NOTES OF GUIDANCE ON THE CURRICULUM VITAE The following Notes are intended to help members of staff in submitting their Curriculum Vitae to the Academic Staff Committee/Vice-Chancellor’s Advisory Group on Personal Promotions. The recommended format of the CV is as follows: PERSONAL DETAILS Full Name and Title: Department: Title of current appointment: Education/Qualifications: [Details of degrees, diplomas and other qualifications and where and when obtained.] Appointments held: [A complete account of all previous professional appointments held, with dates and in chronological order.] Membership of learned or professional societies: TEACHING Departmental Duties: [Paragraph for Guidance only – to be removed on final version of CV. List the lecture courses, laboratory exercises, tutorials, field courses etc. for which you were responsible during the last academic year (or previous year if on Leave). Present the information in a table as follows. If you do not regard this as a normal teaching year, indicate in which respects it is different.] Length of Course (Contact hours) Lecture Courses Tutorials/Seminars etc. Taught Masters Classes TOTAL Number of Students (approx) ug pg Research Supervision: [Paragraph for Guidance only – to be removed on final version of CV. Only the number of research students and successful and unsuccessful theses need be given. Please tabulate by year of initial registration, indicating year of submission as follows:] Current Research (MPhil/PhD) Students Individual (unnamed) Start Date Qualification aimed for Anticipated Completion Date Individual/Joint Supervisor A B C . . Oct 20xx PhD/Mphil September 20yy Joint Number of successful research students since 20zz: Number of unsuccessful research students since 20zz: Other Teaching: [Paragraph for Guidance only – to be removed on final version of CV. Describe briefly any teaching you may do in other departments or outside this University (e.g. access courses, open studies, continuing education etc). External examining of taught courses elsewhere may be included.] RESEARCH Publications: [Paragraphs for Guidance only – to be removed on final version of CV. The publication list should indicate date, title, name of publisher, name of journal, names of coauthors, and order of authorship and LENGTH IN TERMS OF NUMBER OF PAGES. For publications in journals, please give the initial and final page numbers (e.g. pp 315-325) and, where appropriate, state whether these are refereed journals. In the case of books, state the actual number of pages. State the nature of the publications: eg. books (monograph, co-authored, co-edited, chapters); articles; review articles; commissioned reports; conference proceedings; book reviews. A note of work in ‘other media’ such as non-text based materials, film, databases, software etc., may be included where appropriate. Future publications and work in progress may be included, but please indicate whether or not the work has been accepted for publication; if it has, please give date and name of publisher/journal. In all relevant cases co-authorship must be acknowledged and an indication given of the proportion of your contribution. The Academic Staff Committee asks for this information in order to assess how major an individual’s contribution is to a multi-authored publication. They are looking for overall contribution, so take into account who had the original idea, who did the necessary fieldwork/lab research/data gathering etc., who did the data analysis and who wrote and edited the publication. It is appreciated that it is difficult to assess percentages in this way, but it gives the Committee an approximate idea about the input into a publication. It may be helpful to indicate how you have identified the contribution. Please asterisk publications that are seen as being of particular significance and indicate why they are significant in a brief statement.] Research Grants and Contracts: Please indicate whether you are the Principal Investigator. If you are not the PI, please state his/her name as well as the name of the Institution where the grant is held. Present the information in a table as follows: No. Date Awarded Project Title/Details Duration of Award Funding Body Involvement PI? Names of Other Holders Total Awarded Total to University if amount split 1 2 3 4 5 Number of postdocs: ADMINISTRATION AND OTHER SERVICE Administration and Contributions to the University and its development: [Examples for guidance only – to be removed on final version of CV. responsibility for a specific area of activity within a Department (e.g. admissions, examinations, timetabling, Library provision, schools liaison etc); service at University level, e.g. membership or chairmanship of University committees, provision of student counselling or other support services; representing the University on external bodies; generating and managing within or between departments initiatives which contribute to the development of the University.] NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION [Examples for guidance only – to be removed on final version of CV. Prizes, invitations to address conferences or learned societies, external examinations of higher degrees, membership of a Government commission or board of trustees etc. Date Curriculum Vitae Prepared: CV/notes/June 2013