CURRICULUM VITAE Mehiddin Al-Baali ADDRESS/CONTANCTS Mail: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), P.O. Box 36, Muscat 123, Oman. E-mail: Tel. (Office): +968-24141421, Mobile: +968-92669753, Fax: +968-24141490/24413415 PERSONAL DETAILS Place and date of birth: Douma, Syria, June 15th, 1951, Nationality: Syrian, Marital Status: Married EDUCATIONS 1984 PhD 1980 MSc 1979 1974 Diploma B.Sc. EMPLOYMENTS 2015Prof. 1997-15 Associate Prof. 1992-97 Assistant Prof. 1991-92 Research Visit 1990-91 Assistant Prof. 1985-90 Lecturer 1977-78 Demonstrator Practical Optimization (Supervisor: R. Fletcher) Numerical Analysis and Programming (Thesis Supervisor: J.D. Lambert) Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics and Computer Science Electronics, Informatics & Systems Basic Sciences Mathematics Mathematics Dundee University, UK Dundee University, UK Dundee University, UK Damascus University, Syria SQU, Oman SQU, Oman UAE University, UAE Calabria University, Italy Ajman University, UAE Damascus University, Syria Damascus University, Syria RESEARCH INTERESTS Numerical optimization: small scale, large scale and non-linear least-squares problems, algorithms and software, practical convergence analysis, and related applications. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Editorial Board Member (and Associate Editor) for Optimization Methods and Software Computational Optimization and Applications Advanced Modeling and Optimization International Journal of Operations Research SQU Journal for Science, etc. Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet Anonymous Referee for more than 30 high level quality international journals (Math. Programming, SIAM, IMA, JOTA, COAP, OMS, etc.) Member of EUROPT Mathematical Programming Society POP (Pacific Optimization Research Activity Group) SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) SIAG (SIAM Activity Group) on Optimization, etc. Updated September 15, 2015 1/18 AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS 1986-present 2001-present 2013 2011 1990 1989-93 1989,94 1978 Visiting Fellowship at DEIS, Calabria University, Italy Awarded several internal and external Research Grants Awarded the Best Paper of SQU Journal for Science, Oman Awarded the Best Teacher in Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SQU, Oman Awarded Abdus Salam Prize in Mathematics for Scientific Advancement in Syria (Abdus Salam was the winner of Nobel prize and the Director of ICTP, Trieste, Italy) Awarded ICTP Arab Fund Grant for supporting eminent Arab researchers Awarded Damascus University Funds for writing three textbooks Awarded a scholarship for PhD study by Syrian Ministry of Higher Education SCHOLARLY ACHIEVEMENTS Refereed Journal Papers 1. A. and L. Grandinetti, “Improved Damped Quasi-Newton Methods for Unconstrained Optimization" (accepted for publication in the special issue of Pacific Journal of Optimization). 2. A. and C. Triki, “A note on using partitioning techniques to solve nonlinear optimization problems on parallel systems” (accepted in SQU Journal for Science). 3. Y. Dai, M. Al-Baali and X. Yang, “A positive Barzilai-Borwein like stepsize and an extension for symmetric linear systems" in Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Eds. M. Al-Baali, L. Grandinetti and A. Purnama, Vol. 134, 2015, pp. 59-76. 4. A., Y. Narushima and H. Yabe, “A family of three-term conjugate gradient methods with sufficient descent property for unconstrained optimization,” Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 60 (2015), pp. 89-110. 5. A., L. Grandinetti and O. Pisacane, “Damped techniques for the limited memory BFGS Method for large-scale optimization,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 161 (2014), pp. 688-699. 6. A., E. Spedicato and F. Maggioni, “Broyden's quasi-Newton methods for nonlinear system of equations and unconstrained optimization: a review and open problems,” Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 29 (2014), pp. 937-954. 7. A., “Damped techniques for enforcing convergence of quasi-Newton methods,” Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 29 (2014), pp. 919-936. 8. A. and H.F. Khalfan, “A combined class of self-scaling and modified quasi-Newton methods,” Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 52 (2012), pp. 393-408. 9. A. and L. Grandinetti, “On the behaviour of damped quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained optimization,” Iranian Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 3 (2012), pp. 1-10. 10. A. and A. Purnama, “Numerical experience with damped quasi-Newton optimization methods when the objective function is quadratic,” Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science, Vol. 17 (2012), pp. 1-11. 11. A. and L. Grandinetti, “On practical modification of quasi-Newton BFGS method,” Advanced Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 11 (2009), pp. 63-76. 12. A. and H. Khalfan, “An overview of some practical quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained optimization,” SQU Journal for Scientific Research: Science and Technology, Vol. 12 (2007), pp. 199-209. 13. A. and H. Khalfan, “Wide interval for efficient self-scaling quasi-Newton algorithms,” Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 20 (2005), pp. 679-691. 14. A., A. Fuduli and R. Musmanno, “On the performance of switching BFGS/SR1 algorithms for unconstrained optimization,” Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 19 (2004), pp. 153-164. 15. A., “Quasi-Newton algorithms for large-scale nonlinear least-squares,” in High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization, pp. 1-21, G. Di Pillo and A. Murli, Editors, Kluwer Academic, 2003. 16. A., “Extra-updates criterion for the limited memory BFGS algorithm for large scale nonlinear optimization,” Journal of Complexity, Vol. 18 (2002), pp. 557-572. 2/18 17. A., “On the behaviour of a combined extra-updating self-scaling BFGS method,” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 134 (2001), pp. 269-281. 18. A., “Extra updates for the BFGS method,” Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 13 (2000), pp. 159-179. 19. A., “Properties of self-scaling quasi-Newton algorithms for nonlinear optimization problems,” International Conference on Research Trends in Science and Technology, Lebanese American University, Lebanon, 2000, pp. 1-14. 20. A., D. Conforti and R. Musmanno, “Computational experiments with scaled initial Hessian approximation for the Broyden family methods,” Optimization: Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, Vol. 48 (2000), pp. 375-389. 21. A., “Improved Hessian approximations for the limited memory BFGS method,” Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 22 (1999), pp. 99-112. 22. A., “Global and superlinear convergence of a restricted class of self-scaling methods with inexact line searches, for convex functions,” Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 9 (1998), pp. 191-203. 23. A., “Numerical experience with a class of self-scaling quasi-Newton algorithms,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 96 (1998), pp. 533-553. 24. A., “A Numerical study of a combined self-scaling and extra-updating method,” IV International Symposium on “Optimization and Statistics,” Aligarh Muslim University, India, 1998, pp. 1-11. 25. A. and R. Fletcher, “On the order of convergence of preconditioned nonlinear conjugate gradient methods,” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 17 (1996), pp. 658-665. 26. A., “New initial Hessian approximations for the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization,” Journal of the Faculty of Science, UAE University, Vol. 7 (1995), pp. 167-175. 