.002) -0.006 (0.007) 0.005 (0.004) -0.008 (0.106) -0.005 (0.006) Aerial Distance Sqr. Log Years since NR 1.160*** (0.144) 1.158*** (0.138) 1.003*** (0.164) 1.047*** (0.225) 1.619*** (0.277) Log % of Arable Land 0.401*** (0.091) 0.488*** (0.102) 0.357*** (0.092) 0.532*** (0.089) 0.493*** (0.094) Log Absolute Latitude -0.342*** (0.091) -0.263*** (0.097) -0.358*** (0.112) -0.334*** (0.099) -0.239*** (0.083) Log Agri. Suitability 0.305*** (0.091) 0.254** (0.102) 0.344*** (0.092) 0.178** (0.080) 0.261*** (0.092) 145 0.67 145 0.59 145 0.67 145 0.59 145 0.63 Observations R-squared Robust standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 52 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis Regional Technological Frontiers City & Modern Location Continent Sociopolitical Entity Cairo, Egypt Fez, Morocco London, UK Paris, France Constantinople, Turkey Peking, China Tenochtitlan, Mexico Cuzco, Peru Africa Africa Europe Europe Asia Asia Americas Americas Mamluk Sultanate Marinid Kingdom of Fez Tudor Dynasty Valois-Orléans Dynasty Ottoman Empire Ming Dynasty Aztec Civilization Inca Civilization 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE Cairo, Egypt Kairwan, Tunisia Constantinople, Turkey Cordoba, Spain Baghdad, Iraq Kaifeng, China Tollan, Mexico Huari, Peru Africa Africa Europe Europe Asia Asia Americas Americas Fatimid Caliphate Berber Zirite Dynasty Byzantine Empire Caliphate of Cordoba Abbasid Caliphate Song Dynasty Classic Maya Civilization Huari Culture 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE Alexandria, Egypt Carthage, Tunisia Athens, Greece Rome, Italy Luoyang, China Seleucia, Iraq Teotihuacán, Mexico Cahuachi, Peru Africa Africa Europe Europe Asia Asia Americas Americas Roman Empire Roman Empire Roman Empire Roman Empire Han Dynasty Seleucid Dynasty Pre-classic Maya Civilization Nazca Culture 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development Period 53 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis Robustness to Distance from Regional Technological Frontiers (1) (2) (3) Log Population Density 1500 CE Log Population Density 1000 CE Log Population Density 1 CE Predicted Diversity 156.74** (77.98) 183.77** (91.20) 215.86** (106.50) Predicted Diversity Sqr. -114.63** (54.67) Yes -134.61** (63.65) Yes -157.72** (74.82) Yes Yes Yes Yes Log Years since NR Land Prod. Controls Log Distance to Frontier in 1500 CE -0.19*** (0.07) Log Distance to Frontier in 1000 CE -0.23** (0.11) Log Distance to Frontier in 1 CE Optimal Diversity Continent Dummies Observations R-squared -0.30*** (0.10) 0.684 (0.169) 0.683 (0.218) 0.684 (0.266) Yes 145 0.72 Yes 140 0.64 Yes 126 0.66 Bootstrap standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 54 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis The Role of Omitted Variables Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Migratory Distance from East Africa Land Productivity • Percentage of Arable Land • Suitability of Land for Agriculture • Absolute Latitude Alternative Distances • Aerial Distance from Africa • Distance from Placebo Origins • Distance from Technological Frontier Omitted Variables Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 55 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis The Role of Omitted Variables – Microgeographic Factors Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Land Productivity • Percentage of Arable Land • Suitability of Land for Agriculture • Absolute Latitude Migratory Distance from East Africa Alternative Distances • Aerial Distance