FACILITY PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, April 30, 2012 2:00 p.m. LRC 107 1. Call to Order 2. Review meeting notes from March 19, 2012. 3. Items for Discussion 3.1 Wrap Up 3.1.1 Facilities Master Plan 3.1.2 Strategic and Education Master Plan* 4. Comments 5. Adjourn Phone available for Del Norte & Mendocino call-in CCC Confer Information PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 886-3951 > Enter your passcode: 605799 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES *0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Facilities Planning Committee LRC 107 2:00 p.m. March 19, 2012 Meeting Notes PRESENT Dave Bazard, Tim Flanagan, Greg Grantham (phone), Bill Hole, Lee Lindsey, Geisce Ly (phone), Mike Mendoza, Theresa Sisson, Maggie White and Lorie Walsh. ALSO PRESENT Julia Morrison, Julia Peterson CALL TO ORDER Lee Lindsey called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. SUMMARY NOTES The summary notes from the February 12, 2012 meetings of the Facilities Planning Committee were approved as presented. DISCUSSION BUDGET 101 CORRIDOR SITES RECOMMEN DATION Lee reported that the news from the Chancellor’s office continues to be pessimistic and we continue to plan for a worst case scenario of a $1.2M budget cut. If the tax measures on the November ballot pass there may be some relief to the budget. As the district continues to have reductions in revenue the district’s expenses continue to increase due partly to the rising cost of employee benefits, COLA, step increases and other operational expenses. This leaves an approximately $3M budget short fall. There will be some cost saving for the district based on employees that took the SERP, workforce reductions, retirement holds and some reorganization. The district is currently negotiating with both the faculty and classified unions regarding possible payroll concessions. Lee also reported that there have been ongoing discussions throughout the district regarding closure of the 101 Corridor sites to save money. The Budget Planning committee has asked that the FPC make a recommendation regarding these sites. Dave reminded everyone that there should be evidence used that aligns with a plan to close the sites and makes reference to the Strategic Plan and the Education Master Plan. Discussion continued regarding the possibility of finding an alternate location that is more affordable to replace the current downtown site. Julia Peterson stated that it doesn’t work well to have Community Ed. (CE) and credit courses scheduled in the same classroom. If the district were to decide to combine the two something would need to be designed to fulfill the specific needs of each. Dave asked if the CE courses are generating enough income to afford the current site and Julia Peterson stated that they are not at this time. She noted that CE offers a variety of course offerings including some of the following: enrichment, the only GE testing site in Humboldt County, truck driver training (is bringing in revenue over expenses), solar classes, work force training and short term courses. She also noted that business related trainings bring in the most income. Julia Morrison reported that a survey was administered to students attending Spring 2012 credit classes at the McKinleyville (McK), Arcata (AIS), and Eureka Downtown (EDTN) Instructional Sites. She stated that the survey provides a summary of significant findings that address why students take courses at the corridor sites. The survey may be viewed by accessing the following link. http://inside.redwoods.edu/StrategicPlanning/EnrollmentManagement/documen ts/101CorridorSurveyResultsSummary.pdf Both Peterson and Morrison stated that for some students it would create an insurmountable obstacle to close all of the 101 Corridor sites. They agreed that a smaller space could work for the downtown site. The FPC supports a smaller presence to support CR’s Community Education programs, and supports working with local schools to maintain a scaled back offering of for-credit classes in the 101 corridor. ADJOURNED SUBMITTED 3:00 p.m. lw College of the Redwoods 2012-2017 Strategic Plan Board of Trustees Dr. Colleen Mullery, Board President Thomas Ross, Board Vice-President Sally Biggin, Board Clerk Rick Bennett Tracy Coppini Richard Dorn Bruce Emad Barbara Rice George Truett Rebecca Ashbach (student trustee) 2012-2017 Strategic Planning Committee Chair: Dr. Utpal Goswami Dr. Rachel Anderson Mary Grace Barrick Michael Butler Jeff Cummings Ahn Fielding Tim Flanagan Dr. Pat Girczyc Kathy Goodlive Sheila Hall Dr. Angelina Hill Anita Janis Sydney Larson Lee Lindsey Dr. Geisce Ly Kerry Mayer Roxanne Metz Julia Morrison Julia Peterson Dr. Keith Snow-Flamer Chuck Snowden Carla Spalding Steve Stratton Interim President/Superintendent Dean, Academic Affairs Director, Learning Resource Center Instructor, Mathematics Dean, Career and Technical Education Interim Director, Human Resources Director, Facilities Dean, Health Occupations and Emergency Response Services Director, Admissions and Records Assistant Director, EOPS Director, Institutional Research Dean, Del Norte Education Center Instructor, Early Childhood Education Vice President, Administrative Services Dean, Mendocino Education Center Instructor, Speech Director of Planning, Grants, and Institutional Effectiveness Instructional Site Manager Director, Business Training Center Vice President, Student Development Maintenance Specialist Controller Director, Technical Support Services DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 1 Strategic Plan for College of the Redwoods 2012-2017 CR Vision College of the Redwoods is a learning community where lives are transformed. CR Mission College of the Redwoods puts student success first by providing outstanding developmental, career technical, and transfer education. The College partners with the community to contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of its service area. We continually assess student learning and institutional performance and practices to improve upon the programs and services we offer. GRAPHIC DESIGN DEPT. TO INSERT PLAN GOALS AND OBJECTIVES WITH NEW LAYOUT HERE Introduction DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 2 Planning allows the college to efficiently distribute resources and coordinate action plans that contribute to achieving the college’s mission. College of the Redwoods (CR) is committed to comprehensive institutional planning that is strategically focused, ongoing, and outcomes oriented. Planning and evaluation are included in college- and unit-level planning, budgeting, and evaluation processes. The planning process includes institutional review of the college’s educational programs, student services, and administrative areas. Through planning, the college ensures that its policies, budgets, and decisions are reflective of its mission. Planning is an ever evolving process. Over time, as the needs of the college change and gaps are identified, the college continually engages in planning in its drive to meet accreditation standards for program review, planning, learning outcomes and ultimately institutional effectiveness. The overarching goals of College of the Redwoods’ (CR) planning efforts are to ensure the college meets the needs of students by establishing and measuring student learning, that the college responds to the changing educational needs of the community, and that resources are aligned so the College can achieve these goals. The diagram, below, displays how institutional and unit-level plans are aligned. