ODOT ASSET MANAGEMENT STAYING AHEAD OF THE CURVE... ODOT Asset Management Program Plan March 19, 2008 Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — This Asset Management Program Plan has been developed to provide interested stakeholders a synopsis of Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) efforts to implement a strategic and pro-active Asset Management Program for all linear transportation assets under its responsibility. ODOT’s Asset Management Program will build on existing ODOT systems such as the Bridge Management System, Pavements Management System and the Safety Management System. Much foundational Asset Management Program development work, in the form of program mission, vision, structure, policies, standards and processes has been completed. While this Program Plan is intended to give an overview of these items, it will not discuss them in great detail. However, links to specific key documents and websites are provided throughout this document for those readers who would like additional information. ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW ODOT is responsible for managing billions of dollars in linear transportation assets (e.g. bridges, culverts, interchanges, traffic signals, signs and pavements). The successful management of these crucial transportation assets is vital to fulfilling ODOT’s mission and statewide transportation goals. Effective management of these assets is accomplished through the committed partnerships of key ODOT program areas. To advance the Asset Management Program, these partnerships must work collaboratively on initiatives such as data collection, data management, data warehousing, integrated systems, and the project delivery system. The management of ODOT assets is dependent upon accurate, reliable and up-to-date data. While the development and management of this data is the responsibility of all of ODOT, a proactive Asset Management Program is a key element in the strategic life-cycle management of these assets. This program must provide resources to the agency in the form of applications, tools, standards, processes and guidelines for decision making, data management and communication. -1- Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — ON-GOING ODOT ASSET MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Management of ODOT linear assets results from a concerted effort of a variety of key program areas. These program areas have responsibility for various activities such as: Highway system maintenance and operations Development and delivery of capital improvement projects Functional oversight of assets through management systems such as Bridge, Pavements, Safety, Traffic Structures, Drainage Facilities, Retaining Walls, etc. Planning, research and data collection activities Highway permitting activities Coordination with local agency stakeholders, and Operating special programs such as Scenic Byways, Pedestrian/Bicycle, Winter Recreation Parking, Traffic Barriers, Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Ramps and Fish Passage. MAJOR ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AREAS Major ODOT program areas charged with responsibility for various aspects of managing Oregon’s state highway assets are as follows. Technical Services, Transportation Development Division, Office of Maintenance and Operations, Information Services, Regions/Districts & Asset Management Integration Section Program Coordination Data Collection Data Management Data Analysis and Reporting Decision Making These activities highlight the essential contributions each of these program areas makes for the successful management of ODOT assets. These contributions are discussed in further detail below. -2- Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical Service’s Asset Management Program responsibilities are as follows: Program Coordination Provide organizational leadership, in coordination with Transportation Development Division (TDD), to implement the Asset Management Program. Provide strategic management of the highway infrastructure and provide a leadership role in maintaining an up-to-date inventory of ODOT linear assets. Establish, operate and maintain asset management systems that monitor the lifecycle of ODOT managed transportation assets. Pro-active management of Oregon’s transportation assets is a vital part of fulfilling ODOT’s Vision and Mission. Establish, update and maintain asset design standards, policies, procedures and practices within individual disciplines. Develop, implement and perform regular assessment of Asset Management Program performance measures. Data Collection Establish and implement asset data collection criteria in coordination with TDD, Information Systems (IS) and the Asset Management Integration Section (AMI). Maintain up-to-date data for each key asset. Data Management Coordinate with IS, TDD and AMI to develop and implement data management guidelines for storage, maintenance and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) of linear asset data. Data Analysis and Reporting Develop and implement Asset Management Program data analysis and reporting applications and tools, in coordination with TDD and AMI. Develop and run models to analyze system needs. Decision Making Compile data; provide advice and recommendations to decision makers such as the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) and ODOT Executive Management, in coordination with other key stakeholders. Provide recommendations to inform program and project decision making. -3- Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Transportation Development Division has responsibility in the following Asset Management Program areas: Program Coordination Provide organizational leadership, in coordination with Technical Services, to implement the Asset Management Program. Provide foundation data for ODOT’s Asset Management Program plans such as the: Oregon Transportation Plan, Oregon Highway Plan, Freight Master Plan, modal plans, other Topical Plans and individual plans for specific highway corridors. Sponsor research projects to improve efficiency, functionality and safety of ODOT assets. Data Collection Participate in development of asset data collection criteria, in coordination with Technical Services and AMI. Data Management Develop and implement data management guidelines for storage, maintenance and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) of ODOT linear asset data, in coordination with AMI, IS, and Technical Services. Maintain and make available corporate data pertaining to assets – Integrated Transportation Information System (ITIS). Data Analysis