Redwoods Community College District DRAFT MINUTES – 10:00 AM Wednesday, April 22

Redwoods Community College District
Meeting of the Facilities Master Planning Committee (FMPC)
Eureka Campus Board Room (AD 201)
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Present: Paul Agpawa, Michael Bailey Tim Flanagan, Melissa Green, David Holper, Ray Kingsbury,
Stephen McCollum , David Maki (on phone), Tony Sartori, Jim Sylvia, Tracey Thomas
Others Present: Ruth Bettenhausen, Lynsey Parker, Donna Prieto, Lynn Thiesen, Cheryl Tucker
Not Present: Lance Courtney, Cindy Hooper, Paul Kinsey, Mike Mendoza, Deborah Shepley,
Bill Studt, Fred Sturner, Maggie White
1. Review FMPC minutes from April 15, 2009
A. Motion to approve the FMPC minutes from April 15, 2009
i. Motion (David Holper)
ii. Seconded (Stephen McCollum)
iii. Motion Approved Unanimously.
iv. Comments:
a. Jim Sylvia asked if Items 2 A & C were the same. Tim Flanagan responded
that basically they are.
b. Ray Kingsbury made a comment that he was not present for the approval of the
April 15th minutes. However, the minutes from April 15th, Page 3 of 4 A. vii should
read as follows:
Ray Kingsbury comments if the committee considered where the new Student
Union is at was going to be.
2. Review Preferred Options for all sites
A. Tim Flanagan reviewed the slides and gave a handout of the Eureka Campus.
He asked the committee if the placeholder for the third dorm on the handout is ok with
the committee.
B. Tony Sartori asked for comments from the committee in regards to the handout. There
were comments in regards to the labeling of the buildings.
C. Motion was made to relable the three purple buildings on the handout (Creative
Arts, Physical Science Complex and the Forum Admin building) to read TBD and to
leave the Student Union Building labeled as is.
i. Motion (David Holper)
ii. Seconded (Paul Agpawa)
iii. Comments:
o There were comments and concerns in regards to relableling the Creative Arts
o Comments were made indicating that Creative Arts does not want to move.
However, if they were to move they would want to see a cost/benefit analysis first.
o A comment was made in regards to keeping student needs in mind too.
D. Motion to rescind Motion - C. (listed above)
i. Motion to Rescind (David Holper)
ii. Seconded to Rescind (Paul Agpawa)
iii. Motion Rescinded
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E. Discussion and concerns were expressed in regards to retrofitting of some buildings.
Ruth Bettenhausen suggested placing hash marks on the legend to indicate the
buildings that are seismically unknown.
F. Motion to recolor on the handout the Student Union and Creative Arts buildings to
orange and the names of those buildings to go on the buildings and for the labels
for those buildings on the legend to have hash marks that state Seismically
Unknown and to leave the color for the Physical Science/Life Science Complex
and the Forum Admin buildings purple with balloon labels to read Use TBD
(without hash marks).
i. Motion (David Holper)
ii. Seconded (Michael Bailey)
iii. Comments
 Tim Flanagan comments that the consultant may not have time to change
the building markings on the handout.
iv. Ten (10) Ayes, One (1) Nay
v. Motion Approved
G. Tim Flanagan asked again if the Placeholder for the third dorm is ok on the handout.
A concern was expressed that the placeholder is not where the committee passed
the motion on last week on.
The committee agreed that this is just a placeholder and a possible third option, but
that if the consultant Deborah Shepley has the opportunity to put the placeholder
where the committee requested in the motion than to do so.
Tim Flanagan comments that he has also requested the final draft from the
consultant and she should have that ready by this afternoon.
There was a question if another motion needs to be made. The committee agreed
that the motion still stands from the last meeting.
H. Tim Flanagan handed out a diagram for the Del Norte campus.
Stephen McCollum comments that the blue line drawn is not accurate as to where
the creek actually is. However, the creek was man manipulated and can still be
manipulated again.
There was a comment that the concern is not so much where the creek is at, but
where the placement of the buildings would be in relation to the creek.
There was a concern expressed that the diagram is not the Preferred Option of the
buildings being in the forested area to the West side of the creek.
Tim Flanagan responded that the Preferred Option was for the buildings to be in the
forested area, but if that was not feasible to move the buildings to the East side of
the creek.
Noted for the minutes that the diagram is an Alternate to the Preferred Option and
not the Preferred Option.
The committee agreed that the diagram is ok as an Alternate to the Preferred
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3. Review comments from emails and website
A. Michael Bailey comments that he received an email originated by Michael Burns that he
believes that moving the Woodworking shop to the campus is a bad idea.
Comments were made that this is the first time the committee has heard this
A comment was made that the committee did not decide to move the Woodworking
Shop to the Mendocino campus, unless it was feasible as a long term option.
A comment was made that the woodworking group is also opposed to moving
building to the campus.
4. Review elevation drawings for the new Academic Building
A. Tim Flanagan distributed a handout of the new Academic building.
There were comments that the building was designed after the Humboldt County
Library and that the original architect for the Humboldt County Library did give input
on the design of the new Academic Building.
5. Next Meeting date to be determined.
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