YONGE SUBWAY EXTENSION CONCEPTUAL DESIGN SERVICES Preliminary Drainage and Stormwater Management Final Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Contract Y85-9 McCormick Rankin Corporation McCORMICK RANKIN CORPORATION August 2011 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FINAL REPORT FOR THE COMMUTER PARKING LOT AT LANGSTAFF SUBWAY STATION Contract Y85-9 August 2011 Contract Y85-9 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................1 1.1 2. Purpose of Study ........................................................................................................... 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ....................................................................................3 2.1 Field Investigations ....................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Background Information ............................................................................................... 3 3. DESIGN CRITERIA AND STANDARDS .........................................................................5 4. EXISTING CONDITIONS DRAINAGE ...........................................................................7 5. PROPOSED CONDITIONS DRAINAGE .......................................................................10 6. HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS .............................................................................................13 7. 8. 6.1 Existing Conditions Peak Flows ................................................................................. 13 6.2 Proposed Conditions Peak Flows ............................................................................... 14 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT..................................................................................17 7.1 Quantity and Quality Control...................................................................................... 17 7.2 Low Impact Development Measures .......................................................................... 23 7.3 Water Balance Requirement ....................................................................................... 25 7.4 Thermal Impacts ......................................................................................................... 26 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................27 McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page i Contract Y85-9 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Location Map .................................................................................................................. 2 Exhibit 2: Existing Conditions Drainage Mosaic ............................................................................ 9 Exhibit 3: Proposed Conditions Drainage Mosaic ......................................................................... 12 Exhibit 4: Proposed SWM Plan - West SWM Pond ...................................................................... 19 Exhibit 5: Proposed SWM Plan – East SWM Pond....................................................................... 22 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Unit Flow Rates for Don River Watershed Sub-catchments ............................................. 5 Table 2: Existing Conditions Peak Flows ...................................................................................... 13 Table 3: Proposed Conditions Peak Flows .................................................................................... 14 Table 4: Comparison of Flows Discharging to the East Don River ............................................... 15 Table 5: Comparison of Flows Discharging to Pomona Mills Creek ............................................ 15 Table 6: Storage Volume Characteristics –West SWM Pond ........................................................ 18 Table 7: Operating Characteristics –West SWM Pond .................................................................. 18 Table 8: Storage Volume Characteristics –East SWM Pond ......................................................... 21 Table 9: Operating Characteristics –East Pond.............................................................................. 21 APPENDICES Appendix A – Field Investigation photographs Appendix B – TRCA Unit Flow Rate Information for Don River Watershed Appendix C – Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling Appendix D – Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling Appendix E – Stormwater Management Calculations McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page ii Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station 1. Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation INTRODUCTION The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) and the York Region Rapid Transit Corporation (YRT) are jointly initiating the conceptual design study for the Yonge Subway Extension from Finch Station to Richmond Hill Centre. McCormick Rankin Corporation (MRC) and Hatch Mott MacDonald (HMM) are jointly involved to provide the Conceptual Design Services of the Yonge Subway Extension. As a part of the study, this report includes the drainage and stormwater management study for the commuter parking lot at Langstaff subway station. The proposed commuter parking lot is located south of Highway 407 and north of Longbridge Road and west of Yonge Street, within the hydro corridor. The study area is shown in Exhibit 1. 1.1 Purpose of Study The purpose of this report is to present the preliminary design of the drainage systems and stormwater management works. This Drainage and Stormwater Management (SWM) Report documents the hydrologic analyses undertaken, addresses the existing drainage characteristics, documents the TRCA’s stormwater management criteria, identifies issues related to proposed drainage and stormwater management conditions and proposes a feasible stormwater management strategy which includes water quality and quantity control, Low Impact Design (LID) and water balance measures. The report was prepared based on a recommended parking lot layout proposed for the Langstaff subway station. The study area lies within the jurisdiction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 1 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2.1 Field Investigations Field investigations of the study area were conducted to determine the existing drainage features including watercourses, storm sewers, storm sewer intakes and outlets, stormwater management facility and site conditions. Selected field investigation photographs are given in Appendix A. 2.2 Background Information Information reviewed as a part of the study includes: • Yonge Subway Extension Environmental Assessment – Drainage and Stormwater Management Report prepared by McCormick Rankin Corporation, November 2008. • Project 23 Toll Highway 407, Don River Watershed Stormwater Management Final Report prepared for Canadian Highways International Constructors by Proctor & Redfern Limited, January 1995. • Don River Hydrology Update, prepared for Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) by Marshall Macklin Monaghan, December 2004. • HEC-RAS Model for East Don River Flood Plan Mapping Update, June 2008, prepared for TRCA by Earth Tech Canada. • Don River Watershed Plan: Surface water Hydrology/Hydraulics and Stormwater Management - Report on Current Conditions, prepared by TRCA, 2009. • East Don River Flood Plain Mapping (2008), Drawing Sheet No. 20, received from TRCA. • Guideline for Review of SWM Pond Location with respect to Groundwater Conditions, TRCA. • Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide, 2010, TRCA and Credit Valley Conservation (CVC). • Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines, City of Toronto, November 2006. • General Requirements for Secondary Land Use on Transmission Line Corridors, Hydro One, February 2009. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 3 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation Preliminary Geotechnical Report prepared for Yonge Subway Extension Transit Project Assessment Process by Golder Associates, January 2009. There is an existing SWM facility located immediately north of the proposed parking lot site. The SWM facility services the storm water runoff from Highway 407 and adjacent areas. There was insufficient information provided in the Don River Watershed Stormwater Management Final Report to assess whether the existing SWM facility can be enlarged to provide the quantity control and quality treatment for the runoff from the proposed parking lot. Therefore, the initial strategy to retrofit the existing SWM facility was abandoned. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 4 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station 3. Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation DESIGN CRITERIA AND STANDARDS The following design criteria and standards were considered for the drainage and stormwater management design: (a) TRCA Stormwater Management (SWM) requirements within the Don River Watershed • 12-hr SCS storm distribution for generating flows • Control of the 2 year to 100 year post development peak flows to the Don River pre-development unit flow rates • Runoff quality control – MOE Enhanced Level (minimum 80% TSS removal) • Erosion control – Retention of 25 mm storm with a minimum drawdown time of 24 hours • Retention/Infiltration of a minimum of 5 mm storm runoff over impervious areas for water balance requirement • No flow diversion is allowed from one watershed to another watershed. The pre-development unit flow rates for every sub-catchments of the Don River watershed are different. According to the Catchments and Flow Nodes map, provided by TRCA, the project area lies within two sub-catchments: Sub-catchment 23 (discharging westerly to the East Don River) and Sub-catchment 26 (discharging easterly to the Pomona Mills Creek). The unit flow rates for these two sub-catchments are given in Table 1. Table 1: Unit Flow Rates for Don River Watershed Sub-catchments Storm Event 2 year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year Unit Flow Rates (m3/s/ha) Sub-catchment 23, Discharging to East Don River Sub-catchment 26, Discharging to Pomona Mills Creek 0.0033 0.0056 0.0085 0.0111 0.0136 0.0166 0.0038 0.0074 0.0107 0.0137 0.0166 0.0200 McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 5 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation These unit flow rates are taken from Table 3.1 Pre-development Unit Flow Rates in the Upper Don River Watershed given in the Don River Hydrology and Hydraulic Update completed in August 1992. A copy of the Catchments and Flow Nodes map and Table 3.1 is provided in Appendix B. (b) City of Toronto Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines • Apply on-site stormwater management practice, wherever possible. • The wet weather flow (WWF) water quality target is the long-term average removal of 80% of TSS on an annual loading basis from all runoff leaving the proposed development site based on the post-development level of imperviousness. • The required level of peak flow control from a development site contributing flow to a specific watercourse at the point of discharge, shall follow TRCA Flood Flow Criteria McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 6 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station 4. Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation EXISTING CONDITIONS DRAINAGE In general, surface runoff drains in a southerly direction towards Lake Ontario. Surrounding land uses include transportation corridor, open spaces, and residential and commercial areas. The study area is located within the hydro corridor. The terrain is gently sloping in surrounding areas but consists of a comparatively steeper slope in the vicinity of the East Don River. There are two watercourses in the vicinity of the study area, namely the East Don River and Pomona Mills Creek. Based on the Ontario Soil Survey Mapping, the predominant soil type in the study area is clayey soil which falls under the Cashel soil series. This soil group has grey-brown in colour and has good surface drainage capability. The study area is elongated in an east-west direction and has a drainage divide almost in the middle. This divides the study area in two portions: the east section and the west section. Under existing conditions, the east section of the study area drains to Pomona Mills Creek via a storm sewer system and the west section drains directly to the East Don River. The study area is an open space land with thick bushes and located under the Hydro One transmission lines. The total drainage area of the study area is 18.65 ha, out of which 9.18 ha area drains to the East Don River and the remaining 9.47 ha area drains to Pomona Mills Creek. The existing conditions drainage mosaic is presented in Exhibit 2. The west section of the study area (Catchment 100) slopes westerly toward the East Don River. This section of the study area has a steep terrain with an average slope of 6.5%. The runoff from this catchment drains overland westerly to the East Don River. The east section of the study area (Catchment 200) is gently sloping with an average slope of 2.3% toward Yonge Street. The runoff from this catchment drains overland easterly toward Yonge Street and collects by the road side ditch. The runoff from the ditch enters into an existing 900 mm diameter storm sewer on Yonge Street via a storm inlet which ultimately discharges to Pomona Mills Creek east of Yonge Street. Similarly, the overland runoff from McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 7 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation Catchment 300 drains to the road side ditch and enters into the 900 mm diameter storm sewer via the storm inlet. The vegetated open land is used by Hydro One to gain access to the hydro towers located in the area. There is also an existing maintenance access road which provides access from Yonge Street to the existing SWM pond servicing Highway 407. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 8 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station 5. Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation PROPOSED CONDITIONS DRAINAGE Under the proposed conditions, a commuter parking lot is proposed for the Langstaff subway station, to be located under the Hydro One transmission line corridor west of Yonge Street and north of Longbridge Road. To maintain the existing drainage patterns, the east section of the parking lot will drain to Pomona Mills Creek and the west section will drain to the East Don River. Exhibit 3 illustrates the proposed conditions drainage mosaic of the study area. Catchment 100 (4.55 ha) consists of the west section of the parking lot area which drains to the East Don River. Conceptual grading was carried out such that almost one half of the west parking lot drains to the south side of parking lot and the remaining half of the west parking lot drains to the north side. The runoff draining to the south side will be collected by enhanced grassed swales and will be directed to a proposed stormwater management (SWM) pond located immediately to the west of the west parking lot. A series of drop inverts will be provided along the enhanced grassed swales to minimize the slopes. The runoff draining to the north side will be captured by catchbasins and will be conveyed by storm sewers to the proposed west SWM pond. Runoff from Catchment 110 will also drain to the west SWM pond which will provide erosion control, quantity control and Enhanced water quality treatment. The controlled outflow, as per TRCA requirement for the post development area, from the SWM pond will discharge overland via vegetated areas to the East Don River. Catchment 120 is maintained at existing conditions. Similarly on the east side, Catchment 200 (4.53 ha) consists of the east section of the parking lot area which drains to Pomona Mills Creek. Conceptual grading was undertaken such that almost one half of the east parking lot drains to the south side and the remaining half of the east parking lot drains to the north side. The runoff draining to the south side will be collected by enhanced grassed swales and will be directed to a storm inlet which will discharge to a proposed SWM pond located immediately to the east of the east parking lot. A McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 10 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation series of drop inverts will be provided along the enhanced grassed swales to minimize the slopes. The runoff draining to the north side will be collected and conveyed by an enhanced grassed swale to the proposed east SWM pond. Runoff from Catchments 210 and 220 will also drain to the east SWM pond which will provide erosion control, quantity control and Enhanced water quality treatment. The controlled outflow from the east SWM pond will discharge as overland sheet flow toward the existing storm inlet located on the west side ditch of Yonge Street. Runoff from Catchment 230 will drain overland toward the storm inlet. Runoff collected by the storm inlet discharges to an existing 900 mm diameter storm sewer on Yonge Street. The storm sewer ultimately discharges to Pomona Mills Creek on the east side of Yonge Street. Catchment 300 is maintained at existing conditions. Access to all hydro towers will be maintained. The most westerly towers can be accessed via the north and south side of west SWM pond and the other towers can be accessed via the proposed parking lot. Access to the existing SWM pond is maintained via the proposed parking lot. Detailed discussions of the stormwater management strategy including Low Impact Development and water balance measures are presented in Section 7. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 11 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station 6. Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS A hydrologic analysis was completed using SWMHYMO to provide a basis for the assessment of flow conditions within the study areas and the response to various rainfall events under existing and proposed development conditions. As described in Section 3, for drainage areas within the Don River watershed the 12 hour SCS storm distribution was used for the hydrologic modelling. The rainfall data associated with the various return interval storm events were obtained from TRCA. Summaries of the parameters used within the existing and proposed conditions models are provided in Appendices C and D, respectively. 6.1 Existing Conditions Peak Flows Table 2 summarizes the existing conditions peak flows for the study area. Table 2: Existing Conditions Peak Flows Peak Flow (m3/s) Description Area (ha) 2 year 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year 0.350 0.465 0.618 0.737 0.864 Area Discharging to East Don River Catchment 100 9.18 0.200 Area Discharging to Pomona Mills Creek Catchment 200 8.10 0.127 0.222 0.296 0.396 0.473 0.556 Catchment 300 1.37 0.034 0.058 0.076 0.100 0.118 0.137 Total 9.47 0.157 0.272 0.362 0.481 0.575 0.673 The SWMHYMO simulation schematic and summary output files for existing conditions are provided in Appendix C. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 13 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station 6.2 Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation Proposed Conditions Peak Flows Table 3 summarizes the peak flows for the various storm events for the proposed conditions. Table 3: Proposed Conditions Peak Flows Area Description (ha) 25 mm 2 year Peak Flow (m3/s) 5 10 25 year year year 50 year 100 year Area Discharging to East Don River Controlled outflow from West SWM Pond (Catchments 100 and 110) 7.19 0.014 0.019 0.039 0.058 0.081 0.093 0.104 Flow from Catchment 120 2.19 0.017 0.072 0.121 0.158 0.205 0.243 0.282 Total at Outlet 9.38 0.027 0.085 0.137 0.176 0.233 0.283 0.339 Area Discharging to Pomona Mills Creek Controlled outflow from East SWM Pond (Catchments 200, 210 and 220) Controlled flow from Pond plus flow from Catchment 230 6.39 0.009 0.012 0.026 0.037 0.054 0.064 0.071 8.42 0.025 0.072 0.114 0.147 0.198 0.237 0.280 Flow from Catchment 300 1.26 0.009 0.031 0.053 0.070 0.092 0.109 0.127 Total at Outlet 9.68 0.033 0.103 0.167 0.217 0.29 0.345 0.407 The SWMHYMO simulation schematic and summary output files for proposed conditions are provided in Appendix D. A comparative assessment of the post development peak flows with respect to the allowable flow rates was carried out. Table 4 illustrates a comparison of the allowable flow rates, and uncontrolled and controlled peak flows for Catchments 100 and 110 discharging to the East Don River. Table 5 illustrates a comparison of the allowable flow rates, and uncontrolled and controlled peak flows for Catchments 200, 210, 220 and 230 discharging to Pomona Mills Creek. