THDC INDIA LTD D ( Joint J Ventu ure of Gov vt. of India & Govt. off U.P.) A Mini Ra atna and Schedule S “A A” Compa any P Pragatipura am, Bypass s Road, Risshikesh-249 9201 Advt. No.. 01/2016 THDC India Ltd., a profit making m Schedule “A” MINI RATN NA is a fas st and agg gressively g power sector organization unde er Ministry of Power. THDCIL, T a major Hydro Power growing generattor is also diversifying d g its businesss portfolio in Therma al, Wind & Solar S Energ gy sector. THDCIL L has exce ellence in Planning, P D Designing and Executing Hydro Power P Projjects and Operatiion and Ma aintenance of Hydro P Power Plantts. THDCIL is spreadin ng its wingss even to projects s outside In ndia. THDCIL L wishes to o engage suitable an nd intereste ed candida ates as Ge eneral Duty y Medical Officerr (Full-Time e) on tenurre basis fo or a period of three ye ears initiallyy extendable e upto five years on o mutual consent. E OF POST TING: PLACE Projectss/Units loccated at Teh hri, Koteshw war ,Pipalko oti and Rish hikesh in Uttarakhand U d. The Disstance of Projects from m Rishikesh h is as unde er:Sl.No. Distance o of Projects From T To District Kms 1. Rishikesh Tehri 85.00 Tehri 2. Rishikesh Koteshwar 110.00 Tehri 3. Rishikesh Pipalkkoti 225.00 Chamoli COMPE ENSATION N: Minimu um Salary Rs.74, 000 0.00 (Rs. Se eventy Fou ur Thousan nd only) pe er month. Note: 1. High her salary will be considered c for deserrving candidates dep pending up pon their qualification an nd experien nce ecial Allow wance /Loca ation Allow wance inclu uding incen ntive also will be pa ayable in 2. Spe addition to emo oluments in ndicated above. ELIGIBILIT TY /QUALIFICATION MBB BS degree from a rec cognized U University with w Registrration Certiificate from m Medical Cou uncil of Ind dia (MCI) with w post qualification experiencce of 1yr. including in nternship. Goo od credentia al as Gene eral Practitioner. The candidate c sshould be capable c of handling med dical emerg gencies at project p site. S OF TENU URE TERMS Selected ca andidates will w have to o sign a con ntract with THDCIL an nd will be governed g a. S b the term by ms and cond ditions of em mployment as mention ned in the Contract. C b. Tenure will commence from the date of joining. c. Tenure will be full-time initially for three years and extendable upto five years on mutual consent . d. On successful completion of one year tenure the selected candidate (s) will be eligible for yearly increment. e. Selected candidates shall be required to work on full time basis and look after all job assignments of General Duty Medical Officer(GDMO) including shift duties in THDC Hospital & Dispensaries as assigned by Controlling Authority. No private practice shall be allowed during the period of engagement on tenure basis in THDCIL. f. Doctors so engaged on tenure basis will not have any right to claim regular appointment in THDCIL by virtue of his/her working on contractual/tenure basis. g. Selected candidates are liable to be posted to any of THDCIL’s Projects/Units h. During the tenure Doctors will be paid consolidated salary. i. Notice period of one month would be required to be given from either side for termination of tenure engagement, if terminated prior to stipulated tenure period. FACILITIES a. TA/DA is payable in case of outstation official journey as admissible to corresponding Executive Grade. b. Selected candidates will be provided semi furnished accommodation (Subject to availability and recovery of House Rent and Electricity charges) at the place of posting. In case of bachelor, furnished Field Hostel accommodation will be provided. c. Selected candidates will be entitled for 12 days casual leave and 02 days optional leave in a year and all listed holidays of the Unit. d. Selected candidates shall be entitled for actual medical benefits for self, Spouse (only one), two surviving children (below 25 years) from THDC Hospital/Dispensary. e. Group Personal Assurance Insurance coverage for the Doctor posted at VPHEPUnit, Pipalkoti. RESERVATION Reservation as per Govt. of India instructions. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS. a. All Degree/ Diploma should be from a recognized Indian University .The MBBS degree should be recognized by Indian Medical Council b. Self-attested copies of educational and professional qualification certificates and experience certificate , if any are required to be furnished along with the Application. c. A copy of SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/Physically challenged /Ex-Servicemen certificate from a competent authority shall necessarily be submitted by the candidates in support of their belonging any particular category. d. Original documents need to be produced at the time of interview, for verification. e. Candidates should bring any one of the Photo Identity, such as Voter ID/Adhar/PAN/Driving Licence/ Passport. f. In