27. A., “On measure functions for the self-scaling updating formulae for quasi-Newton methods,” Optimization: Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, Vol. 32 (1995), pp. 59-69. 28. A., “A survey of classes of self-scaling variable metric algorithms,” Calcutta Mathematical Society, Vol. 86 (1994), pp. 509-520. 29. A., “An efficient class of switching type algorithms in the Broyden family,” Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 4 (1994), pp. 29-46. 30. A., “Variational quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained optimization,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 77 (1993), pp. 127-143. 31. A., “Highly efficient Broyden methods of minimization with variable parameter,” Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 1 (1992), pp. 301-310. 32. A., “Numerical experiments with the preconditioned conjugate gradient Gauss-Newton methods,” Damascus University Journal, Vol. 4 (1988), pp. 13-22. 33. A., “Optimal variable metric methods for unconstrained optimization,” 27th Science Week Conference, Damascus University, Syria, 1987. 34. A. and R. Fletcher, “An efficient line search for nonlinear least squares,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 48 (1986), pp. 359-378. 35. A. and R. Fletcher, “Variational methods for non-linear least-squares,” Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol. 36 (1985), pp. 405-421. 36. A., “Descent property and global convergence of the Fletcher-Reeves method with inexact line search,” Institute of Mathematics and Applications Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 5 (1985), pp. 121-124. Books (Author/Editor) 37. M. Al-Baali, L. Grandinetti and A. Purnama (Editors) “Numerical Analysis and Optimization,” Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 134, 2015, 343p. 38. B. Heim, T. Ibukiyama, M. Al-Baali and F. Rupp (Editors) “Automorphic Forms: Research in Number Theory from Oman,” Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 115, 2014, 242p. 3/18 39. A. and A. Purnama (Guest Editors), “Numerical Optimization,” Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science (Special Issue Proceedings), Vol. 17(1), 2012, 156p. 40. A. and A. Purnama (Guest Editors), “Numerical Analysis,” Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science (Special Issue Proceedings), Vol. 17(2), 2012, 96p. 41. A. and A.Y. Abul-Magd (Editors), “Mathematics for Teachers (2)” (Textbook in Arabic, Authors: M. Amer, M. El-Sabagh, M. Refai and A. Kamal), UAE University Publications, 1996/1997, 176p. 42. A., A. Jamalddin and M. Sobh, “Numerical Analysis (2)” (Textbook in Arabic), Damascus University Publications, 1994/1995, 338p. 43. A., “Ordinary Differential Equations (1)” (Textbook in Arabic), Damascus University Publications, 1989/1990, 332p. 44. A., “Statistics for Natural Sciences” (Textbook in Arabic), Damascus University Publications, 1989/1990, 211p. Books (Editing in Progress) 45. “Models and Algorithms for Applied Optimization Problems,” guest editor (with C. Triki) for a special issue of International Journal of Operational Research. 46. “Numerical Analysis and Optimization,” guest editor (with A. Purnama) for a special issue of SQU Journal for Science. Lecture Notes 47. A., “Introduction to Line Search Methods for Nonlinear Unconstrained Optimization with Simple Illustrated Examples,” Lecture Notes, Revisited, DOMAS 15/9, SQU, 2015, 51p. 48. A., M.T. Al-Hinai, A. Al-Salman, Z. Al-Sharawi and M. Rakha, “Basic Mathematics” (in Arabic), DOMAS, SQU, 2010, 180p. 49. A., “Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Optimization,” Lab. Ottimizzazione, Calabria University, Italy, 2008, 52p. 50. A. and H. Khalfan “Numerical Methods for Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations,” DOMAS, SQU, 2004, 54p. 51. A. and Z. ZaherAldeen, “Using Derive for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations,” T. Report DMCS 1/94 (1994), UAE University, 6p. Work in Progress on 1. “Combined conjugate gradient and quasi-Newton methods” (with I.S. Latif). 2. “Modified gradient methods” (with Y. Dai). 3. “A limited memory BFGS/Gauss-Newton algorithm for nonlinear least-squares.” Research/Technical Reports 1. A., “New Damped Quasi-Newton Methods for Unconstrained Optimization,” Research Report DOMAS 15/3 (2015), SQU, Oman, 11 p. 2. A., A. Al-Ghassani, M. Al-Hinai, M. Al-Lawati, N. Al-Salti, E. Balakrishnan, A. Purnama, C. Triki, T. Yashiro and S.I. Zaman, “Third international conference on numerical analysis and optimization: Information, programme and abstracts,” January 5-9, 2014, Al-Anan Press, Muscat, Oman, 80 p. 3. A., “Convergence analysis of a class of damped quasi-Newton methods for nonlinear optimization,” Research Report DOMAS 11/2 (2011), SQU, Oman, 11 p. 4. A., H. Al-Barwani, M. Al-Hinai, M. Al-Lawati, E. Balakrishnan and A. Purnama, “Second international conference on numerical analysis and optimization: Information, programme and abstracts,” January 3-6, 2011, Al-Anan Press, Muscat, Oman, 59 p. 5. A., “Convergence properties of damped Broyden's family of quasi-Newton methods,” Research Report DOMAS 09/1 (2009), SQU, Oman, 11 p. 6. A. and H. F. Khalfan, “On modified self-scaling quasi-Newton methods," Research Report DOMAS 08/1 (2008), SQU, Oman, 25 p. 4/18 7. A., H. Al-Barwani, M. Al-Lawati and A. Purnama, “International conference on numerical analysis and optimization: Final programme and abstracts,” April 6-8, 2008, T. Report DOMAS, SQU, Oman, 28 p. 8. A. and H. F. Khalfan, “Modified self-scaling quasi-Newton methods," Research Report DOMAS 07/1 (2007), University, Oman, 12 p. 9. A. and H. F. Khalfan, “Globally convergent self-scaling quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained optimization," Research Report DMCS 1/03 (2003), UAE University, UAE, 23 p. 10. A. and H. F. Khalfan, “Computational experience with a restricted class of self-scaling quasiNewton methods for minimization,” Research Report DOMAS 01/1 (2001), SQU, Oman, 13 p. 11. A., “Extra-updates criterion for the L-BFGS method for large scale nonlinear optimization,” Research Report No. 27 (2000), Department of Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics and Applications, Bergamo University, Italy, 14 p. 12. A., “Extra updates for the BFGS method: Revised version,” Research Report DOMAS 99/1 (1999), SQU, Oman, 18 p. 13. A., “A numerical study of a combined self-scaling and extra updating BFGS method,” Research Report DOMAS 98/3 (1998), SQU, Oman, 12 p. 14. A., “A numerical study of a combined self-scaling and extra updating BFGS method: Extended version,” Research Report DOMAS 98/2 (1998), SQU, Oman, 17 p. 15. A. and H. F. Khalfan, “Experimental study of globally and superlinearly convergent self-scaling quasi-Newton methods,” Research Report DMCS 1/96 (1996), UAE University, UAE, 8 p. 16. A., “Numerical experience with a class of self-scaling quasi-Newton algorithms,” Research Report DMCS 2/95 (1995), UAE University, UAE, 18 p. 17. A., “Solving optimization problems on parallel computers,” R. Report DMCS 1/95 (1995), UAE University, UAE, 8 p. 18. A. and L. Grandinetti, “On the initial scaling of the Broyden class of formulae for quasi-Newton optimization methods,” Research Report (1993), DEIS, Calabria University, Italy, 11 p. 19. A., “Analysis of a family of self-scaling quasi-Newton methods,” Research Report DMCS 1/93 (1993), UAE University, UAE, 24 p. 20. A., “An efficient class of quasi-Newton algorithms in the Broyden family,” R. Report No. 9 (1992), DEIS, Calabria University, Italy, 47 p. 21. A., “Convergence properties of self-scaling quasi-Newton methods with inexact line searches,” Research Report (1992), Department of Electronics, Informatics and Systems, Calabria University, Italy, 30 p. 22. A., “A rule for comparing two methods in practical optimization,” R. Report No. 119 (1991), Systems Department, Calabria University, Italy, 9 p. 23. A., “On the self-scaling updating formulae for quasi-Newton methods,” Research Report No. 87 (1990), Systems Department, Calabria University, Italy, 20 p. 24. A., “Optimization and computing,” T. Report (1990), Ajman University, UAE, and the Syrian Society for Computer Science, 11 pages (in Arabic). 