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 14 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation Table 4: Comparison of Flows Discharging to the East Don River Total Catchment Area (Catchments 100 and 110) = 7.19 ha Unit Flow Rate 3 (m /s/ha) Allowable Flow 3 (m /s) Uncontrolled Flow from Catchments 100 and 110 3 (m /s) Controlled Flow from Catchments 100 and 110 (West SWM Pond) 3 (m /s) 2-year 0.0033 0.024 0.508 0.019 5-year 0.0056 0.040 0.693 0.039 10-year 0.0085 0.061 0.833 0.058 25-year 0.0111 0.080 0.995 0.081 50-year 0.0136 0.098 1.118 0.093 100-year 0.0166 0.119 1.249 0.104 Storm Event The results show that the post development peak flow rates are controlled to less than the allowable flow rates. Table 5: Comparison of Flows Discharging to Pomona Mills Creek Total Catchment Area (Catchments 200, 210, 220 and 230) = 8.42 ha Controlled Uncontrolled Flow from Flow from Flow to Catchments Catchment Storm 200, 210 and 230 Inlet 3 3 220 (East (m /s) (m /s) SWM Pond) 3 (m /s) Storm Event Unit Flow Rate 3 (m /s/ha) Allowable Flow 3 (m /s) Uncontrolled Flow from Catchments 200, 210 and 3 220 (m /s) 2-year 0.0038 0.032 0.489 0.012 0.063 0.072 5-year 0.0074 0.062 0.661 0.026 0.103 0.114 10-year 0.0107 0.090 0.782 0.037 0.134 0.147 25-year 0.0137 0.115 0.929 0.054 0.176 0.198 50-year 0.0166 0.140 1.039 0.064 0.207 0.237 100-year 0.0200 0.168 1.154 0.071 0.241 0.280 McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 15 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation The results show that the flows from Catchments 200, 210 and 220 are over controlled by the proposed East SWM Pond (compare Column 3 and 5 of Table 5). Due to elevation constraint the runoff from Catchment 230 cannot be diverted to the East SWM Pond to provide quantity control and it is not feasible to construct a second pond in the area. Therefore, the allowable flow rates discharging to Pomona Mills Creek cannot be achieved. The controlled flows from the East SWM Pond plus the uncontrolled flows from Catchment 230 will exceed the allowable flow rates which vary from 0.040 m3/s for the 2 year to 0.112 m3/s for the 100 year storm. Note that the controlled flows are significantly less than the existing conditions flows. The existing condition 2 year flow is 0.127 m3/s compared to the controlled 2 year flow of 0.072 m3/s and the existing condition 100 year flow is 0.556 m3/s compared to the controlled 100 year flow of 0.280 m3/s. Low Impact Development and water balance measures were also proposed for the study area. These measures also decrease the peak flows to a certain degree which were not accounted for in the hydrologic modelling. It is recommended that the proposed SWM strategy be reviewed and discussed with TRCA before undertaking additional assessments. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 16 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station 7. Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STRATEGY A stormwater management (SWM) strategy has been prepared to meet the quantity, quality. Low Impact Development and water balance requirement described in Section 3. 7.1 Quantity and Quality Control Two SWM Ponds are proposed to provide quantity and quality control: one pond for the portion of the area draining to the East Don River and a second pond for the area draining to Pomona Mills Creek. These ponds will be referred as West SWM Pond and East SWM Pond which will outlet to the East Don River and Pomona Mills Creek, respectively. The proposed West SWM Pond will treat runoff from a 7.19 ha area which includes the 4.55 ha of the west section of the parking lot. The west parking lot is approximately 300 m measured from east to west and is approximately 150 m measured from north to south. Based on the conceptual grading the west parking lot is divided into two areas. Runoff from almost one half of the west parking lot drains south toward enhanced grassed swales which will convey the flows to the West SWM Pond. Runoff from the remaining half of the west parking lot drains north to a storm sewer system which will convey the flows to the West SWM Pond. The proposed West SWM Pond is a two-cell pond having a total surface area of approximately 3075 m2 and is designed to provide an Enhanced level of quality treatment in accordance with the Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual (MOE 2003). The operating zones of the pond include a permanent pool zone, an extended detention zone and a peak flow attenuation zone. The pond will provide peak flow attenuation to control the 2 year to 100 year peak flows to the East Don River to less than the allowable flow rates. The West SWM Pond is illustrated in Exhibit 4. The forebay (Cell-1) will have a 4:1 side slope on the east side and 3:1 side slopes for the other 3 sides. The active storage (Cell-2) will have 3:1 side slopes on all sides. An outlet structure consisting of a 100 mm diameter orifice and a 225 mm diameter orifice will control the outflow from the active storage zone to less than the allowable flow rates. The 100 mm diameter orifice will provide an approximate McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 17 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation 27 hour detention time for the 25 mm event. Outflow from the pond will discharge to an outlet pool and from the outlet pool the flow will disperse overland to the East Don River through vegetated land. Table 6 summarizes the storage volume requirements (per MOE Table 3.2) and the storage volumes provided in the West SWM Pond. Table 7 provides the operating characteristics for the various return period storm events. The 100 year water level in the pond will be 179.90 m. A freeboard of 0.30 m will be provided to elevation 180.20 m. The design calculations of the pond are provided in Appendix E. Table 6: Storage Volume Characteristics –West SWM Pond Storage Volume Required (m3) Storage Volume Provided (m3) Elevation in Pond (m) Permanent Pool (Cell-1) 1260 1420 184.00 25 mm Detention Storage (Cell-2) 1075 1075 178.89 Active Storage (Cell-2) 3470 4170 180.20 Storage Parameters Table 7: Operating Characteristics –West SWM Pond Parameter Storm Event (12 hour SCS) 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 25 mm 2 year 100year Peak Inflow into Pond 0.640 0.508 0.693 0.833 0.995 1.118 1.249 Peak Outflow from Pond 0.014 0.019 0.039 0.058 0.081 0.093 0.104 Inflow Volume 1075 2070 2811 3327 3998 4485 4995 Total Storage Used 937 1643 2122 2415 2810 3125 3470 178.89 179.16 179.37 179.50 179.66 179.78 179.90 0.59 0.86 1.07 1.20 1.36 1.48 1.60 3 Flow (m /s) 3 Storage (m ) Depth of Ponding (m) Maximum Water Level Depth Over Permanent Pool Note: 25 mm event is 4 hour Chicago McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 18 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation As shown in Table 7, the proposed West SWM Pond will attenuate the proposed conditions peak flow rates from the west parking lot to less than the allowable peak flow rates. The peak flows are reduced by 96% for the 2 year event and by 92% for the 100 year event. The SWM strategy considered a treatment train for the storm runoff from the west parking lot. Storm runoff draining to the north will be captured by catchbasins installed with Goss Traps, which will remove sediments and floatables to a certain degree before the runoff is discharged to Cell-1 for treatment. Storm runoff draining to the south will be treated by vegetated filter strips and enhanced grassed swales before discharging to the pond. Areas of the west parking lot draining directly to the pond will be treated by vegetated filter strip and vegetated slope of Cell-1. Low Impact Development measures proposed for the study area are described in Section 7.1. The Proposed East SWM Pond will treat runoff from 6.39 ha area which includes the 4.53 ha of the east section of parking lot. The east parking lot is approximately 310 m measured from east to west and is approximately 150 m measured from north to south. Preliminary grading was undertaken for the conceptual design of the parking lot, dividing the east parking lot into approximately two halves. Runoff from almost one half of the east parking lot drains south toward enhanced grassed swales which will convey the flows to the East SWM Pond. Runoff from the other half of the east parking lot drains north toward enhanced grassed swales which will convey the flows to the East SWM Pond. The proposed East SWM Pond is a single cell pond having a total surface area of approximately 1900 m2, designed to provide an Enhanced level of quality treatment in accordance with the Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual (MOE 2003). The operating zones of the pond include a permanent pool zone, an extended detention zone and a peak flow attenuation zone. The pond will provide peak flow attenuation to control the 2 year to 100 year peak flows to Pomona Mills Creek to less than the allowable unit flow rates. The East SWM Pond is illustrated in Exhibit 5. The pond will have 3:1 side slopes on all sides. An outlet structure consisting of an 80 mm diameter orifice and a 200 mm diameter McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 20 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation orifice will control the outflow from the active storage zone to less than the allowable flow rates. The 80 mm diameter orifice will provide an approximate 45 hour detention time for the 25 mm event. Outflow from the pond will discharge to an outlet pool and will disperse overland through vegetated land to the existing storm inlet located on the west side ditch of Yonge Street. Table 8 summarizes the storage volume requirements (per MOE Table 3.2) and the storage volumes provided in the East SWM Pond. Table 9 provides the operating characteristics for the various return period storm events. The 100 year water level in the pond will be 194.14 m. A freeboard of 0.36 m will be provided to elevation 194.50 m. The design calculations of the pond are provided in Appendix E. Table 8: Storage Volume Characteristics –East SWM Pond Storage Volume Required (m3) Storage Volume Provided (m3) Elevation in Pond (m) Permanent Pool 1185 1580 192.70 25 mm Detention Storage 1078 1078 193.22 Active Storage 3509 4571 194.50 Storage Parameters Table 9: Operating Characteristics –East Pond Parameter Storm Event (12 hour SCS) 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 25 mm 2 year 100year Peak Inflow into Pond 0.679 0.489 0.661 0.782 0.929 1.039 1.154 Peak Outflow from Pond 0.009 0.012 0.026 0.037 0.054 0.064 0.071 Inflow Volume 1078 2018 2704 3176 3788 4231 4692 Total Storage Used 990 1733 2195 2497 2891 3179 3509 193.22 193.5 193.68 193.78 193.93 194.03 194.14 0.52 0.80 0.98 1.08 1.23 1.33 1.44 3 Flow (m /s) 3 Storage (m ) Depth of Ponding (m) Maximum Water Level Depth Over Permanent Pool McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 21 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation As shown in Table 8, the proposed East SWM Pond will attenuate the proposed conditions peak flow rates from the east parking lot to less than the allowable peak flow rates. The peak flows are reduced by 98% for the 2 year event and by 94% for the 100 year event. As described previously in Section 6, the flows from the east parking lot (Catchments 200, 210 and 220) are over controlled by the proposed East SWM Pond. Due to elevation constraint, the runoff from Catchment 230 cannot be diverted to the East SWM Pond to provide quantity control, and it is not feasible to construct a second pond in the area. Therefore, the controlled flows from the East SWM Pond plus the uncontrolled flows from Catchment 230 will exceed the allowable flow rates at the storm inlet. The SWM strategy considered a treatment train approach for the storm runoff from the east parking lot. Storm runoff draining to the north will be treated by vegetated filter strip and enhanced grassed swales before discharging to the pond for treatment. Storm runoff draining to the south will also be treated by vegetated filter strip and enhanced grassed swales before discharging to the pond. Areas of the east parking lot draining directly to the pond will be treated by vegetated filter strip and vegetated slope of the pond. Low Impact Development measures proposed for the study area are described in Section 7.1. No geotechnical information pertaining to borehole logs and groundwater levels is available for the commuter parking lot area. Geotechnical information should be obtained during subsequent design stages to determine whether the proposed SWM ponds would have impacts on the groundwater conditions as per TRCA’s requirements. 7.2 Low Impact Development Measures Opportunities to provide Low Impact Development (LID) measures for the proposed parking lot were explored. Vegetated filter strips, enhanced grassed swales, bio-retention trenches and exfiltration systems are proposed as LID measures. The detailed design of these facilities will be carried out during the detailed design stage; however, a conceptual design of these facilities is presented in this report. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 23 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation The proposed LID measures are illustrated in Exhibits 4 and 5 and briefly described below: 1. Approximately 10 m wide vegetated filter strips will be provided on the south side for the entire length of parking lot (approximately 610 m). The vegetated filter strips will provide water quality treatment by trapping sediments and pollutants. 2. Approximately 5 m wide vegetated filter strips will be provided on the west side of the parking lot for an approximate 110 m length. The vegetated filter strips and vegetated slope will provide water quality treatment. 3. Approximately 5 m wide vegetated filter strips will be provided on the east side of the parking lot for an approximate 100 m length. The vegetated filter strips and vegetated slope will provide water quality treatment. 4. An average 7.5 m wide vegetated filter strip will be provided at the north east corner of the parking lot for an approximate length of 75 m to provide water quality treatment. 5. 5 m wide vegetated filter strips will be provided around the access roads and the passenger pickup location area to provide water quality treatment, as shown in Exhibit 5. 6. 3 m wide enhanced grassed swales will be provided on the south side and at the north east corner of the parking lot totalling approximately 700 m. The enhanced grassed swale is an additional feature to provide water quality treatment. To minimize the slopes of enhanced grassed swales, drop inverts are required along the swales, as shown in Exhibits 4 and 5. 7. Seven 3 m wide bio-retention trenches will be provided on the south side and at the north east corner of the parking lot, as shown in Exhibits 4 and 5. The total length of these bio-retention trenches will be approximately 320 m. The vegetated filter strips will function as pre-treatment for the storm runoff from the parking lot. The filter media at the top of the bio-retention trench will also provide quality treatment before the runoff drains to the trench below and allowed to infiltrate to the groundwater. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 24 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation 8. An exfiltration system will be provided (approximately 100 m long) in the storm sewer system proposed at the north west corner of the parking lot. Goss traps will be provided in the catchbasins to trap the sediments and floatables before the runoff enters into the exfiltration system. The detail design of vegetated filter strips, bio-retention trenches and exfiltration system will be carried out in the detailed design stage. Soil parameters and groundwater conditions are required for the detailed design of bio-retention trenches and exfiltration systems. 7.3 Water Balance Requirement The water balance requirement is to retain a minimum of 5 mm of runoff from the site. The retention of 5 mm of runoff from the site will be provided through proposed bio-retention trenches and an exfiltration system. For the west parking lot, three bio-retention trenches and an exfiltration system will be provided. • Each bio-retention trench will be 1.10 m deep x 3.0 m wide x 40.0 m long providing approximately 159 m3 of total retention volume. • The exfiltration system will be approximately 1.0 m deep x 2.0 m wide 3 x 100 m long providing approximately 80 m of retention volume. The total retention volume provided is 239 m3, which represents a 5 mm runoff from a 4.78 ha area. For the east parking lot, a total of four bio-retention trenches will be provided. • On the south side of the parking lot, three bio-retention trenches will be 3.0 m wide x 1. 0 m deep but the lengths will be 25 m, 40 m and 75m long. These three trenches will provide approximately 168 m3 of retention volume. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 25 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station • Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation At the north east corner of the parking lot, the bio-retention trench will be 1.2 m deep x 3.0 m wide x 60.0 m long, providing approximately 86 m3 of retention volume. The total retention volume provided in the four bio-retention trenches will be 254 m3, which represents a 5 mm runoff from a 5.10 ha area. The detailed design of the bio-retention trenches and exfiltration system will be carried out in the detailed design stage. Soil parameters and groundwater conditions are required for the detailed design of bio-retention trenches, exfiltration system. 7.4 Thermal Impacts During the detailed design stage potential thermal impacts to the water in the East Don River should be investigated. In the detailed design of the SWM pond and outlet control structure, bottom-draw outlet pipes and cooling trenches for the pond outflows should be investigated. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 26 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station 8. Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the preceding, the following conclusions can be made: 1) The proposed commuter parking lot, located south of Highway 407, north of Longbridge Road and west of Yonge Street, will provide a service for commuters who will be using the proposed Yonge Subway Extension and other public transportation services. 2) The study area is elongated in an east-west direction having a drainage divide almost in the middle. Under existing conditions, the east half of the study area drains to Pomona Mills Creek and the west half drains to the East Don River. The study area is an open space land with thick bushes located under the Hydro One transmission lines. 3) To maintain the existing drainage patterns approximately one half of the proposed parking lot will drain west to the East Don River and the remaining half of the parking lot will drain east to Pomona Mills Creek. 4) The stormwater management strategy proposed for the parking lot includes two stormwater management wet ponds, vegetated filter strips, enhanced grassed swales bio-retention trenches and an exfiltration system, in addition to Goss Traps at the catchbasins. 5) Two stormwater management wet ponds will service the parking lot, providing erosion control, quantity control and quality treatment for the runoff draining from the parking lot. The West SWM Pond will service approximately one half of the parking lot and the East SWM Pond will service the remaining half of the parking lot. 6) The West SWM Pond will control the outflows from the pond to less than the allowable flow rates to the East Don River. 