Olga Wojciechowska

Olga Wojciechowska
e-mail: olgapaulaw@gmail.com , o.p.wojciechowska@warwick.ac.uk
tel: (+44)(0) 7944199221
PhD. Economics, University of Warwick
Supervisors: Prof. Michael Waterson, Department of Economics,
University of Warwick; Prof. Dan Bernhardt, Department of Economics,
University of Warwick
The PhD thesis includes a theoretical model of overlapping generations in
sequential auctions, as well as statistical and econometric analysis of
online auction data (eBay). The Thesis includes 3 parts, which are listed
under working papers section below.
2010 - 2011
M.Sc. Economics, University of Warwick
Thesis “Evidence of Vertical and Horizontal Spillovers from FDI in
Poland” Supervisor: Dennis Novy
2006 - 2010
B.Sc. (Honours) Computer Science and Economics, University of St
Grade: 2.1
Final year software project: “Information Dissemination in Online Social
Networks”. The project consisted of writing a crawler in Python
collecting and parsing data from Twitter, in order to later analyse
information dissemination through matching of phrases and links within
twitter followers.
2003 - 2006
High School: XXXIII Liceum im. M.Kopernika, Warsaw
Baccalaureate (Polish, marked centrally):
Mathematics (basic, advanced, english bilingual - 92%, 84%, 90%),
Physics (basic, advanced, english bilingual – 98%, 90%, 78%), Polish 70%, English (bilingual - 84%)
In Baccalaureate achieved results in the top 10% of all students in
Advanced Mathematics and in above the top 4% of all students in
Advanced Physics.
Teaching Roles:
Teaching assistant at University of Warwick in years 2012-2013, 2013-2014 , and
2014-2015 for the following undergraduate modules:
• EC123 Mathematical Techniques B
• EC124 Statistical Techniques B
Teaching these modules have included presenting, explaining and discussing problem sets
solutions in groups, marking tests, invigilation, as well as providing one-to-one feedback
during office hours.
Working Papers:
“Auction Selection and Identifying Herding in Online Auctions”
The individual choice model between available auctions is estimated on eBay bids
data. This is a novel approach, where the not-chosen alternatives (the other available
auctions and their state) are recreated for each bid using the information on opening and
closing dates of concurrent auctions. Herding, which is not attributable to optimisation is
identified using time since the auction has started as an instrumental variable.
“Overlapping Generations in Sequential Auctions”
The paper augments the sequential second price auction model with the overlapping
generations component, which results in learning from past prices, not present for the
sequential second price auctions model. I am using computer simulations in order to
compare predictions from both settings and compare them to the existing evidence from
bidding in an online auctions marketplace.
“Evidence of Forward-Looking Bidding in Online Auctions”
Forward-Looking bidding in sequential auctions implies bid discounting for the
earlier auctions. The hypothesis of forward-looking bidding is tested using selection of
sequential auctions in the online auctions marketplace. Evidence of bid discounting and
increases in bids in sequential auctions confirm the hypothesis of forward-looking bidding.
Programming experience:
R, Stata, Java, C, Python, Mathematica
Other Computer Skills:
LaTex, Databases, SQL
Polish (Native); English (Fluent); French (Intermediate)
Other hobbies/Interests:
Playing the piano and classical music - while attending part-time music school, have started
in and won prices at national and regional piano competitions (e.g. second place in national
piano competition for private music schools). Sports: Running
References: Upon request