FACILITY PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, September 7, 2011 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Eureka Campus Boardroom Phone available for Del Norte & Mendocino call-in 1. Call Meeting to Order – 11:00 a.m. 2. New Business 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Introductions Approve Minutes from March 29, 2011* Committee Membership Prioritization of projects for Measure Q funds Discussion of ADA projects Meeting Schedule 3. Future Agenda Items 4. Adjourn CCC Confer Information PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 886-3951 > Enter your passcode: 885072 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES *0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line FOR ASSISTANCE CCC Confer Client Services - Monday - Friday between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Phone: 760-744-1150 ext 1537 or 1554 Email: clientservices@cccconfer.org REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Facilities Planning Committee Boardroom 3:00 p.m. March 28, 2011 Meeting Notes PRESENT Paul Agpawa, Tim Flanagan, Greg Grantham (phone), Anita Janis (phone), Geisce Ly (phone), Stephen McCollum (phone), Mike Mendoza, Mike Wells and Lorie Walsh ALSO PRESENT Tami Matsumoto MINUTES The meeting notes from the February 28, 2011, meeting of the FPC were approved as presented. CALL TO ORDER Mike Wells, Co-chair called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. JEFFERSON After a brief discussion the committee agreed that the report written by SCHOOL SITE Maggie White, representing FPC regarding the recommendation for the RECOMMENDATION Jefferson School site be posted to the FPC webpage. ARCATA INSTRUCTIONAL SITE Tami Matsumoto, Professor Mathematics, addressed the committee regarding the possible closure of the Arcata Instructional Site office during the summer. Tami stated that she heard that there was a possibility that there would be no office support at the Arcata Instructional Site during the summer session as only one class is scheduled to be offered there this summer. She voiced concern regarding who would be responsible for securing the building and also for meeting any student or staff related needs that may arise at the site. After further discussion the committee agreed that this is not a facility related issue at this time, but is something that should to be discussed at a higher level. It was recommended that these concerns be forwarded to Enrollment Management Committee and Budget Planning Committee. Geisce stated that it would be a good idea to invite Dr. Goswami and Mr. Lindsey to the next FPC meeting to get direction on how this committee should proceed in the future. EUREKA CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION UPDATES Tim reported that in spite of all the rain there has been good progress on the new Administration, Student Services and Theatre buildings. The contractor is waiting for good weather to pour the last concrete pad for the theatre. It is projected that we will begin transitioning into the new buildings around December. Tim also reported that bids for the new Academic building came in very well and are around $2M below what was expected. This will go to the board for approval in April and then on to the Division of State Architect. The tentative date to break ground on the project is June 1, 2011. He also stated that he is in the process of getting posters up around campus to notify everyone of the approaching construction. Approximately six local sub-contractors will be used over the duration of the project. Geisce reported that in terms of the bid on the renovation of the Garberville site there were 6 bids received. Tim stated that the bids were not accepted and the project will be re-bid. APPOINT SUBCOMMITTEE FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY OF DOWNTOWN SITE There was discussion regarding the possibility of a feasibility study of the Eureka Downtown site and appointment of a sub-committee. The committee expressed feeling a lack of direction in this area and it was stated that it may be appropriate to take a look at all sites in the 101 Corridor. It was agreed that the committee