7) The East SWM Pond will over control the outflows from the pond to less than the allowable flow rates to Pomona Mills Creek; however, the allowable flow rates to Pomona Mills Creek cannot be achieved. Due to elevation constraint the runoff from Catchment 230 (access road to the parking lot and passenger drop off area) cannot be conveyed to the East SWM Pond to provide quantity control, and it is not feasible to construct a second pond in the area. The controlled outflows from the pond plus the uncontrolled flows from Catchment 230 exceeds the allowable flow rates. McCormick Rankin Corporation-Hatch Mott MacDonald Joint Venture August 2011 Page 27 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and Stormwater Management Final Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station APPENDICES Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation APPENDIX A Site Investigation Photographs McCormick Rankin Corporation Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION PHOTOGRAPHS 1. Looking east from the west end of the study area (area draining to the East Don River). Catchment area covered with thick bushes. 2. View of Existing SWM Pond located between Highway 407 and the study area. 1 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION PHOTOGRAPHS 3. Looking west from the middle of the study area (area draining to the East Don River) 4. Looking east from the middle of the study area (area draining to Pomona Mills Creek). Catchment area covered with thick bushes. 2 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION PHOTOGRAPHS 5. Looking east from the south end at the middle of the study area (area draining to Pomona Mills Creek) 6. Looking west from the south end at the middle of the study area (area draining to the East Don River) 3 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION PHOTOGRAPHS 7. Overland flow path (low lying area) towards storm inlet located on the west roadside ditch of Yonge Street 8. Storm inlet (900 mm diameter CSP) located on west roadside ditch of Yonge Street, Outlets to Pomona Mills Creek 4 Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation APPENDIX B TRCA Unit Flow Rate Information for Don River Watershed McCormick Rankin Corporation & 20 & 2 & 29 ELGIN MILLS RD 20 ( ! & - & & - 17 2 ( ! 19 & 4 21.1 !! ( (19 ( 23.4 ! & 8A VAUGHAN 30 18.1 ! ( ( 23.3 ! ! 23.2 ( ( ! & Y O R K 23 5.2 ( ! & 5 & 24 8.1 ( ! & 24 ( ! 6 & HIGHWAY 7 26 23.1 HIGH WAY 407 ( ! 25.2 & 31 ( ! & & 8B 6 5.1 ( ! ( 7.2 ! HIGHWAY 7 25 26 25.1! (49.2 ( ! ( ! ( ! ! 32.2 ( ( ! & 49 27 36A 7 ( ! 31 30.1 HIGHWAY 404 & & & HIGHWAY 407 16TH AVE LESLIE HIGHW AY 404 ( ! & 22 4 ( ! ( 3.1 ! ( 5.3 ! 1 MAJOR MACKENZIE DR BAYVIEW AVE 18 29 ( ! YONGE ST & T ST & 3 RUTHERFORD 22 BATHURS DUFFERI N RD KEELE S T JANE ST WESTON RD 1 RICHMOND HILL & 17 ( ! MAJOR MACKENZIE & 21 & 32 MARKHAM 27 ( 49.1 !! ( ( 28.2 ! STEELES AVE & 9A 28 36 ( ! & 35 & & 11A KEELE S T & & (39.5 !! ( (35.1 ! 39A 11.3 & & 39.4 DVP BAYVIE & W AVE 41B & 15 11C & YONGE 12 ST & 13 DUFFERIN ST & 15.1 ( 13.2 !! ( ( ! 11.1 ( ( ! !16.2 (13.1 ! & 16A - & & - & 44A & 42B & 42 41D ( ! & 16.1 44.2 (! ! ( 41.1 ( 43.1 ( ! ! ( 43.2 ! ST CLAIR AVE W 48.4 ( ! 46 48.3 ( ! 43A ST CLAIR AVE E O CONNOR DR & & 43B 44B PAPE AVE BATHURST ST AVENUE RD 45 44.1 ( (! ! ( ! EGLINTON AVE E 16B 46B BLOOR ST W LAWRENCE AVE E 41C EGLINTON AVE W 45B & 42A 12 45A 47B 41.3 ELLESMERE RD & & & SHEPPARD AVE E ( ! HIGHWAY 401 & & 41A 14 ( ! & & 39B HIGHWAY 401 11.2 47A 38 14B WILSON AVE 46A 38 ( ! !39.3 ( (40 ! (! ! ( 40 11B & 33 & 37.1 14A ( ! LAWRENCE AVE W & 37 & 10B & BIRCHMOUNT RD & 36B 28.1 (35.2 (! ! (34.1 ! WARDEN AVE ! ( 11.7 10 ! ( ( ! & 33 VICTORIA PARK AVE & 9B & STEELES AVE 34.3 ( (! ! LESLIE ST 9.2 ! ( 9.3 ( ! YONGE ST 10A BATHUR ST ST & 7.1 34 DANFORTH AVE 47 ( ! COLLEGE ST 48.2 ( ! & T O R O N T O GERRARD ST E 48 QUEEN ST W 48.1 ( ! Legend ( ! 0 DON RIVER HYDROLOGY: Catchments and Flow Nodes Flow Node River Catchment Municipal Boundary 2 4 E 8 Kms Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation APPENDIX C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling McCormick Rankin Corporation Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution ============================================================================ SSSSS W W M M H H Y Y M M OOO 999 999 ========= S W W W MM MM H H Y Y MM MM O O 9 9 9 9 SSSSS W W W M M M HHHHH Y M M M O O ## 9 9 9 9 Ver. 4.02 S WW M M H H Y M M O O 9999 9999 July 1999 SSSSS W W M M H H Y M M OOO 9 9 ========= 9 9 9 9 # 4313781 StormWater Management HYdrologic Model 999 999 ========= *************************************************************************** *************************** SWMHYMO-99 Ver/4.02 *************************** ******* A single event and continuous hydrologic simulation model ******* ******* based on the principles of HYMO and its successors ******* ******* OTTHYMO-83 and OTTHYMO-89. ******* *************************************************************************** ******* Distributed by: J.F. Sabourin and Associates Inc. ******* ******* Ottawa, Ontario: (613) 727-5199 ******* ******* Gatineau, Quebec: (819) 243-6858 ******* ******* E-Mail: swmhymo@jfsa.Com ******* *************************************************************************** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ Licensed user: McCormick Rankin Corporation +++++++ +++++++ Kitchener SERIAL#:4313781 +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *************************************************************************** ******* ++++++ PROGRAM ARRAY DIMENSIONS ++++++ ******* Maximum value for ID numbers : 10 ******* ******* Max. number of rainfall points: 15000 ******* ******* Max. number of flow points : 15000 ******* *************************************************************************** -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\25mm.stm | Ptotal= 25.00 mm| Comments: Vaughan 25mm storm 4 hour- 5 min time st -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .08 1.520 | 1.08 6.560 | 2.08 4.190 | 3.08 2.020 .17 1.610 | 1.17 10.050 | 2.17 3.820 | 3.17 1.940 .25 1.720 | 1.25 23.640 | 2.25 3.510 | 3.25 1.870 .33 1.840 | 1.33 83.080 | 2.33 3.260 | 3.33 1.810 .42 1.980 | 1.42 30.710 | 2.42 3.040 | 3.42 1.750 .50 2.150 | 1.50 16.600 | 2.50 2.850 | 3.50 1.690 .58 2.360 | 1.58 11.400 | 2.58 2.690 | 3.58 1.640 .67 2.610 | 1.67 8.730 | 2.67 2.540 | 3.67 1.590 .75 2.940 | 1.75 7.110 | 2.75 2.420 | 3.75 1.550 .83 3.380 | 1.83 6.020 | 2.83 2.300 | 3.83 1.500 .92 4.000 | 1.92 5.240 | 2.92 2.200 | 3.92 1.460 1.00 4.940 | 2.00 4.650 | 3.00 2.110 | 4.00 1.420 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 9.18 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .250 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= 1.403 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .049 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.750 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 2.691 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .108 ******* (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ******************** D E T A I L E D O U T P U T ******************** *************************************************************************** * DATE: 2010-12-16 TIME: 13:47:22 RUN COUNTER: 000021 * *************************************************************************** * Input filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\7767_EX.dat * * Output filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\7767_EX.out * * Summary filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\7767_EX.sum * * User comments: * * 1:______________________________________________________________________ * * 2:______________________________________________________________________ * * 3:______________________________________________________________________ * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0001----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extnsion - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************* * * Date : Dec 16, 2010 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 100 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. * ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 8.10 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:200 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .420 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= PEAK FLOW (cms)= .033 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 2.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 2.691 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .108 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.37 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 03:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.600 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 001 NSTORM= 1 # 1=25mm.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* .737 .194 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .009 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.750 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 3.400 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .136 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 9 Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution * -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:200 8.10 .033 2.00 2.69 .000 +ID2 03:300 1.37 .009 1.75 3.40 .000 ====================================================== SUM 05:700 9.47 .041 1.92 2.79 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 700 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** * ** END OF RUN : 1 ******************************************************************************* Page 2 of 9 Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 002 NSTORM= 1 # 1=2yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extnsion - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************* * * Date : Dec 16, 2010 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\2yr.stm | Ptotal= 42.93 mm| Comments: 2-year, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 1.016 | 3.25 1.016 | 6.25 8.128 | 9.25 1.016 .50 1.016 | 3.50 2.032 | 6.50 8.128 | 9.50 2.032 .75 1.016 | 3.75 2.032 | 6.75 3.048 | 9.75 1.016 1.00 .000 | 4.00 1.016 | 7.00 3.048 | 10.00 1.016 1.25 1.016 | 4.25 3.048 | 7.25 3.048 | 10.25 1.016 1.50 1.016 | 4.50 3.048 | 7.50 2.032 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 3.048 | 7.75 3.048 | 10.75 1.016 2.00 1.016 | 5.00 3.048 | 8.00 2.032 | 11.00 1.016 2.25 1.016 | 5.25 5.080 | 8.25 2.032 | 11.25 .000 2.50 2.032 | 5.50 5.080 | 8.50 2.032 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 2.032 | 5.75 38.608 | 8.75 1.016 | 11.75 1.016 3.00 2.032 | 6.00 38.608 | 9.00 2.032 | 12.00 1.016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 9.18 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .250 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .232 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.37 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 03:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.600 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .194 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .034 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 11.666 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .272 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:200 8.10 .127 6.33 9.95 .000 +ID2 03:300 1.37 .034 6.08 11.67 .000 ====================================================== SUM 05:700 9.47 .157 6.25 10.20 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 700 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 2 ******************************************************************************* Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= 1.403 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .200 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 9.951 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .232 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 100 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. * ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 8.10 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:200 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .420 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .737 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .127 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.333 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 9.951 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.926 Page 3 of 9 Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 003 NSTORM= 1 # 1=5yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extnsion - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************* * * Date : Dec 16, 2010 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\5yr.stm | Ptotal= 55.37 mm| Comments: 5-yr, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 1.016 | 3.25 3.048 | 6.25 9.144 | 9.25 1.016 .50 1.016 | 3.50 2.032 | 6.50 10.160 | 9.50 2.032 .75 1.016 | 3.75 2.032 | 6.75 5.080 | 9.75 2.032 1.00 1.016 | 4.00 2.032 | 7.00 4.064 | 10.00 1.016 1.25 1.016 | 4.25 4.064 | 7.25 3.048 | 10.25 1.016 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 4.064 | 7.50 3.048 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 4.064 | 7.75 4.064 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 1.016 | 5.00 3.048 | 8.00 3.048 | 11.00 1.016 2.25 2.032 | 5.25 7.112 | 8.25 2.032 | 11.25 1.016 2.50 2.032 | 5.50 7.112 | 8.50 2.032 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 2.032 | 5.75 49.784 | 8.75 3.048 | 11.75 1.016 3.00 2.032 | 6.00 49.784 | 9.00 2.032 | 12.00 1.016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 9.18 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .250 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .302 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.37 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 03:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.600 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .194 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .058 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 19.111 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .345 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:200 8.10 .222 6.25 16.70 .000 +ID2 03:300 1.37 .058 6.08 19.11 .000 ====================================================== SUM 05:700 9.47 .272 6.25 17.05 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 700 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 3 ******************************************************************************* Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= 1.403 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .350 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 16.702 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .302 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 100 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. * ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 8.10 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:200 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .420 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .737 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .222 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.250 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 16.702 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.372 Page 4 of 9 Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 004 NSTORM= 1 # 1=10yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extnsion - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************* * * Date : Dec 16, 2010 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\10yr.stm | Ptotal= 63.75 mm| Comments: 10-yr, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 1.016 | 3.25 3.048 | 6.25 11.176 | 9.25 2.032 .50 2.032 | 3.50 2.032 | 6.50 11.176 | 9.50 2.032 .75 1.016 | 3.75 3.048 | 6.75 5.080 | 9.75 2.032 1.00 1.016 | 4.00 2.032 | 7.00 5.080 | 10.00 2.032 1.25 1.016 | 4.25 5.080 | 7.25 4.064 | 10.25 1.016 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 4.064 | 7.50 4.064 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 4.064 | 7.75 4.064 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 1.016 | 5.00 5.080 | 8.00 3.048 | 11.00 1.016 2.25 3.048 | 5.25 7.112 | 8.25 3.048 | 11.25 1.016 2.50 2.032 | 5.50 8.128 | 8.50 2.032 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 3.048 | 5.75 56.896 | 8.75 3.048 | 11.75 2.032 3.00 2.032 | 6.00 57.912 | 9.00 2.032 | 12.00 1.016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 9.18 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .250 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .342 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.37 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 03:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.600 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .194 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .076 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 24.674 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .387 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:200 8.10 .296 6.25 21.82 .000 +ID2 03:300 1.37 .076 6.08 24.67 .000 ====================================================== SUM 05:700 9.47 .362 6.25 22.23 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 700 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 4 ******************************************************************************* Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= 1.403 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .465 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 21.819 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .342 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 100 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. * ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 8.10 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:200 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .420 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .737 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .296 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.250 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 21.819 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.754 Page 5 of 9 Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 005 NSTORM= 1 # 1=25yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extnsion - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************* * * Date : Dec 16, 2010 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\25yr.stm | Ptotal= 74.42 mm| Comments: 25-yr, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 1.016 | 3.25 3.048 | 6.25 13.208 | 9.25 3.048 .50 2.032 | 3.50 3.048 | 6.50 13.208 | 9.50 2.032 .75 1.016 | 3.75 3.048 | 6.75 6.096 | 9.75 2.032 1.00 2.032 | 4.00 3.048 | 7.00 6.096 | 10.00 2.032 1.25 1.016 | 4.25 5.080 | 7.25 5.080 | 10.25 2.032 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 5.080 | 7.50 4.064 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 6.096 | 7.75 4.064 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 2.032 | 5.00 5.080 | 8.00 5.080 | 11.00 1.016 2.25 3.048 | 5.25 8.128 | 8.25 3.048 | 11.25 2.032 2.50 3.048 | 5.50 9.144 | 8.50 3.048 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 3.048 | 5.75 67.056 | 8.75 3.048 | 11.75 2.032 3.00 2.032 | 6.00 67.056 | 9.00 2.032 | 12.00 1.016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 9.18 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .250 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .388 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.37 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 03:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.600 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .194 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .100 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 32.248 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .433 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:200 8.10 .396 6.25 28.86 .000 +ID2 03:300 1.37 .100 6.08 32.25 .000 ====================================================== SUM 05:700 9.47 .481 6.25 29.35 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 700 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 5 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= 1.403 ******************************************************************************* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .618 