from Africa • Distance from Placebo Origins • Distance from Technological Frontier Omitted Variables Microgeographic Factors • Elevation & Ruggedness • Distance from Waterways Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 56 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis Robustness to Microgeographic Factors (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable: Log Population Density in 1500 Predicted Diversity 159.92*** (56.00) 153.20*** (53.39) 157.07** (78.82) 150.02*** (49.36) 157.06** (68.61) Predicted Diversity Sqr. -110.39*** (41.08) Yes Yes -105.33*** (39.11) Yes Yes -112.78** (55.48) Yes Yes -102.76*** (36.23) Yes Yes -114.99** (48.26) Yes Yes Log Years since NR Land Prod. Controls Mean Elevation -0.48** (0.23) 0.51* (0.27) 0.50* (0.27) Roughness 5.15*** (1.77) 3.09* (1.74) 4.08** (1.84) Roughness Sqr. -7.05** (3.11) -7.05** (2.96) -7.63*** (2.91) Distance to Nearest Waterway -0.49*** (0.18) -0.44** (0.18) -0.47** (0.18) -0.39** (0.18) 0.70** (0.28) 0.73** (0.31) 1.11*** (0.29) 1.18*** (0.29) 0.724 (0.201) 0.727 (0.190) 0.696 (0.187) 0.730 (0.229) 0.683 (0.095) No 145 0.69 No 145 0.74 Yes 145 0.75 No 145 0.76 Yes 145 0.78 % Land within 100 km of Waterway Optimal Diversity Continent Dummies Observations R-squared Bootstrap standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 57 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis The Role of Omitted Variables Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Land Productivity • Percentage of Arable Land • Suitability of Land for Agriculture • Absolute Latitude Migratory Distance from East Africa Alternative Distances • Aerial Distance from Africa • Distance from Placebo Origins • Distance from Technological Frontier Omitted Variables Microgeographic Factors • Elevation & Ruggedness • Distance from Waterways Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 58 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis The Role of Omitted Variables – Biogeography Timing of the Neolithic Revolution Human Genetic Diversity Productivity (Population Density) Land Productivity • Percentage of Arable Land • Suitability of Land for Agriculture • Absolute Latitude Migratory Distance from East Africa Alternative Distances • Aerial Distance from Africa • Distance from Placebo Origins • Distance from Technological Frontier Omitted Variables Microgeographic Factors • Elevation & Ruggedness • Distance from Waterways Biogeographic Factors • Climate • Domesticable Species • Orientation & Size of Continents Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 59 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis Robustness to Biogeography (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable is Log Population Density in 1500 Predicted Diversity 216.85*** (62.06) 252.08*** (70.81) 174.41*** (62.75) 212.12*** (72.13) 274.92*** (72.12) Predicted Diversity Sqr. -154.75*** (45.19) -180.65*** (51.89) -125.14*** (45.72) -151.58*** (52.79) -197.12*** (52.40) Yes Yes 1.16*** (0.31) Yes Domesticable Plants 0.02 (0.02) 0.42 (0.27) 0.04 (0.30) -0.01 (0.01) -0.01 (0.02) 0.37* (0.22) -0.17 (0.27) -0.01 (0.01) 0.00 (0.02) Domesticable Animals 0.15** (0.06) 0.12 (0.07) -0.01 (0.07) Log Years since NR Land Prod. Controls 1.30*** (0.16) Yes Climate Orientation of Axis Size of Continent Optimal Diversity Observations R-squared Yes 0.62*** (0.14) 0.28 (0.33) -0.01 (0.02) 0.701 (0.123) 0.698 (0.016) 0.697 (0.159) 0.700 (0.045) 0.697 (0.041) 96 0.74 96 0.70 96 0.70 96 0.72 96 0.78 Bootstrap standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 60 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis Robustness to the Use of Urbanization Rates in 1500 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable: Log Urbanization Rate in 1500 Predicted Diversity 120.583** (51.618) 165.167*** (50.088) 93.467* (48.769) 148.757*** (48.373) 234.410*** (67.321) Predicted Diversity Square -84.760** (38.423) -120.124*** (37.208) -62.408* (36.650) -106.165*** (36.506) -166.786*** (48.780) 0.402** (0.202) 0.752*** (0.257) Log Years since NR 0.457** (0.224) Log % of Arable Land -0.097** (0.043) -0.116*** (0.044) -0.119** (0.052) Log Absolute Latitude -0.334** (0.151) -0.236 (0.155) -0.151 (0.170) Log Agri. Suitability 0.002 (0.057) -0.036 (0.058) 0.031 (0.059) No 80 0.40 No 80 0.44 Yes 80 0.51 Continent Dummies Observations R-squared No 80 0.30 No 80 0.35 Bootstrap standard errors in parentheses; *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 61 / 94 Historical Analysis Robustness Analysis Genetic Diversity and Urbanization Rates in 1500 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 62 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Measurement of Contemporary Diversity Measure of Contemporary Genetic Diversity The index of contemporary genetic diversity captures: Proportional representation of each ancestral population within a country Genetic diversity among the ancestral populations of each country Projected based on migratory distance of this ancestral population from East Africa Genetic distance between all pairs of ancestral populations of each country Projected based on migratory distance between these ancestral populations Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 63 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Measurement of Contemporary Diversity Projection of Pairwise Genetic Distances Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 64 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Measurement of Contemporary Diversity Oded Galor 6 + 76 0, 5 ,7 75 -0 4 ,7 -0 74 0, 3 ,7 -0 0, 2 ,7 -0 73 0, 9 ,7 -0 69 0, 0, 72 ,6 -0 66 0, 0, 62 -0 ,6 6 Genetic Diversity across Countries in 2000 Genetic Diversity and Development 65 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Empirical Findings Empirical Model III Testing the hypothesis using contemporary genetic diversity 145-country sample Empirical speci…cation ln yi = γ0 +γ1 Ĝi +γ2 Ĝi2 +γ3 ln Ti +γ40 ln Xi +γ50 ln Λi +γ6 ln Γi +η i yi Ĝ i income per capita of country i in the year 2000 index of contemporary genetic diversity of country i Ti Xi years elapsed since the Neolithic Revolution (NR) for country i vector of land productivity controls for country i vector of institutional and cultural controls for country i vector of additional geographical controls for country i error term for country i Λi Γi ηi Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 66 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Empirical Findings Oded Galor 6 + 76 0, 5 ,7 75 -0 4 ,7 -0 74 0, 3 ,7 -0 0, 2 ,7 -0 73 0, 9 ,7 -0 69 0, 0, 72 ,6 -0 66 0, 0, 62 -0 ,6 6 Genetic Diversity across Countries in 2000 Genetic Diversity and Development 67 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Empirical Findings Genetic Diversity and Economic Development in 2000 and 1500 (1) (2) (3) Log Income per Capita in 2000 (4) Log Population Density in 1500 Adjusted Diversity 204.610** (88.466) 237.238*** (86.278) 244.960*** (85.454) Adjusted Diversity Sqr. -143.437** (62.545) -166.507*** (61.363) -171.364*** (60.843) Unadjusted. Diversity 