JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 106, NO. D15, PAGES 17,267-17,291, AUGUST 16, 2001 Sensitivity of cirrus bidirectional reflectance to vertical inhomogeneityof ice crystal habits and size distributions for two Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) bands PingYang,•,2Bo-CaiGao,3BryanA. Baum, 4 WarrenJ.Wiscombe, 2 YongX. Hu,4 Shaima L. Nasiri,5 PeterF. Soulen,2, 6 AndrewJ.Heymsfield, 7 GregM. McFarquhar, 7 andLarryM. Miloshevich 7 Abstract. A commonassumption in satelliteimager-based cirrusretrievalalgorithmsis that the radiativepropertiesof a cirruscloudmay be represented by thoseassociated with a specificice crystalshape(or habit)anda singleparticlesizedistribution.However,observations of cirrus cloudshaveshownthatthe shapesandsizesof ice crystalsmay vary substantially with height within the clouds.In this studywe investigatethe sensitivityof the top-of-atmosphere bidirectionalreflectancesfor two Moderate-Resolution ImagingSpectroradiometer (MODIS) bandscenteredat 0.65 •tm and2.11 •tmto cirrusmodelscomposed of eithera single homogeneous layer or threedistinct,but contiguous,layers.First, we definethe single-and three-layercirruscloudmodelswith respectto ice crystalhabit andsize distributionson the basisof in situreplicatordataacquiredduringthe First InternationalSatelliteCloudClimatology Project(ISCCP) RegionalExperiment(FIRE-II), held in Kansasduringthe fall of 1991. Subsequently, fundamentallight-scattering andradiativetransfertheoryis employedto determinethe single-scattering andthe bulk radiativepropertiesof the cirruscloud.For radiative transfercomputations we presenta discreteform of the adding/doubling principlethat is computationally straightforward andefficient. For the 0.65 pm band,at whichabsorption by ice is negligible,thereis little differencebetweenthe bidirectionalreflectancescalculatedfor the one-andthree-layercirrusmodels.This resultsuggests thatthe verticalinhomogeneity effectis relativelyunimportantat 0.65 gm. At 2.1 1 [tm the bidirectionalreflectancescomputedfor both opticallythin (z = 1) andthick ('c= 10) cirruscloudsshowsignificantdifferencesbetweenthe resultsfor the one-andthree-layermodels.The reflectances computedfor the three-layercirrus modelare substantiallylargerthanthosecomputedfor the single-layercirrus.Furthermore,our analysisshowsthat the cirrusreflectancesat boththe 0.65 and2.11 [tm bandsarevery sensitive to the opticalpropertiesof the smallcrystalsthatpredominatein the top layer of the three-layer cirrusmodel. It is criticalto definethe mostrealisticgeometricshapefor the small"quasispherical"ice crystalsin the top layer for obtainingreliablesingle-scattering parametersand bulk radiativepropertiesof cirrus. 1. Introduction emit infrared radiation to space.The Moderate Resolution ImagingSpectroradiometer (MODIS) [Kinget al., 1992] on the Cirrusclouds located in theuppertroposphere andlower recently launched Terraspacecraft willenhance thecapability for stratosphere areimportant to theEarth's climate [Liou,1986; monitoring cirrus clouds incomparison withprevious generations Stephens etal., 1990].Theyreflectsolarradiation, absorb the of satelliteinstruments suchas the advanced very high thermal emission fromtheground andthelower atmosphere, and resolution radiometer (AVHRR). MODIShasatotalof36bands for studiesof land, ocean, and the atmosphere,including the •GoddardEarth Scienceand TechnologyCenter, University of 1.38 gm band for cirrus detectionand correction[Gao and Kaufman, 1995], the 0.65, 1.66, and 2.11 gm bands for MarylandBaltimoreCounty,Baltimore,Maryland. implementing cloud microphysical and optical property 2NASAGoddardSpaceFightCenter,Greenbelt, Maryland. retrieval techniques [King et al., 1997] (available at 3RemoteSensingDivision,Naval ResearchLaboratory,Washington, D.C. http://eospso.gsfc.nasa. gov/atbd/modistables.html), and the 8.5, 4NASALangleyResearch Center,Hampton,Virginia. 11, and 12 gm bands for applying infrared cloud property 5Cooperative Institutefor Meteorological SatelliteStudies/University of Wisconsin,Madison, Wisconsin. 6JointCenterfor EarthSystemsTechnology,Universityof Maryland BaltimoreCounty,Baltimore,Maryland. 7NationalCenterfor Atmospheric Research, Boulder,Colorado. retrievaltechniques[Ackerraanet al., 1990]. MODIS data will allow improved retrievals of cirrus optical and microphysical parameters suchas opticalthicknessof cirrusandmeaneffective size of the ice crystalsin theseclouds. Copyright2001 by the AmericanGeophysical Union Various algorithmshave been developedto retrieve cirrus optical and microphysicalpropertiesin the past20 years [e.g., Papernumber2000JD900618. Liou et al., 1990; Ou at al., 1993; Minnis et al., 1993a, 1993b; 0148-0227/01/2000JD900618509.00 Rosrow and Lacis, 1990]. They can be categorizedinto the 17,267 17,268 YANG ET AL.: CIRRUSBIDIRECTIONALREFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS techniques basedon eitherinfraredemission or solarreflection. presenta numericallystableradiativetransfermodelbasedon the The representativealgorithm of the former is the method adding/doubling principle. The adding/doubling model is developedby Inoue [1985] for determiningthe infrared expressedin a discrete form for calculating reflected and emissivityof cirrus clouds on the basis of the brightness transmittedintensitiesresulting from multiple scatteringand temperature difference between11 •tmand12 •tmwavelengths absorptionof cirrusclouds. with an assumption of implicitmeanparticlesize.An infrared trispectralalgorithmusing the 8.5, 11, and 12 •tm bands 2. Data and Models [Ackerman et al., 1990,1998;Strabalaet al., 1994]witha recent improvement [Baumet al., 2000a,2000b]formsthebasisof an 2.1. Data infraredretrievalalgorithmusingMODIS infraredchannels. The The size distributions and ice crystal habit information representative retrievalalgorithm basedonsolarreflection is that obtainedfrom two casesof replicatotmeasurementscarriedout developed by NakajimaandKing[1990],whouseda trispectral in Kansas during the First International Satellite Cloud (0.75, 1.6, and2.2 •tm) methodto simultaneously retrievethe Climatology Project (ISCCP) Regional Experiment (FIRE) opticalthicknessand mean effectiveparticlesize for water [Starr, 1987] phaseII (hereafter,FIRE-II) are usedin this study. clouds.This approachhasbeenappliedto the retrievalof the The balloon-borneice crystalreplicatorswere launchedat 1337 opticalthickness andmeanparticlesizeof icecrystals for cirrus UTC on November 25, 1991, and at 2045 UTC on December 5, [Wielickiet al., 1990]. To develop a reliableretrievalalgorithm forcirrusopticaland microphysicalproperties,it is critical to generatereliable precalculated lookuptablesof bidirectional reflectance for cirrus clouds over a practical range of effective sizes, optical 1991. The replicator balloons had an ascent rate of approximately 4 m s-• whilepassing through thecloudlayers. As measuredby a radiosondeconnectedto the balloonpackage,the cloud top temperatureon November25 was-57øC, while on December5 the cloudtop temperature was-65øC. thicknesses,and viewing geometry(i.e., solar zenith angle, The replicatorcollectsparticlesin a liquidplasticsolutionthat viewingzenithangle,andrelativeazimuthangle).At present, coats a moving, 35-mm-wide transparent leader tape. The most algorithmsfor retrievingcirrus optical thicknessand particlesbecomeimbeddedin the plasticcoating,and whenthe effective size assumethat the ice crystalsare of one specific solvent in the solution evaporates, detailed ice crystal habit,suchas spheres, hexagonal plates,hexagonal columns,or impressionsand size spectraof crystalsare recordeddown to fractalpolycrystals [Mackeet al., 1996].In addition,a common crystalsizesof approximately10 pm. The particlesgenerallydo assumption is that a singlesize distributionis sufficientto not break up upon impact on the replicatortape becauseof the determinethe scattering properties of the ice crystalswithinthe slow rate of ascentof the balloon.The efficiencywith which the cirruslayer.However,observations basedon aircraft-bome two- replicatorcollectssmallcrystalshasbeenquantifiedtheoretically dimensionaloptical cloud probe (2D-C) and balloon-borne andexperimentally[MiloshevichandHeymsfield,1997]. Particle replicator measurements [e.g.,Heymsfield andPlatt, 1984;Arnott sizeconcentrations usedin this studyare adjustedto accountfor et al., 1994; Mitchell et al., 1996a, 1996b; McFarquhar and the imperfectcollectionefficienciesof smallparticles.Analysis Heymsfield,1996, 1997]demonstrate the widerangeof shapes of the ice crystal data collected during the balloon's ascent thatthe ice crystalsin cirruscloudsmay have,includingbullet throughthe cirrus provided 28 size spectrain the vertical on rosettes, solidandhollowcolumns, plates,andirregularlyshaped November25 and 33 spectraon December5, with eachspectrum aggregates. In addition,Heymsfield andcolleagues haveshowed representingthe data collected from approximately100 m of that ice crystal habits and size distributionsare vertically inhomogeneous in cirrusclouds[e.g.,Heymsfield andIaquinta, vertical ascent. 