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 28.858 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .388 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 100 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. * ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 8.10 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:200 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .420 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .737 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .396 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.250 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 28.858 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.422 Page 6 of 9 Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 006 NSTORM= 1 # 1=50yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extnsion - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************* * * Date : Dec 16, 2010 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\50yr.stm | Ptotal= 82.04 mm| Comments: 50-yr, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 2.032 | 3.25 3.048 | 6.25 15.240 | 9.25 3.048 .50 1.016 | 3.50 3.048 | 6.50 14.224 | 9.50 2.032 .75 2.032 | 3.75 4.064 | 6.75 7.112 | 9.75 3.048 1.00 1.016 | 4.00 3.048 | 7.00 6.096 | 10.00 2.032 1.25 2.032 | 4.25 5.080 | 7.25 5.080 | 10.25 2.032 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 6.096 | 7.50 5.080 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 6.096 | 7.75 5.080 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 2.032 | 5.00 5.080 | 8.00 4.064 | 11.00 2.032 2.25 3.048 | 5.25 10.160 | 8.25 4.064 | 11.25 1.016 2.50 3.048 | 5.50 10.160 | 8.50 3.048 | 11.50 2.032 2.75 4.064 | 5.75 73.152 | 8.75 3.048 | 11.75 1.016 3.00 3.048 | 6.00 74.168 | 9.00 3.048 | 12.00 2.032 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 9.18 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .250 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= 1.403 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .737 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 34.185 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .417 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .417 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.37 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 03:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.600 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .194 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .118 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 37.934 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .462 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:200 8.10 .473 6.25 34.19 .000 +ID2 03:300 1.37 .118 6.08 37.93 .000 ====================================================== SUM 05:700 9.47 .575 6.25 34.73 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 700 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 6 ******************************************************************************* (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 100 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. * ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 8.10 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:200 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .420 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .737 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .473 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.250 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 34.185 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.042 Page 7 of 9 Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 007 NSTORM= 1 # 1=100yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extnsion - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************* * * Date : Dec 16, 2010 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\100yr.stm | Ptotal= 89.92 mm| Comments: 100-yr 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 2.032 | 3.25 4.064 | 6.25 16.256 | 9.25 3.048 .50 2.032 | 3.50 3.048 | 6.50 16.256 | 9.50 3.048 .75 1.016 | 3.75 4.064 | 6.75 7.112 | 9.75 2.032 1.00 2.032 | 4.00 3.048 | 7.00 7.112 | 10.00 3.048 1.25 2.032 | 4.25 7.112 | 7.25 5.080 | 10.25 2.032 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 6.096 | 7.50 5.080 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 6.096 | 7.75 6.096 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 2.032 | 5.00 6.096 | 8.00 5.080 | 11.00 2.032 2.25 4.064 | 5.25 11.176 | 8.25 4.064 | 11.25 2.032 2.50 3.048 | 5.50 11.176 | 8.50 3.048 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 4.064 | 5.75 80.264 | 8.75 4.064 | 11.75 2.032 3.00 3.048 | 6.00 81.280 | 9.00 3.048 | 12.00 2.032 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 9.18 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .250 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= 1.403 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .864 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 39.911 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .444 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .444 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.37 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 03:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.600 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 * * * * * * * * * * * Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .194 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .137 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 44.012 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .489 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:200 8.10 .556 6.25 39.91 .000 +ID2 03:300 1.37 .137 6.08 44.01 .000 ====================================================== SUM 05:700 9.47 .673 6.25 40.50 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 700 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 7 ******************************************************************************* (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 100 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. * ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 8.10 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:200 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .420 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .737 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .556 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.250 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 39.911 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.916 Page 8 of 9 Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix C Existing Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 008 NSTORM= 1 # 1=Reg_Haz.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extnsion - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************* * * Date : Dec 16, 2010 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Reg_Haz.stm | Ptotal= 210.54 mm| Comments: Hurrican HazelStorm: 15 min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 6.170 | 3.25 12.330 | 6.25 23.430 | 9.25 53.020 .50 6.170 | 3.50 13.560 | 6.50 22.190 | 9.50 53.020 .75 6.170 | 3.75 12.330 | 6.75 23.430 | 9.75 53.020 1.00 7.400 | 4.00 12.330 | 7.00 23.430 | 10.00 51.790 1.25 4.930 | 4.25 17.260 | 7.25 12.330 | 10.25 38.220 1.50 3.700 | 4.50 16.030 | 7.50 13.560 | 10.50 36.990 1.75 4.930 | 4.75 17.260 | 7.75 12.330 | 10.75 38.220 2.00 3.700 | 5.00 16.030 | 8.00 12.330 | 11.00 38.220 2.25 6.170 | 5.25 12.330 | 8.25 13.560 | 11.25 12.330 2.50 6.170 | 5.50 13.560 | 8.50 12.330 | 11.50 12.330 2.75 6.170 | 5.75 12.330 | 8.75 12.330 | 11.75 13.560 3.00 6.170 | 6.00 12.330 | 9.00 12.330 | 12.00 12.330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 9.18 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .250 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= 1.403 PEAK FLOW (cms)= 1.128 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 10.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 142.376 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 210.540 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .676 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 100 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. * ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 8.10 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:200 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .420 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= PEAK FLOW (cms)= .922 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 10.167 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 142.376 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 210.540 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .676 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.37 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 03:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.600 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .194 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .173 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 10.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 149.991 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 210.540 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .712 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:200 8.10 .922 10.17 142.38 .000 +ID2 03:300 1.37 .173 10.00 149.99 .000 ====================================================== SUM 05:700 9.47 1.088 10.17 143.48 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 700 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------008:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* FINISH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* WARNINGS / ERRORS / NOTES ------------------------Simulation ended on 2010-12-16 at 13:47:26 ============================================================================= .737 Page 9 of 9 Appendix C Subcatchment I.D. Summary of Hydrologic Modelling Parameters Existing Conditions Yonge Subway - Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking Lot Imperviousness SCS Initial Abstraction Manning's Time to Number (%) Curve (mm) 'n' Peak of Linear Direct + Indirect = Total Number Pervious Impervious Pervious Impervious (hours) Reservoirs Classification Drainage Area (ha) 100 Nash 9.18 0 + 0 = 0 75 8.5 n/a n/a n/a 0.25 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 200 Nash 8.10 0 + 0 = 0 75 8.5 n/a n/a n/a 0.42 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 300 Nash 1.37 14 + 0 = 14 78 7.6 n/a n/a n/a 0.27 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 18.7 1 + 0 = 1 75 8.4 - - - - - - - - - Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph Flow Length (m) Pervious Impervious Slope (%) Pervious Impervious - Total/Weighted Average = W:\7k\7767 TTC - Yonge Subway Ext. Conceptual Design\7767.450 Water Resources\21-Hydrology\7767-SWMHYMO Parameters Existing.xls Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation APPENDIX D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling McCormick Rankin Corporation Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution ============================================================================ SSSSS W W M M H H Y Y M M OOO 999 999 ========= S W W W MM MM H H Y Y MM MM O O 9 9 9 9 SSSSS W W W M M M HHHHH Y M M M O O ## 9 9 9 9 Ver. 4.02 S WW M M H H Y M M O O 9999 9999 July 1999 SSSSS W W M M H H Y M M OOO 9 9 ========= 9 9 9 9 # 4313781 StormWater Management HYdrologic Model 999 999 ========= *************************************************************************** *************************** SWMHYMO-99 Ver/4.02 *************************** ******* A single event and continuous hydrologic simulation model ******* ******* based on the principles of HYMO and its successors ******* ******* OTTHYMO-83 and OTTHYMO-89. ******* *************************************************************************** ******* Distributed by: J.F. Sabourin and Associates Inc. ******* ******* Ottawa, Ontario: (613) 727-5199 ******* ******* Gatineau, Quebec: (819) 243-6858 ******* ******* E-Mail: swmhymo@jfsa.Com ******* *************************************************************************** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ Licensed user: McCormick Rankin Corporation +++++++ +++++++ Kitchener SERIAL#:4313781 +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *************************************************************************** ******* ++++++ PROGRAM ARRAY DIMENSIONS ++++++ ******* Maximum value for ID numbers : 10 ******* ******* Max. number of rainfall points: 15000 ******* ******* Max. number of flow points : 15000 ******* *************************************************************************** -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .08 1.520 | 1.08 6.560 | 2.08 4.190 | 3.08 2.020 .17 1.610 | 1.17 10.050 | 2.17 3.820 | 3.17 1.940 .25 1.720 | 1.25 23.640 | 2.25 3.510 | 3.25 1.870 .33 1.840 | 1.33 83.080 | 2.33 3.260 | 3.33 1.810 .42 1.980 | 1.42 30.710 | 2.42 3.040 | 3.42 1.750 .50 2.150 | 1.50 16.600 | 2.50 2.850 | 3.50 1.690 .58 2.360 | 1.58 11.400 | 2.58 2.690 | 3.58 1.640 .67 2.610 | 1.67 8.730 | 2.67 2.540 | 3.67 1.590 .75 2.940 | 1.75 7.110 | 2.75 2.420 | 3.75 1.550 .83 3.380 | 1.83 6.020 | 2.83 2.300 | 3.83 1.500 .92 4.000 | 1.92 5.240 | 2.92 2.200 | 3.92 1.460 1.00 4.940 | 2.00 4.650 | 3.00 2.110 | 4.00 1.420 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.55 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.28 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 330.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 ******* ******************** D E T A I L E D O U T P U T ******************** *************************************************************************** * DATE: 2011-05-13 TIME: 13:35:40 RUN COUNTER: 000157 * *************************************************************************** * Input filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\7767_PR.dat * * Output filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\7767_PR.out * * Summary filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\7767_PR.sum * * User comments: * * 1:______________________________________________________________________ * * 2:______________________________________________________________________ * * 3:______________________________________________________________________ * *************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0001----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extension - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * * PROPOSED CONDITIONS ****************************************************************************** * Date : May 12, 2011 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 001 NSTORM= 1 # 1=25mm.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\25mm.stm | Ptotal= 25.00 mm| Comments: Vaughan 25mm storm 4 hour- 5 min time st * * * * * * * * * * * * Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 83.08 2.11 over (min) 5.00 45.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 6.14 (ii) 42.97 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 45.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .19 .03 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .64 .00 .638 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.33 2.33 1.333 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 23.00 2.84 21.791 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.00 25.00 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .92 .11 .872 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.64 Curve Number (CN)=77.00 | 02:110 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.900 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .230 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .438 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .018 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.667 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 3.145 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .126 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (400 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:100 4.55 .638 1.33 21.79 .000 +ID2 02:110 2.64 .018 1.67 3.15 .000 ====================================================== SUM 04:400 7.19 .640 1.33 14.94 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution * -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:04 (400 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 .833 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .640 1.333 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .1075 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .1075 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>04:(400 ) | | OUT<05:(500 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .042 .2186E+00 .008 .3430E-01 | .075 .2665E+00 .012 .7090E-01 | .095 .3170E+00 .015 .1100E+00 | .111 .3702E+00 .017 .1305E+00 | .125 .4261E+00 .019 .1733E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >04: (400 ) 7.19 .640 1.333 14.945 OUTFLOW<05: (500 ) 7.19 .014 4.083 14.944 | 01:200 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.26 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 320.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 83.08 2.24 over (min) 5.00 40.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 6.02 (ii) 42.01 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 40.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .19 .03 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .64 .00 .641 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.33 2.25 1.333 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 23.00 2.84 21.791 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.00 25.00 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .92 .11 .872 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0011----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.22 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:210 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .300 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 2.212 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 165.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.9365E-01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0008----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.19 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 03:120 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .100 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .836 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .017 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.500 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 2.691 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .108 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. *** WARNING: Time step is too large for value of TP. R.V. may be ok. Peak flow could be off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0009----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (600 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 05:500 7.19 .014 4.08 14.94 .000 +ID2 03:120 2.19 .017 1.50 2.69 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:600 9.38 .027 1.50 12.08 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0010----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 600 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. *************************************************************************** * ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.53 .155 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .006 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.833 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 2.691 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .108 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0012----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= .64 | 03:220 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 31.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 31.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .20 .44 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 120.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 83.08 2.24 over (min) 5.00 40.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 3.34 (ii) 39.33 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 40.