FPC ApprovedNov. 2009 PHASE 2: FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2020 Site Bldg Priority RCCD DEFERRED MAINTENANCE SMALL CAPITAL PROJECT PRIORITY LIST Project Name Phase Project Description S - Safety C - Compliance $ - Savings One time/Yr Total Est Cost Project Est. S C S Cost Status EUREKA CAMPUS EKA EKA All All 22 23 Double Pane Windows Plumbing Fixtures EKA LRC 24 Air Conditioning Installation EKA PE 25 Athletic Field Drainage EKA All 26 Exterior Painting EKA All 27 Carpet Replacement EKA EKA CA AJ 12/16/2009 28 29 Boiler Replacement Boiler Replacement Phase 2- Replace single pane windows $200,000 2016/20 with energy efficient double pane windows. Energy credit project. $200,000 Phase 2- Replace deteriorating plumbing $200,000 2016/20 fixtures, including bathrooms and upper Gym shower rooms Phase 2- Install cooling coils in existing $250,000 2016/20 fan units for classrooms. $200,000 Phase 2- Install field drainage on Baseball $140,000 2016/20 and Softball fields. Possible major capital project. Phase 2- Paint exterior of buildings, some $20,000 2016/20 have not been painted in over 10 years. 1st year of 5 year project. $140,000 Phase 2- Replace carpet throughout $20,000 2016/20 existing old bldgs. Much of the carpeting is 42 years old. 1st year of 5 years. Phase 2- Replace inefficient heating boiler, $225,000 2016/20 35 years old. Possible major capital project. Energy credit project. Phase 2- Replace heating boiler, 37 years $150,000 2016/20 old. Energy credit project. $ S $250,000 $100,000 $100,000 S $225,000 $ $150,000 $ Page 1 FPC ApprovedNov. 2009 PHASE 2: FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2020 Site Bldg Priority RCCD DEFERRED MAINTENANCE SMALL CAPITAL PROJECT PRIORITY LIST Project Name Phase Project Description One time/Yr Total Est Cost Project Est. S C S Cost $45,000 $45,000 $ EKA All 30 Lighting Energy Efficiency Phase 2- Replace outdated lighting with 2016/20 energy efficient lamps and fixtures. Energy credit project. EKA Football Stadium 31 Roof Replacement Phase 2- Replace roof and back wall at 2016/20 Stadium, 40 years old. Wall and roof have failed due to dry rot. Possible major capital project. $350,000 Visitors Bleacher Replacement Phase 2- Replace visitors bleachers with 2016/20 ADA compliant bleachers. Possible major capital project. $60,000 EKA S - Safety C - Compliance $ - Savings $350,000 S Football Stadium 32 EKA Stadium 33 Football Scoreboard Phase 2- Replace football scoreboard, 2016/20 existing board is 35 years old $25,000 $25,000 EKA Parking Lot 34 New Marquee $50,000 $50,000 EKA AT 35 $340,000 $340,000 EKA AT 36 Construction Tech Lab Remodel Auto Lab Remodel $450,000 $450,000 EKA All 37 Door locks Phase 2- Install double sided electronic 2016/20 LED sign system - south entrance, old Marquee is 42 years old. Phase 2- Remodel Woodshop . 2016/20 Phase 2- Remodel Automotive Lab 2016/20 Phase 2- Replace locks with a card locks 2016/20 system. 1st year of 5 year project. Phase 2- Install addt'l irrigation piping & 2016/20 sprinklers to irrigate lawn areas not currently irrigated. $32,000 $160,000 EKA All 12/16/2009 38 Additional Irrigation Status $ $60,000 S C S $150,000 $150,000 Page 2 FPC ApprovedNov. 2009 PHASE 2: FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2020 Site Bldg Priority Project Name RCCD DEFERRED MAINTENANCE SMALL CAPITAL PROJECT PRIORITY LIST Phase Project Description TOTAL TOTAL Less Major Capital Project components 12/16/2009 S - Safety C - Compliance $ - Savings One time/Yr Total Est Cost Project Est. S C S Cost Status $2,707,000 $2,995,000 $1,932,000 $2,220,000 Page 3 FPC ApprovedNov. 2009 PHASE 2: FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2020 Site Bldg Priority RCCD DEFERRED MAINTENANCE SMALL CAPITAL PROJECT PRIORITY LIST Project Name Phase Project Description S - Safety C - Compliance $ - Savings One time/Yr Total Est Cost Project Est. S C S Cost Status DEL NORTE INSTRUCTIONAL CENTER DN DN DN Heat Pumps 9 Lighting A 10 Lighting B 11 Nursing, DS, DRC, Bldgs. Phase 2 - Reaching end of industry 2016- 20 lifespan. 1st year of 5 year project. Energy credit project. $64,000 Nursing, DS, DRC Bldg Phase 2 - Install motion sensors in 2016- 20 classrooms. Energy credit project. Phase 2 - Install motion sensors in labs & 2016- 20 offices. Energy credit project. $10,000 Nursing, DS, DRC Bldg $320,000 S $10,000 $ $5,000 $5,000 $ DN Painting 12 Classrooms in all buildings Phase 2 - Original paint. 2016- 20 $40,000 $40,000 DN Irrigation System 13 Under an agriculture/water only. No sewer Phase 2 - Irrigation for lawn and flower 2016- 20 beds. $20,000 $20,000 TOTAL 12/16/2009 $ $139,000 $395,000 Page 4 FPC ApprovedNov. 2009 PHASE 2: FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2020 Site MC MC Bldg 300 Bulidings 300 Bldgs, Art Bldgs, & Garage Area 12/16/2009 Priority 4 5 RCCD DEFERRED MAINTENANCE SMALL CAPITAL PROJECT PRIORITY LIST Project Name Remove and Regrade Concrete Replace Wooden Doors Phase Phase 2 2016 - 20 Phase 2 2016 - 20 Project Description S - Safety C - Compliance $ - Savings One time/Yr Total Est Cost Project Est. S C S Cost MENDOCINO INSTRUCTIONAL CENTER The 300 Buildings were $300,000 $300,000 originally built 13 years ago and there had been a planned canopy between the two buildings and in front of the exterior classroom doors, that was not built. The sidewalks that abut the exterior walls of the buildings were not designed to slope away from the buildings to allow for water to drain. When it rains, water collects in pools along the exterior walls causing the walls to rot. Flooring has had to be replaced three times due to dry rot. A fourth area is showing signs of spongy flooring and Since the 300 Building was built $10,000 $10,000 in 1996, the six wooden exterior doors (made of solid core wood) are experiencing dry rot and are starting to come apart. They need to be replaced with new fiberglass doors. Status S S C Page 5 FPC ApprovedNov. 2009 PHASE 2: FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2020 Site MC Bldg 300 Bldgs & FWW Bldg 12/16/2009 Priority 6 Project Name Upgrade Lighting RCCD DEFERRED MAINTENANCE SMALL CAPITAL PROJECT PRIORITY LIST Phase Project Description Phase 2 - The 300 Buildings and the Fine 2016 - 20 Woodworking Building (built in 1981) need to be upgraded with new lighting and motion sensors to increase efficiency. The FWW Building still has incandescent lighting outside. TOTAL S - Safety C - Compliance $ - Savings One time/Yr Total Est Cost Project Est. S C S Cost $40,000 $40,000 Status $ $350,000 $350,000 Page 6