198.587** (79.110) Unadjusted. Diversity Sqr. -145.320*** (55.472) Log Adj. Years since NR 0.061 (0.262) 0.002 (0.305) Log Years since NR -0.151 (0.186) Log % of Arable Land -0.110 (0.100) -0.119 (0.107) -0.137 (0.111) 0.378*** (0.100) Log Absolute Latitude 0.164 (0.125) 0.172 (0.119) 0.192 (0.143) -0.423*** (0.124) Log Agri. Suitability -0.193** (0.095) -0.177* (0.102) 0.264*** (0.096) 0.713 (0.100) 0.712 (0.036) -0.189* (0.102) 0.047 (0.097) 0.715 (0.118) Yes 143 0.57 Yes 143 0.57 Yes 143 0.68 Log Population Density in 1500 Optimal Diversity Continent Dummies Observations R-squared Yes 143 0.57 1.238*** (0.230) 0.683 (0.095) Bootstrap standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 68 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Empirical Findings Genetic Diversity and Comparative Development in 2000 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Dependent Variable: Log Income per Capita in 2000 Adjusted Diversity 315.282*** (84.215) 225.858*** (67.669) 204.102*** (66.984) 277.342*** (70.232) 215.675*** (63.954) Adjusted Diversity Sqr. -220.980*** (59.562) -155.826*** (47.962) -140.850*** (47.393) -192.386*** (49.675) -150.871*** (45.554) Log Adj. Time from NR -0.273 (0.269) -0.218*** (0.061) 0.123 (0.122) -0.092 (0.200) -0.159*** (0.049) 0.083 (0.100) 2.359*** (0.269) -0.062 (0.203) -0.163*** (0.050) 0.080 (0.101) 2.069*** (0.377) 0.036 (0.029) 0.396* (0.233) -0.183*** (0.051) 0.009 (0.108) 1.826*** (0.417) -0.046 (0.208) -0.084 (0.056) -0.006 (0.087) 0.880** (0.418) -0.333 (0.280) -0.502 (0.351) -0.122 (0.265) -0.723** (0.353) Log % of Arable Land Log Absolute Latitude Social Infrastructure Democracy Ethnic Fractionalization % Population at Risk of Contracting Malaria Avg. Schooling Optimal Diversity Continent Dummies Legal Origin Dummies Major Religion Shares Observations R-squared Oded Galor 0.134*** (0.042) 0.713 0.725 0.725 (0.014) (0.032) (0.045) Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No 109 109 109 0.74 0.84 0.85 Bootstrap standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, Genetic Diversity and Development 0.721 (0.008) Yes Yes Yes 109 0.90 * p <0.1. 0.715 (0.073) Yes Yes Yes 94 0.93 69 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Empirical Findings Genetic Diversity and Comparative Development in 2000 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 70 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Interpretations Interpretations – Diversity and Comparative Development in 2000 Optimal GD in 2000 = 0.7208 GD in US = 0.7206 Increasing GD of Bolivia (0.63), the most homogeneous country, by: 0.09 =) 5.4-fold increase income per capita in 2000 From 9% to 40% of that of the US 0.01 =) 39% increase income per capita in 2000 Decreasing GD of Ethiopia (0.77), the most heterogeneous country, by: 0.05 =) 1.7-fold increase in income per capita in 2000 From 2% to 4% of that of the US 0.01 =) 21% increase in income per capita in 2000 0.01 change from the optimal level of GD =) 1.9% decrease in income per capita in 2000 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 71 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Robustness Addressing Endogenous Post-1500 Migrations (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Full Sample Non OECD w/o Neo Europes w/o Latin America w/o Sub Sahara >0.97 Indigenous Dependent Variable is Log Income per Capita in 2000 Adjusted Diversity 277.342*** (70.232) 271.979*** (88.479) 261.367*** (70.533) 412.222*** (148.584) 264.805** (111.365) 304.735** (111.588) Adjusted