case it is detected at any stage that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature shall be rejected/ cancelled without assigning any reason, thereof. Similarly, even after joining, if it is found that he/she has furnished any incorrect information or suppressed any material information, his/her services shall be summarily terminated. g. The decision of THDCIL as to eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Interview shall be final. h. Only Indian Nationals possessing above qualification need to apply i. Outstation candidates (beyond 30 km) appearing for interview will be paid 3rd AC to and fro rail/bus fair by the shortest route for attending the interview. This would be subject to submission of ticket as proof of journey along with address proof. j. THDCIL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge the engagement process, if need so arise, without assigning any further notice or reason therefore. k. Any important information including Corrigendum/Changes/Updates and information on selected candidate and general instructions during the course of engagement process shall be made available either through the website or on the e-mail id provided by the candidates. Candidates may therefore provide a valid e-mail id and keep it active for at least one year, simultaneously tracking the website for updates. l. Any dispute arising in this connection will be subject to Jurisdiction of Dehradun (Uttarakhand). FEE PROCESSING There is No application fee, AGE There is no age bar HOW TO APPLY Candidates should down load the requisite application format attached and send the same duly signed within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement by Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier to. Manager (P-Recruitment), Bhagirathi Bhawan, THDC India Limited, Rishikesh, Distt-Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Pin249201. Interested candidates are required to send their Bio-Data alongwith self attested copies of all testimonials-academic, experience and caste/Disability/ExServiceman certificate, if applicable in the prescribed performa .Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview on a convenient date. For any queries, candidates may contact, Manager (P-Recruitment), Rishikesh at Landline0135-2473572 . IMPORTANT DATES Commencement of Submission of Applications Last Date of receipt of application 21.03.2016 13.04.2016 TH HDC IND DIA LIM MITED (A Joint V Venture of Goovt. of India & Govt. of U.P.) (A MINII RATNA SC CHEDULE “A A”COMPNA AY) Advvt. No. ……….. APPLICA ATION FOR RMAT (Use Blocck Letters Onnly) (Please fiill up this forrm with utm most care) Affix A recent p passport size coloor photograpph here Posst Applied foor : _________________ A. PERSO ONAL DETA AILS: 1. Namee (as appearss in SSC certtificate) p a space between b yourr first name, middle nam me (if any) annd last namee. Please put 2. Fatheer’s Namee 3. Date of Birth DD D MM a on closingg date 4. Age as YY Y Month YYYY Days 5. Sex (write M or F) 6. State of Domicilee B. ESPONDEN NCE ADDR RESS CORRE State Town City/T Telephone Numbeer: STD Code C Mobile No. C. Pin Code Tel. No. +991 PERM MANENT AD DDRESS City//Town State Pin Code Tel. Noo. Telephone Number: STD Code Mobile No. Tel. No. +91 Email Id D. ACADEMIC /PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION (Start from Matriculation/Higher Secondary) Exam Passed Institution/ University/ Board Subject of Study Duration of Study Month& Year of Passing (MM?YYYY) Aggregate % of Marks/ CGPA(*) Remarks (*if it is Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), please convert it to % of Marks) E. REGISTRATION NO (Under MCI ACT-1956): F. Experience details (Backwards from present position) Sl. No. Name of the organization with full address of place of posting Name of Post held with Duration Post Qualification Experience: Years G. Emoluments (i) Gross emoluments per month: (ii) Pension in case of Retired Govt. Servant Period From Months To Nature of Duties and Responsibilities of present and past experience H. If selected how much time you Would require to join I. Spouse Details : Name : If spouse is employed, please specify Organization Designation Place of Posting J. No. of dependents (Name ,Sex & Age). K. Category (GEN/SC/ST/OBC/EX-SM) Are you physically handicapped? (Yes/No) If yes please mention the details as follows: VH Type of handicap (please put (√) in appropriate box) HH VHVH OH Extent of disability as specified in the disability certificate Do you belong to Minority? (Yes/No) L. Religion Declaration: I affirm that the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further undertake that if at any stage it is discovered that an attempt has been made by me, willfully to conceal or misrepresent the facts, my candidature /appointment shall be summarily rejected or terminated without any notice. Date: Place: Signature Name