09:30 10:00 10:45 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:30 14:00 Day 1 (26 June) Registration Welcome addresses -­‐ Helen Spencer-­‐Oatey and Marie-­‐Thérèse Claes Keynote The global people cultural competencies Prof. Helen Spencer-­‐Oatey Coffee break Session chair: Marie-­‐Thérèse Claes (11:00-­‐12:00) What has happened to the teaching of cross-­‐cultural management: are we (still) relevant? Roger Bell Discussant: Chiara Cannavale Why integration implies change for both parties involved: An empirical study of students’ perception of campus integration Daniel Dauber & Helen Spencer-­‐Oatey Discussant: Abderrahman Hassi The construction of economic experts. The dialectics between "elitization" and "acadamization" in economics and economic policy advice Jens Maesse Discussant: Yunxia Zhu Lunch Session chair: Gerhard Fink (13:00 -­‐ 14:30) Cultural Adaptation and Personal Capital Formation: Revisit the Lived Experience of Chinese Students in UK Higher Education Huijuan Xue Discussant: Gregory Allen International ELT students’ views toward assessment and learning in the UK universities. Rezvan Rashidipourfard Discussant: Jens Maesse 1 14:30 15:00 15:15 15:30 16:00 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 19:00 Chair: Dana Ott The impact of culture on the innovative strength of nations Piet Moonen Discussant: Gerhard Fink Chair: Wiebke Roehrs The relationship of hassle factor to level of expatriate development and subsidiary performance Christian Perry Discussant Roger Bell Coffee break and poster session Chair: Lauren Schrock Study abroad and the development of expatriate acculturation and adjustment skills Dana Ott Discussant: Marie-­‐Thérèse Claes Session Chair: Chiara Cannavale (15:30 -­‐ 16:45) A Postcolonial Approach to Cross Cultural Management: The Representation of Poles by UK Expatriate Managers Gregory Allen Discussant: Rasheed Oyedeji Reflections on Mindset Agency Theory Gerhard Fink & Maurice Yolles Discussant: David Boje Global Leadership practices: a cross-­‐cultural management perspective Book presentation by Roger Bell and Marie-­‐Thérèse Claes Coffee break IACCM Council Meeting (open for all members to attend) IACCM Annual General Meeting Dinner at Village Hotel 2 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 10:45 12:00 13:00 13:30 Day 2 (27 June) Session chair: Jens Maesse (09:00-­‐10:30) American Indian Tribal Wisdom: An Alternative Paradigm for a Cross-­‐ Cultural Story of Business Ethics Grace Ann Rosile Discussant: Chiara Channavale Managerial Intelligence: Benchlearning Vanja Malobabic Discussant: Gerhard Fink ‘Should be’ and ‘as is’: Does the different between values and practices affect early-­‐stage entrepreneurial activities? Chiara Channavale Discussant: Gerhard Fink Coffee break Session chair: Daniel Dauber (10:45 -­‐ 13:30) Keynote: WHAT NEW MATERIALISMS HAVE TO CONTRIBUTE TO CROSS-­‐CULTURAL STUDIES IN WORK WITH VETERANS, SCHOOLING, AND SUSTAINABILITY David Boje Lunch Nigeria’s Cultural dimension in focus: Challenges in the Application of Western Management Theory and Practices in Different Cultures Rasheed Oyedeji Discussant: Rezvan Rashidipourfard Influence of national culture on designing employee training activities Abderrahman Hassi, Roland Foucher Discussant: Jens Maesse 3 14:00 14:30 14:45 15:15 15:45 Chair: Piet Moonen ‘Dive into diversity’-­‐Intercultural training and its effectiveness Wiebke Roehrs Discussant: Roger Bell Chair: Christian Perry A Dystopian Methodology in Organizational Studies: An Inter-­‐Discipline Approach Lauren Schrock Discussant: Gerhard Fink Coffee break Session chair: Farbizio Maimone (14:45 -­‐ 16:15) The Affective Agency Gerhard Fink & Maurice Yolles Discussant: Daniel Dauber Using Sociocultural Theory to Develop an Alternative Approach to Understanding Culture in International Business Yunxia Zhu Discussant: Grace Ann Rosile Merger strategy and cross-­‐cultural involvement and polyphony Marita Svane, David Boje Discussant: Daniel Dauber 18.30 Dinner at Scarman House 4 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:15 10:45 11:15 Day 3 (28 June) Session chair: Roger Bell (09:00 -­‐ 10:30) International experience and cultural intelligence development: A review and theoretical framework Dana Ott, Snejina Michailova Discussant: Marita Svane Building the Babylon tower: Knowledge hiding, cultural intelligence and creativity. Sabina Bogilovic Discussant: Marie-­‐Thérèse Claes Coffee break Session chair: Daniel Dauber (10:45 -­‐ 11:45) When Corporate culture trumps national culture: The Vietnamese-­‐ Japanese case Marie-­‐Thérèse Claes Discussant: Daniel Dauber From heaven to hell: Task conflict, creativity, and cultural intelligence Sabina Bogilovic Discussant: Marita Svane Awards and Closing Ceremony and farewell buffet 5