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .26 .03 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .04 .00 .038 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.33 2.25 1.333 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 23.00 2.84 9.092 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.00 25.00 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .92 .11 .364 *** WARNING: Storage Coefficient is smaller than DT! Use a smaller DT or a larger area. (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0013----------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution * -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:200 4.53 .641 1.33 21.79 .000 +ID2 02:210 1.22 .006 1.83 2.69 .000 +ID3 03:220 .64 .038 1.33 9.09 .000 ====================================================== SUM 07:700 6.39 .679 1.33 16.87 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0018----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.26 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 02:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0014----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:07 (700 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 .833 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .679 1.333 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .1078 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .1078 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9996 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0015----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>07:(700 ) | | OUT<08:(800 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .032 .2377E+00 .005 .3920E-01 | .061 .3061E+00 .007 .5990E-01 | .078 .3792E+00 .009 .1146E+00 | .092 .4571E+00 .012 .1739E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 .178 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .009 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.750 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 3.436 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .137 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0019----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (950 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:300 1.26 .009 1.75 3.44 .000 +ID2 09:900 8.42 .025 1.67 13.69 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:950 9.68 .033 1.67 12.36 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0020----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 950 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** ** END OF RUN : 1 ******************************************************************************* ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >07: (700 ) 6.39 .679 1.333 16.873 OUTFLOW<08: (800 ) 6.39 .009 4.083 16.872 PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 1.285 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 165.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.9898E-01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0016----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.03 Curve Number (CN)=79.00 | 01:230 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.300 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .200 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .388 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .018 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 1.583 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 3.676 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 25.001 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .147 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------001:0017----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (900 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:230 2.03 .018 1.58 3.68 .000 +ID2 08:800 6.39 .009 4.08 16.87 .000 ====================================================== SUM 09:900 8.42 .025 1.67 13.69 .000 Page 3 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 002 NSTORM= 1 # 1=2yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extension - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * * PROPOSED CONDITIONS ****************************************************************************** * Date : May 12, 2011 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ****************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\2yr.stm | Ptotal= 42.93 mm| Comments: 2-year, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 1.016 | 3.25 1.016 | 6.25 8.128 | 9.25 1.016 .50 1.016 | 3.50 2.032 | 6.50 8.128 | 9.50 2.032 .75 1.016 | 3.75 2.032 | 6.75 3.048 | 9.75 1.016 1.00 .000 | 4.00 1.016 | 7.00 3.048 | 10.00 1.016 1.25 1.016 | 4.25 3.048 | 7.25 3.048 | 10.25 1.016 1.50 1.016 | 4.50 3.048 | 7.50 2.032 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 3.048 | 7.75 3.048 | 10.75 1.016 2.00 1.016 | 5.00 3.048 | 8.00 2.032 | 11.00 1.016 2.25 1.016 | 5.25 5.080 | 8.25 2.032 | 11.25 .000 2.50 2.032 | 5.50 5.080 | 8.50 2.032 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 2.032 | 5.75 38.608 | 8.75 1.016 | 11.75 1.016 3.00 2.032 | 6.00 38.608 | 9.00 2.032 | 12.00 1.016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.55 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.28 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 330.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 38.61 8.89 over (min) 10.00 30.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 8.34 (ii) 29.07 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 10.00 30.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .13 .04 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .44 .00 .445 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.33 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 40.93 10.20 39.082 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.93 42.93 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .95 .24 .910 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 002:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.64 Curve Number (CN)=77.00 | 02:110 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.900 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .230 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= * * * * * * * * * * * * * .438 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .068 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 11.063 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .258 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (400 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:100 4.55 .445 6.00 39.08 .000 +ID2 02:110 2.64 .068 6.08 11.06 .000 ====================================================== SUM 04:400 7.19 .508 6.00 28.79 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:04 (400 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 2.167 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .508 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .2070 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .2070 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>04:(400 ) | | OUT<05:(500 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .042 .2186E+00 .008 .3430E-01 | .075 .2665E+00 .012 .7090E-01 | .095 .3170E+00 .015 .1100E+00 | .111 .3702E+00 .017 .1305E+00 | .125 .4261E+00 .019 .1733E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >04: (400 ) 7.19 .508 6.000 28.794 OUTFLOW<05: (500 ) 7.19 .019 9.833 28.794 PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 3.682 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 230.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.1643E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0008----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.19 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 03:120 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .100 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .836 Page 4 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW (cms)= .072 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 9.951 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .232 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. *** WARNING: Time step is too large for value of TP. R.V. may be ok. Peak flow could be off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0009----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (600 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 05:500 7.19 .019 9.83 28.79 .000 +ID2 03:120 2.19 .072 6.00 9.95 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:600 9.38 .085 6.00 24.39 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0010----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 600 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. *************************************************************************** * ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.53 | 01:200 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.26 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 320.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 38.61 8.89 over (min) 10.00 30.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 8.19 (ii) 28.92 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 10.00 30.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .13 .04 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .44 .00 .444 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.33 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 40.93 10.20 39.082 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.93 42.93 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .95 .24 .910 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0011----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.22 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:210 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .300 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .155 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .024 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.167 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 9.951 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .232 | CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= .64 | 03:220 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 31.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 31.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .20 .44 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 120.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 38.61 9.95 over (min) 5.00 25.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 4.54 (ii) 24.36 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 25.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .23 .05 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .02 .01 .026 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.25 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 40.93 10.20 19.725 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.93 42.93 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .95 .24 .460 *** WARNING: Storage Coefficient is smaller than DT! Use a smaller DT or a larger area. (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0013----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:200 4.53 .444 6.00 39.08 .000 +ID2 02:210 1.22 .024 6.17 9.95 .000 +ID3 03:220 .64 .026 6.00 19.72 .000 ====================================================== SUM 07:700 6.39 .489 6.00 31.58 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0014----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:07 (700 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 2.167 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .489 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .2018 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .2018 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9996 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0015----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>07:(700 ) | | OUT<08:(800 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .032 .2377E+00 .005 .3920E-01 | .061 .3061E+00 .007 .5990E-01 | .078 .3792E+00 .009 .1146E+00 | .092 .4571E+00 .012 .1739E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0012----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------- ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >07: (700 ) 6.39 .489 6.000 31.582 OUTFLOW<08: (800 ) 6.39 .012 11.083 31.581 Page 5 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 2.367 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 305.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.1733E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0016----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.03 Curve Number (CN)=79.00 | 01:230 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.300 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .200 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .388 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .063 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 12.305 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .287 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0017----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (900 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:230 2.03 .063 6.08 12.30 .000 +ID2 08:800 6.39 .012 11.08 31.58 .000 ====================================================== SUM 09:900 8.42 .072 6.08 26.93 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0018----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.26 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 02:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .178 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .031 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 11.721 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 42.926 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .273 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0019----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (950 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:300 1.26 .031 6.08 11.72 .000 +ID2 09:900 8.42 .072 6.08 26.93 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:950 9.68 .103 6.08 24.95 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0020----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 950 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------002:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 2 ******************************************************************************* Page 6 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 003 NSTORM= 1 # 1=5yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extension - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * * PROPOSED CONDITIONS ****************************************************************************** * Date : May 12, 2011 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ****************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\5yr.stm | Ptotal= 55.37 mm| Comments: 5-yr, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 1.016 | 3.25 3.048 | 6.25 9.144 | 9.25 1.016 .50 1.016 | 3.50 2.032 | 6.50 10.160 | 9.50 2.032 .75 1.016 | 3.75 2.032 | 6.75 5.080 | 9.75 2.032 1.00 1.016 | 4.00 2.032 | 7.00 4.064 | 10.00 1.016 1.25 1.016 | 4.25 4.064 | 7.25 3.048 | 10.25 1.016 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 4.064 | 7.50 3.048 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 4.064 | 7.75 4.064 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 1.016 | 5.00 3.048 | 8.00 3.048 | 11.00 1.016 2.25 2.032 | 5.25 7.112 | 8.25 2.032 | 11.25 1.016 2.50 2.032 | 5.50 7.112 | 8.50 2.032 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 2.032 | 5.75 49.784 | 8.75 3.048 | 11.75 1.016 3.00 2.032 | 6.00 49.784 | 9.00 2.032 | 12.00 1.016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.55 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.28 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 330.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 49.78 17.19 over (min) 10.00 25.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 7.53 (ii) 23.45 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 10.00 25.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .13 .05 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .58 .01 .582 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.25 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 53.37 17.00 51.189 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.37 55.37 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .96 .31 .924 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 003:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.64 Curve Number (CN)=77.00 | 02:110 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.900 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .230 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= * * * * * * * * * * * * * .438 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .116 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 18.271 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .330 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (400 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:100 4.55 .582 6.00 51.19 .000 +ID2 02:110 2.64 .116 6.08 18.27 .000 ====================================================== SUM 04:400 7.19 .693 6.00 39.10 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:04 (400 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.667 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .693 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .2811 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .2812 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>04:(400 ) | | OUT<05:(500 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .042 .2186E+00 .008 .3430E-01 | .075 .2665E+00 .012 .7090E-01 | .095 .3170E+00 .015 .1100E+00 | .111 .3702E+00 .017 .1305E+00 | .125 .4261E+00 .019 .1733E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >04: (400 ) 7.19 .693 6.000 39.102 OUTFLOW<05: (500 ) 7.19 .039 9.000 39.102 PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 5.584 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 180.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.2122E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0008----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.19 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 03:120 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .100 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .836 Page 7 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW (cms)= .121 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 16.702 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .302 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. *** WARNING: Time step is too large for value of TP. R.V. may be ok. Peak flow could be off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0009----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (600 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 05:500 7.19 .039 9.00 39.10 .000 +ID2 03:120 2.19 .121 6.00 16.70 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:600 9.38 .137 6.00 33.87 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0010----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 600 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. *************************************************************************** * ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.53 | 01:200 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.26 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 320.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 49.78 17.19 over (min) 5.00 25.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 7.39 (ii) 23.32 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 25.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .17 .05 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .58 .01 .586 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.25 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 53.37 17.00 51.189 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.37 55.37 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .96 .31 .924 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0011----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.22 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:210 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .300 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .155 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .041 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.167 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 16.702 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .302 | CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= .64 | 03:220 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 31.