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 3 Background College of the Redwoods (CR) is a public community college located on the north coast of California. Serving Del Norte and Humboldt Counties, parts of western Trinity County, and coastal Mendocino County, CR has one of the largest service areas in California. Home to nearly 280,000 residents, the district covers almost 10,000 square miles. There are approximately 94 full-time and 250 part-time faculty, while the administrative, managerial, and classified staff include roughly 230 employees. The college maintains 93 degree and certificate program and served 9,348 students in the 2010-11 academic year. Description of the Strategic Planning Process and Timeline In August 2011 Interim President/Superintendent Utpal Goswami’s Convocation keynote address led the kick-off of the college’s strategic planning effort. In September 2011, a district Strategic Planning Committee comprised of representatives from faculty, classified staff, and administrative staff was formed to update the strategic plan for the college. In recognition of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee’s (IEC) role in updating the strategic plan, many members of the IEC agreed to serve on the Strategic Planning Committee. Strategic Planning Committee Scope: In support of the college's mission and vision, the Strategic Planning Committee will update the college's strategic plan every three to four years. The strategic planning process includes the following components: Conduct an environmental scan (external and internal) of conditions and trends Review data regarding the college's key performance indicators (KPIs) Using the college's mission, vision, and values statements as a guide, conduct a gap analysis Identify broad, overarching goals (statements) of what the college desires to accomplish over a 5-year period Identify annual objectives (actionable, measureable statements about the end result that a service or program is expected to accomplish) The committee met seven times between September 8, 2011 and March 20, 2012 (not including additional small group meetings). The Strategic Planning Committee reviewed and discussed an environmental scanning summary provided by the Institutional Research Department and developed initial strategic planning themes. Beginning in November 2011 a series of conversations took place throughout the district in order to discuss the themes identified by the committee during the environmental scanning process and gather input and ideas from college constituents. A listing of these conversations follows. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 4 Date/Time: Location: Attendees: Thursday, Nov. 3rd Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10th, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 14th, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15th, 11:00 – 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16th (11:00-12:30 p.m.) Tuesday, Nov. 22nd, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 23rd, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 8 Friday, February 10 Del Norte Center CA 107 (music room) LS 113 Board Room AT104 Mendocino Coast AJ 101A Eureka Downtown Klamath-Trinity ASCR Executive Board 10 (approximately) 13 7 20 13 7 (approximately) 14 9 10 (approximately) The review process for the strategic plan was conducted according to the following timeline: Month of February, 2012 February 24 March 2 March 6 March 14 March 20 March 29 April 3 Strategic Planning Committee drafted the strategic plan goals and objectives Draft plan released to the college community for feedback Academic Senate review and discussion, constituency feedback Strategic Planning Committee reviewed community feedback Board of Trustees review of initial draft strategic plan Strategic Planning Committee revisions and agreement to forward the revised plan, with a few minor adjustments, for approval College Council ratified the strategic plan The Board of Trustees adopted the strategic plan Environmental Scan The environmental scan focused on the following: Global trends (economic, technology, globalization, student mobility) Demand for and access to education (affordability, value) Growth of private and for-profit institutions Demographics, student mindsets Basic skills remediation Academic success Institutional revenues Employer expectations Student satisfaction A sampling of the data reviewed by the committee can be found on the following pages. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 5 Table 1. Growth in online enrollment Annual Growth Rate for Annual Growth Rate for Total Enrollment (US) Online Enrollment (US) Fall 2003 1.80% 23.00% Fall 2004 2.10% 18.20% Fall 2005 1.20% 36.50% Fall 2006 1.60% 9.70% Fall 2007 1.20% 12.90% Fall 2008 1.20% 16.90% Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2010). Learning on demand: Online education in the United States, 2009. The Sloan Consortium. Babson Survey Research Group. Table 2. Affordability: Percentage of high school completers who were enrolled in higher education immediately following high school completion, by family income Aud, S., Hussar, W., Kena, G., Bianco, K., Frohlich, L., Kemp, J., Tahan, K. (2011). The Condition of Education 2011 (NCES 2011-033). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Table 3. Growth in associate‟s degrees and the private sector U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. 1998-99 and 2008-09 integrated postsecondary education data system (IPEDS). “Completions survey” (IPEDS – C: 99) and Fall 2009. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 6 Table 4. Basic skills remediation: Students reporting haven taken at least one remedial college course in 2007-2008 Differs by race/ethnicity • 36% of students overall • 45% of Black students • 43% of Hispanic students Differs by age • 35% of ages 15 to 23 • 40% of ages 24 to 29 • 38% of ages 30 and older Differs by college type • 42% at 2-year public • 39% at 4-year non-doctorate, 24% at 4-year doctorate • 26% at private not-for-profit nondoctorate • 22% at private not-for-profit doctorate Aud, S., Hussar, W., Kena, G., Bianco, K., Frohlich, L., Kemp, J., Tahan, K. (2011). The Condition of Education 2011 (NCES 2011-033). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Table 5. Institutional Revenues The College Board (2010). Trends in College Pricing 2010. Princeton, NJ. The College Board. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 7 Table 6. Key Demographic Trends Table 7. Employer Expectations: Broad skills/knowledge and specific skills/knowledge are needed for career success. Raising the Bar: Employer‟s Views on College Learning in the Wake of the Economic Downturn (2010). Prepared by Hart Research Associates on behalf of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 8 A discussion of the environmental scan led to the development of the following key findings that impact the strategic plan: Unsustainable financial model: State appropriations per FTE student have dropped in recent years. The unpredictability of state funding is a risk to financial stability for California community colleges. Completion rates are low: While CR’s college completion rates are comparable with peer colleges, they are generally low. A nationwide agenda to improve college completion, for example President Obama’s “American Graduation Initiative,” which calls for an additional five million community college degree and certificate completions by 2020, will place additional pressure on the college to perform. Student characteristics: An increasing percentage of non-traditional students are attending community college. Educational models and methods must be modified to be effective with adult learners, displaced workers or homemakers, disabled individuals, those who are the first in family to attend college, etc. External threats: For-profit institutions operate at a lower cost than traditional colleges and have an increasing market share. Accountability mandates are increasing and may result in performance-based funding and additional regulations. Employment and workforce: A majority of graduates work outside their major and are likely to change careers five or more times. Employers expect both in-depth knowledge and a broad range of competencies and skill sets. Technology: Technology will influence both the functioning of the college organization and how education is delivered. Technology will influence educational materials as well as the way people learn and communicate. Younger students generally embrace this, and some older learners are not ready for this shift. Strategic Planning Themes: As noted previously, a series of conversations took place throughout the district in November 2011 to discuss these key findings. As these conversations took place, several themes arose. Student Accomplishment: College completion is high on the national agenda in order to improve American competitiveness, and the role of community colleges is significant. In order to increase the number of college completions, community colleges need to be able to serve the wide-ranging needs of the diverse population of students in the community. Various initiatives such as the Basic Skills Initiative and the Student Success Task Force have been put forth from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office and other bodies. College of the Redwoods will embrace those best practices and service model recommendations that best fit CR’s community. The college must be able to respond to the needs of a diverse student body by understanding their expectations, providing guidance to assist them to identify appropriate educational goals, and providing effective programs and services. Steps towards this may include initiatives related to programs DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 9 and curriculum, college processes, and pedagogical innovations. This theme is reflected in Goal 1. Non-Credit , Community Education, and Contract Training: In the last few years the college has served over 1,400 participants in not-for-credit, community education, and business training activities. Increasingly, external agencies, the college community, and grant funders expect the college to provide short turnaround industry-specific training and workforce preparation to meet economic and workforce development needs. Recent success indicates a growing need for education and training that may not lead to a college degree or certificate. College of the Redwoods will scale up the current community education and workforce development training. The college has not taken advantage of the opportunity to build college curriculum for work readiness, English as a Second Language, and basic skills education. Through the development of non-credit programs such as these, the college can receive state apportionment (funding) while meeting a community need. This theme is reflected in Goal 2. Community Partnerships: In recent years, College of the Redwoods has strengthened partnerships with the community to accomplish common goals. Some examples include collaborations with the Workforce Investment Board, Del Norte County Rural Human Services, the Job Market, Eureka Adult School, the regional Native American tribes, Humboldt State University, and the K-12 school systems in our district. Collaborations with industry include the Humboldt Bay Regional Simulation Center, participation on the Redwood Technology Consortium, the Workforce Investment Board, and the Job Market Operators. While the college has demonstrated successful partnerships with the community, additional opportunities can be pursued. This theme is reflected in Goal 2. Fiscal Sustainability: According to the Community College Research Center, “Community colleges will not be able to count on increased funding to help them meet ambitious national college attainment goals. Recent state budget cuts and skyrocketing enrollments have reduced per-student funding for colleges across the country. Instead, community colleges will have to improve productivity—that is, they will need to graduate more students with the same or even less funding.” CR recognizes that in the current environment the college cannot continue to rely on state funding for instruction. In response to this, the college intends to develop alternative resources and sources of funding in order for the college to accomplish its mission. This may include strengthening the College of the Redwoods Foundation and diversifying college funding through reduced reliance on apportionment-based funding. This theme is reflected in Goal 3. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 10 Technology: Technology is everywhere. As the “railroad of the 21st century”, technology is essential for many industries and provides the means for organizational management and communications. CR must be able to use technology to improve the functioning of the organization, to improve teaching and learning, and to reach the communities in the district’s service area. The college will adopt technology best practices that provide the flexibility and adaptability to serve future college needs. In order to enhance student success, the college will need to explore the possibility of building the ability to conduct sophisticated data mining and analytics. For example, analytics can be programmed into the enrollment application in order to assist the college to determine what students are most interested in and where they get stuck, or in a distance education course analytics can be used to determine what teaching modules and techniques are found by students to be most helpful. This theme is reflected in Goal 4. Available Buildings: As the college moves programs and services into new buildings being built with state bond funds, the college will seek to raise its profile in the community through the leveraged use of the buildings that will be vacated. Over 50,000 sq. feet of space will become available, some as soon as Summer 2012. The college will enhance existing partnerships and seek new partnerships to fully utilize the available space. This theme is reflected in Goal 5. Advocacy: College of the Redwoods is greatly impacted by decisions made at a national, statewide, and regional level. However, the college has not actively participated in policy and decision making in these arenas. The college must strengthen the ability to advocate for regulatory relief and the flexibility to accomplish college goals without undue impediment. This may include developing a governmental relations role for the college, increasing participation on statewide committees and decision-making bodies such as the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, the California Community Colleges Collegial Consultation Council, and statewide faculty and student senates. In addition, the Board of Trustees may take an active role in working with key governmental officials and policymakers to address college needs. This theme is reflected in Goal 5. Based on the review of the environmental scan and college wide discussions, the Strategic Planning Committee integrated the themes into the following goals, objectives, action plans, and indicators. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 11 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives with Action Plans and Indicators Goal 1 Focus on Learners: Developmental, Career Technical, and Transfer Education. College of the Redwoods will employ programs, services, and organizational structures to meet the needs of learners and ensure student success. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans Indicators (and targets) 1.1 Match student readiness with educational pathways. Students will be effectively evaluated and placed in appropriate programs of study. Develop processes and policies to increase participation in math and English placement. Assess online readiness for students who intend to take a DE course for the first time. Number of students participating in math and English placement. Provide career exploration activities to educate students about possible careers and related training and education opportunities. Enable students to develop student education plans. 1.2 Continuously assess and evaluate programs to provide effective educational programs and services for all learners. 1.3 Students will be able to complete their desired educational goals. 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement. The college will facilitate successful achievement of intended learning outcomes. Programs and services will be evaluated to ensure currency and effectiveness. The college will increase the number of degree and certificate completions. The college will increase the number of transfers to fouryear colleges. Students will be actively engaged and institutionally supported. The college embraces equity and diversity with effective policies and practices. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Develop structures and assign responsibility to ensure assessment of course, program and institutional outcomes. Number of first-time distance education students completing online readiness assessment. Increase by 5% per year the number of students completing career exploration activities. By 2017 all full-time students will have a student education plan in place. All programs will participate in assessment annually. Develop structures and assign responsibility to ensure evaluation of program and service effectiveness. All programs will participate in assessment and program review annually Align course offerings with aggregate data from Student Educational Plans. By 2017 the number of degrees, certificates, and transfers will increase by 30%. Improve First Year Experience Program. Perceived student engagement (NSSE or SSI baseline to be established 2012-13). Strengthen and augment services to enhance access and success for underrepresented populations. Update Board Policies (Chapter 5, Students and Chapter 7, Human Resources). Student Equity Plan measures. Participation of underrepresented groups will increase by 2% per year. Number of BPs and APs updated to incorporate equity and diversity principles. Page 12 1.4 (continued) Enhance student support and student engagement. The college will improve persistence and retention rates. Ensure all students go through matriculation process. Maintain course retention rates ≥ 85% By 2017, ARCC persistence rates will rise to 60%. 1.5 Improve basic skills success. More students will complete any necessary remediation within one year of admission. Faculty will employ innovative teaching practices. Develop summer bridge and other shortened “classes” to provide assistance in targeted content areas in math and English. Number of students completing math and English remediation within one year (determine baseline, set targets). Faculty development committee will allocate funds for pedagogical improvements. Sabbaticals will be awarded for plans to improve pedagogy. College will provide training and support for instructional improvement and innovation. Number of faculty funded for instructional improvement initiatives. 