needs further direction from administration as how to move in this area. DEL NORTE FACILICY CONCERN Stephen stated that there is a heat pump going out on one of the buildings on the Del Norte campus. He also stated that a contractor was called out to evaluate the pump and a recommendation was made to replace it with the estimated cost of $9,000. Stephen noted that this is not on the deferred maintenance list because this building was previously leased from the Del Norte Unified School District. Tim advised Stephen to contact another contractor to get a second estimate. Stephen reported that there is still one fully functional heat pump on the building and the failing pump is also currently operational. ADJOURNED 4:00 p.m. SUBMITTED lw Measure Q Project Descriptions Location Cost 1. Current Measure Q Projects: Master Plan Site Improvements to Support New Construction Modernization & Engineering for Projects DSA/CGS Consulting Instructional Furniture and Equipment Technology Infrastructure Upgrades Old Library Seismic Retrofit and Repurpose Woodshop Dust Collector Emergency Generators Student Services/Admin/Forum Theatre (Measure Q Match) Academic Building (Measure Q Match) CRMC Science Wing Modernization*** CRDN Science Wing Modernization Portable Lease/Purchase Garberville Instructional Site Purchase/Retrofit TOTAL CURRENT PROJECTS EKA/DN/MC EKA/DN/MC EKA/DN/MC EKA/DN/MC EKA/DN/MC EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA CRMC CRDN CRDN CRMC 1,584,072 1,369,580 75,000 605,500 995,280 190,800 295,252 297,000 2,652,581 3,349,212 360,000 275,000 24,000 1,290,786 13,364,063 2. Closed Measure Q Projects: General (District Project Administration) New - Furnishings and Equipment Gym Floor/Bleachers Replacement Repair Pool Lower Locker Rooms Renovation Renovate/Repair Buildings - Eureka Upgrade - Eureka Classrooms Upgrade - Wastewater Treatment Student Union Seismic Upgrade/Remodel, Prelim *** Modernize Health Technology Building Modernize Physical Science Building Modernize Life Science Building Modernize Labs/Classrooms/Theater Modernize Student Services/Admin Building LRC Mezzanine Structure Library Building Seismic Upgrade/Remodel Student Union Building (plans for new Union) Parking Lot Rehabilitation Firing Range Renovate/Repair Buildings - Mendocino Modernize Main Building: Mendocino Fine Wordworking Building Relocated Del Norte Classrooms Modernize Main/Art Building: Del Norte Culinary Kitchen - Arcata Instructional Site Jefferson School- Investigation/Feasability Construction Technology Program Start-Up Block Grant Match- PE Lighting Retrofit TOTAL COMPLETED PROJECTS EKA/DN/MC EKA/DN/MC EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA CRMC CRMC CRMC CRDN CRDN EKA EKA EKA/DN/MC EKA 263,666 404,952 779,693 132,695 960,758 13,812 32,548 71,255 48,579 3,122,100 126,628 53,279 160,299 87,346 213,713 4,093 1,023,018 2,306,496 2,011 4,186 5,554,023 2,830 79,525 3,524,625 176,433 41,607 400,000 100,000 19,690,170 9/7/2011 9:36 AM 1 Category Copy of Measure Q Project Summary1 9 7 2011.xlsx Summary Measure Q Project Descriptions Location 3. FPC Projects Proposals: Utility Infrastructure Replace - NOT Measure Q, State bonds EKA Athletics Facilities Upgrades: - See new project proposals Stadium electrical panel Stadium lights Stadium roof and back wall Install field drainage on football, softball and baseball fields. Remove track and replace to accommodate drainage. Replace roof and back wall at stadium, and replace electrical distribution board. Drainage on football, baseball and softball fields Gym bathrooms and upper showers Resurface track Resurface tennis courts & lighting ADA compliant visitor bleachers Add'l track from Athletics Add'l Stadium field from Athletics Add'l Baseball field from Athletics Add'l baseball bleachers, walkways from Athletics Add'l softball field from Athletics Add'l softball bleachers, walkways from Athletics PBX Telephone System - See VOIP Emergency Lighting - See multiple new projects Fire Alarm - See new proposal AT HVAC - See new proposal CA HVAC - See new proposal PE HVAC - See new proposal AJ HVAC - See new proposal Sewer Lift Station - Fund w/State bond funds Motion sensors in classrooms