25. A., “On the self-scaling updating formulae for quasi-Newton methods,” Research Report No. 87 (1990), Systems Department, Calabria University, Italy, 20 p. 26. A., “Partial self-scaling variable metric algorithms,” Research Report No. 80 (1988), Systems Department, Calabria University, Italy, 19 p. 27. A., “Optimal variable metric methods for unconstrained optimization,” Research Report No. DMUD 86/NA1 (1986), Department of Mathematics, University of Damascus, Syria, 17 p. 28. A., “On the Fletcher-Reeves Method,” Technical Report NA/79 (1984), University of Dundee, Scotland, 7 p. 29. A. and R. Fletcher, “An efficient line search for nonlinear least squares,” Technical Report NA/78 (1984), University of Dundee, Scotland. 30. A. and R. Fletcher, “Variational methods for non-linear least-squares,” Technical Report NA/76 (1984), University of Dundee, Scotland. 31. A., ``Methods for nonlinear least squares,” Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Dundee, 1984. (Ph.D. Dissertation supervised by R. Fletcher) 5/18 32. A., ``A critical survey of a class of iterative algorithms for stiff systems of ordinary differential equations,” Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Dundee, 1980. (M.Sc. Thesis supervised by J.D. Lambert) Conference/Workshops Organized the following Conferences/Workshops. 1. Third International Conference on “Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAOIII2014),” SQU, Muscat, January 5-9, 2014 (Chair). Website: 2. International SQU-GUtech Conference on “Mathematics,” SQU and GUtech, Muscat, February 18-22, 2012 (Chair at SQU). Website: 3. Second International Conference on “Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAOII2011),” SQU, Muscat, January 3-6, 2011 (Chair). Website: 4. International Conference on “Analysis and Applications,” SQU, Muscat, Oman, January 24-26, 2010 (Chair the Numerical Analysis Session). Website: http:// 5. International Conference on “Mathematical Modeling,” SQU, Muscat, February 23 - 26, 2009. Website: 6. International Conference on “Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAO2008),” SQU, Muscat, April 6-8, 2008 (Chair). Website: 7. Workshop on “New Methodologies and Technologies in Teaching Science,” UAE University, Al-Ain, March 3-6, 1996 (Chair the Mathematics Session) 8. Workshop on “Optimization and Parallel Computations,” UAE University, Al-Ain, May 8-11, 1994 (Co-Chair) Member of the Organizing Committee for the following Cetraro Workshops: 9. International Workshop BrainComp2015 “Brain-Inspired Computing: Computational models, algorithms, applications and implementations,” Cetraro, Italy, July 6 - 11, 2015 10. International Advanced Workshop on “High Performance Computing, From Clouds and Big Data to Exascale and Beyond,” Cetraro, Italy, July 7-11, 2014 11. International Workshop on “Brain-Inspired Computing: Computational models, algorithms, applications, and implementations,” Cetraro, Italy, July 8-11, 2013 12. International Advanced Workshop on “High Performance Computing, Grids and Clouds,” Cetraro, Italy, June 25–29, 2012 13. Research Workshop on “Advanced Computing System,” Cetraro, Italy, June 27-29, 2011 14. International Advanced Workshop on “High Performance Computing, Grids and Clouds,” Cetraro, Italy, June 21-25, 2010 15. International Advanced Workshop on “High Performance Computing and Grids,” Cetraro, Italy, June 30 - July 4, 2008 16. International Program Committee for the Workshop on “Scheduling for Nonlinear Optimization,” Cetraro, Italy, June 25-29, 2007 17. International Meeting on “High Performance Computing: Algorithms and Applications,” Cetraro, Italy, June 25-26, 2001 These conferences have provided opportunity for the local regional and international participants to present their latest work and discuss further new developments. The main objective is to bring together worldwide experts in hope of promoting scientific exchange and discussing possibilities for further cooperation and promotion of mobility of senior and young researchers and research students. Indeed, several students from the College of Science, College of Engineering, SQU, Europe and Japan participated with talks at the above conferences which held at SQU. It is worth mentioning that through the highly successful series of conferences on “Numerical Analysis and Optimization,” I have been able to enhance the profile of SQU internationally in this area. 6/18 Participated with talks (* partially supported by SQU). 1. A., "A General Class of Conjugate Gradient Methods," 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2015), Pittsburgh, USA, July 12-17, 2015 (Partially supported by Venice University, Italy).* 2. A., “On the Computation of Damped Technique for Quasi-Newton Methods for Unconstrained Optimization,” International Conference on Emerging Areas of 3. 4. 5. 6. Mathematics for Science and Technology (ICEAMST) in collaboration with Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ISIAM), Patiala, India, January 30 – February 1, 2015 (Invited Speaker). A., “Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: Numerical Computing with MATLAB,” International Conference on Emerging Areas of Mathematics for Science and Technology (ICEAMST), Patiala, India, January 30 – February 1, 2015 (Invited Speaker). A., “New Damped-Broyden Methods for Unconstrained Optimization,” the ICM Satellite Fourth Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization (NAO-Asia), Taipei, Taiwan, August 5 - 9, 2014.* A., “Reducing the Number of updates for the limited memory quasi-Newton methods,” the 9th International Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra, Changchun, China, September 12-15, 2013 (Invited Speaker). A., “On a limited-memory damped-BFGS method for large scale optimization,” XIII International Conference on “Stochastic Programming" (ICSP2013), Bergamo, Italy, July 812, 2013. 7. A., “Alternating gradient step methods for large-scale optimization,” the 11th EUROPT Workshop on “Advances in Continuous Optimization,” Florence, Italy, June 26-28, 2013 (Invited Speaker).* 8. A., “Optimal solutions for nonlinear regression with fitting models of differential equations,” 19th International Conference on “Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA2013),” Muscat, Oman, May 26-30, 2013. 9. A., “On recent damped-Broyden class of methods for unconstrained optimization,” Numerik Mini-Workshop, Trier University, Germany, August 27, 2012 (Invited Speaker). 10. A., "Hybrid Damped-BFGS/Gauss-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Least-Squares," 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2012), Berlin, Germany, August 19-24, 2012.* 11. A., “Enforcing Convergence to all Members of the Broyden Family of Methods for Unconstrained Optimization," 3rd Conference on Optimization Methods and Software (OMS 2012), Crete, Greece, May 13-18, 2012 (Invited Speaker). 12. A., "Gradient Optimization Methods for Large System of Linear Equations with Application to Laplace's Equation," Numerical methods for PDE's Analysis and Applications Workshop, Muscat, Oman, January 10-11, 2012. 13. A., "Enforcing convergence for all members of the Broyden family of methods for nonlinear optimization," Cambridge-SQU Mathematics Workshop, Muscat, Oman, October 29-31, 2011. 