2000]. 2.2 Single-ScatteringProperties Sincesatellite-based retrievaltechniquesessentiallycompare The rangeof ice crystalsizesin cirruscloudsis predominately library computationsof bidirectionalreflectancesto actual measurements in their implementations,it is necessaryto assess within the applicablesize parameterregime of the geometric the effect of the vertical inhomogeneityof the ice crystalsizes opticsmethodat visible andnear-infraredwavelengths.Eachray andshapes withincirrusontheradiativetransfercalculations for generating the reflectance libraries. Our objective is to can be localized on the wave front of the incident radiation (electromagnetic wave); consequently, Snell's law andFresnel's understandthe effect of the vertical inhomogeneityin the formulas can be applied to trace the ray propagationand the structure of cirrus clouds on their radiative properties. We electricfield magnitude,aswell asthe polarizationconfiguration employfundamental scatteringand radiativetransfertheoryto associatedwith the ray. In the conventionalgeometricoptics investigate the bidirectionalreflectanceof cirruscloudsfor the approachfor derivingthe scatteringpropertiesof a particle,the MODIS 0.65 and 2.11 gm bandsusingin situ crystalhabitand scattered field in the radiation zone is regarded as the superposition of diffracted rays and FresnelJan rays. The size distribution for a case of midlatitude cirrus on November 25, contributionfrom ray diffraction can be determinedusing the 1991, further describedin section2. The outlineof the paperis asfollows.The dataandmodelsare standardFraunhofer theory, whereas the contribution from providedin section2. Section3 describes the development of the FresnelJanrays can be computedby the ray-tracingtechnique. three-layerandsinglehomogeneous cirrusmodelsaswell asthe This approachsuffersfrom severalshortcomings,as was noted single-scattering properties associated withthetwocirrusmodels. by Yang and Liou [1995]. In particular,it is assumedthat the In section4 we presentthe differencesbetweenbidirectional extinctionefficiencyis 2 regardlessof particlesize. To overcomethe shortcomings of the conventionalgeometric reflectancescomputedfor the three-layercirrusmodel and its one-layer counterpart. Also presented in this section is a optics, Yang and Liou [1996] developeda geometric-opticssensitivitystudyregardingthe shapeeffect of the small "quasi- integral-equationapproach(hereafter referred to as GOM2). theory,the scattered spherically" nonspherical ice crystals on cloud reflectance. Accordingto fundamentalelectrodynamics Conclusionsare given in section5. Finally, in AppendixA we far field can be obtainedif the tangentialcomponentsof the YANG ET AL.' CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL electricandmagneticfields on the particlesurfaceare specified. In principle,GOM2 employsthe ray-tracingtechniqueto solve the nearfield on the particlesurfaceandthenmapsthe nearfield to the far field via the following rigorous electromagnetic relationship: eikr k2 E (r)[ _0oo = 42r REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS 17,269 where//= cos0. The derivatives in equations (3a) and(3b) are confinedto the facet. The geometricconfigurationassociated with thesetwo equations hasbeenillustratedby Cox and Munk [1954].Sincethereis little quantitative experimental information regardingthe roughness of ice crystalsurfacesat present,the surfaceroughness is treatedin a similarfashionto thatof a wavy sea surface, which can be specified by the Gram-Charlie distribution[Cox and Munk, 1954]. If the tilt distributionof the is azimuthally homogeneous (i.e.,independent of angle - •x[fisxH(r,)]}e-ild'r'd2?, (1) roughness (p),the statisticalprobabilitydensityfunctionfor the condition wherehsand•: areunitvectors alongthenormaldirections of thatthe slopesof a facetalongthetwo axisdirectionsaregiven particle faces and scattering direction, respectively, and by the first-orderGram-Charlie,or a two-dimensional (2-D) k -- 22r/X in which•, isthewavelength of anincidentwavein a Gaussiandistribution, is as follows: s vacuum. With GOM2 it is not necessaryto partition the diffraction and FresnelJan contributions to the far field. 1 A simplified algorithm for GOM2 is employed to reduce the computationalcost. To computethe extinctionandabsorption crosssectionsof ice crystals, we use the ray-tracing technique coupled with the followingexactelectrodynamic relationships: 2 2 ry2 P(Zx,Zy )=zc-•-exp[-(Z$ +Zy)/ ], (4) where rxis a parameterdeterminingthe magnitudeof roughness. Values of oTM0-0.005, 0.005-0.05, 0.05-0.3 correspond to slight, moderate,anddeeproughness in the single-scattering calculation, respectively.Furthertechnicaldetailsconcerningthe treatmentof surfaceroughnessin the GOM2 light scatteringcomputations were given by Yangand Liou [1998]. iEo2III[e(r')1]E(r')'E2 (r')d3? ' (2a) v Cabs =[Eo-----T k IIIei(r')E(r')' E*(r') d37' v 2.3. Radiative Transfer Model (2b) Radiative transfercalculationsfor cirrus are performedusing method.The adding/doubling principlehas where Cext and Cab s are extinctionand absorptioncross the adding/doubling sections, respectively, E o is theelectricfield associated with the beenexpressedmathematicallyin a matrix form [ Twomey,1966; incidentwave, e = er + iei is the complexpermittivity,andthe Hunt and Grant, 1966] and in an integral form [Hansen and Travis, 1974]. A conciseformulationin a discreteform for the adding/doubling methodis providedin AppendixA. In Appendix A, somenumericalconcernsin the radiativetransfercomputation are addressed,such as the truncationof the forward scattering peak in the phasefunctionand a stableexpansionof the phase function in terms of the renormalizedLegendrefunction. The 1957]. Becauseof the complicatedmechanismsinvolved in ice discrete expression of the adding/doubling principle is andefficientin numericalrealization.The present crystalgrowth,suchas sublimation,riming,or the aggregation of straightforward adding/doubling computationalprogramhasbeenvalidatedwith particles,the surfacesof ice crystalsmay be rough.Roughened ice crystalsurfaceshavebeenobservedin laboratoryexperiments respectto the variouscasespresentedby Lenoble[1985] and also [Cross, 1968] and in recentin situ observationsof tropic anvil in comparison with the discrete ordinate method radiative cirrusclouds(A. J. Heymsfield,private communication,1999). transfer model (DISORT) [Stamnes et al., 1988] (also gov/pub/wiscombe/Multiple_ScaWDISOR The scatteringphasefunctionsof roughenedparticlesdisplayless ftp://climate.gsfc.nasa. variation[Macke et al., 1996; Yangand Liou, 1998] than their T_l.2/DISORTReport.pdf) for a numberof canonicalproblems. counterpartsfor ice crystals possessingsmooth facets. As articulatedby Mishchenkoet al. [1996] on the basisof ground- 3. Development of Cirrus Models basednephelometer and aircraftradiancemeasurement of cirrus clouds[Foot, 1988;Francis,1995;Gayetet al., 