Contact Information
University of Warwick
Department of Economics
Social Sciences Building
Coventry CV4 7AL
personal site
Office Line: 0044 2476573461
Mobile: 0044 7501022418
Personal Information
Birthdate: April the 2nd, 1984
Citizenship: Italian
Research Fields
Monetary Economics, International Macroeconomics
Research Papers
“Monetary Policy and Welfare in a Currency Union” (job market paper)
“Monetary Policy and Wealth Effects with External Positions” (working paper)
“Unemployment and Welfare in a Currency Union” (preliminary work in progress)
2010 on
University of Warwick
Doctoral candidate in Economics
Thesis: “Essays in International Monetary
November 2010
University of Warwick
Master of Science in Economics (Dist.)
Thesis: “Fiscal Policy and Speculative Bubbles”
December 2007
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Laurea Specialistica in General Management
Thesis: “Rules of Origin and Corporate Strategy:
the Case of the Textile Industry”
Fall 2006
VSE – University of Economics Prague
Erasmus Programme (Graduate Courses)
October 2005
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Laurea in Business Administration
Thesis: “Reforming the US Pension System”
Awards and Positions
2012 on
Teaching Fellowship
University of Warwick
2006 - 2007
ISU Fellowship
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Summaries of Research Papers
“Monetary Policy and Welfare in a Currency Union” (job market paper)
I explore the welfare implications of subjecting two economies to a single monetary authority when
macroeconomic shocks are asymmetric and international risk-sharing is imperfect. I incorporate the
analysis in a DSGE model with incomplete international asset markets, local currency pricing and
monetary barriers to trade. I find that the welfare gain from monetary unification depends crucially
on the strength of the trade frictions and on the international correlation of the shocks. I estimate
the model on data from Italy, France, Germany and Spain using Bayesian methods, and find that
these countries enjoy substantial welfare gains from sharing a common currency.
“Monetary Policy and Wealth Effects with External Positions” (working paper)
I investigate the impact of external positions on the international transmission of macroeconomic
shocks and their effect on the conduct of monetary policy. I develop a two-country DSGE model
where households receive dividends from foreign firms, and I show that in this environment
disturbances spill over across countries through wealth effects. I find numerically that this affects
the stance of monetary policy against inflation and output fluctuations.
“Unemployment and Welfare in a Currency Union” (preliminary work in progress)
I study how asymmetric movements in unemployment across countries amplify the welfare costs of
business cycles in a monetary union with imperfect risk-sharing, and examine how this affects the
domain of applicability of a single currency. I do so in the context of a DSGE model with indivisible
labour and incomplete international asset markets.
Teaching Experience
Fall 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Economic Analysis: Macro (Postgraduate Module)
University of Warwick
Spring 2013
Topics in Global Finance (Postgraduate Module)
University of Warwick
Fall 2011, 2012 and Spring 2012, 2013
Economics 1 (Undergraduate Module)
University of Warwick
Research Experience and Other Employment
July 2008 - May 2009
3M Italia SpA
Internship at Automotive and Aerospace
January 2007 - April 2007
International Trade Centre WTO/UNCTAD
Internship at Division of Product and Market
Development, Market Analysis Section
Other Information
English (fluent), French (intermediate),
Spanish (elementary), Italian (native)
MATLAB, European Computer Driving Licence
Dr Roberto Pancrazi
University of Warwick
0044 2476150587
Prof Marcus Miller
University of Warwick
0044 2476523049
Prof Herakles Polemarchakis
University of Warwick
0044 2476150051