LUCIO D’AGUANNO UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Contact Information University of Warwick Department of Economics Social Sciences Building Coventry CV4 7AL personal site Office Line: 0044 2476573461 Mobile: 0044 7501022418 Personal Information Birthdate: April the 2nd, 1984 Citizenship: Italian Research Fields Monetary Economics, International Macroeconomics Research Papers “Monetary Policy and Welfare in a Currency Union” (job market paper) “Monetary Policy and Wealth Effects with External Positions” (working paper) “Unemployment and Welfare in a Currency Union” (preliminary work in progress) Education 2010 on University of Warwick Doctoral candidate in Economics Thesis: “Essays in International Monetary Economics” November 2010 University of Warwick Master of Science in Economics (Dist.) Thesis: “Fiscal Policy and Speculative Bubbles” December 2007 Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Laurea Specialistica in General Management Thesis: “Rules of Origin and Corporate Strategy: the Case of the Textile Industry” Fall 2006 VSE – University of Economics Prague Erasmus Programme (Graduate Courses) October 2005 Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Laurea in Business Administration Thesis: “Reforming the US Pension System” Awards and Positions 2012 on Teaching Fellowship University of Warwick 2006 - 2007 ISU Fellowship Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Summaries of Research Papers “Monetary Policy and Welfare in a Currency Union” (job market paper) I explore the welfare implications of subjecting two economies to a single monetary authority when macroeconomic shocks are asymmetric and international risk-sharing is imperfect. I incorporate the analysis in a DSGE model with incomplete international asset markets, local currency pricing and monetary barriers to trade. I find that the welfare gain from monetary unification depends crucially on the strength of the trade frictions and on the international correlation of the shocks. I estimate the model on data from Italy, France, Germany and Spain using Bayesian methods, and find that these countries enjoy substantial welfare gains from sharing a common currency. “Monetary Policy and Wealth Effects with External Positions” (working paper) I investigate the impact of external positions on the international transmission of macroeconomic shocks and their effect on the conduct of monetary policy. I develop a two-country DSGE model where households receive dividends from foreign firms, and I show that in this environment disturbances spill over across countries through wealth effects. I find numerically that this affects the stance of monetary policy against inflation and output fluctuations. “Unemployment and Welfare in a Currency Union” (preliminary work in progress) I study how asymmetric movements in unemployment across countries amplify the welfare costs of business cycles in a monetary union with imperfect risk-sharing, and examine how this affects the domain of applicability of a single currency. I do so in the context of a DSGE model with indivisible labour and incomplete international asset markets. Teaching Experience Fall 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Economic Analysis: Macro (Postgraduate Module) University of Warwick Spring 2013 Topics in Global Finance (Postgraduate Module) University of Warwick Fall 2011, 2012 and Spring 2012, 2013 Economics 1 (Undergraduate Module) University of Warwick Research Experience and Other Employment July 2008 - May 2009 3M Italia SpA Internship at Automotive and Aerospace Department January 2007 - April 2007 International Trade Centre WTO/UNCTAD Internship at Division of Product and Market Development, Market Analysis Section Other Information Languages: English (fluent), French (intermediate), Spanish (elementary), Italian (native) Informatics: MATLAB, European Computer Driving Licence References Dr Roberto Pancrazi University of Warwick 0044 2476150587 Prof Marcus Miller University of Warwick 0044 2476523049 Prof Herakles Polemarchakis University of Warwick 0044 2476150051