1995;Posseand 3.1. Cirrus Three-Layer Model yonHoyningen-Huene, 1995],the scattering phasefunctionsfor The vertically inhomogenousnature of cirrus clouds was asteriskindicatesthe complexconjugateoperation.The volume integrals in equations(2a) and (2b) are carried out along individualray pathsinsidethe particlevia a Monte Carlo/ray-byray algorithm[Yang and Liou, 1997] that is a generalizationof the well-known anomalous diffraction theory [van de Hulst, some ice phase clouds can be rather featurelesswith no observedduring the FIRE-II program.Figures l a and lb show appreciablehalos. two different vertical profiles basedon replicatorimages of ice Based on these studies, we account for surface roughness crystals in cirrus clouds collected on November 25 and specifically for ice crystal aggregatesin this study. In the December 5, 1991. For thesetwo cases,three distinct regimes of numericalcomputationthe particle surfaceis regardedas a ice crystalsare evidentfrom the replicatordata.In the uppermost number of small facets whose normal direction is tilted from that layer, small nonspherical"quasi-spheres" are predominant.The in the smoothcase,specifiedby localzenithandazimuthangles0 middle layer of cirrus is composedprimarily of pristine ice and q0,respectively.The slopeof a facet alongtwo orthogonal crystalswith well-defined hexagonalshapesor bullet rosettes. directionsthat are perpendicular to the local zenithdirection,say, The bottom layer containslarger but irregular aggregates.The thex andy directions,canbe specifiedby edgesof theseirregularice crystalsseemto be rounded,perhaps due to the effect of sublimation.Roughnesscan also be noted •)Z /2 (3a) COS(•, from the replicatorimagesof the irregularice crystals.In both imagesit is apparentthat the particlesincreasein size and the shapesbecomemore complex from the top to the base of the gx_• =(//-2 _17)1 sin rp Zy 3Z 3y (//-2 1)1/2 (3b)cirrus. 17,270 YANG ET AL.' CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS E -o E -o 0 0 0 u0{•oun=! eseqd 0 YANGETAL.' CIRRUSBIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE ANDICECRYSTALS • • 25 Nov1991Replicator Profile 17,271 zz-• +zlz12 /2 J•(O,z' )n(O,z' )dz' •i(O'z) =' j.z+•/2 n(O,z' )dz' Jz-zlz (5b) /2 -SSøC where D is the maximum dimensionof ice crystals. The precedingaveragingprocedureis alsoappliedto obtainthe mean size distributionandhabitpercentage for cirrusby assuming a singlesizedistribution to represent thecirruscloud. To illustratethe differences betweenthe useof a three-layer model and a single-layer cirrus model, we first confine our ~ 50oc discussion to the November 25 case where the cirrus cloud spanneda vertical range of 2.7 km and had a total optical thicknessof approximately 1. The geometricheightsof the top, middle, and bottom layers are 0.79, 0.73, and 1.18 km, respectively. The sizedistributions andcrystalhabitpercentages for the three layers are shownin histogramsA, B, and C of Figure2a. For the uppermostcirrus layer, "quasi-spherical" habitsare dominantfor the small-particlemode(D < 100 lam), whereasbulletrosettesare dominantfor the large-particle mode (D > 100 lam). The middle layer is composedprimarily of columnsandbulletrosettes.In the bottomlayer,ice crystalsare mainly irregular aggregates.The percentagesof various ice crystalhabitsintegratedoverthe entirecirruslayerare shownin histogramD of Figure2a. Two geometries (sphereandhexagon) are used to representthe small ice crystals,as is illustratedin histograms A andD of Figure2a. The two particlemorphologies arechosento investigate the sensitivity of theradiativeproperties of cirrusto thepresence of thesesmallicecrystals nearcloudtop. - 45"C - 40'C - 35"C ---- 5 Dec 1991 Replicatot Figurela. Replicator imagesof icecrystals froma cirruscloud observed on November25 1991duringthe FirstInternational Profile -65'C Satellite Cloud ClimatologyProject (ISCCP) Regional Experiment (FIRE-U) field experiment [afterHeymsfieldand Iaquinta,2000withpermission of theAmerican Meteorological Society]. Note the three-layerstructure with smallquasispherical crystals in thetoplayer,andcolumns andbulletrosettes inthesecond layer.Thethirdlayeriscomposed mostlyof large .60øC aggregatedcrystals. Thesmallparticles in theuppermost layerhavenonspherical shapes with an aspectratioapproaching 1. Sometimes theterm "quasi-spherical" is usedin the analysisof observed dataandin theoretical studies.Thistermis oftenmisleading because the opticalproperties of sphericalandnonspherical particlesare significantlydifferenteven if the nonsphericity of particle geometryis not substantial. Analysisof thereplicator datahasyieldeddetailedinformation on the dominanthabitsof ice crystalsandsizedistributions for the two casesshownin Figuresla and lb. As discussed in section 2.1, datawereobtained for 28 and33 verticallayersat approximately100 m resolutionin FIRE-II in situ observations fortheNovember 25 andDecember 5 cases, respectively. Using thesedata,we constructed the percentages of the variousice crystalhabitsand size distributions for the top, middle,and bottomlayersof cirrusclouds.For a givenlayercentered at z withthickness of Az,themeansizedistribution andpercentage of a specifichabitaregivenby ] fz+•/2 dz', h'(D,z) ='•'.•z-• /2 n(D,z') - SOOC .>. -45øC -4o'c-. -e IIt ....... :" '" $00 .pm -$5'C -- Figurelb. SameasFigurela, except thattheobservation was madeonDecember 5, 1991,andthetoplayeris dominated by pristinecolumns.Data courtesyof L. Miloshevichand S. (5a)Aulenbach, National Center forAtmospheric Research. 17,272 YANGETAL.' CIRRUSBIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE ANDICECRYSTALS 0.4 • 0.3- Z=9.62-10.41 km D<100pm 9(@) (bz=0.79 km) D>100 pm• to- 0.6øC 0.20.1 I 0 100 , I I 300 200 400 500 0.6 600 , Z=8.89-9.62 '"'• 04 km --'• (Az=0.73 km ) , 30ø/'0 (• +705'0 • 0.2 0 . .... o o 1 oo I .... 200 I .... I 300 .... 400 I .... 500 ,, Z=7.71-8.89 km E z 600 0.3 C (Az=1.18 km) 200/,0 • +800/,0 • 0.1 [•.r•_ T=-37.1 to 45.3øC o IIIII1 I 0 100 200 300 .... , .... , .... 400 , Averaged 0.2 6OO 500 0.3 ,-,(Az=2.7 km) D (@) o,, - ,zq--rlh•D<100pm22%•+11%u ,+35% •+32Yo'i• 0.1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Maximum Dimension(Iam) Fisure 2a, Size distributionmodelingthe cirrusobservedon November25, 1991, that is shownin Figurela. HistogramsA, B, andC showthe sizeandhabitdistributions for the top, middle,andbottomlayer,respectively. HistogramsD showsthe meansizedistributionaveragedoverheight. Accordingto Figures2a and 2b, both size distributions and ice crystalhabitsvary substantially with altitude.While insufficient evidenceexiststo makegeneralizations regardingtheverticalsize distributionof ice particlesin cirrusclouds,thereare additional analysesin thisregardbasedon radarobservations [Maceet al., 1997] thattendto supportthe conceptof multiple-layered cirrus phenomena[Ohtake, 1970]. Shown in Figure 2b are the size distributionsand habit cloudswith compositemorphologies. percentages for thecaseof December 5. Thegeometric heightsof the threelayersare 1.24, 1.12, and 1.17 km, respectively. The 3.2. Radiative Propertiesof Cirrus Layers December5 casehad a coldercloudtop temperature thanfor the We employthe scatteringcomputationalmodel describedin November 25 case, and many hexagonalcolumnsand small "quasi-spherical" droxtals[Thurnan andRobinson, 1954;Ohtake, section 2 to compute the extinction cross sections, single1970] were observedin the crystalpopulation.The divisionof scatteringalbedos, and phase functions for ice crystals. Ice largeandsmallmodesfor ice crystalhabitsis at 50 !xmfor the crystalsare assumedto be orientatedrandomlyin the atmosphere. caseof December5. Again, "quasi-spherical" ice crystalsseemto First, to characterizethe bulk propertiesof size distribution,we dominatethe small-particlemode.There are substantially large definethe meanmaximumdimensionfor a givensizedistribution numbersof "quasi-spherical" particlesevenfor themiddlelayer. as follows: Thesesmall ice crystalsare often misidentifiedas spheresin observationsbasedon the particle imageswith blurrededges. Even with the useof an opticalmicroscope, the shapesof small ice crystalsare unlikelyto be seenclearlybecause'of the poor instrumentalresolving power causedby optical diffraction YANG ET AL.' CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS r-]"l Z=l1.39-12.63 km D>50 pm t• 55.2 to -65.4ø(3 0 100 A D<50pm 9 ('0) (Az=1.24 km) 17,273 300 200 400 500 600 0.6 • 0.4 _ III 'l'l't'l' 0 Z= 10.27-11.39 km (Az=1.12km) I I I I I 100 I D<50pm • ('0) D>50 pm u ½ • 200 300 400 500 600 Z=9.1 - 10.27 km C r] (Az:1.17 km) 0.2 30% u , +70% • o.1 o , .... 