1.6 Support staff and faculty development and instructional innovation Number of sabbaticals funded for instructional improvement. Number of faculty participating in college training in instructional improvement. Goal 2 Focus on Learners: Community Partnerships College of the Redwoods will provide, in partnership with the community, training and education to contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of the community. Objectives Desired Outcomes 2.1 Provide workforce development training. The Business Training Center will provide industry-recognized certifications in strong and emerging industries. 2.2 Respond to business and industry shortterm training needs. The Business Training Center will collaborate with business and industry partners to offer contract training and scheduled workshops for incumbent workers. The college will create non-credit programs to meet the lifelong learning needs of the community. 2.3 Develop noncredit programs. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Potential Action Plans Evaluate certifications needed to support local incumbent workers and industries. Develop trainings in areas where certified employees are needed by local employers. Develop a training calendar of workshops that meet the training needs of business and industry. Indicators (and targets) Evaluate priorities for ESL, GED, short-term vocational training, and job readiness. Collaborate with faculty to develop needed curriculum. Non-credit courses established. Program revenue will grow by 10% per year. Number of contract training clients and incumbent workers trained will grow by 10% per year. Page 13 Goal 3 Fiscal and Operational Sustainability College of the Redwoods will pursue strategies that lead to fiscal and operational sustainability. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans Indicators (and targets) 3.1 Reduce reliance on apportionment -based funding. Increased funding through a revived foundation, grants and contracts, and entrepreneurial ventures. Improved operational efficiencies through effective management of human, physical, technical, and financial resources. Streamline grant development processes Develop partnerships to support programs. By 2017, 15% of the budget will be nonapportionment based revenue. Establish benchmark for effective measures Practice data-driven process reengineering to increase efficiencies. Maintain cost/FTES at the statewide average. Maintenance-related tickets. Perceived processing bottlenecks. The college will tie resource allocation to outcomes and planning. The Budget Planning Committee will consider alignment with strategic initiatives in the development of funding priorities. The college will save excess reserves for use in strategic initiatives. Hire a development director. Dollars allocated in support of institutional plans and in response to assessment and program review Units and departments will participate in all assessment and program review related activities. Quality improvement plans and reports 100% compliance with program review and assessment. Responsibility for adherence to accreditation standards will be assigned to appropriate units and individuals. The college will evaluate adherence to the standards at least once per year. Number of outstanding recommendations from the ACCJC. 3.2 Improve college operational efficiencies. 3.3 Increase funding available for strategic initiatives 3.4 Increase community support for the college. 3.5 Practice continuous quality improvement 3.6 Practice continuous adherence to accreditation standards. The College of the Redwoods Foundation will raise money for college use. Services and related processes are continuously evaluated for improved effectiveness and efficiencies. The College will create structures and processes to ensure ACCJC accreditation standards are maintained. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Fund balance percentage will be at the statewide average. Foundation assets will grow by $250,000 per year. Page 14 Goal 4 Technological Relevance College of the Redwoods will develop infrastructure, adopt best practices, and conduct data analysis to utilize current and emerging technologies to support the learning environment and enhance institutional effectiveness. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans Indicators (and targets) 4.1 Improve technology infrastructure to support all college operations Day-to-day operations will be supported effectively. Current technology will be available to support new initiatives. The college will update aging information technology infrastructure. The college will deploy ubiquitous and secure wireless through the district. Upgrade video conferencing capabilities Average internet speed available on CR computers Average networking speed 4.2 Improve instructional labs to support effective teaching and learning Faculty will have appropriate tools available Students will have access to tools they need. Faculty and staff will effectively utilize technology in teaching 4.3 CTE programs will have technology relevant to their disciplines Students will have access to current and emerging technology in the classroom environment. 4.4 Improve efficiency through technology (see objective3.2) Faculty, staff, and students will experience improved effectiveness and efficiency when using college technology. 4.5 Improve data gathering and utilization to support instructional, student service, & administrative decision making. The Institutional Research Department will have an increased capacity to support the institution‟s data needs. The college will effectively use data and analysis to improve teaching and institutional outcomes. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 The college will develop an instructional lab improvement plan to include replacement at appropriate intervals. The technology plan will included a software replacement component. Provide training throughout the year on the appropriate use of technology and to review emerging technologies. The college will develop replacement and upgrade plans for relevant technologies in CTE areas and incorporate it into the budget cycle. Employ a process and structure to increase the efficiency and reliability of technology systems. Improve the utility of MIS data for reporting purposes. The college will implement a data warehouse and reporting system. Adopt a set of clearly defined data elements that are consistently reported. Participation of employees at all sites and centers in college dialogue. Student and faculty satisfaction Assessment results related to improvements/ Current versions of ADA software. Number of employees participating in training on utilization of technology in the „classroom.