Curriculum Vitae of Nirmal C Sacheti 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION

Curriculum Vitae of Nirmal C Sacheti
Dr. Nirmal Chand Sacheti
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
College of Science,
Sultan Qaboos University,
PO Box 36,
Al Khod, PC123
Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
(+968) 24141412
(+968) 24413490
University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur
University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur
University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur
University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur
University of
Rajasthan, Jaipur
*Thesis Title:
Some Flow Problems in Non-Newtonian Fluids with Special Reference to
Second Order Fluids
** Topped the university & was awarded Vice-Chancellor’s Gold Medal
05/2014 to
01/1999 –
03/1987 –
08/1984 –
01/1982 –
03/1978 –
02/1976 10/1977
Name of Employer
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research,
Government of India, New Delhi, India
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Senior Tutor
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Post Doctoral
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research,
Government of India, New Delhi, India
Sultan Qaboos University
In my long academic career spanning close to 4 decades, my tertiary teaching
experience in the real sense began, first as postdoctoral fellow at a premier
institute of India, then followed by a six-year stint as a full faculty member at
Monash University, Australia (see later). However, the major part of my
teaching experience took place at the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Oman.
I joined the SQU in the very first year of its establishment, hence under more
challenging and demanding conditions generally associated with a brand new
university. I started my teaching stint here, firstly as a faculty member of the
Department of Mathematics and Computing (DOMAC) at the College of
Science. About a decade later, following the split of DOMAC into two
departments, namely, the Department of Computer Science and the
Department of Mathematics & Statistics (DOMAS), I have since then continued
my mathematics teaching as an established member of DOMAS and
contributed well in all aspects of its growth, most notably in the curriculum
development of BSc Degree Program and, later, Master Program (MSc) in
Applied Mathematics. Being the largest academic department at SQU and
offering a highly significant number of service courses across SQU, DOMAS
has provided me with ample opportunity to be extensively involved in the
teaching of a very large number of predominantly UG courses in mathematics
(about 35 courses to date overall): from foundation level through middle and
upper levels in the UG program and later master level courses. The teaching
has covered a wide range of topics in undergraduate mathematics degree
program such as basic numercacy, pre-calculus, all 3 calculus courses (of
single as well as several variables), linear algebra, differential and partial
differential equations, complex variables, integral (Laplace) transforms,
besides elementary programming courses on Basic and Fortran during early
years. A fairly large proportion of my teaching has involved teaching a variety
of service courses at different levels to undergraduate students of as many
as 6 colleges at SQU, particularly the students of the College of Engineering.
After the start of UG degree program in BSc Mathematics around mid-nineties,
my teaching duties also involved teaching upper level specialized elective
course on fluid dynamics, which I have taught a fairly large number of times,
and supervision of a number of 2-semester long final year mandatory
projects undertaken by the students (as a team comprising 2 or 3 members)
majoring in Mathematics. After the launch of MSc Applied Mathematics
Program in 2003, I have also taught graduate level course in viscous fluids and
supervised, as well as co-supervised, a good number of individual MSc
Applied Mathematics research projects mainly in the area of incompressible
flows. (See a complete list of courses taught in the Appendix 1)
A few important aspects of teaching related duties do merit mention. Firstly, I
have had the opportunity of being the coordinator of as many as 10 multisection courses, each for generally 3 or more semesters in a row, and
leading a team of several DOMAS/DOMAC academic staff, for example, up to
nine faculty members. Eight of these courses have been with a student
population ranging from 100 to 640+ students. Secondly, mathematics courses
at SQU during the first decade were taught using lecture notes and handouts
prepared by the faculty. It was thus a big responsibility, particularly for the
faculty who joined DOMAC in the beginning years, for not only developing
curriculum and introducing degree program from scratch but also painstakingly
preparing suitable lecture notes and handouts for a number of courses. I thus
played a key role in preparing or revising lecture material, tutorial handouts
etc. in a number of courses, most notably, Ordinary Differential Equations and
Applications, Calculus of Several Variables I, Calculus of Several Variables II,
Basic Numeracy – all taken by a fairly large student population. Later, during
revision of BSc Mathematics Program and development of MSc Applied
Mathematics program, I took the lead as a principal contributor in the
development of higher/graduate level Fluids courses, namely, (i) Fluid
Dynamics, (ii) Viscous Incompressible Flows and, as a joint contributor, for (iii)
Compressible Flows. Lastly, but not least, it has been a matter of great
personal satisfaction to be constantly praised and liked by students for my
teaching style and qualities at all levels of courses taught, apparently also
borne out by excellent teaching evaluations.
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Monash, founded in the early sixties, has been among the leading universities
of Australia with a very large mathematics faculty. During my 6-year stint with
Mathematics Department at Monash, in late seventies and early eighties, I
began my university teaching career as a regular faculty and got a very useful
experience of teaching as well as teaching management of a wide range of
undergraduate courses, particularly to the students of Engineering and
Science. I also gained invaluable experience of working in teams with a large
number of faculty members, including, in later years, coordinating 3 UG
courses while leading a medium group of faculty members. It is worth
mentioning that I also got exposed for the first time ever to two PSI
(Personalized System of Instructions) mathematics courses for level 3
advanced classes in Engineering, including coordinatorship of one of these
courses in later years. In summary, I was involved in the teaching of the
following topics at Monash, including a number of service courses:
Calculus and Analytic Geometry,
Integral Transforms,
Calculus of Variations,
Continuum Mechanics,
Special Functions,
Complex Analysis,
Linear Algebra with Applications,
Numerical Methods,
Elementary & Advanced Mechanics,
Vector Calculus,
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations,
Computational Methods using Fortran (first year only)
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
As a CSIR (India) postdoctoral fellow cum tutor, I taught, for about 3 semesters
in mid-seventies, 2 Engineering Mathematics courses for first and second year
level students pursuing 4-year Bachelor of Technology degrees in various
disciplines at this premier institution of India. The teaching at this institute did
produce some challenges in my early teaching career as I had to deal with the
cream of Indian students admitted for tertiary engineering education. Overall, a
fairly satisfying entry to the world of teaching!
SERVICE (mainly after joining SQU)
Being one of the two surviving faculty who joined DOMAS/DOMAC in its
very first year (1986-87 academic year), I have contributed continuously
and quite enormously under this head during my long career of 28+ years
at SQU. Establishing a department from the very scratch was indeed a very
big challenge to faculty members who joined the department in the very
beginning. I am extremely happy to state that I played notable roles in this
regard. Over the years, my administrative and related duties have been wide
ranging, some of them (lately) being extremely demanding and requiring very
high degree of responsibility which I have been discharging to the best of my
capacity and apparently to the high degree of satisfaction of DOMAS.