14. A., “Convergence Analysis of a Family of Damped Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Optimization," 24th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Strathclyde, Scotland, June 28 - July 1, 2011.* 15. A., “Numerical Experience with Damped Quasi-Newton Optimization Methods when the Objective Function is Quadratic," 2nd International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAOII), Muscat, Oman, January 3--6, 2011. 16. A., “On the behaviour of Damped Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Optimization," International Conference on Computational Management Science,” Vienna, Austria, July 2830, 2010.* 7/18 17. A., “Maths and Stats with applications,” Open Day between College of Science and College of Engineering, SQU, April 4, 2010 (representative of DOMAS). 18. A., “On Recent Techniques for Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Optimization,” DOMAS workshop on applied mathematics for possible cooperation with Cambridge University, SQU, February 21, 2010. 19. A., “On the behaviour of a family of damped quasi-Newton methods," 7th International Conference on “Numerical Optimization and Numerical Linear Algebra,” Li-Jiang, China, August 16-19, 2009.* 20. A. and L. Grandinetti, “On advances in nonlinear optimization," Advanced Research Workshop on “Models, Algorithms, Software and Tools for Complex Systems Computation,” Cetraro, Italy, June 30 - July 3, 2009 (Invited Speaker). 21. A., “Solving a System of Linear Equations Related to PDE," ICMM2009 (International Conference on Mathematical Modelling), SQU, Muscat, Oman, February, 23 - 26, 2009. 22. A., “Sufficiently positive definite Hessian approximations for large-scale quasi-Newton methods,” HPC2008 (the International Advanced Research Workshop on "High Performance Computing and Grids"), Cetraro, Italy, June 30 - July 4, 2008.* 23. A. and H. F. Khalfan, “On modified quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained optimization," Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization, SQU, Muscat, Oman, April 6-8, 2008 (Invited Speaker). 24. A., “Experience with gradient methods based on self-scaling quasi-Newton updates," 22nd Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, University of Dundee, Scotland, June 26 - 29, 2007.* 25. A., “Modified gradient methods for large-scale optimization,” 6th Annual MOPTA Conference Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications, University of Waterloo, Canada, July 24-27, 2006.* 26. A., “Some properties of the quasi-Wolfe conditions and their applications to nonlinear optimization,” Advanced Seminars on “New Frontiers of High Performance Computing,” Cetraro, Italy, July 4 - 6, 2005 (Invited Speaker). 27. A., “Quasi-Wolfe conditions on the BFGS update for nonlinear least-squares,” 8th SIAM Conference on Optimization, Stockholm, Sweden, May 15-19, 2005.* 28. A. and H. F. Khalfan, “On the quasi-Wolfe conditions for self-scaling quasi-Newton methods,” 2nd International Conference on “Mathematical Sciences,” UAE University, AlAin, UAE, December 12-14, 2004. 29. A., “Quasi-Wolfe conditions for quasi-Newton methods on large scale optimization problems,” 40th Workshop on “Large Scale Nonlinear Optimization,” Erice, Italy, June 22 July 1, 2004.* 30. A. and H. F. Khalfan, “Wide Interval for efficient self-scaling quasi-Newton algorithms,” Advanced Research Workshop on International Meeting on “High Performance Computing: Technology and Applications,” Cetraro, Italy, May 31 - June 3, 2004 (Invited Speaker). 31. A., “Quasi-Wolfe conditions for Newton-like methods,” 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 18-22, 2003 (also Chaired a session).* 32. A., “On the performance of new algorithms for large-scale nonlinear least-squares,” McMaster Optimization Workshop, McMaster University, Canada, May 23-24, 2002 (Invited Speaker). 33. A., “A limited memory BFGS/Gauss-Newton algorithm for nonlinear least-squares,” 7th SIAM Conference on Optimization, Toronto, Canada, May 20-22, 2002 (also Chaired a session).* 34. A., “Limited-memory quasi-Newton methods for large-scale nonlinear least-squares,” A workshop on “High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization,” Erice, Italy, June 30 - July 8, 2001.* 35. A., “A new class of algorithms for fast computation of unconstrained optimization,” International Meeting on “High Performance Computing: Algorithms and Applications,” Cetraro, Italy, June 25-26, 2001 (Invited Speaker). 8/18 36. A., “Some properties of improved L-BFGS methods for large scale optimization,” 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, August 7-11, 2000 (also Chaired a session). 37. A., “Properties and experiments for modifying the BFGS method,” Workshop on Advanced Optimization Techniques, McMaster University, Canada, August 4, 2000 (Invited Speaker). 38. A., “Properties of extra-updating BFGS algorithms for nonlinear optimization,” 2000 AMSIMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in Algorithms, Computational Complexity, and Models of Computation for Nonlinear and Multivariate Problems, Mount Holyoke College, USA, July 16-20, 2000. (Partially supported by Bergamo University, Italy.) 39. A., “Properties of self-scaling quasi-Newton algorithms for nonlinear optimization problems,” International Conference on “Research Trends in Science and Technology,” Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon, March 6-8, 2000 (Invited Speaker). 40. A., “Accelerating the limited memory BFGS method with inexact line searches,” 18th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, University of Dundee, UK, June 29-2 July, 1999. 41. A., “Extra self-scaling updates for the BFGS method,” International Advanced Workshop on “Advanced Computing in Science and Engineering: Methods and Applications,” Cetraro, Italy, June 14-15, 1999 (Invited Speaker). 42. A., “A numerical study of a combined self-scaling and extra-updating method,” IV International Symposium on “Optimization and Statistics,” Aligarh Muslim University, India, December 8-10, 1998 (Invited Speaker). 43. A., “Extra updates for the BFGS method for minimizing a function of several variables,” Advanced Research Workshop on “High Performance Computing: Technology and Applications," Cetraro, Italy, June 14-15, 1998 (Invited Speaker). 44. A., “On limited memory methods for large-scale optimization,” NATO Advanced Workshop on “High Performance Computing: Technology and Applications,” Cetraro, Italy, June 24-26, 1996 (Invited Speaker). 45. A. and H. F. Khalfan, “Experimental study of globally and superlinearly convergent selfscaling quasi--Newton methods," in the International Workshop on “Recent Advancement in Applied Mathematics,” (RAAM’96), Kuwait, May 4-7, 1996. (Partially supported by UAE University, UAE). 46. A., “On the initial Hessian approximation for the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization,” 16th Biennial Conference on “Numerical Analysis,” University of Dundee, UK, June 27-29, 1995. (Partially supported by UAE University, UAE). 47. A., “Improvement over the Hessian approximations for quasi-Newton methods,” an International Workshop on “Advanced Methods and Algorithms for Optimization Problems,” Cetraro, Italy, June 26-27, 1995 (Invited Speaker). 48. A., “A new class of self-scaling quasi-Newton algorithms,” Advanced Workshop on “High Performance Computing: Technology and Applications," Cetraro, Italy, June 27-29, 1994 (Invited Speaker). 49. A., “New initial Hessian approximations for the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization,” Workshop on “Optimization and Parallel Computations,” UAE University, UAE, May 8-11, 1994 (Invited Speaker). 