‟ Student satisfaction with technology Budget plans related to technology replacement and upgrade cycle System outages Number of servers with disaster recovery system in place. Average age of computers and servers. Unresolved technology tickets/number of work orders/response time. Assessment results. Use of Institutional Research reporting tools. Page 15 Goal 5 Enhance Institutional Profile College of the Redwoods will engage in activities and initiatives to elevate the college’s profile in the community. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 5.1 Enhance support for the college community. 5.2 Support/increase cultural activities at the college Provide services and support for students and the community. The college will support cultural activities on campus. Support community activities consistent with the college mission. Support cultural activities consistent with the college mission. Community survey. 5.3 Develop partnerships for utilization of the available buildings Business, industry, governmental, or nonprofit entities partner with the college to use available buildings. 5.4. Reactivate the alumni association. The college will have an active alumni association. 5.5 Increase communications and outreach to the community. Residents in the community will understand the college‟s mission and challenges. Investigate public-private ventures. Investigate opportunities for a business incubator in partnership with Humboldt State University Create a website for alumni. Conduct graduation survey. Create a database of alumni residing within the college‟s service area. Senior administrators and trustees will participate in community activities. 5.6 Develop a governmental relations function. Federal, state, and local officials will understand how regulatory issues affect the college. Present regular reports to the Board of Trustees on government relations matters. Trustee advocacy as appropriate. 5.7 Increase public support for the college. The public will vote for state and local measures that support the college mission. Produce a yearly update to the community. Conduct an economic impact study. Create an institutional fact book. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Events held at the college. Students and community members who participate in events at the college. Revenue generated by cultural events. Partnerships established. Revenue generated from partnerships. Alumni engagement. Targeted media coverage to the community. Community perceptions of the college. Outreach event participation. Meetings with, and literature provided to elected and appointed officials. Staff, faculty, students, and trustees participating on publicly-appointed bodies. State and local bond dollars available to the college. Statewide and federal education initiatives supported by voters in the college‟s district. Page 16 Plan Implementation The strategic plan is a five-year plan. As such, implementation will be staged through an annual plan to be developed by the President/Superintendent and the president’s cabinet in consultation with the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. Many of the initiatives suggested in this strategic plan can and will be addressed through the current institutional structure or by individual work units. Those initiatives that require special organizational support or structure will be supported through the creation of ad hoc task forces or permanent structures as needed. It is envisioned that while the initiation phase of some activities may require the formation of ad hoc task forces, for long term sustainability ongoing work will be carried forward by appropriate departments or units. For example, the CR Foundation may require a special group to move an initiative forward. Once the initiative is underway, the existing structure of the Foundation will continue that work. Measuring Institutional Performance and Strategic Plan Effectiveness The nine college-level key performance indicators are student enrollment, course retention, persistence from semester-to-semester, degree and certificate completion rates, transfer rates, budget, student satisfaction, employee, satisfaction, and community satisfaction. The strategic plan is intended to maximize these key performance indicators, and each goal is specifically linked to one or more college-wide indicator. The Institutional Effectiveness Committee will regularly review the college’s Institutional Effectiveness Scorecard and other data and information related to the strategic plan. Relevant data and information will be reported to relevant committees. The Board of Trustees will also be provided with regular updates for monitoring purposes. Planning is an ever evolving process. Over time, as the needs of the college change and gaps are identified, the college continually engages in in planning in its drive to meet accreditation standards for program review, planning, learning outcomes and ultimately institutional effectiveness. Thus, CR’s Strategic Plan will be reviewed annually and objectives and measures may be adjusted to ensure Next Steps 1) During summer 2012, the annual plan for 2012-13 will be identified and assigned to the appropriate individuals or units. 2) During summer 2012 the college will prepare a crosswalk for each strategic plan objective to the relevant ACCJC standards and sub-parts. DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 17 Appendix – Institutional Effectiveness Scorecard DRAFT Strategic Plan 4-23-2012 Page 18 DRAFT Education Master Plan Goals and Objectives for College of the Redwoods – April 27, 2012 Goal 1 Ensure Student Success College of the Redwoods will employ programs, services, and organizational structures to meet the needs of learners and ensure student success. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 1.1 Provide structured academic pathways Students will identify their educational goals, and all students with an identified degree or certificate goal will develop a student educational plan in their first semester. College practices and procedures support students. Build a process to enable students to develop student education plans. By Spring 2017 all full-time students will have a student education plan in place in their first semester. Improve First Year Experience Program. Perceived student engagement (NSSE or SSI) among students in their first year of college. 1.2 Improve support for students 1.3 Focus basic skills education. 1.4 Increase degree and certificate completions. 