To summarize, I have been involved in a very large number of
membership/chairmanship of several regular/Ad hoc committees covering
DOMAS and a number of
committees of the College of Science. On
professional front too, I have
been intensely involved, notably
through: membership on the editorial board of journals; acting as referee of a
large number of international journals;
reviewership of well known
review journals for several years;
organization of research
organization of and/or speaker at
workshops, membership
of organizing committee of an international conference, etc.
Details are summarized below:
Administrative Responsibilities (Department)
Regular Committees
I give below list of all committees I am/have been involved with during my
long and continuing association with SQU, beginning with the current ones:
1. Current Program Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies in Applied
Mathematics (since Spring 2008)
2. Current chair of DOMAS Accreditation Committee (since Spring 2014)
3. Current member and Secretary of Graduate Studies Committee* (since
Fall 2004)
[* formerly called Graduate Studies and Research Committee)
4. Past member of Teaching Committee
5. Past Member of Curriculum Committee (for 8 years)
6. Past Coordinator for the College of Agriculture (for 8 years)
7. Past member of Promotion Committee
8. Past member and secretary of Appointments Committee
9. Past Seminar Officer
10. Past Departmental Board Secretary
11. Past member of Staff-Student Liasion Committee
12. Acting HOD (for a very brief period during part of summer 2013)
Ad hoc Committees/Other Tasks
1. Committee Preparing DOMAS Responses to External Examiner
(Mathematics) Report – member (Fall 2015) and member (Fall 2012)
2. DCC Appointed Committee for New Classical Mechanics Courses Chair
3. Strategic Committee - Member
4. Committee to Identify Suitable External Accreditation Organization for
BSc Mathematics Program - chair
5. Coordinating with External Examiners to DOMAS during their visits in
Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013 and Spring 2014
6. Committee to Come-up with Recommendations for a Graduate Study
Matter – chair
7. Calculus Courses Textbook and Course Revision Committee – chair
8. Teaching Workshop Committee – chair
9. Tutorial Workshop Committee – Member
10. Committee to Prepare Criteria for Assessing Contributions of DOMAS
Faculty in various Departmental Committees - chair.
11. Interview Committees for Selecting Candidates for Admission to
Postgraguate Mathematics Programs - chair/ member (2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015)
Some Selected Highlights
Teaching Workshop Committee
The work in this very important committee has been one of my major and
significant contributions. In response to the serious concerns raised by the
SQU authorities at the highest level regarding the problem of high
percentages of low grades (F and D) in a number of lower level
mathematics courses with very large student population, one semester
after another, the DOMAS Board formed a highly important key ad hoc
committee in Fall 2003 under my Convenorship. The five-member
Teaching Workshop Committee worked continuously and zealously for
over 4 months and produced a comprehensive report including a series of
accepted recommendations. Also, I, as the lead speaker, organized 2hour+ workshop. I am very glad to mention that the adoption of a number
of key recommendations of this committee by the authorities has indeed
led to a consistent improvement in the student performance to date in
all our lower level courses.
Program Coordinator of PG Studies in Applied Mathematics
This position and associated responsibilities have been among the most
prominent aspects of my contributions to DOMAS. For last 8+ years, I
have been a key faculty dealing with DOMAS Postgraduate matters of all
kinds. In particular, I have worked extremely diligently with a host of
responsibilities associated with the running of our ever expanding but
highly successful postgraduate program in Applied Mathematics. This
includes (a) coordination with (i) the office of the Assistant Dean of PSR
almost continuously, (ii) the 25+ strong Applied Mathematics faculty in
DOMAS and (iii) visiting External Examiner (EEs) each year during spring
semesters; (b) organization as well as supervision of highly demanding
admission process of new intakes each year; (c) advising most regularly
graduate students and (d) keeping a tab on the progress of each student
and addressing to their grievances.
Yet another major task worth mentioning is my deep involvement in the
revision of our MSc Applied Mathematics program during 2009-11. After a
long-drawn process, I prepared a comprehensive revision document in
Spring 2011 which was subsequently reviewed and approved by the
visiting DOMAS External Examiner, Prof. Brian Straughan (Univ. of
Durham, UK), followed by DOMAS Graduate Studies Committee, DOMAS
Board and finally the College Postgraduate Committee. The introduction of
a number of new electives and the revision of core courses have been the
hallmark of this long process.
DOMAS Accreditation Committee
Although (relatively) a recently formed committee, the work involved
as chairman of this key 6-member DOMAS committee has already
been highly demanding and would continue to be so in foreseeable
future. The multiple tasks of committee have been/are related to (a)
preparing a large number of DOMAS documents for OAAA
accreditation, (b) preparing a comprehensive Self Study Report
(SSR) for Academic Program Review (APR) of our BSc Mathematics
Degree and (iii) long duration work involved with the external
accreditation of our UG Mathematics Program.
Administrative Responsibilities/Tasks (College)
Current member of College Postgraduate Committee (for last 8 years)
Current member of International Academic Cooperation Committee
Past Chair of Capital Equipment Committee
Past member of Geophysics Steering Committee
Past member of Committee for UG Interdisciplinary Programs
Involved as the part of a small committee to prepare document on
Success Stories in the College of Science
Professional Service and activities
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
On Editorial Board of International Journals (past/present)
Reviewer for Review Journals
Applied Mechanics Review, USA (1977- 83)
Zentralblatt fur Mathematik, Germany (1980-mid 1990’s)
Referee for international journals
I have been regularly involved with the task of reviewing research articles
submitted to international journals (see below the list of the journals):
Heat Transfer Engineering
Numerical Heat Transfer
Heat & Mass Transfer
Bulletin Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
J. Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
J. Taiwan Inst. Chemical Engineers
SQU J. Science
Modelling, Measurement & Control
Appl. Math. & Comp.
Indian J. Industrial & Appl. Math.
Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (India)
Matemáticas Enseñanza Universitária
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Advances in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics
Journal of Porous Media
Italian J. Pure & Applied Mathematics
Journal of Engineering Sci. & Tech.