Diversity Sqr. -192.386*** (49.675) -188.974*** (62.096) -181.811*** (49.671) -287.067*** (101.906) -183.863** (80.398) -213.389** (77.255) Log Adj. Time of NR 0.396* (0.233) -0.183*** (0.051) 0.009 (0.108) 1.826*** (0.417) -0.333 (0.280) -0.502 (0.351) -0.319 (0.204) 0.390 (0.281) -0.236*** (0.060) -0.021 (0.119) 1.313** (0.579) -0.437 (0.375) -0.605 (0.381) -0.196 (0.239) 0.355 (0.231) -0.201*** (0.055) -0.025 (0.111) 1.416*** (0.507) -0.390 (0.300) -0.591 (0.370) -0.302 (0.219) 0.518* (0.298) -0.189*** (0.050) -0.139 (0.126) 2.044*** (0.545) -0.752** (0.348) -0.308 (0.486) -0.520** (0.252) 0.068 (0.442) -0.211** (0.097) 0.218 (0.242) 1.585*** (0.486) 0.104 (0.408) -0.425 (0.581) -0.528 (0.341) 0.448* (0.254) -0.104 (0.061) -0.074 (0.130) 1.311* (0.716) -0.044 (0.412) -0.153 (0.434) -0.339 (0.312) 0.721 (0.083) 0.720 (0.085) 0.719 (0.015) 0.718 (0.023) 0.720 (0.180) 0.714 (0.012) Log % of Arable Land Log Absolute Latitude Social Infrastructure Ethnic Frac. % Population at Risk of Malaria % Population Living in Tropical Zones Optimal Diversity Observations R-squared Oded Galor 109 83 105 87 71 0.90 0.82 0.89 0.93 0.86 Bootstrap standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.1. Genetic Diversity and Development 37 0.98 72 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Robustness Observed Genetic Diversity - 232 Ethnic Groups Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 73 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Robustness Migratory Distance from Africa and Genetic Diversity 0.77 TZA TZA TZA TZA TZA TZA TZA CMR KEN RWA GAB KEN KEN KEN KEN TZA CMRCMR ETH KEN KEN TZA TZA CMR GAB CMR ZAF KEN CMR CMR CMR KEN KEN TZA TZA TCD TCD CAF NGA CMR CMR CMR NGA NGA GHA KEN KEN TCD CMR GAB KEN KENTZA ZAR TCD TCD COGAGO CMR CMR NGA NGA KEN ZAR CMR CMR ZAF TZA TCD TCD CMR NGA CMR CMR NGA GHA CIV KEN KEN KEN CMR CMR NGA KEN TCD TCD CMR NGA ETH ERI CMR SEN ZAR ZAF SSD CMR SSD KEN SDN SSD TZA KEN SDN NGA TZA YEM NAM DZA CMR PAK IND ITA SYR IND PAK PAK PAK CHN PSE PAKIND IND IND IND RUS PAK FRA IND IND AFG RUS PAK IND INDITA IND IND IND ITA SYR ESP CHN Genetic Diversity PAK GBR RUS CHN MNG KHM CHN CHN CHN CHN CHN CHN CHN CHN RUS RUS JPN PNG CHN CHN PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG CHN CAN CAN WSM PNG PNG PNG CAN TWN MEX COL PNG PNG PER ARG MEXGTM NZL PER PNG PNG TWN PNG PNG PNG BRA MEX MEX COL PER COL PNG PNG PAN COL COL COL BRA PNG MEX BRA BRA PAN COL 0.56 BRA 0.0 2.5 Migratory Distance from East Africa (in 10,000 km) South America Oded Galor North America Oceania Australia Genetic Diversity and Development Asia Europe Africa 74 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Robustness Genetic Diversity and Productivity of Ethnic Group 364 TWN WSM PNG PNG PNG PNG COL CHN PNG MEX CHN PER PNG PNG MEX TWN MEX MEX PNG COL PER PNG PER PNG PNG PNG PNG PNG CAN PNG PAN Control variables held at zero Log Luminosity COL GTM NZL MEX ARG PNG BRA PNG PNG PNG CHN PNG PNG PNG CHN PNG JPN PNG PNG PNGPNG PSE ESP MNG PAK GBR PAK DZA PAK ITA CHN COL KHM BRA BRABRA RUS CHN PNG PNG PNG PNG CHN PNG COL COL CHN CAN CHN CAN PNG RUS CHN COL RUS CHN IND PAK PAK ITA ITA IND IND INDIND AFG IND PAK IND YEM IND SYR SYR IND IND PAK IND IND CHN BRA RUS INDPAK CHN PAN CHN SDN RUS CMR NGA TCD KENZAF CIV NGA NGA NAM CMR CMR KEN CMR CMR KEN FRA ZAF CMR CMR ZAF KEN CMR CMR SSD KEN CMR TZA SDN KEN KEN CMR NGA TZA KEN KEN KEN CMR TZA TCD ZAR TZA TZA TCD GHA TCD TZACMR CMR KEN CMR CMR CMR TZA NGANGA NGARWATZA KEN KEN CMR CMR TZA CMR AGO GAB TCDGABGAB TZA CMRCMR CMR TZA KEN