0 I .... I 100 _ H 'l'l'l'l• 0 .... I 200 .... I 300 .... I 400 6OO 500 Averaged (0 ) 3.53km) D<50pm 90%•+3%u • +7%'• D>50 pm75%(,½,•+25% '• I I' 100 • , , I .... 200 I .... 300 I 400 I , , , I ' ' 500 i 600 Maximum Dimension (pm) Figure 2b. SameasFigure 2a exceptfor the caseof December5, 1991. <D > = •Dmin Omax Dn(D)dD , [Drain Dmax n(D)dD whereft(D) is the percentage of a specifichabitat sizeD. The (6) summation overindex i is carriedoutfor all the ice crystalhabits. We notethat the precedingdefinitionof effectiveradiusreduces to that defined by Hansen and Travis [1974] in the case of whereDmin andDma x arethecutoffsof sizedistribution at small sphericalparticles,that is, re =< rø>/<r • >. The mean and large sizes, respectively.Studiesby Foot [1988], Francis et al. [1994], Fu [1996], and Wyserand Yang[1998] havefound that the details of the size distribution are not important to specifyingthe bulk opticalpropertiesof cirruswith respectto the effectivesize of ice crystalsif the effectivesize is definedas the ratio of total volumeto the total projectedarea.This featurehas alsobeenobservedin the caseof watercloudscomposedof liquid dropletswhose scatteringpropertiescan be solved using Mie theory [Hansen and Travis, 1974; Hu and Starnnes,1993]. Followingthesestudies, we definetheeffectivediameter D e and effective radius r e for nonsphericalice crystals with a combination of various habits as follows: Drnax 3 Dmin •/Vii(D)•(D)n(D)dD extinction cross section, single-scatteringalbedo, and phase functionaregivenby fDmax ZCext, i(D)J3(D)n(D)dD • l Cext = fDmax , aDmm Zf .(D)n(D)dD Dmax -- fD• ZCscat, i(O)•(O)n(D)dD I (0=•D,• Dm•,, • Cext, i(D)•(D)n(D)dD P(O) = (8b) Dmx D• • Cscat, i(D)Pi(e'D)fi(D)n(D)dD (8c) ID Dmax • • Cscat'i(D)J•(D)n(D)dD We =2Fe ='•Jømax 3&(O)3(O)n(D)aO' (7) Dmin (8a) i 17,274 YANG ET AL.' CIRRUSBIDIRECTIONALREFLECTANCEAND ICE CRYSTALS 11 11 11 •' 10 Top Layer ,-9 Middle Layer ••'1; OOo •' • 1; O o• Bottom Layer '- '• 7 O '''1'''1'''1'''1 40 80 120 160 0 ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I 60 62 64 66 68 70 <D>( pm) 11 11 E 10 0 • De (pm) o.65 pm •'10 9 • 9 O '• 8 O 7 O '• 8 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 O 7 .... , .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I 0.1 2.11 pm O .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.3 •e (1/km) 11 11 •'10 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 •e (1/krn) 2.11 pm 0.65 IJm O 9 8 7 .... i 0.99 1 0.88 11 0.89 •o 0.9 0.85 0.9 11 10 O 2.11 pm 0.65urn 9 O 8 o 7 .... I 0.75 .... I 0.8 0.85 g g 11 11 0 0.65pm o 9 O 8 •- 0 0 2.11 pm •'10 o 9 ._• (• 0.04 0.08 0.12 f5 0.16 o o 8 7 I 0 , • j , • j , , 0.08 0.04 f5 Figure3a. Themeansizeandsingle-scattering properties forthethree-layer (November 25,FIRE-II) cirrusmodel. Theverticallinesindicate theresultscomputed usingtheone-layer modelmeansizedistribution (i.e.,thecloudis assumedto be verticallyhomogeneous). where Cscat, i isthescattering cross section ofhabit i, given bythe thickness of the layer.The lowertwo rowsprovide the difference of extinction andabsorption cross sections thatcanbe asymmetry parameter of thephasefunctions andthefraction of computed onthebasis ofequations (2a)and(2b). deltatransmission [Takano andLiou,1989a]in scattered energy. Figures 3a and3b showthebulkmicrophysical andopticalNotethatthedeltatransmission is anartifact pertaining to the properties forthesizedistributions shownin Figures 2aand2b. ray-tracing technique, whichcanbe circumvented by usinga Theupperrowshows thegeometric configuration of thethree moreaccurate physical optics approach [Mishchenko andMacke, layers of cirrus andthemeanmaximum dimension andeffective1998].In thepresent GOM2calculation based ona simplified sizeof icecrystals in theselayers.Thesecond andthirdrows algorithm [YangandLiou,1996],we do notaccount for the showtheextinction coefficient andsingle-scattering albedo. Note spreading of theraysassociated withdeltatransmission for size thattheextinction coefficient associated witha specific cirrus parameters largerthan100.Theuseof eithera geometric optics layeris givenby the meanextinction crosssectionandthe methodor a physicalopticsapproach in dealingwith delta 17,275 YANG ETAL.'CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE ANDICECRYSTALS ,-0.65 /zm, Thin Cirrus (-r ½-60 (/)--0¸ 60 4.0 6O • 5O 3.5 T• 40 4O oO 5O * •0 2O * •0 10 30 ¸ 25 2.0 ¸ 3> o 't 0 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 5O 6O 1.5 ½-120 ¸ 6o ½-180 ¸ 6O 1.0 50 0.5 40 •:n 40 •o • N ß 0.0 2O 20 -0.5 10 10 -1.0 0 0 10 20 50 40 50 60 SolarZenithAngle(o) 0 10 20 .50 40 50 60 SolarZenithAngle( o ) Plate 2.The pcrccm r½lati¾½ difference oœ bidir½ctio•a! reflectance computed usin• the threea•do•½-laycr models atMODI$ 0.65 pmba•d fortbi•cirrus (•!). 1'be maximum difference forthis case isabout 5%a•ddepends mainlyonscattering angle. 17,276 YANG ET AL.' CIRRUSBIDIRECTIONALREFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS A-0.65 /zm, Cirrus (-r- 10) Thick •--0 ø - ½__60ø 60 60 3.0 50 2.5 40 •_ 30 50 ß 20 20 m 10 10 o o N 2.0 1.5 >. o 10 20 .50 40 50 60 1.0 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 0.5 ½-120 ø ½-180 ø 6o 6o 0.0 5o • 40 ...c ,.50 3O ß 2O N -0.5 4O 20 -1.0 -1.5 10 o 10 20 30 40 50 Solar Zenith Angle ( o ) 60 -2.0 o 10 20 50 40 50 Solar Zenith Angle ( o ) Plate 3. SameasPlate2, exceptfor thick cirrus(x=10). 60 YANG ET AL.' CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS /X-2.11 17,277 /zm, Thin Cirrus (/)--0 ¸ ½-60 ¸ 6O 6O 5O 5O 12.0 11.0 4O 4O 3O 3O 2O 2O 10 10 10.0 9.0 8.0 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 ½-120 ¸ 20 30 40 50 6O ½-180 ¸ 6O 7.0 6O 5O 6.0 40 4O ,30 30 20 2O 5.0 4.0 10 3.0 10 20 30 40 50 Solar Zenith Angle (o) 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 Solar Zenith Angle (o) Plate4. SameasPlate2, except forMODIS2.11gmband.Notetherelative difference ismuchhigher(up to 12%)thanat0.65gmwavelength dueto absorption by ice. 6O 17,278 YANG ET AL.' k-2.1 CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS 1 /zm, Thick Cirrus ('r- 10) •--0 ¸ ½-60 ¸ 60 60 50.0 50 40 45.0 •: 50 50 • 20 N 20 40.0 [ 10 o .. 0 10 20 .30 40 50 0 60 0 10 20 .30 40 .50 60 35.0 ½-120 ¸ ½-180 ¸ 6O 60 5O 30.0 • 40 4O ,_..50 5O e 20 2O m 10 10 25.0 N 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Solar Zenith Angle (o) 20.0 0 10 20 50 40 50 60 Solar Zenith Angle (o) Plate5. Same asPlate 3,except forMODIS2.11pmband.Thedifferences forlarge optical thickness reach upto 50%anddepend alsoonviewingandsolarzenithangles. YANGET AL.' CIRRUSBIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICECRYSTALS 13 13 13 •' 12 TopLayer •11 Middle Layer .c: ._• 11 ._o) •10 -r' 9 I •' 12 •'12 O ._• (•10 (•10 9 O •11 O -r' Bottom Layer 0 O '1' 0 40 80 120 0 160 40 <D> ( pm ) 13 0.65 pm Ell ._• 2.11pm •11 O ._• el0 O 0 9 , 0.3 0.4 0.5 , , 0.2 0 3 I•e (1/krn) 13 2.11 IJm •'12 0.65 pm ..•11 Ell ._• O (•10 '1- 9 O 9 0.99 1 0.8 13 0.5 O ._• (•10 0.4 I•e (1/km) 13 •'12 120 De(Pm) •' 12 0.2 80 13 •'12 '1- 17,279 .... I .... 0.85 I .... 