The Society of Rheology, USA
The British Society of Rheology, UK
Indian Society of Rheology
Australian Society of Rheology
Life Member of Banaras Hindu University Mathematical Society (since 1998)
Life member of Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (since
Society for Special Functions and Applications
Teaching/Advising Workshops
Organized a two-hour workshop: Teaching Mathematics at SQU, for the
benefit of new DOMAS faculty and consultants joining in Fall 2000
Speaker at a Teaching Workshop for DOMAS new faculty in September 2001
Speaker at a workshop on Academic Advising (DOMAS) in October 2002
Chairmanship of Thesis Examination Committees
2 MSc Theses at SQU
4 POEC (Preliminary Oral Examination Committee) - SQU PhD students
Examinership of Theses/projects
External Examiner: 2 PhD Theses and 1 MSc Thesis
Internal Examiner: 7 Sultan Qaboos University MSc Theses
On Panel of Examiners: to assess presentations of Final year UG projects
Membership of Professional Organizations (past/ present)
Conference/Workshop Organization
Served on the Advisory Committee of International Conference on Service
Industry: Challenges and Opportunities, Muscat, Oman , 13-14 September
A member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on
Mathematical Modeling (ICMM – 2009), being organized by the Department of
Mathematics & Statistics, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, February 2009
Organized, in association with Prof. P. Chandran, a one-day workshop on
“Convective Flows and Instabilities” at the Dept. of Mathematics &
Statistics, SQU on 14 June, 2011.
A member of the Organizing Committee for the International Conference:
IECMSA - 2016
I have acted as a referee in nearly half dozen research proposals.
SQU Internal Grants Research Proposals
Public Lectures
“Higher Education scene in the Sultanate of Oman: Sharing an Experience”;
an invited talk on the occasion of 8th P.D. Verma memorial lecture, University
of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, August 2004.
Two talks on Gulf Higher Education Scene were given at:
(a) Department of Mathematics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India,
June 2007
(b) Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology (JIET), Jodhpur,
India, August 2007
I also gave short speeches during two Alumni meets organized at the
Department of Mathematics & Statistics during Spring 2008 and 2011.
5.3.11 Recent SQU Workshops Attended
Developing Leadership Capability in Teaching and Learning, SQU, 25-26 January,
2009; presented by Prof. Merrylyn Goos, Univ. of Queensland, Australia.
Becoming an Effective Supervisor, SQU, 27-28 January, 2009; presented by Dr.
Catherine Manathunga, Univ. of Queensland, Australia.
Active and Engaging learning; SQU, 1 August, 2013.
Institutional and Program Standards Assessment Seminar, organized by OAAA at
SQU, May 2014
Academic Accreditation, organized by the College of Education, SQU, March 2014
Student Outcomes, organized by Academic Program Review Office, SQU, December
In my long academic career, I have been engaged in research, mostly joint studies
with my local as well as external collaborators, in a number of specific aspects of
theoretical Fluid Dynamics, namely, general Newtonian/Non-Newtonian flows and
heat transfer, coupled/non-coupled flows through isotropic as well as anisotropic
porous media, free convective flows, lubrication, boundary layer flows, MHD flows,
and, lately, thermal instability aspects and flows involving nanofluids. I have used
analytical, semi-analytical and numerical treatments to solve the governing field
equations. Results of my research in the above mentioned areas have majorly
appeared through publication in refereed international journals and refereed
conference proceedings and also through presentation at a fairly large number of
regional as well as international conferences by self or my coauthors. Additionally, I
have been a coauthor in (i) an extensive Research Monograph (421pp) and (ii) Invited
Chapter (39 pp) in a Civil Engineering Handbook published from USA. To date, I have
in excess of 80 publications covering all types, most notably in refereed international
It is worth mentioning that a vast proportion of my research output during my long
career has emanated from SQU, and has primarily been a result of highly successful
collaborative studies involving a number of DOMAS colleagues and a few established
external collaborators, particularly my longtime SQU colleague, Prof. P. Chandran and
external collaborator, Prof. A. K. Singh (Banaras Hindu University, India) and his
group. It is also worth pointing out that a fair number of my publications with SQU
address has resulted from researches carried out under as many as 6 SQU Internal
Research Grants. Given below, in the next sub-section, are brief details of these
grants in which I have been involved (as either Principal or Co-Principal/Coinvestigator)
collaborator(s)/another DOMAS colleague.
SQU Funded Internal Grant Projects
(i) Boundary Layer Flows of a Class of Non-Newtonian Fluids
(ii) Transient Solutions of Certain Magnetohydrodynamic Free Convection
(iii) Analytical Investigations of some incompressible fluid flows bounded by
porous media
(iv) Natural convection in a confined composite system comprising a fluid layer
and a porous medium
(v) Convective flows and instabilities in nanofluids
(vi) Natural convection in non-rectangular permeable enclosures with or without
mass transfer
Papers in Refereed International Journals
6.2.1 After Joining SQU
Kumar, A, Singh, AK, Chandran, P., Sacheti, NC (2015). Effect of perpendicular
magnetic field on free convection in a rectangular cavity. SQU Journal of Science,
20, pp. 49-59.
Srivastava, N, Singh, AK, Chandran, P., Sacheti, NC (2015). Double diffusive natural
convection in a partially permeable rectangular cavity heated from below. Global
Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 11, pp. 537 -556.
Sacheti, NC, Chandran,P, Bhadauria, BS, Singh, AK (2014). Developing buoyancy
driven flow of a nanofluid in a vertical channel subject to heat flux. International
Journal of Engg. Math, Volume 2014, Article ID 618591, pp.1-8.
Sacheti, NC, Chandran, P, Jaju, RP (2014). A comparative study of higher order
effects on the boundary layer flow of a dilatants fluid: flow near a stagnation point.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 21 (11), pp. 60-74.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC and Singh, AK (2013). A numerical investigation of a
buoyancy driven flow in a semi-porous cavity: Comparative effects of ramped and
isothermal wall conditions. Journal of Hydrology & Hydromechanics, 65, pp. 123-129.
Sacheti, NC, Chandran,P, Singh, AK, Bhadauria, BS (2012). Transient free
convective flow of a nanofluid in a vertical channel. International Journal of Energy
and Technology , 4, pp.1-7.
Tiwari, AK, Singh, AK, Chandran, P and Sacheti, NC (2012). Natural convection in a
cavity with a sloping upper surface filled with an anisotropic porous material. Acta
Mechanica, 223, pp. 95-108.
Bhadauria, BS, Srivastava, AK, Sacheti, NC and Chandran, P (2012). Gravity
modulation of thermal instability in a viscoelastic fluid saturated anisotropic porous
medium. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 67a, pp. 1-9.
