Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI
IN TYPE II CHONDRULES. Jeffrey N. Grossman, U.S. Geological Survey, 954 National Center, Reston, VA
20192, USA,
Introduction: The distribution of phosphorus in type
3 chondrites is highly complex. In the least metamorphosed meteorites, P can be dissolved in metallic FeNi, or be present as minute phosphate or phosphide
inclusions in metal. Phosphates commonly rim metal
grains in type 3 chondrites, presumably because P that
was once dissolved in metal has reacted with an external source of Ca and O to form merrillite [1]. Literature data also shows that FeO-rich (type II) chondrules
can have mesostasis that contains up to 3.5 wt% P2O5
[2], whereas mesostasis in FeO-poor chondrules tends
to be very low in P2O5. Systematic x-ray mapping
studies of type 3 chondrites in progress at the USGS
reveal further complexity in P distribution. Caphosphate rims also surround many chondrules in these
meteorites. And, some P-rich type-II chondrules in
ordinary and CO3 chondrites contain mesostasis that is
richer in P near the chondrule surface than in the interior. I report here on my initial studies of these “Pzoned” chondrules, and the bimodal (!) distribution of
Na and K found in the mesostasis of these and other
type-II chondrules.
Experimental: P-zoned chondrules were discovered
in P-Kα x-ray maps of 3×3 to 4×4 mm areas of Chainpur (LL3.4), Sharps (H3.4), Krymka (LL3.1), Ngawi
(LL3.4), and Kainsaz (CO3.2). One or two positive
identifications of these chondrules could be made in
each area. The absolute abundance of P-zoned chondrules cannot be determined due to poor sampling, but
they appear to be much rarer in CO3 chondrites (which
contain relatively few type-II chondrules) than in H and
LL chondrites. None were found in a 4×4 mm x-ray
map of Semarkona, which contained images of ~60
chondrules. Due to the statistics of small numbers, this
may not be a significantly different abundance than was
found in the other UOCs.
Seven P-zoned chondrules were selected for further
study. High-resolution (1 µm raster interval, ~75 ms
dwell time, 100 nA beam current) x-ray maps of each
chondrule were obtained for Na, Al, P, K and Ca. Microprobe analyses (Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr,
Mn, Fe) of mesostasis, following transects across each
chondrule and in areas of interest selected from x-ray
images, were obtained using a 5×5 µm rastered-beam.
Crystallites, common in these mesostases, were
avoided as much as possible, but some beam overlap
inevitably occurred. Olivine and pyroxene microprobe
analyses were also obtained.
Petrologic features. All of the P-zoned chondrules
that were examined have textures and mineral composi-
Figure 1
tions typical of type II porphyritic olivine (PO) chondrules [2]. Coarse olivines (many > 100 µm) are set in
glass crowded with dendrites and tiny crystals of pyroxene. Euhedral, 5-10 µm crystals of augite are also
common in the mesostases. These chondrules are all
type A5 in the Sears classification scheme [3]. Normative compositions of mesostases are in the range of 4080 wt% albite, <10 wt% anorthite, <10 wt% quartz,
and 10-40 wt% pyroxene. Olivines are moderately
ferroan, Fa15-30, except in Kainsaz (Fa40), and CaO poor
(<0.2 wt%).
Zoning-profiles: Microprobe spot analyses confirm
the zoning profiles observed in x-ray maps. Figure 1
shows the concentration of P2O5 in Sharps chondrule
1-1a along two traverses from near the chondrule surface into its interior. Although the profile is somewhat
different in the two directions, P2O5 decreases from >2
wt% near the surface to ~1.4 wt% in the interior. This
pattern is typical of those found in chondrules from all
of the meteorites.
In some, but not all of the measured chondrules, CaO
concentration correlates with P2O5 in the mesostasis.