1.5 Professional development programs will be focused on improvement of educational effectiveness All students go through appropriate matriculation processes. More students will complete remediation within one year of admission. The college will increase the number of degrees and certificates awarded. The college will increase the number of career and technical degrees and certificates awarded College will provide training, support and mentoring opportunities for instructional improvement and innovation. Implement an early alert system to identify and assist at-risk students. Redirect staff resources to support demonstrated student outcomes. Develop a mandatory student orientations for face-toface students and on-line students Develop innovative approaches to basic skills education based upon best practices. Aggregate student education plan data will inform course schedules development. Degree audit will be utilized to inform and advise students. Develop appropriate methods to recruit, orient, and advise students in CTE programs. Professional improvement activities will be documented and the impact on the improvement of educational effectiveness will be assessed By 2017 all full-time students will have a student education plan in place. The percentage of incoming students achieving Basic Skills competencies within one year will rise to the statewide average. All programs will have published course rotations. Degrees and certificates awarded. CTE students receive advising that supports goal identification and completion. Faculty and staff participating in college training in instructional improvement. Professional development participation documented in faculty performance evaluations. Funding allocated for professional development related to improved educational effectiveness. 1.6 Improve success among special populations The college embraces equity and diversity with effective policies and practices. Develop alternative ways to provide professional development and mentoring to part-time faculty to ensure all new associate faculty receive an orientation to the college, to institution-wide assessment and to their respective departments’ assessments plans and processes. Surveys and public forums will be held to determine needs and interests of special populations. Strengthen and augment services to enhance access and success for underrepresented populations. Part-time faculty trained. Student Equity Plan measures. Participation of underrepresented groups will increase by 2% per year. Goal 2 Develop programs and services to meet community needs College of the Redwoods will provide, in partnership with the community, training and education to contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of the community. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 2.1 Survey community needs The college gains knowledge about the training needs of the various communities the college serves. Business Training Center program revenue will grow by 10% per year through fiscally sustainable growth. 2.2 Expand business training center operations for contract training and for incumbent workers 2.3. Develop not-forcredit programs Workshops meet the training needs of business and industry. Evaluate and offer certifications needed to support local incumbent workers and industries. Develop trainings in areas where certified employees are needed by local employers. Develop technology systems to provide bundled education and training for smaller communities. Create CEU training opportunities to meet the region’s needs. Collaboration between curricular and co-curricular education to meet the training and education needs of the community. Develop internal articulation agreements between credit and non-credit or not-for-credit instruction. 2.4 CTE Programs respond to community training needs Career and technical programs are prioritized to meet workforce training needs. Work with regional partners and the Centers of Excellence to analyze real-time labor market data. Number of programs that are articulated between credit and not-for-credit. Number of programs/courses that can flexibly move in response to the college’s enrollment cap. Number of TLUs allocated for training in strong or growing occupations Align activities with state and federal initiatives to support workforce training. Number of TLUs de-allocated from obsolete programs. Discontinue obsolete programs and build programs in emerging industries. Number of programs added to support emerging industries and number of obsolete programs terminated Non-credit FTES 2.5 Develop non-credit programs. The college will create non-credit programs to meet the lifelong learning needs of the community. Assess needs and identify priorities for ESL, GED, short-term vocational training, and job readiness, CR Plus. Collaborate with faculty to develop needed curriculum. Number of contract training clients and incumbent workers trained will grow by 10% per year. Fiscal sustainability of non-credit programs. Goal 3 Practice Continuous Quality Improvement College of the Redwoods will continually assess student learning and institutional performance and practices to improve upon the programs and services we offer. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 3.1 Improve tools for assessment reporting 3.2 Student learning will be a visible priority in all practices and structures. Standard reports are available to the college community Improve query reporting tools Availability of web-based reporting tools. Faculty will ensure that all curricula and programs demonstrate robust assessment activities and continued improvement. Faculty will update all curricula and programs on a regular basis. All courses and programs will be updated at least once every five years. 3.3 Student learning outcomes and assessment are ongoing, systematic, and used for continuous quality improvement Degrees and certificates are current, relevant, and recognized by the Chancellor’s Office. The College will implement a program revitalization and discontinuation procedure. Update all curricula and programs. Program revitalization and discontinuation process will be implemented in 2012-13. Employer satisfaction for CTE programs. Submit all certificates of 12 or more units to the Chancellor’s Office for approval. Institutional Key Performance Indicators 3.4 Systematically use data to inform decision making. Certificates that are required for external accreditation, but are not recognized by the Chancellor’s Office will be tracked through Admissions and Records. Faculty regularly conduct authentic assessment of student learning outcomes. Data provided by the program review committee and assessment committee will be used to inform planning processes. Faculty and staff responsible for assessing student learning outcomes will be provided with training and orientation to assessment techniques and procedures. Develop a means for retrieving course outline of record information in CR’s database. Schedule institutional flex days for assessment activities. Utilize standardized data sets from IR. Institutional dialogue on appropriate use of data and data informed decision making. 