Agarwal, S, Sacheti, NC, Chandran, P, Bhadauria, BS and Singh AK (2012).
Nonlinear convective transport in a binary nanofluid saturated porous layer.
Transport in Porous Media, 93 (1), pp.29-49.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (2011). A comparative study of twodimensional natural convection in an isotropic porous medium. International Journal
of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 21 (11), pp. 60-74.
Bhadauria, BS, Kumar, A., Kumar, J., Sacheti, NC and Chandran, P. (2011). Natural
convection in a rotating anisotropic porous layer with internal heat generation.
Transport in Porous Media, 90 (2), pp.687-705.
Singh, RK, Singh, AK, Sacheti, NC, and Chandran, P (2010). On hydromagnetic free
convection in the presence of induced magnetic field. Heat and Mass Transfer, 46,
pp. 523-529.
Hamza, EA, Jain, SR, and Sacheti, NC (2010). Pulsatile flow between two coaxial
porous cylinders with slip on inner cylinder for large frequency of pulsation.
Matematicas Ensenanza Universitaria, 18, pp. 11-26.
Singh, AK, Sacheti, NC*, and Chandran, P (2009). Flow of an incompressible fluid in
a cubical cavity with a free fluid-porous medium interface. Indian. J. Industrial &
Appl. Math., 2 (2), pp. 61-71.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (2009).Transient natural
near a semi-infinite vertical wall in a rotating system. Differential Equations& Control
Processes, 13(4), pp. 69 -86.
Singh, AK, Sacheti, NC, and Chandran, P (2008). Developing flow near a semiinfinite vertical wall with ramped temperature. International Journal of Applied
Mathematics & Statistics, 13, pp. 34-45.
Sacheti, NC, Chandran, P, Bhatt, Bal S, and Chhabra, RP (2008). Steady creeping
motion of a liquid bubble in an immiscible viscous fluid
bounded by a
porous cylinder of finite thickness. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics, 2, pp.
243 – 260.
Jain, SR, Rajvanshi, SC, and Sacheti, NC (2008). Pulsatile flow through annular
space bounded by an inner cylinder of permeable material with large suction at the
outer cylinder. Bull. Pure Appl. Math., 2, pp.152-177.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (2007). Some aspects of free convection
in electrically conducting fluids: Flow near vertical plates. International Journal of
Applied Mathematics & Statistics: 10, pp.8-24.
Sacheti, NC, Hamza, EA, Rajvanshi, SC and (2007). Pulsatile flow between two
coaxial porous cylinders with slip on inner cylinder. Matematicas Ensenanza
universitaria, 15, pp. 51-66. [Note: The actual order of authors in the publication above is
different- alphabetically (by surname)as per journal’s practice]
Singh, AK, Sacheti, NC, and Chandran, P (2006). Stratification effects on transient
Stokes flow in the presence of a permeable boundary. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
(Engineering Research), 70, pp. 67-73.
Chandran, PC, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (2005). Natural convection near a
vertical plate with ramped wall temperature. Heat and Mass Transfer, 41, pp. 459 –
Sacheti, NC, Chandran, P, Jaju, RP, and Bhatt, BS (2004). Steady laminar flow of a
dilatant fluid along a channel with suction at a bounding wall. Journal of Hydrology
and Hydromechanics, 52, pp. 175 – 184.
Chandran, P and Sacheti, NC (2004). Unsteady boundary layer flow of a radiating
fluid under the influence of an applied magnetic field. Differential Equations and
Control Processes, 8, pp. 58—76.
Sacheti, NC, Chandran, P, and El-Bashir, T (2003). Higher order approximation of
an inelastic fluid flow. J. Physical Soc. Japan, 72, pp. 964 - 965.
Chandran, P and Sacheti, NC (2003). Transient motion of electrically conducting
fluids of different Prandtl numbers: flow near a vertical
Equations and Control Processes, 7, pp. 77-87.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (2002). On laminar boundary layer flow
of electrically conducting liquids near an accelerated vertical plate. Physics and
Chemistry of Liquids, 40, pp. 241 – 254.
Sacheti, NC, and Chandran, P (2002). Steady creeping flow of an inelastic fluid past
a rigid sphere. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 50, pp. 285 – 299.
Sacheti, NC, Chandran, P, and El-Bashir, T (2002). On the boundary layer flow of an
inelastic fluid near a moving wall. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae,
55, pp. 519
– 530.
Bhargava, SK, Sacheti, NC, and Bhatt, BS (2001). Temperature distribution in
generalized Couette flow of two immiscible fluids in presence of a naturally
permeable boundary. Ind. J. Theo. Phys., 49, pp 283 – 292.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (2001). Transient hydromagnetic natural
convection on a vertical flat plate subject to heat flux. Modelling, Measurement and
Control, B, 70, pp. 15 – 28.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (2001). Exact solutions for the convective
flow of fluids of different Prandtl numbers near an infinite vertical plate in a rotating
system. Int. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 6 (2001), pp. 573 – 590.
Sacheti, NC, Chandran, P, and Jaju, RP (2000). On the stagnation point flow of a
special class of non-Newtonian fluids. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, 38, pp. 95 –
Singh, AK, Chandran, P, and Sacheti, NC (2000). Effect of transverse magnetic
field on a flat plate thermometer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,
43, pp. 3253 – 3257.
[see also Volume 44 (2001), p.503 for an Erratum by the publishers for the missing
Fig. 3 in the original paper]
Singh, AK, Chandran, P, and Sacheti, NC (2000). On the thermal boundary layer of
a moving flat plate thermometer in the presence of Ohmic heating. Journal of Applied
Mechanics and Engineering, 5, pp. 303 –313.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (1999). An exact solution for fluid
convection near an infinite vertical plate in a rotating system. Differential Equations
and Control Processes, 3, pp. 55 – 64.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (1998). Unsteady hydromagnetic free
convection flow with heat flux and accelerated boundary. J. Physical Soc. Japan, 67,
pp. 124 -129.
Sacheti, NC and Chandran, P (1997). On similarity solutions for three -dimensional
flow of second order fluids. J. Physical Soc. Japan, 66, pp. 618 - 622.
Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (1996). Hydromagnetic flow and
transfer past a continuously moving porous boundary. International Communications
in Heat and Mass Transfer, 23 (1996), pp. 63-74.
Singh, AK, Sacheti, NC, and Chandran, P (1994). Transient effects on
magnetohydrodynamic Couette flow with rotation: Accelerated motion. International
Journal of Engineering Science, 32, pp. 133-139.