0.9 1 0.95 13 0.65 pm •'12 •' 12 _•.11 2.11 pm •11 ._• ._• (•10 el0 0 9 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.8 g 0.85 0.9 g 13 13 •'1• 0.65 pm •'12 '1- •10 •11 ._• O , 0.04 , , I 0.08 2.11 pm ' 0.12 0.16 9 0.02 0.06 0.1 Figure3b. SameasFigure3a, exceptfor theDecember5 casethatis shownin Figure2b. transmissionin the single-scatteringcalculationfor large size parametersdoesnot make a significantdifferencein the radiative transfercomputation. For the November 25 case (Figure 3a), the mean maximum dimensionof the ice crystalsis 74 pm, 112 pm, and 121 pm for the top, middle, and bottom cirrus layers. The mean effective diametersfor the top, middle,andbottomcirruslayersare 65, 64, and 66 pm, respectively.For the December5 case(Figure 3b), the mean maximum dimensionof the ice crystalsis 30 pm, 80 pm, and 132 pm for the top, middle, and bottom cirrus layers, respectively.The corresponding meaneffectivediametersare47, 92, and 89 pm for the top, middle, and bottom layers, respectively.We note that the effective diametersfor the middle andbottomlayersare substantially smallerfor theNovember25 case than for the December 5 case. The reason for this is that there are high numbersof bullet rosettesin the November 25 case, and bullet rosettes tend to have a small ratio of volume to projected area. In addition, the smaller mean effective diameter may be attributedin partto the porousstructures of ice crystal aggregates whicharepresentin a largernumberconcentration on November 25 than on December 5. The optical propertiesof ice crystalsare computedfor wavelengthsrepresentative of two MODIS bandscenteredat 0.65 and 2.11 pm. Thesewavelengthswere chosento representthe MODIS bandsby integratingover the instrumentalresponse functionsfollowing Baum et al. [2000a]. For the 0.65 and 17,280 YANG ET AL.: CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL 2.11 !xmbands,themaximumextinctioncoefficientis derivedfor the middle layer for both the November 25 and December5 cases. This occurs because the number concentration of ice REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS single-layer cirrus models for the purpose of comparingthe radiativefeaturesof eachmodel.To understand the physicsin the comparison, one needs to interpret the scattering geometry involving the Sun and a satellite. For a given solar geometry crystalsis substantiallyhigher in the middle layer than in the bottomlayer. The numberconcentrationin the top layer may not specifiedby (Os,rPs)and a viewing geometryspecifiedby scattering angleisgivenby be lower than in the middle layer, but the crosssectionsfor the (0v,rpv), thecorresponding small ice particlesin the top layer are very smallin comparison O=cos -1[-cosOscosO v+sin0 ssin0vCOS•], (9) with thoseof the particlesin the middlelayer. In the November 25 case, the single-scatteringalbedo at where • = rps-rpv is the relativeazimuthanglebetweenSun 2.11 lam for the middle layer is largerthan the onesassociated and satellite.Note that Os and 0v are the inclinationangles with the top and bottom layers becauseof the small effective measuredfrom zenith. Figure 4 illustratesthe contoursof particle size of the middle layer. Since the effective size is scatteringanglesversussolar and view zenith anglesfor four defined as the ratio of volume to projected area, which is casesof azimuthangles.The solarzenithand viewingzenith proportional to the meanpathlengthof raysinsidetheparticles,a anglesrangebetween0ø and 60ø. The scatteringanglesfor the geometry considered in thepresent studyare smalleffectivesizeimplieslessabsorption andthusa largervalue regionof view-solar of the single-scattering albedo.In contrast,the single-scattering essentiallyconfined to side scatteringand backscattering The variationalpatternof the scattering angleversus albedoat 2.11 lamfor the December5 caseis higher in the top directions. layer than in the lower layers due to the prevalenceof small solarzenith and viewing zenith anglesdependson the relative azimuthangle.A similarcontourdiagramof the scattering angle crystalswithin the top layer. by Mishchenko et For bothbandsthe asymmetryparameteris smallerin the top versuscos0s and cos0v hasbeenpresented and bottom layers than in the middle layer for both the al. [1996]. Plate2 showsthe relativedifferencebetweenthe computed November 25 and December 5 cases. In the top layer the reflectances of the three-layerandone-layercirrus asymmetryparameteris reducedbecausethe particlesare smaller, bidirectional which tendsto reducethe magnitudeof the forwardpeak of the modelsfor opticallythin cirrus('• = 1) at 0.65 gm. The relative phase function. In the bottom layer the reducedasymmetry difference is defined as parameteris causedby the particleroughness. e(Os,Ov,rp) = 100[R3(Os,Ov,rP)-R1(Os,Ov,rp)]/R1(Os,Ov,rp (10) The vertical variability of delta transmissionis similar to that of the asymmetryparameter.In the top layer,deltatransmission is where R3 and R1 are the bidirectional reflection functions substantially reducedin the December5 casebecauseof the ray- computedusing the three-layer and one-layer cirrus models, spreadingeffect associated with small sizeparameters[Yangand respectively.The maximum differencein this case is about 5%. Liou, 1996]. In the bottomlayerthe roughness of particlesurface Whenthe opticalthicknessis small,the photonsoriginatingfrom alsoreducesthe deltatransmissioneffect.For the sakeof brevity single-scattering events dominate the total radiance. The of presentation, in the following discussionswe select the contributionof single-scatteringeventsto the radiance in the December 5 case to investigate the effect of vertical three-layercaseis given by inhomogeneity on phase function and multiple-scattering propertiesof cirrus. Plate 1 showsthe phasefunctionsassociated with the singlescatteringpropertiesshownin Figure3b. At 0.65 lam,substantial wherethe summation is carriedfor all threelayersof cirrus.Thus differencesbetweenthe phasefunctionsfor the bottomlayer and for thin cirrusthe bidirectional reflectance functionis linearly other layers can be noted at scatteringanglesnear 120ø. The proportional to thephasefunction.Referringto Figures3b and4, phasefunctionvaluesfor the bottomlayer are much largerthan the contoursshownin Plate2 canbe explainedas follows.For those for the top and middle layers in the scatteringregion azimuth angles of 0ø and 60ø, the maximum difference is between 5ø and 20ø. Evidently, the phase function values observed nearscattering anglesof 120ø, whichcorresponds to the computedby assumingthat cirrus cloudsare a homogeneous phasefunctiondifferenceat thesescattering angles.For azimuth mixture of particle shapesand sizesare significantlydifferent anglesof 120ø and 1800, the maximum differencesfor the threefrom the phasefunctionsof the three layersin somespecific layerandone-layer resultsaremainlynotednearscattering angles of 155 ø and 180 ø. scatteringangleregions. At 2.11 lam the forward peaks of the phasefunctionsare Plate3 is similarto Plate2, exceptthattheopticalthickness of smallerthan at 0.65 lambecausethe size parameters are smaller. the cloudis 10. The contribution of multiplescattering increases 1 l=1 • [•)lZl•'lPl(Os,Ov,•)], (11) r(Os'Ov'rP) =4cøsOscøsOv The magnitudeof the phasefunctionfor side scatteringand with increasingoptical thickness.The differencesoccur at backscattering anglesis muchlowerat 2.11 lamthanat 0.65 gm. scatteringanglesbetween90 ø and 120ø, between150ø and 160ø, The differencesbetweenthe phasefunctionsfor the different and between 170ø and 180ø. From Plates 2 and 3 the difference layers are enhancedat 2.11 lam becauseparticleabsorptionis betweenthe three-layerand one-layermodelsis within a few stronglysensitiveto the particlesizes.Althoughnotpresented for percentregardlessof optical thickness.Based on theseresults, the November25 case,the overallfeaturesof the correspondingmodelingthe cirrusasa singlelayerwouldseemto be sufficient phase function analysisare similar to that for the December 5 at 0.65 gm. case. 4. Results 4.1. Comparisonof ReflectanceFeature for Two Cirrus Models Plates4 and5 are similarto Plates2 and3, exceptthatthe calculationsare performedat 2.11 lam.Absorptionby ice at 2.11 gm is muchhigherthan at 0.65 gm. The reflectance obtained usingthethree-layer modelisalwayslargerthanthatfor the one-layermodelat 2.11 lam. Becauseof ice absorption at 2.11 lam,the top layerof cirrusdominates the contribution to the The radiativetransfermodeldescribedin AppendixA is used cloudreflectance becausephotonsthat penetrateintothe lower to computethe bidirectionalreflectances for the three-layerand layersarelargelyabsorbed. The meansizeof the icecrystals in YANG ET AL.: CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS 17,281 Contours of Scottering Angle ø •-• =60 ø 60 60.