and offices - See energy conservation Double pane windows in existing buildings - See energy conservation LRC air conditioning - See new proposal Paint existing buildings - See new proposal Replace carpet in existing buildings - See new proposal CA Boiler Replacement - See new proposal Lighting Energy Efficiency - See energy conservation Marquee - See new proposal Old Library - seismic - See new proposal Water Tanks Replacement - Fund w/State Bonds Creative Arts Building EKA Student Union EKA Electrical panels EKA 9/7/2011 9:36 AM 2 Cost Category 22,457,024 20,000 250,000 350,000 1,770,000 436,177 200,000 150,000 150,000 60,000 50,000 1,020,000 1,723,680 200,000 889,920 150,000 350,000 60,000 209,700 800,000 750,000 1,000,000 525,000 10,000 80,000 200,000 250,000 100,000 100,000 225,000 45,000 50,000 1,500,000 930,000 7,184,696 Existing Buildings 4,752,620 Existing Buildings 266,300 Infrastructure Copy of Measure Q Project Summary1 9 7 2011.xlsx Summary Measure Q Project Descriptions Location 4. New Project Proposals: Campus safety alert upgrades District-wide ADA and safety compliance Security, including marquee upgrades and fire alarm Energy conservation HVAC, boiler equipment Maint & Dining equipment, mini-bookstore, Portable bldgs Carpet replacement Athletic Complex Facility, including repurposing the pool area Reserve for repurposing vacated buildings, incl faculty ofcs Old library seismic upgrade Parking lots, fencing, etc. Exterior paint and light upgrades Roof replacement Stadium scoreboard, roof, ADA access, field Baseball field, ADA access Softball field, ADA access Track upgrade Voice over IP (VOIP) to replace PBX & phones Nursing facility upgrades Diesel Program upgrade Automotive Technology Lab upgrade HRC teaching kitchen Welding area cover expansion Construction Technology Lab upgrade CTE computer lab upgrades (MT, DM, DT, etc.) Ag Dept Tomkins Hill barn renovation/ replacement Itech Innovations Lab establishment (solar,thermal,water/waste) Enclose firing range Emergency Response Training Center Fire Technology Instruction Building Fire Science equipment and apparatus storage Public Safety Preparedness Tower TOTAL PROPOSALS GRAND TOTAL MEASURE Q PROJECTS & REQUESTS 9/7/2011 9:36 AM 3 EKA EKA/DN/MC EKA/DN/MC EKA/DN/MC EKA/DN/MC EKA EKA/DN/MC EKA EKA EKA DN/MC EKA/DN/MC CRDN EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA/DN/MC CRDN EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA EKA Cost 13,000 850,000 349,700 360,000 3,664,132 105,000 140,000 3,000,000 1,500,000 800,000 170,000 255,000 600,000 1,005,000 1,636,400 891,640 200,000 1,000,000 29,211 850,000 500,000 450,000 150,000 500,000 450,000 250,000 300,000 150,000 15,000 350,000 40,000 1,000,000 33,777,699 Category ADA, Safety ADA, Safety ADA, Safety Conservation Equipment Equipment Existing Buildings Existing Buildings Existing Buildings Existing Buildings Exterior Facilities Exterior Facilities Exterior Facilities Exterior Facilities Exterior Facilities Exterior Facilities Exterior Facilities Infrastructure Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs Instructional Programs 66,831,932 Copy of Measure Q Project Summary1 9 7 2011.xlsx Summary Facilities Planning Committee: Categories FPC Percent Dollars 5. Proposal Distributions: ADA, Safety Conservation Equipment Existing Buildings Exterior Facilities Infrastructure Instructional Programs Grand Total Project Proposals 1,212,700 360,000 3,769,132 17,377,316 4,758,040 1,266,300 5,034,211 33,777,699 6. Measure Q Funding Available 10,500,000 ADA, Safety Conservation Equipment Existing Buildings Exterior Facilities Infrastructure Instructional Programs Unallocated Facilities Planning Committee Funding Recommendation 7. Unfunded Proposals ADA, Safety Conservation Equipment Existing Buildings Exterior Facilities Infrastructure Instructional Programs Grand Total Unfunded Project Proposals 9/7/2011 9:36 AM 4 70.2% 50.5% 30.2% 26.1% 25.0% 25.5% 45.3% 851,315 181,800 1,138,278 4,535,479 1,189,510 322,907 2,280,498 213 10,500,000 29.8% 49.5% 69.8% 73.9% 75.0% 74.5% 54.7% 361,385 178,200 2,630,854 12,841,837 3,568,530 943,394 2,753,713 23,277,912 Copy of Measure Q Project Summary1 9 7 2011.xlsx Summary