and Reporting ODOT’s Asset Management Program supports broadbased funding allocation decisions. Develop and implement Asset Management Program data analysis and reporting applications and tools, in coordination with Information Systems, Technical Services and AMI. Coordinate and collaborate with AMI and IS for data policy development and data support structures such as databases and associated applications. Decision Making Compile data and provide advice and recommendations to programmatic decision makers such as the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) and ODOT Executive Management, in coordination with other key stakeholders. Provide programmatic recommendations to inform project decision making. -4- Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — OFFICE OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS The Office of Maintenance and Operations has responsibility in the following Asset Management Program areas: Program Coordination Provide strategic management of the highway infrastructure and provide a leadership role in maintaining an up-to-date inventory of linear assets in areas of responsibility. Establish, operate and maintain asset management systems that monitor the lifecycle of transportation assets within areas of responsibility. Establish, update and maintain asset design standards, policies, procedures and practices within individual disciplines. Lead and support highway asset maintenance activities throughout the State by developing and implementing programs to ensure efficient, effective and consistent maintenance of Oregon’s transportation infrastructure. Coordinate and collaborate with ODOT Regions and Districts to provide expertise in forestry, vegetation management, utility permits, emergency management, field services, training, clean water, salmon recovery and directly administer the Snowmobile, Sno-Park, Adopt-A-Highway and Youth Litter Patrol programs. Develop, implement and perform regular assessment of performance measures to support lifecycle management of ODOT linear transportation assets. Data Collection Utilize current Asset Management program data collection criteria and provide data collection assistance and input in coordination with Technical Services and Transportation Development Division. Data Management Ensure data management processes conform to ODOT Data Management policies, procedures and guidelines. Data Analysis and Reporting Utilize corporately available data and analysis/reporting tools to conduct in-depth asset management analyses and reports. A life-cycle approach to managing assets optimizes transportation safety and functionality. Decision Making Compile data and provide advice and recommendations to programmatic decision makers such as the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) and ODOT Executive Management. -5- Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — REGIONS/DISTRICTS ODOT Regions and Districts have responsibility in the following Asset Management Program areas: Program Coordination Perform asset capital improvements, operational improvements, maintenance, plan development, project design and oversight of construction projects. Record changes to assets made in response to maintenance or operational needs. Inform data owners, e.g. management systems and other key databases, of any changes or updates to assets. Develop, implement and assess performance measures to support life-cycle management of ODOT linear transportation assets. Data Collection Utilize current Asset Management program data collection criteria and provide data collection assistance and input as appropriate, in collaboration with Technical Services and Transportation Development Division. Provide updated asset data information as a result of construction, maintenance, operations, and permitting activities. Data Management Ensure that data management processes conform to ODOT Data Management policies, procedures and guidelines. Data Analysis and Reporting Utilize corporately available data and analysis/reporting tools to conduct in-depth asset management analyses and reports. Decision Making Compile data and provide advice and recommendations to decision makers such as the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) and ODOT Executive Management, in coordination with other key stakeholders. Use asset data information in project development, operations, maintenance, and permitting activities. The Asset Management Program will enhance cross-asset communication. -6- Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — INFORMATION SERVICES The Information Services has responsibility in the following Asset Management Program areas: Program Coordination Provide recommendations, review and/or delivery of IT systems to support data collection, storage and reporting structures. Develop technical architecture and standards that support maintenance and retention of ODOT asset information to meet identified business needs, in conjunction with TransCOI Data Council. Develop, implement and perform regular assessment of performance measures to support data management for life-cycle management of ODOT linear transportation assets, in conjunction with TransCOI Data Council. Successful management of assets requires current, accurate and reliable data. Data Collection Coordinate and collaborate with Technical Services, TDD and AMI by providing input into establishment of Asset Management program data collection criteria. Data Management Develop and implement data management guidelines for storage, maintenance and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) of ODOT linear asset data, in coordination with TDD and Technical Services. Assist internal stakeholders in data management, system modeling and other activities, as needed, to support ODOT’s Asset Management Program. Ensure that technical architecture and data standards are developed and implemented in coordination with ODOT’s Data Council and the Asset Management Integration Section. Data Analysis and Reporting Utilize corporately available data and analysis/reporting tools to conduct in-depth analyses and subsequent reports regarding status of databases and applications used to manage ODOT transportation assets. Decision Making Compile data and provide advice and recommendations to decision makers such as the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) and ODOT Executive Management, in coordination with other key stakeholders. -7- Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — ASSET MANAGEMENT INTEGRATION SECTION The Asset Management Integration Section is part of the Transportation Development Division and has