•o .-,,,;o .'-,,g. -%,, 40 N 20 20 % 0 0 0 20 40 60 0 ½-120 • i 20 40 ½=180ø 60 ß . 4o r • •60 -ß 20 0 0 20 40 Solar Zenith An91e( * ) 60 0 20 40 60 Solar Zenith Angle ( ø ) Figure4. The scattering angleversussolarzenithandviewzenithanglesfor four azimuthalangles.Notethatthe scatteringanglesareessentiallyfor sidescatteringandbackscattering directions. the top layer is muchsmallerthanthat associated with the general essentiallynonspherical.We wish to clarify whether their one-layer cirrus model. For a cirrus cloud with a given optical morphologies can be treatedas spheresin light scatteringand thickness, the cloud reflectance increases with the decrease of radiativetransfercalculations.It is expectedthat the answerwill mean size of ice crystals.With the increaseof optical thickness, dependon the wavelength. At a far infraredwavelength,say, 15 the difference between the three-layer and one-layer models pm or larger,the nonsphericity of theseparticlesmay not be increases.For an opticalthicknessof 10, the differencescan reach significant because thesizeparameter becomes small.For a small up to 50%. Becausethe 2.11 gm bandis usedfor the retrieval of particlehavingan effectivediameterof 20 pm, the sizeparameter the mean size and optical depth of cirrus cloud, it is suggested is approximately4 at a wavelengthof 15 gm. In this case, that the vertical inhomogeneitymay be importantto developing sphericaland spheroidalgeometrieshave been used in light more realistic cirrus retrieval algorithms.In comparingPlates4 scattering computations [e.g.,SunandShine,1994;Takanoet al., and 5, it may be noted that the differencebetweenthe three-layer 1992]. However, for the 0.65 and 2.11 pm bands, the size and one-layer models dependsmainly on the scatteringangle parameterfor a small particlehavingan effectivediameterof when the cloud is optically thin. However, for optically thick 20 pm is approximately 100 and 30 at the band centers, cirrus, the difference dependsnot only on scatteringangle but respectively.For a size parameterof this magnitude,the also stronglyon the viewing zenith and solarzenith angles.This nonsphericity effect of a particleon its scatteringpropertiescan is becausethe radiancepathvarieswith the solarandview angles. be significant. For large solar zenith or viewing zenith angles,the ray path is To investigate the sensitivity of cirrusopticalproperties to the large and the difference betweenthe three-layer and one-layer shapes assumed for the small"quasi-spherical" ice crystals,in cirrus models, and their associatedsingle-scatteringproperties, thisstudywe compare the resultsassociated with spherical and becomesmore significant. hexagonal(with an aspectratio of unity) assumptions for the 4.2. Sensitivity of Cirrus Reflectanceto Shapesof Quasi-Spherical Particles As discussedin section3.1 regardingthe replicatorimagesof ice crystals,the small, so-called"quasi-spherical" ice crystalsare morphologies of theseparticles. The "quasi-spherical" particles primarilyaffectthe top andmiddlelayersandare largelyabsent in the bottomlayer. The effectivesizesfor the top and middle layersare47 pm and92 pm if hexagonalshapesareusedfor the "quasi-spherical" particles,whereasthe sizesare 52 pm and 17,282 YANG ET AL.: CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL Table 1. Single-Scattering Propertiesof the Top and Middle Layers, Which are Computed in ConjunctionWith Two Assumptions for the Shapesof the "Quasi-Spherical" SmallIce Crystals (IceSpheres andHexagons WithAspect Ratioof 1)a )•=0.65gm )•=2.11gm Spheres Hexagons REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS e(Os,Ov,d)) = 100[Rsph (Os,Ov,d)) - Rhex(Os,Ov,d))]/Rhex(Os,Ov,d)),(12) whereRsp h andRhe x indicate thereflection functions associated with sphericaland hexagonalshapes,respectively,which are Spheres Hexagons assumed for the small "quasi-spherical" ice crystals. The for for for for"Quasi- maximum differencesshown in Plate 6, which correspondto "Quasi"QuasiSpherical" Spherical" Spherical" Spherical"scatteringanglesbetween 130ø and 140ø, are causedby the "Quasi- Particles Particles Particles Particles Top Layer /•e(1/km) 0.32207 0.36926 0.33092 • 0.99999 0.99999 0.91208 0.91335 •/ 0.83271 0.77965 0.86188 0.80258 0.070293 0.11689 f• 0.038339 0.36005 0.035189 Middle Layer •e(1/km) 0.41679 0.42553 0.41837 • 0.99998 0.99998 0.85099 0.85187 g 0.81627 0.80842 0.87949 0.86934 0.12765 0.13488 f• 0.087641 0.42446 0.086295 rainbow feature of ice spheres.It can also be noted that the assumption of ice spheres leads to an overestimation of reflectancenear 180ø (backscattering).As optical thickness increases, the contrast decreases for the rainbow feature. However,the enhancedbackscattering derivedusingspheresas the "quasi-spherical"crystal shape is still noticeable. For opticallythick cirrus,Plate 7 showsthat the assumptionof ice spheres for the "quasi-spherical" particles leads to an underestimationof cloud reflection at 2.11 gm except for scatteringanglesnear 180ø Plates8 and 9 are similar to Plates6 and 7, exceptthat the computationshave been performedat 0.65 gm. Again, we see pronounceddifferencesbetween the results associatedwith the hexagonaland sphericalassumptions for the smallice crystalsin the uppermost layer. The positive maximum near the aNote thattheshapes of icecrystals withsizelarger than50lamare backscattering peaknotedin Plate6, however, isnotobserved in assumed tobeunchanged. theresults shown inPlate8,because thephase function value for the spheres is less than that of hexagons at 0.65 •tm. Additionally,at 0.65 gm a distinctrainbowfeaturecan be noted in the case of thin cirrus. For the optically thick cirrus, the rainbow is blurreddue to multiple scatteringeventsoccurring 95 gm if perfect spherical geometry is assumed for these particles. Evidently, the assumptionof shapefor the "quasi- within the clouds. Plates 6-9 illustrate that the influence of smallspherical"ice crystalsin cirrus cloudscan lead to a changeof particle shapein the uppermostlayer of cirrus is significantat effective size by asmuch as 5 gm. bothvisibleandnear-infraredwavelengths. Table 1 lists the single-scatteringpropertiesof the top and middle layers. Substantial differences are noted for delta 5. Conclusions transmissions at 0.65 gm becauseof the absenceof parallelfaces in spheres. The asymmetry factor of the phase function is In this studywe have defined a three-layercirrusmodel in substantially different at 2.11 gm, showing clearly the terms of ice crystal habit and size distributionbasedon in situ dependenceof the scatteringpropertieson the assumptionof replicatordata acquiredduringthe NASA-sponsoredFIRE-II habits.The differencesof the resultsfor the two shapesare larger field observationprogram.We have describeda fundamental for the top layer than for the middle layer becausethe formerhas scattering modelanda numericallystableradiativetransfermodel a largerpopulationof"quasi-spherical"ice crystals. for the computation of the single-scattering properties of various Figure 5 showsthe phasefunctionsassociated with the single- ice crystalsandthe bidirectionalreflectionof cirrusclouds. scatteringpropertieslisted in Table 1. Substantialdifferencesof We havefoundthattheeffectof verticalinhomogeneity within the phasefunctionscan be seenfor the top layer at both the 0.65 cirrusis not significant at 0.65 gm, a wavelength for whichthe and 2.11 gm bands. The overall feature is that the spherical absorption of ice is negligible.However,in comparison withthe assumptionleads to larger phasefunction values for scattering one-layercirrusmodel,a verticallyinhomogeneous cirruscloud anglesbetween 10ø and 45ø and