3.5 Provide continual and inclusive training opportunities regarding assessment Faculty and staff employ best practices in assessment. Units and departments will participate in all assessment and program review related activities. Online training is made available to faculty and staff. Refresher training will be provided on assessment. Number of courses updated through the assessment process Updates to certificates of 12 or more units will be sent to the Chancellor’s Office each spring. Availability of reports Demonstrated quality improvement initiatives resulting from institutional dialogue. Institutional data sets are evaluated and updated regularly All planning activities will link to measureable objectives or outcomes assessment. All course and program outcomes are assessed during a two-year cycle. Participation in program review. Staff and faculty participation in assessment related training and activities. Assessment training sessions offered. 3.6 Increase number of institutional employees who have accreditation experience Faculty and staff will participate on accreditation visit teams. The district will recommend faculty and staff to participate on ACCJC visiting teams. Encourage and support participation in ACCJC/WASC trainings If the ACCJC extends an invitation, the employee and the district will make every effort to participate on ACCJC visit team. Employees participating in visiting teams will lead a flex day session on lessons learned. Goal 4 Maintain Technological Relevance College of the Redwoods will support the learning environment through appropriate technology and facilities. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 4.1.Provide lab equipment and technology to effectively support instructional needs Students acquire skills relevant to current industry and workforce standards Update lab inventories, consult with advisory committees and document needs in district-wide program review. Job placement for CR program completers. Lab repair and upgrade plan will be comprehensive and fiscally sustainable. Develop relationships with regional industry leaders to ensure technology is current. Budget plans related to technology replacement and upgrade cycle 4.2 Update the comprehensive technology replacement plan 4.3 Enhance distance education or eLearning Faculty will have appropriate tools available Students will have access to tools they need. Faculty and staff utilize the college’s robust hybrid and fully online programs. Students are successful in eLearning programs 4.4 Effectively utilize technology in teaching Faculty and staff will effectively utilize technology in teaching to improve educational effectiveness and reduce the total cost of education. Work with the foundation to develop industry financial support of program needs (donations or purchases of equipment, etc. Consider total cost of ownership for specialized equipment Assess computer platform and software needs. Update replacement schedule Update software acquisition plan Explore the possibility of requiring full-time students to obtain mobile devices Assess student readiness for eLearning Enhance mandatory DE/technology orientations for students Consider specific initiatives related to fully online and robust hybrid programs Evaluate and assess online course functionality. Increase opportunities for faculty participation in distance education and technology staff training on technology and trends New full-time and part-time faculty will participate in orientation on the use of technology in teaching Job placement for CR program completers. All specialized equipment purchases include an extended warranty when available. Updated comprehensive technology plan Average age of computers and supporting infrastructure Currency of software in instructional labs and classrooms Students reporting personal access to a mobile device. Improved retention and success in eLearning courses. Percentage increase in faculty teaching at least one fully online or hybrid course. Increased FTES in fully online and hybrid programs. Percentage increase in faculty completing technology orientation training. Percentage increase in faculty engaged in eLearning and other technology tools in teaching. Explore alternatives to ITV for instructional delivery Staff and faculty training on use of technology Upgrade all classrooms to “smart classrooms”, as appropriate. Number of “smart” classrooms Number of course sections where faculty integrate smart features into instruction. Goal 5 Increase Student Participation in Campus Activities College of the Redwoods will support student success by engaging students in the college environment. Objectives Desired Outcomes Potential Action Plans and Initiatives Indicators (and targets) 5.1 Improve student engagement among all students. Students demonstrate increased engagement. Develop separate approaches to increase engagement of full and part time students Full-time and part-time student persistence. Perceived student engagement (NSSE or SSI ). Explore/enhance co-curricular activities Implement student mentor/tutoring programming. 5.2 Develop a vibrant student center. 5.3 Increase student engagement in the community Students have gathering spaces for collaborative work and other activities. Increased development of community projects through clubs and organizations Increased enrollment in work experience programs Online tutoring will be available to students Design upgrades to the student center. Student center usage. Explore opportunities for other gathering or student activity spaces. Develop cooperative work experience programs based upon best practices. Use marquees in the cafeteria and around campus to publicize upcoming campus community events. Number of students participating in cooperative work experience programs. Number of employers hosting CR students for work experience Promote the opportunity for enrolling in WE credits 5.4 Faculty and staff will model positive engagement in the college community The community will be aware of CR faculty and staff engagement in the community. Explore the potential for service learning Publicize CR employees’ involvement with student clubs, organizations and college-wide projects Faculty and staff support curricular and co-curricular activities.