responsibility in the following Asset Management Program areas: Program Coordination Develop and implement the ODOT Asset Management Program, in coordination with internal and external stakeholders. Review, develop and deliver overall Asset Management Program plans, policies and guidelines. Develop, implement and assess Asset Management Program performance measures to support the lifecycle management of ODOT linear transportation assets. The Asset Management Program will build on ODOT’s existing management system foundation. Data Collection Establish Asset Management program data collection criteria and provide data collection assistance and input as appropriate in coordination and collaboration with Technical Services (TS), Information Services (IS) and Transportation Development Division (TDD). Data Management Develop and implement data management guidelines for storage, maintenance and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) of ODOT linear asset data, in coordination with TDD, IS and Technical Services. Assist internal stakeholders in data management activities, as needed, to support ODOT’s Asset Management Program. Work with ODOT’s Data Council and IS to ensure that technical architecture and data standards are developed and implemented. Data Analysis and Reporting Develop and implement Asset Management Program data analysis and reporting applications and tools, in coordination with Technical Services and TDD. Decision Making Compile data and provide advice and recommendations to decision makers such as the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) and ODOT Executive Management, in coordination with other key stakeholders. -8- Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — ODOT ASSET MANAGEMENT VISION AND MISSION Vision ODOT’s assets are managed strategically by utilizing integrated and systematic data collection, storage, analysis and reporting standards on a broad range of transportation system assets, optimizing funding and life-cycle decisions for operations, maintenance and construction business functions. Mission Recognizing that Asset Management is a process or methodology that ODOT can use to costeffectively deliver an efficient, effective, reliable and safe transportation service, the mission of ODOT Asset Management is: • to put in place the plans, people, processes and products that enable ODOT to implement accepted Asset Management practices in a timely and cost-effective manner; and • to continually monitor and improve Asset Management implementation over time. We do this so that benefits to ODOT in the areas of accountability, communication, risk management and financial efficiency can be realized. To achieve this mission the portions of the organization are participating in the development and implementation of ODOT’s Asset Management Program. The work and efforts of the program areas discussed above are key to the ongoing management of linear transportation assets and the ultimate overall successful delivery of Oregon’s state transportation system program. -9- Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The following graphic portrays ODOTs organizational structure. Highlighted areas represent groups that are active participants in the Asset Management initiative for linear assets. - 10 - Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — ODOT ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM CORE PRINCIPLES 1. Asset Management Will Add Value - Any Asset Management initiative must support ODOT’s Vision. Vision for ODOT: The Oregon Department of Transportation was established in 1969 to provide a safe, efficient transportation system that supports economic opportunity and livable communities for Oregonians. ODOT develops programs related to Oregon’s system of highways, roads, and bridges; railways; public transportation services; transportation safety programs; driver and vehicle licensing; and motor carrier regulation. 2. Asset Management Will Be Done Well - National and international best practices will be adopted for ODOT’s Asset Management program. Processes and procedures will be developed and refined to take advantage of these methods and to create an Asset Management system that is responsive, adaptive and meets changing business needs brought about by new technologies or by federal or legislative requirements. 3. Asset Management Will Build on ODOT’s Good Management System Work - Work has already been done to build, maintain, and improve ODOT’s Management System structure. This structure and the expertise it represents is vital to ODOT’s success. To implement Asset Management, we will build on ODOT’s existing management system foundation and move, over time, to a fully integrated Asset Management system. 4. Current Efforts Underway to Gather or Improve ODOT Data Will Be Supported Information regarding new or developing corporate data policies, that support Asset Management, will be made available to current data collection efforts. Every effort will be made to ensure that data collection efforts conform to current data collection policies, processes and procedures to the maximum extent feasible. 5. Asset Management Will Be Part of ODOT’s Daily Work Function - The work to support ODOT’s Asset Management Program, including data collection, storage, and reporting, will be institutionalized and integrated into the everyday work of ODOT staff. New, innovative, and automated tools will be used to accomplish this work. 6. Asset Management Will Use Trusted and Reliable Data - ODOT’s Asset Management System will contain corporate data and their condition that is consistent, unduplicated, understandable, reliable, accurate, current, and owned by the responsible ODOT Business Line. 7. Asset Management Processes Will Be Regularly Monitored - Performance Measures will be utilized to monitor the effectiveness of cross-asset decision-making, data monitoring, tradeoff analysis reporting structure and other key elements of Asset Management. - 11 - Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — 8. Asset Management Will Support Broad-based Funding Allocation Decisions - ODOT resource allocation decisions across Regions, Areas and Districts for modes or programs will be made using the filter of performance-based, life-cycle cost, system-wide and cross-asset information. 9. Asset Management Processes Will Allow Readily Available Asset Reports - The Asset Management Data Reporting System will be fully automated, flexible, and complete. It will reliably perform cross-asset analysis and will monitor the inventory, condition, and performance of linear ODOT’s assets. Getting accurate reports will be easy and intuitive. 