50. A., “Numerical experiments with superlinear convergent self-scaling quasi-Newton methods,”16th IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) Conference on “System Modelling and Optimization,” Compiegné, France, July 5-9, 1993. 51. A. and L. Grandinetti, “On the initial self-scaling Broyden’s class of methods,” First Biennial Soviet-Italian Conference on “Methods and Applications of Mathematical Programming,” Cetraro, Italy, September 7-11, 1992 (Invited Speaker, Partially supported by Calabria University, Italy). 52. A., “Experiments with the Broyden class of quasi-Newton methods,” Poster, 4th SIAM Conference on “Optimization,” Chicago, USA, May 11-13, 1992 (Partially supported by Calabria University, Italy). 53. A., “New members of the Broyden family of formulae,” 14th Biennial Conference on “Numerical Analysis,” University of Dundee, UK, June 25-28, 1991. 9/18 54. A., “A criterion test for self-scaling variable metric algorithms,” 13th Biennial Conference on “Numerical Analysis,” University of Dundee, UK, June 24-27, 1989 (Partially supported by Damascus University, Syria). 55. A., “Computational experiments with some self-scaling variable metric algorithms,” 29th Science Week Conference, University of Aleppo, Syria, 1989. 56. A., “Optimal variable metric methods for unconstrained optimization,” 27th Science Week Conference, University of Damascus, Syria, November 1987. 57. A., “Experiments with the BFGS and DFP updates on various positive definite matrices,” 12 th Biennial Conference on “Numerical Analysis,” University of Dundee, UK, June 23-26, 1987 (Partially supported by Damascus University, Syria). 58. A., “Numerical experiments with variable metric algorithms,” 11th Biennial Conference on “Numerical Analysis,” University of Dundee, UK, June 1985 (Partially supported by Damascus University, Syria). 59. A. and R. Fletcher, “Optimally scaled methods for nonlinear least squares,” 11th International Symposium on “Mathematical Programming,” Bonn University, West Germany, August 1982 (Partially supported by Dundee University, UK). Intellectual Property Development Some of my research results have reasonable international impact. In particular, 1. My paper (1985) gives “the first practical global convergence result” (see Nocedal, Acta Numerica 1992, Pytlak, Springer 2009, Frandsen et al., Technical University of Denmark 2004,, etc.) This result remains useful for obtaining new conjugate gradient methods. 2. The technique of Al-Baali and Fletcher (1985) has been introduced to the software NL2SOL and distributed by SAS/OR, IMSL and TOMLAB international software libraries. 3. My papers (1998, 2005, 2012) illustrate the useful role of the self-scaling technique, although it was not attractive before this result for two decades. 4. In 2009 (and essentially in 2004), I have extended the BFGS damped technique of Powell to all members of the Broyden family of methods and, recently in 2014, shown that appropriate choices of the damped parameter enforce the convergence property for all these methods. Thus, several useful proposals have been (and will be) considered. Research Visits and Visitors Visited (and/or Delivered Invited Seminars) the following institutes. 1. Calabria University, Italy, since 1986, during summer vacation for one-two months, for exchanging some ideas and continuing the research work collaborating with L. Grandinetti and his group of optimization. I usually use the available highly sophisticated computers and software for testing certain algorithms on difficult problems. (Research funds partially by the National Research Council of Italy, CNR, and the Italian Ministry of Universities, MURST, under several project contracts.) 2. Bergamo University, Italy, summers of 2015, 2011, 2002, 2001 and 2000 (invited by E. Spedicato and M. Bertocchi and partially supported by CNR and MURST, Italy). 3. Waterloo University, Canada, August 2015 and 1998 (invited by H. Wolkowicz and R. Bartles) 4. GERAD, Montreal, August 2015 (invited by M.F. Anjos, J. Desrosiers and D. Orban). 5. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, and Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, February 2015 (invited by A.H. Siddiqi) 6. Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, September 9-21, 2013, and August 10-22, 2009 (invited by Y. Dai). 7. Trier University, Germany, August 25-29, 2012 (invited by E. Sachs). 8. Venice University, Italy, June 19-22, 2012 (invited by G. Fasano). 9. Kyoto University, Japan, January 17-24, 2011 (invited by M. Fukushima). 10. Tokyo University, Japan, January 19-20, 2011 (invited by H. Yabe). 11. Salento University, Italy, June 2005 and 2010 (invited by C. Triki). 12. McMaster University, Canada, summers of 2006, 2002 and 2000 (invited by T. Terlaky). 10/18 13. University of Gabes, Tunis, November 8-12, 2004, for introducing recent optimization algorithms to staff and students in Mathematics and Computers (invited by M. Lachiheb). 14. Salento University, Italy, June 2003 (invited by A. Fuduli). 15. UAE University, UAE, since 1999 (for collaboration with H. Khalfan). 16. ICTP, Trieste, Italy, summers of 1995, 1987-1989 (partially supported by ICTP, Damascus University and Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science, KFAS). Hosted the following researchers. 17. L. Grandinetti, DEIS, Calabria University, Italy, January 2015, February 2014, Spring 2011, Fall 2009 and Fall 2007 (also visited me at UAE University, 1994, and Damascus University, 1989) 18. N. Benrabia, EPST, Annaba, Algeria, April 2015 19. A.N. Iusem, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2014 20. E. Sachs, University of Trier, Germany, January 2014, January 2012 21. J.J.H. Miller, School of Mathematics, Trinity College, and Institute for Numerical Computation and Analysis, Ireland, November, 2013 22. I. Latif, University of Salahaddin, Iraq, January 2013 23. H. Khalfan, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, UAE University, 2003-2011 24. O. Burdakov, Department of Mathematics, Linkoping University, Sweden, Spring 2011 25. M. Reed, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, UK, Spring 2011 26. J. Moré, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, January 2010 (also at UAE University, 1994) 27. M. Fukushima, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan, 2009 28. M.J.D. Powell, DAMTP, Cambridge University, UK, Spring 2008 and Fall 2003 29. P. Toint, Department of Mathematics and Transportation Research Group, FUNDP- University of Namur, Belgium, Spring 2008 30. E. Spedicato, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics and Applications, Bergamo University, Italy, Fall 2006 and Fall 1999 31. J. Taylor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, UAE University, March 2006 32. N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Sharif University of Technology, Iran, Spring 2008 and Fall 2002 (also at Damascus University, 1988) Invited Seminars; delivered at 1. DEIS, Calabria University, Italy, 1986-presnt (27 seminars) 2. Department of Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics and Applications, Bergamo University, Italy, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2011, 2015 (6 seminars) 3. Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, Canada, August 1998 and 2015 4. GERAD in Montreal, Canada, August 2015 5. Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, and Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, February 2015 6. Department of Mathematics, Trier University, Germany, August 2012 7. Department of Mathematical Information Science, Tokyo University, Japan, January 2011 8. Numerical Optimization Centre, University of Hertfordshire, UK, July 5, 2007 9. Department of Computing and Software, McMaster University, Canada, July 21, 2006 10. Department of Mathematics, Salento University, Italy, June 2005 11. Department of Innovation Engineering University, Salento University, Italy, June 2003 12. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA, July 2000 13. Department of Informatics and Systems, Rome University, Italy, 1994, 1995, 2010 (3 seminars) 14. Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 1992 15. Department of Computer Science, Colorado University at Boulder, USA, May 1992 16. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, USA, May 1992 17. ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 1987-1989 (3 seminars) 11/18 18. Syrian Society for Computer Science, Al-Asad General Public Library, Damascus, Syria, December 1989, (Lecture in Arabic on “Optimization”) 19. DOMAS, SQU, Oman, 1997-2010 (12 seminars) 20. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, UAE University, UAE, 1992-1997 (6 seminars) 21. Department of Mathematics, University of Damascus, Syria, 1987 Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee, UK, May 1983 Consulting Activities Edited and/or Reviewed all invited and contributed papers for 1. 3rd International Conference on “Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAOIII),” SQU, Muscat, January 5-9, 2014. Also, Guest Editor for forthcoming special issues of IJOR and SQUJS. 2. 2nd International Conference on “Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAOII),” SQU, Muscat, January 3-6, 2011. Also, Guest Editor for a special issue of SQU Journal of Science. 3. International Conference on “Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAO),” SQU, Muscat, April 6-8, 2008. 4. Workshop on “Optimization and Parallel Computations,” UAE University, May 8-11, 1994. Also, editor for certain selected papers for the Journal of the Faculty of Science, UAE, Vol. 7, 1995. Guest Editor for J. of Faculty of Science, UAE, Vol. 7, 1995, for SQU J. for Science, Oman, Vol. 17, 2012, for Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 115, 2014, and Vol. 134, 2015, and for the forthcoming two special issues of IJOR and SQUJS. Reviewed the following published Books 1. “The Role of Mathematics on Human,” by S.K. Adhikari, for SQU Journal for Scientific Research: Medical and Sciences, Volume 6, No. 2, pp. 93-95, 2006 (with O.A. Habbal). 2. “Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms,” by M.S. Bazaraa, H.D. Sherali and C.M. Shetty, Wiley, 1993, 638 pages, for OPTIMA (Mathematical Programming Society Newsletter), No. 43, pp.7-8, 1994. 3. “Programming in BASIC Language for Calculus" (in Arabic) for the Syrian House of Publications, 1987. Reviewed several published papers for Mathematical Reviews;American Mathematical Society. Refereed papers (as anonymous referee) for possible publication in the following journals: 1. Applied Numerical Mathematics, IMACS Journal, Elsevier, USA 2. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Saudi Arabia 3. Computational Optimization and Applications, USA 4. Calcolo Journal, Italy 5. Damascus University Journal, Syria 6. FORJ-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 7. Institute of Mathematics and Applications Journal of Numerical Analysis, UK 8. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Greece 9. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, UK 10. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Systems, USA 11. International Journal of Mathematical Algorithms, USA 12. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, USA 13. International Journal of Operational Research 14. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Belgium 15. Journal of Faculty of Science, UAE University, UAE 16. Journal of Global Optimization, Springer, USA 17. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, UK 18. Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research 19. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, USA 20. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, Iraq 21. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, USA 12/18 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Mathematics of Computation Journal; AMS, USA Mathematical Programming, USA Numerical Algorithms Journal, France Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, USA Optimization: Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, Spain Optimization Methods and Software Journal, Sweden Optimization Letters, USA Pacific Journal of Optimization, Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA SQU Journal for Scientific Research: Science and Technology, Oman SQU Journal for Engineering Research, Oman Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, USA Grant and Contract Supports Internally Funded Research Projects (partially supported by SQU internal grants, PI: Principal Investigator, CI: Co-Investigator, CPI: Co-Principal Investigator): 1. A. (PI), K. Alzebdeh and A. Purnama, “Numerical Algorithm for Nonlinear Optimization with Applications to Nonmaterial Problems,” IG/SCI/DOMS/14/08, 2014-2015 (OR 2000). 2. A. Purnama (PI) and A. (CO), “Model Studies for Brine Discharges through Marine Outfall Systems,” IG/SCI/DOMS/14/10, 2014-2015 (OR 2000). 3. O. Abdalla (PI), A. (CI), et al., “Estimating natural groundwater recharge and discharge in North Oman,” His Majesty Grant, 2011-2013 (OR 155000). 4. A. (PI), H. Al-Barwani and A. Purnama, “On the Behaviour of a Family of Damped QuasiNewton Methods for Unconstrained Optimization,” IG/SCI/DOMS/11/12, 2011-2012 (OR 2250). 5. A. (PI), H. Al-Barwani and A. Purnama, “Sufficiently Positive Definite Hessian Approximations for Quasi-Newton Methods,” IG/SCI/DOMS/09/02, 2009-2010 (OR 2200). 6. A. (CPI) and T. B. A. El-Bashir (PI), “Numerical Solution of Flow Generated by Singularities,” IG/SCI/DOMS/07/09, 2009-2010 (OR 1800). 7. H. A. Abdel Rahman (PI), A. (CI), et al., “Optimal control of micro irrigation systems,” IG/AGR/SWAE/08/xx, 2008-2010 (OR 11250). 8. A. (PI), H. Al-Barwani, and H. Khalfan, UAE University, “Gradient methods and their applications to large-scale unconstrained optimization problems,” IG/SCI/DOMS/07/09, 20072008 (OR 3000). 9. A. (PI), A. Al-Ghassani, and H. Khalfan, UAE University, “A Comparison between the Wolfe and Quasi-Wolfe Conditions for Nonlinear Optimization,” IG/SCI/DOMS/05/09, 2005-2006 (OR 2400). 10. A. (PI) and H. Khalfan, UAE University, “An interval for efficient self-scaling quasi-Newton algorithms,” IG/SCI/DOMS/04/03, 2004 (OR 4900). 11. A. (PI), “An optimal self-scaling algorithm for unconstrained optimization,” IG/SCI/DOMS/03/03, 2003 (OR 1600). 12. A. (PI), M. Al-Lawati and E. Balakrishnan, “Analyzing and improving quasi-Newton algorithms for large-scale optimization,” SQU, IG/SCI/DOMS/02/05, 2001-2002 (OR 3800). 13. A. (PI), “Developing and testing new numerical methods for nonlinear optimization,” IG/SCI/DOMS/00/01, 2000-2001 (OR 1300). Externally Funded Research Projects (partially supported by several CNR and MURST grants of Italy, since 1986-present). 14. A., L. Grandinetti and R. Musmanno, “Design and implementation of optimization methods for manufacturing systems,” DEIS, Calabria University, Italy, 2004-2006. 15. A., A. Fuduli and R. Musmanno, “Extra 2-updates BFGS method for unconstrained optimization,” DEIS, Calabria University, Italy. This project has been completed and the result has been published in OMS, 2004. 13/18 16. A., D. Conforti and R. Musmanno, “On scaling the initial Hessian approximation for the Broyden family methods,” DEIS, Calabria University, Italy. This project has been completed, and the results have been published as a paper in Optimization journal, 2000. 