ETH KEN TCD KEN KEN TCD TCD CMR TZA COG TZA NGA KEN ETH NGA ERI KEN TCD TZA KEN CMR CMR KEN GHA TZA SSD SSD ZAR NGA ZARKEN CAF 350 TZA SEN 0.561 0.768 Genetic Diversity South America Oded Galor North America Oceania Australia Genetic Diversity and Development Asia Europe Africa 75 / 94 Contemporary Analysis Robustness Predicted Genetic Diversity - 1331 Ethnic Groups Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 76 / 94 Mechanisms Cost of Diversity Genetic Diversity & Cultural Fragmentation 1 Global−sample relationship TZA CHE ZAF TGO NZL IND .5 NAM EST GBR UGA GEO LBN URY GAB YUG AUS NPL MDA IRN LBR SAU MMR GHA SLELVABFA MDG CAN ERI MKD HUN BWA LTU ETH VNM GNB BLR OMN KWT ZAR KAZ MLI SLV TCD BELESP TJK CZE KEN SVN ARE BGR AFG JOR DOM PHL RUS MNG COL AUT SYR CRI MOZ PAN ROM USA HND AZE UZB BIH KGZ MWICMR ARM GRC PER PRY CIV TUR SEN SVK CHL BTN AGO NGA SOM CUB LSO THA IRQ COG NER VEN UKR PAK HRV LKA DEU ECU ISR MEX FRA TKM FIN BRA NIC BEN ALB MYS KHM CAF ZMB SDN DNK GIN LAO SWZ POL MRT IRL SWE BGD NLD EGY ZWE KOR PRK NOR TUN JPN MAR LBY RWA ITA DZA PRT BDI CHN YEM 0 BOL −.5 (Residuals) IDN GMB GTM −1 Log number of ethnic groups in the national population Genetic Diversity and the Number of Ethnic Groups across Countries ARG GUY HTI PNG −.06 −.04 −.02 0 .02 .04 (Residuals) Genetic diversity (ancestry adjusted) Africa Europe Asia Oceania N. America S. America Relationship in the global sample; conditional on baseline geographical controls and continental fixed effects Slope coefficient = 5.431; (robust) standard error = 1.798; t−statistic = 3.021; partial R−squared = 0.054; observations = 147 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 77 / 94 Mechanisms Cost of Diversity Genetic Diversity and the Prevalence of Interpersonal Trust across Countries .3 Global−sample relationship DNK .2 NOR SWE CHN VNM .1 URY SAU NLD THA NZL FIN IDN IRQ CHE GTM MEX IRL 0 KGZ MLI BGD ZAF PER CAN GBR ZMB USA BEL BFA ESP LUX BLR ZWE LTU GHA CHL EST PRT NGA ARM IRN UGA IND ITA HUN DEU BGR UKR AZE VEN CZE HRVAUT COL ALB JOR TZA YUG BIH POL FRA SVK PAK RUS MDA SVN GEO ROM MAR GRC ISR MKD TUR LVA MYS ETH AUS RWA SLV KOR −.1 (Residuals) JPN −.2 Prevalence of interpersonal trust in the national population Genetic Diversity & Trust ARG EGY BRA DZA −.04 −.02 0 .02 .04 (Residuals) Genetic diversity (ancestry adjusted) Africa Europe Asia Oceania N. America S. America Relationship in the global sample; conditional on baseline geographical controls and regional fixed effects Slope coefficient = −2.151; (robust) standard error = 0.756; t−statistic = −2.845; partial R−squared = 0.105; observations = 84 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 78 / 94 Mechanisms Cost of Diversity Genetic Diversity & Variation in Political Preferences 2 Global−sample relationship TZA 1 IND 0 (Residuals) SLV BGD KGZ FIN USA IDN PER NZL JPN GTM MAR SWE ZAF KOR −1 ISR IRQ TUR MDA MLI MEX LTU PRT BLR RUS NOR JOR ALB VEN GEO YUG UGA ITA DZA MKDBGR IRN SVK NGA UKR AZE ROM CZE CHE FRA BRA POL GRC EGY URY CHL NLD BFA ARM BEL DNK ZWE COL BIH ESP CAN GBR SVN GHA DEU IRL LVA AUT EST AUS LUX HRV RWA HUN ZMB ARG ETH THA −2 Variation in political attitudes in the national population Genetic Diversity and Variation in Political Attitudes across Countries PAK VNM −.04 −.02 0 .02 .04 (Residuals) Genetic diversity (ancestry adjusted) Africa Europe Asia Oceania N. America S. America Relationship in the global sample; conditional on baseline geographical controls and regional fixed effects Slope coefficient = 16.963; (robust) standard