Bhatt, BS and Sacheti, NC (1994). Flow past a porous spherical shell using
Brinkman model. J. Phys. D. - Appl. Phys., 27, pp. 37-41.
Sacheti, NC, Chandran, P, and Singh, AK (1994). An exact solution for unsteady
magnetohydrodynamic free convection flow with constant heat flux. International
Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 21, pp. 131- 142.
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS (1993). Couette flow between corrugated
plates: the
effect of a lubricated boundary. Modelling, Measurement and Control, 47, pp. 1-22.
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS (1993). Forced convection flow through a circular pipe
with naturally permeable wall. Modelling, Measurement and Control, 47, pp. 53-63.
Chandran, PC, Sacheti, NC, and Singh, AK (1993). Effect of rotation on unsteady
hydromagnetic Couette flow. Astrophysics and Space Science, 202, pp. 1-10.
Sacheti, NC and Singh, AK (1992). Free convection through a vertical channel in a
rotating porous medium. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,
19 (1992), pp. 423-433.
Singh, AK and Sacheti, NC (1990). Stratification effect on the Rayleigh layer
a naturally permeable wall. Solid Liquid Flow, 2, pp 9-11.
Bhargava, SK and Sacheti, NC (1989). Heat transfer in generalized Couette flow of
immiscible two Newtonian fluids through a porous channel: use of Brinkman model.
Indian J. Technology, 27, pp. 211-214.
Singh, AK and Sacheti, NC (1988). Hall Effects on Rayleigh’s problem. Modelling,
Simulation and Control, A, 17, pp. 49-54.
Singh, AK and Sacheti, NC (1988). Finite difference analysis of unsteady
hydromagnetic free convection flow with constant heat flux. Astrophysics and Space
Science, 150, pp. 303-308.
Sacheti, NC and Singh, AK (1988). Heat transfer aspect in generalized
hydromagnetic Couette flow through a channel bounded by a naturally permeable
material. Modelling, Simulation and Control, B, 19, pp. 21- 32.
6.2.2 Without SQU Address (based on earlier work)
Sacheti, NC, Bhargava, SK, and Bhatt, BS (1988). Forced convection in a fluid layer
of two immiscible fluids occupying a finite height over a naturally permeable
Engineering Transactions, 36, pp. 461-470.
Bhatt, BS and Sacheti, NC (1987). Effect of rotation on Rayleigh layers in presence
of naturally permeable boundaries. J. Engg. Mech., Proc. A.S.C.E., 113, pp. 17951800.
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS (1984). On Stokes and Rayleigh layers in presence of
naturally porous boundaries. J. Engg. Mech.,Proc. A.S.C.E., 110, pp. 713-722.
Sacheti, NC (1983). Application of Brinkman model in viscous incompressible flow
through a porous channel. J. Math. Phys. Sciences, 17, pp. 567-577.
Sacheti, NC, and Chaudhary, RC (1982). Creeping flow of a viscoelastic fluid in a
conical duct. Acta Tech. CSAV, 27, pp. 51- 58.
Sacheti, NC (1980). Comments on externally pressurized porous thrust bearings.
Wear, 58, pp. 393-395.
Sacheti, NC (1980). On the steady state temperature distribution in the thermal
boundary layer of an elastico-viscous fluid. ZAMM, 60, pp. 635-636.
Mathur, AK, Bhatt, BS, and Sacheti, NC (1980). Hydromagnetic laminar
between parallel porous walls with large suction. Indian J. Mathematics, 22, pp. 314
- 318.
Bhatt, BS, and Sacheti, NC (1979). On the analogy in slip flows. Indian J. Pure Appl.
Math., 10, pp. 303-306.
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS (1979). Unsteady plane Poiseuille flow and temperature
distribution of a viscoelastic fluid. Rev. Roum. Phys., 24, pp. 153-159.
Bhatt, BS and Sacheti, NC (1979). Comments on limitation of the Reynolds equation
for porous thrust bearings. Wear, 53, pp. 377-379.
Bhatt, BS and Sacheti, NC (1977). Comments on channel and tube flows with
surface mass transfer and velocity slip. Phys. Fluids, 20, pp. 1380-1381.
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS (1976). Steady laminar flow of a non-Newtonian fluid with
suction or injection and heat-transfer through porous parallel discs. ZAMM, 56, pp.
Mathur, AK, Sacheti, NC, and Bhatt, BS (1976). Unsteady flow of a dusty viscous
fluid between parallel plates. Mathematics Education, 10, pp. 1-5.
Sacheti, NC (1976). Plane Couette flow of two immiscible incompressible nonNewtonian fluids with uniform suction at the stationary plate. Indian J. Pure Appl.
Math., 7, pp. 527-540.
Verma, PD and Sacheti, NC (1975). Low Reynolds number flow of a second order
fluid past a porous sphere. J. Appl. Phys., 46, pp. 2065- 2069.
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS (1975). Unsteady motion of a particular class of RivlinEricksen fluid in a rectangular channel. Revista Mathemika y Fisica Teorica,
Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina, 25, pp. 173- 180.
Verma, PD and Sacheti, NC (1975). On two-dimensional flow of power law
through ducts with naturally permeable walls. ZAMM, 55, pp. 475-478.
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS (1975). Unsteady motion of a second order fluid between
parallel plates. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 6, pp. 996-1006.
Verma, PD and Sacheti, NC (1973). On the performance of a slider bearing under
fluctuating speed using a non-Newtonian viscoelastic fluid as lubricant. Indian J.
Phys., 47, pp. 413-422.
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS (1973). Unsteady flow of a viscous incompressible
fluid between parallel plates. Defence Science Journal, 23, pp. 147-152.
Verma, PD, and Sacheti, NC (1972). Steady flow of a second
order fluid in the
entrance region of a straight channel. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 3, pp. 518-531.
Verma, PD, and Sacheti, NC (1972). Non-torsional oscillations of a disc in a rotating
second order fluid. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 76A, pp. 87-103.
Mathur, AK, Sacheti, NC, and Bhatt, BS (1972). Unsteady hydromagnetic flow
between parallel plates. Mathematics Student, 40, pp. 45-151.
Papers Submitted and nearing Completion
1. Chandran, P, Sacheti, NC, Singh, AK and Bhadauria, BS. Steady free convection
in an anisotropic porous non-rectangular vertical cavity. Advances in Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics.