No other measured element correlates positively with
P2O5 in any chondrule. Anticorrelations between P2O5
and some or all of the major oxides, Na2O, SiO2 and
Al2O3, are observed in mesostasis from five of the
Alkali element distribution: High resolution x-ray
maps of P-zoned chondrules revealed an unexpected
distribution of alkali elements in many of the mesostases. Chondrules in Chainpur, Krymka, Sharps, and
Ngawi all showed this feature, although the one Kainsaz chondrule did not. Most areas of mesostasis have
the typical composition of that in group A5, albeit rich
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI
P-Zoned Chondrules: J. N. Grossman
Figure 2.
in P2O5. In these, Na/K is typically 5-100× the solar
ratio, with 7 to 10 wt% Na2O and 0.1 to 0.2 wt% K2O.
High Na/K ratios were also reported in A5 chondrule
glass in Semarkona and Krymka by [4], although not as
high as in the present data. Potassium-rich areas of
mesostasis are also present in the same chondrules,
These areas have generally at least 2× less extent than
albitic glass. Potassic glass typically has 1 to 2 wt%
K2O and 2 to 4 wt% Na2O, and Na/K ratios significantly below solar. Compositions of Na- and K-rich
mesostasis within a single chondrule are nearly identical for all elements except alkalis.
The distribution of Na- and K-rich mesostasis in the
P-zoned Chainpur chondrules, numbers 2-1a and 2-2a,
is shown in Figs. 2 and 3, above. Na-rich and K-rich
mesostasis have been colored blue and red, respectively, based on x-ray maps, and the rest of the image
area is normal backscattered electron intensity. K-rich
mesostasis preferentially occurs as glassy inclusions in
olivine and in thin areas of mesostasis sandwiched between adjacent olivine crystals. In Fig. 1, it also can be
seen that K-rich mesostasis may occur as isolated
patches in physical contact with Na-rich mesostasis.
(The white area surrounding the chondrule in Fig. 3 is
an FeS-rich rim.)
A search was made using x-ray mapping, for similar
bimodal mesostasis occurrences in P2O5-poor chondrules in Semarkona and Chainpur. It was found in
several Na-rich, FeO-rich (type II/group A5 or B)
chondrules in each meteorite. In FeO-poor chondrules
with zoned mesostasis [5], and in Na-rich, FeO-poor
chondrules, Na and K are well-correlated, with no evidence for bimodal mesostasis compositions.
Discussion: P-zoned chondrules do not seem to be
closely related to zoned low-FeO chondrules [5,6]. The
Figure 3.
latter show radial zonation of all volatile elements, in
which the chondrules were originally depleted. Pzoned chondrules were P-rich at the time of melting, as
is certain due to the strong correlation between P2O5 in
mesostasis with P2O5 in olivine phenocrysts [2, and
confirmed by the present data]. It now appears that all
P-rich material in chondrites, including reduced-P-rich
metal grains and P2O5-rich chondrules, is susceptible to
the formation of phosphate-rich rims during parentbody alteration or metamorphism. My interpretation of
P-zoned chondrules is that secondary phosphate was
able to nucleate not just at the chondrule surface, but
also within the outer portions of the microcrystalline
mesostasis, aided by abundant grain boundaries along
which diffusion might occue. An external source of
CaO, most likely chondrite matrix, is required.
The bimodal composition of alkalis in mesostasis in
FeO-rich chondrules, including P-zoned chondrules, is
more problematic. Igneous models involving fractional
crystallization and liquid immiscibility all seem to fail.
The coexisting mesostasis compositions seem to require a low-temperature origin to prevent interdiffusion
of alkalis between glasses that seem far from equilibrium with each other. It seems possible that all of the
Na-rich mesostasis in these (and perhaps all?) chondrules has a secondary, low-temperature origin. TEM
and ion probe studies of this material are planned, and
may help better determine its origin.
References: [1] Rubin and Grossman (1985). [2]
Jones (1990) GCA 54, 1785-1802. [3] Sears, Huang,
and Benoit (1995) EPSL 131, 27-39. [4] Huang and
Sears (1997) GCA 61, 4689-4704. [5] Grossman
(1996) LPS 27, 467-468. [6] Matsunami et al. (1993)
GCA 57, 2102-2110.