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 31.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .20 .44 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 120.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 49.78 18.56 over (min) 5.00 20.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 4.10 (ii) 19.55 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 20.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .24 .06 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .03 .01 .040 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.17 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 53.37 17.00 28.272 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.37 55.37 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .96 .31 .511 *** WARNING: Storage Coefficient is smaller than DT! Use a smaller DT or a larger area. (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0013----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:200 4.53 .586 6.00 51.19 .000 +ID2 02:210 1.22 .041 6.17 16.70 .000 +ID3 03:220 .64 .040 6.00 28.27 .000 ====================================================== SUM 07:700 6.39 .661 6.00 42.31 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0014----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:07 (700 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.667 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .661 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .2704 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .2704 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0015----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>07:(700 ) | | OUT<08:(800 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .032 .2377E+00 .005 .3920E-01 | .061 .3061E+00 .007 .5990E-01 | .078 .3792E+00 .009 .1146E+00 | .092 .4571E+00 .012 .1739E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0012----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------- ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >07: (700 ) 6.39 .661 6.000 42.310 OUTFLOW<08: (800 ) 6.39 .026 9.833 42.308 Page 8 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 3.972 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 230.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.2195E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0016----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.03 Curve Number (CN)=79.00 | 01:230 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.300 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .200 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .388 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .103 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 19.992 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .361 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0017----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (900 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:230 2.03 .103 6.00 19.99 .000 +ID2 08:800 6.39 .026 9.83 42.31 .000 ====================================================== SUM 09:900 8.42 .114 6.08 36.93 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0018----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.26 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 02:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .178 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .053 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 19.175 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 55.372 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .346 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0019----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (950 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:300 1.26 .053 6.08 19.18 .000 +ID2 09:900 8.42 .114 6.08 36.93 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:950 9.68 .167 6.08 34.62 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0020----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 950 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------003:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 3 ******************************************************************************* Page 9 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 004 NSTORM= 1 # 1=10yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extension - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * * PROPOSED CONDITIONS ****************************************************************************** * Date : May 12, 2011 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ****************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\10yr.stm | Ptotal= 63.75 mm| Comments: 10-yr, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 1.016 | 3.25 3.048 | 6.25 11.176 | 9.25 2.032 .50 2.032 | 3.50 2.032 | 6.50 11.176 | 9.50 2.032 .75 1.016 | 3.75 3.048 | 6.75 5.080 | 9.75 2.032 1.00 1.016 | 4.00 2.032 | 7.00 5.080 | 10.00 2.032 1.25 1.016 | 4.25 5.080 | 7.25 4.064 | 10.25 1.016 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 4.064 | 7.50 4.064 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 4.064 | 7.75 4.064 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 1.016 | 5.00 5.080 | 8.00 3.048 | 11.00 1.016 2.25 3.048 | 5.25 7.112 | 8.25 3.048 | 11.25 1.016 2.50 2.032 | 5.50 8.128 | 8.50 2.032 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 3.048 | 5.75 56.896 | 8.75 3.048 | 11.75 2.032 3.00 2.032 | 6.00 57.912 | 9.00 2.032 | 12.00 1.016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.55 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.28 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 330.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 57.91 24.32 over (min) 5.00 20.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 7.09 (ii) 20.95 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 20.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .17 .05 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .68 .01 .688 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.17 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 61.75 22.14 59.377 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.75 63.75 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .97 .35 .931 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 004:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.64 Curve Number (CN)=77.00 | 02:110 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.900 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .230 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= * * * * * * * * * * * * * .438 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .152 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 23.683 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .371 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (400 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:100 4.55 .688 6.00 59.38 .000 +ID2 02:110 2.64 .152 6.08 23.68 .000 ====================================================== SUM 04:400 7.19 .833 6.00 46.27 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:04 (400 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.417 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .833 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .3327 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .3327 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>04:(400 ) | | OUT<05:(500 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .042 .2186E+00 .008 .3430E-01 | .075 .2665E+00 .012 .7090E-01 | .095 .3170E+00 .015 .1100E+00 | .111 .3702E+00 .017 .1305E+00 | .125 .4261E+00 .019 .1733E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >04: (400 ) 7.19 .833 6.000 46.271 OUTFLOW<05: (500 ) 7.19 .058 7.917 46.270 PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 6.916 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 115.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.2415E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0008----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.19 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 03:120 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .100 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .836 Page 10 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW (cms)= .158 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 21.819 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .342 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. *** WARNING: Time step is too large for value of TP. R.V. may be ok. Peak flow could be off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0009----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (600 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 05:500 7.19 .058 7.92 46.27 .000 +ID2 03:120 2.19 .158 6.00 21.82 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:600 9.38 .176 6.00 40.56 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0010----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 600 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. *************************************************************************** * ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.53 | 01:200 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.26 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 320.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 57.91 24.32 over (min) 5.00 20.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 6.96 (ii) 20.82 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 20.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .17 .05 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .68 .01 .685 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.17 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 61.75 22.14 59.377 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.75 63.75 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .97 .35 .931 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0011----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.22 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:210 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .300 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .155 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .055 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.167 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 21.819 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .342 | CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= .64 | 03:220 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 31.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 31.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .20 .44 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 120.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 57.91 24.32 over (min) 5.00 20.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 3.86 (ii) 17.72 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 20.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .25 .06 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .03 .02 .049 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.17 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 61.75 22.14 34.418 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.75 63.75 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .97 .35 .540 *** WARNING: Storage Coefficient is smaller than DT! Use a smaller DT or a larger area. (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0013----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:200 4.53 .685 6.00 59.38 .000 +ID2 02:210 1.22 .055 6.17 21.82 .000 +ID3 03:220 .64 .049 6.00 34.42 .000 ====================================================== SUM 07:700 6.39 .782 6.00 49.71 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0014----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:07 (700 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.417 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .782 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .3176 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .3176 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0015----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>07:(700 ) | | OUT<08:(800 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .032 .2377E+00 .005 .3920E-01 | .061 .3061E+00 .007 .5990E-01 | .078 .3792E+00 .009 .1146E+00 | .092 .4571E+00 .012 .1739E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0012----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------- ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >07: (700 ) 6.39 .782 6.000 49.707 OUTFLOW<08: (800 ) 6.39 .037 8.917 49.705 Page 11 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 4.747 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 175.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.2497E+00 ** END OF RUN : 4 ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0016----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.03 Curve Number (CN)=79.00 | 01:230 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.300 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .200 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .388 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .134 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 25.707 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .403 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0017----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (900 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:230 2.03 .134 6.00 25.71 .000 +ID2 08:800 6.39 .037 8.92 49.71 .000 ====================================================== SUM 09:900 8.42 .147 6.08 43.92 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0018----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.26 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 02:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .178 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .070 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 24.743 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 63.754 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .388 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0019----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (950 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:300 1.26 .070 6.08 24.74 .000 +ID2 09:900 8.42 .147 6.08 43.92 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:950 9.68 .217 6.08 41.42 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0020----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 950 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------004:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* Page 12 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 005 NSTORM= 1 # 1=25yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extension - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * * PROPOSED CONDITIONS ****************************************************************************** * Date : May 12, 2011 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ******************************************************************************* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\25yr.stm | Ptotal= 74.42 mm| Comments: 25-yr, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 1.016 | 3.25 3.048 | 6.25 13.208 | 9.25 3.048 .50 2.032 | 3.50 3.048 | 6.50 13.208 | 9.50 2.032 .75 1.016 | 3.75 3.048 | 6.75 6.096 | 9.75 2.032 1.00 2.032 | 4.00 3.048 | 7.00 6.096 | 10.00 2.032 1.25 1.016 | 4.25 5.080 | 7.25 5.080 | 10.25 2.032 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 5.080 | 7.50 4.064 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 6.096 | 7.75 4.064 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 2.032 | 5.00 5.080 | 8.00 5.080 | 11.00 1.016 2.25 3.048 | 5.25 8.128 | 8.25 3.048 | 11.25 2.032 2.50 3.048 | 5.50 9.144 | 8.50 3.048 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 3.048 | 5.75 67.056 | 8.75 3.048 | 11.75 2.032 3.00 2.032 | 6.00 67.056 | 9.00 2.032 | 12.00 1.016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.55 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.28 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 330.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 67.06 31.96 over (min) 5.00 20.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 6.69 (ii) 19.11 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 20.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .18 .06 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .79 .02 .803 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.17 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 72.42 29.20 69.829 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.42 74.42 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .97 .39 .938 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 005:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.64 Curve Number (CN)=77.00 | 02:110 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.900 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .230 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= * * * * * * * * * * * * .438 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .200 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 31.077 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .418 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (400 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:100 4.55 .803 6.00 69.83 .000 +ID2 02:110 2.64 .200 6.08 31.08 .000 ====================================================== SUM 04:400 7.19 .995 6.00 55.60 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:04 (400 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.333 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .995 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .3998 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .3998 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>04:(400 ) | | OUT<05:(500 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .042 .2186E+00 .008 .3430E-01 | .075 .2665E+00 .012 .7090E-01 | .095 .3170E+00 .015 .1100E+00 | .111 .3702E+00 .017 .1305E+00 | .125 .4261E+00 .019 .1733E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >04: (400 ) 7.19 .995 6.000 55.600 OUTFLOW<05: (500 ) 7.19 .081 7.417 55.600 PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 8.097 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 85.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.2810E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0008----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.19 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 03:120 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .100 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .836 Page 13 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW (cms)= .205 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 28.858 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .388 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. *** WARNING: Time step is too large for value of TP. R.V. may be ok. Peak flow could be off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0009----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (600 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 05:500 7.19 .081 7.42 55.60 .000 +ID2 03:120 2.19 .205 6.00 28.86 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:600 9.38 .233 6.00 49.36 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0010----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 600 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. *************************************************************************** * ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.53 | 01:200 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.26 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 320.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 67.06 31.96 over (min) 5.00 20.