error = 5.954; t−statistic = 2.849; partial R−squared = 0.111; observations = 81 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 79 / 94 Mechanisms Cost of Diversity Genetic Diversity & Ethnic Civil Con‡ict Genetic Diversity and the Frequency of Ethnic Civil Conflict Onset across Countries .1 MMR (Residuals) .05 TCD IRN MKDHRV MDA AFG LBR IDN 0 BOL PRY IRQ YUG PAK NGA SDN SYR TGO BDI RWA NER BGD YEM UGA MOZ GBR AGO GTM TUR ZAR LBN ESP ZWE ZAF MEX SEN LKA LAO NIC CIV COG THAFIN EST LTU KWT LVA BLR EGY CMR LSOOMN JOR SAU ARE HUN MLIDNK DOM NOR SLV BEL CZE POL SWZ UKRBGR IRL SWE URY NLDGMB ERI NAM DEU ARM ALB SVK AUT GRCITAHTI CAF NPL FRA GNB ROM MRT SVN PRT CHN CHL CUB KOR TUN ISR BWA CHE USA MAR ARG SOM JPN LBY NZL PRK HND PAN BEN CRI AUS SLE PER MWI MDG GIN DZA KHM VNM MNGECU MYS BRA PNG CAN VEN GHA GAB TZA COL TJK BFAZMB TKM KEN KGZ UZB PHL RUS KAZ −.05 Log number of new ethnic conflict onsets per year, 1960−2005 Relationship in the global sample without outliers −.1 −.05 0 .05 (Residuals) Genetic diversity (ancestry adjusted) Africa Europe Asia Oceania N. America S. America Relationship in the global sample with influential outliers eliminated; conditional on baseline geographical controls Slope coefficient = 0.220; (robust) standard error = 0.067; t−statistic = 3.260; partial R−squared = 0.048; observations = 140 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 80 / 94 Mechanisms The Bene…t of Diversity The Bene…ts of Diversity – Evidence (1) (2) Patent Applications 1980-2000 (3) (4) Scienti…c Articles 1980-2000 Predicted Diversity (Ancestry Adjusted) 0.851** (0.343) 0.673** (0.312) 2.290*** (0.576) 1.816*** (0.541) Log Years since NR (Ancestry Adjusted) Log % of Arable Land -0.021 (0.041) -0.003 (0.013) 0.010 (0.015) 0.241*** (0.078) 0.003 (0.059) 0.029 (0.067) 0.031 (0.049) -0.086 (0.098) -0.021 (0.036) -0.037 (0.044) -0.007 (0.042) -0.000 (0.013) 0.017 (0.013) 0.177** (0.072) -0.008 (0.060) -0.042 (0.062) 0.035 (0.043) -0.060 (0.095) 0.004 (0.031) -0.031 (0.044) 0.020*** (0.007) -0.091* (0.048) 0.009 (0.016) 0.045* (0.024) 0.685*** (0.117) 0.095 (0.096) 0.042 (0.090) 0.102* (0.055) -0.349* (0.177) 0.018 (0.058) 0.105*** (0.038) -0.076 (0.048) 0.007 (0.015) 0.055** (0.023) 0.548*** (0.127) 0.073 (0.096) -0.040 (0.081) 0.131*** (0.048) -0.269 (0.169) 0.049 (0.055) 0.118*** (0.035) 0.032*** (0.008) 77 0.74 77 0.77 93 0.80 93 0.82 Log Absolute Latitude Social Infrastructure Ethnic Fractionalization % of Population of European Descent % of Population at Risk of Contracting Malaria Terrain Ruggedness % of Population Living in Tropical Zones Mean Distance to Nearest Waterway Years of Schooling Observations R-squared Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 81 / 94 Conclusion Conclusions: Genetic Diversity to Comparative Development The migration of humans out of Africa 70,000-90,000 BP a¤ected The distribution of genetic diversity across the globe Comparative economic development Accounts for 16% of the variation in the income per capita across countries Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 82 / 94 Conclusion Conclusions: Costs and Bene…ts of Diversity Diversity adversely a¤ects the cohesiveness of society, increasing the incidence of: Mistrust (Ashraf-Galor, AER 2013) Civil con‡icts (Arbatli-Ashraf-Galor, 2015) Ethnic fractionalization (Ashraf-Galor, AER P&P 2013) Diversity enhances innovations and knowledge creation Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 83 / 94 Conclusion Policy Implications Education policy In overly-diverse societies: Education geared towards: social cohesiveness & tolerance =) Mitigating the cost of diversity In overly-homogeneous societies: cultivation of cultural diversity =) substitute for low genetic diversity Optimal level of cultural assimilation Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 84 / 94 Appendix Distance from East Africa and Phenotypes Migratory Distance from East Africa and Height Accounting for distance from the equator. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 85 / 94 Appendix Distance from East Africa and Phenotypes Migratory Distance from East Africa and Weight Accounting for distance from the equator. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 86 / 94 Appendix Distance from East Africa and Phenotypes Migratory Distance from East Africa and Skin Re‡ectance Accounting for distance from the equator. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 87 / 94 Appendix Distance from East Africa and Phenotypes Migratory Distance from East Africa and IQ Accounting for distance from the equator. Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 88 / 94 Appendix Distance from East Africa and Phenotypes The Impact of Post-1500 Migrations on Genetic Diversity .8 .75 ETH ERI SOM UGA KEN SDN RWA BDI TZA EGY CAF TCD MWI ZAR JOR COG ZMB LBN SYR COM CMR MDG GNQ GAB ZWE AGO LBY NGA TUR IRQ NAM MOZ KWT SWZ ISR BEN ARM ROM QAT SAU GEO TGO BGR TUN GRC GHA BWA CYP MKD BHR CZE BFA LSO ALB MDA IRN YEM NER YUG AZE CIV BIH HUN ZAF HRV DZA ARE UKR SVK AUT SVN ITA POL TKM MLT MLI BLR LTU DEU LBR OMN RUS LVA MAR SLE CHE GIN CPVGMB EST DNK LUX FIN BEL SWE NLD FRA GNB MRT TJK AFG UZB KAZ SEN NOR GBR MUS ESP KGZ PAK IRL IND PRT NPL BTN LKA BGD MNG MMR THA CHN SGPHKG KHM MYS PRK LAO KOR VNM JPN PHL IDN HTI JAM TTO DOM CUB GUY CAN AUS USA ARG URY .7 BRA NZL PRI VEN CRI BLZ COLPANNIC SLV HND .65 CHL PRY ECU FJI MEX TMP PNG GTM PER .6 BOL .55 Contemporary (ancestry−adjusted) genetic diversity Pre−colonial and Contemporary Genetic Diversity across Countries .55 .6 .65 .7 .75 .8 Pre−colonial genetic diversity Africa Europe Asia Oceania N. America S. America 45−degree line Correlation in the global sample = 0.750; correlation in the Old−World sample = 0.993 Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 89 / 94 Appendix A Model Theoretical Foundations of the Hump-Shaped E¤ect of Diversity y = (1 y y ( ω ); α 2 (0, 1) output per capita A(z, ω ) technological level ω 2 [0, 1] z degree of diversity institutional, geographical, and human capital factors f (x ) x αω )A(z, ω )f (x ) production function inputs per capita Oded Galor Genetic Diversity and Development 90 / 94 Appendix A Model Theoretical Foundations of the Hump-Shaped E¤ect of Diversity Diversity and TFP growth A(z, ω ) > 0, Aω (z, ω ) > 0, Aωω (z, ω ) < 0 limω !0 Aω (z, ω ) = ∞; limω !1 Aω (z, ω ) = 0 For instance: A(z, ω ) = z Oded Galor Z ω 0 ω iθ di Genetic Diversity and Development θ 2 (0, 1) 91 / 94 Appendix A Model Theoretical Foundations of the Hump-Shaped E¤ect of Diversity Properties of y (ω ) y 0 (ω ) = [(1 αω )Aω (z, ω ) y 00 (ω ) = [(1 αω )Aωω (z, ω ) limω Oded Galor !0 y 0 (ω ) > 0; limω αA(z, ω )]f (x ) !1 2αAω (z, ω )]f (x ) < 0 y 0 (ω ) < 0 Genetic Diversity and Development 92 / 94 Appendix A Model The Optimal Level of Genetic Diversity y ( ) 0 Oded Galor * 1 Genetic Diversity and Development 93 / 94 Appendix A Model An Rise in the Optimal Diversity – Faster Technological Progress y(; g ) y(; g H ) y(; g L ) 0 Oded Galor * ( g L ) * ( g H ) 1 Genetic Diversity and Development 94 / 94