REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) meeting notes

Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) meeting notes
February 1, 2008
In attendance: Tim Flanagan, Ray Kingsbury, Frank Martinez, Paul Agpawa, David Maki (by phone
CRMC), Stephen McCollum (by phone CRDN), Mark Winter, Tracey Thomas, Tricia Hawkins
Provisional 2007-08 Mission/Vision/Function/Membership
This was finalized at the last meeting. Not many committee members were in attendance; not many
again today. No further comments.
Review Analysis of Program Review Relative to Facilities’ Needs
Committee Charter
Tricia is awaiting responses on facility plan/type of charter from Butte College and College of the
Canyons, including bylaws; this will help define our role. Tim will review and send out to the
committee as a group.
Facilities Update
David gave a status report on the remodel at MC; the main building is done. Frank will put together a
punch list with input from David; Frank will determine what needs to be done by Eureka staff. Tim and
Wayne will meet next week to determine how much money is available for instructional support items
and will review and prioritize the list.
Stephen gave an update on the remodel at DN; discussion of heating system and cost effectiveness to
add provisional propane tank (DN and MC). Current student lounge may be an option to be used as a