17. A., “Extra-updates criterion for the L-BFGS method for large scale nonlinear optimization,” Department of Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics and Applications, Bergamo University, Italy, 2000. Related results have been presented at the AMS-IMS-SIAM Conference in Algorithms, Mount Holyoke College, USA, July16-20, 2000, and published in Journal of Complexity, 2002. 18. A. and L. Grandinetti, “Reducing the number of updates for the limited memory BFGS method,” DEIS, Calabria University, Italy, 1999. TEACHING My long teaching experience is based on teaching and coordinating a large number of courses with all level for undergraduate and postgraduate students at several universities. Courses Taught at SQU (1997-present) 1. FPMT 0102: Basic Mathematics (in Arabic). 2. MATH 1063: Mathematics for Commerce and Economics 3, 3. MATH 1101: Business Mathematics 1 (coordinator), 4. MATH 1105: Business Mathematics 1, 5. MATH 1106: Pre-calculus (2 times), 6. MATH 2107: Calculus 1 (10 times, 1 time coordinator), 7. MATH 2108: Calculus 2 (8 times, 3 times coordinator), 8. MATH 2202: Linear Algebra 1 (3 times, 1 coordinator), 9. MATH 2296: Mathematics for Agriculture (coordinator), 10. MATH 3302: Ordinary Differential Equations (3 times coordinator), 11. MATH 3303: Linear Algebra 2 (coordinator), 12. MATH 3171: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus for Engineers (2 times), 13. MATH 4141: Numerical Analysis (coordinator), 14. MATH 4473: Linear Programming (3 times coordinator), 15. MATH 4481: Introduction to Optimization (9 times coordinator), 16. MATH 5500: Undergraduate Project in Mathematics (3 supervisions, 3 co-supervisions), 17. MATH 6012 (MSc): Numerical Methods for Differential Equations (3 times coordinator), 18. MATH 6072 (MSc): Numerical Analysis for Engineers (4 times coordinator), 19. MATH 7001 (MSc): MSc Project in Mathematics (supervisor), This list shows that I taught postgraduate courses and most levels of undergraduate courses not only for mathematics and science students, but also for other college students. In the following tables, I state the courses which I taught at other universities. Courses Taught at UAE University (1992-1997) 1. Calculus 1 2. Calculus 2 3. Numerical Analysis 1 4. Numerical Analysis 2 5. Numerical Methods 6. Ordinary Differential Equations 7. Linear Algebra 1 8. Mathematics for Statisticians 9. Engineering Mathematics 2 10. Engineering Mathematics 3 11. Engineering Mathematics 4 12. Undergraduate project in Mathematics Courses Taught at Ajman University (1990-1991) 1. Numerical Analysis with Algorithms 2. FORTRAN 77 3. Engineering Mathematics 2 4. General Mathematics 2 14/18 Courses Taught at Damascus University (1985-1990) 1. Calculus 1 2. Ordinary Differential Equations 3. Real Analysis 1 4. Partial Differential Equations 5. Numerical Analysis 2 6. Statistics for Natural Sciences 7. Optimization for Diploma students Short Courses Taught at Calabria University, Italy, etc (2000-2010) 1. Nonlinear Optimization 2. Numerical Analysis Supervised Mathematics Tutorials for the courses 1. Applied Mathematics, Dundee University, UK (1981-1984) 2. Linear Algebra 1 and 3. Calculus 1, Damascus University, Syria (1977-1978) Supervised and/or Co-Supervised Students 1. Supervised an MSc Student, SQU, 2004-2005, thesis “Experimental Study with Quasi-Newton Methods for Unconstrained Optimization.” 2. Supervised Undergraduate Students with 4 projects, SQU, 2004, 2007, 2015. 3. Supervised Undergraduate Students with project, UAE University, 1995. External Assessor/Examiner 1. External Assessor and Examiner for BSc and MSc Programmes at Caledonian (University) College of Engineering in Oman, Muscat, 2013- present. 2. External Examiner for 8 MSc theses, College of Arts, SQU, 2013-present. 3. Examiner and co-supervisor for undergraduate student projects, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SQU, 1998-present. 4. Examiner for an MSc thesis, Department of Mathematics, Damascus University, 1989. Scholarship in Teaching 1. Awarded the best teacher in Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SQU, 2011. 2. Organized and Chaired the Mathematics Session of the Workshop on “New Methodologies and Technologies in Teaching Science,” UAE University, Al-Ain, March 3-6, 1996. 3. Attended several workshops related to new methodologies for teaching (1998- present) which increased my experience and knowledge on teaching. 4. Wrote three textbooks (one Co-Author) published by Damascus University. 5. Edited a textbook published by UAE University. 6. Wrote five lecture notes on optimization, ordinary differential equations and basic mathematics. 7. My knowledge of the following computer skills helped me to i) teach applied mathematics courses efficiently, ii) solve some problems on computer successfully, iii) report certain results clearly, and iv) type exams and notes without typos quickly: 8. Computer skills: FORTRAN, MATLAB, MAPLE, LINUX, UNIX, MS-DOS, LATEX, Microsoft Windows (Arabic and English), EXCEL, etc. Curriculum Development and Teaching Management Some details about proposing and/or revising courses in SQU can be stated as follows. 1. Established the MSc degree programme for Applied Mathematics at SQU, 2002-2003. 2. Revised most of the undergraduate courses. 3. Proposed the courses i) “Introduction to Optimization" for Science and Engineers, 1998. ii) “Numerical Analysis" for the bridging year of MSc students in Applied Mathematics, 2002. iii) “Numerical Methods for Differential Equations" for applied MSc students, 2003. iv) “Mathematics for Agriculture,” 2000. 4. Wrote four textbooks on ordinary differential equations, numerical analysis, statistics and mathematics for teachers. 5. Wrote five lecture notes on optimization, ordinary differential equations and basic mathematics. 15/18 Student Academic Advising I have advised many students with various cohorts in both UAE University and SQU. This experience also increased my knowledge about the student behaviours so that I could help them whenever required. In this regard I am always available to guide students in their course selections. As an advisor, my role is useful and particularly important for first year students and if a student became on probation and/or when he/she has difficulties with some courses, etc. Teaching Activities Outsides Classroom Teaching activities outside classroom and inside SQU 1. Delivered lectures as a Mini-Workshop on “Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization" for Engineering Students, College of Engineering, SQU, December 18, 2012. 2. Delivered a lecture on “Maths and Stats with applications,” Open Day between College of Science and College of Engineering, SQU, April 4, 2010 (representative of Department). Teaching short courses activities outside SQU at 3. Bergamo University, Italy, June-July 2015, entitled “On the behavior of conjugate gradient methods” and “Conjugate gradient methods with relations to self-scaling quasi-Newton methods” for PhD students. 4. Calabria University, Italy, July 2015, entitled “On the behavior of decent and conjugate gradient methods” and “On Newton's and quasi-Newton methods” for PhD students. 5. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, and Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, February 2015, entitled "Optimization Algorithms". 6. DEIS, Calabria University, Italy, June 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2010, entitled “Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Optimization” for MSc and PhD students in Optimization. 