lower values at side scattering produces substantiallylarger reflectance at 2.11 gm, a angles.However,the sphericalassumptionleadsto a pronounced wavelengthfor which absorptionby ice is important. The scatteringmaximum between 130ø and 140ø, which corresponds increase in reflectance occurs because the mean size of ice to the rainbowfeatureof ice spheres.Additionally,the spherical crystalsin thetop layerin thethree-layermodelis smallerthanin assumptionleads to larger phase function values near 180ø the caseof the one-layermodelandthe totalreflectedradianceis (backscattering) at 2.11 gm. In the middlelayer,the differences dominatedby the contribution from the top layer.For a given causedby the assumptionof habit for the small particlesare optical thickness,the reflectanceincreaseswith decreasing reduceddueto the smallnumberof the smallparticlesin the size particlesize. distribution. Evidently,usingthemostrealisticparticleshapes for We also investigatedthe sensitivityof reflection of cirrus the small particlesin the top layer of cirruswill be crucialto cloudsto theparticleshapes of the"quasi-spherical" ice crystals obtainingreliablesingle-scattering properties of the cloudat thathavebeenoftenassumed to be spheres. For thetwo cirrus 2.11 gm. Shown in Plates 6 and 7 are the differences between cloudcasespresented in thisstudy,the uppermost portionof the cloud tendsto be predominantlycomposedof very small ice bidirectional reflectances computed usingnonspherical hexagonal crystals. Numerical results have demonstrated that the and sphericalgeometriesin the three-layercirrusmodelfor thin bidirectional reflectionfunctionof cirrusis very sensitive to the ('•= 1) and thick ('•= 10) cirrus at the 2.11 gm band.The shape of these particles at both visible and near-infrared differences shown in Plates 6 and 7 are defined as wavelengths. YANGET AL.' CIRRUSBIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICECRYSTALS X-2.11 17,283 /zm, Thin Cirrus •--0 ø ½-60 ø 6O 60 10.0 5O Zr• 40 40 x:: 30 3O 5.0 0.0 • 20 20 ß 10 lO N -5.0 0 lO 20 30 40 50 60 O 10 20 30 40 6O -10.0 ½-120 ø ½-180 ¸ 6O 6O -15.0 5O 40 % 40- -20.0 _c .50 3O ß 20 N 20 -25.0 lO o o 0 10 20 50 40 50 Solar Zenith Angle ( o ) 60 -30.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 6O Solar Zenith Angle ( o ) Plate6. Thepercent relativedifference of thebidirectional reflectances computed assuming spherical and hexagonal shapes for thesmall"quasi-spherical" icecE/stals. Thedifference contours shownarefor thincirrus ('r=1)atMODIS2.11[tmband.Notethelargedifferences attheicerainbow andbackscattering angles. 17,284 YANG ET AL.' CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS X-2.1 1 /•m, Thick Cirrus (T- 1O) •--0 ø •-60 ø 6O 60 5.0 50 • 4o 40 _c 30 30 0.0 -5.0 • N 20 20 10 -lO.O 10 20 50 40 50 60 0 10 20 50 40 50 6O -15.0 •-120 ø •-180 ø 6O 6O -20.0 5O • 40 40 -25.0 •_ 30 30 e 20 N 20 -30.0 10 0 •o 20 •o 40 50 Solar ZenithAngle(o) eo -35.0 o •o 2o •o 40 50 60 Solar ZenithAngle(o) Plate7. SameasPlate6, exceptforthickcirrus(z=10). Notethesmoothing of therainbow maximum. YANG ET AL.: CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS A-0.65 17,285 /zm, Thin Cirrus (• --0 ø ½-60 ø 60 60 50 50 40 40 3O 30 20.0 15.0 10.0 20 20 10 lO 5.0 O 10 20 50 40 50 60 • 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0.0 ½-120 ø ½-180 ø 6O 6O 5O 5O 4O 4O -5.0 -lO.O 5O 5O 2O 2O -15.0 10 lO • 10 20 30 40 $0 Solar Zenith Angle (o) 60 0 10 20 30 40 -20.0 50 60 Solar Zenith Angle (o) Plate 8. SameasPlate6, exceptfor MODIS 0.65 lamband.Note theabsence of thepositivebackscattering anglemaximum. 17,286 YANG ET AL.' CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS 7,-0.65 /zm, Thick Cirrus •--0 ø i O) ½-60 ø 60 60 9.0 50 7.0 7:• 4O 40 _c: 30 30 • 20 20 • 10 10 0 o 5.0 N 0 10 20 50 40 50 3.0 1.0 60 o lO 20 ½-120 ø 50 40 50 60 -1.0 ½-180 ø 6O -3.0 6O 5O • 40 -5.0 40 -7.0 ...c:..50 ..5O -9.0 6, 20 2O 6, 10 10 N -11.o -13.o 10 20 50 40 50 Solar Zenith Angle ( ø ) 60 0 lO 20 50 40 50 Solar Zenith Angle ( o ) Plate9. SameasPlate8, exceptforthickcirrus(x= 10). 60 YANG ETAL.'CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE ANDICECRYSTALS 10 3_ 10 3 Top Layer I •=0.65 pm 102 100 102• 101-• [ 100 .. : •c 10-2 ........... •- 103 = •=0.65 pm - ß .......... spherical 10-1 :• Middle Layer _ 1 nonspherical 101 17,287 0 6•0 10'1- ......... 1•0 180 I ..... 10'2 0 60 • ..... 120 180 103 LL 03 102 r- Top Layer t Middle Layer 102 X,=2.11 prn 101 •:2.11 pm 101 ß 100 100 10-1 10-1 10-2 ............... 0 6•0 1•0 180 10-2 ..... 0 • ..... 60 • ..... 120 180 ScatteringAngle (deg.) Figure 5.Comparison ofthetopand middle layer phase functions computed byassuming that thesmall "quasispherical" icecrystals are either spheres ornonspherical hexagons with anaspect ratio ofunity. Note thepresence oftheicesphere rainbow feature between 130øand140ø. Appendix A' Discrete Expression of To economize computational costandmemory requirements, weapply aFourier expansion overtheazimuth angle forradiance Adding/Doubling Principle andbidirectionalreflectionandtransmission functions: M Theadding/doubling method is oneof themostrobust approaches tosolve theradiative transfer equation formultiplescattering events. Thestandard mathematical expression ofthis method involves various tedious angular integrals, although it can I i'r't(-T-•,rp) = • Ii'r't(m)(¾-•)cosmrp,(Ala) m=0 Mr(rn)(]l, ]1' (•'), Ii,r,t(ll, rp, ll',rp')=Z )cosm(rp- bewritten symbolically inaverysimple form. Inthissection we present a discrete formofthemethod byintroducing a direct transmitting function. Asa practical mathematical expression froma computational viewpoint, thediscrete adding/doubling m--0 (Alb) M t(•,rp,•',rp')= • t(m)(•,•')cosm(rp-rP'), (Alc) m=0 equations arestraightforward andmore efficient innumerical superscripts i, r, andt indicate incident, reflected, and implementation. In addition, the discrete formof the where transmitted intensities, respectively, and$t andit' arepositive adding/doubling method ismoresuitable foraddressing some withallowable valuesin [0,1].Themaximum number of Fourier numerical concerns, suchas the numerical singularity of for theconvergent solutions of equations adding/doubling calculation andtheperformances ofvariousterms(M) required quadrature schemes. (Ala)-(Alc) depends ontheincoming andoutgoing radiation 17,288 YANG ET AL.: CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS beamsaswell asthemagnitude of theasymmetry of thephase Evidently,to guarantee the equalityin equation(A6) in the function. Forexample, onlythefirsttermisnecessary fora solar discrete procedure, theDiracdeltafunction should bereplaced by zenithangleof 0ø (overheadSun),whereasmorethan 100 terms Kroneckersymbolin the form of may be required for a low solar elevation angle (Sun near the 6(/1j-/1i) -• 8ji/Wj = 1/Wjj = 1, (A7a) horizon).For solarzenith and viewing zenithanglessmallerthan 60ø, 30 to 40 terms are normally required in the case of cirrus •J(/1j--/1i)•> •Jji/ •' = 0 j • 1. (A7b) clouds if the strong forward peak of the phase function is Thusthe direct•smission functionin discretefore is givenby truncated.A comprehensivestudy regardingthe number of the termsrequiredin the Fourier serieshas beencarriedout by King 0 +6m0)%S [1983] using the Henyey-Greensteinfunction and the phase A•)(v) = function for a fair weather cumulus. 1 For the discretequ•tities definedwith respectto the set of According to the definitions of reflection and transmission discrete points[•l,•2,'"•n], functions[Hansen and Travis, 1974], it can be proven that the operator• definedby Fourier componentsof reflected and transmittedintensitiesare given by we introduce a mathematical •0' •j• ) BS)=(1+amO)Z j=l Ir(m)(it)=(1 +tSmo)l•r(m)(it, it')li(m)(-it')I t' dit',(A2a) x exp(-v/•j)6ij . (AS) •J •" (a9a) cSm) (g)/•(m) )j=lZ C(m) •'jk =(1+(•mO j B(m)" jk t•jWj.. • fl,(m) lt(m)(it) =(1+t,m0Jj0• (it,it')li(m)(-it' )it' dit', (A2b) (A9b) whereism0is theKronecker deltafunction. It should bepointed The operator© is similarto an ordinarymatrixmultiplication out that the radiancesdefined in equations(A2a) and (A2b) are exceptthat a weight is includedin the former.Thus for one diffusive intensities, thatis,theyoriginate fromthescattering of homogeneous layer,thereflected, diffusely transmitted, andtotal incidentradiationby the particlesin the scatteringlayer. If the total (direct + diffuse) transmitted intensity, indicated as transmitted radiances are related to the incident radiation via the following relationships: I' (-/1, rp),isdefinedin thesamemanner asin thediffusive case, I•(m) =I5.