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 6.56 (ii) 18.99 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 20.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .18 .06 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .79 .02 .800 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.17 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 72.42 29.20 69.829 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.42 74.42 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .97 .39 .938 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0011----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.22 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:210 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .300 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .155 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .073 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.167 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 28.858 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .388 | CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= .64 | 03:220 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 31.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 31.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .20 .44 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 120.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 67.06 33.71 over (min) 5.00 15.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 3.64 (ii) 15.81 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 15.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .25 .07 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .04 .03 .064 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.08 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 72.42 29.20 42.599 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.42 74.42 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .97 .39 .572 *** WARNING: Storage Coefficient is smaller than DT! Use a smaller DT or a larger area. (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0013----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:200 4.53 .800 6.00 69.83 .000 +ID2 02:210 1.22 .073 6.17 28.86 .000 +ID3 03:220 .64 .064 6.00 42.60 .000 ====================================================== SUM 07:700 6.39 .929 6.00 59.28 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0014----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:07 (700 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.333 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT .929 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .3788 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .3788 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0015----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>07:(700 ) | | OUT<08:(800 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .032 .2377E+00 .005 .3920E-01 | .061 .3061E+00 .007 .5990E-01 | .078 .3792E+00 .009 .1146E+00 | .092 .4571E+00 .012 .1739E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0012----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------- ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >07: (700 ) 6.39 .929 6.000 59.279 OUTFLOW<08: (800 ) 6.39 .054 8.250 59.278 Page 14 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 5.769 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 135.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.2891E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0016----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.03 Curve Number (CN)=79.00 | 01:230 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.300 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .200 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 5 ******************************************************************************* .388 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .176 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 33.462 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .450 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0017----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (900 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:230 2.03 .176 6.00 33.46 .000 +ID2 08:800 6.39 .054 8.25 59.28 .000 ====================================================== SUM 09:900 8.42 .198 6.08 53.05 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0018----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.26 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 02:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .178 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .092 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 32.321 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 74.422 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .434 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0019----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (950 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:300 1.26 .092 6.08 32.32 .000 +ID2 09:900 8.42 .198 6.08 53.05 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:950 9.68 .290 6.08 50.36 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0020----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 950 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------005:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* Page 15 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 006 NSTORM= 1 # 1=50yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extension - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * * PROPOSED CONDITIONS ****************************************************************************** * Date : May 12, 2011 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ****************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\50yr.stm | Ptotal= 82.04 mm| Comments: 50-yr, 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 2.032 | 3.25 3.048 | 6.25 15.240 | 9.25 3.048 .50 1.016 | 3.50 3.048 | 6.50 14.224 | 9.50 2.032 .75 2.032 | 3.75 4.064 | 6.75 7.112 | 9.75 3.048 1.00 1.016 | 4.00 3.048 | 7.00 6.096 | 10.00 2.032 1.25 2.032 | 4.25 5.080 | 7.25 5.080 | 10.25 2.032 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 6.096 | 7.50 5.080 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 6.096 | 7.75 5.080 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 2.032 | 5.00 5.080 | 8.00 4.064 | 11.00 2.032 2.25 3.048 | 5.25 10.160 | 8.25 4.064 | 11.25 1.016 2.50 3.048 | 5.50 10.160 | 8.50 3.048 | 11.50 2.032 2.75 4.064 | 5.75 73.152 | 8.75 3.048 | 11.75 1.016 3.00 3.048 | 6.00 74.168 | 9.00 3.048 | 12.00 2.032 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.55 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.28 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 330.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 74.17 37.80 over (min) 5.00 20.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 6.42 (ii) 18.04 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 20.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .18 .06 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .87 .02 .890 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.17 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 80.04 34.54 77.312 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.04 82.04 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .98 .42 .942 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 006:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.64 Curve Number (CN)=77.00 | 02:110 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.900 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .230 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= * * * * * * * * * * * * * .438 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .237 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 36.644 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .447 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (400 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:100 4.55 .890 6.00 77.31 .000 +ID2 02:110 2.64 .237 6.08 36.64 .000 ====================================================== SUM 04:400 7.19 1.118 6.00 62.38 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:04 (400 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.167 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT 1.118 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .4485 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .4485 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>04:(400 ) | | OUT<05:(500 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .042 .2186E+00 .008 .3430E-01 | .075 .2665E+00 .012 .7090E-01 | .095 .3170E+00 .015 .1100E+00 | .111 .3702E+00 .017 .1305E+00 | .125 .4261E+00 .019 .1733E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >04: (400 ) 7.19 1.118 6.000 62.380 OUTFLOW<05: (500 ) 7.19 .093 7.333 62.379 PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 8.332 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 80.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.3125E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0008----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.19 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 03:120 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .100 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .836 Page 16 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW (cms)= .243 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 34.185 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .417 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. *** WARNING: Time step is too large for value of TP. R.V. may be ok. Peak flow could be off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0009----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (600 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 05:500 7.19 .093 7.33 62.38 .000 +ID2 03:120 2.19 .243 6.00 34.19 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:600 9.38 .283 6.00 55.80 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0010----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 600 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. *************************************************************************** * ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.53 | 01:200 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.26 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 320.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 74.17 37.80 over (min) 5.00 20.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 6.30 (ii) 17.92 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 20.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .19 .06 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .87 .02 .887 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.17 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 80.04 34.54 77.312 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.04 82.04 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .98 .42 .942 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0011----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.22 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:210 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .300 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .155 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .087 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.167 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 34.185 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .417 | CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= .64 | 03:220 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 31.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 31.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .20 .44 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 120.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 74.17 39.84 over (min) 5.00 15.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 3.50 (ii) 14.88 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 15.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .26 .08 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .04 .04 .074 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.08 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 80.04 34.54 48.647 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.04 82.04 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .98 .42 .593 *** WARNING: Storage Coefficient is smaller than DT! Use a smaller DT or a larger area. (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0013----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:200 4.53 .887 6.00 77.31 .000 +ID2 02:210 1.22 .087 6.17 34.19 .000 +ID3 03:220 .64 .074 6.00 48.65 .000 ====================================================== SUM 07:700 6.39 1.039 6.00 66.21 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0014----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:07 (700 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.167 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT 1.039 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .4231 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .4231 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9996 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0015----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>07:(700 ) | | OUT<08:(800 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .032 .2377E+00 .005 .3920E-01 | .061 .3061E+00 .007 .5990E-01 | .078 .3792E+00 .009 .1146E+00 | .092 .4571E+00 .012 .1739E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0012----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------- ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >07: (700 ) 6.39 1.039 6.000 66.207 OUTFLOW<08: (800 ) 6.39 .064 8.250 66.206 Page 17 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 6.117 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 135.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.3179E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0016----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.03 Curve Number (CN)=79.00 | 01:230 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.300 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .200 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ** END OF RUN : 6 ******************************************************************************* .388 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .207 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 39.268 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .479 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0017----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (900 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:230 2.03 .207 6.00 39.27 .000 +ID2 08:800 6.39 .064 8.25 66.21 .000 ====================================================== SUM 09:900 8.42 .237 6.08 59.71 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0018----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.26 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 02:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .178 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .109 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 38.010 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 82.042 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .463 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0019----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (950 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:300 1.26 .109 6.08 38.01 .000 +ID2 09:900 8.42 .237 6.08 59.71 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:950 9.68 .345 6.08 56.89 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0020----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 950 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------006:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* Page 18 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution -------------------| START | Project dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ -------------------- Rainfall dir.: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\ TZERO = .00 hrs on 0 METOUT= 2 (output = METRIC) NRUN = 007 NSTORM= 1 # 1=100yr.stm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* * Yonge Subway Extension - Langstaff Station Parking JOB: 7767 * * PROPOSED CONDITIONS ****************************************************************************** * Date : May 12, 2011 * Modeller : [MB] * Company : McCormick Rankin Corporation * * - 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100yr, 12-hr SCS Storm Distribution * - Rainfall depths from Toronto Bloor Station, * - 25mm, 4hr Chicago for Vaughan Station * ****************************************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -------------------| READ STORM | Filename: C:\SWMHYMO\7767YSub\Proposed\100yr.stm | Ptotal= 89.92 mm| Comments: 100-yr 12-hr SCS Storm: 15min time step -------------------TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN | TIME RAIN hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr | hrs mm/hr .25 2.032 | 3.25 4.064 | 6.25 16.256 | 9.25 3.048 .50 2.032 | 3.50 3.048 | 6.50 16.256 | 9.50 3.048 .75 1.016 | 3.75 4.064 | 6.75 7.112 | 9.75 2.032 1.00 2.032 | 4.00 3.048 | 7.00 7.112 | 10.00 3.048 1.25 2.032 | 4.25 7.112 | 7.25 5.080 | 10.25 2.032 1.50 2.032 | 4.50 6.096 | 7.50 5.080 | 10.50 1.016 1.75 1.016 | 4.75 6.096 | 7.75 6.096 | 10.75 2.032 2.00 2.032 | 5.00 6.096 | 8.00 5.080 | 11.00 2.032 2.25 4.064 | 5.25 11.176 | 8.25 4.064 | 11.25 2.032 2.50 3.048 | 5.50 11.176 | 8.50 3.048 | 11.50 1.016 2.75 4.064 | 5.75 80.264 | 8.75 4.064 | 11.75 2.032 3.00 3.048 | 6.00 81.280 | 9.00 3.048 | 12.00 2.032 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0003----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.55 | 01:100 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.28 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 330.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 81.28 46.32 over (min) 5.00 15.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 6.19 (ii) 16.90 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 15.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .19 .07 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .96 .02 .981 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.08 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 87.92 40.28 85.058 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.92 89.92 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .98 .45 .946 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 007:0004----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.64 Curve Number (CN)=77.00 | 02:110 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.900 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .230 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= * * * * * * * * * * * * * .438 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .276 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 42.604 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .474 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0005----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (400 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:100 4.55 .981 6.00 85.06 .000 +ID2 02:110 2.64 .276 6.08 42.60 .000 ====================================================== SUM 04:400 7.19 1.249 6.00 69.47 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0006----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:04 (400 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.083 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT 1.249 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .4995 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .4995 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0007----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>04:(400 ) | | OUT<05:(500 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .042 .2186E+00 .008 .3430E-01 | .075 .2665E+00 .012 .7090E-01 | .095 .3170E+00 .015 .1100E+00 | .111 .3702E+00 .017 .1305E+00 | .125 .4261E+00 .019 .1733E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >04: (400 ) 7.19 1.249 6.000 69.470 OUTFLOW<05: (500 ) 7.19 .104 7.167 69.469 PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 8.336 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 70.