10. Asset Management Will Foster Cross-asset Communication - ODOT’s Asset Management Program will enhance current systems collaboration, coordination, and communication across asset categories. The right information will be available to the right people at the right time to make the right decision. - 12 - Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOUNDATIONAL EFFORTS As previously noted, ODOT’s Asset Management Program is building on existing ODOT systems such as the Bridge Management System, the Pavements Management System and the Safety Management System. In conjunction with these mature systems, the foundational program development work, noted in this section, is moving ODOT forward to the ultimate realization of its Asset Management Program vision and mission. Organizational Structure Transportation Community of Interest Data Council Asset Management Steering and Executive Committee structure Asset Management Integration Section Key Partnerships Technical Services Asset Management Task Force Asset Management Project Team Data Council Working Group Pilot & Pooled Fund Projects Region 2/District 3 Pilot Project Asset Management NT/PT Pooled Fund Study Plans, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines Developed ODOT’s Asset Management Program will enhance collaboration, coordination and communication across asset categories. TransCOI Data Council Charter TransCOI Data Council Communication Plan Asset Management Strategic Plan Asset Management Implementation Plan Asset Management Communication Plan Transportation COI Data Management Policy Linear Asset Data Collection Standard Transportation Glossary of Terms Linear Asset Data Collection Process ODOT Data Collection Users Guide Asset Feature Responsibility Matrix ODOT Linear Asset Management Program Roles and Responsibilities Matrix - 13 - Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — Data Collection Efforts (07-09 Initiatives) Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities Drainage Culverts Guardrails/Barriers Retaining Walls Signs Communication Efforts AASHTO Asset Management Domestic Scan Tour Asset Management Webinar Asset Management website Inside ODOT articles Outreach to Regional, District and Central management teams and groups Tools Field Data Collection Registry (FDCR) Oregon Real Time GPS Network Digital Video Log (DVL) TransGIS TransViewer Integrated Transportation Information System (ITIS) STIP Scoping Tool - 14 - Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM KEY INITIATIVES As the Asset Management Program moves forward to complete its Vision and Mission the following initiatives have been developed to build on the previously discussed foundational accomplishments. Work plans are either under development or being implemented for each initiative. Expand and formalize key partnerships with Regions, Technical Services Sections, Transportation Development Division, Information Services, etc. Complete Integrated Systems, Data Warehousing and Project Delivery System initiatives. Assess and select Asset Management analytical and reporting software. Implement data QC/QA plans for individual assets groups. Assess and perform a gap analysis regarding software, tools and business practices that support Asset Management. Perform a gap analysis and develop policies and procedures related to program and project decision processes. Review current priority asset inflation rates, deterioration and life-cycle models and parameters to ensure that the current models are accurate and reflect the actual deterioration life-cycle of assets under ODOT jurisdiction. Develop and implement an Asset Management Training Program. Review existing ODOT performance measures and coordinate with each Asset Class to develop optimum performance measures needed to ensure successful Asset Management implementation. Develop overall Asset Management Program performance measures. Codify Asset Management program and processes by addition of appropriate language into core ODOT documents. Incorporate Asset Management accountability language into key ODOT management and systems management position descriptions. Perform assessment and fund data collection efforts for remaining priority and other linear transportation assets. Establish processes to update asset data from construction, operations, maintenance, and permitting activities. Increase the use of corporate asset data in project development, operations, maintenance, and permitting activities. Establish sustainable funding of all existing and new systems and data. - 15 - Oregon Department of Transportation ASSET MANAGEMENT — PROGRAM PLAN — ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND GROUPS While management systems in ODOT such as Bridge, Pavements and Safety have foundational elements in place to review, monitor and assess the assets under their areas of responsibility, other asset groups need to build this foundation. Additionally, all ODOT asset management systems and groups need to upgrade both their data and data management processes to readily allow for life-cycle management of assets and cross-asset funding allocation decision making. Items needed to successfully implement asset management in ODOT include: Corporate level data management policies and guidelines. Basic inventory for asset data that includes type, size, location, condition rating and functionality information. Tracking of costs to construct, maintain and operate assets. Analysis and reporting applications and tools. Data management procedures, applications and tools. Decision-making tools that consider life-cycle costs and perform cross-asset analyses. ODOT has decided that successful implementation of asset management will require both a staged approach as well as on-going investments of both time and dollars. Therefore all assets under ODOT’s jurisdiction have been determined to be either priority or non-priority assets and have been prioritized according to need to maintain the transportation infrastructure, safety and mobility of the traveling public. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Program level performance measures to measure the overall success of the Asset Management Program will be developed. While performance of units throughout ODOT affects these measures, it is the objective of the Asset Management Integration (AMI) Section, working with other Regional and Central ODOT units, to achieve a higher level of performance as measured by agreed upon measures. While specific performance targets have not yet been set, AMI is developing formats to maintain data that will enable accurate reporting of performance. - 16 -