Papers nearing Completion:
Effect of heat source/sink on natural convection in an isotropic permeable
enclosure with slopping surface (with P. Chandran, AK Singh and BS Bhadauria)
2. Buoyancy driven steady flow in a trapezoidal anisotropic porous cavity in the
presence of heat source/sink (with P. Chandran, AK Singh and BS Bhadauria)
6.4 Books and Chapters in Books
Kapur, JN, Bhatt, BS, and Sacheti, NC (1982). Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows. Pragati
Prakashan, Meerut, India, 1-421 pp.
Invited Chapter:
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS. “Stokes and Rayleigh Layers in Presence of Naturally
Permeable Boundaries.”In Civil Engineering Practice, Vol. 2 Hydraulics / Mechanics,
eds. Cheremisinoff, Paul N., Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P. and Cheng, Su Ling (1988).
Technomic Publishing Co. Inc Pennsylvania, United States of America, pp. 659-695.
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Sacheti, NC and Sampanthar, S, ‘Viscous flow past a non-Newtonian liquid bubble in
vertical permeable tubes: use of Brinkman model’ in Proc. Xth International Congress
on Rheology, Sydney, Australia, 10 - 14 August, Vol. II, 1988 pp. 2.242 - 2.244.
Bhatt, BS and Sacheti, NC, ‘Relative motion to a swarm of porous spheres’ in Proc.
First Caribbean Conference on Fluid Dynamics, The University of the West Indies,
Trinidad, 8 - 11 January, 1989, pp. 333 - 337.
Sacheti, NC and Chandran, P, ‘Three-dimensional boundary layer flow of a class of
non-Newtonian fluids’ in Proc. International Conference on Contribution of Cognition
to Modelling (CCM’98), Lyon, France, 6 – 8 July, 1998, pp. 16.27 – 16.30.
Malik, M, Bhargava, SK and Sacheti, NC, ‘A semi-analytical analysis of static and
dynamic characteristics of a hydrodynamic journal bearing’ in Proc. International
Conf. in Industrial Tribology (ICIT -2001), Jamshedpur, India, 8-10 April, 2002, pp. 1113 to 11-38.
Singh AK, Hamza, EA, Chandran, P and Sacheti, NC, ‘Numerical solution of
buoyancy-driven unsteady flow past a semi-infinite heated vertical plate with ramped
temperature distribution’ in Proc. Conference on Mathematics and its Applications
(CMAIA 2006), The University of the West Indies, Trinidad, 25-26 September, 2006
Conferences and Workshops
I started attending conferences quite regularly from my early PhD years in India. I
have so attended over 40 national, regional and international conferences and
workshops, meets covering a host of countries, including Oman. My collaborators
and I have so far presented 46 joint research papers thus far. A good proportion
of conferences, notably since early 2000, have been sponsored by the Sultan
Qaboos University.
Paper presentation at conferences/workshops by self
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran, P. and Singh, A. K., On two-dimensional nonsteady free
convection near vertical plate subject to stepped-up surface temperature. The 4th
International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications,
Athens, Greece, 31 August – 03 September 2015
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran, P. and Jaju, R. P.,
A semi-Analytical approach to
investigate two-dimensional flow of an inelastic non-Newtonian fluid near a
stagnation point. The 12th UAE Math Day, Dubai, UAE, 19 April, 2014
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran, P. and Jaju, R. P., A comparative study of higher order
effects on the boundary layer flow of a dilatants fluid: flow near a stagnation point.
The 2nd Abu Dhabi University International Conference: Mathematical Sciences and
its Applications (ICMSA 2013), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 29 November- 01 December 2013
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran, P., Singh, A. K. and Bhadauria, B. S. Developing
buoyancy dominated flow of a class of nanofluid, The 6th International conference
on Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Applications (MADEA2012), Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey, 04-09 September 2012
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran, P. and Singh, A. K., Buoyancy driven steady twodimensional flow in an anisotropic non-rectangular permeable cavity. The 8th
International ISAAC (International Society for Analysis, its Applications and
Computation) Congress, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow,
Russia, 22-27 August 2011
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran, P. and Singh, A. K., Analysis of laminar natural
convective flow in an enclosure partially filled with a porous medium. The 2nd Asian
Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, Phuket, Thailand, 9-12
September 2010
Sacheti, N. C. and Chandran, P., On unsteady natural convection in a viscous
incompressible fluid near a vertical plate subject to ramped temperature profile. 2nd
International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computation and 5th East
Asia Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference, Universiti Brunei Darussalam,
Brunei, 8 -11 June 2009
Sacheti, N. C., Jain, Sunita R. and Rajvanshi, S. C., Some aspects of pulsatile flow
in a permeable annulus. International Conference on Mathematical Modelling,
Muscat, Oman, 23-26 February, 2009
Sacheti, N. C. and Chandran, P., Rheological effects on the flow of two immiscible
fluids in a vertical porous circular cylinder, The 6th International ISAAC (International
Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation) Congress, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 13– 18 August 2007.
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran P. and Bhatt, Bal S., Rheological effects on the flow of two
immiscible fluids in a vertical porous circular tube, SQU DAY Poster Presentation,
Sultan Qaboos University, May 2007
Sacheti, N. C. and Chandran, P., On the Stokes layer of a stratified viscous fluid over
an oscillating porous medium, The 2nd IMT-GT 2006 Regional Conference on
Mathematics, Statistics & Applications, Penang, Malaysia, June 13 -15, 2006
Sacheti, N. C., Hamza, E. A. and Rajvanshi, S. C., Unsteady viscous incompressible
flow in a porous annulus subject to slip at the inner surface, International Conference
on Applied Mathematics, Bandung, Indonesia, August 22 – 26, 2005
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran, P. and El-Bashir, T., Some aspects of boundary layer
flows of a dilatant fluid model, 6th Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians, Tunis,
Tunisia, September 01 – 06, 2004
Sacheti, N. C. and Chandran, P., Non-Newtonian flow past a sphere: An appraisal ,
Second International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Al Ain, U. A. E,
December 12 – 14, 2004
Sacheti, N. C. and Chandran, P., On the translation of a micropolar liquid bubble
moving under gravity in a viscous medium, The 2003 UAE Mathematics Day
Conference, Sharjah, U. A. E, May 8, 2003
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran, P. and El-Bashir, T, Theoretical investigations of a
dilatant fluid flow near a stagnation point over a moving wall, Conference on
Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Sharjah, UAE, 2 - 4 May, 2001
Sacheti, N. C., Chandran P and El-Bashir, T. Boundary layer flows of a class of nonNewtonian fluids, SQU DAY Poster Presentation, Sultan Qaboos University, May
Sacheti, N. C. and Chandran, P., On the steady laminar flow of a particular class of
dilatant fluid along a channel with suction at a porous wall, First International
Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Al Ain, UAE, November 21 – 23, 1999
Sacheti, N. C. and Singh, A. K. Stratified flow over an oscillating permeable wall, 53rd
Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Gorakhpur, India, December
30, 1987 – 2 January, 1988.