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.3470E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0008----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.19 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 03:120 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .100 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .836 Page 19 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW (cms)= .282 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 39.911 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .444 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. *** WARNING: Time step is too large for value of TP. R.V. may be ok. Peak flow could be off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0009----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (600 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 05:500 7.19 .104 7.17 69.47 .000 +ID2 03:120 2.19 .282 6.00 39.91 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:600 9.38 .339 6.00 62.57 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0010----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 600 DRAINS TO EAST DON RIVER. *************************************************************************** * ---------------------| CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= 4.53 | 01:200 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 94.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 94.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= 4.26 .27 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 320.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 81.28 46.32 over (min) 5.00 15.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 6.08 (ii) 16.79 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 15.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .19 .07 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .95 .02 .978 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.08 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 87.92 40.28 85.058 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.92 89.92 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .98 .45 .946 (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0011----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.22 Curve Number (CN)=75.00 | 02:210 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 8.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .300 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .155 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .103 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 39.911 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .444 | CALIB STANDHYD | Area (ha)= .64 | 03:220 DT= 5.00 | Total Imp(%)= 31.00 Dir. Conn.(%)= 31.00 ---------------------IMPERVIOUS PERVIOUS (i) Surface Area (ha)= .20 .44 Dep. Storage (mm)= 2.00 8.00 Average Slope (%)= 1.00 2.00 Length (m)= 120.00 40.00 Mannings n = .015 .300 Max.eff.Inten.(mm/hr)= 81.28 46.32 over (min) 5.00 15.00 Storage Coeff. (min)= 3.37 (ii) 14.09 (ii) Unit Hyd. Tpeak (min)= 5.00 15.00 Unit Hyd. peak (cms)= .26 .08 *TOTALS* PEAK FLOW (cms)= .04 .04 .085 (iii) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.00 6.08 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 87.92 40.28 55.048 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.92 89.92 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .98 .45 .612 *** WARNING: Storage Coefficient is smaller than DT! Use a smaller DT or a larger area. (i) CN PROCEDURE SELECTED FOR PERVIOUS LOSSES: CN* = 75.0 Ia = Dep. Storage (Above) (ii) TIME STEP (DT) SHOULD BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN THE STORAGE COEFFICIENT. (iii) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0013----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (700 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:200 4.53 .978 6.00 85.06 .000 +ID2 02:210 1.22 .103 6.08 39.91 .000 +ID3 03:220 .64 .085 6.00 55.05 .000 ====================================================== SUM 07:700 6.39 1.154 6.00 73.43 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0014----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| COMPUTE VOLUME | | ID:07 (700 ) | DISCHARGE TIME -------------------(cms) (hrs) START CONTROLLING AT .000 1.083 INFLOW HYD. PEAKS AT 1.154 6.000 STOP CONTROLLING AT .000 .000 REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME (ha.m.)= .4692 TOTAL HYDROGRAPH VOLUME (ha.m.)= .4692 % OF HYDROGRAPH TO STORE = 99.9997 NOTE: Storage was computed to reduce the Inflow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0015----------------------------------------------------------------------* --------------------| ROUTE RESERVOIR | Requested routing time step = 5.0 min. | IN>07:(700 ) | | OUT<08:(800 ) | ========= OUTLFOW STORAGE TABLE ========= --------------------- OUTFLOW STORAGE | OUTFLOW STORAGE (cms) (ha.m.) | (cms) (ha.m.) .000 .0000E+00 | .032 .2377E+00 .005 .3920E-01 | .061 .3061E+00 .007 .5990E-01 | .078 .3792E+00 .009 .1146E+00 | .092 .4571E+00 .012 .1739E+00 | .000 .0000E+00 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0012----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------- ROUTING RESULTS AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) INFLOW >07: (700 ) 6.39 1.154 6.000 73.433 OUTFLOW<08: (800 ) 6.39 .071 8.167 73.432 Page 20 of 21 Yonge Subway Extension –Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking lot Appendix D Proposed Conditions SWMHYMO Modelling using 12-Hr SCS Distribution PEAK FLOW REDUCTION [Qout/Qin](%)= 6.192 TIME SHIFT OF PEAK FLOW (min)= 130.00 MAXIMUM STORAGE USED (ha.m.)=.3509E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0016----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 2.03 Curve Number (CN)=79.00 | 01:230 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.300 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .200 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .388 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .241 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.000 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 45.462 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .506 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0017----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (900 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 01:230 2.03 .241 6.00 45.46 .000 +ID2 08:800 6.39 .071 8.17 73.43 .000 ====================================================== SUM 09:900 8.42 .280 6.08 66.69 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0018----------------------------------------------------------------------* ---------------------| CALIB NASHYD | Area (ha)= 1.26 Curve Number (CN)=78.00 | 02:300 DT= 5.00 | Ia (mm)= 7.500 # of Linear Res.(N)= 3.00 ---------------------- U.H. Tp(hrs)= .270 Unit Hyd Qpeak (cms)= .178 PEAK FLOW (cms)= .127 (i) TIME TO PEAK (hrs)= 6.083 RUNOFF VOLUME (mm)= 44.090 TOTAL RAINFALL (mm)= 89.916 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = .490 (i) PEAK FLOW DOES NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOW IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0019----------------------------------------------------------------------* -------------------| ADD HYD (950 ) | ID: NHYD AREA QPEAK TPEAK R.V. DWF -------------------(ha) (cms) (hrs) (mm) (cms) ID1 02:300 1.26 .127 6.08 44.09 .000 +ID2 09:900 8.42 .280 6.08 66.69 .000 ====================================================== SUM 06:950 9.68 .407 6.08 63.75 .000 NOTE: PEAK FLOWS DO NOT INCLUDE BASEFLOWS IF ANY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0020----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FLOW FROM HYD# 950 DRAINS TO POMONA MILLS CREEK. * ******************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------007:0002----------------------------------------------------------------------* FINISH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************* WARNINGS / ERRORS / NOTES ------------------------001:0008 CALIB NASHYD *** WARNING: Time step is too large for value of TP. R.V. may be ok. Peak flow could be off. Simulation ended on 2011-05-13 at 13:35:52 ============================================================================= Page 21 of 21 Appendix D Subcatchment I.D. Summary of Hydrologic Modelling Parameters Proposed Conditions Yonge Subway - Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking Lot Imperviousness SCS Initial Abstraction Manning's Time to Number (%) Curve (mm) 'n' Peak of Linear Direct + Indirect = Total Number Pervious Impervious Pervious Impervious (hours) Reservoirs Classification Drainage Area (ha) 100 Standard 4.55 94 + 0 = 94 75 8.0 2.0 0.30 0.015 n/a n/a 40 330 2.00 1.00 110 Nash 2.64 8 + 0 = 8 77 7.9 n/a n/a n/a 0.23 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 120 Nash 2.19 0 + 0 = 0 75 8.5 n/a n/a n/a 0.09 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 200 Standard 4.53 94 + 0 = 94 75 8.0 2.0 0.30 0.015 n/a n/a 40 320 2.00 1.00 210 Nash 1.22 0 + 0 = 0 75 8.5 n/a n/a n/a 0.30 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 220 Standard 0.64 31 + 0 = 31 75 8.0 2.0 0.30 0.015 n/a n/a 40 120 2.00 1.00 230 Nash 2.03 18 + 0 = 18 79 7.3 n/a n/a n/a 0.20 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 300 Nash 1.26 15 + 0 = 15 78 7.5 n/a n/a n/a 0.27 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 19.06 50 + 0 = 50 76 8.0 - - - - - - - - - Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph Total/Weighted Average = W:\7k\7767 TTC - Yonge Subway Ext. Conceptual Design\7767.450 Water Resources\21-Hydrology\7767-SWMHYMO Parameters Proposed.xls Flow Length (m) Pervious Impervious Slope (%) Pervious Impervious Yonge Subway Extension Conceptual Design Services Preliminary Drainage and SWM Report for the Commuter Parking Lot at Langstaff Subway Station Toronto Transit Commission York Region Rapid Transit Corporation APPENDIX E Stormwater Management Calculations McCormick Rankin Corporation Appendix E Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking Lot Pond Calculations WEST SWM POND a) Permanent Pool Volume Calculation Total Drainage Area for the Pond Percentage of Imperviousness = = 7.19 ha 65% As per Table 3.2 of the Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual of the Ministry of Environment, Storage requirement for Enhanced 80% S.S. removal for 65% imperviousness is 215 m3/ha, which also includes 40 m3/ha for water quality requirement Therefore, Required Permanent Pool volume = 7.19 ha x (215 - 40) m3/ha = 1260 m3 Provided Permanent Pool volume = 1420 m3. (Cell 1) b) Drawdown Time Calculation for 25 mm Event Pond data: Bottom Elevation of Pond Permanent Pool Elevation Orifice Invert Elevation Orifice size Elevation at Orifice C.L. = = = = = 178.00 m 178.30 m 178.30 m 100 mm dia. 178.35 m Required storage volume for 25 mm rainfall event = 1075 m3 Corresponding storage level = 178.89 m Pond area at Elev. 178.30 m, (A1) Pond area at Elev. 178.89 m, (A2) Area of Pond, AP = = = 1655 m2 2009 m2 A1 + A2 1655 + 2009 = = 1832 m2 2 2 πd 2 3.14 × 0.100 2 = 0.00785 m2 4 4 h1 = 178.89 – 178.30 = 0.59 m h2 = 178.35 – 178.30 = 0.05 m Area of Orifice, A0 = Drawdown Time, t = 2 AP = ( h1 − h2 CA0 . 2 g ) sec = 2 × 1832 × ( 0.59 − 0.05 0.6 × 0.00785 × 19.62 = 95629 sec = 26.6 hours ≅ 27 hours ) sec Appendix E Yonge Subway Extension – Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking Lot EAST SWM POND a) Permanent Pool Volume Calculation Total Drainage Area for the Pond Percentage of Imperviousness = = 6.39 ha 70% As per Table 3.2 of the Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual of the Ministry of Environment, Storage requirement for Enhanced 80% S.S. removal for 65% imperviousness is 225 m3/ha, which also includes 40 m3/ha for water quality requirement Therefore, Required Permanent Pool volume = 6.39 ha x (225 - 40) m3/ha = 1185 m3 = 1580 m3. Provided Permanent Pool volume b) Drawdown Time Calculation for 25 mm Event Pond data: Bottom Elevation of Pond Permanent Pool Elevation Orifice Invert Elevation Orifice size Elevation at Orifice C.L. = = = = = 191.70 m 192.70 m 192.70 m 80 mm dia. 192.74 m Required storage volume for 25 mm rainfall event = 1078 m3 Corresponding storage level = 193.22 m Pond area at Elev. 192.7 m, (A1) Pond area at Elev. 178.89 m, (A2) Area of Pond, AP = = = 1895 m2 2245 m2 A1 + A2 1895 + 2245 = = 2070 m2 2 2 πd 2 3.14 × 0.080 2 Area of Orifice, A0 = = = 0.005024 m2 4 4 h1 = 193.22 – 192.70 = 0.52 m h2 = 192.74 – 192.70 = 0.04 m Drawdown Time, t = 2 AP ( h1 − h2 CA0 . 2 g ) sec = 2 × 2070 × ( 0.52 − 0.04 0.6 × 0.005024 × 19.62 = 161577 sec ≅ 45 hours ) sec 7767 Yonge Subway Extension Appendix E Stage-Storage-Discharge Summary - Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking Lot - West SWM Pond Storage Stage Discharge (m) 178.00 178.30 178.50 178.70 178.90 179.00 179.20 179.40 179.60 179.80 180.00 180.20 3 5yr 100yr (m /s) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0081 0.0123 0.0155 0.0168 0.0192 0.0419 0.0748 0.0950 0.1112 0.1251 MAX W.L. MAX W.L. Active 3 (m ) 0 0 343 709 1,100 1,305 1,733 2,186 2,665 3,170 3,702 4,261 Total 3 (m ) 0 471 813 1,180 1,571 1,776 2,203 2,657 3,136 3,641 4,173 4,731 226 m3 226 m3 Stage Area 2 (m) 178.00 178.30 178.50 178.70 178.90 179.00 179.20 179.40 179.60 179.80 180.00 180.20 (m ) Forebays Incremental Accumulated Volume Volume 3 (m ) 3 (m ) Main Pool (Excluding Forebay) Incremental Accumulated Volume Volume Storage Area 2 (m ) 1,483 1,655 1,773 1,893 2,015 2,077 2,202 2,330 2,460 2,592 2,726 2,863 3 (m ) 0 471 343 367 391 205 428 453 479 505 532 559 Sediment 3 3 (m ) 0 471 813 1,180 1,571 1,776 2,203 2,657 3,136 3,641 4,173 4,731 (m ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Detention Time Total 3 (m ) 0 471 813 1,180 1,571 1,776 2,203 2,657 3,136 3,641 4,173 4,731 (hrs) 0 0 12 20 27 30 37 40 41 43 Permanent Pool Q5 Q100 7767 Yonge Subway Extension Detailed Outlet Structure Discharge Calculations Discharge (m3/s) Elevation Spillway Parameters Outlet Riser DICB Total Overflow Weir 1 Discharge Crest Elevation Orifice 1 (m) Weir 1 Weir 2 Total Orifice 1 Weir 1 Orifice 2 Total Orifice Centre 178.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9999.00 m 178.30 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Crest Width 178.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00808 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.008 178.70 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01235 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.012 Slope (x:1) 3 178.90 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01548 0.000 0.000 0.0155 0.000 0.015 Weir Coeff. 1.670 179.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01683 0.000 0.000 0.0168 0.000 0.017 Weir Top Width (m) -58910.8 Orifice Diameter 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01924 0.000 0.000 0.0192 0.000 0.019 Overflow Weir 2 0.000 0.000 0.02139 0.000 0.020 0.0419 0.000 0.042 Crest Elevation 179.60 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.02334 0.000 0.051 0.0748 0.000 0.075 9999.0 m 179.80 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.02513 0.000 0.070 0.0950 0.000 0.095 Crest Width 180.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.02681 0.000 0.084 0.1112 0.000 0.111 Vertical 180.20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.02839 0.000 0.097 0.1251 0.000 0.125 Slope (x:1) 0 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Weir Coeff. 1.670 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Weir Top Width (m) 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 DICB Side Walls Vertical Weir 1 Top of Weir Structure 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 T/G Invert 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 9999.00 m CB Size 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 by 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 600 mm 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Weir Dimensions (Height x Length) 0.000 0 mm Height 0 mm L Weir Coeff. 1.670 Orifice 2 Orifice Centre Perimeter 179.36 m 707 mm Orifice Invert 179.25 m Area 2 39,761 mm Orifice Diameter Orifice Coeff. 4 :1 Q = CA Max Open Area 2 0 mm 9999.0 m Grate Slope Area (m ) Perimeter (m) 0 mm Weir Crest Invert 1200 mm 2 Max Perimeter 9999.0 m 0 m 0.000 0.6 Orientation 0.000 0.000 Orifice Coeff. 100 mm 179.20 0.000 Area 2 7,854 mm 178.30 m 179.40 0.00 314 mm Orifice Invert 2 m 0.00 Perimeter 178.35 m 225 mm 0.720 3.600 D 2 g h2 − h1 + 2000 0.6 Orientation Vertical Operates Above (m) 179.36 Q = CL(h2 − h1 ) + 1.268 z (h2 − h1 ) 1 .5 2.5 7767 Yonge Subway Extension Appendix E Stage-Storage-Discharge Summary - Langstaff Subway Station Commuter Parking Lot - East SWM Pond Storage Stage Discharge (m) 191.70 192.70 192.90 193.00 193.25 193.50 193.75 194.00 194.25 194.50 3 5yr 100yr (m /s) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0053 0.0068 0.0095 0.0116 0.0321 0.0607 0.0783 0.0924 MAX W.L. MAX W.L. Active 3 (m ) 0 0 392 599 1,146 1,739 2,377 3,061 3,792 4,571 Total 3 (m ) 0 1,579 1,971 2,178 2,725 3,318 3,956 4,640 5,371 6,150 226 m3 226 m3 Stage Area 2 (m) 191.70 192.70 192.90 193.00 193.25 193.50 193.75 194.00 194.25 194.50 (m ) Forebays Incremental Accumulated Volume Volume 3 (m ) 3 (m ) Main Pool (Excluding Forebay) Incremental Accumulated Volume Volume Storage Area 2 (m ) 1,262 1,896 2,028 2,095 2,282 2,462 2,644 2,830 3,020 3,212 3 (m ) 0 1,579 392 206 547 593 638 684 731 779 Sediment 3 3 (m ) 0 1,579 1,971 2,178 2,725 3,318 3,956 4,640 5,371 6,150 (m ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimated Detention Time Total 3 (m ) 0 1,579 1,971 2,178 2,725 3,318 3,956 4,640 5,371 6,150 (hrs) 0 0 20 29 45 59 64 68 70 72 Permanent Pool Q5 Q100 7767 Yonge Subway Extension Detailed Outlet Structure Discharge Calculations Discharge (m3/s) Elevation Spillway Parameters Outlet Riser DICB Total Overflow Weir 1 Discharge Crest Elevation Orifice 1 (m) Weir 1 Weir 2 Total Orifice 1 Weir 1 Orifice 2 Total Orifice Centre 191.70 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 9999.00 m 192.70 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 Crest Width 192.90 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00534 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.0053 193.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00681 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.0068 Slope (x:1) 3 Orifice Diameter Orifice Coeff. 193.25 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00954 0.000 0.000 0.0095 0.000 0.0095 Weir Coeff. 1.670 80 mm 0.6 193.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01165 0.000 0.000 0.0116 0.000 0.0116 Weir Top Width (m) -58825.0 Orientation 193.75 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01343 0.000 0.019 0.0321 0.000 0.0321 Overflow Weir 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01500 0.000 0.046 0.0607 0.000 0.0607 Crest Elevation 194.25 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01642 0.000 0.062 0.0783 0.000 0.0783 9999.0 m 194.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01772 0.000 0.075 0.0924 0.000 0.0924 Crest Width 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Vertical 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Slope (x:1) 0 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Weir Coeff. 1.670 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Weir Top Width (m) 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 DICB Side Walls Vertical Weir 1 Top of Weir Structure 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 T/G Invert 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 9999.00 m CB Size 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 by 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 600 mm 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Weir Dimensions (Height x Length) 0.000 0 mm Height 0 mm L Weir Coeff. 1.670 Orifice 2 Orifice Centre Perimeter 193.70 m 628 mm Orifice Invert Area 2 31,416 mm 193.6 m Orifice Diameter 4 :1 Q = CA Max Open Area 2 0 mm 9999.0 m Grate Slope Area (m ) Perimeter (m) 0 mm Weir Crest Invert 1200 mm 2 Max Perimeter 9999.0 m 0 m 0.000 Area 2 5,027 mm 192.70 m 194.00 0.00 251 mm Orifice Invert 2 m 0.00 Perimeter 192.74 m Orifice Coeff. 200 mm 0.720 3.600 D 2 g h2 − h1 + 2000 0.6 Orientation Vertical Operates Above (m) 193.70 Q = CL(h2 − h1 ) + 1.268 z (h2 − h1 ) 1 .5 2.5