(m) ©r);), 7t(m) =ij(m) (g) [)•n) I•(m) =Is(m) (g) t3;)''k ' it follows that (A10) •t(m) (it)=(1+(•mO )I••(m) (it,it,)]i(m) (_It, )It,dIt' One of the interestingfeaturesof usingthe operator© is the =(l+(SmO )I•[t(m) (It,It')+A(m) (It, It')]li(m) (-It')It'dIt',(ABa) variationof subscripts in the expressions in equation(A10): The by subscriptjis redirected to thedirection where /(/1,/1') is the mth Fouriercomponent of the total incidentbe• denoted transmissionfunction. At"•(/1,/1,) is associatedwith the denoted by subscript k afterinteracting withthesca•eringlayer. transmission of incidentradiationandis givenby Similarly,for two layersindicatedby superscripts a •d b, we A(m) (It,It,)=(1+ am0 1 )It' exp(-•: /It')8(It - It'), in which •(/1-/1') havethefollowingrelationships: (A3b) is the Diracdeltafunction.Evidently,the quantitiesdefined in equations(A2) and (A3) are continuous functionsof the arguments/1 and /1' thatrangecontinuously in the interval[0,1]. We selecta setof discretepointsin the region [0,1] for /1 and /1'; that is, the two variablescanonly havethe valuesof [/11,/12,"'/1n]. Withrespect to thediscrete set,we definethe followingdiscretequantities with singlesubscript and doublesubscripts: g(m)= ij.(m)• [ri(m ) +•i(m)••y)• 7a*(m) and jkt(m) •ln where the asterisk indicates •nk ]' (Allb) that the transmission function co•espondsto the caseof illuminationcomingfrom below. The quantities D and U inequations (A 11a) •d (A 11b) me givenby I•'t(m) =I i't(m) (--/1j ),I;© =I r(m) (/1j), (A4a) r•. m)=r(m) (/1j, /1k ), tg. m)= (A4b) •.m) =?(m)(/1j,/1k) ' A•) =zl(m)(/1j,/1k) ' (A4c) i•m'=•i• '"(n',U("=roO(m' +i];'* rff (m',(A12a) n=l O•'),(n+l) =o];),(n) . o•),(1), D•Y )'(1) =ri?m)• roq*(m). (A12b) Sincethe continuous region[0,1] is discretized by usinga setof points,it is requiredthat an integrationof a functionf(#) with Accordingto the sensitivi w studyby Hansenand Tr•is [1974], respectto its argumentdefinedin [0,1] be replacedby a discrete we use N=12, 5, •d 3 in the summation involved in the first summation in the form of expressionin equation(A12a) for m<10, 10<m<100,andm>100, respectively. The remaining terms are approximatedby a geometricseries.The physicsof the adding/doubling principle i=1 canbe viewedcle•ly in terns of the variationsof the subscripts where Wi are the weightsin the summation.For an integral •om left to right in the right-h•d sidesof equations (A11a) and involving the Dirac delta function, the definition of the delta (A 1lb). The reflection and tr•smission functions for the functionandequation (AS) leadto thefollowingrelationship: combinedlayer•e givenby f(Iti) = fgt)8(It-Iti)dIt-• •f(•j)PlOS(Itj - Iti). (6) n j=l RJ 7)=ri(m) +•j(m) at r(m) a 7a*(m) • In 'nk ' (A13 a) YANGETAL.' CIRRUSBIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE ANDICECRYSTALS 17,289 and ~ ~ 7b(m) ~ 7b(m) 5(k m)= tj•(m) ©'lk +t•(m) ©D•Y )©'nk ' (A13b) Thetransmission function givenin equation (A13b)contains the contribution dueto directtransmission, whichis implicitly in the formof a deltafunction,andit maypotentiallycauseinaccuracy in numerical computation. Thusit is necessary to separate the diffusive anddirectcomponents in equation (A13b).It isnoted (A17a) that =[t•/m) +A57)(Ta)]©[t•k (m) t~fi(m) ©7b(m) x,b(m) +4•)(•'b)] =tf/m) ©t•k(m) +exp(-•'a/ ,a(m) b/ •k )+g•)(va+vb). (A14) 'jk exp(_v 4ktikt j •2A•.2 [(pi•c(m )/•k)©(p•m) /•k) +32•i• +(•.•(m) /•k)©(p•.(m) /•k)]' Thusthe diffusivetr•smission functionfor the combinedlayer is givenby •a(m) exp(_z b/ + x•b(m) • + ©© (A17b) Inequmions (A17a) •d (A17b), •f(m)and •5(m)•e defined as ) follows: 7b(m) © 2 •iktj ' (A15) M •f(m) = Z(2_•mO)•l•m(_•i)•m(•j) l=m Equations (A12a),(A12b),(A13a),and(A15)constitute the adding/doubling equations. It should bepointed thatthematrix M = Z(2--SmO)•l•m(•i)•m(--•J )' (A18a) l=m associated with direct transmission is diagonal.In numerical computation the numerical efficiency andaccuracy canbe improved substantially if the multiplication of the direct M •5(m) = Z(2_SmO)•l•m(•i)•m(•j),(A18b) l=m transmissionfunction with another quantity is evaluated inwhich•l isgivenby analytically,suchas &l=2/+1 2 • A(/?)(z) ©A3•Y) =exp(-z/#)A)?, A);) ©A•.)(z) --- •(m)exp(-•7/#/c). •jk (A16) 2l+1 • = 2 I0[P(•) +(_l)lv(_•)]•(•)a•,(• 9) As mentioned in preceding discussions,the continuous integration involvedin the adding/doubling calculationmustbe whereP(•) is the phasefunctionand •(•) is the Legendre of/th order.In numerical computation we usethe replacedby a properquadrature scheme.Mathematically,we polynomial need toselect proper pairs of(]2i, W/)forthedefinition oftheRadau quadrature scheme fortheintegration inequation (A19). mathematical operator ©inequations (A9a) and (A9b). The mostThus phase function information attheexact forward and popular quadrature sclae•nes areGauss, Lobatto, and Radau backward directions isaccounted for.Thefunction p/m quadrature schemes [Press etal.,1986; Hildebrand, 1974].For in equations (A18a) and(A18b) arethe"renormalized" the angular region involved, these three schemes cover //(or//) (or referred to as the "normalized" in DISORT • (0,1),[0,1 ], and(0,1),respectively. Thatis,Gaussian (ftp://climate.gsfc.nasa. gov/pub/wiscombe/Multiple_Scat quadrature isopen atboth ends, Labotto quadrature isclosed at RT_l.21DISORTReport. pdf)) associated Legendre polynomials both 0and 1,and theRadau scheme isopen at0butclosed at1. first introduced byDave and Armstrong [1970], defined as The radiancedata at nadir view are usuallyrequiredin retrieval p/m (l+m)! m)! P/ (g)' ~(•)=I(lrn applications. Thusan extrapolation mustbe usedto obtainthe nadir view radiance if Gaussian quadrature is used. The (A20) Legendre function. Thenormalized disadvantage of usingGaussian quadrature in radiativetransfer wherep/mis theordinary Legendre functions canbe calculated onthebasisof calculationhas also been noted by Mishchenkoet al. [1999]. associated the following recurrence relationship' Althoughthe Labottoschemeis closedat both endsof the integralregion,theinformation at # = 0 actuallydoesnotmake any contribution to the angularintegration, as is evidentfrom equations (A9a) and(A9b). In addition,including//= 0 will causea singularityin the initializationof the adding/doubling calculation. Therefore we use the Radau scheme in the present study. To initializethe adding/doubling process, we startwith a very thinhomogeneous layerwithoptical depth A•'(-10-8). The reflection and transmissiontruncation for this layer can be obtainedon the basisof the invarianceprinciple [Hansen and Travis, 1974] as follows: ~m 2/+1 •/rn(]/) •l+• =4(l+m+1)(lm+1) - (l+(l+rn)(l-m) m+1)(/m+1)P/m-1 a) ~(•)' (A21 withthetwo initialvaluesforthepreceding recurrence givenby /(2rn1)!• bmm(#)=(--1)m•/ •'rt•)• '(1--#2) m/2 , ~m P;;+•(#) =#d2m +1bff(#). (A2 •b) 17,290 YANG ET AL.: CIRRUS BIDIRECTIONAL REFLECTANCE AND ICE CRYSTALS Note that alternativesfor initializingthe precedingrecurrencecan References be found in the paper by Dave and Armstrong [1970] and a Ackerman,S. A., W. L. Smith,J. D. Spinhime,and H. E. Revercomb, technical report for DISORT (URL is given before equation The 27-28 October 1986 FIRE IFO cirrus case study: Spectral (A20)). It shouldbe pointedoutthat in manyreferencesthe phase propertiesof cirruscloudsin the 8-12 gm window,Mon. Weather Rev., 118, 2377-2388, 1990. functionexpansionbasedon Legendrepolynomialsis given in Ackerman, S. A., K. I. 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