Sacheti, N. C. and Bhatt, B. S. Unsteady plane Poiseuille flow and temperature
distribution of a viscoelastic fluid, 42nd Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical
Society, Trivandrum, India, December 1976,
Verma, PD and Sacheti, N.C., Slow flow of Reiner-Philippoff fluids past a sphere, The
40th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Bombay, India, December
Verma, PD and Sacheti, N.C., Steady motion of a second order fluid in the inlet
length of a circular pipe. The 43rd Annual Conference of the National Academy of
Sciences, Jodhpur, India, November 1973.
Verma, PD and Sacheti, N.C., On three-dimensional boundary layer equations for
second order fluids and similarity solutions. The 38th Annual Conference of the Indian
Mathematical Society, Bhopal, India, December 1972.
Paper presentation at conferences/workshops by a coauthor
Chandran, P., Sacheti, N. C., Singh, A. K. and Bhadauria, B. S., Some aspects of
natural convection in a hydrodynamically and thermally anisotropic porous nonrectangular cavity. The 4th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical
Sciences and Applications, Athens, Greece, 31 August – 03 September 2015
Chandran, P., Sacheti, N. C., Singh, A. K. and Bhadauria, B. S., Unsteady free
convection flow of nanofluid through a vertical channel. The 12th UAE Math Day,
Dubai, UAE, 19 April, 2014
Chandran, P., Sacheti, N. C., Singh, A. K. and Bhadauria, B. S.,
convection in a nanofluid through a vertical channel: coupled effects of nonisothermal and isothermal boundary conditions. The 2nd Abu Dhabi University
International Conference: Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (ICMSA
2013), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 29 November - 01 December 2013
Chandran, P., Sacheti, N. C., Srivastava, N. and Singh, A. K., Steady heat and
solute transfer in a rectangular enclosure partially filled with a permeable layer,
International conference on Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their
Applications (MADEA-2012), Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey, 04-09 September
Chandran, P., Sacheti, N. C., Kumar, A. and Singh, A. K., Free convective flow of
an electrically conducting fluid in a plane enclosure subject to an applied normal
magnetic field. The 8th International ISAAC (International Society for Analysis, its
Applications and Computation) Congress, People’s Friendship University of Russia,
Moscow, Russia, 22-27 August 2011
Chandran, P., Sacheti, N. C and Singh, A. K., Effect of ramped surface
temperature on certain free convective flows in the presence or absence of a
porous medium. The 2nd Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization,
Phuket, Thailand, 9-12 September 2010
Chandran, P., Sacheti, N. C and Singh, A. K., A comparative study of twodimensional natural convection in an isotropic porous medium. Satellite Conference
on International Congress of Mathematicians 2010, New Delhi, India, 14-17 August
Chandran, P. and Sacheti, N. C., Exact solutions of some transient free convection
flows: Effects of rigid body rotation and magnetic field. 2nd International Conference
on Mathematical Modelling and Computation and 5th East Asia Industrial and
Applied Mathematics Conference, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, 8 -11 June
Singh, A. K., Sacheti, N. C. and Chandran, P., On free convection in a cubical
cavity comprising an incompressible fluid overlying a porous medium, International
Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Muscat, Oman, 23-26 February, 2009
Chandran, P., Sacheti N. C. and Singh, A. K., Effect of rotation on transient
behaviour of buoyancy driven flow bounded by a semi-infinite vertical wall, 24th
Annual Conference of the Mathematical Society of Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India, 30-31 December, 2008
Singh, A. K., Sacheti N. C. and Chandran, P., Flow of an incompressible fluid in a
cubical cavity with a free fluid – porous medium interface, The 23rd Annual
Conference of the Mathematical Society, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India,
December 29 – 30, 2007.
Chandran, P. and Sacheti, N. C., A study of buoyancy driven unsteady
flow in the presence of applied magnetic field, The 6th International ISAAC
(International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation) Congress,
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 13 – 18 August 2007
Chandran, P. and Sacheti, N. C., Time-dependent high temperature MHD flow near a
vertical wall, The 2nd IMT-GT 2006 Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics &
Applications, Penang, Malaysia, June 13 -15, 2006
Chandran, P. and Sacheti, N. C., An analytical study of hydromagnetic natural
convection subject to radiation, International Conference on Applied Mathematics,
Bandung, Indonesia, August 22 – 26, 2005
Chandran, P. and Sacheti, N. C., Unsteady flow of a radiating and electrically
conducting fluid under the action of an externally applied magnetic field, Second
International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Al Ain, UAE, December 12 – 14,
Chandran, P. and Sacheti, N. C., Developing hydromagnetic free convection flow in
the presence of radiation, 6th Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians, Tunis, Tunisia,
September 01 – 06, 2004
Chandran, P. and Sacheti, N. C., Natural convection in electrically conducting fluids
subject to uniform heat transfer at a moving vertical plate, The 2003 UAE Mathematics
Day Conference, Sharjah, U AE, May 8, 2003
Chandran, P. and Sacheti, N. C., On the effect of Prandtl numbers in free convection
MHD flows, Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Sharjah, UAE, 2 4 May, 2001
Malik, M, Bhargava, SK and Sacheti, NC, A semi-analytical analysis of static and
dynamic characteristics of a hydrodynamic journal bearing, National Seminar on
Current Applications of Computers in Design Engineering, Jodhpur, India, 3-4 March,
Chandran, P., Sacheti NC. and Singh, A. K., Hydromagnetic flow of fluids near an
accelerated vertical plate subject to heat flux, 16th Annual
Conference of the
Mathematical Society of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, 26-27
December, 2000
Bhatt, BS and Sacheti, NC, Relative motion to a swarm of porous spheres, First
Caribbean Conference on Fluid Dynamics, The University of the West Indies,
Trinidad, West Indies, 8 - 11 January, 1989
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS, Forced convection in a fluid layer of two immiscible fluids
occupying a finite height over a naturally permeable wall. First Caribbean Conference on
Fluid Dynamics, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad, West Indies, 8 - 11
January, 1989
Sacheti, NC and Bhatt, BS, Unsteady flow of a viscous incompressible fluid between
parallel plates, The 38th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society,
Bhopal, India, December 1972.