7. DEIS, Calabria University, Italy, June 2000, 2008 and 2009, entitled “Practical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization” for undergraduate students in DEIS. 8. NEC Centre, Calabria University, Italy, June 7 - 15, 2007, entitled “Introduction to Numerical Calculus" for Master Students in “Computational Sciences and High Computing.” 9. Salento University, Italy, June 2005, entitled “Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization” for staff in Department of Mathematics. 10. University of Gabes, Tunis, November 2004, entitled “Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization” for staff and students in Department of Mathematics and Computers SERVICES It is worth mentioning that I have been involved in several professional services which also helped me to improve my teaching methodologies and researching experiences. In particular, I have chaired the College teaching committee, curriculum Committee, research committee and organized superb conferences/workshops on both recent research results and new methodologies for teaching mathematics. Other selected services in other universities can be summarized as follows. While at UAE University (1992-1997), I chaired the promotion committee, appointment committee, practical training committee and self-study committee. I was member of the Faculty and University steering committee, a secretary for the Faculty Board and Assistant Professors’ representative. I also chaired department committees for writing Textbooks (in Arabic) for undergraduate and High schools students, co-Authored the textbook “Mathematics for Grade 10,” Edited the submitted papers to two UAE workshops and organized two workshops. At Damascus University (1985-1990), I chaired the Mathematics-Computer Science Division and committee for proposing a new degree programme in this division. For details, we state the following selected services: SQU Administration and Committees 1. Chair the College Teaching Committee, 2013-present. 2. Chair the Department Teaching Committee, 2010-present. 16/18 3. Member of the College of Science Committee for “International Research Cooperation Committee,” October 2012 – present. 4. Acting Head of DOMAS, July 1999, 2000, 2001, 2014. 5. Chaired the Committee for writing “Response to the External Examiner and Assessor Reports" for mathematics undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the Department, years 2013, 2012 and 2010. 6. Member of College of Science ad-hoc Committee for writing the “College Annual, Research and Performance Report 2011,” October 2011 –April 2012. 7. Member of College of Science Choice of Major Committee (representative of DOMAS), 20102012. 8. Department Research Officer, 2004-2011. 9. Member of College of Science Research Committee (representative of DOMAS), 2004-2011. 10. Member of Graduate Studies and Research Committee, 2005-2011. 11. Reviewed proposals for SQU Research Grants, 2000-present. 12. Students Advisor, 1998-present. 13. Member of the Committee for selecting the best researcher in College of Science, 2010. 14. Member of the Committee for selecting the best teacher in College of Science, 2008. 15. Contributed an article for the SQU Newspaper “Horizon” April 2008 (with A. Purnama). 16. Member of College of Science Curriculum Committee (representative of DOMAS), 1997-2002. 17. Chaired the Department Curriculum Committee, 1997-2002; stated the basic details related to curricula, provided well revised CDCF forms which contain brief descriptions of all courses, revised the SQU Undergraduate Catalogue, and make lists of courses for minor, major, MSc in Applied Mathematics, MSc in Pure Mathematics and MSc for Statistics, etc. 18. Member of Department Promotion Committee, 1997-2005. 19. Member of Medical Laboratory Science Committee, College of Science, 2002-2005. 20. Degree Programs Representative (choice of Major in Mathematics) 2003-2004. 21. Proposed a modification for the SQU survey of Teaching Evaluation Sheet, 1998. Professional Services 22. Organized fifteen international conferences/workshops (chaired five and member of one at SQU, 2008-2013, chaired two at UAE University, 1994-1996, and member for seven at Cetraro, Italy, 2001-2013). 23. Proposed five courses for postgraduate and undergraduate programmes. 24. Examined (as External Examiner) Master theses for College of Arts, 2013-2014. 25. Examined (as Internal Examiner) Undergraduate projects for DOMAS, since 1999. 26. Translated certain material from English to Arabic for SQU (e.g., course descriptions, leaflet for brief description of DOMAS, etc.) whenever required, since 1997. 27. Established the Computer Science Division at the Department of Mathematics, Damascus University, 1987 (Co-Chaired this division until 1990 when I left for another University). Services to Public 28. External Assessor for BSc and MSc Programmes, Caledonian (University) College of Engineering in Oman, Fall 2013- present 29. Member of the Organizing Committee for the International Conference on Mathematics, German University of Technology and SQU, Muscat, February 18-22, 2012. 30. Oman TV invitation for discussion on “Mathematical Modeling Conference,” Qahwat Al-Sabah Programme Show, February 26, 2009. 31. Optimization Consultancies for staff, Nizwa University, Oman, 2009. 32. Optimization Consultancies for postgraduate Omani students (working in Oman or studying abroad), 2007-2009. 33. Writing recommendation letters for staff and students and several optimization consultancies for staff and students in Colleges of Science, Engineering and Agriculture, 1997-present. 34. Invited E. Spedicato, Bergamo University, Italy, to give a seminar for public, Staff Club, SQU, December 2006. 17/18 35. Interviewed by AlWatan Oman Newspaper on “Syrian Experiments for Teaching in Arabic at University,” February 24, 2003. 36. Member for the Committee for Joint Technical College, Ministry of Defense, Oman, 20022005, for proposing curricula and related matters. 37. Reviewed the Arabic syllabi of several courses in mathematics for the High Colleges in Oman, Ministry of Higher Educations, May 2002. 38. Gave an invited lecture on Optimization (in Arabic) for public at General Public Library, Damascus, Syria, which was organized by Syrian Society for Computers, 1989. 39. Taught a course on “BASIC Language with Applications” to the staff of the Faculty of Science and Engineers, University of Damascus, 1988-1989. 40. Helped and/or participated (with my wife) several public activities (eg, Eid’s Celebration, International Nights, Charity Markets, etc.), Staff Club, SQU, 2001-present. Selected Services at UAE University (1992-1997) 1996-97 Chair/ Committee for writing Textbooks/lecture notes (in Arabic) for undergraduate Editor students entitled “Mathematics for Education 1 and 2” and “Computers and their Applications in Education” 1997 Chair/ Committee for writing Mathematics Textbooks (in Arabic) for High schools Co-Author and Co-Author of the textbook “Mathematics for Grade 10” 1995-97 Chair Promotion Committee (and member of Steering Committee in Faculty) 1995-97 Chair Appointment Committee (and member of Steering Committee in Faculty of Science and University) 1995-96 Chair Practical Training Committee 1996 Chair Self-Study Committee (and member of Steering Committee in Faculty) 1994-95 Secretary Faculty of Science Board (and Assistant Professors’ representative) 1994 Editor Edited the invited and contributed papers to the UAE workshop on “Optimization and Parallel Computations” 1994, 96 Organizer Organized two workshops at UAE University Selected Services at Damascus University (1985-1990) 1987-90 Chair Computer Science Division in Department of Mathematics. 1986-87 Chair Committee for proposing a new degree programme in Mathematics, Computer Science Division. 18/18