List of ALL conferences and workshops attended (with or
without presentations of research paper)
The First Oman Math Day Conference, SQU, Muscat, Oman, November, 2015
The 4th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and
Applications, Athens, Greece, August-September, 2015 [Chaired a session]
The 12th UAE Math Day, American University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, April 2014
The 3rd International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization,
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, January, 2014
The 2nd Abu Dhabi University International Conference on Mathematical
Sciences and its Applications (ICMSA 2013), Abu Dhabi, UAE, NovemberDecember, 2013
19th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications,
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, May 2013
International Conference on Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and
their Applications (MADEA -2012), Mersin, Turkey, September 2012
[Chaired a session]
SQU-GUTECH International Workshop On Mathematics, Muscat, Oman,
February 2012
Cambridge-SQU Mathematics Workshop, Muscat, Oman, October 2011
The 8th International ISAAC Congress, Moscow, Russia, August, 2011
University Grants Commission sponsored National Seminar on Recent Trends
in Fluid Dynamics & Optimization Techniques, Jaipur, India, August 2011
[Chaired a session]
International Conference on Special Functions and their Applications &
Symposium on Works of Ramanujan, Jodhpur, India, July 2011
Second International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization,
Muscat, Oman, January 2011
The Second Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization,
Phuket, Thailand, September 2010
Satellite Conference on International Congress of Mathematics 2010, New
Delhi, India, August 2010 [Chaired a session]
National Seminar on Recent Developments in Fluid Dynamics & 14th P. D.
Verma Memorial Lecture, Jaipur, India, August 2010 [Chaired a session]
International Conference in Analysis and Applications, SQU, Muscat, Oman,
January 2010 [Chaired a session]
The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computation
and 5th East Asia Industrial & Applied Mathematics Conference, Brunei, June
International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Muscat, Oman, February,
The 6th International ISAAC Congress, Ankara, Turkey, August 2007
International Conference on Service Industry: Challenges and Opportunities,
Muscat, Oman, September 2006
Two-day National Seminar on Mining & Processing of Stones and Minerals for
Buildings, Jodhpur, India, July 2006
The 2nd IMT-GT 2006 Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics &
Applications, Penang, Malaysia, June 2006
International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Bandung, Indonesia,
August 2005
The First SQU Workshop on Topology and Its Applications, Muscat, Oman,
December 2004
Second International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Al Ain, UAE,
December 2004
The 6th Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians, Tunis, Tunisia, September
Mathematica Gulf Conference 2004, Muscat, Oman, January 2004
The 2003 UAE Mathematics Day Conference, Sharjah, UAE, May 2003
Open Day academic activities, Institute of Mathematics, University of Warwick,
Coventry, UK (2002).
Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Sharjah, UAE, May
All India Seminar on Commerce Education in the New Millennium, Jodhpur,
India (2000) [including an invited talk at one of the special sessions]
First International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Al Ain, UAE,
November 1999
Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Jaipur, India (1986)
National Conference of Rheology, Melbourne, Australia, August 1983
National Conference of Rheology, Sydney, Australia, August 1981
Applied Mathematics Annual Conference, Leura (NSW), Australia, February
Forty-ninth ANZAAS Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, January 1979
National Conference of Rheology, Melbourne, Australia , May 1979
Finite Element Method Conference, organised by the Society of Applied
Mathematicians, Geelong, Australia, August 1978
2nd Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Trivandrum, India,
December 1976
41st Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Kanpur, India,
December 1975
40th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Bombay, India,
December 1974
Annual Conference of the National Academy of Sciences (India), Bhagalpur,
India, November 1974
39th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Calcutta,
December 1973
38th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Bhopal, India,
December 1972
Short Courses Attended: during early part of my
Special Summer Institute in Mathematics for University and College
(Fluid Dynamics) – University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India
Winter School on Physiological Fluid Dynamics – Indian Institute of
Technology, New Delhi, India (1975)
Introduction to the Flow Properties of Polymers – a short course
organized by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the British
Society of Rheology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (1980)
University Grants
Biomathematics –
Commission sponsored Summer School on
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
I have given a fairly good number of general as well as specialized research
seminars in my field of specialization during my long career. The majority of
these seminars were given at SQU.
Research Visits & Hosting of Visits (SQU IG
(a) As part of several SQU Internal Grant Projects during 2006 - 2015,
Prof. P. Chandran (my colleague and Principal/Co-Principal
investigator) and I have visited our leading and long time external
collaborator, Professor A. K. Singh of Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, India several times during June 2007 to August 2015 for
research consultations with their group.
(b) We also hosted 1-week visits of our external collaborators Prof. A. K.
Singh (February 2009, June 2011 and June 2014) and Prof. B. S.
Bhadauria (June 2011 and June 2014) for research consultations.
APPENDIX 1 (List of Courses)
Basic Numeracy & Appl.
Mathematics –Semester I
Mathematics –Semester II
Computing -Fortran/Basic
Math 0100
Macs 101
Macs 102
Math 1061
Math 1062
Math 1101
Math 1102
Math 1103
Math 1104
Math 1106
Macs 201
Macs 202
Macs 291
Macs 292
Math 2203
Math 2204
Math 2107
Mathematics for CCE I
Mathematics for CCE II
Business Mathematics I
Business Mathematics II
Foundation Mathematics I
Foundation Mathematics Ii
Consolidation Mathematics
Consolidation Mathematics
Cons. Math. Engineers I
Cons. Math. Engineers II
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus I
Calculus II
Linear Algebra II
Calculus Sev. Variables I
Calculus Sev. Variables II
Math. For Engineers I
Math 2108
Math 2206
Macs 301
Macs 302
Macs 392
Math 3302/03/04
Math 3171
Math. for Engineers II
Ordinary Diff. Equations
Linear Algebra &
Multivariate Calculus
Coordinator (summer)
Math 4172
Math 4174
Math 4474
Macs 491
Math 5551
Diff. Equations for Engineers
Diff. Equs. & Appl. Engrs
Partial Diff. Equs.
Math. for Engineers III
Fluid Dynamics
Math 6105
Viscous Incompr. Flows
Math 5500
Math 7000
Final Year BSc Project
MSc Applied Math Project
**Multi-section Courses (generally 4-9 sections)
Only Laboratory classes
Introduced in mid-nineties
Introduced in mid-nineties
Taught partly only (summer)
Taught in summer
upper/Graduate: Coordinator
(taught 6 times)
Level course)